
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

~ Love Amidst a Lie… {Uriel x Doctor Red} <3

Started by Uriel Seraphim, September 07, 2011, 09:36:54 AM

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Uriel Seraphim

"I'm just feeling a bit sick, that's all Jason. I needed to sleep it off, that's all." She walked into the Kitchen and set about retrieving plates, utensils and their dinner. She sighed at his words, and faced him for a moment. "Jason, don't make me feel like an asshole. I appreciate your concern, but there is nothing to worry about. You're just being... paranoid. I'm perfectly safe."

Jessamine retrieved the pot-roast out of the oven and slammed it down on the bench. She put her hands on his hips and frowned at her childhood friend, "For someone who was more than content to treat me like one of the guys a few weeks ago, your coming on awfully strong, you know that Jason? How do you know, without a doubt, that I belong with you Jason? You seem perfectly concerned with what you consider to be yours, but completely oblivious to what I want." She turned her back on him, sighed and attempted to calm herself before returning to the food.


"You weren't banging a pair of fangs back then, and you were close to me then, too." he said, slamming his fist against a wall. "We can't show ourselves until a while after someone's twenty-first, and you were having that issue with the last Vampire you ran into. You're one for two, that's not a good ratio. What do you want me to think? I could never trust me, not after what that other one did to you. How he hurt you... I saw what the scene was like, we looked for you for hours until I found you at the hospital, left there by some homeless man. They dropped you off there and left you. Whoever they were, I'd like to meet, but... this other guy. He's one of them, Jessamine." he said, sinking to sit, his hands in fists, pressed to the table.

"What do you want me to think? Even if I didn't want you for me, I wouldn't want to see anyone at the mercy of a fucking leech. Do you think I can't see his fangs on your neck? That mark.. How would I even know if he was controlling you, like a puppet? No way to know..." he murmured.

Uriel Seraphim

She sighed and went to him, cupped the side of his face in her hand. "Jason, sit down for a minute and shut up." She sat across from him, momentarily forgetting about the food. "You were there for me when I needed someone to take care of me. But didn't you ever wonder why I'm still alive? Why that psycho bastard didn't just drain me dry and leave me for dead?" she took his hands in her own. "You remember how I used to have nightmares? And I'd go from screaming and thrashing around in the bed to being silent in my sleep?" she smiled, "I knew who Richard was the moment I saw his face Jason. He was the one who got me out of there, who killed his own brother to save me, even broken as I was..." she kissed his hands then and stared at them. "You're my friend, Jason, and I owe you more than that. But I'm in love with Richard, and I'm selfish enough to know that love is not something I should just give up on."


But how can he be the same one? Why didn't he show himself? Before, he ran off, and was gone for so long. Even if he is the same guy, why come back now?" he asked, his face still in her palm as he fixed her with his gaze and waited to be released before speaking. "It all just seems so... convenient for him. This city is in chaos, because of some other things, but he came back anyways?" he frowned and shook his head. "I just don't understand, Jessamine. I wish I could show you. I wish I could make you understand," he said, his eyes intent on hers. " See the danger that having a vampire around is causing you, without you knowing it."

Uriel Seraphim

"I don't know what he didn't Jason, and to be honest, I don't really care. He's here, Jason... and he's promised he won't ever leave me again. I intend to trust him on that much..." She laughed, stood and kissed his forehead. "You'll give yourself ulcers if you keep worrying about me so much. I'm a big girl Jason; I can take care of my own problems, whatever it is they may be."

She left him at the table and went back to the kitchen. "How hungry are you?" she asked, "Wait, never mind. I know your stomach Jason; you could eat the whole damn thing if I let you." Jessamine giggled as she dished them each up a plate, and smile at the almost frightening difference in size. Then again, one could simply glance at their physical appearance and know they were... well, fitting.


He sat still and watched her, his eyes on her as he sighed and nodded. "I just... don't want to see you in a hospital bed again, Jess." he said, grinning a bit as he took his plate and watched her. With a wave, he took up his fork and started to wolf (Haha) down his food, scarfing away with reckless abandon as he watched her over his plate.

"Anyways, you should definitely be more careful about that sort of shit," he said, pointing his fork at her neck. "People can get kind of touchy about having a vampires' wh-" he gagged and stopped, shaking his head and sighed. " A vampires woman around. You'd be surprised how many people are up on this type of shit around here," he said, shrugging. "Sorry... for scaring you,." he said, setting his palte down and staring at it, shamefully.

Uriel Seraphim

Jessamine smiled at him, "Jason, if I end up in a hospital bed by Richards's hand, I give you permission to slap me." She held out her hand to him, pinky extended, "Pinky promise, because we both know that shits legit."

She laughed, "You were about to call me a whore weren't you?" she grinned at him, "You were trying to show me something I didn't know about you Richard... don't apologize for being honest with me. I'm just sorry I freaked out on you and ran away. You must think I'm a total coward." She laughed and leaned back in her chair. "I think we should just wait these things out. No action is without its consequence. But I'm ready to deal with mine when they come for me. I have you and Richard. How much more protected could I hope to be?"


He nodded and crossed pinkies with her, grinning at her and settling down back into where he was seated, his eyes on her as he waited patiently. He kept his eyes on her and nodded slowly, grinning. "That was my bad." he said to her, nodding. "I probably should have eased you into that or something, you know? I guess just slapping you with something like that was a bit sudden," he said, shrugging casually, leaning back and watching her. "You really need to just watch yourself," he said to her. "Watch your back, you know? Get a scarf." He suggested. He flushed.

"That's what we call them... in the pack. "Vampwhores." he said, nodding. "Sorry."

Uriel Seraphim

She shrugged, "It doesn't matter, I know now, and you know I'm not going to turn my back on your for it. You can't help what you are anymore than I can control how tall I am." She laughed, "We all get given a mixed bag of traits. I'm just glad I know the one you were hiding now."

She settled back in her chair. "The boys are werewolves too, aren't they? The ones you go camping with every month, anyway." She sighed, "is there are reason why werewolves and vampires hate each other? I mean, even in movies they always hate each other. But you're all trying to hide yourself aren't you? Why wouldn't you be working together rather than, well, harboring your hatred."


"Yes, the other men in our group are wolves as well,  They were hesitant to have me tell you what I was... The Vampires and Wolves are different factions, and both hunt one another. Just like the demons and the others. They do not get along on a fundamental level. It's just how the world is. Being around him makes me nervous, just knowing where he is. Some times they get along, but it's rare, and not for long. Hiding is easy, but sometimes it's not from the humans, it's from the other factions." he said, sighing as he leaned back and reached for his drink, drinking deeply as he turned his eyes upon her.

"I don't want to worry you with this stuff, but you should know. Richard should tell you, too." he said, nodding. "There are less Vampires, but they're hard to kill, they're usually the ones doing the killing. Just ask him, he can probably tell you. It's probably how he found his brother and killed him, by being one of those killers." he said, nodding. "Just something to watch for, if you're thinking about being a vampire," hes aid, nodding to her neck.

Uriel Seraphim

"I hate that," Jessamine sighed, "Is it just me, or is there not a single race on earth without its prejudice's?" She paused for a moment, "Wait." Jessamine looked up at Jason with wide eyes, "Did you say 'Demons'? As in, like, religious mythology? Please don't tell me I've been betting on the wrong horse all these years."

Jessamine blushed and ran her fingers across the little wounds on her neck. "I hadn't thought about that actually..." she said, "Becoming a vampire, I mean." She looked down at her food and pushed a couple peas across the plate. "I don't think... I don't think it's something I'll have to think about anytime soon though. I mean... umm," she laughed at her awkward thoughts and smiled at her friend, "Being human's good enough for me right now. Even If he offered, I don't think I'd be, umm... ready... to make that kind of decision, I mean."

(I caved, and I hate you. -.- Go write my reply damn it!!!)


Richard laughed and nodded slowly, his eyes on her as he relaxed a bit, shaking his head. "I sometimes forget that we of the supernatural world just expect humans to read up on us and know everything there is to know. Yes. There are demons, and all sorts of things out there. Some say there are even gods, but it's hard to tell. But the racism that comes with it? It's everywhere. There are even some packs of wolve that hate others. Some regions look down on others. Vampires have it a bit easier because they're less territorial, but... I'm sure it's like that for them too. You should really ask him about it, and he could probably tell you things I don't know. It's a cause for concern that he's in town for the pack, more so that he's encountered us twice an not slain anyone. Usually when one meets a Vampire, blood is shed. I wonder myself what he's up to," he admitted, frowning as he leaned his head back to look at the ceiling  contemplatively and blew out a sigh.

"When you find out why, can you mention that some were wondering? I'm higher in our pack, but there are things that even I can't control, you know? Vampires are a symbol for fear for a lot of creatures. Even demons have more reason sometimes. Though, I've eaten entire cows before in a frenzy. You win some, you lose some," he teased, shrugging his shoulders.

He paused and was quiet a few moments before looking her in the eye seriously and saying the words slowly. "Don't become a vampire, Jess."