
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Sirenian Shores

Started by TakodaVega, June 09, 2011, 08:26:44 AM

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This is going to be a non-sexual rp, however Innuendos are allowed and if you wish to continue with it, just post it in a different section of the forum {Semi-Private/General} and link it back to the end of your post for your partner. Thank you for understanding!


The boards creaked as The Outlaw Seraphim slid across the midnight waters. The moon still hung overhead as she stood at the helm, one of her daggers sliding under one of her nails. The nights were silent, with most of her long standing crew below deck. This was something that Karita was comfortable with considering the Pirate Captain was currently brooding. Her crew was getting restless- not surprising since it had been some time since excitement had entered their lives.

However, no matter where she was, she always made her way back to that town, the wayward Tortuga where the Rum never stopped flowing, the whores never stopped fucking, and of course the Brawls never stopped. However most of her crew had been picked up in Tortuga before. Figuratively speaking. Karita frowned, those full lips turning a little thinner as she placed the dagger back into it's sheath and leaned against railing. Soon the land would come into view and dawn would come. The city would be quiet, for now though, but once the head pains and the drunken madness faded maybe she would find the one thing she had been searching for.

The key to their new treasure hunt. She had found an odd journal from the last French ship that had decided to cross paths with them. While the loot had been poor in most regards, the wine had raised the moral enough that her impending threat of mutiny died. A treasure that had been hushed about for years. However the key to finding it was tricky. Especially since the map had been illegible. Yet it had intrigued her.

So she went to Tortuga, not only to restock on supplies, but to recruit a different sort of crew, one worth the journey. But first, a small side trip. Black Sam's Spit had become a secured trade spot for Karita's crew and the Rumrunners who ran it. They had a small agreement. They could partake in some of the rum if they left something in exchange. The crate of wine still sitting in Karita's quarters should do. In her absent thoughts dawn started to stain the skies in gold. She sighed softly before she disappeared into her quarters. By mid-morning they should reach the Island, and then from there it would be another day's ride to Tortuga.

Yet another sleepless night for Karita though as she rubbed her face. It made her irritable on some levels but others it was the same old Captain that mostly everyone loved. Mostly being the key term. Grabbing her coat from a nearby hook she pulled it over her shoulders before going back to the deck. Now more of the crew were alert and awake, the person in the crow's nest called out, "LAND HO!" Going back to the bow of the ship, Karita pulled out her spy glass and focused on the land.

Was that a man sprawled out on the beach?
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Dalton soon found out it hurt a lot getting pistol whipped in the back of his head.

"One wrong job too many I guess... Well, at least he didn't care enough to kill me..." he said to himself as he rubbed intensely where the pain was, causing his red mane of hair to go everywhere.

Slowly, he stood whipping the sand off of his half coat, shirt, and slacks. He took a few glances around...typical island stranding. Then, something caught his eye, something that made him smile.

His belt was lying in the sand. Along with his sword. He ran to it, picked it up and unsheathed it, it was his. The only good thing he'd really ever stolen, course. It was his father's blade. All the blood this thing shed it never lost it's edge, nor it's shine. The blade glistened in the sunlight. He sheathed it, strapped it to his side and walked around a bit.


The way things had started, the pirate was in Tortuga, entertaining himself with woman and rum, looking for a crew the best he could. His long time friend Gibbs at his side, he had gathered his crew and set sail on the ship he'd worked so hard for. Sailing the seas, his one and only love, he found himself at ease, mind wrapping around something shiny that he could get his hands on. Something to appease the appetite of his crew. Well, that thought didn't last long. When he'd first made the deal, he hadn't known what it would come to. Having the ship for less then a week and then by god mutinied? That's what he got for giving their destination, by trusting them? The hell if he'd do that again. Who the hell did those dirty bastards think they were? He was Captain Jack Sparrow, the greatest Captain, the greatest pirate on all the Spanish Naive. And they mutinied him? Disgusting.

Not to mention the fact that the damned dirty Hector just decided to let him have the pistol with the single shot and threw him overboard to go diving after it. Bastard. Jack despised the man now, not only had he been rude, cocky and spiteful, jealous as one would seem, but he'd lead the mutiny and then shoved him off the side of the ship, marooning him on an island with a pistol with one shot and his old sword at his hip. Shoes off, list somewhere in the beach sands, he scuffed his feet across it and found them not long afterwards, dumping the grains from the inside, sniffing the inside of his boot and wrinkling his nose, sticking his tongue out a little in disgust. "Ripe..." he commented to no one, pulling them on his dirty bare feet with grimy fingers and making sure they were snug before he stood, swaying in the hot sun with his bottle.

He'd stalked across the beach, throwing sand up with his pistol stuffed in his belt and drinking thick swigs of the Rum that was hidden in its shelter beneath the dirt. As he stalked through the sands on the beach, once more removing his boots to leave them in the sand above his head, and he sat down. With a breath, he toasted the water, "Just you and me lass..." he greeted the sea before throwing a rock out into the water and exhaling. Jack sighed, had taken another drink before letting himself lay back into the warm sun of the beach, putting his hat slightly over his eyes and taking one more drink of his rum before he let a breath come from his lips. His toes dug into the hot sand and he let the warmth beat down on his dark clothed legs.


Something shiny caught the corner of Karita's eye as she whipped the spyglass from her first marooned male to yet another one. Her eyebrow rose, pulling the spyglass away to collapse it. "Looks t' be that we be having company." She said softly before glancing along the crew, "Get a dingy, you scallywags there be RUM!" Cheers went through the whole lot as she turned her gaze back to the island. From what she had seen one of the males was heading to the other. Thankfully The Outlaw Seraphim was not in direct line to either of them as she had three of her most trusted crew and herself make their way to the beach.

The island itself wasn't overly huge, however the reef that surrounded it made it impossible to get The Seraphim through. Though the ship itself wasn't exactly distinguishable, the figurehead gave way to what the ship really was. An angel's wings went back into the helm of the ship however her eyes had been covered by the eye patches, a slogan to those of the outlawed realm of the sea. It suited the ship and left the captain lost in thought for a few moments until the others made it to land. Snapping to attention they went towards the cache of the Rum-runner's island. The storage cellar seemed to have been opened recently and her eyes narrowed.

From the stores there was one particular bottle missing from the stash. Not just any bottle either. But Karita's favorite bottle that had been purchased and cost her a great deal of fortune to buy off the Rum-Runners. She rose from the underground cellar and glared towards the direction of the males, remembering one of them having a bottle on him. The birds flapped in the trees as Karita began her hunt for the one man with the bottle. HER bottle. And she'd shoot him dead in the face unless she was a good reason to spare his miserable soul.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


He was bored. Trying his best to stay occupied, he lay in the sand waving his arms and legs out and in, standing up drawing a circle, then plopping down in another spot and doing it all over again. His goal was to make it all the way around  the islands beaches before the ride came in and swept all his sand angels away. He wasn't paying near as much attention as he should have to his surroundings, cause he should have noted the ship in the distance, the four sets of footprints in the sand, and most importantly, the small boat used to ferry the crew onto the island, or perhaps it was the eyes on him that he should have noted first...

He was too busy to care, or was it that he simply thought himself mad for visualizing these things.

But something did happen to him, something he cared so much for it caused him to stop his movements in the sand.

His stomach rumbled.

It didn't take long after that for him to pop up and think about trying to find something to sate his hunger...a coconut maybe? or a melon? Or perhaps a small little lizard or something...

Uriel Seraphim

Gwendolyn had awoken with a gentle yawn and bright eager smile. She felt good about today, as if something rather fun were to happen. But then again, she had felt the same way yesterday... and the day before... and the day before that. She arose from her hammock and shook away the thought, today she was certain something entertaining were to happen.

She dressed rather quickly but took the time to make sure she looked presentable. Gwen may have been at sea, but a lady of the evening should never be known to appear unimpressive. "I'm known as the siren of all seven seas; the breaker of hearts by the bay. So if you go swimming with bow-legged women, I might steal your weak heart away. A big-bottomed sea-witch may bob through the waves, and hope to lead sailors astray. But a true ocean goddess must fill out her bodice, to present an alluring display." she sang. It was a fitting song, all things considered, and one Gwen had no problem in being compared to. 

Clutching a bottle of almost empty rum in one hand, one of the last bottles she had managed to stash away for times such as this, Gwen proceeded towards the deck. The commotion aboard the ship was obvious as the men rushed about, readying a dingy for departure. She looked about the sea to eventually find the two marooned men.

She smiled to herself as she drained the last of her bottle before tossing it overboard. "Fun times will be 'ad for all I think." Following the crews lead, Gwendolyn climbed into the dingy and waited for the men to row them all to land. She hummed to them all as she stared out across the ocean, allowing herself to be hypnotized by the waves and the tune whirling around in her mind.

A few of the sailors joined in with her song, a shanty of Rum was always something able to lift the mens spirits.

"Come all ye bold 'eroes, give an ear to me song
We'll sing in the praise of good brandy and rum
There's a clear crystal fountain over England doth roll
Give me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl

I'll Fathom the bowl
I'll Fathom the bowl
Give me the punch ladle
I'll fathom the bowl

From France we do get brandy, from Jamaica comes rum
Sweet oranges and apples from Portugal come
Ah! But stout and strong ciders are England's control!
Give me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl..."
and so it went as they made their journey, until the men finally made it to their desired destination.

They raided the stores there and a hearty cheer went out about the group as they found a treasure beloved by Pirates such as these. But her Mistress, her Capitan seemed displeased.

"Something wrong with the brandy Cap'in?"

(OOC:  lyrics taken from "Sirens of the Sea" from the movie Caroline and "Fathom the Bowl" by John C. Reily.)


[As Per Altair's request I'm posting next :)]

"Hmm?" Karita's attention turned away from the searching to look down at her once stowaway now lookout. Glancing at the men loading the Rum and Brandy up the shoots to the sand, she shook  her head. "Nay, lass, I made a special request t' the Rum Runners 'ere and it be missing." Her lips twitched slightly before glancing at Gwen. "I think we be hunting the shores for some prisoners. Come," she went towards the easier of the two males.

The walk had taken them awhile but soon both of the males came into view. The one who seemed aimlessly wandering and her true target with a bottle rum resting beside him. "You see the male wanderin' Gwen?" Came Karita's voice, though hushed as she eyed both of them, keeping both women hid for now, "You t' look after him. I'm sure ye can be persuasive enough to snag him with the crew. I'll take care of our sleeping drunkard here."

With that the women would split up, Karita soon was standing above the male, moving into a crouch she slowly cocked the pistol moving the hat with the barrel of the gun until cool metal was pressed between his eyes. "Ye should know that stealing the Captain's Rum isn't wise," came that feminine voice just within earshot. If Jack chose to open his eyes he would be spared his hat, however if he chose not to his hat would be placed 'pon Karita's head.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.

Uriel Seraphim

Gwen followed her Capitan without hesitation, leaving the men to do the heavy lifting.

At times, Gwendolyn's loyalties almost worried her. It was as if she could not survive without having someone to obey and value. Perhaps it was stranger still that said people were always women, motherly figures to replace the one she had lost.

Quote"You see the male wanderin' Gwen?" Came Karita's voice, though hushed as she eyed both of them, keeping both women hid for now, "You t' look after him. I'm sure ye can be persuasive enough to snag him with the crew. I'll take care of our sleeping drunkard here."

"Of course Mistress," Gwendolyn said with a smile, "Any man marooned for a time should be an easy enough target." As all women of the night surely knew, a man's desires only grew with time. Besides, what man would honestly be willing to stay on such an island when there was food, good rum and a place aboard the ship to sleep? Only a fool would give up such an opportunity.

The two went their separate ways, and though Gwen kept out of sight for a while, eventually, she managed to fall in step beside her target. "Monsieur?" she asked in that sweet sing-song tone of voice she carried so well.  "I think if you keep wandering like this you'll lose a lot more energy than if you were to find somewhere shaded to rest."

"The hardest thing to find around here is water," she unstrapped her wineskin from around her curvaceous hips and handed it to him, "would you like some?"

"Now tell me, what's a gorgeous creature like you doing marooned on an island like this, love?"


Dalton smiled to himself as the woman walked along side him. At first, he ignored her, for two fold. The first reason was simple, he swore she was fake. He hadn't been stranded long but with the heat...The second reason, if she was real, he wasn't about to be caught in a trap, there was no way she was alone...

Quote"The hardest thing to find around here is water," she unstrapped her wineskin from around her curvaceous hips and handed it to him, "would you like some?"

Now, he had to stop. He turned to her, still wearing his disarming smile, and slowly reached with his left hand and kindly accepted the flask. He slowly undid the top and sniffed it. It smelled pure, he put it to his lips but before the took a swig she continued...

Quote"Now tell me, what's a gorgeous creature like you doing marooned on an island like this, love?"

He held up his right hand, his index finger pointing up while simultaneously removing the flask from his lips then moved his pointing finger to a tree behind her.

"See, you're right about fresh water being hard to find on an island. Just the same as its hard to find a beautiful woman,  especially day one of your stranding." The smile never left his face as he placed the flask, capped, back into her hand and walked past her. "However, there are certain things on an island that can keep you nourished for quite some time." He walked over to the tree, "Take this for example, the coconut. Now  you may be wondering how to get such a thing with no rope or ladder or anything of the such. But you see, the coconut is a lot like a temptress, it sits up there all high and mighty until..."

He flicked his right wrist, a dagger that should have been all to familiar to the woman who addressed him earlier (When could he have stolen it from her?!) flew into the air impaling itself on the coconut and knocking it from the tree and into Dalton's other hand.

He was still smiling as he removed the dagger and drank from the coconut.

"Now, we can spare the pleasantries. Oh, wait, would you like some milk?" he made a small flourish and his white teeth glistened in the hot sun. 

Uriel Seraphim

Quote"See, you're right about fresh water being hard to find on an island. Just the same as it's hard to find a beautiful woman, especially day one of your stranding.

Gwendolyn blushed at his compliment. "As flattering as that is, I'm sure you could find another woman of my standing almost anywhere else dear." [/color]

QuoteHowever, there are certain things on an island that can keep you nourished for quite some time. Take this for example, the coconut. Now you may be wondering how to get such a thing with no rope or ladder or anything of the such. But you see, the coconut is a lot like a temptress, it sits up there all high and mighty until..."

Gwendolyn listened to his ramblings as she had done for many a man before. She could never really understand why, but men always seemed more comfortable if they could prove they knew something a woman did not. Or perhaps it was their way of impressing her. True, knowledge was something she highly valued, but if Gwen did not know something, she would admit it. After all, a creature of Gwendolyn's standing very rarely ever felt embarrassment.

"Just as a cactus can be cut open and drank from if one finds 'emselves stuck in the middle of the desert. I may not be real smart love, but I'm 'ardly an idiot." Gwendolyn said with a smile. "I just thought fresh water would be a treat."

Quote"Now, we can spare the pleasantries. Oh, wait, would you like some milk?"

"I think I'll be fine without it. I would however, like my dagger back." She held out her hand with a smile, "How on earth you did that, I have no idea. But that, I would be interested in learning how to do."

She re-tied her wineskin around her hips and laughed. "Believe me honey, that was hardly me being pleasant." She glanced up at him with bright suggestive eyes and let a slight smirk cover her lips. "But if you insist on getting down to business, I suppose such things cannot be helped. My Mistress," she paused, he wouldn't understand that reference now would he? "My Capitan is recruiting a new crew. We're heading to Tortuga for the moment and I believe she is willing to provide you with safe passage should you decide to join us."

"But, if you don't want to join us, I suppose you can always just sit around here for a while longer and wait for another ship to come by. Though I doubt the next Capitan to cross your path will be anywhere near as generous as my own."


He took a big swig of the last of the coconut.

"Well, I don't know anything about cacti...I'm assuming that'd be the plural? on account of I've never seen the desert before" He chuckled a bit to himself as he dropped and kicked the little ball away.

Quote"I think I'll be fine without it. I would however, like my dagger back." She held out her hand with a smile, "How on earth you did that, I have no idea. But that, I would be interested in learning how to do."

"It's pretty easy actually, the thing is, a good little distraction." He looked back to her, took a few steps forward and smiled. "While at the same time, having great hands." He held up her dagger, the top of it balanced perfectly on his pointer finger. With a flick of his wrist he handed it back to her. "Believe it or not...I'm not that good."

Quote"But if you insist on getting down to business, I suppose such things cannot be helped. My Mistress," she paused, he wouldn't understand that reference now would he? "My Captain is recruiting a new crew. We're heading to Tortuga for the moment and I believe she is willing to provide you with safe passage should you decide to join us."

"I just figured we'd skip the part were you lure me in with bait and then I'm screwed, or, you fall for my wily charms. Cause I'm pretty sure we both no neither one of us would fall for the facade." He smirked. "As far as joining your crew...I haven't been on a big 'ol boat in a long time...I don't think I'd be much use, but I could stand for a way off this island. Tortuga may be a little bit of an issue for me, but we'll keep that part a secret, you and I."

He made an exaggerated flourish the tip of his sheathed sword reaching towards the sky.

"My name is Dalton."

Uriel Seraphim

Quote"I just figured we'd skip the part where you lure me in with bait and then I'm screwed, or, you fall for my wily charms. Cause I'm pretty sure we both no neither one of us would fall for the facade."

Gwen chuckled to herself  at the strangers words, "Oh sweetheart, it takes much more than a cute face and charming demeanor to make me fall." She walked towards him, making sure there were no more than a few centimeters to separate their bodies.  "And I promise you, what I offer is never a façade."

She moved away and allowed a small girlish giggle to escape her lips as she nibbled on her thumb. It had been quite a while since she'd had a new man to play with. Those on board became quite unentertaining after a while; it was nice to have someone... fresh. "Oh dear, I'm getting away from myself again I think." She muttered under her breathe.

Quote"As far as joining your crew...I haven't been on a big 'ol boat in a long time...I don't think I'd be much use, but I could stand for a way off this island. Tortuga may be a little bit of an issue for me, but we'll keep that part a secret, you and I."

"Luckily, my last Mistress and my sisters make their living in Tortuga. I'm sure I can arrange something for a few of us, perhaps. But if I might be so bold, what awaits you in Tortuga exactly?"

She smiled at his little charming flourish. How cute some men could be, "Well it must be my lucky day then, no?" she said with her own charming little laugh. "Most call me Gwen."


As he picked himself up from his bow he couldn't help but chuckle a slight bit. He had no idea if this slight flirting was sincere in her promiscuity, or if she was operating with some higher purpose, after all he couldn't really chance either considering he had nothing to bargain with. She did in this case, hold all the cards. After all, she had the ship.

Quote"Oh dear, I'm getting away from myself again I think."

He knew he wasn't supposed to hear it, he couldn't help it, after all, if someone's whispering how they were going to kill you, it certainly helped to hear it before they...killed you...

He smiled an innocent smile as he scratched at this scalp, trying to remove some sand he got from the 'angels' he made.

" far as what happened in Tortuga...well...we'll have to save that for another time...mainly one where I'm not stranded drinking coconut milk...and lets hope it's your lucky day...maybe it'll help with my terrible luck. Yeah...How is it your lucky day exactly? I'm tryin to piece that one together."

Quote"Most call me Gwen."

"'s a pleasure to meet you Gwen." He held out his hand, albeit a little awkwardly.

Uriel Seraphim

Quote" far as what happened in Tortuga...well...we'll have to save that for another time...mainly one where I'm not stranded drinking coconut milk...and let's hope it's your lucky day...maybe it'll help with my terrible luck."

Gwen smiled, "you must have gotten yourself into quite the bit of trouble then I take it. But as for my luck?" she grinned, "Well, you'll be able to tell if you got lucky or not in the morning." She giggled at her own little joke, "As for my luck, well, your name happens to mean 'the man from the valley town'. My old Mistress said my mother came from a valley town before she began her work in Tortuga, I take it as a good omen."

She smirked at his extended hand but took it all the same. 'So much for skipping the pleasantries' she thought to herself.

"I'm sure it is. Come, the men can probably take you across while I wait for my Capitan." True to characters, she held tight to his hand and led the man back to the men and their dingy. It was a long enough walk of course, but nothing either the two should have been bothered by.

"Cap'in wants this one on the ship; keep a close eye on him 'right?" She said to a tall man with horrid teeth and crocked eye patch. Her accent was always thicker when she spoke to the crew. Personally, she had found them more accepting when she did.

"Aye me lady. We be taken good care a him." The man said as he grasped Dalton's upper arm gruffly. "You be needin' a ride back on board, or will ya be waitin' for the Cap'in?" he asked.

"I'll wait for her. I think she might be bringin' back a prisoner."

She watched as the gruff looking follow shoved Dalton into the dingy once they'd loaded the last of the rum and rowed back to the ship. Hopefully it would not be too long before her Mistress and her pray joined the girl.


Quote from: TakodaVega on June 20, 2011, 10:26:42 PM
With that the women would split up, Karita soon was standing above the male, moving into a crouch she slowly cocked the pistol moving the hat with the barrel of the gun until cool metal was pressed between his eyes. "Ye should know that stealing the Captain's Rum isn't wise," came that feminine voice just within earshot. If Jack chose to open his eyes he would be spared his hat, however if he chose not to his hat would be placed 'pon Karita's head.

Jack was off in his own world, melting in the heat on the beach, his white shirt ruffled, pushed up on one arm and the other raked up against his stomach. He sniffed and took another swig of his rum and rolled over onto his stomach. He rolled the drink a bit on his tongue and let his arm flop back down his head tilted half to the side before he let out a deep and irritable sigh at the irritable voice that was snapping at him. Opening one eye, he sat up and pushed his hat back. "Well love, I don't find it stealing the Captain's Rum when it was stolen by said Captain, savvy?" He grinned, his gold tooth flashing as he took another drink and looked up at her. Good looking, large bosom and not in a dress? My he must have struck the jackpot. Sparrow heaved himself to his feet, looking down at the woman and tilting his head as he waved the bottle in her face before jerking it away before she could snatch it and grinning as he shook the sand off his dry feet and tugged them inside his foul smelling boots. "Besides, what's a pretty lass like you doing out on a deserted island and not in a propped up dress on Tortuga selling her backside like her mother might elsewhere in the world." he said casually, waving his free hand about and stumbling as he tried to stand straight.


"See, I've always figured, since I've had rotten luck, it's always a benefit to be good enough to get out of any situation. And as for my name..well...that might have been where I was conceived, but I'm definitely not your valley type o guy. And I have to ask....what do you mean by mistress? You've mentioned a couple...I think, at least that's what I've gathered."

It was a long walk, and Dalton figured it'd be a good idea to get to know at least one member of the crew he was to serve on, after all, one is better than none, and one that doesn't want to put a sword in your back is invaluable.

His theory proved true as he watched a gruff, stinky, ugly man with one eye scowl at the sight of him, and was more affirmed by the way the man grabbed at his arm, it certainly wasn't the soft dainty flesh of the woman before him. It was a calloused grip, a grip intent to prove himself superior, a grip that lasted until another man, also stinky and ugly, bound Dalton's hands behind his back.

"Careful there man, my wrists are a little sore" He gave one of his disarming smiles. OF course, that only made them tie it tighter. But that was the plan, wasn't it?

As the dingy pulled away, back to the ship he called out, "Don't make me wait too long, these people smell bad!" All the while his eyes never left the one eyed man, who he was pretty sure tried to spit on him out of one of the many holes in his teeth. He missed though.


"Except, m'dear you're talking t' the said Captain it was intended for." Those green eyes narrowed on him, her gun still trained on him, however by now she was a bit more than miffed. True he was a good head taller than she was, but if he noticed the woman was definitely a pirate, considering her sleeves had been at her elbows...and that East India brand on her forearm marked her a pirate. As if to make matters more interesting the Seraphim seemed to be making headway towards their side of the island to make it easier for the restocking of Rum and various other spirits to reach the cabins below.

Waiting for the usual double take she went for the rum only to have it shook in front of her again. "My crew," she waved her gun behind him towards her ship behind him, "Would be most unhappy with extra orders because someone drank me rum." As if to further encourage this moment one of the other men from the ship, one with a few more teeth but a pegged leg and a hook to boot, made his presence known. "Oy Cap'n Marinus, ma'am the crew be headin' back t' th' ship. Miss Gwen be waitin for ye."

"Thank you, Arthur," Karita didn't glance over her shoulder as she continued to watch the man who had her bottle of rum in hand. "Give me a good reason not t' kill ye now. I migh' spare yer life and take you t' Tortuga, where supposedly I should be wearing frilly skirts and partin me legs for any man who be payin me a coin for such a venture."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Quote from: TakodaVega on June 24, 2011, 10:32:00 PM
"Except, m'dear you're talking t' the said Captain it was intended for."

Waiting for the usual double take she went for the rum only to have it shook in front of her again. "My crew," she waved her gun behind him towards her ship behind him, "Would be most unhappy with extra orders because someone drank me rum."

"Give me a good reason not t' kill ye now. I migh' spare yer life and take you t' Tortuga, where supposedly I should be wearing frilly skirts and partin me legs for any man who be payin me a coin for such a venture."

Jack clicked his tongue in surprise as she commented and flashed those dirty and gold and silver plated teeth. Standing, he swayed and indeed nearly fell over completely before winking to the woman and leaning in close, offering a finger to her face as she spoke. "I can assure you puppet that I had every intention of enjoying this bottle until white sails drifted over the horizon and I could sneak my way into the hull safely from the island of where I've been left. So if you were to kill me- " He paused and put his fist to his mouth, breathing out into the cloth and tilting his head a little, hiccuping and flashing another grin, replacing the bottle into his other hand and letting the other hang loosely at his side, "This dear bottle would drop from my hand and go to waste. If you take me to Tortuga, then I will give you the bottle when we arrive. Aye?" He flashed another grin at her, widening his eyes and lifting both his brows as he waited for her to speak, his facial hair thick, raggedy, the braided ropes on his chin swinging as he spoke.

Uriel Seraphim

Gwen had waited long enough she decided, no more than a few minutes in all honesty. But surely it did not take this long to acquire a prisoner; after all, Dalton had been easy enough pray. She paused; perhaps it was because Karita was above using her body to acquire what she wanted, or perhaps it was because her Mistress did not gift smiles as if they were as natural as the salt of the sea... the thought was one that created a sense of guilt within Gwen; she had always compared herself to her mistresses it seemed and Karita was a difficult woman to best. It did not often make her happy, but the comparisons kept her striving for perfection. She walked towards them carelessly, kept a leisurely pace and enjoyed what little scenery the island had to offer.

When she arrived Gwen laughed as she heard her mistress's comment spread legs and frilly skirts. The idea was not preposterous, but rather so foreign that it made her giggle. "Oh my. Mistress, it's not as bad of a life as it seems. Actually, after a few years of experience you learn how to please yourself while you earn your keep, even if the male you are entertaining is..." she looked to the captive then, and gave him a lingering gaze that went all the way from his head down to the tip of his toes, "less than impressive." She smiled then, her usual mask of glee ready to hide any real emotion, "Besides, most earn four odd guineas per evening and my old mistress's girls could earn up to three 25 guineas per encounter... depending upon the caliber of client and appeal of the woman that is." She stopped then, attempting to cut off her annoying rambling nature.

She took in a deep breath and gazed out at the waters. "I guess we know where the rum went then, Mistress." She smiled at the two, her hands clasped behind her back as she watched them. "I'd give her the bottle if I were you, love; in the interest of keeping your manhood intact I mean." She looked him over from head to toe, the hint of a sly smile playing at the corner of her lips. She enjoyed moments like that, moments in which she could gaze at others as if envisioning them naked. "That is, assuming it isn't already missing... Or do you always resort to bribery when you're desperate?" Gwendolyn did not like to be mean, but some men needed a push in the right direction. Appealing to a man's ego was always a fun way to inspire a reaction.

She turned towards Karita then, ignored the deserted wretch and smiled at the woman she owed her new life to. "I figured you may need a hand... coaxing the prisoner on board the ship." She plucked her hand cuffs from her belt and held them out with a smile for Karita's inspection. "Perhaps these can help? I find I like men better when they're... restrained."

(Posted off my phone cause I'm in hospital :/ Sorry if it sucks, just love me some pirates ^^)


Karita narrowed her eyes, "How 'bout ye give me th' bottle now and I keep ya from becoming a eunuch till we reach Tortuga. Now what those bonny lads 'n' lasses do t' ye be there choice." Her gaze flashed over to her Gwen. Ah Gwen didn't know her captain as well as some did. Only her first commands ever had, and one of them had died knowing his Captain as well as he did. But that story was old, and not one she often discussed with people.

Perhaps this is why she never took anyone since to her bed. A long time ago, before most of her current crew had been assembled, not long after his death, that she had sent a new lookout up to the crow's nest as her first mate had left her something there. What he had left her, remained a secret to most. However that particular lookout she never forgot, for his serpent mark and one eye patch either. He didn't make it long at sea, neither did the Frenchman when his Uncle's fleet had finally surrounded the Seraphim.

But that too was old.

"Gwen, seducing captives can be a bit fruitful, but no' when he 'ave nothing t' offer in return fo' such a service." She glared at the other captain who still had her rum, before glancing over her shoulder to Arthur. "If need be I can arrange for Arthur 'ere t' take ye 'n give me th' bottle back without me 'aving t' lift a finger."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.