
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Disorder Heaven (Dies's Media)

Started by Dies Irae, June 09, 2011, 10:18:25 AM

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Dies Irae

My Photoshop works, quite proud of most of them, I usually do them in boredom but if someone asks i'll do something for them. If you want one just make sure to give me this information.


Makes it much much easier for me to get it done quickly and makes it better when I have guidelines and stuff to keep me on track.

And now for the things i've completed.

Image used is Remillia Scarlet from the Touhou Series.

Sig for Tako, whoever drew the image has credit for it, i found it on photobucket.

For PK. Experimented with background a bit more.

2 More for people on Gaia.

Boredom Design.


Request thread header.

FL Banner.

Dies Irae

Observation Sketches.
I suck at drawing my own things normally but when i have free time i occasionally print off a random anime picture and sketch it myself from looking at it. Observation Drawing as it is called. Here is what i've done so far.


Original Sketches:

Dies Irae

I Made a New Sig, though it looks much better in photoshop for some reason it gets darkened once i save it but i cant fix it at all, using it on anything besides a white background stuffs it up even more to so -shrug- but here is what it looks like (After saving darken).

Rena Ryugu

Dies Irae

News: Dies has finally gotten himself a copy of fraps *Confetti and Trumpets*, which means as soon as i figure out how the hell to record voice during recording, I may or may not be making some Let's Play videos of games, whether new or old. So for now, i'll give you a list of my pc games (I can't do any recording on the xbox as of yet). So look at the list and the most popular option will be chosen, even if i have to replay it.

Note: Touhou videos will be posted in between to, its one of my favorite game series.

Games List: (Will be posted as soon as Steam has copied my steamapps, i had to do a fresh install for a game to work)

Dies Irae

Dies Irae

Christmas Present Signature for Altair: HIM Themed.

Dies Irae

Dies Irae

Added a doodle to the sketches post above. Here is the 5 minute head drawing [Doodle]

Dies Irae

V-Day present for Altair.

Dies Irae