
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Hogwarts- 2017

Started by YamiNoTenshi22, September 16, 2017, 03:33:01 PM

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Keavy Peig MacDónaill had arrived at Kings Cross Grand Central Station accompanied by her parents. As usual, she was ahead as excited as she usually was with her long red mahogany colored hair flowing behind her and her pure blue eyes shining with excitement. This was her sixth year for her magical training and yet her parents had decided to send her to Hogwarts instead of continuing her studies in America. From what the young lady had understood it was because both her parents were assigned to the Ministry's post to help the Aurors on some assignment.

She sighed, she never really understood her parents work, but they always seemed to come home unharmed and always happy to see her. So, she didn't mind it too much that they were gone often only because when they did have time it was spent with her. Snapping out of her thoughts she pushed her packed trolley that was quite heavy, as she had a few large trunks filled with things necessary for Hogwarts, while her black cat Askhim gracefully and faithfully followed close behind.

"Ah, here we are, kiddo," Mr. MacDónaill said as they reached the invisible Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

"Father...where is the platform?" Keavy asked with a puzzled expression. Her father laughed as her mother giggled. "See that wall there?" Mr. MacDónaill asked his daughter, pointing at a brick wall. "It looks quite solid, right?" Keavy nodded. "Well, it is quite simple. Some people like to get a running start, but essentially you walk into the wall."

Keavy gave him a timid look of disbelief. "You walk into the wall? It's solid brick, won't you get hurt?" she asked. Her father only smiled broadly and shook his head.

"No. You've got to trust me, lass. You just walk on through. I'll go with you," he offered. Mrs. MacDónaill only smiled as she gently reminded her husband. "My dear, don't forget-. We've got a train to catch." she insisted.

"But mom, must you guys go without at least seeing me board the train?" Keavy pleaded as her mother gave a soft sigh, looking over at her father when the man placed a hand on Keavy's back, gently pushing the girl to him in a tight embrace.

"Your mother is right. I guess its time for you to go. Don't worry Sadhbh, I'll make sure the kids are at least going in the right direction. Then we can catch the train- we have time." Keavy nodded in agreement, giving her mother a final goodbye then turned and ran right through the wall, making Keavy astonished of the place she ran into.

She felt like she was in a different place entirely. "Well Kea, this is Platform 9 3/4!" Mr. MacDónaill said happily to them. "Oh, Father...I'm going to miss you," Keavy said. Her father enveloped her in a tight hug. "You must write us every week and tell us what is happening," he requested, and Keavy nodded her promise. She said her final goodbye to her father until summer, watching as Mr. MacDónaill returned through the wall; through a small space between her father and the wall, she saw her mother's smile and waving.

Sighing, she looked down at Askhim. "Well, it's off to Hogwarts, I suppose," she said softly.

"Mew" Askhim called out rather loudly as Keavy gently picked him up and started to pet him softly loving how his purr usually calmed down her thoughts when it comes to her parents. Sure she loved how cool their jobs were but at the same time it frustrated her to no end.

What she didn't expect was Askhim squirming out of her arms and leaping down, dashing out and towards the large crowd of students making her heart stop in worry. "Askhim! Hey! Get back here... Tá tú diabhal cat dúr!"(you damn stupid cat)

It wasn't long before her legs had started off in a light jog before it went on a full sprint after her older black cat. Trying so desperately to catch up to him before he decides he wanted to hide under some tight warm space. Then she would never coax him out unless she found some of her cat treats in her trunk; so much for a good start of her journey to Hogwarts.

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

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"Hey there, Thistle!" caught his attention, as it should as there weren't any other students named 'Thistle' standing on platform 9 3/4 awaiting the Hogwarts Express.  Thistle's head lifted from the book he was reading, and cerulean blue eyes caught the caller who was passing by, a friendly smile and a nod of his head offered in return.  Now that his head was raised, his attention was captured by other classmates who took the opportunity to greet him.  He held the book closed in his left hand, his pointer finger holding his place, thumb pressed to the cover of the book where a green planet was thumbing its nose and sticking its tongue out at the reader.  "Hey there,"  He called out.  "Have a good summer?"  It was the same as every year, where the kids who hadn't seen each other all summer went racing around to find their best mates with boundless excitement for another year to come.  Thistle was well liked and fit into many different cliques easily, but he had trouble with this platform every year.  His best friend was across the pond and like he did every year, he wondered idly to himself if it had been worth transferring to Hogwarts before his third year.  Sure, Ilvermorny didn't have a 'Care of Magical Creatures' course, but Hogwarts didn't have a Keavy.

He hadn't bothered to cut his multi-hued brown hair, which was now long enough to tie back into a ponytail.  He currently had it in a hastily wound man-bun and the shades of brown, blond, and red, showed quite clearly along the sides of his head and as lights shown through the rough ends of his hair sticking out of that knot.  He wasn't in uniform, planning to dress on the train when they got closer, leaving him standing there looking like some punk No-Maj.  Er ... Muggle, that is.  He wore a quite comfortable looking old concert t-shirt for Led Zepplin that he must have found in a thrift store.  Black jeans with holes in the knees, as well as a few other places, and black engineer boots, with gleaming silver rings on either side of them.  His trolley, which was loaded up with his trunks, book bags, and a messenger bag, had a black knit sweater draped over them, in case he got cold.  No make up, no black on his fingernails, He appeared to be working the 'lazy goth' look.  Along with everything else, there was an old fashioned barrel upended on one side of his trolley, that got a few strange, curious looks, but no questions.

Not until Rowan McDermott, Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, and Seeker, for the last four years, strolled up with her cart and nudged Thistle with a full body check 'Oi, Thistle!" before he'd seen her coming.  She was a pretty girl, taut from tons of exercise, though a full foot taller than Thistle and was looking down at him as she spoke with a huge, self-satisfied grin.  He long brown curls were pulled into a tight, no nonsense ponytail behind her and out of her way.  There was a loud 'Mewl!' of offense from a tiny Kitten he had in the crook of his elbow.  A huge head peeked out from where the ball of fluff had been sleeping unseen.  "Ooooh, sorry there, Kitty,"  Rowan offered, but the cat in question did not appear mollified.  Unwinding, the little kitten body looked ridiculous with it's overly large head, paws, and strangely lion-like tail.  He would be a big fellow.  Hopping off of Thistle's left arm, he curled up on that sweater Thistle wasn't wearing.  "Sorry mate," Rowan piped up, "But back to the important shite, where's your broom?  I need ... I mean, we need you to be ready to go soon.  We're going to be the first match up against Hufflepuff this season."

Thistle watched the cat leave his person to find a new seat and shrugged his shoulders.  He knew what she'd meant.  His broom had been smashed to pieces by some Gryffindor lunkheads in the last game the year prior.  "Funds have been an issue.  I had to pay for more rooms than I intended over the summer break."  He reached out to lift the lid off the pickle barrel, but it was not full of pickles, but parts.  Broom parts to be specific.  "So I'm building a new one.  I have parts of a few old ones in here, and some broken merchandise that was tossed behind Quality Quidditch Supplies.  A little jiggery-pokery and I'll be good for the game."  Rowan eyed him suspiciously, and punctuated her disbelief with, "That's rubbish, mate.  You got too many Newt-level classes and electives to be buggerin' around whittling!"  She didn't seem angry, more incredulous.  "Whatever mate, if'n you can't make it work, I have an old spare you can use."  She shook her head at the barrel and laughed, "I'll see ya on the train, Thist."  And then she wandered off. 

Thistle was resealing his barrel of bones when his ears perked at the commotion coming from the platform entrance.  He moved closer to his cart, hovering over the newly re-sleeping Russian Blue/Kneazle Kitten on his rustic, black sweater, making room.  Braced, he turned his head, those fair blues seeking towards the source of those sounds of running footsteps and shouting voices!


Keavy didn't know rather she wanted to hug her cat to death out of worry for his safety or skin him alive for his disobedience. "Come here Askhim!" She said through her gritted teeth, her feet picking up speed as her body dodged several people and trunks of various students that she didn't know. They continued in this fashion for several more minutes, Keavy coming within a few feet of Askhim and the cat only finding ways to gain more distance between them, until Keavy literally bumped into another person. She had been so focused on the cat that she didn't see that Askhim had jumped into the arms of another person that was in her path. She bounced lightly off of the taller teen, nearly falling flat on her ass but recovering at the last moment by the help of her feet and his other arm that didn't hold her cat. 

She looked up to meet the man's stunning Cerulean Blue eyes. Her breath hitched in recognition, she only knew one boy with that kind of colored eyes like that. Not only that, but the boy didn't even have to say anything before her arms quickly wrapped around his neck as her smile turned from a frown of worry into a gleeful smirk of bliss.

"Buíochas le Dia! Tá tú féin! Tá sé i ndáiríre tú! Cac Naofa! Níor shíl mé go bhfeicfeadh mo mhac mac arís!" (Oh, my God! It's you! It's really you! Holy shit! I never thought I would see my wolf again!)

She eased back as she looked back to Askhim, watching the cat jumping down to Thistle's barrel and sniffing his kitten after sniffing Thistle's face. Making the girl only chuckle lightly, "So that's why you ran off you old fart. You could have at least waited until we were on the train! God, I swear..." She gave her cat a light ruffle on his head, that was before she realized just where she was standing making her quickly move away.

"I'm so sorry," Keavy stuttered out, feeling her face and chest flush a bright red in embarrassment at the situation she had found herself in. "I can explain," She trailed off, realizing that she couldn't, in fact, explain. It had been nearly four years since she had seen him. So for her to just hug him as she had; what if he had a girlfriend? Or he had completely forgotten all about her? God, she feels like a complete moron! Luckily for her, however, Askhim appeared to only make matters more obscene as he patted the kitten's head as if he was both playing and almost petting it. "Askhim seems to know exactly where you were. Leave it to the worlds best hunter to find you eh?"

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

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Thistle had been holding onto his trolley and keeping his kitten from being jostled by the expected stampede, only to have to release it to catch the black cat who'd leapt up into his arms.  He looked down into the older cat's face as he reached up with his paws and sniffed at his face.  "I know you ..." he began, but then he was knocked into by a redhead running down the platform and clinging to him to keep from falling.  He kept his one arm up, supporting the black cat with its white patch on his chest while the other caught around her to catch her from falling back as she bounced off of him.  "Whoa!  I gotcha ..."  He'd pulled her closer and caught that scent.  He'd dreamed about that scent for years.  He was holding her up, like a man from a movie about to sweep a woman off her feet into a deep kiss, or he would have been, were it not for the cat, which thankfully, jumped down onto his pickle barrel.  "Kea..."

He never called her by a short version of her name, but she'd cut him off with a string of Gaelic he didn't understand in the least.  He assumed it was Gaelic, but really, he had no clue.  He felt like he'd been knocked off his feet and had his head dunked in a bucket of water.  This was Keavy, HIS Keavy, well, not his, not like ... they had been so young, back then, but he looked down into this woman's (teen's) blushing face and felt like the wind had been knocked out of him.  Her vibrant red hair, soft pale skin ... "I've miss ..." he began to admit, but she was talking to her cat, Askhim.  He'd caught Thistle's scent or something and come running, which warmed his heart.  He moved to take her into an embrace, he couldn't help himself, he wanted to hug her close and never let go, and if we're being honest, to feel her against him, but then she began her awkward retreat, stepping back from him to apologize and he still hadn't gotten his proverbial feet beneath him.

She was rambling again and he had to smile, recognizing her flustered, nervous rapid speech and random Irish-Speak!  He reached out with his right hand, that little smirk playing on his mouth, as he placed his pointer finger vertically across her soft lips, the tip of the digit resting in the divot beneath her nose.  He was so nervous right now, but she'd openly exploded with nerves, leaving him firm ground to stand and pretend confidence on.  That smirk he was trying to affect couldn't last.  It couldn't.  It broke into a full blown smile as he flew through stages of denial to accept that she was really standing there in front of him!  "What are you doing here?  Tell me everything!"  And then he slowly pulled his hand away, wishing he could be brave enough to run his fingers across her cheek.  "Man, I have missed you so ...." And then, "Wait, Keavy?  Where is your trolley?"  He suddenly asked, just as a whistle sounded.  The train was coming into the station and crowds of kids began to push forward to the line painted along the edge of the platform.


That smile of his always made her smile more, her nerves calming down as the scent of Cinnamon and Spice hit her nose in gentle spurts. Keavy felt his finger on her lips, making her quiet down immediately, although it didn't help her slight giggles that bubbled between her pressed lips and his finger. She took several deep breaths to calm herself down, her hand quickly brushing her side bangs away from her face.

"Missed you more." She teased before the next question made her heart stop as well as what she had wanted to say next before she cursed. "It's back there! Askhim- stay with Thistle, I'll be right back, so save me a spot!"

"You mean this?" A female voice sounded making Keavy turned around to see a woman who was slightly taller than her but still smaller than Thistle. Her short blond hair into a beautiful pixie cut and light Teal Hazel eyes. Her figure wasn't slim but rather a decent average build. Her long shirt that had Hufflepuff colors and faded flare jeans made Keavy almost blink dumbly at her. That was before she noticed that the girl before them had strolled both Keavy's trolly and her own.

"Thank you, I didn't mean to leave it out in the open!" Keavy started as she went over to her own trolly, holding out her hand, "Name's  Keavy Peig MacDónaill, but you can call me Kea if you want. What's your name?"

"Ah, so you're the American transfer. I've heard rumors that we would be getting one. Although, it helps that my Mother no doubt will be working well with your parents. Name's Syvanna Watson. I know Thistle well though, I was just about to see to board with him when I noticed you running off to chase after your cat. So, I took your trolly and followed. But- the train whistled, can we continued this conversation onboard?"

Keavy only smiled and nodded.

After Keavy was gawking at the train for about five minutes, and they quickly threw their trunks onto the train's storage holding; Keavy, Thistle, and Syvanna had to quickly search for any good compartment. Any good quiet cabin before the train took part from the station. Finally settling into their cabin and placing their remaining luggage in the overhead compartment, they took their seats. Keavy sitting next to the window and Thistle. Syvanna sitting across from them as the trio started to talk, introduce themselves and laugh over their summer misadventures. Before long the conversation soon turned to just how Keavy and Thistle had not kept contact for so long.

"Wait, so you two knew each other back in the United States?" Syvanna stated in a slight surprise; Keavy however, only smiled and nodded as her cat slept on her lap. She stretched slightly, her own legs feeling the need to move. 

"Yea, we did promise to write. But, we just... Got busy. Both of us did. My parents are the top in their field and I was well, I learned to pretty much be on my own." She muttered softly before shrugged, "It was no big deal, I mean before long I was in the Pukwudgie Quidditch team, the Choir, and working upon my Potions in hopes to get into the Alchemy classes here at Hogwarts when I get there."

Syvanna only gave Thistle and Keavy an eye roll, she should have known better. That the girl that Thistle has always talked about would be the kind that had never even forgotten about him either. His best friend had finally come back into his life and now maybe he will finally get the damn guts to confess that he likes her. At least Syvanna hopes he does.

"Well, you certainly do sound from overseas, your accent just screams 'I'm not from England.' Not one bit." Syvanna pointed out as Keavy gave a mock face of hurt before she straightened her back.

"Well, you can't possibly be talking about me," Keavy spoke with a mock accent that only made Syvanna chuckle lightly. "I'm too innocent."

"Your accent sucks Kea, you sound like an idiot who is infatuated with British culture," Syvanna stated, "I'm just saying. I mean you are just as bad as Thistle was when he first came here."

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle wanted to hug her again, but it would have to wait, the moment was gone as he'd realized she was a trolley short of boarding.  Luckily, Syvanna arrived with said cart.  As far as saviors went, they could have done worse.  He was fond enough of Syvanna, as friends go.  "Hey Chicachi!" (Pronounced Chica-Chi)  He called out as she brought the cart over, loaded with Keavy's things.  "Thanks for the assist, mate."  He would have introduced them then, but Keavy stepped up and moved forward on her own, much to his surprise.  Where was that shy girl who used to be so quiet and nervous in public?  He couldn't help but smile brightly as she announced herself with her full name, middle included, and he chuckled softly.  Some zebras can change their stripes, it seems.

He let them get acquainted for the moment, but Syvanna reminded them of the boarding.  Always the responsible one.  "Head towards the middle.  There are always empty cars there.  They all tend to flock the front and back of the train for some reason."  He offered as he moved to get his own gear.  Leave it to Thistle to know how to keep as low key as possible.  Why rush when you knew where to go?  Askhim was poking at Bones still, so he left the two sharing his sweater for the walk over to the train.  They would be going to the same places anyway.  Storing the trunks was easy enough, and most of his other things.  After handing Askhim over to Keavy, by the time they boarded the train, he had only his messenger bag, a backpack, and his snoozing Kitten.

Just before finding a good cart, they turned to a "Hey, Downey!" coming from further towards the back.  "No replacement broom yet, huh?  What am I gonna break when we meet up in the next match?"  It was a larger boy, ginger hair was close cropped to his head and looked like it would be curly as sin if he let it grow out.  His face showed the evidence that he was slightly overweight, pasty pale flesh covered in freckles, but his body looked more muscle than anything.  He cut an imposing figure, even if he wasn't backed by what looked like half of Gryffindor.

Thistle had turned more towards him, his face darkening as that bright smile Keavy loved so much turned darker, the smirk looking dangerous.  He had gotten this way at Ilvermorny when he'd come across some kids picking on Keavy.  It hadn't been pleasant for any of them.  "Wind, Toad.  If I had to bet on it, I'd choose wind."  His hand had lowered to the side of his black jean-clad leg, hidden from view by his satchel, but the girls could see it clearly.  His fingers touched mid-thigh and a pocket that hadn't existed was suddenly there, his wand at the ready.  It wouldn't be needed though.

They didn't get the joke, and looked at him, and each other with confused glances, "Well ... That's rubbish, that is.  That doesn't even make sense, Downer.  Break wind?" Ginger was going to say something else, but his friends pulled him into an empty car they'd found.  The fact that Thistle had snorted into childish laughter didn't stop them from cutting off the chance for a confrontation.  There was still two whole school years left for fighting.

"That was Thad Hobday."  He explained to Keavy as they closed the door to the compartment.  He placed his Kitten down on the seat, along with his bag and messenger bag.  "Gryffindor knucklehead and a right Chav if you ask me.  Broke my broom in the last few minutes of the last game we played last year."  He paused, sitting beside Keavy, "Broke may be an understatement, he splintered the entire thing, destroyed it."  He shrugged his shoulder, not seeming to be bothered by it.  Syvanna, of course, had to go into the whole story, how Thistle had fallen from his post in front of the triple rings, but he'd been checked off his broom entirely.  It wasn't just Thad, who was a Chaser, but both Beaters as well, between the three of them, bits of broom showered down on the Ravenclaw goal side, and on Thistle's unconscious form.  It was an effective use of wands, one hell of a spectacle, and in the end, it also cost Gryffindor both the match and the house cup.  Everyone thought 'Thist,' as Syvanna called him, was dead, and yet Thist always tells it like it's just a broken old Nimbus.

It was much more interesting than Thistle's recounting of his wasted summer.  He moved around constantly, as if he were running from something.  He'd sleep a few days at different homes, spent a lot of time renting rooms, skulking around Diagon Alley.  Taught himself a lot, sure, he was always reading and fiddling with things, trying to find out the innate ways they worked.  Mentioned a new theory that Music could affect magic and that he had packed some Vinyl he'd gotten in a hopes to test it.  He'd need to find a working Victrola of course.  And there was the matter of a replacement broom, which he'd not purchased as most of his gold he'd put aside for the summer had ended up going to rent when he couldn't find enough places to crash.  "I'm not broke, or even poor.  Mom left me an account I never knew about, but I don't know how long it'll last, so I'm being careful."

"And Squeaker died, my Rat, early in the summer, which was hard.  I wasn't sure I was going to replace her, but when I saw Bones here," the kitten was sleeping on his lap and, sitting so close to Keavy, petting Bones was the only thing keeping him from trying to touch her hand with his pinky or something.  It was silly, but he felt lightheaded in a way he never expected, or experienced before.  "Well, I just melted.  If he'd been a girl, I'd have named him Keavy, which would have been awkward, now that you're here."  He said with a wide grin.  "And I couldn't be happier, by the way.  I ... I've tried to write.  So many times.  Most of the letters don't get finished, or got tossed in the fire."  He shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing ever seemed good enough to say."  He said, awkwardly walking through that last sentence, not sure if it even made sense.  "I AM sorry we lost touch, Keavy."  He nodded his head towards Syvanna, "Yeah, we did, Chicachi.  Keavy is the girl I told you about, from Ilvermorny."

He laughed along with the accent comments, "Only when she's speaking Ye Olde Worlde Englishe."  He said each word to enunciate the unneeded 'e' at the end.  "Ask her to speak Ireland-talk and there's no accent to be found."  At his own mockery, he faked an affronted look, but laughed after, "That's rubbish, Chicachi.  It's not our fault ya'll sound like you've been dropped on your heads too many times."


Keavy only shook her head in small dismay when she learned about Squeaker. "Oh god... I'm gonna miss Squeaker. Was such a good Rat, and soo cute!"  She then looked down at the kitten seeing the tiny thing between them as she gave a giant smile. She couldn't help it, she loves animals- especially when things were small and still in their early stages of life. When Thistle had told her of the name she could only gasp loudly making her squeal in delight as she petted Bones gently.

"Ooh, you are so cute! And you're just like my favorite McCoy! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!"

Too bad her joy was soon turned to a slight frown when Thistle told her the reference wasn't from Star Track but in fact from Sleepy Hollow. Making her bite her lower lip as she gave him a shy smile.

"I-I knew that. Well, either way, Bones is still cute, plus it will help Askhim stay young. God knows this old fart is finally starting to act like an old grump at times."

When Thistle started to apologize about his distance she only shook her head, "Hey, it takes two to tango bud. Plus we were so busy I couldn't expect you to write to me every single day. I mean when I heard your dad said Military school I sort of... Got pissed. Well, more hurt really." Shaking her head she looked over at Syvanna as the subject changed to her accents making them all laugh allowing her to feel better than what she had before.

But one thing lingered in her mind. Thad. Keavy didn't know rather she had the patience to deal with the boy's ignorance on his bullying. And the story that Syvanna and Thistle told her, she felt frightened and angered at Thad's actions. Thinking back she had noticed that Thistle was already by her side, helping her by blocking 's Thad's path to her. Wand or no wand, Keavy can easily take him out no problem and judge by the fair skin he seems the type that had that silver spoon in his mouth all his life. The only thing that she would have to worry about was his build. The kid seemed almost like round pig- no, more of a hog with a steroid problem. All the more satisfying when she knocks him down a peg or two. Just as she was about to fist her hands, her thoughts going to a thousand ways in which she could plummet Thistle's bully Syvanna's voice chimed, almost angelic that made Keavy stop in her tracks.

"Well, I think you're going to love Hogwarts." Syvanna giggled, "After the train, we have to get to the Castle by the carriages so we're pretty much halfway there Keavy. Now, I think it's best if we get you suited up in your robes. There's a set of bathrooms for us ladies that we can use."

When Syvanna suggested about sharing a coach together Keavy only nodded in agreement, most of the other kids she noticed was nice but she didn't really feel like sticking around to talk to them past a greeting. So, once they changed robes, Syvanna's in Hufflepuff's and Thistle in Ravenclaw's they soon found themselves at the Hogsmeade Station.

"Sounds like an awesome plan! Thistle lead the way!" She quickly twirled her best friend forward and gently pushed him onward towards the carriages. Wanting to enjoy the company of someone new and her best friend without having people overhear them. As Thistle led them on, Keavy kept to his side looking back behind her, checking to make sure that no one would follow them. More specifically, Thad. The ginger head gave her rather cold vibes. Almost as if he was hunting Thistle down just to finish whatever was started between them.

As they finally made it to one of the carriages,  she only noticed, well,  just the carriages! Her blue eyes blinked as her head looked around the sides of the carriages before looking back at her two friends. "Um, what's exactly driving this thing?"

Syvanna smiled as she thumbed at the sunset air, "Thestrals can't be seen unless you've seen death. They're actually very gentle creatures but their appearance is haunting to look at."

"You can see them? I'm so sorry..." Keavy stated in a soft tone as they got on the top of the carriages, enjoying the cool air. Syvanna waved her hand. "It's not your fault- It was my Uncle who fell off our roof due to a heart attack. No one saw it coming really. That was over a decade ago."

Keavy nodded as she squirmed in her seat, changing into a different subject. "So, what's it like living under the Queen's Rule? Sure she's half Magic half Muggle-born but I find her rather a very interesting character of sorts. Oh! And what was it like before you guys had your Hogwarts letter? Did you guys go to a muggle school beforehand?" Keavy didn't mean to be so straightforward but the girl was very curious of the people in this foreign land. "This land," She started as she made a gesture towards the castle, "Is just so different than Minnesota, it's almost magical in its own right yet- so parallel to the beautiful waters and lands of Minnesota. Not to mention Ilvermorny. Right Thistle?"

She stopped herself before clearing her throat, "Sorry, Minnesota is where my home state is just below Canada."

Syvanna nodded with an 'Ahh' sound, now understanding what Keavy was saying, "So then is that where Thistle is from too? This Minniesoda?"

Keavy laughed as she shook her head, "Minnesota, and no- he was actually from New York state. I think... North Tarrytown? But it's actually been changed to Sleepy Hollow for tourists reasons. It's weird I know but we Murican's love our tourism!" She stated with an exaggerated face making Syvanna giggle. Keavy gave Thistle a soft shoulder bump as she looked up to see the giant old castle, it's light softening the castle in almost a dreamlike glow that made her feel excited. What sort of school was Hogwarts going to be for her? Keavy can only hope that it would be filled with memories, good memories. She looked back at Thistle and Syvanna and grinned brightly, feeling her heart pound as her excitement grew.

"I think a certain girl is getting excited." Syvanna teased as Keavy looked back at the Castle. If only they both knew...

The Great Hall was filled with children talking. Keavy standing among them as she sighed in slight embarrassment, she didn't like having to stand in line with them but she knew that wearing the normal school crest was standard unless you were sorted first. The four house tables were not yet covered with the Welcoming Feast, which she was told was normal until all the students were sorted into their houses first. The doors opened and in came Professor McGonagall, followed cautiously by a group of eleven- and two twelve-year-olds and finally Keavy. The other students looked excited to see just where the young kids would go to which house but when they saw Keavy- looks of confusion followed by snickers had made Keavy keep her eyes cast down. Professor McGonagall then went ahead of the students, fetching the tattered hat and old stool before coming back to the middle of the front of the house tables.

"All right students we have as you may notice, a transfer student. So, to get her properly sorted I shall call her up first. Come up Keavy Peig MacDónaill!" The elder woman's voice rang out making Keavy hurry up, her eyes blinking in confusion, she was told by Thistle that they did their sorting differently. And she didn't think their hat was that worn and tattered. Much less... Did they even wash this thing!? Still, she sat down quietly looking up at the elder witch all the while the woman smiled down at her.

"Now dear, it's not going to swallow you whole, it's just a hat."

"I'm not scared of a dumb hat. Just nervous." Keavy stated quietly as the Hat suddenly boomed his voice.

"AH! We have ourselves a very interesting and talented Witch! But... Not from Hogwarts? Hmm, where to place you... You're brave, I see that, and Ambitious. But... Overall, I shall place you in HUFFLEPUFF!" 

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Thistle chuckled as Keavy burst out into Trekky excitement, but he placed his hand upon her forearm, digit tips lightly grazing the skin as he corrected her gently.  "No, no.  Not Star Trek." His smile was restrained, not laughing at her, but having known what she would assume ahead of time.  Drawing his hand away was difficult.  "From Sleepy Hollow.  His name is Mr. Abraham Van Brunt, after the unrequited hero of the story.  They called him Brom Bones, so I just shorten it to Bones."  As talk turned towards his father, the laughter fades as his face darkened.  In truth, his father had never forgotten his mother, after he began his new family.  He loved Thistle, just as much as he always had, but he'd promised Siobhan he'd move on with his No-Maj life and that required keeping Thistle's secret.  His mistake, was in not explaining it to Thistle, who thought his father hated him.  Thistle explained that he wasn't going back, not ever.  Even if he ends up living on the streets every summer.

Thistle wasn't as worried about Thad.  His almost death had been an accidental side effect, that had been assured to him by McGonagall.  If it had been a purposeful attempt on his life, there would have been sterner consequences than a lost match and a lost house cup.  He seemed relaxed and calm, when he watched them chatter away, a soft smile on his face like he knew some secret the rest of the world didn't know.  As they left to change, he changed right in the booth.  A minor spell, flick and swish, and the windows were now one way mirrors so no one could see inside.  By the time they returned, he was wearing his robes along with the colors of his house and the House Ravenclaw bird emblem. He greeted them warmly, each time his eyes fell upon Keavy, he felt like he was dreaming.  "I still can't believe you're here.  It's my favorite surprise I've ever received."

Departing the train was a process, but Thistle didn't seem to mind the wait and unlike most, wasn't in any particular hurry and whiled the time away speaking to her of the four houses.  "I'm so excited to find out which house you'll end up with.  Hopefully you're with Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff."  He said with a grin, though of course, he would prefer her in his own house.  He seemed to know everyone, or rather, everyone seemed to know him and greeted him familiarly, though he may not have even known their names.  "Celebrity through Tragedy." he explained.  Quidditch players were often popular already, as there was only so many places on a team.  "Everyone knows of me, and it looks like even the first years have heard."  He greeted them all friendly enough, though it was the invisible Thestrals that he seemed most happy to visit with, and he moved closer to them, his kitten perched upon his shoulder.

"I don't find them so terrifying to look at, though I wouldn't wish to meet an angry one."  He reached out with one hand, then both, stroking the creatures few of the students could see.  As she seemed so excited, and distraught for Chicachi, he distracted her by explaining to Keavy where he was petting them.  There was no need for her to ask, or offer sympathies, as she'd long known he'd been with his mother when she passed away.  Soon enough, they were inside the carriages and Keavy was rambling in excitement.  Most of the questions were directly for Syvanna, but as they spoke of his hometown, he seemed surprised.  "Haha, I thought I'd mentioned North Tarrytown.  It's been Sleepy Hollow since before I was born, I think.  I just don't use it because no one believes me if I say I'm from Sleepy Hollow."

They stayed together as long as they could, moving among the crowd as a group of three, until eventually, "I need to go to my house tables, so does Chicachi, but we'll be watching with fingers crossed."  He pointed out where she would need to wait, to be sorted, and advised, "Professor McGonagall can seem quite stern and rigid, a regular stickler, but she really is a big sweetheart.  Don't think she approves of what's happened with Gryffindor since she became Headmistress and left the house, but who can say, really."  As they parted, and how he wished they didn't have to, he noticed McGonagall's eyes had found them and he couldn't help but wonder, based on her blank face, why he thought he was sure she had somehow heard him, or knew what he said.

He cheered for Keavy when the hat called out, "Hufflepuff," though there was a part of him that was disappointed, he knew her too well to think she'd have ended up in his own house.  Or, at least he used to.  He had known her better than she had known herself, way back when, and so when the hat had mumbled about courage and cunning, he had not been surprised.  Gryffindor or Slytherin would have been lucky to have her, but at heart, she was better suited for Hufflepuff.  He wondered idly if the hat ever did make mistakes with who it put where.  He watched as Syvanna rose up, knees on the bench, waving with both hands to draw Keavy towards the open space beside her, and smiled.  She couldn't have asked for a better guide anymore than Thistle could have suggested one.

The first years began to be sorted, always somehow, at least somewhat, even distrubuted among the houses.  That was another odd thing, and he believed there must have been a reason for it, that there was never a majority of the kids going to any one house rather than another.  What ensured such diversity, or was it that they all could go into any house, but the hat made judgments based on other, more practical, factors?  He would like a chance to speak with it again, one day, and perhaps, he could find out.  He said as much to Rowan and the slightly chubby Clive Gaiman, both of whom were bookending him on the bench.  Clive had been digging out three boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and three Chocolate Frogs, passing them to Thistle.  Rowan laughed and shook her head, but Clive seemed to consider it a moment before shaking his mop of oily black locks and replying, "I think you're right, that we are all made up of all the traits.  Take us, for example, I could have easily ended up in Slytherin, Rowan in Gryffindor, but there are dominant traits that stick out.  Thanks again, for the help.  I'm sorry I couldn't get these to you before last year ended."

"No worries, mate."  Thistle replied cordially, stashing the candy in his messenger bag.  Clive was still nodding his head, the look in his grey eyes, behind those thick, square lenses. showed he was still considering what he'd said, even after having stated it, but the ceremony was finished and the feast was about to begin.  Thistle's cerulean blues found Keavy and Chicachi laughing at something, and he smiled, idly petting the sleeping kitten in his lap.  This was going to be a great year.


Keavy quickly dashed over to where Syvanna waited for her with open arms, like a beacon that leads the ship out on the sea. Except the sea was more of an organized horde of students. Still, she was able to get to Syvanna easily and hug her tightly all the same. Secretly she was wanting to be in Ravenclaw but, it would be impossible for her to get into a house that required her to be as smart as Thistle. Even when the two were children she couldn't even compare herself to the boy.

Her eyes caught Thistle's, giving him a small sad pout as she raised her shoulders in apology. Although, she probably knew she would be in a different house anyhow since she was in a different house back at their old school. Perhaps the old torn hat knew that and had taken it into account? Perhaps a question for a later discussion.

She looked over at the Headmistress, listening to her as the elder spoken to them of the usual rules- or she figured it was the usual rules. That was until she heard about the Forbidden Forest; ears and eyes perked up as she looked over to Syvanna. "Ooh, sounds exciting."

"You're an idiot. There's a reason why it's called Forbidden, she just said there are things that can and will kill you. You did hear that right?" Syvanna laughed, making Keavy giggle as well.

It was soon time for the Great Feast making the food appear before them as she sighed in content, "God, finally- I'm hungrier than a wolf." Reaching over for some Pumpkin Bread and butter she began her meal.

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Thistle couldn't hear what the two girls were saying to each other, but he'd been watching Keavy closely enough to notice her excitement at the idea of students not being permitted in the Forbidden Forest.  He groaned inwardly, expecting to have to drag her out of there one day, kicking and screaming, but he kept his composure until Rowan elbowed him in the gut. 

"Quit staring, creeper."  She hissed at him, trying to be funny, but if she was going for a whisper, she failed.  At least the small group surrounding them had heard and were alternately giggling through guffawing, depending on the student.  "She's still going to be here tomorrow, and the day after."  In his head, Thistle laughed.  He heard Kevin Bacon from Stir of Echoes saying, "And the day after, and the day after, and the day after!" repeatedly, but he kept the joke to himself as neither Rowan nor Clive would understand.  Not many movie watchers in the Magical World of Hogwarts.  "Seriously, you're going to scare away the new girl."

He shook his head, "It's not like that, Rowan.  She was my best friend in Ilvermorny."  He offered a shrug of his shoulders.  It had been a long time ago, but the first two years of school together, they'd really teamed up and built a bond.  The food had begun appearing and Thistle was already helping himself to pumpkin juice.

"Oooooooh!  She's the Keavy you used to go on about?"  She rolled her eyes, but laughed, "I should have guessed.  Ok, Romeo.  That's sort of sweet.  Your Juliet probably adores the attention."

"-!"  He choked, coughing pumpkin juice!  It didn't come out of his nose, but then, he still had his goblet up covering his face so who knew how much he backwashed.  "Jesus Row.  You know they both kill themselves at the end."

She shrugged her shoulders, breaking off a turkey leg before one of the savages around them got to it first,  "Did they?  I flunked out of Muggle Studies.  Totally Trolled it on my O.W.L.s."

The conversation died as they all began to dig into the lavish spread provided by the magical house elves in the kitchens below.


Keavy listened to some of her now fellow Hufflepuffs, learning about the several new teachers that she is going to be learning from. Her bread finished she finally decided to get herself a plate full of Ham, Mash Potatoes, and some Corn before sitting herself down.

"So where do we get our schedules?" She asked Syvanna before taking a fork full of ham and eating, enjoying the glaze flavor in her mouth.

"Hmm? Oh! Those are going to be on your bed when you get up there, did you take any electives and such? Otherwise, you are going to have a shit ton of free time. That's going to be taken up by the piles of homework that is given to us by the overlords that are our Professors." Keavy only rolled her eyes as she nodded, it did make sense, but partly she hoped she did have classes with Thistle.

"And yes, we have classes with Ravenclaw so stop your worrying."

Keavy quickly turned her neck, almost too quickly to the point that a sharp pain stabbed her nape as she winced, but ignored it. "I wasn't worried. I wasn't even thinking about that."

"Yea, uh huh. And I'm the fucking Queen of England." Syvanna mocked as Keavy gasped in awe.

"Your Majesty! I didn't know! Your royal Highn-ass!" Keavy mocked back making Syvanna take her clean butterknife and knighted Keavy, "I shall knight thee as Sir NoShitSherlock."

"I'm so honored." Keavy laughed making the students laugh with them before one younger Hufflepuff had to pipe in with a question as to who exactly Sherlock was. Thus, making Keavy break into her nerd knowledge.

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Thistle pushed his plate away, stuffed to the proverbial gills.  "Oh gods, it gets better every year.  I don't think I can eat anymore."  He leaned back on his bench, lifting his goblet of pumpkin juice because there was always room for drinks.  "I'm going to have to start working on my broom when we get up to the tower.  What do you think the odds are of keeping people from fucking with it?"  He asked honestly, glancing back and forth between Rowan and Clive.  It was William Boggles, on the other side of the table, that answered him though, a mouth full of turkey and mash potatoes threatening to unload with his words.

"Wut?"  He managed to swallow before continuing, thankfully, "Roit, mate, last t'ing 'ats gunna 'appen is some'un fuckin' wit' yer shite.  Grey Lady'll 'ave their 'eads, she will.  Mark mah words.  'Ey all know she sweet on you, ain't gunna keep'a secret, she ain't."  He was huge, almost as big as Thad was, but with darker, olive tones and black hair cut to be parted, but usually beneath a cap of some sort.  He was one of their Beaters.

Clive boggled at Boggles, "Christ Billy," he swore, leaning over the table, "How in the hell did you get picked to be in Ravenclaw?"  It wasn't a common question to be asked, in fact, could often be considered quite insulting, like being told you didn't belong.  Billy Boggles, however, didn't care.  Before he could reply, Rowan chimed in.

"What?  Fuck Clive, I never took you for a self hating Nerd.  Judgemental much?  I'm only still in Transfigurations cause of Billy helping me through it, ain't that right Boggleboo."  She beamed a smile at Billy that was both charming and sarcastic.  "And the Grey Lady isn't sweet on him, they're just friends.  You think everyone who smiles at you in Diagon Alley is looking to get in your pants instead of just your wallet, mate."

"It be mah In-duh-vid-gi-ality, Cliver."  Billy made a scrunchy face, "An don' be callin' me that shite, Row-Row, Gun git the first years doin' it."

Thistle considered their words, it was true, the Grey Lady and him had been friends since year one, well ... three.  She was curious about the American, and he was always off by himself in the beginning.  He found a secret room in the tower, just a small little forgotten place, but it had a window ... And they would chat about all sorts of things.  After the accident, she wouldn't leave his bedside until he woke again, only then returning to wandering with other ghosts and joining in at meals.

Well, speak of the devils.  It was like talking about them had summoned them to the Feast as all the ghosts began to wander in through the walls and halls.  They had missed the sorting ceremony. 


Keavy had just finished her dinner and sipped on her milk and pumpkin juice before she spotted a ghost, a fair pearly-white and slightly transparent, like all other ghosts that floated through the walls into the Great Hall. This particular ghost, however, had short brown hair, which he wore with a small tonsure. Why if she could describe the ghost in any form she would have to say a happy fat little monk. He was dressed in a habit held by a rope belt."

"Hello! Hello! Welcome to Hogwarts! I see some new faces! I'm Fat Friar!" He stated happily holding his tankard "And what's this? I've never seen you among the sixth year students!" The merry ghost floated over to Keavy as her cheeks flushed before she looked down.

"Um. Y-yea. I am. If you don't mind me asking. Mr. Friar-"

"Ho ho! you don't have to be formal, I'm the house's ghost! Why I hadn't been called a Mr. In white a few centuries." He laughed as Syvanna  gave Keavy a soft giggle, "Yea Kea, you see this school has a House Ghost."

Keavy only blinked in astonished awe, "House Ghost? Seriously? That's actually really cool. But also at the same time, I feel a bit hesitant in not feeling bad about them. I mean why do they choose to stay here?" She looked over at Fat Friar as the man only smiled.

"Why, because I too was a Hufflepuff when I was a student as yourself, and when I became a ghost I came to the founders and asked to allow me to roam my old home."

Keavy looked at Syvanna as the girl smiled and nodded, "Plus he helps lead the first years to the Common Rooms. But for us, we can go at any time now. Besides, you need to get yourself settled in and I gotta check your schedule to see if we get the same classes. Which I'm pretty sure we do but... You know. Now, wave at your creeper there."

Keavy blinked as she looked over at Thistle making her giggle, "Shut up, he's not a creeper, God Syvanna." She held out her arm and waved broadly then bouncing a bit before using both arms as Syvanna yanked her hood and dragged her away. "Ok ok, that's enough you dork. I can see why you two were good besties. You're both immature children."

Keavy only giggled before she turned around and dashed after Syvanna. "So where is this... Common Room?"

"Heh, Just follow me Kea, and keep your voice down."

The entrance to the common room as Keavy learned was located in a nook on the right-hand side of the kitchen corridor, concealed behind a stack of barrels. But what really intrigued her, was how in order to reveal the entrance, no password is required. Instead, one must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', which will make the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that will lead to the basement.

"So... What if someone does it wrong?" Keavy asked as she looked around the place that was her new home. Syvanna snickered as she shrugged, "Simple, the intruder will be doused in vinegar and barred access."

"... Badass."

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Almost the polar opposite to the Fat Friar, a rather-tall female drifted along in the wake of the other ghosts.  Her long, brown tresses were pulled back from around her face to fall down her back.  Unlike most of the specters, her features appeared as one remorseful, in penance, and perhaps even in pain.  Sadness personified, as she floated along the Ravenclaw tables, though soft smiles were tossed at any of the first years who gasped in recognition, breathing the words 'It's The Grey Lady!'  Elegance, she was, in ancient gown of grey.  Most of Hogwarts believed her entirely mute, but Ravenclaw knew the truth.  She was simply, particular, shy, and would not normally be seen speaking.  Of the ghosts, even the headless, and nearly-headless, she was the one who could most truly be considered, 'Haunting.'

Thistle was smiling at Keavy, returning her wave, when The Grey Lady spotted him and altered her course to approach him from behind.  He couldn't see her coming, those ethereal arms lifted up, graceful hands reaching out for him, as though to strangle him from behind.  She followed his gaze, her eyes lifting to spot Keavy as she was leaving, and her lips began to curl in a dangerous-looking smile as she grew closer to the man Keavy had hoped to find in Hogwarts.  At the last moment, the ghosts hands shifted position, falling to somewhat rest upon Thistles' shoulders.  Somewhat, as they seemed to drift in and out of him, as she attempted to pose as though she were leaning upon him, and in fact, leaned over him to speak softly to him, keeping her mouth hidden by the angle of her face, so the other tables wouldn't witness what was obviously speaking.

"She truly is quite attractive Thistle.  Is she the Keavy you have spoken of with me, or are you simply trying to make me jealous?"  There was the smallest of smiles upon her face, hinting at her teasing.  More importantly, however, she asked the real question before he could answer the playful one.  "Is she kind?"  Because in truth, that was what concerned her, more than beauty.

Of course Billy had to speak up, hissing at the first years beside him, as if this lent him some credence.  "See?  Wut'id I tell y-!"  A small, round roll bounced off the center of his face, and he shut up right quick as the Grey Lady and Rowan exchanged bright smiles.

Thistle's eyes had torn from Keavy's departure to turn his head and look upwards, "You know I wouldn't do that on purpose, My Lady.  But is it working?"  He grinned at the returned comment.  "And yes, she is, and she is.  Very.  Excitable, and hyper, but sweet and kind."

The Grey Lady grinned, and it was slightly disturbing as she so rarely did look mischievous.  "She better be."  Was all that was spoken, and then she drifted away to lead the first years to the tower.  Older students, other than the Quidditch team, received smiles and greetings from her as well, Thistle is just the only one she stopped to speak with directly.

Rowan, who had shared that warm smile, said, "Awwww, you have a guardian angel."  She was grabbing another roll and standing up from the bench as Thistle did the same, taking one more bite of ham and then rising, leaving the table with a pair of oranges that disappeared into a deep pocket of his robes, along with a certain kitten who hadn't woken yet.

Billy just snorted and threw that biscuit back at Rowan's face, "Angel me arse!  I love 'at Grey Lady much'as any Clawer, but she's bein' extra creepy."


"Duality of all things?"  Rowan was asking as they settled down in the common room.  Each had stashed their trunks and grabbed their schedules.

"Yar mate," Billy replied, sprawling on the floor, "Gotta go easy on 'ese new Clawers.  Riddles'll get tricksier, al'ays do."

"I wasn't saying it was easy, I was saying I thought the answer was "Facets."  Rowan seemed frustrated she'd gotten the password wrong, or missed the chance to try her answer.

Thistle was slouching in a loveseat, one leg thrown over an arm, his pickle barrel open before him.  He wasn't building his broom though.  He was looking over his schedule.  He shared a lot of NEWT level classes with Hufflepuff this year, Gryffindor and Slytherin must have been sharing more of the ones he wasn't taking.  He should have asked Keavy what classes she picked, but then, they'd find out soon enough.  He was hopeful though, and really glad now that he'd agreed to take NEWT level Potions on when the Grey Lady talked him out of skipping on it.  That was one class he was now sure they had together.

Most of these names he knew, though his Runes teacher was new, as was this Lupin fellow.  "Hey ... You think this is Teddy?  Seems sort of young for a teacher, doesn't he?"

Rowan, who was laying on a sofa like she owned it, and held her broom up while polishing the handle, "Yeah, it's him.  He blew away his Defense Against the Dark Arts tests. Not just did well, he didn't miss a one."  Billy made a suggestive comment about her hand motions on the broomstick, and she quickly swung it around to knock him in the head with it.

"And who do you think this Potter fellow is from the Ministry?"  Thistle asked, as silence fell over the entire common room.  "What?"

"Jesus, Dunwich."  Rowan swore and swung her legs down as she sat upright, the broom she was cleaning was now across her lap.  "Sometimes I forget you're American.  It's gotta be HIM.  Harry Potter?  He's the reason Teddy did so well on his Defense Against the Dark Arts exams.  You've heard of him, right?  'The Boy who Lived?"

Thistle was nodding his head with understanding.  Of course he knew the stories.  None of them had been born yet, but it had happened just less than twenty years ago.  In fact ... this was the 20th anniversary of that fateful school year.  He didn't say anything though, as Clive, who flopped down to sit beside Rowan, got clever.

"Boy who Lived?  Big deal.  We got one of those, ain't that right, Thist?"  And his laughter was drowned out by the massive sofa cushion Thistle flung in Clive's direction.


  Keavy looked around the actual basement, finding the common room itself round, earthy, low-ceilinged. Yet, she found it to be very welcoming, warm, and sunny despite it being close to dark by now. There are lots of yellow hangings, burnished copper, and overstuffed sofas and armchairs upholstered in yellow and black, and circular windows that provide a vista of rippling grass and dandelions.

'So this is why father really enjoyed his time studying here, the atmosphere is just so calming.'

Looking over to her left and up she also spotted a large, honey coloured, wooden mantelpiece with carvings of badgers on it. Which, underneath was the portrait of the house's founder, Helga Hufflepuff. Or would be if she actually stayed, instead the portrait was blank making Keavy guess that the woman was off somewhere else for the time being. "So where are we staying for the rest of our days?"

"Oh, we sleep on the floor as we ponder the existence of our pathetic being."  Syvanna witted back making Keavy pout in despair.

"Well, that just made me wish I was in Ravenclaw."

"Heh, I'm sure you would just love that. Na, it's down over here." Syvanna waved her over as Keavy followed closely behind to where she could only describe as a circular door. "A cellar? I feel like we're a bunch of Hobbits." Keavy pointed out as Syvanna snickered. She opened the cellar door before holding up her wand as she explained to Keavy,  "Now, these underground tunnels are leading off from the common room. But each set is for the girls' dormitory, the other to the boys'."

Keavy followed behind closely before she came to the end of the tunnel, guessing the further back the larger the rooms where. Entering the room she looked around and saw four-poster beds, each covered in patchwork quilts. Illuminated by warm copper lamps, and copper bed warmers hang on the wall, their trunks at the end of each bed.

"Wow, this is awesome and spacious," Keavy stated as Syvanna smirked.

"Now, let's get you more settled and look at that schedule of yours."

-Next Morning-
After their breakfast Syvanna, and Keavy decided to walk over to the Ravenclaw table, mostly for Keavy to look at Thistle's schedule to see which classes aligned with his. "We nearly got the same classes together! Except I decided to stay in Choir, although you guys call it Frog Choir, oh and I took up Alchemy. But... Ancient Runes and Goul Studies? Really Thistle? Of course, you would pick those classes I'd fall asleep in those!"

Keavy poked Thistle on his ribs, sitting next to him as she giggled. "But I'm glad you didn't give up on Potions. I can still help you with it, but I think I'm going to need help with- you know... C-H-A-R-M-S."

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"The Ravenclaw common room is one of the airiest rooms at Hogwarts. It is a wide, circular room with arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks and a midnight blue carpet covered in stars, which is reflected onto the domed ceiling. During the day, Ravenclaw students have an excellent view of the school grounds, including the lake, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch, Herbology gardens and the surrounding mountains."

"The room is furnished with tables, chairs, and bookcases; and by the door leading up to the dormitories stands a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble. According to Prefect Robert Hilliard, the sound of wind whistling around the windows of the tower is relaxing while going to sleep." - WikiLink

"So the prefects went with Blue and Bronze with the Eagle this year, huh?"  Rowan commented as she looked around the common room, idling away the time.  She was watching Thistle as he sorted through broom parts, a toolbox open on the floor beside the love seat he was sprawled in.

"Yeah, I liked the silver."  Thistle replied, having jigsawed three or four different broom handles, he was trying to fit the pieces together with a weave of three different charms.  The Protean Charm linked the pieces together, the common purpose being 'Thistle's new broom.'  A Permanent Sticking Charm was used to keep those linked pieces together and a Mending Charm was sealing away the lines and merging the wood as if the pieces had originally been part of the same tree branch.  "And I preferred the Raven as well, but I suppose, traditionally, it's correct." 

He was chewing on a jelly bean as he worked.  Luckily it had been root beer.  The brown ones made him leary.  So did the green ones, come to think of it.  The brown AND green ones he almost never risked, but he was pretty sure he knew the shades well enough by this point for educated guesses.  He flipped the main branch around, turned it upside down, and then secured the final piece.  It was turning out to be a sharp looking broom, streamlined, but with fancy, jagged angles that gave it a wild personality.

"I can't believe you're making this work."  Rowan admitted as she watched him, sitting with her legs spread, elbows on her knees, head cocked to the side.  Clive and Billy nodded in agreement.  They were all sitting around in their pajamas, having gone to bed and then grown curious about Thistle's tinkering.  "It shouldn't even be possible to mend pieces that didn't break off the same whole.  That's not what the Protean Charm is for."

"It's an interesting weave,"  Remarked Tamlin FitzLachlan, a well put together 7th year, (Often considered the most charmingly handsome, and simultaneously, the most oblivious male in all of Ravenclaw) and another of the Quidditch Chasers.  He was firmly built and would have made a pretty female as well.
"He's sort of confusing the wood, and tricking the spellwork, at the same time."  He sounded impressed, which was saying something, so Thistle allowed himself the burst of pride.

"Thank you."  Thistle paused for a moment to give Tamlin a grin,  "I had all summer to work it out as I was digging the pieces out.  I always found I liked a bend in one, a arch in another, a zig-zag in a third, and just ... You know what they say about necessity and invention?"  It was rhetorical, no one needed to answer, but they were all nodding as they watched anyway.  "I don't know.  I used to refurbish skateboards and bicycles.  No trucks, gears, or wheels here, but the idea is similar."

"Naw," laughed Billy, "it ain't sim'lar 'less y'been hackin' up boards'n gluin' 'em t'gether."  But he watched anyway.  There were moments where someone showed some clever bit of thought and it seemed to capture the whole common rooms attention.  Thistle'd had it a few times, but not many.  This, on the first night back, felt amazing.  He just wished Keavy were there too, even if it may not have had the same effect on her.

Most of them had gone to bed by the time he was adding the footrests and finishing up with the bristles.  He was excited, planning to try the broom out after breakfast, but he was more excited about seeing Keavy.  He knew sleep wouldn't come easy, but he also knew it was an important element to keeping the mind sharp, so he said his good nights to the final few stragglers and headed off to bed.  He was asleep in moments, the blessed familiarity of the room, the bed, and the pleasant sound of the wind whistling around the tower windows, all more than enough for him to drift off, unaware that he was falling asleep.

***Next Morning***

Hufflepuff hadn't reached breakfast yet, but Thistle made sure he was sitting with his back to theirs, in case she wanted to sit near him.  He'd finished eating just as they were walking over and pushed his new broom down the bench to make room.  He had gotten a lot of strange looks and odd comments about his Frankenbroom, which, with one painted section and three non-painted sections of different wood types, looked as cobbled together as it was.  The woods had merged into each other beautifully, leaving strange patterns of the different types at each joint.

Keavy and Chicachi had been given the brunt of the concept by over-enthusiastic first years who had listened in on last night's conversation in awe.  After they moved onto other things, the conversation rolled around to schoolwork.

"Oh!  That's because there are frogs, or toads, in the choir.  The first row hold them up.  Or ... perhaps they play them as instruments.  I've never tried to teach one to harmonize."  He joked, grinning like the happiest man on the planet.  "Ancient Runes can get boring, especially when they're multiple similar runes and you have to know the differences.  It's tedious, but I took it for the field work.  If I come across some lost or forgotten place, if they have advice for creature behavior carved into a wall, I'd hate to miss it or spend my time with my nose in a book translating.  Ghoul Studies, on the other hand, is fascinating.  Think of it like the dark version of Care of Magical Creatures."

He seemed to realize he was rambling, and reigned himself in, but conversation came easily to the pair as it had been so long since they'd last been together.  It was only made more awkward, and more absolute bliss, that there was a different sort of attraction blooming than simply what had been back then.  She sat so close to him, and he felt tingles running through his body that had nothing to do with excitement over classes or his new broom.  "I'm really looking forward to it.  To this whole year."  He beamed at her, that unabashed shine of total happiness, and he ran his fingers through his long, brown hair, brushing it back out of his face.  "I am always here for you, Keavy.  Always."  He seemed to realize what he'd said and quickly adjusted it to, "I .. uh mean, for help, of course, heh.  And will gladly take you up on Potions tutoring, though really, you should thank the Grey Lady for that one.  She talked me into sticking with it."



At the mention of the Grey Lady, Keavy could only blink in recognition. "Wait, Grey Lady? Where have I heard that name before?" Her eyes blinked several times in confusion, her mind trying to recollect as to just where and when she had heard such words together in a phrase or sentence. Yet the memory was like water in her hand, trickling down and in between her fingers. Giving a long sigh after a long minute or two she shook her head, "Never mind. I don't remember. But either way, I should really thank her when I do see her!"

What she didn't know however was that the very person or- supernatural being they were talking about, just happened to be behind Keavy. Hovering close to her side but just out of her eyesight. The older elegant beauty only gave a soft touch to the teens head, as if petting her head. Her voice a haunting coo, "Thistle, she's even more so up close. Why she even looks more like someone I know."

Keavy hitched her breath and nearly yelped before covering her mouth. Knowing that it was impolite to scream in front of a ghost- or so she thought. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to it's just that I didn't see you and um... Please don't be angry! I just-I mean! Um... T-thank you so much! F-For helping Thistle!"

"Now now, no need child." Keavy gave a rather dark flush of embarrassment at the mention of being called a child. She was way older than that! It was then that the Grey Lady floated above her and then through Thistle making Keavy blink as the younger teen watched her leave.

"D-Does she do that? I mean. Often?" Keavy question with a bit of skepticism before Rowan, Thistle's Captian of his Quidditch team had changed the subject quickly. Knowing that Thistle would be at a small bind as to how to explain that kind of question to Keavy.

"You know, Thistle- keep kicking your broom it's going to break again."

Keavy looked down making her smile as she let her question go. It wasn't that important to answer- for now anyway. Plus, it was nice to look at his so-called 'Frankenbroom' again. Her head tilted in thought as she looked back to Thistle, "You hadn't tested the flying capabilities yet have you? Because if not why not we have a race around the school before Charms? I could use a quick flight in the morning air. Besides, it's good practice before I have a chance at trying out for Hufflepuff's Seeker position tonight."

Rowan whistled in awe, "First day and already trying out for Seeker? Well, might actually be easy. Since Hufflepuff's Seeker is well..."

Syvanna sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. "Don't even say it, all of us know. Believe me- we all know. Ever since she came on the team we had never won a game by the Seeker."

"Wait, seriously? Then damn all the more reason I need to get in! I'm a Hufflepuff now and I have to do my part! I was Seeker for my last school since the second year and well not to toot my own horn here but- I was pretty damn decent." Keavy smiled looking over at Thistle, "We even beat the Thunderbirds a few times. Eh?" She teased before giving Thistle a slight mess of his hair as she got up.

"Let me go get Dragon Frost and I'll meet you out in the Court Yard! Dad got it for me this year since my last broom was pretty worn out. And I'll tell ya, this one is a pretty fast one. Meet you there!"

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle just smiled and laughed as the Grey Lady seemed to have fun at Keavy's expense.  He seemed fine with the encounter, and if Billy Boggle's comments had any ring of truth to them, he certainly shouldn't have looked so calm, but there was no sign of worry plaguing this one to make Keavy actually worry.  Although, he did noticeably shiver, in what looked like a good way, when she passed through him to leave, but if he realized it was an odd thing to witness, he didn't show it.  Instead adding to Keavy, "You should feel honored, Ireland.  She doesn't talk to, or in front of, other houses.  Not normally."

"Kick my broom?"  He asked, not understanding the comment, but then Keavy was looking over his broom and he swelled up a little with pride.  It was a strange looking thing to be sure, and longer than the norm, but he HAD to have a reason for the wonky design, moreso than just trying to look cool.  "I haven't, but keep in mind, I'm a Keeper now, so I was going for quick maneuverability over flight speed.  I don't mind helping you prepare though, and mine is tomorrow night, so if I want to stay the Keeper, I'll need to get practice in as well."

As the conversation turned towards Hufflepuff's Seeker, Thistle became uncharacteristically tight lipped.  Well, that isn't entirely true.  Thistle was known for only speaking when he had something to say, but Keavy's presence had certainly wrangled his tongue away from the cat, until now, when he fell silent again.  He didn't seem to approve of the criticisms, but neither did he deny them.  It wasn't until after they'd all spoken that he added softly, "She tries really hard, practices all the time, she'd just make a better Chaser."  He seemed to feel bad for her, but it was a mere flicker.

"Hahaha, Yes,"  He livened up again as she mentioned Ilvermorny, "I seem to remember I was always getting in trouble for not hitting the bludgers in you direction, ever."  Grumpily he added, "People called me Pukwudgie's secret weapon."  He laughed as she mussed his hair up, but a discerning eye would notice how deeply he blushed at her contact.

"Oh shite," Rowan said, "That's a great broom.  If she can handle it, we're going to have a problem."

"Oh, she can handle it alright."  Thistle picked up Frankenbroom and began to head outside, half his teammates in his wake.  "She was the youngest Seeker ever at Ilvermorny for a reason."

They left the castle and headed outside onto the grass, Rowan holding onto Thistle's bag for him as he dropped his broom on the ground.  "She'll be a few moments, so I'm going to give it a try now, just so I'm not falling off the thing as she's flying circles around me."  Rowan, Billy, Clive and Tamlin all fanned out around him as he held his hand out above the broom and said, "Up."  It lifted off the ground and flew right into his hand in a single, smooth motion.

"Well, that's promising," Tamlin commented, but everyone else remained quiet as he mounted his broom for the first time.  He had built an insane amount of zig-zagging into the handle, something none of them had questioned, but they had all been wondering over his reasoning.  It even appeared as if he'd thrown an extra one, lengthening the broom more than necessary.  As he lifted off the ground, his reasoning became immediately apparent.  Instead of holding a straight broom, the jagged branches left him fancy grip holds that gave him much more maneuverability with jerking the broom.

"I don' fuckin' b'lieve't!" Swore Billy, as Thistle lifted off and changed direction repeatedly.  He never lifted up more than fifteen feet above the ground, but it was plenty of room for him to juke, jive and even do a couple barrel rolls.  "'e Fuckin' did't!"   But it wasn't as easy for Thistle as he'd made it look.  In fact, the broom seemed to be confused, and while it followed his directions, it felt as if shaft wanted to head in several different directions at once.  He touched back down on the ground, lifting the broom before him to run over it with a critical eye.

"Something's wrong with it."  He muttered, as he turned it to eye down the length of it and then checked the bristles.

"Didn't appear to be," Tamlin commented as he wandered closer, running a hand over the length of the wood.  "You're a great Keeper Thistle, don't take this to mean you aren't, but I've never seen you move like that.  Nothing is getting through those goals this year."

"Thanks Fitz," Thistle allowed him to look over the broom, even handing it off to his upper classman as Rowan and Clive both sidled in closer.  "It just ... it felt, off.  Like it was being hexed or something."  Cerulean eyes held some concern, but he had to admit, though he had to pull harder, it responded with record flight changes.

"Frankenbroom is probably confused,"  Clive mentioned, echoing his own thoughts as he brushed his hand through the bristles.  "You took at least five different brooms, maybe six, and they are all different woods, right?  Well, it's like with Wandlore.  Different woods have different traits.  Your broom isn't sharing all of the traits, it's just like each section falls to different rules of behavior, and so it's conflicting with itself."

Rowan chimed in, "That ... makes a lot of sense, Clive.  I'm proud of you.  You trying out for Quidditch again this year?"  He nodded his head, silently, though he looked pleased he'd gotten that compliment.  "Good to hear.  I expect to see your flying's improved as much as your wits."  She said with a playful grin.  Everyone laughed, even Clive, and then Keavy arrived on the lawn.

Thistle mounted his broom.  He wasn't lifting off, however.  Preparing, but not rushing her.  "Hey Ireland," he called out to Keavy, breathing life back into an old pet name for her.  "See that tree?"  He nudged his head in the direction of the Whomping Willow and explained it's sentience and anger management issues.  "Offhand, that's the only warning I can think of for a flight around the castle, but that thing is really bad news.  It's the real reason my broom was entirely irreparable at the end of last season."


When she heard her old nickname leave Thistle's lips, that sealed his fate. She watched him closely, as memories flashed across her mind. The day that she had learned just why those kids had called her 'Erin' that would always make her cry every night. Thistle had then not only stood up to them for her but even gave her a new nickname. Ireland; simply because as he stated, 'fuck them, you have to own it.  Being Irish rocks.'

Well, own it she will. When she dashed out of the Great Hall, Syvanna with her not far behind. "You sure you can do this? I mean we do have Charms soon."

"Relax Chicachi, I got this." They made haste when she called out to her broom the moment she entered the Common Room, saving them a few minutes before coming back out to the Great Halls and heading towards the Court Yard. "Besides, Ichabod is going down."

"Who? Wait, What?" Syvanna asked as she quickened her pace to keep up with Keavy, "Elaborate you, bloody woman!"

"You see, Ireland is the nickname he gave me, so I have one for him which is Ichabod. He knows my reasons. Inside thing between us. You just what his reaction." Keavy stated giving the blond girl a soft wink when they caught up to the group. Thistle mounted on his broom yet, not hovering over the ground as he waited for her. When he once more called her by the nickname, making her slowly take off her robe. Syvanna took it carefully as to not let it get wet from the morning dew. Keavy then allowing her broom; the elegant frost blue with dark blue bristles, lean against her body as she pulled back her hair tightly as to keep it tangle free and out of her face into a high ponytail. And lastly, she folded her sleeves of her uniform button down neatly. Finding that feeling the wind on her arms much more pleasant when she flew on her Dragon Frost.

Finally, she mounted carefully, normally she wouldn't fly in a skirt but she will make an exception for this special occasion. Her eyes focused and almost in a flare of taunt as she looked over her side to Thistle when he explained about the Whomping Willow. "Very well, I say on three we go."

She allowed the silence to linger before she shouted, "Three! Eat dust, Ichabod!"

Keavy loved flying, when she was up so high in the air, it was just her and her boom. The sky all around her with the wind brushing against her skin, with her Frost Dragon it was almost like a part of her as she glided up, down and zig-zagged around any obstacle that came into her vision. All the rules of the terra firma vanished like haze to the dawn's light when she mounted her boom. The sense of freedom when she kicked off made her laugh giddily, always wanting to go faster, pushing herself to her limits. With no one to tell her no, tell her to slow down, or mock her. In the sky, she was her own Mistress of Destiny.

She noticed someone's scarf was stuck in a tree, swooping down she grabbed it and quickly let it go, unsure if the person had caught it or not but she continued on, seeing Thistle coming up as she smirked. "Aww, Ichabod getting a bit of a vendetta against little moi?"

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle groaned and seemed to deflate as that nickname was tossed out and Keavy shot off like a rocket.  The crowd were noticeably awed at the speed with which the Dragon Frost carried her into the air, even Thistle's mouth dropping open as he watched her fade into the distance, feet still firmly on the ground and seemingly in no rush to take flight.  Frankenbroom shifted between his thighs, hovering slightly, but not lifting off.  He knew she thought she was being cute, but he just saw it as insulting.  If anything, the name of the kitten shows which team he's on and it surely isn't the long-nosed school master.

"Did you see that?!"  Cried Syvanna, making sure everyone in the area noticed who she'd come in with.
"She is SO going to be the new Hufflepuff Seeker!"

"What are you doing, Thist!"  Rowan called out to him, "You're never going to catch her now!"

"But,"  Thistle began, looking completely baffled by what was going on.  "This isn't a racing broom!  I didn't build it for speed and no one ever set up a course or a finish line or anything!  I'm not even sure what just happened!"

"Ugh, Thistle."  FitzLochlan this time, "Don't be thick, mate.  Just fly with her for now, and hurry it up.  You got Charms in 45 minutes."  A wink tossed Thistle's way, seeming to mean all sorts of secret things about this broom match, but he really didn't get it.  He began lifting off the ground again, jerking right and left every few feet until he was about 15 off the ground.  He couldn't spot Keavy anywhere, at first, and then he saw her swoop down and drag a scarf free to drop for some first year beneath a tree.  "That's it!  Tamlin continued, "Go get her, Thist!"

He leaned forward on his broom, low, like a bicyclist, and set his hands on different, mostly vertical zags, gaining a sure grip.  He was wrong about his broom, it could be a quick little thing, but it was no Dragon Frost!  He sped off to catch her, but there was no contest.  Unless she drew back on her speed some, he couldn't keep up with her and the distance between them grew exponentially in double quick time.

He could see her laughing, calling something over her shoulder, but for the life of him, he had no idea what she was saying.  He smiled back anyway, happy that she seemed to be having so much fun with it.  In truth, he was spending way too much time fighting to keep his broom straight, rather than enjoying himself.  He was too much of a struggle to focus on doing anything else besides steering, and even if he got the hang of it, he doubted he'd be able to release his hands to grab a Quaffle.

Luckily, try outs wasn't tonight, because he would need to keep working on his broom, or borrow someone's spare, if he didn't want to get kicked from the team.