
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

If You Could [Espeesix x TakodaVega]

Started by TakodaVega, April 10, 2012, 08:17:43 PM

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Morrana flicked an ear up to him, listening to his deep, rough voice. She was starting to find his tone soothing, particularly when something amusing was on his tongue. "A single wolf, is also more likely to have more than on enemy attack them at once. There is always safety in numbers, especially if young pups are around." She felt him shutter behind her and tilted her head to look up at him over her shoulder sleepily. "Which sister?" She asked softly, letting her head rest on her arms.

He seemed surprised at her half-asleep request, her tail coiling over her hip, the tip lightly dusting the ground in front of her thighs. Why should he be so surprised? "Food maybe?" She muttered softly, "I just don't want to be alone, is all." She yawned again, "Running would be silly, you would always catch me." Murring softly at the touch of his hand stroking along her pelt, it was warm, just like him it wasn't long before sleep claimed her. She wouldn't rouse until a peel of thunder cracked the sky sometime that night causing her to sit straight up.

Rain poured outside the entrance of the den, and it took Morrana a moment to remember just where she was and took in a deep shakey breath before letting out to calm herself. Her fur still stood on end, her gaze glancing towards the male she had curled up next to find him just as he was before slept. Did he sleep with his eyes open too? Shaking herself she moved to cuddle next to him again. The rain slowly calmed her down once more and sleep claimed her until the light filtered in, though the dark curtain beside her prevented most of the light from hitting her.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Head turned away when she asked which sister she reminded him of, and immediately, a somber mood came over him.  His teeth where bared, but eyes spoke of deep sadness.  All at once, the petting along her back had ceased, and paw moved back to rest in his own lap.  "The youngest of the them." He spoke through yet clenched jowls.  "A season behind me even."  Ears drooped and he would close his eyes as he seemed to picture her image.  "Cut down far too early.  Of all of us, she deserved her fate the least.  She would have been beautiful.  She was beautiful, and no male would ever have been worthy for her paw.   "No more questions tonight."  He stated shortly thereafter, but all in all, did not seem to be upset with her.

He would say nothing more, not even to her comments of never being able to escape him should she try, and soon enough, it seemed as though he was asleep, possibly even before her.  His breaths were slower, but his body remained tense, and ears, ever erect to alert him to any potential danger.  A paw had returned to her back, and digits spread out through the lovely dark fur, but he wouldn't pet her in the same manner as before.   

When the thunder cracked across the sky, Vancus would not be roused by the storm that would not be ignored, but by the swift, sudden motion of the curious she-wolf staying with him.  Where his paw had been resting, the clawed digits pressed through the fur, though retracted quickly when it seemed she'd only been spooked by the thunder.  He was curious though, and continued to appear as though he were no more roused then when he'd finally drifted off earlier in the evening.  She would not find his eyes open, but every other feature about him suggested that he was more than aware of his surroundings, even whilst slumber.  The dark wolf was surprised by what she did next, actually shifting herself to cuddle to his side more closely than before.

Would she object?  He wondered, not that it much mattered if she had.  Before completely settled, the arm that rested on her, and shifted, and wrapped around her instead, tugging her more closely to his side in such a manner she would have no choice but to rest to him as if SHE were his mate.  Though head remained cocked away from her, features facing outside.  By morning, she again would be first to wake, or so it seemed.


Morrana flicked her ears back, "I'm sorry, Vancus." She said gently. She did wish she could have made the conversation not so seemingly depressing. It was his quiet breaths behind her, coupled with the gentle, though easily deadly paw that rested on her back seemed to ease her into a state of mind she needed to sleep. When she had shot awake though she felt the slightly sharp claws of his paw against her back, almost making her emit a yelp. However it seemed as though it had been more out of precaution as the claws retracted soon enough.

Twitching her nose, she cuddled against the seemingly protective male, part of her making her feel that this was right thing to do. Though honestly she didn't know much of him outside of his name and his background. Yet for once she didn't feel the loneliness she had felt for the past few moon cycles. She felt him shift beside her, in her almost dozing state, a warm arm wrapping around her and pulling her closer to the warm pull. Barely awake she nuzzled into his chest sleepily and slept. The dreams she had been having, too, seemed to had abated.

It was only morning streaked through the den did Morrana stir, blinking sleepily. She was aware of being held in place by Vancus' arm, his warm body against hers, giving her a minute to adjust and gain her surroundings. The rains had now stopped, her ears perking to hear the birds seem to have a mind of their own. A slight grumble in her belly caused her to flatten her ears slightly before perking them back forward. So apparently, did her stomach. Seeing that Vancus still appeared to be asleep she contemplated what to do. It didn't help that he had her somewhat pinned beneath his arm. Though the angle he had placed her reminded her of a protective, almost loving, position.

Leaning up slightly, she twitched her nose, sniffling along his fur at the muzzle, whining softly before she liked his very nose. Her gold eyes fixed on his face, as her tail wagged behind her, "Vancus, we need food." She said trying to nudge at his arm to further attempt to wake him up from his slumber.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Vancus would not sleep soundly throughout the night, though he rarely did.  At certain hours, he would wake, glance once about the area, and fall swiftly back to sleep.  A ritual it seemed, for the lone wolf.  It proved useful in stopping honorless backstabbers and thieves.  However, each time he awoke, he became acutely aware of the lovely Morrana so pleasantly cuddled to his side.  Even her head on his chest brought a smile to his lips.

At one point in the night, when the raging storm had turned to nothing more than a simple rainy eve, he would let gaze drift along the lovely form pressed right up to him.  He felt no remorse in eyeing her potential as he had before, though now it was easier without her aware of his actions.  The soothing rain, he hoped, would keep her from waking.  A paw started at her shoulder, and very lightly traced her, feeling the firm, delicate frame hidden beneath that midnight fur.  His caress would descend her back, even passing over her rump to her thigh before traveling back up, albeit, more carefully as brushing against the direction of her fur might cause her to stir more easily.  He kept his 'observations' to a limit, not prepared to let the bit of trust she had for him vanish because of one simple action.

The first thing he became aware of was the deep loathing he felt for having a dream interrupted by being brought back to reality.  The next, where the birds outside, rudely chattering away high above the ground.  Lastly, would be that of Morrana, dangerously close to his neck with her maw, but he didn't outright strike her away.  Rather, he remained in place, holding his sleeping state a bit longer, curious what she could do.  He was confident he was neither fast enough, nor strong enough to tear out his throat when he was well aware of where her maw and paws where, and thus far, she had yet to even show any real hostile nature.  What came as a surprise was the sudden lick to his maw, and urging for him to wake.

Eyes fluttered opened instantly then and he shook his head, smirking down to her then as arm retracted from around her.  Jaws opened widly, and teeth were bared to the world in a great yawn.  He pushed himself from his seated position, and fell forward onto his forepaws.  Hind leg extended back in a long, almost feral in nature, stretch followed quickly by second.  Next, he extended both forepaws forward and leaned down, growling suddenly out as several lewd pops echoed through the very crevice that was his den.  Grunting, he sat upright, all for paws pressed to the ground as he shuttered, his body now loosened from the stiff state.

"Very well." He finally agreed, and pushed himself up to two legs at the same time he stepped outside.  "You stay here.  I don't know how to hunt with multiples." He explained.


Morrana never stirred, her deep even breathing depicted her in a deep sleep, something that was exceedingly rare for her. Though in her dreams those touches were acutely made aware of later on. Each gentle trace left a small, unconscious shiver down her back. Though she was still thin from her lone trek she wasn't dangerously so, probably from the supply of sheep she had acquired from the two-leggeds she spoke of. Her fur, however, was still soft, and smooth to the touch. A female who knew how to take care of herself was always best.

When she had awoken that morning she kneaded lightly into his chest, hoping maybe that would help wake him further. She saw his gold eyes open and wagged her tail enthusiastically, a happy smile on her face, "You're awake!" She perked as she saw him shake his head at her and retract his hold, causing her to plop down on her rump beside him once more. Still though her tail continued to wag happily. Maybe all the sleep she had brought about a better side to her. She squeaked though at the size of his jaws opening in a yawn.

She was gonna need to get used to that, he had already said he wasn't going to eat her as she watched him stretch in various positions to get the kinks out of him. Maybe that was why he slept in the furs so much. Her ears flicked back once before perking again when she heard his body pop and crackle from the stiff joints that had been in a position for too long. Tilting her head, she heard her belly grumble again at the protest of no food and sighed. She wished she could go help him but she understood. "I'll stay put Vancus. I promise. Is there any place you want me to be?" She asked cautiously.

He knew the area better than she did, and though there had been no two-leggeds, she had no idea what other predators or anything of the sort that might lurk around near his den as well. Though she doubted a bear could get through she was just being cautious, and asking his opinion of where would be best for her. She had a vague idea of what he would say though, considering his furs, though could see out of the cave, didn't seem to see in the same way.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Vancus had noted the light brushing to his chest by idle paw, further forcing him to focus and wake, not that he wasn't already.  Standing now, he shook out his pelt one final time, and arched his back enough that it cracked as well.  Relieved of the night stresses, eyes turned skyward, and he would squint at the bright morning.  Save for the saturated ground, and thick moisture in the air, there was no real evidence that it had rained the night prior.

He turned back around to face her in the den entry, his head tilting to the side as eyes simply glimpsed her.  She was like a young peppy pup.  Tail wagging a mile a minute and happy look given up at him.  He truthfully couldn't even see any of the fear she once had for him remaining, and half wondered if he should instill it in her again.  He decided better, as having already found he was enjoying her company, even if he would never admit it right then. 

"Just, in here." He motioned to the den.  "I don't care if you step outside, but I had best see you in plain view if you are to leave it when I return."  He gave a stern look, but soon smirked.  There were certainly other comments he would rather have made, but those were kept to himself for now.  He back away at a slow pace, waiting first if she had any further questioned for him.  Should she not, he would turn, and vanish in a flash beyond the thick brush not more than a bound's length away.

Vancus sifted through his land, a predator on the hunt.  The muddy forested floor was left unscathed where he could whilst he used protruding rocks and fallen trees to be his path.  Prey were more keen to go where wolf tracks and scent were not visible, thus, the reason he kept his land so untouched.  It made hunting easy, and not require unnecessary amounts of travel.


She had curled her legs under her, her tail continuing to wag happily. In truth, he really had made her happy, he hadn't left her alone once that night and when she had woke cuddled against him she had felt safe. Almost like it was since she had been with the pack months earlier. She thought she would never feel that way again. Yet even though he had scared her that first meeting he had never laid a hand on her in harm, just to remind her he could always change his mind.

She hoped he didn't, "Okay, Vancus." She liked saying his name too, maybe this was what her mother was talking about? Mates weren't chosen, they were found? Hmm, she pondered that moment more, "Happy hunting!" She added as he was leaving, her ears perked as she followed him to the edge of the den, watching his long strides move through the underbrush and then he was gone. Which left her to her own thoughts. He was giving her the open opportunity to vanish from his hold.

She could have, her tail stilling at the thought, but then she too would be alone again. She weighed her options carefully, leaning against one side of the den wall, when a sound caught her attention, a snap of a twig. Instantly her fur stood on end as she poked her head to find the source of what had disturbed Vancus' territory. He wouldn't have been so careless, even with his size as she edged carefully back inside the den, backwards.

Her eyes never left the entrance of the den as she watched, a soft growl in her voice as she stayed put. Then the creature made itself known, and her hackles rose even more. It was another wolf, they must have been foolish to come into his territory this far. As it sniffed along the air taking inventory as to who, and what, was there she took her opportunity. Being that they could run on two legs, and then four for extra lift came in handy as she bolted from the entrance of the Den to tackle the other wolf down. Her claws sunk into the fellow wolf's shoulders as she pinned the other down.

"What business do you have here?" she asked darkly, with her fur standing on edge she seemed bigger, though nothing could honestly compare to the size of Vancus, or even the wolf beneath her. She simply had the upper hand at that moment because she had caught the wolf offguard. It chuckled beneath her, it was so thin she couldn't tell if it was male or female, and even it's voice left one to ponder at that moment, "I wanted to see what prize he had caught this time. An unmated female? What a prize indeed." It licked it's muzzle and Morrana growled further. She hoped Vancus would come back soon. "I wanted to offer a chance to join us, a Pack on the eastern ridge. You look like you're pedigree pack to me." Morrana's gold eyes narrowed as she sunk her claws in deeper, causing the wolf beneath her to yelp out in pain. "I'm not interested."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Vancus snarled in frustration as the deer bounded well beyond his territory and out of reach, lest he wished being caught outside of his known land.  He sat on his spot, breathing somewhat heavily for a moment, thinking.  It was what one would consider, a gorgeous day, but he was all but lost in his own thoughts. 

Not more than a short time ago, he had been hiding, waiting, dreaming.  They were of his latest company, Morrana.  She was by all rights, an attractive young she-wolf, and any male would be foolish to let her slip away so easily.  She had brightened his mood, and erased his foul temperate in less than a full day's cycle.  Sleeping with an arm around her had been like no other experience and he found himself practically giddy. 

It was when that deer, a strong, fat buck had appeared right in front of him, not more than a hundred yards away, and he'd failed to notice.  Courting her was already on his mind.  He knew he was in his prime now, and knew that continuing his line should be at the forefront of his goals.  Morrana, he'd decided, would be his.  It was at that turning point that the deer had spotted him first, and bounded away.

Though he gave chase, he knew he would never catch it in time at this rate, and cursed as it sped away.  There would have been no better gift, no better show that he could provide than if he had been able to return with an entire buck, enough that could have fed them both for a few days.  Snarling out again, he spun on heel and stomped back into his own lands, caring not for the footprints left behind.  His temper was fuming now that he would have to settle for small game instead.  A far less worthy achievement for an unmated, packless female such as Morrana.

"Yes you are."  A second creepy voice entered the mix.  Right atop the overlook of Vancus' den, a second scraggly pelted male stared down at her.  His pelt was messy and unkempt with patches of fur missing in various places.  It was gray, though impossible to see if there were any additional features as it appeared nearly a full layer of dirt covered him.  Right ear left a sizable chunk missing and left incisor had been broken in half.  He was as thin as his companion pinned beneath Morrana, but calmer as a sharpened straight branch leaned against him.  A spear, no doubt used many times judging by its beaten appearance.  "Come now, there's no need for violence.  We only came to offer you a better existence than you'd ever have as this mongrel's bitch."


Morrana's golden hues looked up at the other voice, her eyes narrowing. She was thoroughly disgusted by this toying game as she released the now definable male beneath her and kicked him as she spun to her feet. The wolf whimpered at the kick and rubbed his muzzle as blood came from his nose, sniffling as he eyed the delicate female in front of him. However Morrana wasn't afraid, "I beg to differ. You two are so covered in filth that it is obvious your Pack cares not for disease and whether one of your member lives or dies."

She felt a breeze, and her gaze flicked between the two males. "You two are also not the leaders of the pack, no self-respecting Pack would send their lowest to offer a membership to the pack." She flexed her hands, her claws sharp to the tip as she waited for one to make a move. She had the notion that if she wasn't going to join she was going to be made a bit of an example for Vancus. An idea she didn't like in the least as she growled out, "He is no mongrel, he is a great wolf and far better than either of the two of you will amount to be. Leave, if you value your lives."

What would her pack of done in this case? They would have surrounded the two as she distracted them. But at that moment there was her, not even Vancus was here. "He is the lowest of the low deary, no self-respecting female would offer herself to a lone wolf. It's like giving yourself to one of us...which is what you shall be doing if you don't comply." She was already in not a good position, particularly when she didn't know the land. Then an idea came to mind as she flashed them her own teeth, "You want me? Come and catch me!" She bolted through the underbrush. She knew one thing they didn't.

Vancus' wrath, while deep, would be used on them before it ever reached her as she took her nose to the air to catch his scent. She heard a crashing sound behind her and knew she was being followed. Darting through the trees she ran along the forest, avoiding harm to it as she could before raising her muzzle to the air and letting out a howl. A plea, that she knew Vancus would hear.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Seated atop a outlying rock, water from the river rushed on all sides of him as eyes peered into the crystal clear liquid.  He was so steady, if not for definable features; he might very well have been part of the land itself.  Eyes shifted to the fish swimming against the current, or finding refuge from the strong current at the base of the stone he sat atop.  Above, the sun beat down on him, and though it was the fall season, and the air was growing cooler, his dark fur absorbed the heat and warmed him considerably. 

Just when he was about to make his move, one ear perked and head raised.  He stood too full height, immediately scaring away the fish he was intent on catching.  That howl was close, very close, and familiar.  "Morrana." He muttered her name and shifted his gaze in the direction.  It was a pleading howl, a cry for help.  Without a second's thought, he lunged from his pedestal stone to the shoreline and bolted on all fours.  Brush was torn from its roots as he barreled through it carelessly.  Even small trees would not survive his path of destruction, one being torn right in half as he plowed through it...

"Perhaps not, sweet wolfess, but you are in no position to say what is, and what isn't."The second spoke, and stepped from his seated position to right in front of the den itself.  Speared weapon rested lazily on his shoulder as evil gaze shot through her.  One might wonder if these two had ever even intended to bring her back, or if this had all been merely a ruse to have a bit of fun easily.  Regardless, before he ever got off a reply to her further insults, she bolted outright.  Growling in frustration, he predictably gave chase, cursing at his companion for not being ready to grab her.  However, he was somewhat limited in his movement.  He was relegated to two legs unless he wished to toss away his spear, which he was not so ready to part with.  Her howl only angered him further, and made him that much more determined to teach her a lesson.


The chase from the underbrush lead them into an open meadow near the river. Morrana panted as she ran, intent on making the other two keep up with her, the male she had already wounded was keeping her far easier than she had hoped as she glanced over her shoulder to eye the distance between them. His companion not so much, intent on keeping the spear it would seem. Her move had cost her though as lost her footing that sent her tumbling.

Landing on her side, she shook herself just in time to be pinned in placed by the other male, sending a yip from her muzzled as she tried to kick him of of her and get her elbows free from his grip. He laughed, his death encroached breath in her face as she snapped at him. She could hear, however, that help was coming. Only Vancus could make that much noise with the size of him. "You're not going to win." She growled finally gaining a purchase and kicked against one of his hind legs to knock him down.

"Winning? Who said anything about winning anything, sweetling?" he smirked as he landed onto his knees, but his grip didn't fade on her arms as he looked back to his companion. "I got her boss!" He called back to him. Morrana continued to struggle beneath his hold, hoping to bar more time for Vancus. She just hoped he wouldn't be overly angry at her for leaving the den. Sh hadn't wanted to.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Vancus slowed his pace as he reached the meadow, entering from the opposite end as they had.  He ducked down when eyes spotted Morrana appear across the land, though he doubted she'd seen him as his black fur undoubtedly hid him in the shadows cast around him by the trees at his back.  It didn't much matter as she was soon stopped, and captured by the closer of two males, and he felt his adrenaline increase.  Stealth, weariness, and caution became foreign concepts.  All that mattered was saving the one who'd brought a smile to his lips after so long.

The second of the two mangy flea-bitten trespassers yelled back to his companion immediately after his triumph was expressed.  "Shut up you fool, you'll bring him right...." He paused mid-sentence and stopped in place.  Eyes went wide, but before he could so much as raise his paw to point in warning, Vancus was on the first. 

His back had been turned, and attention focused on the spear-wielding wolf.  It gave Vancus the opportunity to close the distance between them from behind, and he leapt from nearly point blank range, diving right into him and over his pinned companion.  The two would roll in a flurry for several feet, but Vancus did not let up an assault.  His own safety didn't even register as he snapped, but and claws at the thin male and trying to gain the upper-hand.  Though, he would be unable to get the chance before the second of the duo had joined the fray.  Leaping away, Vancus crouched, both forepaws  out in front of him, and clawed digits ready.  His mane ruffled and fur bristled.  Lips pealed back and rows of pearly teeth were bared at them both.  He eyed one, then the other, knowing this would be a difficult match, even if he vastly outmatched them both, the two of them together could easily overpower him if they knew how to work together.  Additionally, a single solid hit with that spear would surely be the end of him.  Reaching his companion, the spear-wielder would grab his ruffled comrade's arm and yank him harshly to his feet while yelling at him to get up.


"Vancus!" Morrana cried out as a flurry of black removed her thin captor from on top of her. She could only watch as they tumbled and then have the second of the thin companions join in. She shook herself easing herself up into a crouch as she watched, keeping an eye on all three of them, but her main focus was on her midnight black protector. They split off, however and her eyes focused on the single advantage the others had. The spear. With their focus on Vancus, she moved into the shadows silent as feline on the hunt.

The other male yipped in pain, his shoulders still bleeding from Morrana's earlier assault coupled with the bites and claws from Vancus left him in a bloody shape, his companion yanked him to his feet and the world seemed to spin as he shook his head and growled at the male. His ideal toy forgotten at the moment as he focused on the new attack way. "I'll get him good..." came the male's voice as he dove right in to attack Vancus again. However Morrana was honed, poised and ready.

She took off like a midnight bullet from the shadows and grabbed the spear in her jaws, using her body weight to rip it from the other males hand. He wasn't fighting this alone, especially when it was her fault this fight was happening to begin with. Should she be successful in her projectile object retrieval she would land on the dirt, and spin, growling at the other male with a fierceness that befitted her rank. She was an Alpha's daughter, and Alpha was her rank no matter her normal demeanor. Her golden eyes never took their gaze from the one who taunted her from atop the den with his spear.

She could only hope that they would win this, she was running out of energy at this rate.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


One perked ear twitched, swiveling in the direction of Morrana's voice, but he was quick to acknowledge she was in no immediate danger.  Both males were focused on him, both deeming him the full threat and forgoing Morrana for now.  This was a challenge in his eyes.  They had come before, and he'd run them off then when they tried to take his land, and now, they were here fighting for both his land, and Morrana.

He shifted, preparing to move and eyeing the injured wolf's movements closely.  Ultimately, it would be his shouting that cost him his advantage.  It split second of time between speaking and actually going through with his action warned Vancus and he ducked down.  As the wolf flew through the air at him, he shoved off the ground, slamming into his chest and using the attacker's own momentum to send him barreling over.  He didn't waste time as he jumped on the first, but rather than go for the throat, he would grab one of the male's wrists with paw, and an ankle with other paw.  In a half circle, he spun, lifting the downed assailant from the ground and sending him through the air back in the direction he came from

"Arhhhh!" the apparent group leader howled as he swiped at Morrana, but missed.  His spear was easily dislodged from his paw, and now hung from his initial prey's maw.  "You little thief!" he growled, but before he had a chance to take a step, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something big, headed right for him.  Turning just in time, he took the full blow of his companion's unintended  flight!  Yelping out in surprise, he was briefly pinned under his mangy pack mate's weight and squirming powerfully to get out.  "Get off of me!" he snarled, smacking at his head, and kicking out from under him.  There was no companionship now.  "I'm outta here!"  he yelled, and bounded away on all fours as fast as he could go.


The wolf didn't know what happened, one minute the black hulk of wolf was there the next he was in the air seeing nothing. And then he felt it the air leaving his lungs with a yelp and a wheeze as he drew them back in. He didn't have long enough to get his bearings again when suddenly the wolf felt a tug and the wolf was air born once again, only this time sent straight into his companion who was arguing with the female that they had originally been after.

Morrana watched in some amusement as the wolf she herself injured mauled the second one with Vancus' dive, spitting the spear from her muzzle. She waited a moment before the other yelped in pain and ran after his companion, limping. She didn't think he'd make it back to his pack alive, but he deserved it for what he did. That was the way of the Pack. It always had been law, at least to her.

Her attention immediately went to Vancus, sniffing him over and looking for all the source of wounds, whining when she found one and gently licking at it to get it clean. She hated to see an infection start because of the flea bitten claws. "I knew you'd come," she murmured softly as she found a superficial wound near his cheek and licked it clean as well. "I'm sorry I left the den," She tucked her ears back waiting for a tongue lashing that was sure to happen.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Vancus let out a triumphant howl so that all their world might know that he was a true force to be reckoned with.  As Morrana rushed to aid him, he would give brief inspection, noting she did not limp, and otherwise, seemed uninjured.  It was enough for him before he bound after the two, snapping at their heels but never attempting to stop their retreat.  To kill them could spike retaliation from their pack, something he wished to avoid.  But if they died elsewhere, there would be no consequences.  Of course, the pack had not come the last time they were driven off, and he sincerely doubted it would happen this time.

He ran only a short distance after them, soon stopping and settling down to his haunches to breath now that the excitement of battle had passed.  He felt numerous new wounds now, but none were even remotely life-threatening, and he suspected most were inflicted by his own carelessness in attacks rather than deliberately by the two invaders. 

He noticed then when Morrana was beside him, inspecting him, and licking at his injuries, if they could be called that.  He let it go, but made no movements until he was absolutely certain there would be no immediate retaliation.  He snorted to her comments when she spoke.  "Of course I'd come." He said.  "They clearly did not learn the lesson the last time, and attacking you is a threat to me."  Of course, he wouldn't admit his rage when he saw her downed, but no amount of hiding on his part would subdue the fact that he had come solely to protect her.

The dark wolf would not acknowledge her apology for leaving the den.  Rather, he would do something likely far more unexpected.  He lashed out, grabbing her and holding her still whilst nose would traverse her body.  One of her arms was held out to the side and maw slipped along it, wrinkling whenever, if ever, he would come across so much as a scratch.  His inspection didn't end there.  He would move on, pressing her down to her back and holding her in place by palms on her shoulders.  Maw moved along her belly, sniffing deeply until he felt satisfied.  She was spared any significant injury, and she had escaped the two males before they had their way with her.


Morrana ran after him as he bolted onto the heels of the intruders, stopping short when he finally stopped running and she could tend to his wounds, superficial as they were. Her ears perked at his voice as he spoke, casting a glance up at him then to the shadows of the straggling wolves that had finally been smart enough to run. "You have dealt with them before, Vancus?" She asked, curious as ever as she settled in front of him. Part of her skipped a beat when he said that her being attacked was threat to him. She was...under his protection?

She was puzzled momentarily by the thought when she was suddenly pinned into place. His cool wet nose, moving over her for a thorough inspection. There were cuts along Morrana's fur in places where the underbrush had caught her but mostly she was unhurt. Her gold eyes widened when his nose moved to along her belly, causing it to quiver beneath the cool air that came with his scent tracking. "They didn't touch me. I wouldn't have let them. I'm not theirs to have." She said calmly, affirming that is what he sought for. Part of her shivered at the idea of having a mate, it meant companionship for life, a safe haven, someone always protecting her...

Isn't that what Vancus was already, in a strange manner of sorts, offering her now? She wasn't truly kept prisoner, save for the wayward reminder that he could eat her whenever he wanted to, but that didn't change the fact he still came for her. To protect her, to make sure she remained unscathed and untouched by males that threatened her harm. She nuzzled into his cheek gently when a sound caught her attention and her eyes drifted to what seemed to be some harmless watchers. Harmless so long as one didn't get hit by the prongs on top of the deer's head. An entire herd. It was rare seeing them together like that, and then her belly decided to remind the two of them why he had left in the first place: Food.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


With the conclusion of his inspection of the young she-wolf, Vancus remained as tense and sturdy as a tree, not so much as budging until he was sure the two wolves had gone from his land, and had no intention of returning.  He couldn't say for certain if they would come back or not, but he did not concern himself too heavily.  "Once, yes." He replied to Morrana, his eyes never leaving the path the intruders had taken in front of him.  "They were as weak and uncoordinated then, as they were now, but they didn't come armed."  He spat.  "Cowards, the both of them, and I suspect that they are not well liked in whatever pack they belong to.  The last time, they came with resent scratch marks already."  He laughed out, once and tilted gaze to look upon

"It pleased me to know that you would think to call for me."  He mentioned a short time later.  "I would not have hunted you down if you chose to run from them, and off of my territory." He admitted a moment later.  "Of course, I doubt they would have shown you the same consideration."  He smirked, head turning to look back ahead.  "Why did you refuse their offer?" he questioned rather suddenly a moment later.  "They extended the same offer to me before, but you know already that I am no pack wolf.  You are, however."  He looked on her with an expression of curiousness.  The question was left without answer when she nuzzled into his cheek, and forgotten when ear twitched to sound not so far away.

Turning, he too, spotted the deer, a different one from before, but no less appetizing.  Perhaps, he would not have to settle for the unsatisfying fish from the river as he first believed.  The rumbling sound from her belly shifted his attention, and he looked to her.  A paw rose, and he pointed to the tall, proud buck.  "The hardest to take down, but the best.  I do not kill doe's unless it is necessary.  Other packs hunt at the borders of my land, and it would be unfortunate if the entire herd were driven out."  On all fours, he lowered himself and moved ahead of her slowly.  Gaze shifted around, and he motioned with a swing of his head.  "Hunt with me."  He said in barely a whisper as gaze swiftly settled on the nearest buck.


"Omegas should know better than to tangle with a lone Alpha. Even so, do you think they followed me back to your den?" She flicked her ear back once in uncertainty. She didn't want to cause Vancus anymore trouble than she already seemed to have done so. Her gaze drifted from him, to the path, to back to him. "Usually those at the bottom of the pack do not leave the den, it's their job to protect the pups from getting into much mischief. I fear any in those two keeping. Let alone a pack that would be willing to keep them."

She felt warm when his gaze returned to her, the focused gaze seemingly seeing into her very being, as intently as he had been the path the wolves had. Shifting a little bit in her place, part of her looking away before looking back at him. "I knew you would protect me." She snorted softly. "No one sends a Omega to do at least a Beta's work, and best would be Alphas." She tried to think of a better way to phrase her next words and shrugged carefully, "A healthy pack would be able to feed all it's members and not need to leave anyone weak and defenseless."

Her gaze followed his paw, to the buck that stood nearby, her ears perking as she listened to him. "Does are important," she said quietly as she watched him move, almost methodically. He was a much larger wolf to hide than she was. Her eyes went wide though, considering his earlier talks about hunting alone, she felt that maybe, just maybe, this was a step to something much more than a one time thing. She had called for him, knowing that despite his threat to eat her which she never forgot, he seemed intent on protecting her. Almost like her father had her mother.

It's not something she would forget soon as she nodded, following after him, low to the ground. Eventually she was sure he'd make them break off to lead the buck away from the heard and into the forest, or at least farther into Vancus' territory. But this was a game of chance, and patience. Something they both seemed to in excel in when it came to the hunt. Those six months of being a lone wolf herself had done her very well.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Though faint, Vancus' expression was unmistakable in the proud air as he walked forth after her comment.  "They should have known better than to tangle with me." He murmured and glanced back at her.  "I will be far less inviting should the return again."  He shook his head when she inquired about being followed and spat.  "I am doubtful.  They likely wanted my land, and you happened to be here at the wrong time.  That, or they scented you, and decided they would have what belongs to me."  He let her absorb the comment however she wished.

He didn't inquire of the following comments, caring not for what a pack would and wouldn't do.  As far as he was concerned, a pack consisted of one's self, and one's mate and whatever future generations may come of it.  There was no need for a hierarchy in the savage world of survival.  A faint smirk crossed his face at the remembrance of one of his father's many teachings, and the old alpha that was his sire had molded the sons in his image exactly.

"If our luck holds true, it seems I will not have to eat you after all."  He tilted gaze back toward the she-wolf, licking his lips before angling snout to the sky.  Breathing deeply, he would turn his pace, and slunk off in the direction of the wind.  It was important to hid all aspects from your prey, including your very scent.  The trees and brush would hide them, one of the many reasons that the dark wolf took extra care not to cause unnecessary 'damage' to his territory.

"I will separate the buck from his doe.  You will help me guide him to the river." Explained the wolf.  "He will be caught in the mud, and ultimately, much easier to kill.  Avoid his head and hind." Vancus warned, staring directly into young Morrana's eyes.   "I would not save you now to only loose you to a careless misstep leading to puncture from antler or crushed bone from a kick.  Snap at his legs from the sides to guide him.  They will avoid you then."  He did not know the extent of her experience hunting, and felt starting at the basic level was the most appropriate.