
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

☯ Yin & Yang ☯ [Yai|&|Winter]

Started by Yai, March 30, 2012, 06:35:28 PM

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We grew up with our elders always telling us how opposites attract and those you detest will become your greatest lover at some point, But who ever believes that? You meet someone you hate and you only want them obliterated. The other may feel the same, then again the other may feel differently. Based on how the other acts, things play out differently, things change and next you know it, your whole world is in disarray. 'What happened? What is this feeling? Why am I nervous?' These questions inevitably consume you.

When Yai had awoken, it was 7:13 am on the 2nd Monday of April. School started at 8:30 but that was never an issue for him as it rarely ever took him longer than 5 minutes to be gone, 8 or 10 if he needed to shower, 15 if he needed to eat on top of everything else. You'd never guess how little effort he put into himself, he always managed to make himself look good. Low Maintenance everyone figured but there was more to it than that for the Boy without a surname.

Many admired The blonde male from afar. He was normally quiet, mature, really strong when he needed to be. He was also a fantastic cook. His list of talents were seemingly infinite, almost like they were programmed into him or something, which wasn't too far off either.

Yai had actually awaken but had only opened his eyes  a good minute after. His grey-ish blue iris' stared gently at his white ceiling. He turned his head to his left and looked outside. Shortly after Yai whipped the sheet off of him and stepped off of his couch, yes, He slept on a couch. In fact his apartment was almost completely empty. The tall, slender male made his way to his kitchen. He wore only plain light grey pyjama bottoms and a simple pair of grey boxers. His body was perfectly defined at least to him it was. He sported an 8-pack yet he wasn't so defined one would look at him and say 'Oh yeah he works out often I can tell.' But rather more like a more modest build.

Yai moved groggily to his fridge and opened it. It was completely empty other then a bottle of water and a box of Orange Juice with pulp. Yai opened a cupboard and pulled out the only glass in the spacious cubby. He filled it with Orange Juice and chugged it slowly. Once it was empty he stared at it aimlessly for a few moments before placing it in the sink and washing it. He put it away after drying it and took a quick shower. It wasn't long at all, A bar of Irish Spring soap, a bottle of shampoo and a small bottle of conditioner. That took maybe two minutes for him. Once done he closed the tap and stepped out to dry himself. He dressed himself in a plain school uniform; A white T-Shirt and the school's typical darkened Auburn Pants. Shortly after he stepped out of his home, locked the door and made his way to school.

After a good 10 minute walk, Yai noticed he was already at school, as for him, the minutes felt like seconds—almost as if he was in his own world. Yai walked onto the grounds where shortly after a girl spoke to him. It was a confession but he had her tuned out. Not because He thought he was too good for anyone but it was just pointless. Even if he did gain an interest in anyone, past flirting or teasing, Once they learned his secret well, Things became quiet. Most never believed him anyways, the common belief was he just came up with a ridiculous excuse just so he could shut away a girl's feelings. It was just a sick lie to them. "You dislike me that tell me something so absurd...?" Yai was just tired of hearing that, which was why when he looked into the eyes of the girl before him, he walked away without a single word.

The girl gasped and instantly grabbed his wrist. He stopped yes but was mentally still moving.  "Please...Just...hear me out..."
Yai gently pulled his hand away and kept walking. He stopped. "Trust me...I'm not worth it—" The girl shook her head hard and interrupted. "No! Senpai is worth it! I wish to be the girl he likes!" Yai looked back and smiled. "Then you got it all wrong." He said before walking off. The girl stared wide-eyed—utterly baffled as he left.

That was Pretty much Yai's day in a nutshell.

(I decided to focus only on Yai for now, I might do better this way ^-^)
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


A lump laid under the dark black blanket in a huge bed. A knock was heard at the door of the room, which caused the lump in the bed to move slightly and let out a groan. The door pushed open and a nicely dressed butler stood there. He was an elder man with gray hair begining to bald. He groaned seeing the lump was not out of bed yet. He walked over beside the bed and stared at a little bit of pink hair poking from under the blanket. He turned to the window grabbing the dark soft curtains and threw it open letting the dark room fill with light. He then pulled the blankets with one pull completely off the bed. The thing that had been hidden was now showing. The lump had actually been a female. A beautiful curvy body and long pink hair. "Madam you are late. You already missed breakfast. If you do not hurry you will be late to school again. " The elder man said. The female groaned and rolled over, a slender cat like tail flicking back and forth.

The female opened her eyes and they were this creepy eerie blue hue. "Why must you always wake me up with the sun... " Said the pale female. The young women sat up brushing some of her pink hair out of her face. The man chuckled. "Because it is your worst enemy madam. " He said setting out some mostly black clothing for her. "Here. You must hurry up madam Kiryu you must hurry. I will ready the lim- . " He said about to say imo but she interrupted him by lifting a hand. "No. I will take my motorcycle." She said and stood up. She didnt care as she undressed herself right infront of the man and redressed in a small tight black outfit. Tight top, small tight skirt, knee high high heeled boots. He has been hers since she was a child. He had been more of a mother than her real mother. He bowed and was about to leave but moved over and messed with her hair hiding two cat like ears on her head. "There you are madam. " He said. Even he knew of her keeping her animalist parts secret. She hated when people found out about it and compared her to nekos. She nodded and grabbed her keys, her heels clicking loudly on the tiled floor as her butler followed her to make sure she gets to her destination. He handed her a breafast bar and she just nodded as she put on her helmet. She didnt even care how her hair was messy from her sleeping immediatly after taking a shower last night. Some how it still looked good on her.

The girl. Akari Kiryu a well known female. Her family was very famous for they owned a weapon company. So they werent possitive famous, most were scared of them. There were so many rumors roaming around about them being tied into with some mafias or gangs. But really they sold to whomever had the cash. Also well known from their daughters bright pink inviting hair and matched with some creepy icy blue eyes that seemed to be able to look straight into your souls.

The female sped down the street being nearly late for school again. The motorcycle swirved into the parking lot right infront of car going straight causing them to honk loudly. Students turned as they saw the female speed into the parking lot, slamming on the breaks making many cover their ears as they heard the squeal of her wheels on the ground and some smoke coming up because of it. When it finally cleared Akari was already standing there beside it with her helmet under her arm. Many eople stared but quickly looked away from the well known demon, as almost everyone was scared of her. She set her helemt down and walked toward the doors of the school. People seemed to move out of her way far before she even got there. Some were whispering about how she wasnt wearing the uniform. But she never did and after a few times the teachers didnt even care that much. Her family had made such large donations as well to the school it was hard to tell her she couldnt do something she wanted to do.

Akari walked straight into the school without a single word spoken to her directly. Just the way she liked it. The female had many admires, but they stayed hidden in the dark. Them all too scared about her being angry and possibly murdering them! But her body was beautiful. A good 5 foot nine height to her one of the tallest girls in the school, and that was without the heels. The height, her eyes, her family all putting big pressure and stress as well as paranoia on everyone around her. Akari just walked toward her first class without looking directly at anyone just staring forward with dead eyes.


Up until now, for a good half an hour after arriving at school, Yai had been wandering around almost aimlessly. He had been taking in sights he has seen everyday for two years, nothing has changed, that remained true for the natural beauty as well. This was all the work of the gardening club for generations on end; caring for the plantation, tirelessly dreaming of a school so colorized by floristry none other could compare. It was because of them each year this place seemed more beautiful, more incredible, more lively in terms of nature. He had to hand it to them, They were gifted people in their own rights.

In the near distance, screeching of tires and people running for cover could be heard. The sound of the proclaimed Devil making her grand and unnecessary entrance.  Yai completely ignored it. In fact, He ignored her period. There was no point to acknowledge such a person. She seemed always angry, always so hateful, like she always wanted to kill everyone here. Yai found no reason to bother with her. Studying her did come across his mind, But most were too afraid to engage her so all he ever saw her do was lazily sit in class and ignore the teacher, so it seemed anyhow. Saint Cross was the most Elite and leading University for absolutely everything so that ruled out asking why she was even here, unless she was actually ignoring the teachers but again, he wouldn't know.

During this time, Yai was lost hopelessly in thought and as a result failed to see someone near by. "You amaze me child..." Yai looked up to see the Teal Haired Language Teacher, Madeline Elene. "I have nothing to say to you." Yai said as he stopped—not to get too near. "Out of all the others, None are like you. Maybe it is because you are the first male?" Yai shifted his weight. "What do you want." The woman turned around and took slow steps as she also silently admired the scenery. "What goes on in your mind...Is it your Focus? Or is it something else entirely." Yai turned and began to walk towards the main gate, completely ignoring the woman. Madeline looked over her shoulder and smiled a gentle smile. "You really are special aren't you."

Yai hated that woman, what she did. It was sick. Her being a Teacher was nothing but a farce. Her Flushed 'Trying to fix this broken System' Act was a crock of shit. He saw her true colours. He didn't like them at all. Others would probably say he was over reacting but either way, he never really spoke to anyone. Didn't really have someone he'd call his 'friend' either. He interacted with others at times and primarily when they went to him but normally he ignored all or filtered what got in and what left. Yai was really like a machine—A Humanoid Processing Unit and yet, he was normal in everyway, externally anyways. Yin, Alice, Ivalice, Yai and a few others, those people were all the same, yet nothing alike. In a way they were a broken Family. In the year 2036 PRE, Yai walked around. In 2009 PRE, Alice Walked. In 1993 PRE, Yin Walked. in 510 PRE, Ivalice Walked. Each and everyone of them were alike in one way. Yai however, was indeed special.

Yai made his way to his class where that demon Kiryu, Akari was in and sat at his usual seat at the back window seat where he simply stared out of, looking lost in thought as he always seemed to be. Unlike Akari, Many Idolized him and were not afraid to let that known. The girls would die happy from a smile directed at him and Guys would roar in awe from a good kick to anything as it shattered. But Yai cared little of his social status. To him, it was useless...other then helping him weed out the women he had no interest in which at this point was near everyone. Akari he wasn't sure yet, maybe he'd watch a bit more intently should he see something new. Until then, it was him and his thoughts.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari walked through the corridors her heels clicking practically echoing as the students near her went silent until after she got a good distance. The stopped for a moment looking out of the corner of her eye at the music room. She just stared at the door as student stared at her with curious confused eyes. But then just continued to walk past it. Her hips swung as she walked her hair swaying in tempo with her curvy hips and her pink bangs fell down to barely cover her eyes that nearly seemed to glow. The women cared nothing about the school. This was just easy classes to take to get her father to finally give her the company. Trying to show him she would easily be able to take over. While she looked lazy at school she had good business sence inside though she showed none of it. Akari walked up to her class room and was about to open the door when a much smaller female opened it from inside and was in a hurry so ran right into Akari. Everyone in that hall that saw it gasped and stared with wide eyes. The smaller female froze for a moment her face right in Akari's large chest. After a few moments she took a step back her eyes peering up at the scare she demon. "I-i didnt mean t-to! Gomenasai! " She said quickly bowing. Akari lifted her hand almost looking as if to hit the girl but just rested it on her head. The girl flinched from the touch and shook in fear of what she did. But then she rudely just pushed her away off to the side with the hand placed on the girl. " Keep out of my way. " She said. Her voice has a nice still small russian accent to it but was so beautiful yet so deadly, a sting in it, just a menacing yet gorgeous voice.

Akari walked past the girl as she stood there like a deer in the headlights, soon the girls friends running over to help her asking her all sorts of questions. Akari just strolled into the class room wiht a dead emotionless look on her face. She slowly walked to the back of the class room and sat in her usual seat which no one ever sat in as they all knew it was her seat. She stared aimlessly at the front of the class. The girl may be like the devil to ost of the school but some were more servants they were so badly wanting to get on her goodside so if she ever 'exploded' she wouldnt kill them. Two people one boy and girl walked over and she sat up and let them placce her school things on her desk. Not a single word was exchanged before the two scampered away like frightened animals.

Akari slowly looked down at the notebook and pencils and shrugged and opened it and began to work on the rough sketch already there. It may be a tough sketch and not finished but it was still greatly detailed. It wasnt some sketch normal people would have it was just a gun. Well her own gun. As she liked designing and making her own new weapons and building them. Her favorite part being when getting to be the first to shoot it. So akari went to work on that staring downward her long pink hair flowing down like a waterfal as she ignored everyone around her to work on this one thing.


Something new? Maybe something new-old. Yai took note of the pink haired bitch who so ruthlessly shoved the poor girl aside. He genuinely felt bad for the girl but thought naught much else of it until someone else who saw stepped in. A girl, a Blonde, The School's Garden Commander.
The Garden where comprised of many 4th year and 5th year seniors known as SeeD. Essentially, the aided the younger students in whatever they needed and kept law and order upheld. The Task Force however were the next step up, the School's most powerful fighters deployed to detain students running amok.
'Shinra, Chiyaku. Commander of The Garden or Student Body President, 4th Year, age 23, Blood Type O-, Speciality, Brush of Divinity. Race, Paradox Angel, No signs of Paraphydio, Genetics and DNA Passed down by the mother.'

Yai was like a Humanoid Processing Unit, You wondered, you saw first hand.

Chiyaku walked in and knelt down so she was a little shorter then the scared girl. "Are you okay sweetie?" The girl nodded and sniffled. Chiyaku then glared at Akari and stood up. "Kiryu!!" She shouted angerly. "I've just about had it with your fucking attitude!! I'm sick of letting you fly above the law and I'm sick of letting you do this!" She growled at the pinkette whom in terms of height was only taller when wearing heels. Chiyaku had a huge chip on her shoulder and she'd get everything off her chest for sure. Akari was done running her game.

(Nyaah...I'll get better soon)
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The girl sniffled and nodded to Chiyaku as her other friends rubbed her back to calm the poor scared little girl. Akari groaned and rolled her eyes under her bangs as she heard her last name called out. She looked up slightly through her hair with her blue eyes that as usually almost glowed in the small bit of light getting to them. "I couldn't care less if you are fed up with my 'fucking attitude.'.. Someone of your statur shouldnt be cussing... You're being a bad example. " She said and looked back down at her paper and went back to drawing. Akari truly couldn't care less. The girl had gotten in her way and she just shoved her out of the way. She should had known better than to step in her way. She should have as soon as she bumped into her had stepped out of the way. "Maybe you should have a lecture with the girl about manners. Because she clearly didnt show any. " She said and nibbled on the metal on the back of her pencil the erase having been far gone used.

She raised an eyebrow. "Above the law?... i dont see I have broken any law today... Maybe speeding when driving here... What laws have I even 'flying over' supposedly miss Shinra? " She asked an looked up at her slightly. Chiyaku was one of the few that could even talk up to Akari without their voice shaking in fear. The heir to the weapon company was very strange girl. She loved the entertainment of the scared girls and boys faces and how they act. Almost doing it just for the fun of watching the reaction. She also loved messing with higher ups and messing with them. Seeing how far they go before they exploded. She wondered if Chaiyaku had just now finally hit her limit.


Chiyaku began to quiver in anger as Akari was pulling her usual smartass routine. It was so hard for not to just attack her but it wasn't her place to perform such an act. She had so wished on many occasions she was granted Bio-Commander Status over both Garden and The Task Force. Reprimanding Akari would've been so simple in such a condition. But instead it was another man named Commander of the TF. She probably should have TF Students accompany her on her rounds of patrolling but it wasn't always that simple. They nearly all had class. Chiyaku was exempt as her grades were second only to Yai.
Suddenly, Yai himself stood up and made his way over to Chiyaku which caught her off guard. "Hey let it alone for now...Deal with it when you have the means to okay?" He said lightly Jabbing his finger to her forehead. Chiyaku made a cute sound as her head was poked and she groaned. "This doesn't end here..." She pouted and left with regret and anger.

Yai turned around. "How bothersome..." He said walking back to his desk. The teacher then walked in, Elene, Professor Elene that is. She took some time to get her stuff ready before beginning her class.

About an hour later, it was over and people quickly gathered their materials and left before Akari could get the chance to pull something like this morning again. In the end that only left her and Yai who was always the last to leave. The blonde tended to stare aimlessly out the window until kicked out.
Or everyone left at least.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari looked to Yai as he stood up and moved to Chiyaku. She rolled her eyes at the cute reaction she had to a single boy poking her in the forehead. "How boring. " She mumbled after her said how bothersome. She never understood girls reactions around that Yai boy. He didnt look like much.. What did he have a nice body or something? Not like shed  even really look at him like that. She was always too into 'working' on her sketches and guns to care about the people around her. Even if she did look at boys in such a manner she would never allow herself to seem to weak and girly like all the other girls seemed to do around males.

Akari sat silently through class. Even when it was over she sat there for a little while still working on the sketch. After a while she sighed and stood up grabbing her stuff and headed toward the door. As she was walking she stepped on a round pencil causing her to trip. But like cats she also used her tail for balance. It whipped out from under her skirt to help her catch herself before she actually fell. Her tail quickly twisted and hide itself back under her skirt as soon as she had her footing. "Damn students. " She said picking up the pencil and it caught into flames but oddly dark flames and then was ash and fell to the ground. She dusted her hand off and walked out of the room. Not noticing a single bit Yai was still there.

Akari walked down the halls people seeming to be even more oncerned of her presence as they had already heard what she had already done today. Though while the rumors spread it went farther and farther to where everyone thinks she pull a girl to her and punched her in the face which caused her to be knocked to the side. How it got to that Akari didnt know but she could hear people whispering as she walked, none knowing of her good hearing with her cat like ears hidden under her pink hair. The girl walked past the music room and stopped just like she had before. But this time she turned and walked into the empty music room. She dropped her bag near the door and ran her hands across a grand piano in the middle of the room. Akari absoluty loved the piano but being so 'busy' lately she hadnt really had time to play and she wanted badly to skip the next class so she could play alone. But wondered if her father would figure out about her skipping again and how angry he would be. She then chuckled as she noticed she was thinking about that when she truly didnt care if he got mad.


Yai continuously played the whole Akari/Chiyaku  scene in his mind over and over again. 'History...?' When he poked Chiyaku he merely caught her off guard, as if she was expecting something else. She knew what he said was the truth none the less. But it wasn't her that was the bother...

Yai stood up and left the class. He was never one to carry his stuff with him so he had nothing to start with. Yai made his way down the hallway ignoring all those who basically did the opposite of what they did towards Akari to him. He couldn't tell you as he never paid attention. It wasn't long before he heard the Piano sounding off a beautiful yet incomplete melody. Yai walked in the music room and picked up a Violin as if they did this together for years. He knew nothing of her, cared less but he couldn't deny someone who could play such a wonderful melody. He wanted to give colour to the life she gave it and chimed in without saying a single word. He didn't look at her, He just played in perfect sync with her.

As Yai played, he felt something inside that seemed to make him feel...warmer almost. Someone he never ever spoke to, watched or even harassed and yet simply playing with her actually made him feel happy. His eyes were closed and his face, composed. He played with his entire being—treating the violin as an extension of himself, His heart and soul, everything went into the song. It was a simple duet but this was a first for the loner so he wanted to give it everything if only once.

(Idk if you wanted others to listen in or whatever you can add it if you want it)
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari's twitched some as someone else arrived and began to play. She looked off to the side to him then back at the piano as she played. She was going to yell at the boy for interrupting her music. But with him playing as well it was nice quite beautiful actually. So she just let out a soft sigh as she relaxed and continued to play. She began to actually like him there well for playing the violin as it went most beautifully with the piano she was playing. After a while though the song did come to an end and she slowered her hands to her lap. " It is pleasing but also annoying to know someone even has the guts to play with me. " She said with a small smirk under her hair hanging in her face. She did find it a little bit annoying but just mostly because it hadd never happened before. Everyone was scared of her so it was just a very unusual event.

(sorry having a writers block at the moment as i have a headache)


When the melody ended, Yai slowly placed the violin down. He heard her talk but was her words didn't really matter to him. He did enjoy playing with her, or maybe it was him enjoying a wholesome tune. Whichever it was it didn't disprovoke him simply leaving. Just who was he anyways? Everything he did was completely unpredictable, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. Maybe there was a specific reaction he was looking for in a girl but one could only speculate.

Yai made his way down his next class not caring if Akari stayed there or not. Everyone began to make their own ways to their classes and soon enough the halls were empty.

One of the Shorter Garden members was patrolling the hall way for anyone who might be skipping or fooling around when they shouldn't. Not many knew why he was allowed to be a Garden. He had to be the least intimidating one of them all. He was shorter then most and was only a second year too so why? The rumours were that he ended up skipping college and moving straight to University. His grades were at the ranks of the school's senior elites so it checked out. At only 18 he looked like he one of those lucky bastards who never had to deal with the visual effects of puberty like acne but then again that seemed to be mostly the humans anyways. Sorah made his way down the hall and stopped at the music room. He opened the door and saw Akari. "Unless you have a signed permit to bee here...You're not supposed to be here." He said with conviction. Sorah was easy to overpower when embarrassed and easy to dominate but when he wasn't he was a stern one.

(300 words exactly! :D)
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari stood up and sighed. She turned and looked as she heard a voice. She smirked as she saw the little boy, someone so small and cute looking. She tilted her heads to the side cracking her neck. This might be a little fun for once. She just loved messing with others and now here was a free chance to and to get her out of trouble too. She turned and slowly walked over to him. "Oh I'm so sorry... I dont have my paper. " She saild walked over to him and rested her hand on his head and slowly ran it down his cheek as she slowly moved closer to him to try and press her body against his. She wasnt even really sexually attracted to the boy shes never really spoken to before just reactions were so much fun. "Is there any way I can get you to just let this slide? " She whispered right into his ear in a sexual manner. She was just trying the flirty way at the moment. She would be more dominate and kind of in a way 'make' him let her go if her sexual flirting didnt get her out of it. This was even more fun as he was a cute tiny boy like a girl or something.

(sorry so short moms being an ass and making me go to co op again! )


Sorah flinched as he was caught off guard. They were all warned of Akari's violent and angry nature but...this wasn't violent or angry...was it? The blonde blushed as she caressed his cheek then pressed against him. He was having so much trouble slowing his excited heart as deep down he was a pervert to death. 'Why is this happening!!?' Sorah tried to back up even thou he was against the wall already. "M-Miss th-this is the rule...! I-I c-can't bend i-it!" He said nervously. He could feel a whirlwind of hormones brewing in him as his mind was firmly locked on her massive chest. 'C'mon! Now's not the time be strong!' but he had far too much difficulty. "Th-The Task Force w-will be making rounds soon and will f-force your hand i-if they catch y-you!" He lied. If he was lucky though, Chiyaku would come looking for her...Didn't seem likely as The Commander had to cover The Majority of the school along only with him, The Vice Commander and The Task Force Commander which was nowhere near enough.

Sorah's poor mind was racing thinking of all sorts of perverted things that may happen. He was ashamed for that. The 18-year old protégé, a boy who skipped College entirely is easily bested by a woman's chest!? His father would surely find the boy pathetic of that he was sure.

(It's okay, Imma get lunch now so I'll bbl) 
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari smirked. " You can't bend it?.... Even a little bit for me? " She whispered pressing her chest more to him then leaned down more where her face was close to the shorter boys face. "Aw.... But I only want you to 'force' me with 'your hand'. " She said in a seductive manner. His red face was such an amazing veiw. So cute and funny and entertaining. To believe someone so high of statur in this place could be brought down so fast with such sexual seductive manners of persuasion. "What did you have for breakfast?.. I think you still have some on you. " She whispered and sexually slowly licked the corner of her lips. "Tastes yummy. " She whispered and sexualy licked her soft pink lips. God she was having so much fun messing with the little boy.


Sorah shook his head hard. This was a nightmare situation situation for him. Why did this have to happen to him he wondered. Sorah went wide eyed at what she said. 'THAT WAS A SEXUAL REFERANCE!!!' He screamed mentally.
Sorah blinked in confusion when she asked him what his breakfast was and went completely crimson when she licked the corner of his lips. "N-NO! This is very immoral!!!" He whined and struggled to try and escape but only do find it was futile.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari smirked seeing his face so red, god he reacted just like a cute little shy girl. Quite a strange but sort of adorable reaction from a male. She blinked. " No?.... " She said blinking a few times. There was only a few times shed 'experiment' like this and see how the other person reacts by her suddenly coming on to them. But none had ever had the guts to deny her like that. Not a single one. Shed always leave once they said it was okay as they got boring to her or it just wasn't what she wanted. Shes never slept with anyone either. Complete virgin but only because she was one picky ass bitch. "The whole world is immoral.... Come on.... Dont run away from little ole Akari. " She whispered as she held him and pinned him to the wall pressing to him tightly to not allow him to escape. "Don't you find me sexy mister Sorah? " She whispered and gripped his hand and put it on her chest and let go to see how he'd react. She was wondering if she could make the poor innocent like boy faint or pass out.


Sorah was in complete shock as this was his reality and this was actually happening. His hand was on the beautiful woman's large breast and their proximity had him completely erected. It was too much—he shut his eyes tight and repeated a phrase reminding him something important. 'Nando mo yoru, yokogitte mirai o sagashiteru! koishikute, itoshikute, setsunakute, kurushikute, kanashikutte,
mienakute mabataki o shita shunkan, ima setsuna slowmotion! Aitakute, aenakute, oikakete fureteita ano kimi ga,
zubu nurete, maboroshi!' He said reminding himself that he couldn't let this happen. Sorah tried his very best to remove his hand. "Please stop this!" He pleaded. Her breasts were so wonderful, this feeling of her body on his made him feel so damn hot and he was just standing there! His body told him to give in his heart told him to fight her off but it was such a challenge. His heart pounded so hard—It was louder then an analogue clock in an exam room. Sorah's grip on her breast tightened without realizing what he had just done. The last thing he wanted was to give her a reason to follow thru. "You...You're not going to! You're bluffing! You're mean! And cruel! You only want to see me squirm!" Sorah didn't really know that was the actual truth. He was saying this to convince himself that he shouldn't give in to this person with the intent he had just described.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari playfully gasped and grinded leg against him slightly. "Oh but I can feel your little buddy trying to get to me. " She whispered. She stared at him with a smirk on her face. She let out a small gasp/moan when he tightened on her breast. She chuckled at his words, as she knew they were true but she could see by his body language that he didnt know that was actually true. "Awww... Im not that mean. " She whispered and sexually licked up his neck and went back to being even with his face. "Come on.... Akari just wants a little love " She whispered and leaned in and kissed his lips. She had kissed others before it wasnt like sex it was just kissing and she loved the reactions. She wondered now if she could get him to make a mess in his pants or faint. She kissed him as her knee grinding sexually against his crotch.


Sorah whimpered as she was beginning to arouse him. He made her moan just was so cute...He was getting so big in his uniform. He couldn't help but moan as she licked his neck. So warm and wet and arousing. He knew she was lying but her lips against his...It was so crule...He couldn't help but to kiss her back. 'W-Wait...if what I said is true then...'  When the pulled back, he made the cutest face he could. "I...I want it...."
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


Akari frowned as he kissed back. That was not the reaction at all that she wanted. But a smirk crept along her face when she pulled back thinking he might try to escape or say no! But she was caught off guard by what he really said. 'I want it.' What a turn off basically to all her fun and joy. For once she almost thought a smaller person would have the guts to continue and defy her but nope. He wanted it to. Her eyes were still wide but went more emotionless like after she blinked a few times. She sighed as her long pink hair fell in front of her face. "God you are just as usless as everyone else. " She said and pushed against the wall behind him to put a ittle space between them. Well her sexual advances didnt get him to make a mess or faint so it was straight to violence and threats. "Well seems you have bested me in this mister Sorah... But this changes nothing.... I will skip whenever I want. I practically own this school because of my father... And I may skip whenever I please especially if its to play beautiful music on such a devine piano... But Im sure you wouldnt understand. You are probably into stupid pop or rock or whatevereveryones into at the moment. " She said
and walked away to a slightly cracked

Akari found it retarded how not even a janitor would have shut it after she opened it such a long time ago. Perhaps even the janitors weree afraid of her. She pued out a pack of ciggarrettes and lit it. Putting the window to its normal use for her and blew her smoke out the crack. She liked smoking often and didnt want to somehow damage any beautiful instrument with her smoke. But that wouldnt stop her from smoking. "Well mister sorah... You are useless to me... Now run along and continue your little duties with your boner... And best not stand in my way again boy... You are small and cute but I dont care.... You wouldnt want to lose your 'title'... Im sure people would not like hearing of you being 'immoral' with one of the most hated people in the school.... Im sure you would lose your title in an instant. " She said.

She had no problem getting down to threats but if she must she must. She had just wanted to play piano for a little bit as she hadn't gotten to in a long time but her sexual assault on him just didnt make the cut.