
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Gakuen Alice: Kami no Hakusho{Sweet/Red}

Started by SweetSerenade, February 07, 2012, 09:57:35 PM

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(Kami = God, Hakusho = Book, no = of/of the. Meaning Book of the Gods, roughly )

Amane stepped lightly across the Shrine's grounds. Today had been like any other day for the nineteen year old female. She had spent all nineteen of her years in this shrine. In this place, and with her Priest and Priestess. The married couple that had raised her in the way of the gods. She stood calmly at the edge of the clearing. Here was where they grew all their own crops, earlier that week she had a freak out. Someone had attacked the shrine, a powerful evil entity - and people that had powers they shouldn't. They had come trying to destroy her home.

"Amane-chan..." She heard the voice of her grandmother.

Amane turned and smiled brightly at the woman, her eyes creasing at the corners a little. "Oh yes, Grandmother?" She asked softly as she tried to keep herself from crying. Last week was the first time she had ever killed someone, the realization of that was still heavy on her consciousness. She had channeled the power of the gods, turning into something akin to Amaterasu herself. The pain in her chest hadn't left. She hadn't let her grandparents know she had started coughing up blood.

"You are worried, about the people you killed. The Kami's will forgive you. You did it in defense of the holy shrine." The woman said softly as she put her hand on her granddaughters shoulder.

"I know Grandmother, it still aches. But I will grow and change. You trained me to fight in defense of this place, kill if needed. Keeping this shrine and the magatama that was within the shrine that we protect." She said softly as she turned towards the kind old woman. Her miko's clothing moving quietly as she kissed her grandmother on the cheek. "I'll be alright." She smiled at the woman. As the older woman left, Amane turned to look at the road that encompassed the shrine. The one that led up here. On the holy days, people came from all over - truly devote worshippers - to see her perform the sacred dances. As she was the only one well enough to do so.

Pale blue eyes stared up at the sky, as she turned and headed back towards the shrine. Today was likely going to be another boring day.


Narumi stood astride the mountain path, with nothing short of the absolutely most petrifying scowl that he'd ever had on his face, waiting to be unleashed on the next wandering person to bump into him, or have the misfortune of brushing against him in the subway. Or to send him on a journey into some godforsaken mountain, for whatever reason. What a hassle.

He stood there, glaring with all the scorn he could muster at the tree before him, waiting for it to wither as he recounted the trial getting here. It'd started with that rotten git, Kuonji, sending him here.

Then there was that bastard who'd tried to lift his wallet on the train.

And THEN there was no lift, he'd had to walk this awful trail all the way up the mountain to collect what was probably some child he would have to listen to as he dragged all the way back to the school. She'd probably be too young to deal with his pheromone, and he'd just have to carry them. Like some sort of action montage, carrying them up and down these awful, slanted stairs. Are they supposed to be crooked? He thought so.

Three things. Three things had dragged his perfectly boring day into this cesspool of pain-in-the-assery and now he was sure he'd have to look forward to three more obnoxious things in his day. Maybe there were some attractive women down at the village he could go chat up, that would make him feel better. Yeah, that would change his day and turn it RIGHT around, wouldn't it? He felt a pang of guilt, his wounded heart crying out 'injustice'. He scowled at his chest too, but, like the trees, it didn't really seem to give a fuck.

"Stupid, stairs," he growled, shaking his blonde hair out of his eyes as he folded his stylish coat around him, and then reached up with gloved hands to pull his scarf more firmly over his mouth and nose, glaring at the path ahead of him, trotting to the best of his ability. It wasn't much, but he was giving it a go, with all the flippant rage he was able to muster out in the 'harsh environment'...


Amane walked from the crop area, holding a handful of medicinal herbs. Humming beneath her breath as she started to walk up the side trail to the main stairs. She wasn't that far away from the male that was currently on the path to the Shrine. Not that he would know that, or she would know that. Her mind twisted as she realized her whole life had been spent in this shrine. She had gone to the local school for a bit, and had excelled and graduated early. It wasn't as if she needed that kind of learning anymore.

Her hair was caught up by the wind, and she quickly pushed a stray strand behind her ear. She smiled softly to herself, one day she would have to leave. Start a family of her own, and bring them here to protect the Magatama stone. She hummed a little as she decided it would be nice to work out a little. She tied up her loose pants , so that her knees and down were showing. She tied up her sleeves, and then bound her hair up as tightly as she could.

She darted down the side path then, which was one that intersected with the main one. She ran with a small childlike glee rushing through her. True innocence was what she was. At least for now, that was an interesting thing to think about. That someone could be so innocent, but how could she be something else or anything else. She ran down the pathway, her bare feet hitting the ground. The herbs thrown into a pouch at her side. As she was running she focused on the things around her.

She lost track of what she was doing, and slammed into someone. The world spun around her for  moment as she found herself twisting her body for balance and crashing, gasping softly as a heavy weight landed on her. She opened her eyes quickly and blinked up at another pair of eyes in surprise. Well this was a bit odd... someone new at the shrine? And such a pretty man at that, and well... lets just say the way he was crashed on top of her wasn't exactly benign....


The man growled out a protest when she tackled him, but in the scuffle he'd found himself on top and not in a way he didn't care for. His palms on either side of her head, he held himself above her, his face near hers as he leered down into her face, emerald on cerulean. He let out a low sound in his throat. He supposed maybe good things could start happening. He didn't move at first, just leered into her eyes, the scowl knocked aside for now. He  licked his lips, and got a good taste of his scarf before he rose, pulling himself to his feet and holding out his hand, offering to help her up.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where you were going," he said. He started to roll his tongue over his lips where no one could see, working up the energy to push out some pheromone. Might as well have some company if he was going to walk there, and the like. He rolled his eyes over her body patiently and then back to her face, letting it linger a few moments before he spoke.

"Want to walk up to the local shrine with me?" he purred, cocking an eyebrow pointedly at her. His heart screamed injustice again, but he stamped it out mentally and frowned at the glittering gem by her ear and reached down abruptly to snatch it up, working it back into his ear, a furious blush working over his face. He flushed a bit, reaching for her after a moment or two of fussing over his limiter, turning to reach for her again. "Er... Sorry."


Amane found herself shocked, staring at the emerald gaze. A soft gasp leaving her as she stared up at him. She couldn't see his scowling. All she could see was pain filled emerald eyes.  Eyes the color of growing things, eyes that made her want to just roll in the grass, her whole body was coming to life in ways she didn't understand. She felt dizzy and a bit hot as he helped her up. She felt him reach to snatch something from her hair, it turned out to be an earring that he owned.

"Ah... " She said softly, her vision looking a little faded for a moment. "I live there, with my grandmother and grandfather. I'm Chise Amane, I'm the Shrine Maiden."She said politely as she stepped back and bowed perfectly at him. "What brings a stranger to our small part of the mountain." She said politely. She licked her lips, her cheeks on fire as she tried not to look at him. She had never felt like this before, it was interesting.

She looked up at him, and smiled as brightly as she could. Her eyes closing as her head tilted to the side. She opened her eyes and noticed that her herb pouch was on the ground. She reached over and crouched to pick it up. "If you like, I know a trail that is a shortcut? It's actually a lot easier to walk then the stairs. And we do have road access... " She said with a small smile. "But it's nice to see and active person like myself." She said with a small smile.


He raised an eyebrow at her, tilting his head a bit as he brushed his hair out of his face, and loosened the scarf, so she could see him rubbing his tongue irritably against a tooth, cursing his clumsy nature, and the loss of the earring. He put out just a bit of pheromone, looking her over again and grinning a bit. He dragged a fingertip over his dampened lips as he focused on her face again and smiled.

"Do you want to take me to your little shortcut?" he asked, tilting his head as he watched her. "That's fine with me. Anything is better than these stairs," he murmured, shrugging and offering his hand to her, holding it out, palm-up and tucking his gloves away into a pocket of his jacket as he stood, waiting expectantly for hers.

"You said you lived in the shrine, right?" he asked, shrugging. "I'm here to see someone," he told her, waving his free hand as if to brush the question aside, like a moth. He flicked his earring once to reassure himself that it remained there, before his distracted gaze resumed devouring her with it's hungry look.


Amane looked to the side and nodded, doing her best to calm herself down. She sighed softly and tilted her head back. She relaxed a little, and then released a long breath. She watched him, her eyes widening as she blinked rapidly. "I have no problem showing you the trail. Ah - who might you be?" She said with a small smile. She shifted and turned, heading towards the other side of the trail she had originally been going on. She laughed softly and started to walk on it.  Her hands resting inside of the sleeves of her hakama.

She stopped and stared at his hand, and took it. Leading him along after her, down the pathway to head up towards the Shrine. "I apologize, for the unkempt nature of the trail, we are not used to too many people coming around." She said as she took a few steps, then stopped and slipped on her spare outside socks, which were in her pouch. Feeling much calmer, she began to move down the trail again, his hand in her own.

"It's just me and grandmother and grandfather." She said cheerfully as she walked down the pathway. A soft shiver rushing through her. She stopped for a moment as a fit of coughing came over her. She reached into her pocket and then pulled out a handkerchief, which was spotted and splotched with blood. She coughed again, and cleared her throat for a moment. She pulled a small container of water from her side and swallowed it, and some of the herbs in her pouch.

"I apologize for that... let's continue." She said, her head was swimming - she was rather dizzy as of the moment.


"Ah, it's all the same to me, I'm used to walking around where people don't often go," he lied, though he frowned at the trail before walking alongside her and frowning as she coughed into the handkerchief. He pondered that a moment before taking her hand again and moved along, rolling his thumb over her forefinger slowly, and thinking on that.

"Only the three of you? That's peculiar, certainly, don't you think?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes over her slowly, curiously watching her. How quaint, it was, he thought, working his eyes back to her face pointedly and grinning down at her from his height before shaking his hair out of his eyes.

"Oh, Don't apologize to me," he chirped, smiling warmly at her as he pondered what her words might mean. Certainly the new alice-user couldn't be her, could it? No way. Impossible.

He spun her carefully with his palm in hers, and swept his fingers out briefly to bow in a flippant way, grinning up at her. "I'm Narumi Anju," he told her, his voice a delightful purr as he worked his pheromones gently, trying to underscore his name with desire itself. It was childish and immature, but such things delighted the man. "Who do I have the honor of?"


"Oh... well this trail is quite old. It's been used for a long time. This Shrines been passed down through the family." She said with a bright smile, her head turned to the side for a moment, as she tried to not look at him. Her body felt like it was burning up, and that soft little rub of his thumb made something inside her squeeze tightly. She didn't take her hand from his, because something inside her was begging her not to.

"Oh, my parents died when I was young. Grandmother and Grandfather have been taking care of me all my life." She said with a soft smile, as she looked up at the sky. "The family owns this shrine, we are followers of the gods. Believers in the fates and the faiths of the people. My duty is to make charms for good luck and longevity. I also dance at the festival held here several times a year." She said cheerfully.

She was trying to forget the blood that was coming up, being this sick worried her. She had no idea, how she was going to handle it - if she didn't pass on the family line - before she died. She was spun softly and then she was facing him, he bowed to her and she blinked faintly. Her whole body was on fire, and she didn't understand this feeling. The need to be closer to him, the need to keep his hand in hers.

"Ah... Amane Chise... and we are almost at the shrine. I assure you that there is no one else at the shrine, other then us." She said with a soft laugh. "What were you looking, for - who were you looking for. Probably Grandfather right? He usually has people showing up to talk to him." She said with a soft laugh.


\He laughed softly and nodded, in a better mood now that he had a pretty face to accompany him, though he was starting to have suspicions about just what she might be on the inside as he walked along with her, keeping his gaze upon her now and again as he walked beside her, rolling his thumb over her knuckles patiently, a coy smile on his lips as he glanced over her.

"I see, that must have been a hard life to live," he said to her."I can't imagine living out here in the mountains like this," he shrugged, lifting her hand to perform the gesture, despite holding it. He winked at her playfully and tilted his head as he looked her over slowly, shrugging.

"Amane Chise," he purred the words, letting them come out the way he'd murmur them in bed as he let them loose from his lips before he spoke again. "A gorgeous name. Your parents were good at naming," he told her before stopping and waving his fingers before her.

"So there are only the three of you here, then I must have come here for you," he told her, cheerily grinning. "Sorry, but I doubt I'm here for either of your grandparents. Do you have time for a more... intimate chat?" he purred, pleased with himself, getting a bit carried away with both the pheromone and his amusement.


Amane felt like she was burning up, her head was spinning and her body ached. His hand on hers, was only making it worse. That slow roll of his thumb over her knuckles, caused her whole body to shiver. It was almost a visible tremor as she felt her body jerk a little, a soft gasp leaving her as she looked away, blushing darker and trying to clear her head. He spoke to her so gently, and it was an odd feeling. Not one she was used to.

"Ah... I have all of the animals, and the seasons. The gods and my worship. I went to school when I was younger, but I passed the classes to easily, so grandfather and grandmother brought me back to the mountain. I was raised with tutors that taught me many subjects." She said with a soft smile. She didn't really miss the fact that she didn't have many friends. Who needed friends when you had the gods?

Be careful little one, this ones a charmer... the voice whispered inside her mind for a moment. She felt dizzier now, as her head began to spin. She swayed a moment and blinked softly. "I ah... well... I do now, if you like. I'm not expected to make the evening meal for another hour or two." She said as she felt as if her very steps were faltering. Was this dizziness from her illness.


He nodded patiently and watched her, tilting his head and drawing her hand up to his mouth and kissing it patiently, before folding his fingers into hers a different way and watching her carefully as he stood so close, towering over her just a bit and he laughed warmly aloud.

"Ah, well we need to talk about your future, your education, Miss Amane," he said, warmly drawing his fingertips across her palm before putting his hand back over hers. "You see, I come from a special school, where you'll learn to do a great mulittude of things. Have you ever felt like you were ... special? Different?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes half-lidded as he sighed the words to her.

"If you like, I can show you all sorts of things," he told her, turning his eyes upon her. "Would you... like that?"


Amane stared up at him the confusion was increasing in her. He lifted her hand and kissed it, and she felt like she was going to pass out. Her knees nearly making her collapse. Her freehand came up as she pressed it to his chest, to stabilize herself. Using his height and weight to keep her standing up now. Her breathing had increased, and some part of her was thankful that her Miko clothing was so thick. Her aroused body couldn't be seen, though she didn't realize that it was exactly that - arousal.

He twined his fingers with her own, in another way. "You mean... like a college?" She found herself whispering, her head spinning. Then some small part of her wanted to rebel. Something odd was happening, she was dizzy and aroused. That wasn't exactly something common to her. "Anju-san... what do you mean?" She asked with confusion evident in her blue eyes. He continued to speak and then her eyes widened.

She yanked away from him suddenly, as if a bucket of cold water had been splashed on her. That's what had happened last week, they hadn't been attacking the shrine - the men had asked her if she was different. Then she had used the gift of the gods to strike them down for their blasphemous ways. "My powers are to be used for the safety of the shrine." She stated as she tried to pull away from him further.

Given her sickness, and his pheromones she wasn't pulling away too far. "I want to learn new things, yes, but not at the cost of my duty..."


"Yes, I suppose. Like a college, though most students will have graduated by your age, but it's not unheard of to have a student of your age. I'm sure we can make arrangements to your ability and age," he said softly, waving a hand and frowning as she stopped and pulled away. He thought about giving her a good dose of maximum-pheromone but decided that would be kind of cheating. He frowned and tilted his head at her, a hand on his hip, indignant.

"What? Oh, well, Yes. You will have to leave, I can't really come out here every day to teach just one student, but you should really consider it. When an alice goes out of control and gets out of hand, it can really hurt people. You could be putting your loved ones and the shrine itself at risk," he said, his voice a bit more stern as he watched her. "Trust me, I should know. If you work hard, and want to learn, I can teach you, and you'll be able to return before too long, if that's what you want," he lied to her again. It wasn't as troubling as it might have been. She'd learn,a nd what are the chances that he'd have to teach her personally? Slim to none.

"Honestly, I know it sounds awful, but you should rejoice," he assured her.


Amane's head was spinning faster and faster, the dizziness overcoming her. She shifted and sat down, putting her head on her knees, as the dizziness spun her through a world of confusion. She felt her world spinning faster, as she let her head rest on her knees, her body sliding sideways as she slumped on the ground a little now. Whether he was tugged with her, was his own decision, but her mind was spinning.

"Alice? My gifts are those of a shrine maiden..." She said weakly as she pressed her palm do her forehead, shaking a little as she wished that this would just end. He said the words that made her stop and stared up at him, fear filling blue eyes. "I- don't want to hurt them... I killed some people... last week..." She admitted softly as she looked down. "They were trying to destroy the shrine, or take me. I dont' know, but I won't let them!" She stated as the glow started on her palms.

She clenched her hands tightly and reigned herself in, shaking a little as she started coughing hard. In a way her Holy Alice was working against the Pheromone Alice - trying to protect her. And in the end it was causing her body to be wracked by coughing. "I'm... dizzy..." She said weakly... her eyes drifting closed.


He frowned and released her. Possibly not the most gentlemanly thing he's ever done, but he knelt and frowned, watching her patiently,and raised an eyebrow as he watched, her his eyes widening and he snapped his pheromones off, cursing himself and shaking his head slowly.

'You've never been in love?" he asked, sighing and scratching his head and looking away. "My bad, I didn't think... I mean, you're older than most, so I figured you'd have.... you know...." he said, shrugging and feeling silly for not noticing before.

"I apologize. You'll feel better in a few moments, but you were approached before. Anyone who found out that you are different will want to know why, and they'll ask. More will find out, and more will come. You can't live here anymore and not hurt the ones around you. You have to know that," he said, watching her patiently before offering his hand and tugging her up to her feet, pulling her against him a bit to steady her.

"Sorry for that," he repeated, resting his head on hers. "And for this,"


Amane felt the world slowly go back to order, a soft shudder racing through her. Her body slowly started to calm down. Her head started to clear, and she stopped coughing. She shifted and then slowly sat up, staring up at him in shock. She hadn't realized he had been the cause of it all, but she slowly started to realized that. Her breathing evened out, as she blinked. He asked her that, and she blinked softly and stared up at him.

"No... I've never been in love. People only show up for the festival..." She said in confusion, then her cheeks flared with color, a gasp leaving her at his next words. "Of course I haven't mated with anyone! The gods have not deigned to send a male with the skills to handle my abilities." She said as she frowned and then listened to him apologize.

"Yes I was but I -... I ... dont' know how to live anywhere else." She said with a soft frown on her face, the confusion rapidly filling her again. She shivered softly at that, as the tears started, pouring down her face as she realized her heart was breaking in half. There was the sound of a footstep nearby, but she ignore it - thinking it an animal. She took his hand and allowed him to pull her up. Curling against him and crying. "I can't let Ojii-san and Oba-san die..." She said as she shook against him.

That's when the sound of a soft sigh would bring the attention of the two young ones. "Well - I knew this day would come. The skills did not awaken in your mother... thus it would be you. Amane my dear... I have run from Gakuen Alice all of my life." It was her grandfather speaking. "But you cannot, this is no longer safe for you. Go to the shrine, and take the Magatama with you - it will be needed later. Your grandmother has left a pack for you. It is easier if you do not see us before you leave - because you may never see us again." it was as if it was a projection of the man, but the man was actually there.

"You... Anju Narumi - my granddaughter has inherited the Alices of my bloodline. As well as an Alice that was only rumored in our family. She is an Alice of Life - and an Alice of Holy." With that the oldman turned and vanished, as if he had teleported - instead he was returning to his shrine.

With that Aname started to cry harder, a silent crying. Her whole body shaking with the pain that was inside her chest. "Ojii-san..." She cried softly.


The teacher frowned down at her and gently drew his palm over her hair and stroked it away from her face, brushing a knuckle against her to wipe away the tears. He hushed her softly, but let her cry into his chest as  he stood, his hackles raised as the old man appeared, but he calmed as he listened and remained silent, taking note of what he said, his body tensing slightly. They were noted as alice with whom one does not fuck.

He ground his teeth a bit at the irritation of dealing with such a thing all at once, but stopped himself, allowing it to pass. He'd deal with it in time. Perhaps it wouldn't even be his problem. He drew his palm across her jaw. "Calm yourself," he said quietly, before biting his lip. He turned her face up to his and gave the most pleasant smile he could muster.

"If you do, maybe we can drive slow and look around at some neat buildings and such on the way." he promised, not sure what consolation there was to this situation. Surely that, right? He tapped her nose once and winked down at her. "Come on, let's go see this shrine, you can tell me all about it, and then we'll go on a great adventure," he assured her, his palm on her shoulder.


Amane sniffled as he comforted her, he wiped her tears away. Her heart was swelling the pain obvious on her face, and the confusion just as obvious, but she would get better. She HAD to get better. She bit her lip harder and tried hard not to draw any blood. "I... I'll go... Ojii-san has said I must." She said softly, her head tilted down. She laced her fingers with his on her shoulder and sighed. "Alright... we must go get the Magatama...." She said as she turned and held his hand in her own.

She ran towards where the special shrine was and stepped forward. "Do not approach, there is a special barrier on the building. Oba-san put it here." She said as she spread her hands before her, a glow passing from her as she activated the key to the barrier. She stepped through and then quietly walked into the shrine. "This Magatama has been passed down through the family for ages." She said as she pulled the stone from its place.

It was a clear stone, with rainbow hues swirling through it. A sense of peace washed over her as she wrapped her hands aroudn it, then turned to show it to him. The stone practically filled her hand. It was an alice stone, that much was obvious... but she didnt' know that. She thought of it as a holy stone, as that was how she was raised. "We will take it with us... but I must protect it." She said as she wrapped it in a layer of silk and put it deep in her pocket.

She stepped out and looked around. "The buildings were all built by Ojii-san's family. They have been around so long. But... I'm a bit worried..." She said with a weak smile. Then she shook her head and sighed. "But... I will go with you." She said as she picked up the pack, looking around. Her eyes closing as she held her hands closed tightly and bundled all her emotions inside her. She released them as grandfather had taught her, into a thought and a wish of love to her family. I love you... I'll come back someday, I promise..


He waved his fingers dismissively in her direction, nodding. He wasn't about to get zapped by whatever it was that they used to protect the property here. Not today, anyways. He yawned and folded his arms around himself, a bit put out. Her being the one he was after was handy, but her being so pure was kind of off-putting. It amused him to no end, but he supposed he would have to cut off the pheromones early if he even wanted to play a little bit with her. Ah well.

He blinked at her as she specified that the stone be kept by her, but he was certain that it was an Alice Stone. Oh well, so long as she didn't use it, he didn't see any real harm in her having it. Not yet, anyways. He waved a hand and nodded, looking over the place and grinning a bit as he noted the buildings she indicated, amused to some extent that they were built by her grandfather before he offered his hand to her, holding his palm-up hand outstretched from where he'd watched.

"Are you ready to go, kitten?"