
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


Started by Onnen, October 14, 2011, 03:07:18 AM

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"Oh?... I would be more likely to kill you to end the pain, not myself. And you shouldn't threaten people... its not nice and can get you in trouble" She said absently as the girl threatened her, still pouting and looking rather confused. Her eyes looked a little tearful, as if she wasn't use to being threatened. She seemed far to innocent to be a vampire, but lacking memory as she did perhaps she was. She wasn't so sure she liked these people, all she did in her mind was heal the man...Why did teacher want her to come here?

The vampire sighed softly, shaking her head and glancing downward. She could always go home.. she needed to feed and there was enough people here. She glanced upwards towards the street, frowning a little. There was a night club she could feed on the energy from if they went the right direction. She then glanced to Onnen as he spoke, giving him a warm smile. She took it to be genuine, so trusting was she.

"Thank you? but it doesn't seem to be a party.... I need to go to a party... good energy to feed on..." She said absently, only reacting with slight surprise at the comment of the car. She thought Sarah had... perhaps she had misunderstood? It did happen often... she just thought differently then most people. It was one reason her explanations made so little sense, to her they were crystal clear but not how another would explain..

mad hatters revenge

"If you want me to play nice, like I said, hands and teeth to yourself, because treating me like food and like you're better than me isn't nice either." It felt like she was chastising a child, the look the girl was giving her was not helping that feeling either. Almost as if she didn't understand what she had done wrong, assuming everything she did was correct and polite, like touching people to heal them without asking first.

When he decided Sarah was driving she wanted to groan in frustration, he really didn't care so long as he got what he needed to do done. Though the question did offend her, and she stopped when the reached the small garage nestled next to her apartment. Pulling her keys from her coat pocket she narrowed her eyes at him, "It's far from a rust bucket. No blood. No scratches. No dents. If anything happens to Felix you will be paying for the repairs." It wasn't a question, it was a fact, she didn't need some new vampires tearing up the nice interior or her new baby. Walking over, she punched in the code and the garage door slid open, a lovely black jaguar sitting inside.

Hitting the unlock button, she nodded that they were welcome to get in as she slid behind the wheel and started the car. It looked out of the price range for an apartment women, but something nice had come out of loosing her parents, and that had been her dads car. "So where to first?"


Onnen simply shook his head at Cassie's words, he wasn't sure if she was being serious or really was that innocent.  Then again a night club with unsuspecting drunken people would be a good place to go feed, not like it's really "new" for people to go missing for a short period of time around the city if they were at a night club. Once they reached Sarah's apartments he simply stood there for a few moments, truly, he was lost for words. It was times like this he would of said something stupid funny and sarcastic, but he did have to admit the girl put him in his place on this one...other then the whole naming thing. "Felix...?" He could understand naming something like a horse...but a car...Fuck he was out of touch with Modern Times.

Shrugging it off he opened the passenger and made himself comfortable, it was rather humorous watching him trying to fit himself inside of the car since he wasn't used to such things, fiddling a bit with the seat so he could sit comfortably before finally stopping his shuffling around and tapping fingers a bit on the window "There's a church a little bit ways through here, if you follow the road for about 5 miles you should see it, It's Josephs hunting ground" Now this New Blood was something he had to worry about, he was older then the rest of the new bloods, about 95 now, though he looked around 18. And he was good with knives, very good...Suddenly he was starting to enjoy the fact he had someone near by that could heal him if shit went to hell.

"You live in an apartment...on the top floor but you have something like this?" he raised a brow towards Sarah, giving a little grin, not like last time as if she was food, but actually joking around. How the hell did he be-friend a human within 8 hours tonight and now be running around rounding up new bloods with her and the innocent Cassie? Maybe this night wasn't turning out as bad as he thought it would.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


"But I'm not... If i were I would use my fangs or my mind and be eating you. And teacher says a hand on the shoulder is a human comforting gesture" She responded in a puzzled tone, staring at her as if what she said made no sense. To Cassie, after all, it seemed like everyone else was simply strange and over emotional. She was the normal one! Or at least normal enough in comparison to what she saw as wasted energy and craziness. It did not help that unknown to the girl, her beloved teacher had been deliberately keeping her as naive and childlike as possible for reasons of his own.

She shook her head then and continued to walk forward after them absently. However as they reached the car she stopped and frowned. Teacher said not to get into cars with strangers... but he also said to get close to a coven vampire if she could. Now she could not do both. She tilted her head to the side, crossing her arms behind her back and kicking the ground with her toe a moment in thought. What was she supposed to do? For once she was clearly trying to think something out rather then acting on instinct as she had earlier. She then looked to Onnen. She would let him make the choice. She could go to a party later... maybe they would go buy one so she could heal herself?

As he spoke of the vampire in question he did indeed make her choice. Her teacher did not like this vampire he spoke of and had mentioned him once.... She slid into the back of the car silently, looking intently at her hands. She may have to fight... she had her own reasons for not wanting to do that now. The bird on her shoulder cooed as if sensing her distress and played with her hair a moment.  She half smiled, leaning over to kiss the bird on the top of its little head. She said nothing to onnen or even Sarah now, seeming in her own troubling thoughts.

mad hatters revenge

As the girl answered Sarah began believing more and more that she truly did have the mentality of a child. Not by choice either, whoever this teacher was had done some very intense work on her mental state, and it made her nervous as to why this teacher had allowed her out on her own. Why was she wandering around when it seemed like she really shouldn't be far from her teachers side. It wasn't sitting nicely in her stomach, but she waited for the girl to slip into the back seat before explaining. "You're teacher is not completely right, it is a comforting gesture, but only when we are close to who is touching as. By close I mean we know them, we enjoy their company, and have been around them for a least a few days maybe longer. It's not something strangers do, they shake hands,  touching someone like that is just....very personal." Or in her case a sign that someone is trying to pin her down and feed off her, either way, it was making her very jumpy and not very eager for either of them to touch her.

Nodding to show she knew exactly where he was talking about, she pulled away from the building, using the remote in the car to shut the garage behind her before smirking at his question. "I didn't spend a dime on it. It was my fathers. This car was completely paid for before it became mine, I don't have the type of income to live anywhere else, and I'm not about to buy a home with no one to fill it." Seemed stupid, buying a house when it was just yourself. She had no reason to waste money that she could save until she really needed it. If she played her cards right, when she was ready, she could move when she had the career opportunity and buy whatever place she wanted and pay it off then and there. Being in debt was not something she enjoyed.

As they drove past several night clubs, they began slimming out as they reached the outskirts of the city, soon the city lights were behind them, the church just a few miles over the hill. "So how are we reeling this one in?"


"I would of thought a home all to yourself with nobody to bother you would of been amazing" This was coming from Onnen's desire to be alone without his clan brothers always bugging and nagging at him, never having more then just a moment for himself before he was dragged back to the realities of his vampiric life style. He continued tapping his fingers lazily against the glass as he watched the scenery pass by them as they drove. Taking little note to Sarah and Cassie's conversation, his mind was elsewhere at the moment.

"You're not...Just drop me out in front and keep the car running." This was one of those moments where anyone with half a brain could tell that he was worried about something, more or less, he was more worried about this new bloods behavior. He had always taken somewhat of a pride in Joseph as he showed more intelligence and loyalty then the rest, but he was also one of the only people in his group of new bloods that could put up a fight, and with him in his weakened state and if his paranoid train of thought was right, he would of been the one that suggested the uprising tonight.

And lastly...he didn't want either Cassie or Sarah to get hurt. It was amazing what one dug up memory that had been supressed for so long could do to someone.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


"Hmm... i don't think I've ever seen teacher shake hands with anyone... i guess he must know everyone i've seen him with  then..." She concluded after spending several moments in deep thought. She was naturally a loving creature in her human life and though her time she'd lost might have changed that, but losing her memory had returned her to what she'd been then. Accordingly she could not doubt her teacher or anything he'd told her. It would simply not be in her nature... unless he betrayed her perhaps with no way to explain it even to the forgiving woman.

She listened quietly to the other two talk then, gazing into space a moment. Onnen felt tense to her and this bleeding into her caused her to frown. She glanced towards him and hesitated as she had started to institutionally reach for his shoulder. As if she remembered what the other girl had said, however, she put her hand over Onnens. She let her powers roll over him, filling him with a calming, peaceful sensation. Again he would hear piano faintly in the background but not as strong as before as she was only causing a slight calming sensation so she could calm them both.

The sensation ended however, as irritation filled her and so would slip into him as she had deliberately been sharing with him as she called using her powers in this way. He would now feel what she was feeling instead for only a second, irritation and slightly insulted. She pulled back her hand, putting her hands on her hips and pouting at him. Apparently being just 'left in the car' was something she didn't exactly find flattering. The truth was her teacher hadn't left her in the car since she had gained enough control to think clearly again. That was something you did to children and disabled people in his way of thinking and so also in hers...

"I am not a child... I will not wait in the car...." She said quietly, crossing her arms and pouting at him. Of course doing this she looked more like a 16 year old little teenager then ever if not even younger and more child like. Her body may be that of someone in her early twenties but she could be a stubborn little child when it came to certain things. Then again, without knowing it, due to what her teacher had taught her, he had half insulted her by wanting her to stay behind simply to keep herself safe... though her teacher had once left her to act as guard to a human they were picking up...

mad hatters revenge

"Could have fooled me." It slipped out of her lips before she could really think about it as she glanced at Cassie in the rearview mirror. Even her stance screamed that maybe she wasn't a child, but she wasn't acting much older than a stubborn teenager during puberty. She was not sure she could handle a teenage girl going through puberty, let alone a vampire much older than herself who wasn't acting like one because of her body, but because of her upbringing.

Sighing, she tried to think of a way to make this situation better. "Listen, whatever he says, goes. I don't know this vampire but judging by his reactions, this Joseph isn't the nicest boy around. None of them have been happy to be sent home, I doubt he will be any happier, and bringing some strange women with him won't make Joseph feel any better. The less people he has to worry about while trying to get Joseph the faster he can get it done." She was trying not to sound snippy, but she was having a long, stressful evening and wanted that to exclude arguments over who was or wasn't waiting in the car.

If she had to wait in the car, she got the hint and wasn't about to leave the car. Oddly enough, their were child locks on the doors, if she wanted to, she could simply lock Cassie in. However she wasn't about to risk her own life to keep the girl in the car. "The sooner we're done, the sooner we can drop you off at then nearest club and you can feed off all the lovely horny teenager rubbing against each other."

Finally, the outline of the church came into view, and she shut off her headlights as she pulled up in front, hitting the button to unlock the passenger front door. Glancing outside, she didn't see anything obvious that might give away where the vampire in question was, but still she wasn't sure how easy this was going to be for their companion. "Just be careful." Though she wasn't sure why she bothered, he just looked...tired, more so than earlier, as if the injury had taken more out of him than he'd let on. Or maybe he was just hungrier than he was going to admit considering the only food supply for him was the one driving the car.


He turned somewhat in his seat to look at the girl, raising his finger like he was about to give a child a scolding about turning the car around and nobody getting ice cream....but Sarah but him to the punch. All he could really do was sit there dumb founded for a few seconds before he shrugged it off, smiling and leaned back slightly in his seat. He looked tired, sore, and those shining silver eyes of his held less shine now, more dull. "That and I doubt your "Teacher" would like it if you came home bleeding with a knife sticking out of your chest" He had been meaning to ask just who the hell this Cassie girl was talking about when she mentioned "Teacher", but he let the question pass.

Onnen gave a heavy sigh as he looked to the Church, there were many memories here, most of them all ending bad for him. Opening the door and taking care to make sure the door made as little noise as possible when he closed it. Tapping on the top of the roof with knuckles as a sort of "Thanks" for her listening to him, taking off his jacket and folding it neatly...though for what reason he didn't know as he simply tossed it to the ground. Wearing a simple black wife beater one could see the tattoo's that covered both of his arms down to the wrist, and the massive tattoo sprawling from shoulder to shoulder connecting them. As well as a bit of dried blood on his flesh from earliers run in.

He stood there for a few moments, just standing before he walked up to the church, attempting to open the doors only to find they were locked, and so he jumped upwards, grabbing onto a nearby ledge ontop of the doors and beginning to climb up parkour style. Soon he disappeared into the shadows cast by the church itself, out of sight of the two. Finally making his way into the church through the bell tower, silver eyes scanning cautiously around him. "Alright...Where are you..."
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


She started to point out that she could help speed it up, though she didn't want to tell them how when she heard the next bit about horny teenagers. She looked at Sarah a moment as if she'd said something distasteful but then she sighed and shook her head. She glanced at the window, she was thinking about something apparently. She was irritated but something distracted her. As she closed her eyes and let Onnen leave the car without incidence she spoke in a vague, far away voice.

"Lust doesn't taste very good by itself... but it does work ...Sarah, You should duck now..." She said absently, finally opening her eyes again and looking to a spot hidden by trees. She then slid out of the car as a shadow broke free from the trees at break neck speed. A vampire in frenzy mood was not exactly a slow creature and this one was unusually fast. It would send both hands through the glass of the driver side window. It would send shards of glass towards Sarah and possibly cut her but something stopped its hands from reaching Sarah...

If she looked up she would see none other then Cassie close lining the vampire so he fell backwards. Cassie looked calm, collected, in her element. This her teacher had taught her, to kill. As she spoke, however, her voice was not calm but angry and her powers made it feel to the vampire she stood over like hot rods of fire were being pushed through his body at random to the point he screamed.

"I like Sarah so for hurting her you will be punished..." She said darkly, sticking her hand downward as the vampire tried to stand and run from the pain. She gripped him by his collar, pulling him back and putting both her hands around his neck. He had hurt someone she liked, someone she childishly thought of as almost a friend. She transferred her shoulder wound to the vampire and he howled in pain.  His head would fill with darkness, with his most painful memories and the pain of the shoulder wound that was now his would be ten fold from her touch. His heart begged for it to end then, pleaded and whimpered for it to stop as he struggled uselessly at her hands. She used her touch to steal his strength so he could do nothing.

"very well, I shall answer your hearts wish" She said quietly, dropping him panting to the ground. She removed an umbrella from her coat, then with a twist of it's handle she had removed a sword from it. The thin blade whistled through the air as the vampire's head parted from his body and it began to turn to dust. The woman then licked the blood from the blade to clean it and replaced it into her umbrella. She gazed passionless at the body a moment before returning to check on sarah.

mad hatters revenge

The way she was talking had Sarah looking at her, it was as if Cassie was in another world when she was talking. Then she was telling her to duck, and like a moron, she didn't duck, she looked around confused as to why she would need to duck while she was sitting in the car. Glass shattered in her face, her arms flying up, a large shard or possibly one of his nails sliced into her forearm before she was able to crawl far enough across the seats to escape the grab.

Sarah saw Cassie handling the new blood, and as she killed him she practically fell out the passenger door. Pushing herself to her feet, she didn't notice the warm trickle of blood down her left arm. Glancing at Cassie, her eyes fell to the drivers side window and her heart sank. Rushing over, her hands carefully went to the shattered window, careful not to touch anything, but her brain didn't seem to realize she had already been cut.

Bloody hands grabbed at her hair as she let out a small scream of frustration and despair. "No! NONONONONONO!" Pulling on her hair slightly, the blood from her arm sticking to it, this was horrible, her precious baby, her dads car, now had a broken window, and a large dent in the door where the vampire had thrown himself in his attempt to get her. Sarah didn't seem to care if this was Joseph or not, or that she was bleeding enough to attract any other vampires that might be lurking near by, all she cared about was that the one last thing she wanted to avoid happening tonight, had happened.

"Do you know how hard it was to keep this car in one piece in that fucking city?! And it gets broken out in the middle of nowhere because of fucking vampires?!" Another scream as her hands finally left her hair and fell at her side. "Is there anything else in my fucking life you would like to ruin while you're at it?!" Though the question was rhetorical, she was still kind of expecting one of them to have some sort of smart ass remark.

Sighing she looked over at the church, raising her hands in question before gesturing to the dead vampire behind her. "Well!? Crazy vampire dead. Can I go home now before someone does more damage to my car." It was raising her arms that seemed to sink in, a pain shot through her left arm as she glanced at it, a large gash just blow her elbow with thick trickles of blood flowing out and down her arm, over her wrist, and off the tips of her fingers. "Fuck."


Onnen continued his way down the bell tower and into the church, sticking to the walls and giving a small smirk towards the image of Jesus Christ on one of the windows, after all his existing was an afront to anything holy whatsoever, he found it amusing that he was on "holy ground" and wasn't burning to a crisp by now. However his little point of dark sarcasm was shattered by the sound of glass breaking, looking around quickly until he heard the screaming outside. "God fucking damn it" nothing could go smooth for him at this point. Chances are if he heard it, Joseph heard it to. He flung himself across the walls, hands clinging onto whatever they could grab onto in a sort of mad dash back towards the door.

Now this is where he wished he had just killed the girl to begin with for he wouldn't of been here in the first place, as soon as he jumped from one ledge point to the next, he saw him. The flash of sharp silver daggers and those red eyes of Josephs coming right at him. SMASH, the two bodies went flying out the window of the church, onnen letting out both a yell of pain and surprise as both him and Joseph hit the ground with force. The two violently throwing punches and clawing at each other like wild animals. Every so often one more yell of pain coming from onnen as Josephs blades found his flesh. At this point he didn't care about Cassie, or Sarah, all he cared about was killing this motherfucker for tackling him.

With Force Onnen threw Joseph off of him and afterwords tackled him as soon as he tried to get up, fist flying forward and fingers finding his fangs, soon pushing his free hand to his upper jaw and beginning to tear in opposite directions, he didn't care of Sarah or Cassie saw him at this point, hell, he probably wouldn't of cared of Mariana was there as well.  He kept attempting to literally tear the mans head in two until he felt one of his daggers pierce his flesh once more, into his stomach, his grip weakening on the new blood before the gauntlet around onnen's wrist unleashed it's hidden blade and he stabbed it downwards into Josephs chest. Part of him felt betrayed that Joseph, the one new blood he felt pride in had decided to attack and injure him this way.

More so he was offended Mariana seemed to be doing nothing in the last few months to stop these new bloods from running rampant on their elders and the veterans that were assigned to keep them in line. He waited a few more moments for Joseph to stop squirming and his body to begin turning to ash until he removed the gauntlets blade from his corpse and he simply rolled over onto his side, bleeding heavily from the dagger that had been impaled into his body. The smell of blood was everywhere for him, and it turned his silver eyes into crimson ones, blood thirsty from anger, thirst, and the sorrow that had been unleashed by that FUCKING child.

At this point crawling his way back towards the car, every so often attempting to stand back on his feet, and managing a few steps before he collapsed onto the ground again. He needed to feed, and now, and even then with his current injuries and his current state, there was no way in hell he'd be able to make it back to the Den in time...If only she was here again...
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


It was nice and dark, the alley was perfect, so clean. Everyone was either in bed or partying, a break from the scent of blood. Lucille leant against the stone wall, she wondered if she would feed tonight or not, she didn't like to but at the same time she knew she needed to. She'd rather wait for some pathetic low life to try and rape a girl down the alley and feed on him. A car stopped nearby then the noise of shattering glass. Hooligans were nearby was her guess. Pushing off from the wall she awaited another sign to act. Then it hit her, sickly sweet.

Moving forward she found the mouth of the alley, the black dress she wore swaying in a gentle breeze, her high heels echoing as she walked. Her pale skin, red lips and golden blonde hair made her look like a model but she didn't care. She could see them now, it was quite a sight, it if weren't for the effect the scent had on her body she would laugh. One girl was crying out at a car, and pulling her hair out over it, beside her was another apparently having disposed of another new blood that had let the blood lust take over. She sighed walking over slowly. The car was a jaguar, something expensive, she couldn't help but hope she wasn't recognized, the girl seemed too depressed to be a rich kid like herself. "Nice car, repairs will be pricey;" she was wondering if she could trade with the girl, she could pay for the repairs for just a taste of the sweet smelling blood. She could tell now the male who was crawling away, and female who weasn't bleeding were both like her, only older.


Cassie looked towards Sarah, her eyes taking in the wound and for a moment she still seemed the cold, well trained beast her teacher had turned her into. It was only when the other woman began yelling at her that the more child like Cassie returned. She sniffled, looking horrified that she'd somehow made Sarah mad. She'd never liked cars so only half understood any of that but she did know she must have done something wrong. There was only one thing she could have done wrong... yelling at Onnen she hadn't noticed the feral until he was too close.

"I...I.. I'm sorry Sarah! I..I lost focus and was stupid, i'm sorry! Don't be mad at me Sarah...I didn't mean to let him get so close... I'm soooorrrrrrryyyy" she responded tearfully, looking like a kicked puppy. She sniffled, clearly holding back as many tears as she could, holding her umbrella to her shapely chest like a teddy bear. She didn't try to explain that ferals were harder for her to sense because they didn't have a lot of emotion left. Teacher had taught her there was no such thing as an excuse. She looked afraid she might be punished somehow...

As onnen got closer, however, she shuddered and her tears increased as his pain hit her. She took in gasps of air to try and calm herself, glancing up only as she felt the new blood approach. She stiffened but relaxed as the girl spoke, frowning at her. So it was an expensive car? Was that was why Sarah was so mad?

mad hatters revenge

She wasn't sure what calmed her down so fast, whether it was Cassie's crying or the male crawling across the ground. The new women just made her angry again, "No fucking shit Sherlock." She snapped, not worried about the new comer, if she was a threat, she would've attacked by now, there was enough blood dripping down her arm to make her uncomfortable, and she was lucky Cassie wasn't as hungry as any others out here tonight.

First she needed to get the hysterical vampire to calm down. "Cassie relax, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at that piece of shit you killed for wrecking my car. He damn well better be able to afford it."  Sighing, she rushed around the car, one hand pressed to the wound to try and stop the bleeding a bit. Glancing down at the man, she cursed under her breath before kneeling next to him.

Getting a look at his stomach wound she wanted to kick someone, hard. So much for not being their food. It was currently going to waste anyway, he might as well get something out of her being injured in this stupid turn of events. "Come on, hurry up before anymore goes to waste." She urged, holding the injured hand out in front of him, releasing the wound to help pull his up enough to sit up. He'd end up with blood in his hair, but she didn't think he'd mind much now that he had a fresh meal in front of him.


Onnen grunted in pain, pulling himself further back towards the car...for reasons he really didn't know anymore. He could of just went the opposite way and layed in some open field staring at the sky until the sun came to put him out of his misery, he wouldn't have to deal with cassie, or Sarah, or Mariana or the rest of his clan, the new bloods making his life a living hell and the threat of the other covens slowly regaining power while his queen did absolutely nothing to stop it....god he sounded like a child whining about shit he couldn't change.

As soon as he caught whiff of yet another scent, and saw who it was he wanted to snap right here and then. Yet another Vampire had made themselves known to the human, and better yet, he knew she was blood moon...a blood moon that he didn't remember even seeing before. He made grunting noises and motioned his body as if he was trying to yell or throw another fist, but he was physically unable to, and like a stubborn dog he simply shook his head and attempted to pull away from sarah as soon as she smelled that fresh blood of hers...the fresh...delicious...precious blood.

Instinct took over and even if he didn't want to, he grabbed hold of the girls arm and sucked up every single drop he could, letting the taste of it take over for the moment. It had been forever since he had fed, well, fed as he was supposed to, but the fact that there was fresh blood in his system now made all the things that plagued him go away. For those glorious few moments everything disappeared, the New bloods rebelling, the political bullshit of the coven and vampire underworld, the fact he was supposed to of killed the woman he was feeding from already, the strange girl showing up, and the other blood moon showing up, nothing mattered.

Before he went too far he pulled himself away forcefully, he had learned to control his blood lust and thirst enough to know when he had enough to at least keep him running for the time being, so he fell back to the ground and sat himself against the front of the car, leaning back somewhat and heavily breathed, hand moving to the dagger still in his stomach and grunting as he began to pull it out, letting out one more loud yell of pain as it left his flesh and he tossed it to the side. Watching as the wound slowly began to heal itself thanks to the fresh meal. "I fucking hate you all...." he really had no room to talk at the moment, all of this could of been avoided earlier, especially with the human...but then again he was in pain and stressed out right now, his mouth was working faster then his brain.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


Watching the  man feed both enraged and hungered Lucille. The scent was saturating the air around her, it was almost too much for the poor new blood to bear. If she hadn't been in company of others and this human had been a man or a criminal, she'd have torn them apart for smelling so good, instead she merely watched until he was done.

Lucille's body took control of her, she moved without meaning to, her arms wrapping around Sarah from behind, her tone almost seductive "how mean, I was so hungry and you let him have it all..." She fought with herself to bite the girl from where she was now and take her fill. It was obvious her blood lust was on the verge of breaking her. "I'd hate to hurt someone like you; even with your temper you aren't bad." Her grip round Sarah's waist loosened as her hands were forced by her own will to let go off the human. She sighed glancing at the car "I was offering to cover the costs, I come from a well off family..." her fingers playing with her hair as she spoke. The strands passing through her fingers, as she watched the human.

"You owe me now though, I'm barely containing myself, you smell so good... this is the first time ive managed to hold back, but I've been practicing..." she turned walking to the guy sat against the car and pouting she couldn't help herself "well now, I let your precious human live twice when my body wanted to rip her apart and feast upon her, you should learn some manners, even if I am young" she glanced at the woman who was now more like a child to her. "Oh how rude of me, my name is Lucille, it's a pleasure to meet you all." Her throat had become dry and she was beginning to be in pain, she couldn't help but be jealous at the man even if he had needed the blood.

Lucille was obviously not fond of her predicament as she tried to keep her distance from Sarah, however once again her mouth and voice conducted its own seductive tone "your skin is very soft you know?"  She almost seemed ashamed of her words, the blood lust brought out something in her personality that had always been there but never shown.


"But I made a mistake..." Cassie responded to Sarah's words in a puzzled tone. It was clear... her teacher did not allow such mistakes. She was expecting more yelling despite her pleas at the very least but soon the girl smiled warmly. Sarah wasn't mad at her. She really did have a new friend. She looked ready to hug Sarah and if not for Sarah's earlier talk about physical contact she probably would have. Yet as she felt Onnen's pain her smile faded.

She frowned as Sarah offered herself up, torn between her two friends well being. She looked a way a moment but then went to touch Sarah's shoulder. She resisted the bloods call and instead focused so she could tap into Onnen's natural pleasure at feeding. She fed the sensation into Sarah so Sarah would feel no pain at the bite, no fear, no discomfort. She watched the male vampire closely, however, for signs of him loosing control. Her training would kick in and she'd take his head if he got too close to killing Sarah....

She then turned as Lucille spoke, tilting her head to the side. As she spoke so threatening to Sarah and touched her. That cold look entered her gaze again and she moved from Sarah's side faster then seemed possible. She released Sarah's mind and grabbed Lucille's shoulders, feeding Onnen's full sensation into her but speaking in a voice cold as ice. The child was gone, replaced with the assassin once again.

"No...... You owe Sarah for this gift I gave you and simply saved your own life twice. If you were to bite her without her permission I would have to kill you..... So you should fix her car to pay her back. It'd be the right thing to do. Oh... right things... introductions, I'm cassie" She spoke at first in that same icy tone which would due to her power make lucille feel chilled to the bone and weaker then usual... but at the last her voice seemed to lose it's power and return to the cheerful voice of a younger woman again....

mad hatters revenge

Everything seemed to happen in a blur, almost like a dream. One moment he seemed to not want her, the next he was latched onto her arm so tightly she cringed. Then, Cassie was there, and she tried to avoid her touch, but the touch changed the pain to instant pleasure. Her eyes slipped shut as he took his fill, not sure how she was suppose to react, this wasn't something she was suppose to enjoy. Thankfully, the new women's touch snapped her out of her daze as the man released her arm. She squirmed, struggling to pull away. "I do not owe you anything for having the common decency for restraining your-"

Then, for the second time that night, like a faithful guard dog, Cassie was on the women, practically snarling at her while she threatened Lucille to keep her fangs to herself. How odd, one moment Cassie seemed ready to snack on her, the next, two vampires who had tried to eat her had been punished. Maybe she had the mind of a child, but she had certainly been trained well in how to take care of any problems that came her way.

As she was released, she hadn't been expecting it, and stumbled forward onto the man before her. A blush crept into her face as she struggled at pushing herself up, "Sor" the arm he'd fed off of giving out beneath her and she collapsed face first into his chest. A small whine escaping her from frustration, Emily, her car, her arm, now she had some women acting like she wanted to fuck her when all she really wanted was to feed off her. Her mind was growing foggy, something about a wealthy family, her car getting fixed, and introductions.

Her name had been mentioned enough times that she found no reason to bother introducing herself. Sarah was exhausted, she could even push herself back up and part of her felt too defeated to bother. "I just wanna go to bed..." She mumbled into his thankfully now healed stomach, though she wasn't really sure who could make out anything she was saying.


Onnen was dazed, just sitting there for the longest time it seemed until he felt the girl land on top of him, rather confused as to what the hell just happened. Everything was spinning quick around him, the two dead new bloods, the feeding, the blood moon that had made herself known, cassie going psycho for a few seconds and the busted car. Nothing made sense to him anymore, everything had fallen out of his control into one giant pit of chaos that would take forever to mend, but first thing was first as he simply picked up sarah carefully, aware of how drained she was and gently layed her into the back seat of the car.

This was about the time the new blood had made herself known...and put herself right into his face. Of course, this would be met with rage as he quickly grabbed the girls neck and almost effortlessly lifted her into the air and pushed her down onto the cars hood, hand still wrapped around her throat as silver eyes burned into the girls eyes. "First off, this human saved my life, second, you're supposed to be back at the den, in hiding, with your family, not out making yourself known to humans, and third, if you ever speak like that to me again, I'll tear your fucking throat out, and you're family won't be able to do anything about it...." The poor girl was the direct aim of the nights stress for the male, and truly he was going to feel bad about snapping and losing control...but for now he didn't care.

He continued to hold his hand around the girls throat for a few moments longer before letting go, shaking his head a bit and grunting, wincing in pain as he held a hand to his ribs, still hurting from his injuries. "Sorry...." whether he actually meant it or not was a mystery, but the first thing was first as he looked towards cassie and Lucille ""Drop her back off at home...with any luck she won't remember what happened..." He had no idea what the hell was going to do with the two vampiresses...but he'd figure it out on the way back to dropping sarah off.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.