
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Survival Instinct, A Strange Future

Started by Staria, July 23, 2011, 01:08:59 AM

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Those Who Live  Profiles

The World They Live In
(I.e Plot >.>)
The modern world may have continued on, become the futuristic society fiction proposed if not for the comet. On a perfectly ordinary day a comet would slam without warning into the planet. It contained a strange energy which spread over the entire earth. The energy caused massive earthquakes and strange weather phenomenon for two hours that caused pure chaos and destruction. Most human cities were completely destroyed and the landscape of earth was changed but this was not the end.

To the living the energy would act like a virus, causing them to become deathly ill for one day. Plants and animals were all affected, but only humanity would be nearly destroyed. At the end of that twenty four hour period animals were merely changed but if you were human it was all a matter of chance. It killed 75% of humanity but only the remaining 25% were transformed  into much more powerful versions of themselves. The energy is especially hard on the body of the extremely young or  old so most of the survivors are above 6 but under 60.

Some it spliced with animals and made them strange hybrid creatures much stronger or faster then the actual animal mixed with them with powers related to the animal such as the ability to see heat for a rattle snake. Some have gained a mystical power such as the ability to control water or to fly or even see the future. The earth's animals and plants were transformed with an added change, they were made more intelligent but also driven mad. It is only a month and yet the world has become a twisted, foreign place with no relief in sight.

You are one of the transformed humans, the last piece of sanity in this new twisted world. There is no greater goal, no greater story to tell, there is only survival. Will you try to survive on your own or will you try to find others like you? It is all up to you, you drive yours and in fact the worlds story.

A Day  In The Life
(First In Character Post, yay!)
Deliliah stood in the shadow of a collapsed apartment buildings sign, once her home. A small smirk pulled at her dark, pierced lips at the realization. She hadn't known it was the same building until she'd made it here, the earthquake had so devastated the area. It was just a bunch of concrete fragments and metal support bars, sprawled in a heap now when it had once been the largest building on the block.

Slowly one partially gloved hand raised to push a strand of sapphire hair behind her many pierced ear as she turned and leaned her tired back against it. Small pops escaped her back as she stretched, observing the concrete alcove around her. It made a nice little cave against the cold wind and might keep animals at bay...

This part of the city had few rats, if only because the larger predators had moved in and eaten the easy prey. It was both a blessing and a curse as in this part of the city the earthquake had hit hard enough that food was hard to come by for humans too. At least fewer rats in the area meant no worry of being chewed on by one during the night even if it could also mean going hungry. Hunger could make even a rat look awful appetizing as she'd found out the hard way once already.

Tonight she would not have to make such a choice, however, as she had found a supermarket intact enough to raid. She had enough canned food to last her awhile hidden in her 'inner place' as she called it. A pocket dimension would be a more apt name. All thoughts of dinner fled, however, as she heard a scrapping sound against the concrete. She was not alone...

((feel free to be the scrapping sound or not if you like <3.))


"What do you want from me?!" He screamed, his back pressed against a wall in the back of some alleyway he didn't recognize. His hands balled into fists...he hated fighting, he hated running, he hated what this world had become. It scared him, he scared himself, nothing made sense anymore.

After all, he was staring at some beast that was easily a foot taller than him, about seven feet tall, and clearly had him outweighed 150 to about 320 if he had to guess. Its black fur was greased and disgusting, the smell of decay was made visibly with every puff out of its grotesquely shaped nostrils. Its clawed hands swaying back and forth as its hind legs bent backwards due to its reversed knee joints.  It howled, its yellow eyes attempting to pierce Lucas' soul. It pounced.

Eyes closed he jumped forward to meet it, he felt his energy course through his body.

They met somewhere in the middle, the beast easily overpowering the young man, but it's death cry defied logic as the beast collapsed in a heap of flesh and gore. Straining, Lucas grunted, gritted his teeth and pushed, rolling over the carcass. As he stood he retracted his arms, glowing a solid blue at first his energy sizzled as he removed them from the beasts body, then, they crackled like lightning and Lucas found himself vomiting. The blades disappeared as he clutched his left side and looked. His eyes widened in horror, his life blood spilling out before him. He gasped for air, panic set in, he heard more howls in the distance.

He didn't know how long he ran, all he knew was the pain in his side, his constant attempt to stifle the blood flow with pressure from his hands and his field. He slammed into the nearest door he could find and prayed that it would give way. It did. He fell inside, unconscious before he hit the floor.


Howls filled her ears and Deliliah tensed from head to toe and the scrape was closer. Something was running and fast. A frown touched her lips and she twisted her hands to be parallel to the ground. She prepared to open a portal, crouching low to the ground. She was irritated and it showed despite her stealthy, careful motions. She didn't hate fighting, in fact it gave her an outlet for her anger, but she hated to have her dinner interrupted.

Carefully she peeked around the corner only to catch sight of a man disappearing inside the door. It was a part of the building a little more intact then this part though she hadn't been able to see the door earlier. Then again she really hadn't been looking for it as that door had usually been locked as a supply entrance and she assumed it still would be. It must have been unlocked during the disaster, thank god for small blessings.

She crept forward, still unsure as she knew better then to trust anyone. Though the energy had not driven people mad in and of itself the chaos of this world had broken a mind or two before. She spotted something sticky in the failing light however, and stepped forward to touch it with a fingertip. Blood... she was starting to get far to use to its smell and its feel. He was hurt...

Against her better judgment she followed through the door after a few minutes, nearly tripping over his unconscious form. She glanced over his form absently, he looked like such a classic 'boy next door' that it startled her. It'd been a while since she'd seen anyone or anything so... normal. She chuckled to herself, bending to examine his wound absently.

It didn't seem too bad.. If it was treated, but it did seem the kind that could bleed out and lead to death easily. With a sigh she bent, turning him on his back and closing the door again. She held her hands out besides her, hovering a few inches from the ground and focused. Slowly blue and black mists formed a swirling circle to her left between them. The portal hovered there, a few inches above the dirty carpet.

She reached into it, quickly pulling out several supplies including some cloth and a water bottle. She began to clean and dress the wound, watching his face every few moments in case he woke up. She didn't expect him to attack her but stranger things had happened so she was mindful of his motions. Unless interrupted within five minutes she would have the wound expertly dressed, having had a foster mother who was a nurse once who taught her a thing or two. That was one thing foster parents had been good for, teaching her random bits and pieces.

((I hope you dont mind me making it a particuliar building since you didn't say. Please forgive me if you mind, i can re-write if needed))


His mind wandered as his body lay unconscious. All the emotions a man can feel he thought he was experiencing now, for the first time, and all at once. He resisted death, mentally at least, he may have not really been dying but when panic sets in, what choice does a thought simply have? All he knew was that he wanted to live. Even if this world he existed in was chaos, basic instinct says one thing. Survive.

The woman bandaged him, saved him. His mind knew this, could sense it. But of course, when the body wakes before the mind realizes it can move...

His eyes shot open but there was no focus, he could hear howls in the distance, this woman in front of him was no woman at all, his eyes reflected that of a beast, and he would not be eaten here and now. He didn't scream, no maybe the others did not know where he was. He tried to roll away from her. Then the pain hit. Then his mind reacted and stopped himself from trying to harm the woman, realizing his body wanted nothing more than to kill.

Where did this instinct come from? He wasn't an animal, he didn't like violence...why was this his reaction?

His thoughts hurt and his body gave way and he felt as if he would melt into the cold floor below.

He looked at her, eyes still fuzzy. "I'm sorry...What happ.....I ddin't...hurt you...ddid I?" He was sincere and his voice was soft.


As he moved she trailed her hand down her leg slightly, towards the knife she kept in her boot. She had never been a violent person but considering the non aggressive nature of her power she relied on weapons and her creativity now. When it means the difference between life and death you learn fast... very fast. She said nothing at first, muttering a small warning of, "You'll hurt yourself that way...."

She only let her hand move back to the supplies as he spoke and seemed to calm. She chuckled, her eyes dancing with a dark mischief as she tossed all but the water bottle back into the portal and closed it with a wave of her hand. One bandage hadn't disappeared completely inside so a small corner was cut loose and fell to the floor with a slight flutter. She replied simply, "Hurt me? No... If you had you'd be hurting a lot worse then you already are. I don't take anyone's shit. My name's Delilah and you are?"

She smirked as she spoke, the smile rather guarded but amused. His sincerity was adorable. She tossed her hair slightly, the braid whipping like a snake tail briefly from the motion as she held out her hand. She seemed open and friendly enough but her harsh words made things clear. She wasn't cruel as she'd already proven but she was blunt and her words often had a little bite.

Still she did sit there and hold out her hand, waiting for him to shake it. She hadn't spoken to threaten him but simply to make herself clear from the start. Out of habit she expected him to automatically know this, a habit that frequently got her in trouble or scared people. In their former world it had been merely an annoying habit, now it was a dangerous one if someone took it the wrong way and attacked her. She also reached for the water and rolled it towards him with a shrug of her shoulders. "And drink that.. You look like you need it." she added, as if she hadn't said anything threatening moments before.


He tried to swallow and he felt his own spittle lodge itself in his dry throat as he tried to fully come to his senses. he regretted it almost immediately as the pain in his side pulsed causing him to cringe. He dropped his hands to find his torn undershirt and...a bandage? He looked back to the woman and stubbornly tried to sit himself up. He was slow but he managed, his unbuttoned collard light blue shirt following him, his left arm cradling his side. He opened his mouth so speak but a water bottle hit his leg.

He downed it in one gulp. Talking came much easier to him now...

"Thank you, for the water, and...for saving me." He made a notion towards the bandages. He wiped the sweat dripping from his brown hair. "Any idea where we are?" He leaned forward, propped his right hand on the ground, and forced himself to stand. Of course, he had a hunch as he clearly leaned towards his left side.

"It's good to hear you don't take shit from anyone..." He took her hand and gave it a small shake. "I'm Lucas, and I was supposed to be a poor little college kid..."


Briefly Delilah watched him, thinking absently that he seemed confused. He was lucky he was alive, as out of it as he was. Anything could have killed him... She didn't mean to be inwardly judging his strength but it was a habit of hers. She'd developed it as a foster care kid, there always being that one other kid who thought they could bully the poor wittle orphan.... Not knowing that the poor little orphan was as dangerous as the rattle snake whose fangs her lip rings were placed to resemble.

As he spoke it drew her from the study and she still smirked. Still, a bit of surprise briefly touched her eyes. Clearly she hadn't expected him to thank her. When it came to chaos like the world had fallen to, politeness  just was no longer considered all that important. It had become a world where you could save someone's life and they would often turn around and steal your food. He may have a power now but he was much like the college student he was supposed to be in nature, the kind that came into her book store all the time back when the world was sane. It made her feel.... Nostalgic in a way she never had before.

"you're.. welcome. It was good to find out this door was unlocked anyway so you've been useful for something.  I was supposed to be a book store clear and this... lovvvvely, grand abode was my apartment building so that's where we are... If we climb over that rubble over there we might even find the front desk and stairs." She took back her hand and tossed her hair, a dark smile on her lips. She glanced over at the rubble she indicated, tilting her head to the side. It would be fairly easy to climb but dangerous in the damage racked building. So much of the building was laying in stacks around them she wasn't even sure her room would be intact... Still as a kid she'd never been able to keep herself from breaking into abandoned buildings to explore them and well that same curiosity stirred her now... and this time she didn't even have to break in!


(OOC: I hope you don't mind my joining. And to give you a bit of an early warning it has been years since I have done any type of rping)

With a slight muffled groan, a slender almost deathly pale looking teenage boy climbed to his feet, as he pushed off the small tattered blanket he had been using the night before to keep his frail form warm. With a quick yet discomforting brush of his boney hands, Ash dusted himself off as he scanned the area. As his eyes settled to the afternoons glare, he noticed the alley he had been crashing in was empty.

With a sigh, the young teenage boy willed himself forward out into the horrifying world that had become of his planet. Lowering his crusted hat to protect his over sensitive eyes as he made it to the mouth of the alleyway Ash caught a slight glimpse of movement off to one side. Catching what seemed to be a slender human walking into a ruined building, Ash immediately crouched low into a defensive position.

In this world one could never be careful enough when dealing with other beings whether being human or animal or even vegetation. Nothing was as it seemed and everything was a potential danger as his frail body is unable to handle battles.

Time passed slowly as Ash waited, wondering if the human would ever exit the building or if some misfortune had befallen the person.

(OOC: Again sorry for such a crappy post lol )


He smiled back at her, "A book store clerk huh?" He chuckled a little at the thought, "Its funny...we'd probably have come across each other sooner or later, much different circumstances" He looked around the building along with her. "But...I don't think I'd ever have the guts to talk to someone like you." He was of course making no insult to her character, it was more because she was a woman and he was always to stuck in his books to ever care, or have the guts, to think about 'romance'

"I'm glad you know this place though." He leaned on some of the rubble. "See...I was moving into my dorm the day the calamity happened. So I'm sure I would have visited your book store eventually, even gotten to know this place really well...maybe made a friend or two...graduate with a degree in business and theology, minor in psychology...." He was rambling, more to himself than to her, trying to piece together what his life had become. He found himself tearing up at the thought of his parents back home...if it even existed. He tightened his fists, "But now...this place...its all different...nothing makes sense anymore in this God forsaken place!" His hand slammed down, energy coursing through his veins, the rock he hit obliterated in an instant. He took a deep breath.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to go on like that..." He smiled again, and proceeded to make a horrible joke...

" save my life, and then invite me to your room? When do I get to plan a date?" He stood as best he could faced and started to pilfer up the ruins of the building to see what was left of the next room. "Maybe sometime we can visit the book store...I've still got to get the books for my classes." He looked back at her and extended his hand, not that he thought she would take it, but it was a pleasantry he'd never been able to offer before.


((welcome to the rp <3))

Someone like her? Being the suspicious sort and not the girl you bring home to mother with her punky looks and quirky attitude she thought of the more common meaning of saying that. Still, she doubted he meant anything genuinely insulting by it. She could be intimidating, that was just true.  She wasn't the cheerful, obliging girl next door type that was easy for anyone, guy or girl, to talk to. Even if she ever could have been she would have chosen otherwise.

She shook her head as he mentioned the book store with a dark smile. She had been standing in it when the second earthquake hit it. The first had not done much damage, which was good being everyone fell down instantly they were so sick. She remembered laying there staring at one of her favorite customers who was dying. It was 26 hours after that when she realized she was the only one still alive, still coughing. She was trying to sit up when it hit. This second earthquake was much stronger then the first and one of the main support structures snapped, probably due to unseen damage from the first. The whole building had been built back in the forties and so wasn't real strong to begin with. The whole building  crumbled inward, she would have been dead if not for her portal opening beneath her. There was no way to enter it now, or really enough a building to enter. It was  now maybe four feet tall.

She may have said more when the rock shattered, causing her to instinctually shoot backwards. She was in a slight crouch, her hand already lowered to her boot where the knife was. Her free hand was already ready to form a portal too when he was already speaking again. He clearly hadn't expected her instinctual bolting but then again neither did she. She'd already been more animal in mind since the fire, the change of the world had made the change even more...complete.

She tried to laugh it off, slowly standing. She took his hand more to distract from what she'd done then anything, looking back at the rubble. She stepped on one of the nearer blocks as if to climb, peeking over the rubble to see the stairs were surprisingly much more intact then she thought it would be. She tilted her head to the side in thought, speaking as if she hadn't done anything at all.

"Hmm, I think we can get over this... Might be some supplies we can scrounge from one of the rooms or even mine. The stairs look okay..."She chatted easily, trying not to look at him. She didn't want to see his reaction, didn't want to know how crazy she looked. She'd always been a little off, maybe a little crazy but in the world before it hadn't mattered... There were people around her to keep her stable, alone she'd gone a little crazier.


Time continued to go by as Ash watched and waited for the human like figure to reapear from the ruined building it had gone into. With each passing moment the young teen began to grow ever more paranoid as if something or someone was watching his every move. Who or what or even if anything at all was truly out there, he did not want to find out. As his emotions took over his rational thinking, slowly Ash stood from his crouched position at the edge of one building leading out into the main street that was the same street leading to the building the figure had entered.

Looking both left and right、trying to see if anything was out there before venturing forth, his eye sight not what it had once been, making him barely able to see clearly a few feet away. That and the change to his eyes that had undergone when the accident happened. Flicking back and forth from color to black and white, from normal to something all together. A form of heat sensing ability that allowed him to pick up life forms that were hidden from the naked eye. Yet this was more of a curse then a gift. Not being able to truly make out what something was and even making him jump at shadows when nothing was there. A leaky pipe giving off heat, steam coming from some underground pipe. But as the days continued on Ash slowly began to distinguish the difference from one thing to another. Yet sometimes his with the machinations of his own mind he would think something was lurking waiting for him to turn his back.

Slowly seeing as nothing was around, living that is. He crept across the round until once again hidden within the cool embrace of the shadows. Slowly with his back against the wall he continued on until he came to a door adjacent the building the figure had gone into.

First trying the door didn't work as something seemed to be jamming it from opening. With a sigh and another quick scan of the area making sure nothing or no one was looking Ash began to change. His body becoming more fluid and elastic like, his bones seeming to melt away, making his form less and less solid until he was able to squeeze through even the smallest of cracks.

Reappearing from the other side of the doorway into what seemed a small entrance way  with a narrow set of stairs leading upward. Sounds could be heard from above like the falling of pebbles hitting the ground, but Ash could not be sure of what was making such sounds.


He didn't notice her outburst at all, or at least, didn't acknowledge it. He didn't really care. If anything he respected it more because of how twisted the world was, it was comforting knowing that someone was there to help keep an eye on his back, and didn't seem to want to stab him in it, unless provoked of course.

He kept climbing, his hand holding hers; he made sure to keep his head and eye forward, step after step, afraid she'd see the blush on his face. She was soft...he had never touched a woman before, had to shake the thoughts from his head, stay focused. At least his side didn't hurt anymore...

They reached over the rubble, made it into the lobby area. It was trashed, if it wasn't for what Delilah said earlier he would have had no idea what this room was supposed to be. The stairs were fine it seemed, old wood twisted upwards in a circle, though the polish was clearly smeared with dirt, dust and general grime.

He walked to the stairs, "Shall we?" He made a flourish, it seemed his side was fine now..."you should probably lead first....cause I don't really know where I'm going, and I'll watch your back too, just in case."


Delilah being... well... Delilah didn't think anything of holding her hand. She had never been shy and never would be. She glanced at him, however, curious of how he'd react. She saw the blush and realized he wasn't bothered, making her grin. Part of her was tempted to tease him but she figured the rickety stairs were not the place to upset the boy.

"Of course" She responded easily, turning back to the stairs. She was careful, an unusual sight for her and released a sigh of releif as they finally made it to the top. She'd been afraid it would collapse with their weight, knowing her portals might not be quick enough to catch them if they fell ironically too short a distance.

For a few moments she peaked around, several of the hallways clearly blocked off by rubble. She frowned to herself, knowing they'd have to go the long way to get to her room... if they didn't find any knew blockades. With a shrug she headed towards the nearest room, trying the door.  She hoped that any bodies in the building were eaten or decayed...

"Looks like getting to my room will be hard... but we should check all the rooms for supplies...not like anyone else will need them if they were still in here...." She half joked the last, though both of them knew it was the truth. She tried the door and found it locked so stepped back. With a well aimed kick she had it open, looking in to see the empty apartment of an older woman. There probably weren't many supplies but she stepped in to look anyway.


Trying unsuccessfully to try and cover his mouth as a fit of coughing overcame him just as a loud bang reverberated throughout the building sending clouds of dust raining down upon him. Slowly straightening after regaining his breath from both the coughing and being winded from his recent transformation. Ash slowly began to climb the spiraling wooden staircase.

With each footfall as silent as death itself, Ash continued his upward climb step by agonizing step. Hoping to come within a slight distance from where the noise had come from. Above two sets of voices could be heard talking and it seemed they cared not for silence since almost every word could be heard of their conversation.

Supplies... one thing Ash had gone without for several days. Feeding off of scraps here and their maybe finding a stray animal to feed upon. An unhealthy habit to an already unhealthy body.

It all happened several days before the major quakes hit one after the other. A senior in high school. Somewhat good grades which didn't matter all too much since a sports scholarship was already lined up for the star football player. What would be the game that sent his team to the championship. A ball slightly overthrown as Ash sprinted down the field. Arms outstretched all focus on catching the spiralling ball. That was until he was blindsided by the opposing teams free safety. Helmet on exposed ribs sent a crack loud enough for the announcers sitting in their booths to cringe. Hitting the artificial turf with a hard thump the star lay motionless. His life, his hopes and dreams flashing before his eyes as he lay there unmoving. Sharp pains racing through out his body until darkness overcame him.

The next morning The once star wide receaver woke up from what he thought was a terrible dream to only realize it was all too true. Family and friends gathered at the sides and foot of his bed cheering with an all to rehearsed expression of hope towards their fallen friend and comrad.

It was all over he knew but he would not let his emotions control him while friends and family stared on. A week had passed and Ash was almost ready to be releaved from the hospital when the first explosion hit.

The lights flickered on and off. His family and others in a wild panic decided to rush off towards the car dragging Ash in a wheel chair behind them. Once they had reached the car. The second earthquake hit. Ash went rolling away his family dazed and fallen. Then the explosions started. One car after another until the world went dark once again for the teen.

When he awoke yet again, everything was changed. He was changed in ways he had and still has no understanding about. His once golden tanned skin as pale as a ghosts. His one short jet black hair white as snow. And even his fit physic was frail and fragile leaving him to fits of coughing, maybe from the broken ribs or what had been near paralysis in both legs. Not only his physical appearance and health but his vision kept constantly changing in what seemed a random cycle of changes.

All this ran through his mind as he continued his assent, up the winding stairs wondering if he should make contact with the truly only living beings he had encountered thus far. One a female and the other a male, both seeming to be unrelated to one another which could be good or bad in some cases of loyalty.

Nearing the last flight Ash halted and listened on...


He tried, gave it a valiant effort, but more often than not he found himself staring at the back of the woman who walked in front of him. Every time he caught himself he immediately looked over the entire area, of course, there wasn't much to look at as the two of them climbed the stairs. There was the railing, stones and bricks out of place the sound of dirt hitting the floor as they knocked it loose below their feet. There was at one point a large crash and thus as a large slab of loose concrete fell to the floor below, prompting him to ready for a fall. If he wasn't so focused on visuals, and doing his best not to find himself descending quickly to the floor, he might have heard a small fit of coughing.

The pair came to a door, Lucas paused and shook away the notion of them being a pair, although technically there were just the two of them, even though he considered it more of being two strangers following one another, and not really a pair, after all a pair insinuated that they were actually together attached by something, but they were attached, sort of, right?

He shook his head and berated himself for going off on one of his little thought tangents as she kicked in the door. He felt himself brave, or perhaps it was the need to feel brave as he put his hand in front of her. "I'll go in first, y'know, just in case." He gave her a small smirk to try and reassure her.

His first slow step in was on glass, shattering as his sneaker slowly applied pressure to it. He looked down, it was a picture of the old lady in a wheelchair. He wondered what happened to her, even caught himself mumbling a small prayer for her as he bent down to retrieve the picture. He took more steps in and set the piece of paper on a nearby wooden dresser, there were three rooms that stemmed from the hallway that was already somewhat green and smelled of mildew as the yellow painted walls chipped and decayed. He looked at the floors, two of the rooms had carpet floors, which explained the scent, the hallway was wooden, and he guessed, that the tiled room would end up being the kitchen.

His guess was correct as he immediately went to the fridge and flung the door open, of course, everything was rotten and he quickly slammed the door before he puked. He went through some cabinets, plates, seasonings, sups, silver ware, old chips and assorted snacks that had been rampaged by what was probably rats. Finally, one drawer hosted a few canned goods...and by a few there was a can of beans, a can of corn, and a can of Vienna sausages. 

"'s not much but, which one would you like?" He pulled them out and turned to her.


For a moment she was distracted, sure she heard something. As someone whose power was more defensive then offensive she had to be paranoid, she had to be careful.  The large bang had obscured the sound well enough that she didn't know what it was, but it worried her. Was it just a rat? A scrapping stone? Or was someone else with them?

She frowned to herself, glancing back to Lucas. She raised an eyebrow as he spoke, sticking her tongue out at him. His power was much more aggressive, much more useful but she was not the kind to simply sit and be protected by a man. Still she let him go in first and followed behind him. She glanced at the supplies, opening a portal.

"My power includes a pocket, lets toss the corn and beans in them for now. We'll snack on the Vienna's and keep looking... I think we might not be alone though... so stand on your toes...." Delilah said quietly, taking the Vienna fro him and popping it open. She took half and held the rest out to him as she nibbled on her own.


Oh how he craved a decent meal, any meal to be infact instead of the rotten things he had stomached since his world had turned upside down. Though he could not physically see them he could at some points catch the faint heat radiating from their bodies. How this could be he had no idea. But this skill only seemed to come and go like everything else his eyes showed him.

Ash sat on the steps listening to them talk and open a can of sausages. His mouth watering at the idea of chomping down on some nice meat. A slight growl escaped his empty stomach as he clutched at his sides. A wave of nausea and pain bent him over in a fight of coughing once again. It seemed his health was continuing to deteriorate, as more often then not pain, and coughing stole most of his awake time. Not only was he harassed when he was awake. his dreams were filled with horrible images and nightmares. Some too difficult to tell if they were real or not.


He leaned against the counter top where he had found the small amount of food. "That's pretty cool, with the portals and such, what else can you do?" He asked light heatedly as he ate one of the tiny sausages. "Y'know I never really liked these things but, what can you do?" He spun the can around in his hands looking at it's dilapidated label. But then he heard it, the coughing, he looked Delilah in affirmation as he set his food, still in the can down.

The sound was close and Lucas was not about to take any chances. He whipped his left hand out as he hurried to the door they had kicked in earlier. A hum, then flash of light sparkled, as the blade shot from his palm, cackling blue with his own lightning. The small problem was now his energy was focused for offense and not on keeping his wound closed, but his adrenaline was flowing and it didn't matter.

Lucas saw him, the sad figure on the steps, facing away from him, coughing, shoulders slinging this way and that as he was no longer in control of his body. He let his blade disperse and found himself trying to calm the figure that he realized was supposed to be a boy a little under his age.

"He needs help Delilah!" He called out to his companion.

Without thinking he picked him up and ran back to the room with the food.

Lucas couldn't save his family, he wasn't about to let anyone else die if he could help it.

He was naive.


"Just open portals really, either to that my own little pocket or to other places. Makes quick travel easy but that's about it..." She said with a laugh, shrugging her shoulders. It was true she'd never tried opening it inside something or closing it with something only partially inside while being aware of it but she figured it wouldn't work if she did. Though, Perhaps if she was truly honest with herself she would admit she was just afraid of what would happen if she did.

This time she was sure she heard a person though and she turned, frowning a little. She was about to say something when Lucas was already moving. She followed, her hands covered in blue and black mists as she prepared to open a portal if necessary. She could always get them out of there if it was something to big. Lucas was too wounded to allow to be hurt again.

As Lucas ran back, however she saw it was nothing to fear.... Yet. She nodded but said nothing a moment, simply waving at a couch for lucas to lay him on. She opened her pocket portal next to her and took out a bottle of water and another of the Vienna's she'd found at the market. She placed them on an end table next to the boy.  She didn't really have any medicines, their delicate paper boxes not being exactly natural disaster proof they were rare to find in any kind of useful condition, so she wasn't sure what she could do.

"The water should help.... And you need to eat something so take those...." She murmured softly, watching the new boy thoughtfully. She knew better then to underestimate someone on their looks. They did not know what his powers were or what he could do. She was not near as naïve as lucas so did not trust him instantly.


It had happened all so fast, even as Ash tried to recall exactly how he had ended up on the couch in the care of the two people he was listening on. First a flash of blue light light the room then before he could even try to guard himself, he was lifted off of his feet somewhat roughly. How could he blame the stranger, for he had no true idea of what ailed Ash.

The other person who's hands glowed a blue black reached into thin air and produced a can of the sausages the two were previously eating and offered a complete stranger a bottle of water. Both rare these days and not only that to so caringly take care of another person who moments ago was spying on them.

With a slight nod of his head Ash tried to sit up, sending a shock through his body tensing his muscles and causing a slight discomfort, nothing he wasn't growing used to. Slowly taking the can in one hand and scooping out its contents with the other, sending liquid juices splashing about. Some running down his face, yet he did not care at this point about his looks. Only that he finally had something to eat even if it was no where near what he needed.

Slowing to take a breath the young teen truly took in what his captors, friends, allies whatever they were. Both older then Ash but he was never good at guessing ages and both seemed to be in just as bad a predicament as he.

A slight chuckle escaped his lips at  the irony of it all. What would happen next he wasn't sure but at this point he was ready to give up for his body would not withstand a fight against one or even both of the two for they seemed to possess scary and powerful skills.