
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

A Marriage To End It All

Started by Staria, July 28, 2011, 02:08:44 AM

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Uriel Seraphim

She did not understand Jan, that much was obvious. But it was the way in which her mood change, the ability she had to shift places so quickly was likely to drive her insane. The Lycans were open creatures. They did not usually like to hide things from one another, though they did know the difference between the point in which it was appropriate to speak and when it was perilous for them to be quiet. All the same, Willow did not question Jan and her actions; they were not close enough for that just yet.

She followed Jan; her eyes on the ground, confident that she could find her way back to the central room should it become necessary. She fell fairly far behind in fact, and eventually smacked head first into a broad but cold shoulder. She feels backwards some but was caught but a strong callous hand. It was a warrior's hand, an alpha's hand. It was his arm she noticed then, they looked as if they had been a painter's canvas.  

"Wow..." she whispered as she was righted to her feet, "your arms are beautiful..." She looked up at him then, her eyes and smile bright as she gazed into his silver concoction. "I didn't know vampires could have them, the tattoo's I mean."

(This is a post for Onnen to reply to xxx Just so you all know.)


Jan let her fall behind, her mind still in the past. Was this really smart? To let herself be so vulnerable... She shook off the thought. No. She had to do this, she would be alright and so would willow. She knew she'd confused and likely hurt the princess but perhaps it would toughen her up. Wipe away that open look in those eyes that cut Jan so deeply. Willow didn't belong in this mess... Had Jan really just thought that? Something so naive...

She shook her head, glancing back as she heard the sound of her falling. She started to react when she saw the other woman already caught. She felt a rise of jealousy but kept her face empty of emotion. She pushed away the pang of strange and unwelcome emotion, shaking herself inwardly. What business was it of hers? Beautiful arms....well at least they were strong arms. She would keep her word, the girl was welcome to find herself men...

Slowly the white haired warrior withdrew to one corner with a glass of the blood wine, watching everyone passively. She didn't want to be here all the sudden, despite knowing her plan demanded it. This girl.. This little slip of a girl was tugging at Jan wordlessly. Clueless. She half wished she had been cruel and hateful as Jan had expected her to be...

((and off to bed with me >.> while jan stews in the coner and thinks 'emotion bad'))


As the little gathering continued to drag on for what seemed like forever the only real thing Dresden could think about was "How in the fuck did I get dragged into coming here" Hell he probably could of been outside on patrol around the nest, far away from all the hustle and bustle of the crowds. He always hated large gatherings like this, especially when they involved his kin due to the fact they almost always made complete asses of themselves after a few drinks and one slipped word of mouth. Though he was rather impressed that their "guests" hadn't made a big fuss all night, hell he noted one of them in the corner that just seemed to stand there in disgust, like him, not wanting to be there but forcing himself to go anyways....wasn't that strange, being able to relate to one of those dogs.

Or maybe it was just because karma had a strange way of making him do strange things at strange times, usually when he saw someone falling to the ground he'd probably put on a smirk and have a nice chuckle about it though he didn't even realize his arm had already shot out to catch the girl as she was bumped into, and only then did he truly even realize who it was. Brow perked slightly as she heard the girls voice, afterwords glancing down to the visible tattoos that peaked out from under his sleeves. "Years of experience put into more then simple words could say". He was rather proud of the ink he had, it wasn't to make him look bad ass or show off, but each inch of the tattoo's that covered both arms and across his shoulder blades represented something to him, though he never told anyone exactly what, they'd need to find that out on their own.

Giving a slight little nod of acknowledgement to the girl he then turned his eyes towards Jan, he could always feel that emotion she kept hidden from everyone else, then again everyone else was always staring at her out of fear...or just at her ass, so maybe that explained why he understood her slightly more then most. "Enjoy your walk?". He didn't fear Jan...and he didn't much know this girl that was to be married to her, the wedding to him was just one giant political farce to get everyone to stop bitching and whining....which would suit him fine if it actually did stop that. However with that the male glanced about the room, taking note of who took offense to him laying his hands on the bride to be, cold eyes pretty much sending them the only message they really needed to hear, but most importantly, towards the one guest that seemed to have the same idea as he did about the whole gathering.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

Uriel Seraphim

"If you wouldn't mind," she said with a shy smile, "I'd like to hear more about them. It seems if this marriage goes ahead we will have much time with which to speak." She had always admired tattoos. To live forever with a physical representation of something on ones skin, it had to have some significance did it not? The prospect of having someone new to talk to was nice enough however. Jan and her family were the first vampires she met, and they weren't exactly all too friendly, though the man who had caught her seemed respectable enough.

"Our walk was productive if nothing else." She murmured as she took her seat between Dalton and Jan. It seemed the walk hadn't exactly made her future wife happy, and for some reason Dalton looked rather upset as well... maybe he just didn't like her walking off with one of the vampires on her own... yeah, that was probably it. He was her personal guard after all, and vampires were... well, vampires.

It was then that she caught sight of the new vampire; one Dalton seemed to be glowering daggers at. "Dalton," she whispered in an exceptionally quiet yet chastising voice, "it's not polite to glower." She took his hand in hers beneath the table and gave it a tight squeeze. She wanted him to make the best impression he could, after all, Dalton was to stay with her. They were here representing their kind as a whole; to seem so hostile would not help their case.

He huffed in response but lowered his eyes and nodded. There was no point in angering his charge and even less point in annoying the two bit half whit across from him. Had Willow heard his internal monologue, it would have earned him a good swipe around the ears.


"It was fine..." was her stiff reply, her eyes as cold as ever. She was insulating herself as she often did, it would be a practice that Dre would recognize from when she first grew sane again. She had just shut everyone out and had not let a soul in sense. He and perhaps her sister Calypso were the closest things she had to friends besides her cats. After a certain time in her history... she just stopped trusting people or talking to them at all.

Still, this did not make the fact she had felt jealousy and as the girl requested that Dre talk to her later the jealousy started to rise again. She didn't know why it bothered her so much, and that in a way made it all the worse. So she'd just push her away, even if that meant it was straight into Dre's arms. He would keep her safe anyway, there were few others she felt strong enough and he was one. He was the only person that had ever come close to matching her among the vampires, so if anyone was to be at her young bride's side she would have chosen him not that it made her feel any better.

"Willow...Do let me know when you are ready to pick which of my familiars will be yours..." She said quietly, earning a few looks. A master vampires animal to call were a valuable asset, and the ones taken as familiars were nearly a part of the vampire themselves. It was the equal to offering one's blood and something Jan had never done before. Still she did not look at anyone, not even willow. She simply leaned against her hand as she had earlier, waiting ... though for what was the question.


Calypso had chuckled at the glowering but it felt almost like a challenge and she had her pride. She was finding it hard to resist the urge to flirt with him for no other reason then to irritate him. Those who thought they knew her just because of her sexual.. Appetite amused her the most. The way he glared daggers at her... he was clearly one of those people. How common... but how fun to irritate.

She swept from her seat even as Willow spoke, walking to the two but seeming to nearly float from the sheer grace of her motions. She would walk to behind the lycan princess and wrap her arms over her shoulders. Unlike most of her kind she was an intensely casually physical person, something which often got Jan irritated at her.

"Hello beautiful, I seem to have neglected to introduce myself to  you. My name is Calypso, your soon to be sister in law. I am intensely grateful for your arrival... for more reasons then one.." She purred, sounding as always like she was speaking to her lover. Again that power of her would reach out, making her voice physical, sensual. She knew exactly what effect this would have on Dalton, how it would irritate him, especially since her nearness would make it stronger.

She reached out as she spoke, stroking a fingertip down Dalton's shoulder... or at least starting to. Jan stood, knowing Caly well enough to know what she intended to do and why. She would grab the other woman's slender wrist and receive a pout for her trouble. Jan whispered something in the red heads ear and the pout grew larger but she dropped her hand and gave Dalton his distance as jan returned to her seat with a sigh.

Uriel Seraphim

"Well it's very nice to meet you, my name is Willow." She looked towards Jan, and for a moment, thought better of herself, "I do not think it right to touch another woman Calypso, not when I am soon to be wedded with your sister."

Dalton's nostrils flared as the woman dared touched her and began to reach for him as well.  He stood then, and leaned across the table, the muscles in his arms flexing with the anger. "If you touch Willow again without her permission I will defend her honor." It seemed as if time stopped for a mere moment as the two stared at one another. Eventually though, Willow stood, her hand at his arm and lowered him back into his seat.

"I'm sorry about that. We Lycans are physical creatures, but we have rules about contact. Openly touching me in such a way within your sisters company would have been considered a challenge in our culture. Dalton would not have allowed anything to endanger our marriage." She bowed her head slightly towards Calypso, and urged Dalton with her hand at the back of his throat to do the same. "I hope you can forgive the outburst."

Willow knew it was not really the reason Dalton had felt angry. He had never done well around women he found to be sleazy, it was not in his nature to take something merely because it was there. Dalton enjoyed the chase, but she knew from experience he could never find anything that had already died to be... a viable choice for a life mate.

"I suppose it will be better to chose one of your familiars sooner rather than later, no?"


Several of the vampires stood, including Jan who had one eyebrow raised in surprise. While Calypso was being a pain in the ass perhaps it was not even a hug and not anything particularly sexual. To Calypso who came from a culture where a kiss on the cheek was how you said hello his outburst seemed even more odd and she muttered something in French. Loosely translated it was along the lines of 'shoulders offend your honor?'

Then again, to someone who had as barely more then a child been sold into a harem to cover her families death sex meant little. If anything it had been honorable in her eyes to save her family from the slow starving death that would have otherwise been inevitable. Her heart was not for sell and never captured but her body was just another tool or toy to her. It did not help that her body craved it like it did on blood and in fact she could feed on sex just as much.

"It would seem my human culture was... very different then. This mere touch is less then a greeting...." She said with a chuckle, but she was watching Dalton as she spoke instead of willow. She did not seem afraid but merely curious. By vampire law she had right to challenge him for such a threat, as did Jan. Unlike her sister, however, she rarely bothered with such things. She preferred to be dismissed as weak and stupid. It was funny, in a way she was just as hidden as her sister but far less unpredictable.

She watched Dalton for a moment but released Willow, touching the back of his chair so it teased more then touched. She leaned forward, whispering in his ear something that shouldn't be said in her suggestive tones but such was simply how she spoke. Some weren't even sure she could turn off the power of her voice and she never would tell.

"You know... you probably should control that temper better sweetheart. In the court such a threat or insult gives me right to challenge you to a battle to the death and you would have no right to refuse. Only accept or die. Your cute face would not stop the others from issuing one." She nearly whispered her words so only he could hear. It was far to intelligent and focused to suit how she preferred the others to think of her. Before Dalton could react she would sweep to her chair, tossing those red curls as if offended when she'd merely enjoyed the show. She had a slightly sadistic streak, perhaps due to having been the lowest wife in the harem for so long.


Jan watched the display with a raised eyebrow and slight interest. Considering how Willow had behaved with Dre she had not expected such a reaction. She concluded to herself that Willow was simply that uncomfortable with lesbianism whether it was true or not. This caused a slight flicker of emotion in her gaze, unreadable to most. Jan's sexuality had always earned her ridicule and sometimes out right disgust from others, the fact that her wife might be one of these people did not surprise her but it still hurt.

"Of course...I think just outside hall would be the best place as the will be more room...."
She  said as shook off the feeling, however, as she was spoken to. She agreed more because she desired to get her away from Calypso and Dalton as soon as possible then anything. It was like watching a powder keg next to an out of control fire. You knew it would blow you just didn't know when.

She stood slowly, holding out her hand towards Willow without another word. She was already sending out a message to her many cats around the palace, asking them to meet her in the entrance hall. It was large and empty as well as close to the dining hall so seemed the best place. Inwardly she suppressed a sigh, worrying slightly over Caly. Caly was much stronger then the others knew but she could be petty. Those who looked down on her and her... unique way of thinking she always seemed to find the irresistible urge to annoy...

Uriel Seraphim

"Well, I feel it best to warn you then that we are not human and it would be wise to observe our culture as we are willing to observe and respect your own." Her grip on Daltons hand turned much stronger as Calypso spoke of Challenges. "As I said, touching me in the presence of your sister was also a challenge. I would not advise threatening my kind. Challenges are almost never ignored amongst Lycans." She smiled at Dalton however, to show she was not afraid of him or what he would do. "But we are not here to fight or entertain the ideas of something so petty." She was not sure whether to stress that part to the vampires, as she had found their behavior to be much more despicable than that of her own kind. But all the same, Willow spoke what she thought would communicate her feelings best. She looked to Calypso then, "it is not that I felt offended by your touching me Calypso, I feel if we are to be sisters we should come to a reasonable understanding of one another no? I merely wanted you to understand how those of my kind view such things. If my words did not do the task, surely Dalton's outburst did."

She looked to Jan, a similar but slightly less forced smile still in place. "Jan and I have discussed our marriage terms and I believe we have come to reasonable agreements. My parents and I discussed the matter before we left and have decided to leave it to your family to arrange the ceremony, as we have come to the conclusion our own ceremonies will not suit the needs of our arrangement."

She took the hand Jan offered then without fear. It was not that she did not like to be touched... mostly, when it came to women, Willow knew she should not allow herself to be touched. Her clan would be sickened by the idea... wouldn't they? It had always been looked down upon by the clans before; Willow was not stupid enough to believe her marriage would be the exception. As they left the main room , she could hear her fathers voice.

Her father and mother had stood as they left, stone cold faces and formidable forms in full view. "I believe it is best we not outstay our welcome." Her father grunted out in his low harsh tone."We will leave our daughter in Dalton and you're... family's hands." It was obvious to all that her father thought lowly of vampires in generally, and even lower of those within the room.  Perhaps it was best they did leave... she merely regretted the fact she would not be there to see them off. 



"I don't like this Dalton!" The man growled. His hand turning from that of a man's to a beast as he slammed it into a large tree trunk, slashing clean through its bark.

His best friend grabbed him by the collar of his white haori. "Calm down Ulrich!" He ordered him, the only one who could ever talk to him so. He paused, waited for Urlich to visibly cam himself, watched as the beast's hand turned back into its human form. "Look I don't like this any more than you, I mean, this is my should be wife we are talking about, but it's also a chance at peace. And you know that your family is desperately seeking to end it all."

"I'd rather our race be extinct, dead, but having fought for it..."

"You could come back, take your right and make that our future if you wish."

"No!" Ulrich yelled, looking back into Dalton's eyes and knocking his hand away. "That's to be your place now...not mine." He let out a heavy sigh.

"This is true, you'd kill us all in an our." He gave a small chuckle, it was an odd but common joke between the two of them. "I know you don't approve, many of our people don't, but I also know your the only one who can really keep us safe...and if anything were to happen...I'd want you to be there, I know your family would too. And..."

"Stop." He punched Dalton in the chest, and Dalton did the same in return. "You protect my sister...nothing must harm her. That is your responsibility, it always has been, always will be."

Dalton nodded his head as he morphed into his wolf form and bounded from the woods, it was his time to play escort.


His blade dripped blood, his body dripped blood, his white garb stained in blood as he walked in the shadows, approaching what looked to be a castle illuminated by the moonlight.


"I do not threaten, I inform. It would be... petty, for one of you to get hurt just because my sister hasn't explained all the rules yet. Besides I thought you wanted to know about challenges with all that talk" Calypso responded airly, seemingly innocently. For a moment she even managed to look confused, baffled and a little slow. She wasn't really, but she was a little confused. Try to do a good deed rather then let a temper get a man killed and she gets misunderstood.... Oh well.


Jan sighed, shaking her head. She doubted Calypso had meant it as a threat but Calypso had not a warriors pride so there were some things she just didn't understand. She was too stubborn to understand it though, even if she could. Jan could hardly talk when it came to stubbornness but it was true and she feared it now. Still she simply led Willow quietly from the room and said nothing of her parents. She was honestly grateful for their leave, one less fight to worry about.

"You'll have to ignore Caly... She's mostly harmless, irritating I admit, but harmless." Jan finally said, an exasperated smile briefly breaking through her mask and showing on her lips. She loved her sister as much as she would have had they been birthed together but they had more differences then similarities. She soon stood in the hall, all manner of big cats gathered there. Tigers, panthers, leopards, lions, even a single snow leopard all awaited Willow's choice.

As they stood there, however, a leopard that had still been outside ran in. It communicated in soft growls with its mistress, telling her that there was a bloody man on their land. He smelled of wolf it said. Had she finally lured out one of the resisters of peace? Or was there betrayal afoot? Jan frowned, pulling her hand free from Willows and placed it momentarily on her shoulder . She couldn't even imagine her hurt no matter what was outside...

"It appears there is.... A minor disturbance on the grounds I must sort out. Stay here.... Don't let anyone but my cats, Dre the tattooed man, or Calypso near you...they will keep you safe." Jan said quietly, her voice firm and her eyes commanding. She turned, walking out the palace door without another word after she touched the leopards head to get the location telepathically. She was already drawing her sword as she walked forward, heading for the area the leopard had shown her. She would run, spotting the wayward prince. She stopped seven feet in front of him

"And who might you be?"
She asked guardedly, her sword relaxed at her side but still drawn from its scabbard. She observed the blood man from her minor distance, ready to fight should he move at all threatening towards her. She half expected him to be crazed by his bloody looks and predicted she may need to kill him. A pity... her bride already thought her a monster and she would have to kill a lycan before they wed. He did not seem to be part of the aggressors.. They would have come in a  group. Who was this man?


Ulrich was a wild looking man indeed, large muscles scars all over his body. He could be civilized when he needed to be, though in his heart he wanted nothing more than to run his sword, claws, teeth, whatever he could into the woman in front of him. Her reputation far proceeded his own, and he liked it that way. Slowly he sheathed his sword, wiped the blood from his mouth and spoke.

"I'm just a passer by..." He knew she would see through the lie, but he would never speak of who he was. "I am of no importance to you, or your soon to be wife." He could not hide the sneer of his face as he struggled to speak rather than burst out in anger. "The blood you see is a representation of the blood that will be shed if any harm comes to Willow or Dalton. Both your kind...and mine."

"I don't like this arrangement. It doesn't smell right." He turned his back to her. "I will make sure they are safe, from the others...and if need be you."

He tightened the grip on is blade and began to walk away.

Uriel Seraphim

She did not understand at first, but as Jan went outside... the scent drifted in. She raised her head to the air, her nostrils flaring as she took in the scent. There was blood, warm blood that had been freshly spilt. But beneath it she could scent it, the wolf... she could smell her Ulric.

Willow ran towards the scent, through the door and towards the pair. She arrived quickly, allowing nothing in her path to stop or slow her motions. They were speaking, but she didn't much care to listen for what they were saying. But as he turned, she grabbed him and used all her might to swing the man around to face her. "You bastard!" her hand shot out as she swiped at his cheek, her hand no longer human, but clawed like that of her wolf form. "What the hell do you think you doing here?" she growled. "Where have you been? What one earth did you slaughter this time!? Do you think you can just show up out of the blue looking like that when we have a treaty hanging in the balance? You bloody idiot!" she swiped at him again, harder this time, her claws digging into his flesh as it came away.

She was breathing heavily, panting almost. She did not stand elegantly as she had inside the castle; instead, she stood tall enough to meet his eyes and legs far enough apart so that she could harm him if necessary. But none of it compared to the anger and loathing in her eyes, sealed in sorrow but reddening tears that refused to fall. "You turned your back on us Ulric, you turned your back on me. Yet you come here, bold as brass looking as if you stepped off the very battle field I am trying to prevent." She could not say what she wanted, she could not beg and plead for his return or even begin to hope at such a thing with Jan standing by... but still, "Why did you come back at all?"


Dre was slightly confused as to why the girl had taken an interest in him, yeah sure his Tattoo's looked nice but it wasn't anything to really be attracted to...he never really did understand the motives of their guests. Though his attention was turned slightly towards Caly and the other male, maybe it was because he was bored of all the formalities but for now, it occupied his interests. "Perhaps I will tell you another time..." he didn't mean to be rude, but it just seemed like talk like this could be reserved for times when there wasn't so much damned tension in one area.

With that giving a polite little nod towards the girl, silver orbs glancing towards Jan as she spoke. He wasn't quite sure how she'd react to the whole interest the girl had taken to him, let alone the little moment between her sister and, if he heard right, the male by the name of "Dalton". "If you'll excuse me.." he wasn't one for violence, least not at the moment, he'd get the floors dirty and then it'd be a pain to clean up, but simple pride could push someone a long way as he made his way towards Caly and Dal. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" not so much looking towards the sex bomb that was Caly, but more so towards Dal. More like he was sizing him up, eyes meeting his unflinching. It was probably a good way to get his smacked, but for now, simply just to attempt and maintain some order before his less patient kin came up to them instead.

Dre took no note of Jan leaving, it was rare he didn't see her on the move now a days and he was too pre-occupied with as well as staring down Caly and Dal, but the rest of the would be agitators in the room. He was like some sort of sexy vampire bouncer trying his damnedest to make sure everything went well by the end of the night and there would be no more need for little formal gatherings...he hated them.

(Sorry for bleh post, getting dragged left and right IRL. @_@)
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


"How dramatic, but a foolish display. " She said softly with a bitter laugh, shaking her head. She sighed, taking in his scent. It was vaguely familiar and for a moment she couldn't place it. It was not a smell that filled her with dread, however, so she pushed the feeling into the back of her mind. She may have said more when willow ran between them. Her felines would follow, a herd of large cats soon surrounding the group in a circle.

Ulric? She'd heard rumors of the lost prince but thought them just that... rumors started by a patriarchal clan who had but a princess. It seemed she was wrong and there was a further complication thrown into her desperate plan to save what she held dear.  An impetuous princess who couldn't take orders and a blood thirsty prince, Dalton with his temper, and Caly who couldn't resist a challenge, all for her to baby sit now together. What next?

Jan sighed as she watched them, seeing her attack like a wild cat. She crossed to her wife's side, not intending to let her brother ruin the treaty by wounding Willow even in self defense... at least that's what she told herself was the reason she wouldn't let him hurt willow. She caught the sorrow, however, in her gaze and felt fury rise in her. No one was allowed to hurt Willow like that...What was she thinking? She knew she'd be hurting Willow like that in time if she ever actually cared for Jan...

She said none of her inner thoughts, merely sheathing her sword. Her being the one to try and diffuse the situation? Really? It was almost laughable but she had little choice. She would at least have to get them away from the castle before someone noticed the commotion. So she reached out, touching Willow's shoulder gently.

"... I do not think this is a safe place to be so out of control Willow... but I know a place you two may yell at each other further if that is what you desire, but we need to get out of here before someone notices. You made quite a scene..." She said quietly, her tone empty. She was outwardly Jan the Politian, burying the warrior within even as her own inner demons stirred. The blood and all this conflict... the scent filled the air and tore at her mutated hunger which was even stronger then most vampires or even a berserker werewolf. She showed none of it, however, except in the fact that she kept her gaze on the ground now and did not look at any of them. Her blue eyes held a slightly purple tint but it was barely there. She could feel the inner beast tearing at her insides, clawing to come out....


Calypso tilted her head to the side, watching as Dre approached. She had actually never tried to seduce him, she wouldn't dare. He was a man that Jan actually trusted, perhaps the only one. He had also never shown any interest in her so she doubted that was what this was about. Still she saw no reason to stop him, this had.... Possibilities. If Dalton desired to loathe her very presence she'd make sure he'd never forget it.

"No... not at all, we were just taking about culture and how they are so different but so similar..." Caly said cheerfully as she put her arms around Dre's shoulders and leaned on him. She laughed softly, glancing at Dalton. She did not expect jealousy, no, she expected disgust. She relished in it, amused by how easily he was reached. There was just as much power in causing disgust as long as they were paying attention, they were still your playthings.


Ulric did not wince once when he felt Willow's claws bite into is flesh. He knew that she would never understand what he had done and why he had done it, his parents, not even Dalton really knew why. He did not say anything when she yelled her accusations at him, which was strange for he was known more for his temper and quick tongue than a punching bag. But he did not retaliate, Ulric would never bring harm to his sister.

He stared at her, still unmoving he watched Jan pull Willow away from him. He wanted nothing more than to hug his sister, to tell her what really happened, but he knew that his existence needed to pass into myth and legend.

"Take her back to the castle." He spoke only to Jan, ignoring his sisters earlier pleas. "There is nothing more for me to say. You know where I stand, where I will always stand. No harm shall come to her." The blood from the wounds his sister had given him flowed freely, he knew they would scar. It was strange, the gift she gave him without realizing it.

Uriel Seraphim

She wanted to hit him again, and again and again until he showed some reaction. She had made him bleed, gouged flesh from his face... yet even that did not move him. He showed her no love... no emotion at all. For a moment, she thought him devoid of it. But that was not the Ulric she remembered, her Ulric was not a cold hearted man... or at least, he had not been when she had known him.

The second Jan's hand touched her; Willow felt nothing but pure fury crawl across her skin. It was a highly uncommon emotion for little Willow to fell, but one that would add kindling to her powers if Jan was not careful. Willow could already feel the flickering flames begin to burst from her finger tips, her will being the only thing to keep her body from igniting fully. She turned to her supposed future wife then, an uncommon glower of pure hatred covering her face. "This has nothing to do with you Jan. If I am making a scene then it is my problem to deal with. Do NOT interfere with matters that concern MY family and I will show you the same level of respect," she growled before shaking the woman's hand from her shoulder.

"No!" she shouted, her arms instinctly reaching out to stop him from leaving her all over again. She did not want another whole in her heart... not tonight, not with so many tensions already in the air. "You will not turn your back on me again! You OWE me an explanation! You owe me at least a little compassion! Damn it Ulric, at least speak to me as if you are not a stranger to me! Speak as if you still feel something at all for me..."

She slammed her fists against his chest, the tears falling freely now. It took a moment of silence before she did what she wanted to do, merely stretch up as high as she could and wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him to her without fear of being smeared by the blood covering his form. "So many years without a word from you Ulric and this is how you chose to show you still care?" she buried her head in the side of his neck, her feet barely touching the ground. The scent of him was there, the scent of home and something brilliant she had lost for years. It was comforting and yet heartbreaking all at the same time...  "I've feared you were dead for the longest time Ulric, I thought I'd never see you again."


"It is not only for you and your family, that I ask we take this elsewhere. The place I have in mind is not far. He shares no legal binding to the pack any longer after leaving it as he did, if it is how the rumors said and your reactions suggest. It is a loop hole that any vampire brought out here by your shouts could   use to attack him. I can repair the damage and get him included but only if you both live long enough and don't kill any of the council that is inside the castle. " She responded, ignoring Ulric completely when he tried to issue her an order.  She did not react outwardly to the look of hatred, seeming almost... satisfied. There, that was the darkness she expected. The familiar hate she'd grown to know. That she could deal with, that she understood even if it hurt a little.

She then finally turned to Ulric, tilting her head to the side as she looked at him passively. It was a pain, the mysterious big brother couldn't' have waited until the council members had left at least? At least the gaurds and such were low enough rank she could just order them away. A council member it would mean a challenge to the death to save them from blame or death.

"I suggest you give your sister her answers... before you get her killed with your stubborn display. ... but at a small spot I know where you will not be able to be heard no matter how you or she shout." She said icely, trying not to feel too angry at him. Willow was not something to play with.. My where was this possessiveness coming from? It was just a show, the marriage... She was just the hated cage that was wrapping Willow where she didn't belong.. Nothing more. At least that was how she was sure Willow thought...


Dre gave a blind eye to Caly for the time being, though he had to admit it was somewhat funny how she seemed to be able to pull and pinch at this male with a simple act, so for the time being, he'd roll with it as he reached an arm out a bit over her head so hand rested on her far shoulder and he could hold her in a sort of embrace/hug, still maintaining eye contact with the one known as Dalton, tilting his head curiously to the side. "Really now? Such as what may I ask.. reaching free arm outwards and picking up an already poured glass of champagne nearby, casually taking a nice sip from it.

When he wanted to, Dre could be the most arrogant prick in the room, but he mainly did it for shits and giggles seeing as how it seemed to lighten the tension somewhat, after all he was simply mingling and creating "healthy" conversation between themselves and their "Welcome" guests. Finally taking his eyes off of Dalton for the time being to give a little smirk towards Caly. He'd never flirted with her mainly because he'd never really flirted with any of the females...then again that might be because for some reason his vampire brothers and sisters had a well known little problem with "Jealousy" and he just didn't like the problems it seemed to bring.

He patiently awaited for the conversation to start...or the male to leave out of disgust of the sight of the two, either way, if it kept people from tearing people apart it would suit him well, he couldn't wait for the night to be over so he wouldn't have to worry about keeping the peace on what was supposed to be a formal and nice night....also bed seemed well, he was worried about 3 things, how the king and queen of both races would react to what happened that night, about how Jan and her to be bride would handle the little "Incident" that happened earlier about her taking interest in his "arms"....and how though he honestly thought the wedding would fail and sooner or later the drums of war would beat again, he hoped it would work out. There was only so much fighting a man could take before he grew weary and rusty. But for now, all thoughts would be kept out of the public eye as he simply put on a nice little toothy smirk.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


Ulric winced as her arms wrapped around him, it was true, he was being cold as can be, but he loved his sister dearly, hated what she had to do. He put one of his powerful arms on her shoulder, pushed har away just enough for her to see his face, and hopefully, his sincerity.

"I know you want answers, answers I cannot give..." He looked to Jan, not a hateful or menacing stare, but one of grief, "You're already in enough danger as is...and Jan is right" He paused, never did he think that he would ever agree with a vampire, "you cannot be seen with me." He then pulled her away, "especially in such a loving manner. To you I am your brother Ulric, to anyone else, I am simply a vagabond...Not even Jan knew my identity until you arrived." He let his hands fall to his side.

"And it needs to stay that way." He paused again, hardness returning to his face, he looked to Willow, then to Jan, "You know my scent, have someone you trust find me if you ever need of me." His eyes returned to his sister's, "I will always be near you, never a shouts distance away."

Uriel Seraphim

Dalton rose to attention when his Ulfric and Lupa stood, he bowed to them as they took their leave. It was his job to care for their child now, his job to see to it no harm ever came to little Willow.

He stayed for a moment or to, refusing to watch as the vampires displayed their most vulgar of traits. Lifeless creatures had no right to enjoy that which was given to the living. Eventually, when their displays made him fearful of losing his lunch, the man stood. He would not look one of these creatures in the eyes again, they did not deserve it, nor did he think to inform them of where he was going. As with the pack, he assumed the others would think him to go check on his, correction, Jan's future wife.

The thought made him scowl.


That was enough to answer her questions. It was not that he did not love his sister, she decided, it was that he loved himself much more. It would be selfish to think he was here to protect her. No, had her safety been his desire never would he have left. If a fight were to break out, Ulric would want to be in the middle of it. Having his sister here merely gave him an excuse, a way to justify it to their clan should they every try to prosecute him.

The tears no longer fell as her body went silent, both inside and out. "I... I see." She managed to mutter as she stepped away from both of them, embarrassment and realization setting in. "I shouldn't have expected..." she shook away the thought before she said something she would later regret. "I think I should retire for the evening. I do not feel like enduring anymore surprises." She spoke to Jan this time, refusing to look directly at either of them. "I'll stay with Dalton until our wedding. I don't think the leopards will leave the clan until early morning and if you inform me of where they should stay if not with Dalton and I, we will make sure they understand the terms you and I have agreed to. I'll choose a familiar tomorrow night."

Willow didn't wait for a reply from either of them, merely turned and headed back to the castle at her own pace. Her arms were crossed under her small but perky chest, as if trying to hold her heart in behind her ribs. If the first time he left hadn't shattered her hopes he may return, their meeting tonight certainly did.

It was not until she was halfway through the stairs that she noticed Dalton watching her. Willow had always been quick to emotion when she felt comfortable, but tears were not something common to see on the face of this Lycan princess. He did not ask, did not need to; but merely held out his arms when she drew close and let her take in the scent of something forever familiar. Dalton wouldn't leave, not unless she sent him away. From over Willows shoulder Dalton looked to his friend and shook his head as if the man could understand what he meant. He probably should have warned the man not to show up tonight, let alone covered in blood! Threats to the Vampire royal family was not the smartest of ideas his friend could have concocted, and with a sister who was in need of comfort... perhaps tonight was poorly planned out.

He steered the girl inside, allowing her to cling to his side as his hand massaged her arm. "You brother is not a bad man Willow," he muttered in a soft voice as he reached over to kiss the small ones head, "Just a stupid one." If nothing else the comment made her smile some, but it was weak and flimsy. Perhaps it was not how Dalton thought of Ulric, but they were words Willow knew Dalton could say without trouble. The three had been childhood friends, Dalton would have been just as devastated when he left their clan... or so she assumed.

It would not be long before they reached the main room or asked for directions to the room the two would share. It would be as such until the two women wed, as Willows father had made exceptionally clear. He did not trust his daughter's virtues around these creatures, no matter their gender.