
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Txgamepro

Ingeir walks past the gladiators as they step out of the way, as per champion part. She enters the area made only for gladiatrix's as she sees the serpent woman get stripped of armor and weapons before being hauled off by wealthy looking merchants, possibly slavers since that's the most likely outcome for gladiatrix's losing. Ingeir sharpens her sword as she sits on her small bed as she hangs her armor to fix up for tomorrow's match which will lead to her freedom as per the deal of the battlemaster. She sighs as her mind starts to wander back to slave days. A few minutes later her eyes open wide as she shakes her head "No more, I will be free even if I have to kill that son of a bitch" she says softly with a growl as she looks up and sees the sun has become afternoon.

After fixing up her armor and weapons she feels a presence as she stands in the training circle. She looks around and doesn't see anyone as she holds her sword at her side. She looks up, but still doesn't see anyone. She shakes her head as she enters her room and starts to sharpen her sword while keeping her back against a wall for protection.
The battlemaster sneaks out and into civilian clothing as he takes a seat near Cassia without knowning "Alright you bloody serpent make sure she doesn't win" he mumbles under his breath as he watches the fight. Kalax shakes her head as she charges dodging a swipe from Ingeir's broadsword as she manages to knick the dragon's arm before rolling away from a downward slash. Ingeir steadies herself, her opponent was faster than expected in heavy armor as she raises her sword before swiping her tail to bring Kalax down, but to her surprise the serpent manages to dodge the tail but not the sword as it knocks her helmet off and into the stands. Kalax shakes her head as she hisses at Ingeir before charging once more. Ingeir steadies herself as she suddenly feels wozzy "What's this? Posion?" she thinks as she dodges the daggers, but not before almost hitting the ground. The serpent finds the opportunity to strike, yet gets deflected by the sword as Ingeir trips and disarms Kalax. The dragon places her foot on the serpents neck and with sword to head waits as she hears mix shouts of "Kill!" and "Spare!" from the crowd as the battlemaster growls "If that serpent doesn't get back up soon and end her it's back to the slave pens for her" he says again under his breathe.

Ingeir sighs as she stabs the ground next to Kalax's head and lifts her up before grabbing her sword and walking back to the other side of the arena "If you are to die, then do so in honorable combat" Ingeir yells as she grips her sword. She looks into the crowd seeing the battlemaster and Cassia as she licks her dragon lips and growls with her tail sweeping the ground.

[It's alright, I'm not much good myself Fae]
The crowd cheers as horns below out there song as the battlemaster stands in the center of the arena "Ladies and gentlemen! We have a special match for you today!" he calls out as the crowd goes silent. He turns and sees Cassia amongst the crowd as he smirks "We have a once in a lifetime opportunity for two gladiatrix's to fight for there lives!" he yells as his fangs show and the crowds cheers again. He motions to a gate on the left side of the field "From the city of Athens champion, we have the serpent of tactic and poison.... Kalax Viper!" he calls out as the gate opens. A serpent like woman walks out with a shield and sword in heavy armor as her tail sideslide across the dirt. Through the armor are a few hints of red and yellow scales as she hisses behind the helmet. The battlemaster motions to the right side of the field as the gate opens "Fighting against our own champion... Ingeir Dalah Rithux!" he calls out as the crowd cheers. Ingeir walks out with only a right shoulder pad and a left leg greave as she carries a broadsword out into the field as the sun shows her black scales and tail.

The battlemaster smirks "You know the rules, first one dead loses" he says as Kalax and Ingeir grip there weapons tightly. The horns sound as the gladiator's start to clash as in the first few seconds Ingeir manages to knock off Kalax's helmet as she uses her broadsword hilt to stagger Kalax back a bit before studying her for weaknesses.
The crowd continues to cheer as Ingeir brings the sword around and disarms her opponent before ending his life with a swift slice. She raises her sword once more and roars in victory as she looks around the battlefield. It was the afternoon as the battlemaster had made the match for her to fight ten gladiators at once with only her armor and a longsword as an attempt to make sure she 'accidentally' passed in combat. Ingeir sighs as she holsters her sword "Such weak whelps: tigers and wolfs, hope the gods have mercy on you" she thinks as she walks to The Pit with her hips swaying. It had been a while since she could actually relax as she finds a letter on her cot stamped with battlemaster symbol. She cuts open the letter to which it reads that she has one final match before she may rest, against a snake woman. Ingeir is not surprised, they had made her fight other gladiatrixs from other cities as some of which were mammal looking, this snake woman may prove a challenge for her as she smirks before starting to sharpen her halberd.

The battlemaster was worried though, he was losing more money than ever with Ingeir winning and not having more gladiators. He decides to invite a noble to increase income for the tournament as he finds a small boy and gives him a package "Deliver this to this specific home" he says as he pays the kid ten Solidus as the kid runs to deliver a invitation to Cassia to attend the gladiator match.
(ooc: Hope I spelt her name right)

The sound muffled around her as her eyes search the field during the tournament. She could feel her opponents metal armor resound off the hard ground as she raises the double - edged axe over her head and swings. A satisfying crack is head as she could feel the axe cut through her opponent. The muffled sound ends as she hears cheers and raises her axe high in the air as she returns to the place called 'The Pit.

The era at the time was during the Roman Empire, a gladiatrix was her profession since it was the only thing she was trained to do. The people of this time all were all of animal based to which the gladiatrix was a rather unique one: a woman with dragon traits, minus the wings. A guard inside the city of Mediolanum, who was also the arena quartermaster/ battlemaster, walked into 'The Pit' as was called by gladiator's. He stands and shouts "Rithux!" he yells as the only female gladiator stands up "Your payment" he finishes. He tosses the small bag of ten Solidus coins as her dragon tail catches the bag. She returns to her bunk in the pit as she removes her armor to fix it and puts her axe among the other weapons she used skillfully in the field of battle.
I was wondering if you be interested in doing one of your plots, probably A Demon's Game or End of Me
Roleplay Requests by Females / Open mind 2
February 19, 2013, 12:10:54 AM
This is for when I play as a female. Everything from the first thread is the same except for a few changes for playing as female.

Link to first:

Mainly as far as pairings go include yuri and more fantasy related pairings (Elf x Human, Elf x Elf, Knight x Peasent, Knight x Servant) and other fantasy style pairings just pm me if interested

In settings the same way for my male characters, will make bios after setting is made.

One thing's for sure, if it's a BDSM or master/slave thread, I only have one female character that loves to be submissive, yet sometimes switch and become dominant when the partner least expects it and on rare occassions would love to have group intercourse... just don't be gentle to her (Hint: This female character bio is going to be made during a fantasy setting roleplay and she's a elf).

So I do wish to get along with people, hope to see you in the roleplay universe
I be interested in being either a bounty hunter or a deputy
Alternative Roleplay Requests / Re: Group Skyrim Rp?
February 18, 2013, 10:27:10 PM
I'm down for this idea as well
Alternative Roleplay Requests / Re: Pokepeople!
February 18, 2013, 10:25:28 PM
Should we post what pokepeople we wish to use if we are continuing this idea?
Alternative Roleplay Requests / Re: D&D Group RP
February 18, 2013, 10:14:40 PM
I'll join, though I don't know a lot about D&D
Introductions / Re: Intro for a gamer
February 18, 2013, 06:24:48 PM
Thanks, hope I can find someone to roleplay with
Roleplay Requests by Females / Re: Wither and Rose
February 18, 2013, 05:35:39 PM
We could do the Human x Fallen Angel if you are interested
Open Roleplay Bios / Re: Sirenian Shores [Bios]
February 18, 2013, 05:19:40 PM
Bailey Cree

Age: 24
Height: 5'0''
Job: Master Gunner on a ship, now working as a barmaid for time being
Vessel: Last vessel sunk to Davy Jones locker from trading company ship

Bio: Bailey had a pretty easy life, despite not having a family other than a pirate crew that raised her. The ship she served on as a swabbie was called "The Kraken's Bane" as it sailed looking for the Kraken to slay it. Most would call it a crazy idea, but she didn't care since the crew treated her like one of there own even when she screwed up at times. By the time the ship had found a trading ship to ransack at the age of 22, she was at the rank of Master Gunner. All she remembers was flaming cannonballs and chains taking down the ship as she managed to escape, the only one to escape. She now works in a bar in town till she can find a ship to work on.

Personality: She has moments when she would be a klutz, but overall a very smart person and strategic when it comes to warfare. She is loyal to any captain that she respects.
Open Roleplay Bios / Re: Survival Instinct Profile Thread
February 18, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Name: Domanik

Age: 20

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Black

Appearance:  About 5'6'' in height, average build wearing black shirt, jacket, and jeans along with a red tie

Animal/Power:  Photographic memory

Personality: Silent most of the time, but only when he considers it important will he speak... most of the time. He doesn't really care about others as long as they don't become a nuisance

History: Domanik is the kind of guy who was once a young bodyguard for a VIP. All he can remember is someone screaming and them him covering the VIP. When he awoke he found the people around him dead as he put his coat on and started to wander.

Extra: Well trained with pistols and hand to hand combat, doesn't like rain. Pistol is a 9mm handgun with silencer and laser pointer for special situations along with .44 mag in back holster hidden by jacket, unfortunately magnum ammo is hard to come by since meteor hit.
Open Roleplay Bios / Re: The Infection (Plot and Bios)
February 18, 2013, 04:50:44 PM
Name: Isaac Loneheart

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Profession: (Before or During Infection Event):

Before: Mechanic

During: Mechanic

Personality: Cocky, arrogant, but only when his abilities are questioned

History/Bio: Isaac had always been a car wiz even before the outbreak heck anything mechanical to be precise. When the outbreak hit he bunkered down with a crowbar, pipe, and a pistol.... that was before they cut the power and ended up taking his defenses offline as well. Now he travels helping small colonies for a price as per the 'scratch my back I scratch yours' kind of deal.

Faction: Survivors
Roleplay Requests by Males / Open mind
February 18, 2013, 01:54:31 AM
I'm sure I shared a lot about who I am in the intro, but I will try to give more details.

My experience in roleplaying is almost minimal since I've only done it for a month or two. The only real experience I had has mainly been on proboards along with in some PC games. I tend to type between three lines of text to two paragraphs, give or take how much my partner(s) have typed before me. As for literacy I am somewhere between basic and advance literacy.

Now as most people I have rules:

*Post length is not a problem with me, if you write a line that's fine if you write a paragraph or two that is also fine.
*I do not have a literacy requirement, but please have appropriate punctuation that is all.
*What I don't want is when involved in the sexual content none of the bloody, gory, violent, content unless it's minimal like whips, cuffs, etc. for bondage, BDSM and so forth
*No rape I can't stand rape
*And final one: have fun with the posting if you can only post once a month due to real life stuff that's okay with me I can wait.


I am okay with just about anything, but I will make a list still of most used:

Neko/Almost anything
Vampire/Almost anything
Cosplay (Anything of anime, manga like Fairy Tail, Star Wars, Naruto, etc. except for Bleach)
Higher Class (Royal, Noble, Princess, etc.)/ Lower Class (Soldier, Servant, etc.)
Nothing homosexual and from this open to alot of pairings, if you have any pairing ideas PM me
Rarely with technical undead characters like Hsien-Ko from the game Darkstalkers
(Fallen angel included in choice with Angel pairings)

As for settings anything is find from land of zombie apocalypse to nuclear wasteland to medieval to future to midwest, anykind of setting is fine. As how my character will be different based on setting, I will post small character bio based on setting when I start to roleplay

That's about it and hope to roleplay soon
Introductions / Intro for a gamer
February 18, 2013, 01:10:24 AM
- Hello I am Txgamepro, but most just call me Tx, Tex, or just Lee (my real middle name)
- I joined Forsaken for something 'different' from regular roleplaying, besides watching over as a guest this looks like fun in more ways than one
- I hope to get more experience roleplaying and to find interesting people
- My characters tend to be shy at first, but will take a little while to get a hang of something
- Title says most of it, I am a gamer, but I do enjoy reading as long as it is poetry, mystery, or horror. Mainly play rpg and strategy games
- I am a active roleplayer as long as there is a thread to be in and if the creator of said thread allows character in. Though only been roleplaying for about a month or two to be truthful so I'm slightly above average novice.
- In case of any sort of update like site maintenance or new URL I have a e-mail and AIM account. PM if interested

x -  I am 18 and 1/2 and I am a male
x - I am heterosexual or straight, but if I am playing a female character I flip a coin for making her either hetero or bi
x - I am honestly open to just about anything for a roleplay be it BDSM, incest, roleplay (medival knight with a elven archer as example), etc. , but not comfortable with yaoi if playing male character, just putting it out there for clear record
x - I hope to find some good people and well.... some kinky adventures  ;)