
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

I Will Not Bow

Started by Mew, June 14, 2011, 04:27:22 PM

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(Moving again!)

She struggled against the rough hands that gripped her arms tight enough to nearly bruise. Her protests had been muted by a piece of cloth tied tightly around her head. Her bare feet drug behind her as she tried to resist. The men stopped outside the large wooden doors that lead to the throne room. The guards released her. "Strip her," Grunted a third.

They fell on her like vultures on a freshly downed dear. The first thing they took was the pins holding her dark brown, nearly black hair, atop her head. Then the delicate jewels that adorned her fingers and neck were stripped from her neck and fingers. Their fingers lingered far too long at her chest. The other man moved behind her and undid the buttons and bows holding the dress tight against her slender body. She glared at them, anger made her green eyes burn bright.

The last thing that was removed was the makeshift gag. The change in her demeanor was nearly instant. She straitened her spine, and lifted her head, the anger didn't leave her eyes, hidden ever so slightly by her mask of calm. As their ministrations finished, the guards stood back to admire the nude woman, while they had the chance. She was perfect. Flawless, pale skin, dark hair framed her delicate face in fragrant curls.

The men took her arms once more and nodded to the men standing at the doors. The doors opened slowly as the moved aside. Colored light filled their vision as the room was revealed. None to gently, they pushed her forward into the warm room. It was a large chamber lit by a large stained glass window. On the walls tapestries hung, depicting various scenes.

Her eyes traveled around the room, so familiar, and yet it seemed so strange. Her eyes fell on the raised plat form. While the men dropped by her side, she stayed standing, her wide eyes, staring defiantly at the occupants setting in the gilded chairs behind the large oaken table. Her hear pounded wildly in her chest as the men stepped aside, leaving her alone and seemingly vulnerable. She raised her head higher, meeting the eyes that looked down at her.


The only sound for a long time was the sharpening of a sword. A single man sat away from the table, a stone in one hand and a sword in the other. He was tall, broad shouldered though it didn't help that his attire revealed his chest down to just below his breastbone. Black seemed to suit the man. Compared to the others at the table, this one was the least ornamented, wearing no a single thing of gold though two rings adorned each of his hands. He stopped though. His eyes, well eye, peered up from his work. A bandage adorned his left eye, perhaps he was blind? Who knew at this point as the others murmured amongst themselves.

The woman in front of him still a bit of fire in her didn't she? He thought to himself as his gaze drifted from the woman back to his sword. He could see his half of his face, not covered by the bandage before he put the sword away in it's sheathe at his side. Red hair was pulled back away from his face, tied back with a cord as his gaze finally laid eyes on the woman with more than just a glance. As an unnecessary precaution, or how he felt it was, she had been stripped of everything to make sure she hid no weapons on her person. After all she was their newest conquest.

Her people had put up a hard fight, Mathias had hated that he had to kill so many souls for their proud princess. A princess who at this very moment still stared like she was still protecting her land with the dignity and grace she still had. Rising from his seat he took careful steps towards the maiden until he stood in front of her. "Do you know why you are here?" came the voice that while quiet could still be heard through the room. Despite the others, his sole attention was on the naked woman in front of him.

What she didn't know about who he was, the neighboring King who had conquered her land to save her and her people from the Wicked King on the other side of her kingdom, the better. Offering something akin to a marriage to the woman was not likely to happen, his advisors, and he himself, would have felt uncomfortable to the idea. He was a good king, he swore he was. She just happened to be placed in a very bad, and strategic area that needed to be taken over by one King or the other. And he was quite happy he had gotten to the chase first.

However he had to keep up this guise, this was who he was. He was the Shadow King, some called him the Dragon King, the kingdoms for years had painted him the Devil King, the dark and evil shadow that lurked to the west and only was here for the women and the soils of the land. Which was as far from the truth as it could have been, considering the other Kings that had vied for this kingdom had to be the most corrupt individuals his scouts, and he himself on occasion, had seen. He did have an advantage over most kings, and he took that advantage gladly, his people were loyal to him. Some of his guards, judging from her state, were not so honorable as he had hoped, he would work on that.

But first, her answer.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


The rhythmic sounds of the blade scraping against stone made it seem as if she were in another world. Keeping her head high she waited, taking a soldier's pose her; her knees were loose and slightly apart for easy movement, her right hand gripped her left wrist behind her back. Adanya had managed to make the normally respectful pose into something almost disrespectful. She kept her eyes strait forward. As the repetitive sound stopped and silence filled the room, she fought the urge to look around.

She fought to keep the shiver that passed over her from showing. He was hauntingly handsome, she could see that. Even at this distance, there was almost a chill about him as his eye passed over her. The sight of his bandaged eye, gave her a since of pity. She exhaled softly, a slight parting of her lips but they were quickly closed and her face became blank.

She could feel his breath on her face, but she held her gaze steady, even lifted her chin ever so slightly. A slight smirk played over her lips as he spoke the simple question. "Shouldn't you know?" she demanded, calmly. She knew him the moment she saw him. Rumors of his appearance floated like leaves in the river, though the bandage across her threw her off momentarily. "This is your kingdom after all." She met his single eye with pure defiance.

She stood stalk still, watching his face. Perhaps her defiance would prove to be a mistake, but she was her father's daughter. He had raised her to be proud and regal even in the face of her enemies. Her heart dropped when she thought of the man who had coddled her as a child. As she'd grown into a woman though, he grew more distant. Then the war began and he was never at home, leaving her with the responsibilities of running the household.


Mathias' lips twitched into a slight grin, "I see you are not uncultured, little Princess." He said starting to walk around her once he was behind however there was a rustle of movement and the jacket that had been covering his top form was now deposited onto her shoulders to offer that bit more of a comfort than anything. His advisers and guards muttered amongst themselves and he shot them a look.

Coming back full circle in font of her he turned his head to look at her, "However I asked you why you think you are here. Instead of say, dead." At least he was blunt as he waited for her answer. His form hid her mostly nude form from those above her in their seats. He was the King, yes, but there was some forms of respect and courtesy even his new found captives would get depending on his interest in them. And he was far more interested in this little spitfire than he let on. His job right now was to keep the proud little Princess from falling into the wrong hands.

The Knights of Good were far from good after all. "A better question is do you know who I am, Your Highness?" With his top bare, he appeared more like one of those Pirates the people loved to romanticize about. He crossed his strong arms across, however his body was still relaxed, as he watched her. His never-ending string of patience was evident. She could kick, scream and argue with him all day and she would still not make this man loose his temper. Perhaps that was why he was the 'Cold Shadow King' for when he went into battle there was seldom remorse to those who had fallen in his wake, for all had been planned.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Adanya fought the urge to turn as he walked around her, to do so would show fear. She stiffened when he stopped behind her. Everything in her told her to run or fight, and yet she remained perfectly still. It was a battle to hide her surprise when he dropped the cloth around her shoulders. It was soft against her skin, pleasant.

Again she met his eyes without fear. "I assume because my father's reign has been...ended." She replied. It was difficult for her to keep her voice steady. "I am the spoils of your conquest." She affirmed. His posture did not go unnoticed. In the back of her mind she was grateful they could no longer see her. Her cool green gaze met his gaze. She still held a small bit of pity for him, to lose an eye could be devastating to some.

"Do not mock me." She hissed. Adanya was no fool. She knew she had been brought to this kingdom as a prisoner of war, and therefore, had no status. The flash of anger was gone just as quick as it had come, and her delicate features fell back into the bland, confident expression it had held since her arrival. The fire though, did not leave her eyes. "You have many names." She said in a low voice, that still. "I know you as King Mathis of Nachtumbra"


"Ah, far from it little Princess." He continued speaking, his eye focused on her as he turned to go back up to the dais, "In fact your father is in good health and very much alive to to negotiate your life away for the sake of aid from your neighboring warlord country." With his back to her, she could see the muscles of hard work being put there, some scars and course the blood red of his hair crashing against his back like a crimson wave. Turning to face her once more he sat, pulling out his sword to inspect his handy work from earlier, "I thought you might disapprove of such actions so I've decided to hold you a captive here until you think your sense of self-worth can honestly be truly won."

His gaze descended back on her as he pointed his sword towards her. "That means you have to earn from the ground up what your worth really is to your people, Princess Adanya." He said, slowly before tilting his head. "I'm sure you have heard many, many names of mine. I guess you'll be the first person to see if those tales about me are true or not." He raised his hand. "Guards, take her to my chambers. I'm sure that she would be much more comfortable there instead of in the eyes of so many. One more hand on her and I shall personally cut off each of your fingers."

His gaze lingered on her, "Sleep well, little Princess." He said quietly, watching as they took her away before turning his attention back to the maps that had been laid spread out across the table with his advisors around. Many questioned him about his decision to not only keep her alive, but to also have her in his bedchamber, surely that would be riddled with scandal and he shot them all a look. "I am not going to spoil the goods of war unless she comes to me and asks me to take her as my Wife. Until then she is in safe hands. Even if she hates me for it."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


A mixture of disbelief and bewilderment flashed over her features, faster than the blink of an eye. She kept her lips clamped. How could it be? Her father alive and well? She was well a wear that be marriage would be to an advantageous union for her father's kingdom. She'd met many of the sons of their boarding allies. She swallowed; the slight movement of throat would have only been visible to someone standing next to her.

When he turned his back to her, she saw the hard lines of his body, her green eyes swept over him in on swift moment. He was in a word handsome. Despite his stinging words, and the burning questions, Adanya kept her head high and remained silent; she was after all, a princess. She would not give him the satisfaction of her composure cracking.

The guards descended on her quickly. They bowed low to the ground before turning to their young charge. Tenitively they turned her and lead her from the hall. They lead her through the maze of passage ways to their king's chambers. Quickly they ushered her into the room and closed the doors behind them, leaving her alone in the large room.

Once she was alone, Adanya let out a long sigh and let her hands drop from behind her back. Slowly she let her eyes sweep the room. In the center sat an extravagant bed, a red comforter was spread across a plush looking bed. A cheerful fire burned in the hearth. Looking back at the doors she made her way to the window. The robe he dropped over her shoulders still hung there, providing little warmth.

She placed her slim hand on the stones surrounding the window. She would not let the stinging tears slide down her cheeks, alone or not. The view from the window was as stunning as her own had been. Yet she felt too alone to enjoy such splendor. The numb feeling had knotted itself in her chest, everything she had known was out of her reach now.

Sudden anger gripped her and she struck the unyielding stones with her fist. Pain shot through her hand and up her arm, it didn't stop her from repeating the action several times, until her knuckles were bloodied and raw. The pain seemed to push back the immense sense of loss she felt.

Mean while a house maid bobbed an awkward curtsy before her king. "My lord, should we gather a simple dress for the young lass, and what of food and bathing?" she questioned, respectfully. Word spread like a wild fire among the staff of the house. She gave another hasty curtsy waiting for orders from the king.


He was well aware of his lovely Princess being on edge. He would be too, if your entire livelihood depended on who decided to conquer you with words and money versus an actually battle to win someones heart. Mathias frowned at his thought, he was growing too soft maybe. Chivalry may not be dead, but it was hard to come by and much harder to keep from trying to take advantage of an opportunity when it arose itself. It did not help the fact that Adanya would be sleeping in his bed.

His attention wavered from his thoughts to one of his maidservants. Nothing was kept secret around here for very long it would seem as he fixed his eye on her. "Simple will work fine, my dear, as well as the bath. I'm not sure if she will be willing to try our local cuisine just yet. Perhaps in the morning we shall try that. But first try and get the warm water and clothes." He waved her off as he continued with some of the meetings he had left yet to do. However his thoughts kept wandering back to Adanya and her defiant little form. She had a good backbone, and a good head on her shoulders, he would just have to see if her head was where her heart was.

Once the meetings had concluded he rose from his place, making his way along the twisted corridors until he met his own room. There was a guard posted outside at all times so he was fairly sure the woman inside was quite safe from harm as he opened the door and stepped inside. What he hadn't counted on 'harm' can come from oneself as he took quick strides towards her and pulled her to his chest. "Adanya, calm yourself." Came his firm voice. "Taking your anger out onto yourself is not the way to handle the situation." He held her closer and lightly stroked her hair. "Breathe." He said softly before releasing her and going to one of the various boxes above the mantle and pulled it down. "Meredith has gone to get you some clothes and a warm bath. Before you rebuke my kindness keep in mind that you are, by all sense of the term, my captive. I would rather not be cruel to you unless I have to be."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Her hand ached from the abuse she'd given it, but it seemed to have done the trick. Her mind cleared. With a soft sigh, she turned away from the window. She would not buckle under this... She leaned back against the cool wall and closed her eyes. When the pain subsided, she flexed her hand, bringing the pain back to life. She'd seen her father do this when he'd lost a battle. The thought of her father brought back anger deep in her heart. If he'd been there...

Meredith bobbed a clumsy curtsy and rushed off to get the things he had requested her to get. In the laundry she grabbed a fresh shaft and simple wool dress. She then headed into the kitchen and set a large pot to boil over the fire, and gathered oils and things needed for a bath.

Adanya was pulled from her reverie when the door opened. She straitened instantly upon seeing him, her eyes hardening, clutching her fists. Pain shot through her punished hand, causing a sharp intake of breath. The sudden embrace made her go even stiffer. Despite herself she couldn't help but notice how warm his skin felt against her. His scent was of spice and sweat, it was exotic and strange. His kind words surprised her.

When he released her she let her eyes drop to her throbbing hand. "Tell me something." She began softly, but her voice was strong despite the softness. "What do you wish to accomplish by keeping me here?" she questioned, her eyes moved to him, watching as he moved to his mantle. "I am not ungrateful to your...kindness." kindness felt sour on her tongue as she spoke it. "I am sure it would be much worse if I were an enemy soldier"


"As I told you before, princess, to help you learn your place. Something I don't think you've actually learned yourself yet. You have all the training, which is quite splendid, but is the training you?" Mathias gently stroked his fingers along her temple. "Or are you more than that? You, I believe, can write your own destiny as soon as you learn and become yourself." His warm voice was firm in its own way as he went back to taking out the things he might need to cover her now bleeding knuckles and to keep an infection from striking her down. That would be even worse than her being captured back by her father's company.

"I have no doubts you would love to kill me in my sleep," He continued on, his eye going to her before shaking his head, "I'm sure your father and you allies would approve of such a venture, however I remind you that there is a guard posted outside not just for your prison but for your safety. I honestly could never harm a woman, less she wanted to be harmed." The knock at the door drew him away from the defiant princess long enough to open the door for Meredith to come in for the bath and clothes. "Relax for awhile Princess. Trust me I shall not disturb you." Mathias looked down at Meredith, "Let me know when she's dressed and clean. I have to attend her hand." He said gently before he politely shut the door behind them to leave the two women alone.

He on the other hand needed food himself as he disappeared into the lower levels. "OY!" said a servant boy who happened to be wandering the stairwell, "I 'ear, we haz a princess in residence, sire." Mathias couldn't help but chuckle, "Yes, yes we do. But treat her as your equal. She will learn eventually, like we all have over the past years, hmm?" He rose an eyebrow and the boy nodded as he continued his travels as Mathias finally found something he was looking for. "Tyg, what is left to eat here?" The man, slightly portly, turned to eye his King with a shake of his head. "Always the bottomless pit, my lord. But I have some pies left over." He waved towards the wrack. Ah-ha! Success! "Do you mind if I take a few of these?" He asked absently to Tyg, "Not at all, there will be plenty more where that came for, sire."

Adanya may not be ready to eat now, but once she had been cleaned and dressed he was fairly sure that she would change her mind as Mathias grabbed a tray and placed a pie onto it, to the side, while he started to eat his own. 'Mmm, chicken...' he thought to himself as he proceeded to devour it with enthusiasm. It also helped that whatever Tyg made was filling. He was fairly sure that the little princess after todays exploits would be sleeping after she finally relaxed. He hoped, in some way, by his hand. He hated that he had to do this to begin with. It was hard to try and act cold when he really did want to hold her till she slept and have her learn that she wasn't alone and she didn't have to be strong all the time.

For now though he was content to eat his pie until he was sure that Adanya's bath had finished, only then would he return with a covered platter for her so that she could eat. However that would be awhile yet, not that Adanya finally had some company that was a female, he was fairly sure they were exchanging stories about him as he was thinking about it.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


"Come, my dear." Meredith said, holding her hand out to the young princess. Adanya reluctantly moved from her spot and took the woman's hand. Meredith led her young charge to a room just off the side of the bed chamber. A tub of steaming stood in the center of the room. On a crude wooden table sat a hair brush, and oils to rub into her skin. Adanya paused in the doorway. She hadn't expected such treatment, no matter how kind he was being to her.

Meredith helped her into the warm water. Instantly, all the knotted muscles released themselves. The water smelled strongly of flowers. "Relax, little dove." Meredith said gently, moving behind the tub. Adanya found herself doing just that. The older woman managed to hold her tongue when the girl's hand flashed through the air.

Not long after, Meredith had helped Adanya into the simple grey dress. The last thing the older woman did was plait her hair into a single, fragrant braid. "You must feel more like yourself." The woman said kindly. Adanya smiled.
"I do, thank you." She said softly. Meredith led the young princess back into the bed chamber.
"I'll go fetch him now." She said, "that hand of yours needs attention, and you must be half starved." Meredith rushed off, leaving Adaya alone once more.

Confusion seized her mind. She was a captive, and yet they were being kind to her. She couldn't bring herself to understand it. Slowly she moved back to the window. The sun was beginning to set, sending slanted lines of gold across the green fields visible from the window. A pale rode sliced across the expanse as far as the eye could see, like a discarded ribbon. Adanya let herself get lost in this view, eventually forgetting about her aching hand.


His last piece of food had just been popped into his mouth when he spotted Meredith. Swallowing it quickly he took a swig of his wine before glancing over at her. Good, that meant that the bath was at least done, and more than likely more decent than she had been. Grabbing the covered platter he made his way back up the winding stairs to the room. Carefully opening the door, and balancing the platter he prodded it open with his foot before entering and placing the platter on the table.

"Come sit, Adanya. I brought some food and I want to take a look at your hand." He went to the box he had been tinkering with earlier on the mantle and placed it on the table, opening to reveal bandages and ointment of some sort inside. Unsnapping the protective lid from it's binding to the bottle he placed it, the scent of lavender filling the air. "It may sting a little bit but at least it will heal properly." He held out a hand to her to help her into a seat and so that he could, once she did sit that he could put her hand on the table and start cleaning and bandaging it.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Adanya jumped when Mathis opened the door. She glanced over at the door and turned back to the window. She could now see a pair of the Court's ladies riding horses. She took a deep breath and detached herself from the window and walked over to the chairs in front of the fire place. She realized that the castle and grounds weren't so different from hers.

"I still don't understand." She said softly. "Why you're treating me so... kindly." She settled into the chair and gave him her hand. She gave a slight nod, and held still. As he began to apply the ointment she flinched, and fought the urge not to snatch her hand back like a child. "I guess I shouldn't go around beating up walls." She joked halfheartedly.

"You must be a busy man." She bit her lip. "Why are you up here with me?" she asked softly. The stinging quickly subsided along with the pain in her hand. She fell silent, her mind wondering back to her family and the kingdom. She wondered how long it would take them to notice she was missing and come after her.


Mathias chuckled softly as he went about his task to cleaning her hand. "I'm not what the stories paint me out to be, Adanya." He said softly, holding his grip on her hand, gentle but firm so she wouldn't move away from him. His lips twitched into a small smile, "There are far better ways of dispersing one's anger. However you wouldn't be the first, and I certainly won't be the last."

He grabbed the bandage and carefully started winding the fabric around her hand, starting at her palm to move along her knuckles, and circling around her thumb so that she could move it. "You are one of my priorities, the other things can wait while I take care of this and make sure you have your own sense of what you wish to do before I go about doing my business." Tying off the bandage beneath her wrist he looked it over carefully and nodded. "There, it should heal properly now, I'll change the bandage later on."

His eye glanced up at her before shaking his head, "I'm sure before too long the others will try coming to storm the lands to reclaim you. Any victory to the 'Dark King' is a victory in their eyes. However some things are not as they often appear, Princess." He closed the box and returned it to the shelf. "These will be your rooms for your duration here. As you are aware of while you are here there will be a guard outside." He pointed over to a door across from her on a far wall. "I will be in that room if you need me for whatever reason."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


She remained quiet for some time. She could see that his words were true, at least seemingly so. She leaned back in the chair when he finished with her hand. The smell of the food made her stomach grumble louder, color flooded her cheeks. "I don't understand why you are being so kind to the enemy princess" she replied softly. "Your own people get to see the gentle side of their king." She lifted her eyes to him. "A monarch is like a mother cat." She began softly, repeating the words her mother had told her once. "and the people are the kittens. The mother cat is kind and gentle to her kits, but if something threatens her brood, she will fight to death to protect her babies." She had began toying with the end of her hair. "We are no different from that mother cat."

She smiled at her bandaged hand all the pain was gone completely. "It's kind of you to think of me as your main priority." She said softly. "Thank you for binding up my hand." She added. She flexed her fingers again and gave another small smile, the pain did not return. "Unless you count me among your kittens now." She said after a while.

Adanya looked up at the king, giving a slight nod. "I know that he will." She replied. "I am sure it will take time though. With war on two of our borders, there's hardly enough troops to storm in here." She replied. She had sat in on many of her father's meetings. "What do you plan to do?" she asked. Her eyes found the window momentarily, twilight painted the tops of the trees indigo.

"I couldn't take your privet chamber from you." Adanya said leaning forward. "I'd be fine with anything you gave me." She took a deep breath. "What is it I should call you?" She questioned when she realized she wasn't quite sure how to address him.


"Because I never viewed you as my enemy, simply misguided," he replied before he waved her off. "Go eat, you're famished." He said softly as Mathias rose from a seat to walk to the fireplace to the shelf to that the ointment had set on before before looking her over. "That's not a bad analogy, however I like to add that though fiercely protective of the kittens, they eventually grow older and the Mother will no longer want anything to do with them so they go and make their own territories and they in turn will have kittens."

He slid his blue eye towards her, chuckling softly, "Though I would count you among my 'kittens' as you phrase it, more than likely. You are my charge here." His gaze went to the window, "However with you in my keeping, no matter how I treat you I will be viewed as the enemy. I gather that your Father will think of the old phrase, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'," came Mathias' voice his lips thinning somewhat as he thought, "That being said he may approach someone he once viewed as an enemy to make a truce of sorts and offer you as their reward for their aid."

He glanced back at her, "I plan on keeping you safe and letting you choose for yourself what you wish to do, and who you honestly believe is best suited for you, Adanya. I have no desire to use you as a bargaining chip in this war, which is why you are here." He shrugged carefully, the light dancing over his toned muscles. "These are yours because here I know you will be safe, and well taken care of as well." His lips twitched a bit, it was amusing to see her so unsure of herself in such a situation. "You may call me anything you see fit, Princess." He pushed himself away from the wall and strode towards her.

What possessed him in that given moment was beyond his comprehension, as he reached to grab her chin, he gently kissed her forehead in a gentle gesture though it caught him off guard. Not because it was affection but because he had done so, so soon. "Eat, little princess, and sleep. If you need me I will simply be in the room next to yours doing paperwork." His thumb gently brushed against her skin, "Sweet dreams." He pulled away from her to stride across the room to another door, opening it to slip inside to leave her alone to her thoughts.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Adanya gave a small nod and took up the fork, thinking over his words. "Then you brought me here to keep my father from using me." she stated looking over at him. For all his hard lines, and the stories of his cruelty, Mathis was proving himself other wise. 

"I was taught to fear you." she said softly. "And I don't entirely trust you. But so long as I am safe, I'll make myself useful to you." she gave a small, uncertain smile. "My father will surely come, as you said, but until then..." she trailed off.  "I don't fear you so much now." she finished, almost lamely. His words had struck her. Offered as a reward...She would do anything to prevent that, even if it meant staying here, in this strange land.

"I appreciate your concern for me, even if it is a little surprising." she added softly. She watched him with curious eyes as he strode towards her. Again her eyes slid over him. He was exotic and fascinating to her, the way he moved and spoke. She was careful not to show this though. She felt her heart skip a beat when she felt his lips brush her for head. Her cheeks colored crimson. She searched for words.

"Good night..." she said, but he was already gone. It took a good while for the heat to leave her cheeks, yet she could still feel where his lips had touched her. It had sent a shock wave through her body, that wasn't entirely unpleasant. She ate slowly, rolling everything over in her mind. Once she was finished, she cleaned up as best she could and went to the large bed.

Sleep was fast to take her. She dreamed of the sun on her as she spared with one of the knights.