
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Resident Evil~ Nightmare Reality

Started by YamiNoTenshi22, October 10, 2012, 01:15:21 AM

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:) This is an Rp Between Yami and DoctorRed. :D If you like please leave comments by PM or is it likes? Well, whatever you guys do on this site to show how well you like the Rp you're reading. XD I'm kinda new on here so :D I hope you all enjoy!!!!

This Rp is based around the Resident Evil 4 leading up the the events of 6 and afterward. I hope to make this a nice long one and interesting to everyone including my partner! :)

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

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A young woman of twenty-four felt like she was lying on a bed of hard rock and dirt. Her mind in a whirl of pain making her whimper when she finally opened her eyes slowly. Seeing her surroundings only finding old houses rotting to the very core in the wood that it was built upon. The smell of dead rotting and even burnt flesh creeping into her nose making her nearly gag from it.. Wait... Old houses and burnt flesh? She quickly got up to her knees rubbing the back of her neck and looked around. Her eyes laid up on a man carrying a rusted pitchfork before he stopped, his eyes met hers in a locked gaze. The intense of the gaze made her quickly scramble to stand up, backing away from him feeling the cold shower of fear on her making her hitch her breath before she turned in a dead run. Her ears ringing from the scream in Spanish by the man as he raised his pitchfork and charged after her.

She screamed, her heart was racing, picking up its beat with gripping fear. She didn't know what was going on or even more how did she get here!? One minute she was in her bedroom playing Resident Evil 4 when she had said something and here she is running for her very dear life from a maniac with a damn rusted pitchfork.

Running around the corner of a house she was behind in she found herself in the middle of the village remembering the familiar area so quickly. The sent of burnt flesh was stronger now when she ran past the large bonfire where the first dead cop hung on a large hook in the middle of the bonfire. But her main objective was the house where the shotgun was waiting like a treasure for her to find. Jumping over the fence with one hand on the wood and was soon through the door. Gasping for breath she slammed the door and just like she had made Leon do so many times before she took the drawer from nearby and pushed it to block the door. CRASH! Went the window from above making her heart jump twice more with fear and now adrenaline of the entire situation.

With a growl and a curse she ran up stairs where the shotgun hung on the wall like the signal of life itself. She took it quickly with hopes that it would do her justice as it had for her so many times before. Running over to the broken window where a ladder had penetrated the glass she pushed it away hearing two or three villagers fall to the ground with a bellow. Her breathing picked up more when she swirled around to the sound of more glass breaking as villagers climbed in.

"F-Fine! If I'm gonna be in this mess I'll fight!" She said not sure if she was trying to convincing herself or them. But now was no time for talk, cocking her gun and aiming at the first villager that came at her she opened fired as its loud bang rang in her ears defending them. Her mind was screaming it had to be her hell. The blood spattering everywhere as her shotgun fired upon the villagers. The blood painting the rotten wood of the floors, and its walls in the house.

Thus was the beginning of her nightmare

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Leon found himself knelt down at the top of a house, his eyes scanning carefully the commotion from the edge of town. There had been gunfire, but he'd been too busy with some other things to get too involved. He knelt there, having climbed up to the precarious perch and took out his viewing device, zooming it to the max as he watched the girl. What was she up to? She was going to get killed that way.

Although, something bothered him. What was going on, that there was a person like that here? She didn't look like she was a soldier, and she didn't look like a local, not really. So she wasn't infected, but she wasn't a fighter either. If he didn't move soon, she'd probably be dead. He grimaced at that. He was still bruised up from the last incident and chewing a few herbs he'd picked on his way through the house he was on top of.

He grunted as he moved, swiveling his head and turning to slide down the slick roof, landing roughly ontop of the house and hopping down. His body screamed in protest, still tired and feeling mangled. He wondered if he should be doing such a thing. The Mission nagged him and he found himself stopping for a moment. He ground his teeth. This place was as bad a Raccoon City, with less places to Defend. He hadn't been able to find a place to lick his wounds, and he didn't really have time.

If ever there was a time to miss the Urban Sprawl and the nooks and crannies, it was now. He really needed a breather, but couldn't afford it anymore. He started a light job, determined to maintain his strength as he shouldered a villager out of the way. They grunted, but he'd caught them off guard and ran right past. No reason to waste ammo on a straggler.

He reached for his shotgun as he ran, and thought better of it. He'd need those for later, as he dodged around tree and debris, making his way up around the main area and around to the back of the house where he'd last seen the girl. A few deft motions with his wrists and bodies fell to his blows, not bothering to stop. Leon grunted as he slammed into the door of the bottom floor, holding it shut and breathing heavily. He wondered how long it'd be before he got an idea of where to head here. Hopefully soon.

"If you're alive and want to live, don't shoot. I'm coming up. If you attack me, I'll have to cut you down.. Come with me, if you want to live."


Bullets were flying everywhere making several villagers fall dead to the floor bleeding or disintegrating to the already rotted wooden floor. But still she kept going as much as she could, firing them left and right to keep them at bay. Some had their heads exploded others were just falling down dead. Sadly she knew that these people had no hope- no way of getting out of this. Their only salvation was a bullet to the head, but even then it took several shots to get them down. The village of Pueblo was no longer a tranquility village filled with kind hearty folk, but a hell hole. Still she kept her trigger finger at the ready making her pant for air, clean fucking air. But what she got was a fowl taste of the place making her hold her breath so she wouldn't gag too much. Soon she heard movement from below making her stiff up in fear, her shotgun on her shoulder and not on her side.  Seeing the shadow movements made her mind only speed in firing that shotgun, not wanting it to come any more nearer to her. Clutching her teeth she did her best to not look so shaken up, but the body was not listening anymore making her quickly dash down the stairs to investigate, doing the same thing as she was in a game was completely different than being in the same position for real!

Time seemed to slow as her shotgun raised up ready to pull the trigger until she stopped when a man came into her view. His gun pointing at her head while hers was pointing at his, soft blue of innocence locked onto the smokey blues of Leon S. Kennedy. Making her mind race, her heart stop not just in fear but in pure shock, 'No this can't be. Has to be a dream just has to be!' Sadly before she could voice that thought, the roar of more villagers were heard making her quickly lower her shotgun and yank his wrist to pull him back behind her.

"They're coming!"
She cried out, her voice half cried, half gone from the fear as she fired off a few more, keeping the dead parasite infected beings back as they busted down the door. Until she heard the dreaded roar of a chainsaw from a certain maniac making her knees week and her heart pump more fear into her adrenaline rush, her feet now in a rush towards upstairs. Putting up more and more distance between her and the chainsaw of instant death. Oh god no, not this guy. Anyone but this guy! Her mind raced as she checked her ammo- sadly it was only two shells left, mainly one damn shot. Great just fucking fantastic for her, it wasn't long before the Chainsaw Maniac came into view, his chainsaw roaring in  life that could only result in her death and Leon's if she didn't act fast! The man roared at her as he lifted the loud chainsaw making her quickly fire her last shot at him, seeing him stagger back and falling down the stairs. Her heart skipping more beats now than any girl has ever before, she looked for Leon hoping he was at least near her to hear, "JUMP!" she bellowed taking the lead as she dashed towards the window across from her in the room, diving through and sending little glass shards flying.. Midway in the jump she tucked her body in a little, feeling her body hit the ground as she rolled, landing hard and clumsy with a whimper, "And he does this shit all the fucking time making it so~oo easy for him!"

She looked up, unable to see Leon was or wasn't out of the window and on the ground, no doubt taking care of most of the villagers that were coming at him. She was about to stand up when the voice of several of the hellish villagers made her turn her head to the left to see them coming at her, and several more already heading towards her. Which, to her dismay a crazed woman came at her from out of her line of sight and slashed her side making her wince in pure agonizing pain. The girl cried out going down to one knee, the pain and burn of her crimson blood flowing freely from broken skin. It's mixture of that and the scent of them was enough to make her so nauseated to the point that her head was becoming light and quickly getting worse. She held her side as she stood back up and punched the woman right in the face, hurting her hand but the woman was down. It took all of her energy to get up, backing herself up to the door of the house across the largest one that she jumped out of. The door gave way and she ended up falling behind on her back by a trip from the step with a loud thud.

Once again time slowed down for her, feeling her mind swim and become more light as she felt herself being closed in by these savage beings from hell, making her roll her head back as she tried to keep herself from screaming. Instead her mind did what her voice couldn't bring itself to do.

'God if you can hear me.... RING THAT BELL!'

As if by heaven godsend the church bell rang loud and proud. It's single note was long and haunting, but the villagers stopped and listened soon as if they were drones they turned and headed towards a small house with a symbol on it. Dropping their pitchforks, knives, hatchets, and anything they had as weapons to the ground. Their feet shuffling on the dirt blood mixed ground as mutters and soft whispers of "Lord Saddler" crisped the air- then silence when the last villager entered and closed the door. She laid there closing her eyes as her hand covered her bloody side. Taking several deep breaths she tried to keep still, wanting to stop the blood flow on her side, as well as get her mind to clear.

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

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