
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Hogwarts- 2017

Started by YamiNoTenshi22, September 16, 2017, 03:33:01 PM

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The faster that she went the more that she realized she was getting too far away from Thistle, perhaps she should turn around now? Part of her urge to win yet, something in Keavy made her hesitate. Call it a sixth sense or a woman's intuition but she found herself turning her broom around as she froze in horror.

She watched as if in slow motion, Thistle's broom becoming unstable as the handle pointed downward towards the ground, taking a straight nose dive, the students below screaming for help. She looked around for anyone with an ounce of experience to help him but she knew they would be too late- or was it just her overall fear that they would be too late? Her mind whirred, eyesight growing fuzzy, darken, unfocused and trickling into a dream state that could almost recount into a horrifying nightmare. Blinking fiercely, she kicked her broom into action, not caring how close to the ground she would possibly get.
Keavy just knew she had to get to Thistle.

Bending low over her broomstick, Keavy streaked towards the younger man; she was almost there. She let her knees continue gripping the broom as she reached out and caught him by the waist, "Let go of the broom! I got you!" She commanded in a tone that she hoped he would comply before giving him a tug. At the same time slowing her broom down to the point that both could touch down safely. Her head still spun as she held him tightly to her, with her heart pounding, the race long forgotten. Her arm hugging him tightly as she silently whispered to Thistle.

"Oh dia, Ó dia, chaill mé beagnach ort! Arís! Tá an-brón orm!" (Oh god, Oh god I nearly lost you! Again! I'm so sorry!)

"Oi! Are you two all right?! I saw the whole thing!" Keavy looked up and turned around to see a rather taller young man with short brown hair. His face almost made her flinch slightly in fear based on such an intimidating look the younger man was looking. That was until he held out his hand to help her steady her broom and allowed her to mount off. "I have to say, what you did was quite impressive and quick thinking in such a dire situation. Most people would have been frozen in fear, but you took action. Oh! You're that new sixth-year student in our house!... Keavy right?"

Keavy blinked as she looked up at the face before flinching again, "Um. Y-Yes! But I don't think we've met. Who?"

"Sterkenburg Cranach. But please call me Sterk. And I know-"

"Stop scaring her Sterk!" Syvanna called out as the rest of their friends rushed over to them making Sterk sigh in annoyance. It wasn't his fault that he was infamous for his intimidating looks and "scary" face. Although he means no harm, people often scream or act shocked when seeing him for the first time (and often the second, third, fourth etc). He was a good guy, honest! And he would always share a special bond with his Hufflepuff Quidditch team, after all, he was the Captian.

"Syvanna, I wasn't. It's just my face... Anyways, I was just about to ask her if she needed any help and if so I was going to help her back to her classes and explain since she might be late to her first day."

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle had been trying to speed up, but his broom became more unstable at faster speeds and the handling, so sharp and precise, easily got away from him when he pushed it to try and catch up to Keavy.  Much like a car fishtails on an icy road, his broom swung back and forth as if sweeping his path from the sky, while his elbows jutted out to either side in a desperate attempt to control the broom.  Overshooting his corrections sent him into a spin that ended with his nose dipping and him entering a spiraling free fall!  It was exactly like what had happened at the end of the prior year, except he hadn't had his broom with him then.  Pulling hard on the broomstick, he straightened out, but couldn't seem to pull up out of the dive.

Then, suddenly, there was an arm thrown around his waist and a voice shouting for him to release the broom.  As Keavy slowed her brooms speed, his fell away from underneath him anyway, all he had to do was release his hands.  She was slowing down, his arms and legs dangling, and all he could think about was the feel of her breasts pressing into his back.  It was a surprise that left him stunned and unable to answer as she whispered to him in her Irish-speak.  His knees and hands were against the grass, he was on the ground, and Keavy was dismounting behind him, the sensation of that soft pressure fading, but the memory of it remaining.  "Thank you, Keavy" he managed, "I was really worried I'd miss the first day of classes."

If this was an anime, his nose would have been bleeding, but instead, he merely panted heavily and stared at the ground as Keavy was assisted from her broom by Sterk and surrounded by those who had been watching.  She was being cheered on as a hero and they were exclaiming about how well she could fly, how quickly she swooped down to catch Thistle.  "I can't fuckin' believe y'caught 'im!"  Billy was shouting!

"I Know!"  Rowan added, "She was so far up above him!"  Thistle had known he was never going to match speeds with her, but something about the situation sort of punched him in the gut, making him feel less proud of what he'd accomplished.  It wasn't really fair of him to match up his first attempt at broomcrafting to a top of the line model that had recently bypassed even the Firebolt Supreme, but it was hard not to.

"I wouldn't have thought she'd make it either,"  Tamlin amended, "but, only because he was so close to the ground already!  That broom is incredible!"  Yeah, her broom really was pretty badass.  He turned to see his sticking up out of the ground like some sort of crazy marker.

"Not the broom," Rowan corrected him, "It was the rider!"  Ugh, that was ... yeah.  Keavy really knew how to handle that broom.  He knew he shouldn't take it personally, but it was hard not to.

Thistle finally looked around and lifted himself up off the ground.  He dusted off his knees, wishing he'd taken his robe off first, as she had thought to do.  He couldn't see Keavy anymore, surrounded as she was, and he thought perhaps she might end up hoisted up on shoulders, but he could hear the conversations.

It had all happened so quickly, he didn't understand what Sterk was talking about.  They still had just under thirty minutes left before ... oh ... He's making an excuse for reasons to get closer to her.

Jealousy was a new concept for Thistle, he didn't really understand it, but he could feel it begin flooding him like a sort of green monster energy that he recognized enough to try and choke it down.  No one was watching him, so he moved away from the group, stepping over to the broom that had buried itself a third of the way down it's shaft.  He tugged it from the ground, earth and some mud clumping on it's zig-zagging sections, but coating everywhere else, and began knocking it against his boot, trying to clean it as much as possible, without wiping it down.

Twenty-five minutes until Charms class, fifteen until they needed to get moving to keep from being late.  He looked at the dirty Frankenbroom and considered tossing it.  It wasn't like he could reuse the parts after those charms he'd already worked into it.  He would have to start over with new bits and see what he could manage, maybe paying more attention to the type of wood this time, or perhaps a transfiguration spell to make it more one solid whole and less stuck together parts.  Either way, this first attempt could not just be tossed aside.  He'd study what he'd done and figure out a way to make it better.

Should Sterk's attention bother him this much?  Fuck.  If he was getting this jealous from her meeting male house mates, he was going to have a problem.  Rationally, he knew it was silly and that her team would be there for her.  It was a new school and she needed to find her niche.  He forced a smile as he stepped over towards the group and found it wasn't that difficult.  He was proud of her and found he was happy she was turning out to be so well liked, even if the jealous still tinged his thoughts.

He couldn't see her, but he called out over the circle,"I gotta run back to Ravenclaw Tower and drop this broom off before Charms, Keavy.  I'll see you there?"  He almost yelled out, 'Thanks again,' but that sounded silly.  He'd make sure they sat together in Charms class and he'd repeat himself then.  She deserved to hear it more face to face.


Keavy felt slightly overwhelmed by the attention yet, she was finding her chest swelling with radiant pride that they had acknowledged her flying skills rather than for her... Other assets she had gained over the years. Clinging to her broom by her side as she gave them weak smiles and thanked their compliments. Turning to Thistle she watched to see his broom, buried deep into the ground as her heart sank. Part of her felt as if she was at fault for his broom being in such a state that it was condemned to. She had heard him say countless times about maneuverability and yet, here she was in a race of speed! Of course, it was an incongruous move on her part, not to mention arrogant. She must be such a doltish, dense, half-witted git on the face of the planet.

She heard Thistle about rushing over to the Ravenclaw tower, "See you at class!" She stated back, trying to catch a glimpse of him but Sterk had blocked her view as he checked her.

"You don't appear to have any cuts," Sterk stated coolly as she gently pushed his hand away. "Heh, independent and tough too? Are we ever the tough one? Wonder if it's an act, or do I get to see it live once more when you try out for my team?"

Keavy found herself staring up at him, his eyes a honey brown that made her stomach drop and pool warm in her pit. She tore her gaze back to Syvanna, "We should put my broom back too. if I don't then we will be late for class for sure."

"Charms is on the other side of the class, and unfortunately for you- first days are everything for a new person such as yourself. Here, let me take the broom back for you. I promise you that I will treat it with care." Sterk reached out gently holding his hand in reassurance to Keavy. Syvanna smiled, giving Sterk a pat on the back.

"Aww look at Hogwart's knight once more helping a pretty girl in distress." Sterk sighed but giving Syvanna a side smile. "Keavy isn't in distress, it's just helping a fellow student out. Plus, think of it as my first impression of myself. I wouldn't want her to think that I'm just some ordinary guy who walks by everybody and doesn't help at all."

Keavy felt her smile widen, Sterk just seemed so nice and calm while everyone was excited and jubilant, it was a nice balance. "Ok, thank you and yes. I plan on hoping to show you more of my skills later tonight. You can just set it in the Common Room closet by the fireplace. That way I know where it's at when I come back at lunch."

Sterk nodded as he watched Syvanna tug on Keavy, getting the shorter girl following her towards the other end of the Court Yard and towards the direction of Charms. Rowan crossed her arms and smirked in a teasing way. "If I didn't know better, I say you almost want her as your Seeker."

Sterk only gave a bigger grin, "I can't say you're wrong in that assumption. But, having someone like her in our team just might be what we need. A nice change of pace rather than just drama. Now, if you excuse me."
Professor Filius Flitwick, who taught Charms at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was preparing books and props for his first lesson with the sixth years. He would have a group of students from two different houses, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. He loved the school year, seeing his old students once more for more lessons since he knew the first year.

As he looked at his lessons before the bell went, he sighed happily to himself and got down from his pile of books that would level him up to the top of his desk. He stood at the front of the class and looked out at the many desks bookshelves that stood in front of him. Flitwick smiled to himself and thought, 'Everything is perfect for the students.' At that, the bell went to signal the start of lessons. He could hear the faint chatter of students outside the door. Professor Flitwick opened the oak door and the loud chatter of the students died away. He then noticed that there was one new face, ah yes! The transfer!

Keavy however, who sat down next to Thistle and Syvanna was staring down at Flitwick as if to think that the teacher who was supposed to be him, was pulling her leg. This tiny, elderly man could not be Professor Flitwick. Never the less, Flitwick beamed at them all, arms folded, red face, which gave him a look of a small, drunk dwarf.

As the teacher started his introduction Keavy looked at Thistle, "I'm sorry- For everything."

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle raced up the stairs, parkour-ing his way over a railing to land on a set of steps that was sliding past the one he was on and continued up.  It was a slick move, which would have been awesome had it been witnessed.  Within moments he was turning off of the last set of stairs and arrived at the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, west side of the school, fifth floor of the tower.  He approached the grand doorway that had no knob or handle and the bronze eagle, which acted as a knocker that didn't knock, turned its metal head to gaze upon him and pose a riddle his way.

"What gets wetter and wetter the more that it dries?"

That was such a ridiculous question, Thistle made a newbie mistake, responding with, "Really?!" instead of the correct answer, that he knew was a 'Towel.'

"Incorrect." The knocker chirped.

"No, no, no!"  He spit out, "It's a towel!"  But the knocker was unmoved to answer him now, most likely offended by his criticism.  "Urgh!  You stupid f-!"

"Now now, my sweet Thistle,"  Called an ethereal voice from nearby, "Is that any way to speak in front of a lady?"  He turned to find The Grey Lady standing by an arched window, one hand raised as though she were caressing the stone sill.  "Join me for a moment, please, my dear."

He apologized profusely, but she waved him off except to wave him on to hurry.  By the time he reached the window, gazing down to where she pointed, he spotted Keavy and Chicachi extracting themselves towards the school.  Sterk was watching Keavy, half-ignoring Rowan to stare after her in what he could only describe as a sort of 'hungry' look.  He was pretty sure, though the distance was to great to really know, where Sterk was staring.

He felt that build up again, his left hand coming down heavily on the stone sill, but not making more than a muffled thud.  "Damn it."

"Again, with the language.  Not as sweet as you've led me to believe, are you?"  She asked, but she was half-smiling.  She leaned in close to the side of his face as his eyes drifted back down to the coeds.  "You need to hurry, do you understand me?  If you do not tell her how you feel, someone else may beat you to the punch."

Thistle's eyes darted up to Helena's, though he could see right through her, literally.  "I know ... but I don't know what to say."

"What sort of attitude is that for a Ravenclaw?"  She chided him, but that slight smile still broke through her generally-constant look of sadness, "Or would you rather it were me who you spent your evenings with again?"  He looked up at her, but she brushed him off, "I'm kidding, of course, but if she breaks your heart I'll drop her off the roof myself."  And with that, she floated through Thistle in a downward motion, sinking into the floor.  Right before she disappeared, she called out, "A towel," and the door to the common room swung open, waiting for Thistle to stash his broom and grab his books.

*** Charms***

Thistle made it to Charms with plenty of time, and ended up throwing his messenger bag on the chair of the desk beside his, to save it for Keavy.  "Two seats this year, Mr. Dunwich?"  Flitwick called out to Thistle from the stack of books he perched upon.  "Will you be doing twice the assignments then?  Lofty goals for a N.E.W.T. level Charms class."

He chuckled in return, knowing the little man was being silly.  Teacher humor.  "No, Professor, just saving the seat ... but as we have a few minutes, could I speak with you about my broom?"  Thistle went on to explain all of the spellwork that had gone into his Frankenbroom and what had ended up happening with it this morning before class.  Flitwick was listening to him wide-eyed and nodding.

"Well done, my boy!  Well done, though, there are more efficient ways to manage what you had done, it should have worked."  He paused to think, "Could you bring it here so that I may see it?  I doubt that the wood would have been so resistant to the bond, but we may try other things."  Thistle nodded his head and lifted his wand, to summon the broom to him, but the professor cut him of, "No, no, Thistle.  Not now," he chuckled, "Clean it first, please, and look around.  You've got tunnel vision."

Thistle hadn't noticed, but Professor Flitwick had dismounted from the stack of books and moved closer, appraising the room, which was now full of students!  Keavy was walking over to him with a smile, and he grinned as he removed his bag so she could sit.  "Hey Keavy,"  No teasing nickname this time.  He couldn't stand for her to come back at him with 'Ichabod' where so many may pick it up and begin using it.

"Sorry?  You didn't do anything wrong, Keavy.  Thank you again for saving me.  Really, I owe you."  And then class was starting, after a small dialogue between Professor Flitwick and Keavy, the new 6th year.

Thistle was an avid note taker, both writing things out, highlighting in his book, AND writing notes in the margins.  There didn't appear to be a reason for the various different manners at first, but he had to have one.  As Flitwick began to review, Thistle turned to look at Keavy again.  He'd done so often throughout the class period, stealing glances and smiling at her with that knowing smirk of his, but there was a shyness to it that hadn't always been there.

The Grey Lady had suggested speed, but it just seemed like it was too soon.  He split the difference in a note, scrawled quickly during a review of material covered in the beginning of the days lesson, on paper torn from his notebook.  He quickly folded it into an origami frog and set it on the edge of his desk where she could see it.  It sat there, until Flitwick turned away to write something on the board, and then hopped from his desk to hers.

Unfolded, it read, 'Would you like to go with me to Hogsmeade?'  Of course, that would be delayed if they weren't given leave to go this first weekend, but eventually, he thought it would be nice for them to catch up.  Perhaps get her away from other students for a while so they could really talk.  He was dying to ask her if she had a boyfriend, but there was always someone else standing there and he didn't want to get into such personal stuff.

It wasn't much, but it was a start, which he felt was the safest way to not come on too strong, too soon.


Keavy found herself blushing before shaking her head, "I did do something wrong- If we hadn't even done this stupid race, to begin with. Well, you wouldn't have your broom that you crafted so well- ruined by me." When Thistle had thanked her for saving his life she only felt her gut stabbed again but she could only smile at him. "You never owe me- if anything I owe you, for a plethora of things." She whispered back to him, finding her cheeks heating up before she cleared her throat as Professor Flitwick had called the class to settle down so he could welcome them.

"Welcome back to Charms class! And I do see we have a new face, which of course we all met last night, but please stand up!"

Keavy then nervously stood up and gave a small bow to her fellow sixth years, "H-hai." Professor Flitwick smiled broadly as he nodded to Keavy, "So, Miss. MacDónaill I do believe that your parents are Ailbe, and Sadhbh? I knew them very well. I am also very happy to say thank you personally for your family's contributions to the Wizarding World in regarding of the latest edition of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' I found this edition rather riveting!"

Keavy found herself smiling when the Professor mentioned the book, her mother's greatest work and it was a fantastic journey indeed. Plus, the memories with Newt Scamander along with her father during those nights in the kitchen as they discussed the book and creatures that they had seen and wanted in the book only made it that more worth it in the end. Keavy got to be part of that and witness it all. "On behalf of my parents and Newt himself sir, I want to say thank you for the kind words." She gave a small bow before she quickly sat down, allowing him to go on with the lesson of the first day.

Throughout the lesson, however, she found herself unsure just which note was more important. Finding her mind in a whirl of uneasiness as she looked over at Thistle, his knowing smile only made her blush and smile back. That was before she looked down at his notes her eyes widened in awe and slight envy. It was then she blinked as a small frog hopping towards her, cupping her hands as it hopped over and into her cupped hand. At first, she found herself smiling, Thistle was always the better one at origami than she was. Looking over at Thistle who was quickly taking down notes she found herself suddenly nervous. Why was he sending her a note? Was he bored? No- this was one of his favorite classes!

Hitching her breath she looked down at the frog, touching it in a certain way so it could unfold itself as she read it carefully.

'Would you like to go with me to Hogsmeade?'

She read each word twice, three, and four times before Keavy found herself unable to stop smiling, did... Did Thistle just ask her to a date?! Oh, she hoped he was serious! But wait- he didn't say it was. Her eyes quickly took a scan at Thistle's direction making her bottom lip move under her teeth in contemplation. Should she take that leap and assume it was a date?

Well, when you make an ass out of u and me...

'You mean as a date?'

Keavy scribbled down quickly, using her wand as it folded quickly into a paper bird, waiting until the Professor had turned his back once more before she blew gently on its wings as it started to flutter over to Thistle's desk. Her attention quickly snapped back to her note taking, her hands shaking in nerves.

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle had glanced at her secretly, watching her reaction as he tried to force himself to keep writing.  Her lower lip disappeared in between her teeth for a moment and he almost made a noise!  There was something about that look on her face that kicked him in his teen-aged hormones and left him floundering to figure out what it was he'd been stirred up about!  He didn't know what noise he would have made, because the tip of his quill suddenly snapped and a loud *CRACK* resounded through the room! 

He looked down to see the broken tip had been flung from his desk and while he heard someone cry out as it had struck them, he didn't see who it was.  He was all too focused upon getting a new quill from his bag as quickly as possible.  Satchel up, he glanced her way and saw she was writing a reply, but she looked hopeful and inside his mind he was cheering.  His mind was swimming with a confused blend of gratitude for the return of his best friend, promise for what could develop, and ... something else.  As she was writing, his eyes may have traveled down her body and back up.  He wasn't sure what it was, exactly, but it reminded him of that look Sterk had given her, and made him want to close the distance between them.

He pulled out a fresh, black feather, dipped the point into his inkwell, and watched a paper bird swoop in for a landing against the pages of his text.  He blinked, scribbled something before missing it, and stuck the quill into his ink to quickly unfold the note.  Had he been that obvious?!?  He had been trying to play it cool! 

He turned to watch her both trying to take notes and looking towards him for an answer.  Oh man.  He tilted his head back and forth, like he was considering the answer, looking at her face, those gorgeous eyes of hers, back down at the books, but he wasn't taking notes at the moment.  He was too busy trying to decide how honest ... and that did it.  He had to be honest with her.

"Well ... I mean, yeah?"  He was whispering, leaning towards her across the space between them.  Gods, she smelled amazing.  He wanted to roll around in her scent and wag his tail ... which was the weirdest thing he'd ever thought and threw him completely off his unintentional, minor game.  "As long as you don't have a boyfriend or anything, of course, because obviously that'd make it just, you know, old friends catching up.  Best friends.  Right?  But if you don't, have a boyfriend I mean ... we can still catch up, and maybe see if there's something more here?"

"Did I miss something, Thistle?"  Professor Flitwick asked in front of the class, watching him whisper to Keavy.

"U-uh, n-no sir!"  He stammered, "Keavy and I were just ... uhh discussing tutoring.  I was going to help her in Charms, and I was asking her if she'd help me in Potions, sir."

"Ah!  Good, good."  And he seemed pleased with the excuse, "It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses to advance and grow, but how about you discuss this after my class ends?  If Miss MacDónaill has any questions during class, she can pose them to me directly.  It may help another student who doesn't have a ... study buddy."  For some reason, that last pair of words set off the other students into laughter at the insinuation. 

"Yes sir," Thistle ruddied up, cheeks burning with embarrassment, and he turned to glance at his partner in crime, mouthing 'Sorry!'  He was running through what he'd said, hoping he hadn't thrown her under the bus by accident, but he was pretty sure he hadn't.  First class of the first day.  Well, at least he'd only talked to him and not both of them!  He would have felt horrible if she'd gotten in trouble because he hadn't responded by origami note.


Keavy didn't know what to do when she heard Thistle's voice close to her, frozen in not fear but something else, she just didn't know how to describe. Her eyes slowly moved over to Thistle's unable to help but locked into his. The words he spoke almost made her heart stop, or at least she felt it did. Was it because of his eyes? Or the smell of cinnamon and spice wafting close to her.

Wait, so long as she doesn't have a boyfriend? When did she ever have one? Her cheeks felt even red on her skin, making her throat dry. Suddenly, her heart sped as she shook her head, "N-No I don't have a boyfriend!" She said in a hushed whispered, her words rushed making her suddenly turned the attention back to the Professor and to the lesson.

She bit her lower lip again, pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear as Thistle was able to talk to Professor Flitwick out of their potential point detection or detention for that matter. Still, the class' laughter only made her blush that more. Study buddies... Sure. Yet, her smile couldn't be any bigger.

Syvanna only could snicker along with the rest of her class before leaning in and whisper to Keavy, "Your ears are as red as your hair."

"Oh shut up," Keavy whispered back but both were smiling. Keavy looked over at Thistle, her smile going back to its normal side grin. "Also- um. Yes. Yes, I do want to go."
After class, both Syvanna and Keavy packed up before Syvanna looked over at Thistle, "Well well, look at you handsome. Such a big grin on your face. So, why don't I let you two travel together onto the next class hmm?"

Keavy blinked as she watched Syvanna wave them off as she turned around and headed off leaving them alone in the hallway. Keavy turned back to Thistle giving him a small nervous laugh. "So, nice save back there. Um, Well So, about that date? Did you have anything else in mind?"

She smiled, stepping closer to him as she leaned on the wall of the hallway. "I mean we have a bit of time before we really have to go to Magical Creatures."

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


"N-No I don't have a boyfriend!"

Thistle's lips curled into a wide smile that made his cerulean eyes sparkle with mirth.  "Good," was all he said, until class ended, but the smile never left his face, as Syvanna noted.


She had given him an opening, he was sure of it, and she crept closer, dragging her shoulder against the wall as though needing it to hold her up.  She looked so shy, and he marveled at the strength of this girl once more.  Strength she'd never seen in herself, not then, but seemed more aware of now.

"Thanks, but I always have other things in mind," he said softly, "you know that," slipping closer to her as she did.  There was something delightfully wicked, playful, about his grin, as he leaned against the wall, mirroring her.  Their faces were so close, it would take the smallest movement to bring their foreheads together.  Thistle lifted a hand, letting one of his fingers twirl a lock of red that was drifting between them on the breeze of passing students.  "I missed you," he admitted again, "so much."  But things felt different now, after all these years, when he looked at her, his breath and heartbeat quickened.  He wanted something more, and he didn't know if it was inappropriate. 

He'd seen others, close friends who'd ruined their friendships by trying to make it into something more, but, if it had felt anything like this, how could they not have tried?  But, they had further to go to get to Care of Magical Creatures than she realized.  "Unfortunately, we have to hurry.  Care of Magical Creatures is outside, a short distance from the school, but ..."  Maybe they didn't have to wait until the weekend.  His hand left her hair hanging between them, reached out for hers, to gently play with her fingers as he looked down at their hands while speaking his next suggestion.  "After your Quidditch try-outs tonight?  We'd have an hour until I need to get to Ghoul Studies ..." Those soft blue eyes lifted, seeking her pair of green, "then after, of course, we have until curfew."  They should spend the time reviewing the lessons, information came quickly and he knew they'd need to be careful they didn't let this attraction affect their school work.

They needed to move soon, to begin walking, or else they might be late for class.  He knew that, it wasn't even like they were parting yet, as they had their next class together, but ... there was something about this moment in time that was magical in a way that had nothing to do with wands or potions.


Keavy felt her spine tingle from her nape down, down to her very end and spread throughout her body in an electrical thunder that she had never felt or even thought of ever experiencing before. All by his finger touching a lock of her red hair. The thunder within her turning more apparent as her breath hitched quietly. "Missed you more."

Why was this so hard for her? Dammit, Thistle was making her into putty in his hands, and she was letting him! She had to play it cool and better than him. After all, he always had the upper hand when it came to their usual adventures they had when they were children. Her mind opaque and far from the thoughts of classes, "Hmm?" She found herself closing her eyes for a moment as his fingers touched her skin when he released her lock before he touched her hand, his own fingers playing with hers as his voice seemed quieter, almost as if his suggestion was far far from studies. Which she found her forehead leaning forward to touch his. "Perhaps you can show me a good quiet place to study that is far from everyone? I'm sure you know a good place or two."

Blue was locked to Cerulean Blue, Keavy had so many nights of seeing Thistle again, so many dreams of finding Thistle after her Schooling and telling her feelings, running her fingers through his hair, and bringing him close to press his lips to hers. Some nights she found her dreams of going beyond that first kiss, of wanting to see just what kind of man Thistle had grown as. Unfortunately with her on that kind of night, she always found herself waking up; her body aching, burning, and needing something to relieve her from the torture that dream Thistle had put her through. Ugh, if only Thistle knew just how much she had waited, longed for him...  No; Now, now he will! Fuck class- it would only take just a second. Just one kiss. A small one- a sample for things to come.

"Thistle." She held his hand with a small tremor, trying to keep her excitement inside of her, ready to yank him even closer.

A deep sound of a person clearing their throat made Keavy close her eyes in an almost pained expression before she covered her face with a small smile, turning her head to look to the person before she jumped in shock at who it was.

"Sterk, I can explain."

"I rather you didn't," Sterk stated calmly, his arms folded and looking directly at the both of them, his eyes rather cold yet calm. Keavy wasn't sure rather or not he was angry or what emotion he was expressing. "I would, however, like the both of you to scuttle to your next class before I regret deducting points from you Keavy. Go."

Keavy quickly nodded, taking Thistle's hand as she led them out of the hallways and out towards Hagrid's Hut. "Jesus, I didn't even hear him coming up at all! I-I" Keavy soon found herself laughing looking over at Thistle and giving him a wink. "I forgot he was a Prefect. So I honestly hope you know a place where they don't patrol if we are ever to make it past curfew."

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

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It wasn't easy for Thistle in the least, his head swirling with a whirlwind of desires for some sort of physical progression, and an self-conscious desire to hold off due to inexperience and fear.  What helped him was he remained aware of Keavy, clinically so, to witness and accept that she was positively reacting to his slight advances and even pushing forward herself.  This eased his fear and validated that need for closeness not being a one sided desire.  It didn't help that there was something all too sensual about her mouth that he didn't recall from their earlier time together.  He wanted to feel the plushness of her lips against his, wanted to taste her, wanted to let his hands roam her body like a lecherous anime character!

As their foreheads touched, he closed his eyes, breathing deeply to calm down, but her scent was intoxicating.  She missed him more?  It made his head swim, the idea of it, and he licked his lips which had gone suddenly dry.  He could feel her breath against his face, they were so close to finding out if there was a physical chemistry to them beyond this apparent lust they seemed to feel towards one another.  He didn't know if that was the right word, but he was aware of what he wanted to do to her and could only imagine that she felt similarly by how she responded and even drew closer.

"I can think of a few places, but none of them are fool proof.  I think, should it come to that, we would have to risk it ..."  He felt tingles of excitement at the thought, as for some reason, that risk seemed to make the reward even sweeter.  She said his name, a throat cleared, and suddenly she was panicking and offering explanations to a boy she'd only just met!  Not even met, not really!  Thistle shot bolt upright, the distance opening between them now as he looked between Sterk and Keavy and tried to figure out just why she'd have to explain herself to him.

His response was cold, sounded, at least to Thistle, way too personal and entirely out of line!  He took extra offense to him regretting taking points from Keavy, but not Ravenclaw.  Sure, he would have been taking them from his own house, but that wasn't the feeling he'd gotten.  It was more of an 'I like you and don't want to do this to you, but will if I have to.'

"Wait, what?"  He began, but Keavy cut him off, grabbed him by the hand, and began to pull him off to class.  He might have argued, but it dawned him that she was holding hands with him.  Sure, not intentionally, not in the boyfriend/girlfriend way, so much as leading him, but he could feel her hand clearly.  It was hot, a little clammy from her nerves, and the skin of her palms felt so smooth and soft.  He followed after her like a puppy, stunned to silence by that simple physical contact.  She thought she was putty in his hands, but it was just as much so for him.  "Past curfew?"  he repeated stupidly, "We'd probably get caught returning to out houses.  Better to take advantage of our free period, unless ... you meant to spend the night hidden away together."  After he'd said it, he realized the implication of what he'd said and was struck dumb by how presumptuous that sounded.  "I'm sorry, if that ... if that came out badly."

After they had gotten a distance away, and he'd realized what had actually happened, he turned to her and said, "I think he's jealous, Keavy.  He had no reason or right to shuffle us on or threaten to deduct points.  We weren't doing anything wrong and he doesn't know what classes we have next.  How does he know we don't have a free period?  Besides, we still had plenty of time.  I could see if he knew, and classes had started, but he just took a stab in the dark to cover up the uncomfortable moment he interrupted."  That may or may not have been true, as a Prefect, it would have been their word against his, but if someone could check the exact time points were deducted, they would find that Thistle and Keavy still had nine minutes to get to class.

***Outside Hagrid's Hut, Edge of the Woods***

They still had a few minutes to spare when arriving.  Not much, maybe two, but it was enough for Hagrid to great him fondly, introduce himself to Keavy, and embarrass Thistle with commenting how he was his best pupil.  "These creatures take t'Thistle like he's one o' them, they do, like ol' Chomper here."  Hagrid's old mastiff had trotted up, snuffling at Thistle for attention, his long tail wagging fiercely behind him.  Thistle seemed overjoyed to see the dog and even crouched slightly to ruffle his fur and rub his ears.  He didn't have to crouch really, this dog was huge.  "I even mentioned him t'yer parents,"  He told Keavy more directly. 

She had thought he was good at Charms, but that was because he tried so hard.  Charms and Transfigurations were the backbone to wizardry, if you asked Thistle, but Magical Creatures, therein lied his true talent and passion.  He had almost given it up to stay with Keavy, four years prior, but his instructors were very clear that he needed to follow this talent and Hogwarts would allow him to do so in a way Ilvermorny couldn't have. "When they'd come around asking 'bout my top students for the Ministry.  Was surprised on all sides when they realized they knew him.  Doubley surprised that they knew his mother and never realized."

He turned to blink at Keavy, "Your parents knew my mother?"  But of course, she wouldn't have known that as they had only just found out recently, but Hagrid continued.

"Not just knew 'em, they was close, they were.  Siobhan and Ailbe were Hufflepuffs together, same year, if I'm rememb'rin' correctly."  He was cut off from sharing this new news, however, as the rest of the students had finally arrived and the class lesson needed to begin.  Lucky for Hagrid, or he may have ended up sharing more than he should have.  He seemed to have a habit of following the conversation into areas best left avoided, by a teacher or parent's perspective.  Hagrid moved away to begin speaking to the group, but Thistle was staring at Keavy, wide-eyed and open-mouthed as he absently stroked the dog's fur.


The very instinct of taking his hand has always been so natural to her, yet this time it was so different to her. Since when did Thistle's hands become so much bigger than hers? His fingers were able to wrap around hers so easily and it both surprised and excited her. Plus when he came closer to her, just how much statuesque Thistle is. When their foreheads touched she didn't know just how much he had to lean down to do so. Part of her wondered when did this happen? How did both of them become so well-proportioned teenagers that were close to adults in the wizarding world?

When she had heard about spending a night together she blinked in shock but, surely Thistle didn't mind the times he spent the nights at her house back home. That was before her mind flashed to her dreams making her shade of pink turn to a deep strawberry hue on her cheeks. "Well, Ichabod why don't we get going hmm?"

When they had been about halfway down the long steps to Hagrid's Hut Thistle had stopped leading Keavy and told her about his troubles with Sterk. Making her head tilt in confusion, "But, you do know that Prefects can't take points from other houses, just their own? I mean, I sort of made sure I did research on what is what about what school I was going to go to. I just don't know where everything is since the stairways change so frequently it makes my brain hurt."

Her fingers brushed back her hair as the wind blew to the east, a rather hard breeze that even made their cloaks take a hard blow in that direction. "Thistle, he was just doing his job that's all. Plus you did say unfortunately we had to get going. So, technically if anyone was to be in trouble, to begin with, it was me for nearly making us late. Well, potentially late." Before more was said she walked around him, brushing her shoulder against his chest, " The last thing I want to do is to get you in trouble."

***Outside Hagrid's Hut, Edge of the Woods***
When Keavy had met Hagrid she found the half-giant very pleasant company. That and Chomper to be an added bonus to their little social party. Laughing at Thistle's embarrassment at Hagrid's praise for being the top pupil. As for Chomper, the huge mastiff was almost big enough for her to ride on! It took some time for her to pet him, but she was soon getting his licks and begs for pets all the same.

When Hagrid had mentioned her parents she was taken aback by his statement. "My parents? What do you mean? Were they here? When?!" Hagrid then had mentioned Thistle's mother making her eyes widen with overwhelming shock at the information that was given to them. When Thistle had asked about his mother to Keavy she looked at him, unsure just what to say. But it seemed Hagrid had more to tell, opening Keavy's mind and revealing more secrets about her parents then she had ever thought about them. Both were Hufflepuffs? Well, that certainly does explain how her father knew about that strange platform 9 3/4. But a few other things in her past that she will have to shuffle through much later.

Leaving Keavy and Thistle stunned, Hagrid came to the front of his yard, introducing himself to the class as well as what appeared to be a small stage. Her eyes went to Thistle once before she shook her head. "I didn't know any of this Thistle... But I think we need to talk to mom and dad soon because if they did go here then... That means they were here when- that day happened too."

Keavy didn't know what all was said, but she did catch, "I didn't know how fittin' this would be, seein' as we have a new student from this house at Ilvermorny..." from Hagrid making her turn her attention back to Hagrid. What did he mean by that? It was then she saw it; Pukwudgies. A creature that is known to have grey skin and grow to be about 2 to 3 feet tall. Also having long ears, and notably similar to house elves. Yet, are distantly related to European Goblins. It was then she found her heart leaping to her throat in joy. Hagrid was indeed a very good teacher and so thoughtful too. In his own way.

"So, Miss Keavy, could you tell me what this creature is to the class?" Hagrid said as Keavy beamed, walking up to him and giving a good look.

"It's a Pukwudgie, meaning 'Person of the wilderness' in Native American languages. Unsure how long they can live for but they said William- a famous Pukwudgie had been alive for over 400 years since he is still at the school. They are close to it's European Goblin family, and they will get no bigger than three feet. Although in Ilvermorny, they say those who are under this house favor the healers. Which is my house, are very loyal and protective to those they love." She walked around the small tree stump stage, "This one isn't talking, however, so I don't know how to properly address you."

Hagrid smiled as he clapped his hands, "It's ok Keavy, sadly this one is mute because this one is one of our helpers in the castle grounds. He lost his voice during the Battle." Keavy frowned but gently placed her hand on the creatures head, looking down at its large eyes as it stared back.

"Go raibh maith agat. Is mór dúinn fiachas saoil duit."(Thank you. We owe you a life debt.)

The creature gave a big smile, holding her hand as she brushed her thumbs over its small knuckles, feeling as much care for it as she could convey to the creature. Hagrid then asked anyone else to place more information on the creature as Keavy stayed where she was.
Keavy sat on the window ledge; looking out into the twilight sky as the pink hues turned purple to dark blue. Today flew by for her, but she felt so frustrated. Not in an angered way, but of something else. Her body burned as she closed her eyes, flashing back to this very morning- then to every time she was close to Thistle their hands would brush, his fingers would touch her cheek, her neck, her arms. Every time they would want to do the one thing both wanted. Thistle did get to brush the corner of her mouth- before Rowan called out to him from around the corner of the hallway.

It was just too cruel to the both of them! It was always not the best time; Teachers, students, cats, and she was sure Peeves threw those soapy paper balls that nearly hit them on purpose.

Keavy shook her head as she groaned, although the Quidditch tryouts turned out perfect for her and she was the new Seeker they had indeed taken longer for her than she wanted to. Her body was still severely sore than she had wanted to be. Fingers barely holding onto her notes as she felt like just wanting to tell Thistle that they should to go somewhere and never return until both can get this... Frustration out of them. No. No no no. This was a study session. She had dignity! Still, wanting his lips on hers, on her skin and even wanting more than what she could ever dream up was making her nearly crimple her notes before she opened her eyes and loosen her hold.

She was hopeless...

Keavy was happy that she had her bath, it did warm her body on a cool night and helped loosen her muscles a little, plus she was able to place her hair up to help her focus. Using her Thunderbird quill to keep it up she felt she was ready for this. She was even wearing a simple white undershirt and flare jeans. Nothing fancy, nothing to expect.

Her eyes closed again as flashes of so many dreams of Thistle's hands touching her skin, his face to hers, a mere inch apart; knowing how long his fingers were and how easily he could gather both of her wrists with a single large hand.

Ugh! She had to think about Charms and not his charm! Why can't she stop thinking about him being on top of her, holding her arms above her head as he touches her? Oh, Keavy you are an idiot. She thought to herself in dismay.

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She had been right, of course.  Neither of them knew how long they had been watched and overheard.  With Thistle having tried to express the need for them to move along to the next class, it made perfect sense for Sterk to know they needed to be somewhere, and to direct his warning towards Keavy specifically.  It made perfect sense, if Sterk was the sort of asshat to offer warnings disguised as threats, something Thistle believed he was.  But then, it hadn't come off as a threat to Keavy, only to him, and he knew now he was being silly, but he couldn't shake that feeling that there was something for him to be worried about where Sterk was concerned.

If Keavy and he were in a committed relationship, he could trust her.  He WOULD trust her, with his life, but they weren't.  Hadn't even seen each other in four years, but this tsunami of feelings and realizations had awoken and left him vulnerable to these irrational thoughts.
What is irrational about not wishing competition for Keavy's affection?  Especially with an ... asshat, was it?  "Shut up, brain."  He grumbled to himself softly enough to not be overheard.  He watched her as she walked alongside him, as she circled the Pukwudgie, his Keavy, for she felt like his.

He had to stop that, though.  She wasn't his, she was her own person and this jealousy was going to make things harder for everyone.  He found peace in those thoughts, and watching her, overjoyed over the Pukwudgie, as she circled the small creature and talked all about her kind.  She liked him, like that, he was sure of it.  No poker face, that one, so what did he have to worry about?  It was the fact that, little by little, through shared classes, shared moments, shared glances and mouthed words at lunch or dinner, he'd realized this wasn't new.  He had always felt this way for her, but they had been so young, back then.

Hell, half of Ravenclaw probably thought they were already an item, the way he would go on about Keavy his first year at Hogwarts, (The other houses, who didn't know about Keavy, probably just thought he was gay,) and while it had not been constant, as he wouldn't have any friends if it had been, her name would pop up here and there over the next few years.  Of his dreams, he remembered few, but nights when he would awaken with a gasp, his pajamas and sheets sticky with his seed, it was Keavy in those dreams.  And now, here she was, at Hogwarts.

Trying out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, no less.  Thistle was in the stands, watching the try outs and perusing a book on wood personalities and traits, only half researching for his next broom attempt.  Flitwick had found the time to look over his Frankenbroom, and was shocked to discover it had actually been affected by a Confundus Charm!  Of course, Thistle immediately suspected Sterk, but he kept that to himself and shook his head, stating he had no idea who would have sabotaged his flight as such.  He had not seen Keavy yet to tell her, but he knew it would make her feel better to know she hadn't been responsible.

The hour had come and gone, most of those who were trying out had now moved on to late classes or study sessions, or perhaps just to be social in their common rooms, but Sterk and Keavy remained on the field.  He was drawing out diagrams in the air with his wand, showing her Hufflepuff strategies she would need to know if she were a Chaser or a Beater.  It was a good sign, he must have already decided to place her on the team, though the results would likely be posted in their common room later.  He felt bad, assuming this meant she wasn't going to be a Seeker, and waited to console her while congratulating her for making the team, but another forty-five minutes passed of watching them chat from a distance and Thistle was out of time.

He was forced to head to Ghoul Studies, a class he'd been taking since his 3rd year when electives became an option.  Luckily, it was all introduction and review, because he couldn't stop thinking about Keavy and Sterk on that Quidditch Pitch!  It was so frustrating!  He had seen Sterk glance his way, he had watched as he spent fifteen minutes teaching her and then another thirty just talking, and he couldn't stop worrying about it! 

"For the next class," Teddy was saying, no - wait, Professor Lupin.  That was going to be difficult.  "I would like you to read ahead in Chapter 12.  Vampires and their Ilk."

"And no," Hagrid began to add, "I will not be inviting one in to join us."  The pair of mismatched professors laughed suddenly, at the idea.

First day and he was too busy worrying about Sterk to focus.  At least he'd be able to read ahead and prepare himself for the next session.  As he stood to gather his things, he decided to look for Keavy, after he changed his clothes.  She liked him-liked him.  He was sure of it.  And they had something special, he could feel it whenever they were in the same room, there was an electricity between them.  He wouldn't let Sterk shake him up any longer.  Of course, he didn't need Sterk to shake him up, as Keavy did it just fine, all by herself.

Stepping out of the classroom, he came upon her perched upon the window sill and his jaw dropped.  If it hadn't been clear before, how much she'd changed in their time apart, it truly was now!  His mind went straight into the gutter and he couldn't even be jealous of the gawking she'd received from the other 6th years in his class from both his own house, and from Gryffindor.  He couldn't blame them!  If this had been a cartoon, he would have been the Big Bad Wolf and she would have been Red.  His eyes popping out of his head, jaw hitting the floor, and his tongue unrolling multiple feet across the stone!  He'd been swooning over her face, eyes, her skin, all day, but now, without her robes, in different clothing than before, he was doomed to make an ass of himself.  Those breasts of hers, those legs ... he was dying to let her walk ahead of him so he could watch her ass and he was sure of it.  He was doomed.

It should be illegal for anyone to be this sexy.  "H-hey Ireland,"  He tripped over nothing and stumbled a step closer, but was still a few feet away, making it all to easy for her to see there had been nothing to trip on!  "You - uh,"  Shit.  Was it a compliment or rude to ... well, he'd be non-specific.  "You smell amazing."  No wait.  "I mean, look!" 
Smell, look, either way, like you would taste amazing! Shut up brain! "You look amazing!"  The feather caught his eye and without realizing what he was doing, after closing the distance, he reached up to pluck it from her bun, allowing her hair to tumble down in cascading waves.  Fuck, she was too beautiful for words. 

No, don't say that outloud!  Say something else, hey ... wait ... "Is this a ... Is this a Thunderbird feather?"  Did she wear this for his sake?  He suddenly wanted to pounce on her, but luckily, he didn't, or they may have tumbled out the window!


When Keavy heard Thistle's voice, she opened her eyes and looked over, feeling her heart skip a beat. Usually, she found her nickname of Ireland when he was saying it to get under her skin but; well, it was getting under her skin but in a different way now. Watching him trip over himself was amusing as she slid off of the ledge of the window, still leaning her lower back on its edge.

"Watch out there." She said honestly, unsure if he was just doing it to be funny or if he was just as nervous as she was. But- it was just a study session, what was there to be this restive about it.

"I smell amazing?" Keavy blinked, finding herself unable to keep back her giggles, "Well thanks, I did ask mom and dad to ship me the body wash from home since London doesn't seem to have it. Not only that I had to figure out the right shampoo and conditioner since the air here is surprisingly different-" Thistle had interrupted her, stepping closer to her as words from her mouth failed to form into the space between them.

So, Thistle did notice the feather that was holding up her hair, the moment he slid it out of her hair she felt her locks fall to her back. The smell of him was enveloping her senses as Keavy could only nod, "Yea, I thought if I am to practice the nonverbal spell to levitate it. I wanted something a bit more challenging than a baby goose feather."

She folded her notes quickly, taking back the feather as she worked rather in a hasty pace to get it in her hair back into a high lazy bun. It's few strands still on the sides of her face and just a tad on her nape. But she gave him a small shy smile. "Lead the way, Ichabod."

The room was rather large, secluded and she had no idea it even existed. Then again, when Thistle explained it to her that Hagrid's office was something that Hagrid didn't  use, the half-giant decided he give Thistle the key so he could get away from the Tower for studying. Still, the desk and chair that had spare parchment folded on the desk were very quaint. A standard for any Professor she was sure, but what gave it such a homey and uniqueness was the giant chair, a couch both the size for the half-giant that was huddled by the fireplace. With the small round dark wood coffee table in the center.

It was perfect.

Taking her feather off of her bun and letting her hair slide down, she placed on the coffee table. Taking a few steps as she stared at it. "Ok, here goes."
So many countless times she tried, yet the feather did not budge, making her pinch her nose in annoyance. "Goddammit what am I doing wrong?! Fuck, ok ok, I just need to clear my head..." She rubbed her neck, wincing a little at it soreness. Keavy waved off at Thistle's concern, "It's fine- Just from the tryouts. I'm just glad that I made it into Seeker. No, Thistle, I mean it."

Her words fell on deaf ears as her small protests only led them to the large armchair, his arms easily pushing her down to her knees and leaning her back as he sat behind her, his fingers finding the tight knots that needed to loosen. "As always you are looking out for me." She found herself smiling, leaning into his touch. "I do miss the days of when we go on our silly little adventures. Potions, Alchemy, what sort of secrets we could find in the school and which teacher we can drive up the wall."

She giggled at the last statement, his voice soothing almost honey on her ears. "Thistle, I know you had to go for your path. And-" his hands moving down to her shoulders made her skin feel tingly and bumpy. "I don't know if you would have held yourself back if I asked you to stay."

Keavy turned her head, his hands moving so they were below her arms to the upper side of her ribs, "I don't ever want you to hold yourself back because of me. Ever. Please, mo mhac macúil." (my handsome wolf)

Even when Thistle was sitting down, he still towered over her, his presence so overpowering that she felt drawn to him. Her head felt fuzzy, her eyes once more locked on his as she tried to not look like that shy little first year that he first met. Soon, forgetting the feather on the coffee table before them; she gently kissed him, her lips barely touching his before she lightly eased back for a quick breath- so shakey. Yet, her lips came back to his again, wanting more as she tasted his lips, it felt so... intoxicating.

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Thistle watched as she made the attempts to use the levitation spell without words, looking up from his Ghoul Studies text.  He'd been so focused on helping her, he'd never even read the first word, the book had just sat upon his lap as he'd repeatedly murmured words of encouragement.  "Ok, wait."  He closed the book and leaned forward in the over-sized chair, placing the text on the table beside the feather.  His hands lifted to run his palms and fingers against his cheeks, surprised at finding how exhausted he was already.  "I believe you're overthinking this and it's making it harder on yourself than it needs to be.  You'll need to practice with each charm, because you need to will the right thoughts into your mind, but, in theory, we should be able to do almost any spell without a wand or words.  The only reason we don't, I believe, is because it's too dangerous."

Instead of letting her reply or ask questions, he continued with his explanation by backtracking to wand introduction.  Holding his wand out, so it was balanced upon a finger from each hand, he began with, "Your wand is an assistant, but it isn't doing the magic for you, exactly.  It's a focal point you channel the abilities you already possess through that is then bolstered in strength and directed specifically by the wand.  But.  And this is the tricky bit.  We've all done magic before arriving at Hogwarts, or Ilvermorny in our case, before we ever received our first wand.  Children of like us are notorious for making things happen through accidental emotional overload.  The only reason we don't now, generally, is because the power is being utilized so it isn't building up unused in our systems waiting to burst out and cause chaos."

"But those kids, they ... If it hurts that much come here.  No, really.  You can't do your best if you're in pain."  He moved her back against his legs and began to work out the tight spots in her neck, carefully pressing with one or two fingers and unwinding the muscles through small circles.   She was so close to him now, it made it hard to think.  "Uhhh, soooo the wandless kids, without focus, don't decide what the magic does, where it happens, or how powerful it is.  Not generally.  The wand is for focus, but it is only required for precision and safety.  The words are similar, they are what assists us in forcing our power with purpose through the wand.  So ... Instead of ... Oh, yeah, here's a bad one."  He paused to focus on a particularly troublesome knot, "Instead of speaking the spell, you're thinking the spell and forcing it through the wand without assistance of words, but you're free to use whatever imagery or memory, or feeling, that you think will help bolster it best.  It'll be that much harder for every harder spell you attempt, but the fundamentals are the same and you passed the Charms O.W.L.s with no help from me, so I'm sure you can do it."

As she turned to look back at him, just like a nerd, he immediately said, "Oh!  Careful, you don't want to retweak anything!" And he leaned down to let his hands reach for her sides, turning her fully towards him, on her knees.  Leaning over as he was, this brought his mouth close enough for her to move in for that kiss they'd both been seeking and failing at completing.  He didn't even remember closing his eyes until she drew back and they blinked open, watching her face.  He'd forgotten all about what he had been saying.  She had nothing to worry about.  She barely resembled that 1st year any longer.

As she returned to kiss him a second time, his arms slid around her ribs more, hands urging her up off the floor towards where he was leaning forward, so he could rise more normally and comfortably.  He was pulling her up towards him, and she'd find that standing between his legs, which were now parted to make room to pull her in closer, they were the same height while he was dwarfed by the chair he was sitting in.  Plush lips pressed against hers, parting slightly to open and close against her mouth, suckling at her lower lip as he trapped it in his mouth.  His tongue grew bold, dancing forward to lick along the lines of her mouth, teasing her, without quite delving in between her lips more than a bit.

Hands wandered her back as he kissed her, holding her so close to keep her from backing away again.  They moved up over her shoulder blades, down the small of her back, and then braved the swell of her hips.  His fingertips were dancing along the beginning swell of her rump, not quite traveling low enough to be fondling, but he was on that cusp where a lowering of his hands would solve that mistake in an instant.


The feel of everything was so new and raw she tried to keep her voice from bubbling out of her lips. Instead hitched breathes kept her head light even when his tongue touched her lips. Thistle's boldness made her body shake as she found herself being pulled down to where she sat on her knees, between his waist. Her head still turned to keep her lips on his all the while. Keavy found herself wrapping one arm around his neck, her fingers into his hair as her kisses became bolder. The need for air only making her part her lips from his as she panted.

Her back was being pressed to his chest hard, feeling more than just the buttons on his button down, part of her thank god that he wasn't in his full robes. Otherwise, she would never get to feel the strong chest that made her lower back arch, her lower plump bottom grinding into his hips. Keavy couldn't help herself, every kiss and touch he was giving her was torture and yet she didn't want him to stop.

"Thistle." She thought she could say it easily, yet- it was breathless, so close to a moan before she found her lips on his again as she laced her other fingers on his hand, guiding it to her stomach and up to her chest, wanting him to touch her as he had so countless times in her dreams. Her kisses soon sinking into soft bites on his lower lip before she moved down his jaw. Keavy's voice mewling as her hips squirmed, feeling the need to turn around yet- the fear held her where she was at.

"Oh, Dia, Dia~"

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

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Thistle was losing himself into those soft kisses, having meant to turn her to face him so he didn't hurt her neck, he no longer even thought about it.  In fact, any boldness on his part had been instinct stirred up by her closeness and the sound of her voice when she'd spoken to him in her native tongue.  Her panting gasps for breath made him moan softly against her mouth as strong arms wrapped around her, fingers playing against her stomach.  As she arched her back, grinding against him, she'd feel his hands grasping her hips and pulling her further back against his lap, until she'd find out just what sort of effect she was having upon him.

He was hard beneath that plush rump of hers, his manhood straining upwards in his trousers, along the length of his body, as if it were trying to crawl out of the waistband to his pants.  The underside of it so thick under her motions, hot against the fabric, it felt like it was trying to get at her through both their layers of clothing.  As she ended up upon him more firmly, his small moans became a surprised gasp edged by something louder.  His hair had been loose of it's ponytail, leaving it available for her to run her fingers through it as she rode atop his lap.  Loud, surprised groans escaped his lips into their kisses with each movement she made, stroking the bulge in his pants with the center crease in the back of her jeans.

As she guided his hand to her chest, his other joined of it's own volition, both moving up under to lift those large mounds of flesh in his cupped hands, squeezing them with only her minimal prompting.  There was no longer any conscious thought in Thistles mind, feeling what amounted to his first kiss, lap dance, and touch of her chest, all in the same encounter.  Her name escaped him in panting gasps, his left hand grabbing a handful of her shirt, low on her waist and tugging it upwards so his hands could find her bare skin.  Fingertips located the lower hem and delved beneath it, danced over her stomach and back up without her guidance. 

He found those breasts of hers again with quick, determined movements as what 16 year old male wouldn't be itching to get their hands up under a woman's shirt?  Again, he cupped the from underneath, feeling the rough texture of the lace decorations and the smoother, stretchy cotton.  As their kisses continued, his fingertips discovered her warm flesh where it escaped atop the cups, so soft compared to the bra holding them aloft, and he suddenly realized what he was doing.  His mind was glitching, unsure if he should keep doing what he was doing, pull down on the bra to spill her breasts forth, or lift it up to let them fall free beneath the material.  Would she even be okay with it?  He couldn't know, he'd never done this before and had so many questions, but he didn't want to stop kissing her to ask.


Keavy heard her own breathing becoming heavy with arousal as his fingers touched her skin, her ears listening to every sound Thistle was making was the best music to her ears. The room was becoming too hot for her, the air too thick and she just couldn't- wouldn't stand the heat any longer!

"Thistle, I-I have to take this off." She found herself scrambling to break away, pulling her undershirt off before revealing her dark cotton blue bra, the lace pattern of light dots and a flower like a pattern when she turned around. Straddling his waist once more, pressing up close as her clever quick fingers worked on his button down, "You h-have to be just as overheated too." Her eyes caught his as she only smiled down at him, even if it was difficult to focus on anything but what she was feeling below her.

As if her newfound urges were determined to make up for lost time. Her appetite was insatiable, and Thistle never stood a chance.

Her hands wrapped around his neck as she kissed him again before breaking it to lean her head back to let him hear her groan when she pushed her hips firmly against his. Moaning his name a bit louder each time her hips moved.

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?


Thistle was like a wild animal, growls of lust interspersed with his moaning groans, he was moving his body up against hers, grinding back against that softness.  A soft whine of need slipped from his lips as she could have easily finished him off this way, but he was granted a reprieve.  He had just begun to suck on one of her ears when she suddenly leaped off of his lap, leaving him floundering with gasping breaths and hands that were clutching at nothing anymore.  Confusion warred with passion and he would have tried to drag her back over to him if she didn't begin removing her shirt.

To say Thistle was transfixed may have been an understatement.  Had she said something?  He needed her back, so badly.  He felt like he was dying of thirst and she was his oasis.  That shirt of hers lifted, bringing her hair with it, so that for a moment, all he could see were boobs and stomach.  He made an indescribable sound, some strange cross between a needy squeak and begging, and then her hair tumbled down like a curtain that had been swept aside to reveal those glorious, bra-clad breasts.  It would have been any boy's dream, but it had been his for so long, even before he'd been conscious of this desire to get her top off.

Then she was on him again and trying to undo his buttons!  This was taking too long.  He reached down to yank his shirt up off of him and tossed it aside.  His undershirt had gone with it, and together they tumbled off behind the desk somewhere, unseen.  Underneath, he was all muscle!  He shouldn't have been, that lean body of his was taut with rippling definition, no wonder he had felt so strong.  Those arms of his wrapped around her immediately.

He was ravaging her with all the confidence she'd hoped for.  He grabbed her ass with both hands, squeezing it like he'd done it a thousand times before, and pulling her higher on his lap until she was straddling his throbbing length, though with her jeans seam, and this angle, it didn't feel quite as close for either of them, but that heat was building up through the material, between their arousal and the friction. 

Then, she was arching her back again, lifting her chest, and he knew he needed more!  His hands traveled up her back, entirely clueless about how a bra clasp worked, they moved to the shoulder straps, hooked fingers curling to pull down the material.  He wanted to see them, finally, to feel them against his face and hands, and of course, to take her nipples in his mouth and taste her.


Keavy found his hands were rough on her skin, calluses in just the right places that made her body stir. The more his scent was embedded into her memory the more she could actually taste it on his skin. Part of her wondered what he was tasting on hers? His mouth had hints of pumpkin and different spices and just something that was entirely Thistle. When his fingers dug into her shoulders she moaned.

Feeling his throbbing length that was very evident against her soaked boyshorts and heated jeans she managed to break the kiss once more, just so he could pull down her bra enough for her breasts to spill over and reveal to Thistle.  Her chest heaved as a blushed danced across them like strawberries drowning in cream. Her nipples tight and pink from the excitement he was giving her.

A knot tightened in her stomach that she realized that she was really able to feel him more and more. Her hips couldn't stop, she wanted more. Thistle's breath was hot on her skin, it was turning Keavy on even more and she felt dizzy and now she knew her skin was as on fire; hotter than any burning fireplace. Keavy kept making her effort at being quiet, yet her mouth started to spew any babbling of English and Irish that her hazy mind could think of.

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?



Keavy did not taste like sea salt and kelp, thankfully, though the sweat on her skin did add a slightly salty flavor to her.  As his hands released her back, moving to roughly grab hold of her breasts with fumbling gropes.  If she had needed proof that he was a virgin, she just got it as he had obviously never seen or played with someone's boobs before.  He squeezed them, rougher than he should have, pressing them together to emphasize her cleavage as he rolled the massive swells in his hands.  Any upward grinding motion he had been doing had ceased as he focused upon watching as his fingers tweaked her nipples, not twisting them, but lightly brushing them with his finger tips and then pinching.  He had no idea he might have been hurting her, but then he moved his face in to kiss them all better anyway.

He took the nipple on the right into his mouth first, lightly sucking against that rubbery nub as it swelled up with his affections.  Something about her coloring made him think of strawberries and cream, but he was tasting skin, flesh, Keavy, but heated and so intoxicating he felt drunk.  He moaned against her flesh as he kept it trapped in his mouth, the wetted skin vibrating as he made murring noises, muffled by all of it.  She was too big to fit in his hands, but he was glad to try anyway, even squeezing the one he suckled with both hands as he learned how it moved and reacted to touch.  Unless she'd stopped him at some point, he would continue to do the same with the left, and then the right again, mesmerized in a way that may have even been unexpected, considering how he'd protected her from the attention they'd given her in the past and had never outwardly seemed to even notice them.  But really, he was just great at not getting caught looking!

His hands pushed her breasts together, his mouth taking both pointed nubs to suckle at the same time as cerulean eyes suddenly looked up into her face with a look of utter bliss.  Years from now, she would look back and know, for a teen-aged boy like him, she's sufficiently answered half his prayers this first night.  He suckled and licked her, his tongue running over the trapped flesh caught between the pressure of his lips and teeth.  He nipped the right one harder than intended in what almost seemed a farewell gesture as he pulled her down, his grip on her breasts not letting up, straining his face up to hers again, to try and kiss her. 

He might not have come out and said it, but there was something passionate in his eyes that said clearly that this was more than just, 'I kind of like you.'  Just before their lips would have touched again, he finally spoke, a voice deeper than it should have been, colored by lust.  "Keavy," he panted, rubbing his nose and mouth against the side of her face in a nuzzle.  "Will you ... would you ... do ...  "  He was having trouble talking, he was panting so hard, swallowing as he struggled to ask her to be his.  Finally, he swallowed and just said what he was thinking.  "I want you to be mine, and only mine."  Classic teen-aged thinking, that your girlfriend belonged to you, but he didn't know any better and in fairness, she'd already been referring to him as hers.  "And I will be only yours."  He rubbed his nose against hers, licked his tongue against her lips and moved in to kiss her again.