
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Fallen Leaves - Broken Dreams (Sweet and Wolf)

Started by SweetSerenade, August 16, 2017, 02:39:30 PM

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Aisling fingered the ring on her thumb, with her father's mark on it. He had said it was his family seal, and never really spoke of exactly where he came from. She was quiet as she stared off and then let her attention be drawn towards the male that was speaking to her, her eyes widening a moment at his words. He knew a Nox? He knew a Nox? Her mind spun at his words, her fingers reaching up to touch the hair he spoke of, and a frown crossed her face. Could her father? Was he... No he couldn't be. Why would a Fae leave the Fae? It was wonderful here, magical, and her father had died. So there was... Well maybe there was stories he hadn't told her? "Can a Fae die by mortal cause? Without Cold Iron involved?" She mused aloud, her head shaking a little. "No, my father aged, so perhaps he had the Nox blood, through his father... I never knew my father's family. Just knew that they cast him out."

She said this as she listened to him speak about how the Labyrinth was using her as a food source. "That would explain why I was able to do what I did with the Spiderlings quill... I have Fae blood, and I'm pure, so that means it could be powerful enough to work. That's how I made the door to reach here." She said this as she shifted to sit up, stand up. Watching as he finally came out of the water, and seemed to approach her all the more. She was still shorter than him, shorter than most of the creatures here. Her fae blood did not run as 'true' - probably because - as she thought - that she was not anywhere near pure.

Her eyes focused on him, those vivid acidic green eyes - and she turned her head to look off into the distance for a moment. He was offering something in exchange for her keeping his story alive? "Well I did tell my brothers, and other children the stories my father gave me? So you have at least several children who will tell their children when they get older?" She said with a bright smile. She did not realize what a gift, what a debt, citizens in the Labyrinth had accidentally incurred with her - they owed her and she didn't even know it!

She followed after him as he bade, watching his movements and carrying her bag with her. As he was working on getting the waters set she pulled out a clean pair of clothes, and some small bottles of hotel sized toiletries to cleanse herself with. She started to undress and only stopped when he turned to look at her, her cheeks flushing as she looked away and finished, slipping into the water.

Despite her fae blood awakening, there was bruises - scars - marks all over her young body. She was quite young by Fae standards, older by human standards. "Do you mind me using these? They are all natural they shouldn't cause too many problems with the water?" She asked as she held up the bottles with the things she needed to clean herself. Then she stopped - setting them down, and extended her hand towards him. "Corsair... What is it you are seeking for us to help each other with? You mentioned company, is that simply it? Or is there some way I can regain my energy faster? Some trade I can broker with you for your kiss? My challenges in the Labyrinth will just get harder, and I'm worried about what my future may hold." She admitted as she drew in a long breath.

Her hand stayed held out, and she turned it a little to show her palm to him, as if holding her hand out so he could touch her own. It was an open invitation, her father had taught her about what contact did for the Fae. Whether from a human, or her apparent part blooded self - however small that part might be. There was a flash of that dark ring, with it's black carved stone - her father's crest and emblem. "I want to know more about this world, and how I will fit in here... I want to know as much as you are willing to tell. I know that I have time here, I can feel it, and if you can help me on my journey, I'm willing to talk about a deal."


The Corsair was watching her as she talked to herself, ruminating over these new bits of information, her past a pile of jigsaw pieces that she was slowly gathering to build a picture with.  A portrait of who she could have been, should have been, or perhaps, still was, or actually was, but with no idea of it's truths until now.  His tentacles swept through the small tide pool, extracting and sending off the salt and sea life from the cove, to leave the waters fresh and clearer.  He didn't have to watch it, to work, as was clear by his ice blue eyes remaining upon her as she spoke.  Finally, after a few moments, he joined in.  "Death can come to anyone, for any number of reasons.  Iron is the easiest, but poisoning can go unnoticed and fire is the universal cleanser of existence.  As for aging ... Surely, if the Fair Folk owe an ... unspoken ... debt of gratitude for the sharing of our life-giving tales, you must be aware of Glamour.  For someone of one of the pure lines, it would be easy enough to appear to be aging."

As he watched, he took in the sight of her body baring of clothing, and grew in desire for this one before him.  The scars, which she must have felt shamed by, bespoke of far different things for him.  If anything, they increased his desire and were she curious enough to look down his torso, she might notice his muscular form, which had ended below the waist as neuter as a ken doll, seemed to have swollen forward slightly, the flesh looking similar to a bulge in someone's underclothes.  Nothing specific in shape, not exactly, but there appeared to be equipment beneath the flesh that was unnoticeable before now.  He lowered slightly into the water, however, so if unnoticed, it was now hidden beneath the gentle lapping of the water.  "Do not hide your flesh in shame, Aisling.  For each bruise, wound, scar, or memory, you have grown stronger.  Wear them as badges of honor, proof of survival."

And then she was holding out her hand and he was drifting through the fresh water pool, with the warning, "I need to remain within to keep the sea out."  As if that might stop her from joining him.  Her hand remained out, palm towards him, fingers outstretched as he drifted closer to her through the waters.  She asked her question, and he seemed to consider it.  "Normally, I would say no, as 'shouldn't cause too many,' is still some, however, with me here, I can extract it from the water harmlessly before it spreads."  His hand raised up to take hers lightly by the fingers, drawing her closer to him as he prepared to assist her into the water.  He lowered her hand towards his mouth, his full lips placing a kiss upon her knuckles in an olde world greeting.  It was not the kiss she'd been seeking. 

"It is my pleasure to assist you, Aisling.  Your company is all I had meant, what I'd hope for, and what I offer," he let his thumb roll over the backs of her fingers in a caressing brush that sent sparks of pleasure through him, just from the touch.  "Your touch comforts and enlivens me.  Perhaps mine will for you, but ... my kiss?"  He asked as though he didn't know what she meant.  "Would you barter for access to touch you for a kiss?  Would you be as in need for a cuddle as I am, or do you mean, perhaps a different sort of kiss?"  All the while, assisting her into the pool, where their bodies would be so close, and she would feel his tendrils beneath the surface, brushing against her legs.


"I do not believe my father was one of the Fair Folk, considering his health was already deteriorating from Cancer by the time he got into the car accident that drove him off the bridge." Aisling said softly as she shifted in the water, her cheeks flushing as she realized he was staring at her. His words about not covering herself made her shiver, shifting in the waters and trying to keep herself from feeling too strange about it all. Her eyes did catch the strange bulging shape on his lower torso, but she didn't look for long before turning her gaze away and blushing. She crossed one arm over her breasts, as she kept her other hand extended to him. "I don't like them... and most of them still hurt..." She admitted as she looked down at the markings on her torso.

There was already gross bruises forming on her waist from earlier, where her step-father had gripped her while trying to enter her. She felt dirty, used, and she shivered as she felt his fingers slowly wrapped around hers and he pulled her into the water closer to him. She had to bite back the urge to cry as she remembered those slickened fingers probing her and touching her, her head shaking as she pressed her other hand over her mouth. "S-sorry... I wasn't... I wasn't expecting someone as sweet as you." She admitted this as he kissed her knuckles, making her flush a little.

Her fingers wrapped around his as she allowed herself to float in the water. "I will be careful about using them then so that I cause minimal harm to the wonderful network of creatures you protect." She said as she bit her lip and shivered a little. "I do need to wash though... so I will at least have to do that. My clothes are easy to change, and I have other supplies." She mused as she lost herself to thinking with the creature was so close to her. She did not seem to mind The Corsair being as close as he was, in fact, it was calming and energizing for her.

He was sweet, and rather charming - she had to give him that. Her cheeks flushed as his finger rolled across the back of her hand. Shivering as she felt a strange rush of energy from the simple contact. "I find yours comforting as well." She said softly, a flush on her cheeks as she squirmed from the strange sensations rushing through her. His sweetness, his charm, the loneliness that she could relate to. A creature like him, like her, all alone for so long. She had grown up - after her father's death - with few to rely upon. She had been alone, neglected, for so long in her teenage years, that she had almost forgotten how to trust and care for others.

Almost, but not quite. She had never forgotten to be the loving daughter her father had taught her to be. No matter what happened to her.

"I... I know the story, I seek the kiss that brings protection for the one that recieves it. I'm willing to barter touch for that access. Like what we are doing now? You need to hold another close and just enjoy their presence. I'm alright with that." She whispered as she moved closer to him in the water. Her other hand coming up to press to his chest, feeling that strange electrical shock again that brought a sharp intake of breath with it. "Perhaps... you'd like to help me wash?" She said finally, unsure if it was the right step, but it was definitely a step in her trying to learn to overcome the trials of her past.

She felt his tendrils moving against her legs and she did not shiver away from them, instead she accepted them - accepted him.


Corsair's tentacles drifted higher as she joined him in the water, rising up the outer sides of her legs until they reached her knees, mid-thigh, and then her hips.  As she entered the pool, she entered the embrace of those fleshy limbs, the expected cups beneath remaining supple and gentle.  As moments ticked by, something about the water itself, the touch of those languid touches, or the magic of the man himself, soothed away the pains associated with the bruises and wounds.  The new ones, at least were erased from her flesh, though there was nothing to be done about old scarring.  It wasn't a gift offered, but it was granted, most likely accidentally as he seemed swept away by her words and the feel of her against him.

"Ah, the gift of the Bean-Fionn then.  My mother, she was, though like your father, she is no longer with us."  She felt his hand against her chest and his heart fluttered beneath her touch, so close, so bare.  There was something about the contact of naked skin that heightened an intimacy in a way clothing wouldn't allow.  They were, by all rights, strangers and she was making fast assumptions about him that set her in immediate danger of being taken by force, even kept as a slave, or drowned beneath the waves.  The Labyrinth would have won with her death or subjugation.  She seemed to think he was safer than he truly was, but luckily for her, she was right about her assumptions regarding his honor.  Mostly.

"Perhaps ... "  Whatever he was going to say, was cut off by his tongue licking over blue-tinged, full lips and perfect teeth.  "I think I would enjoy that, bathing you, that is.  With us both doing so, you should finish washing quickly enough to enjoy the moment and gain more from my waters."  His hands had found purchase against her sides at some point, unnoticed as his other limbs were moving at the same time, but as fingers gently squeezed and moved around, his smooth skinned digits sliding easily over her soft skin, they moved up her body, strong arms surrounding her.  Fingertips massaged her back, moving as though he already had soap in his hands, and the bruises that had been there, no longer were.

"You are so beautiful, Aisling.  Truly, both without and within.  Please,"  And just then, something should have clicked in her mind that something was wrong.  He shouldn't have said please.  "Promise me, you shall be more careful, when you leave my Loch and return to the maze of wonders.  Had you exited her walls elsewhere, you may not have found such a warm welcome.  You must not forget, the Labyrinth, she is out to trick, confuse, and murder you.  Even now.  This could be a trick, though, you are close enough already, that were it, it would be too late for you to back away."  He drew her body against his, and she would feel him so hard, beneath the softly lapping waters, but still encased within himself, somehow, like the muscles of his chest, stomach and arms, so strong, but untouchable.  His hands traveled down her back, slowly following the curve of her lower back until long fingers began to creep over the swell of her backside.

His mouth, he kept back from her, however, not wanting to make that last connection.  "Or do I have it backwards?"  His lips curled into a playful smirk, "Are you looking to steal this kiss, Aisling?  It cannot be given by touch of lips alone."  He was chuckling softly, obviously teasing her, but, "Perhaps," and his hands loosened his hold on her, "We should attempt to focus upon your bathing, before we begin something else that we will be unable, or unwilling, to cease?"  It was a practical suggestion, and he was obviously looking forward to assisting her, but one that would only keep them apart for so long.  With this amount of chemistry, how could he be expected to bathe her and not close the distance once more?  It would be a war of wills with himself that he would ultimately lose.


Aisling remembered her father's words about this creature, and its kindness to those that really deserved it. Pure souls were often rewarded by certain Fae, and considering how bright she had remained - no matter the darkness that had been pressed upon her - Aisling was still a bright and pure soul. She was discovering that she was at least a Fae descendant, which was probably why the Labyrinth was reacting so strongly to her. She stared up at him as he spoke, her head cocked to the side. She was shuddering just barely, confused at the strange flush of sensation that was rushing through her body at the touch of his tendrils.

She looked down, noticing the bulge - but focusing on the bruises and pain that was radiating out of her body. She looked up at him, not a single word exchanged - instead she kissed his cheek gently in thanks for the gift of her removed injuries. "Yes, that one. My father told me you gift them to those that earn them or barter for them." She said as she shivered a little. This skin to skin thing was stronger energy wise than she realized. She was still a little concerned, her more human nature telling her that her shameful body shouldn't be on display for anyone to see.

She was startled when he spoke again, calling her beautiful and making her flush. Her hand pressed to his chest again, and her other grabbed the small bar of soap she had that would be able to help her get clean. "I... I trust you, Corsair. My father told me to always trust my instincts, and they tell me that you really do not intend me harm. You're just as lonely as I am... and you seek the comfort of another. Why alienate yourself from me? You could just as easily get as much from our interactions as I do." She said shyly as she looked away.

She could feel him, hard, pressed against her, but in this instance it did not make her feel gross or disgusting. It did not make her feel used, instead... it made her felt... strangely cared for. He mentioned her trying to steal the kiss, and her eyes widened as she shook her head. "No, father said to never steal from the Fae - unless it's through a trick. Stealing is bad karma for any creature. But I want to try to see you as a friend, I hope... and yes... bathing... is... is... probably best." She said finally as her cheeks flushed darkly and she looked to the side. "He-here... is the soap... I don't have to wash my hair... really ... I did that recently... I just... my body feels..."

Could she confess what happened?

"Do you want to know why I came to the Labryinth? Why I wished myself away?"


Corsair was very aware of Aisling's eyes, feeling himself grow fuller from the attention of this gorgeous female who was sidling closer to him, naked and talkative.  He watched her notice his masculinity begin to take form, though not exposed, and then found her pressing closer to place a kiss upon his cheek.  His strong arms encircled her, drawing her deeper into the pool with him as he murred a mammalian sound of pleasure as the touch of her lips.  He turned his head, as though about to bestow said kiss upon her, but instead, nuzzled her face gently, stroking her soft cheek with his own.  Half-lidded eyes took note of her ear before him, and he lifted a hand to trace a fingertip along the outer ridge of the supple flesh.  His breath was warm as it washed over her skin.  "Was this quite so pointed when you arrived?"  He asked, so sure he had believed her human upon entering his beach, but the slight elongated point gave away the Fae blood.

His tongue slipped free to wet his lips, "If you feel it will help you, then by all means, I would love to know more about you, Aisling of House Nox, but I do not wish to pry.  However, in the telling, perhaps let the waters wash away that pain as well."  He moved his face past hers, tongue moving to trace the outer edge of her ear, following the path of his finger's touch until sliding up off the tip of the point.  Teeth nipped at the flesh gently, then nibbled down the outer edge of her ear, working their way down to the lobe, careful of any piercings.  Lips parted, flesh was drawn in between teach, and mouth closed to form a seal as he began to suckle her ear like a feeding babe.  In one hand, he had the soap she had handed him, and he began to rub it against her lower back, his other hand joining to help spread any lather developing from the scrubbing.

Rather than back away, to make more room to wash her, he he would surely have to do soon enough, his tentacles coiled around her lower body, thighs, calves, the curves of her ass, and pulled her up against him, clinging to her naked body.  His tentacles were in the way, keeping her body from rubbing up against the growing hardness low on his torso, but at they same time, they seemed to be feeling her shape and curves as easily as any hand could.  There was a warmth to their embrace, it was clearly a hug of sorts, and felt as such, even with the fondling that had begun in earnest.  It was a wildly extreme reply to a kiss on the cheek, but then, that fit this fae perfectly, and it was a surprise to both of them when he slowly released her, letting her drift some, so he could reach her to wash her body.

He didn't speak nearly as much as she, choosing now to hold onto some secrets, or perhaps giving her the room to use him as an outlet.  He focused on washing her, his hands turning her in the water to allow him to complete her back and move to her stomach.  There was a build up of tension as he slowly finished her stomach, little by little, hands rising until eventually, they cupped and lifted her breasts, drawing her soaped back against his chest as strong hands pawed at her chest in soap-smearing motions  His tendrils were moving along her legs again, but not quite gripping yet, and against her plush backside, that weighty bulge was hot, and throbbing up into a long, thick shaft as it finally grew free of the lower torso pouch which had kept it hidden. 

As she was drawn back against him, he pressed against the line between her cheeks, and suddenly released a strangely moaning grunt as carefully soaping hands forgot their professionalism to grope her chest.  His moan was suddenly cut off into a vibrating groan as the opposite ear from the one previously toyed with, slipped into his mouth.


Aisling was going to lose herself if she wasn't careful, but it felt so nice to be held by someone. To feel safe, especially as she looked over her shoulder and realized that the Labyrinth was still giving her this time. Self-serving creature, but who could blame it? She just discovered truth about herself, and she was starting to understand why Jareth was so happy to take her away. She shivered as his hand brushed through her hair, his cheek nuzzled against her's. The Corsair was attractive in a strange way, a way she wasn't used to. Just as attractive as Jareth, and she found her chest fluttering a little as he touched her ear. She moaned, her body jerking suddenly in surprise. "No-No... they weren't..." She said as she turned her head away a little.

But it was too late, she realized she had not brokered the deal as well as she should have, and she was going to have to hope that he was going to be as honorable with her as her father had told her that Corsair was. "I... I wished myself here." She whispered softly as she tried to bite back the soft moan that left her as he started to tease her ear, nibbling and then sucking as she jerked against him. The sucking was like a live wire that seared her flesh and soul, brought her body alive and made her hands scrabble for purchase as she cried out. She pressed against him, feeling that heavy arousal of his, and this time she did not feel disgust at feeling it.

He was washing her softly, and she shivered and then drew in a deep breath. Suddenly his tentacles were wrapping around her, and she was pulled tight against him, she could have felt him again if those tendrils weren't keeping her from feeling anything other than their firmness wrapping and holding her tight. They were in deeper waters, so she trusted him, and besides it strangely felt like he was hugging her, holding her. Keeping her safe. She knew that they were touching her, and she was blushing madly from the sensation of those teasing tendrils. But as soon as it had started, as soon as he started washing her, it seemed everything was slowly stopping as he released her to let her drift.

The washing continued though and she relaxed into it, eyes closing as she just floated in the bliss of the water and a kind touch. The marks fading away, her pains fading away, her body floating and mind following it. But the tension started to build again as he started to wash her even further, he pulled her back against him, his hands on her breasts making her moan softly as her hands gripped on to one of the tendrils that was closest. She didn't want to stop him, she wanted this softness, this strange healing touch. She could feel him now, free from his pouch, pressed hot and needy against her back, her breath catching as she was pressed back against him firmly.

"Co-Corsair...." She asked softly, whimpering but unable to stop herself from moaning again as he started to toy with her other ear. Her breath coming faster and harder now, that arousal settling hot and heavy between her thighs, her hips bucking against one of his tendrils - without her even telling it to. "you can heal me with your touch... what do you get from this?" She asked softly.


The Corsair had intended for her to lose herself, because the more she let go, the more he received from her.  This was originally going to be a slow moving seduction, he had planned to draw her into his arms over the course of many smaller, more intimate conversations, but then she'd practically handed herself over to him.  "Mmmmm," Gasps and moans broke into his attempts to form words as she reached for his tentacles and began to push back against his firmness with a wanting that bespoke of her heritage waking, as much as her ears did.  "Yes, Sweetling."  He murred out with a sound that almost seemed like a purr, but the vibration was more of a dolphin cry than a feline.  "You said that already."  His chuckle was warm and inviting, the rumbles wrapping around her as much as his multitude of limbs were.

She felt wonderful against him, "But the question is why, and is it everything you wished for?"  So soft and warm, his hands roamed up along the length of her neck, fingertips slipping behind her ears to scrub with the soap suds.  He let his fingers trail behind his moving hands as they headed low again, following the contours of her body.  Their deal had been loose enough to leave him with unfettered access, and left unfinished as it was, with no restraints.  Well, no restraints, except for the two tentacles which, beneath the waves, had found her ankles and latched on around them.  He held her, but didn't immediately do anything untoward, until two more sought out her wrists, looking to take hold of her and keep her close, lifted half out of the water, as she rested against his cock and rocked back on it.  That smooth length tucked against her, slipping between her cheeks as they ground against each other.  Tugging gently, his grip upon her lower legs attempted to pull them apart as his palms crested over her hips, fingers pointing down towards her center on either side of her.

Hands would shift lower, grazing her sex from either side without touching it directly as they passed to her inner thighs.  "Why, exactly that.  Your touch, of course.  To feel you.  To feel you against me.  What more could I ever want for?"  His hands assisted his tentacles, coaxing those legs apart more, so his hands could return up those long limbs towards the hot core of her sexual being.  His mouth nipped at her ears, teeth biting against the supple skin, tongue lashing against them, but only when he wasn't talking, bringing up what they were doing in a slow cadence, tinged by his own overwhelming need.  He wanted to enter her, he could take her if he wanted, as she hadn't stated for him not to, but he knew she wasn't ready for that, and so his hands found those lower lips.  Soft fingers rubbed over her lower set of lips, stroking them gently in a way that allowed him to pass over her hooded clit, repeatedly.  "Can you feel me against you, Aisling?"  He panted, grinding himself up against her, insistent on being  felt.  The soap was forgotten, along with the bath.  Now there was only the feel of her body in his hands, in his coils, and up against the underside of his erection.  "Tell me," he panted, "how does it feel, to be in the loving embrace of The Corsair?"  He had to remind himself he wasn't keeping her, because in that moment, a part of him intended to.  She hadn't placed a time limit upon him, so he technically could, claim her as his own, unlimited comforting touches given over freely in exchange for his healing, his protective kiss, but he found that he didn't want to do anything that upset her, at least not on purpose.

"Can you feel my hands, touching you?"  And they did, finger tips rubbing up against and between those soft labia, seeking the hidden entrance between them.  His thumbs were aiming for her hidden button, purposefully remaining on the flesh to stroke in repeated patterns, wanting to feel her squirm atop him.  She was very lucky it had been him she found, as others would have dragged her off to be their slaves by this point.  "Tell me, Aisling.  Tell me how I make you feel."  His tentacles binding her wrists and ankles were gentle, though they were demanding of how she remained.  The bathing part was over, for now.  He would have to do her legs for her later, when he was able to think clearly enough to finish them.


Aisling shivered as she found herself shaking softly as the strange pleasure worked its way through her body. It was nothing like when her - when someone had tried to force themselves on her - this was a real sensation of desire and need. It was as if the person doing it didn't just care about themselves, but about the pleasure that she could have as well. Her fingers massaged against the tendrils that they gripped for support, shivering softly at the way she was being held. "I wished myself away, because after my father died my mother married a man that was alright at first - but not for long. As soon as his sons were born, I was turned into the house slave... and I endured years of abuse at his hands." She said this softly, her body shaking slightly.

"You don't understand - that the reason I wished myself away was that he tried to force himself upon me - that he tried to... take what doesn't belong to him. He tried to take me, tried to use me... I might have killed him in my escape, I am not even sure - but I found the books - and made my wish... my request to no longer be there. I fight this Labyrinth so that I can be free." She whispered as she shuddered, her eyes closing as she whimpered from the touch of his hands sliding across her, washing and teasing her. The tentacles wrapped around her legs and pulled them apart slightly, and she let them. There was no fighting.

She closed her eyes to just absorb the sensations, enjoy the feeling of him rubbing against her. "Your touch is healing more than injuries on the surface, but ones in my heart and mind. The touches you do... remove the feel of his vile hands on my body. Replacing those memories with something sweeter." She said finally, her words shaking slightly with her nervousness as his hands started to stroke and tease across her inner thighs, a whimpering moan left her as she could feel his hands and tentacles climbing closer and closer towards her sex. He started to nip at her ear again and she cried out, her sex tightening with a hot wanting need. His fingers finally touched her and she cried out, arching back against him and shaking slightly from the strong spark that rushed through her.

She was repressed, she barely found time to touch herself, with the way her life was, and having someone else touch her - with skill and purpose - was only making her quiver all the more. He rubbed her, teased her, repeatedly teased the little bud that would bring her the most pleasure. Her breath was a pant, a whimpering thing. "Ye-yes... I can feel you... " She said as she whimpered from the touch of his hands, teasing and touching. Her cheeks flushed darker at the way his words seemed to draw parts of her that she didn't even understand. "It feels wonderful, it makes me feel wanted and cherished - not wanted and despised..." She said softly, a few tears breaking free unbidden from the corners of her eyes as she could feel the pleasure that built through her.

"Ye-Yes... I can feel you touching me. Yes, oh gods yes.... please..." She whispered as his stroking became teasing, not exactly the direct contact she so desperately desired of him. Her body pressed back against him, and she lost herself to the panting pleasure of The Corsair, and the feeling of his hands teasing her. She wanted to touch her but she was bound by him, and she would allow that - because he seemed to know what he was doing with all this. "You make me feel desired...cherished, I feel pleasure... and I w-... Want... it." She said softly her eyes opening as she tried to turn her head to stare up at him.


The Corsair lay back into the water and he brought her back with him, to lay on her back as though floating.  The mass of his tentacles spreading out beneath them, finding rigid purchase against the floor and closest walls.  His face breached the surface beside her ear, almost entirely submerged even as he kept her mostly out of the water, but also on display should someone wander up.  "Relax then, and be cherished, Aisling.  Let go, and be free, for a time, in the waters of my loch."  It couldn't have been more of a lead in to sex, his comment to 'let go,' as his fingers now began to enter her body in small, testing thrusts.  It began with one, just up to the first knuckle, and it sat there, rolling around against her tight little walls as though his constant rubbing of her swollen clitoris had distracted him from continuing.  But then, that finger dipped in deeper, pressing up against her walls, resistance as she clenched against the digit due to his mouth finding, and tending to, her ear.

But then, he said some things that explained what he actually meant, and gracious as he was, his hands drifted onto her thighs again, shifting her against himself, so hard beneath her, as he made sure she was stable there, laying atop him.  "Freedom, my sweet, sweet girl, is completely relative.  It's a concept people rush towards, all the while locking themselves into different cages they didn't even see, but somehow chose.  Children rush headlong into adulthood to escape their parents, and into a slew of external responsibilities just waiting to subjugate them.  That is why we are mindful of the tides of life.  The ebb and flow, the detritus, which it sounds like what your step-father was.  And you did, you escaped him and you are free from that.  So relax, let the waters, and my body, hold you up, as though we were flying.  Water, is just thicker air, after all."

Suddenly, another finger was inside of her, burying within her body as far as it would go, and moving in a small circle as he added, "You want ... 'it?'"  His finger slid free, her inner flesh closing behind, until he pushed it back in to part her.  His thumb found and grazed over that swollen nub once more, but he was teasing her, coaxing her into speaking while unable to think straight.  Poor Aisling, virginal, untouched Aisling, was now experiencing the beginnings of pleasure denial, though he was kind enough to still impart some on her.  His thumb strummed over her again, a second finger pressed against her entrance, hinting that he might try for two.  "You'll have to be more specific, lover.  What is the 'it,' that you want?  Tell me, and maybe I'll grant it to you."

He hadn't been trying for sex, but simply making a point about how holding onto her having wanted her freedom was holding her back.  Like now, she'd locked herself into the Labyrinth.  She'd locked herself to Jareth.  She was locking herself to Corsair, more and more each moment, as he showed her how things should have been for her.  She was free, but she was not free.  For a time, however, she could feel free.  Floating weightless out in this pond, with her private lover.  Soft lips brushed her ear, his tongue dancing out.  "Tell me."  He was controlling her, in his own way, but not to make her feel overpowered, only to take the burden of responsibility off of her shoulders.  To make her realize, "Freedom comes when we give up our desire to control.  Be like the waters, go where the current wills it."

"Tell me what 'it' is, so that I can take over for you."


Aisling was losing herself to this moment, the feeling of the halted time that was around them. She could feel the building energy, feel the way something inside of her unfurled and almost seemed to rub against whatever energy was coming from the creature that was attending to her. The one she had made a deal with, her head was clouded but parts of her remembered what her purpose here was. He shifted position and they were floating, her back pressed to his chest, her breath coming out raspy and ragged as he teased her. She could feel him, she could feel the pleasure that he was building, she could feel the tension slowly ebbing from her body like the swirling soft tides around the two of them. When he spoke into her ear, his finger sinking in, she moaned, her body pressing back against him, trying to get more of that invasion that her body was actually enjoying. This was nothing like what had been done to her, this was - this was so much different. "Let go..." She murmured, shivering softly as she licked her lips, her eyes opening to stare up at the star-kissed sky.

The finger dipped deeper and she cried out, her hands clenching against the tendrils holding her. Slowly she uncurled her hands and started to stroke along the tentacles that were her support, her hips rolling slightly so she could ride his finger as well as stimulate the part of him pressed so firmly against her ass.

She listened to him, her eyes closing again as she just let her body float in the pleasure he was giving her. She knew she was giving as much in return, it was going to be a fair trade if she had her way with it. She shuddered, crying out softly at the teasing way he was touching, the slide of his fingers and the stimulation that was building up her pleasure like waves lapping on the shores of his sands. "Mmm yes, I'll let you hold me up... I'll... trust you." She whispered as her eyes remained closed, allowing nothing but the feeling of his touch - the feeling of his comforting embrace. She could sense, somehow, the ebbing and flowing gentleness of how he was treating her. The will he felt towards her, was good - and there was no malice in what she could feel.

Then suddenly as she started to relax a second finger was thrust inside and she cried out - body arching as her body spasmed around his finger, her sex clenching tight as she panted and jerked with the circular motions. "Oh Gods, Corsair!" She called out, her mind spinning as he asked her a question, and his touch changed, she jerked against the thumb teasing her swollen nub and she panted softly. Her hands, still bound partially, still turned to stroke the tentacles that were holding her. "Oh gods, yes... I want it - this... " She said as she rocked herself back against him, rolling her hips towards his hand, whimpering from the sensation that was building.

It was like he was teasing, building, denying her and giving all at the same time and it was maddening. There was that teasing hint of the second finger again and she opened her eyes to stare up at the sky again. He was coaxing her, teasing her with words and she had to lick her lips and focus enough to know waht she was saying. "I want... this, the pleasure we are sharing, the connection that is not just helping me - but helping you. I am willing to... I am willing to for the time the Labyrinth allows me here - in this spot - to allow you free reign in showing me pleasure and recieving it in kind, so long as my virginity is not taken... I n-N... Fuck... I need the purity of my blood to broker more in the Labyrinth... I have... I have to keep going, I have to keep fighting..."

She pressed back against him, her body rolling as she whimpered softly. "I'm willing to... I'm willing to give into this desire, let you guide me, so long as you remember what I desire most to accomplish, and what I need to maintain... I am willing to share this with you."


The Corsair's tentacles suddenly released her wrists and ankles, freeing her limbs from the restraints of him.  His hands had moved in, his left hand suddenly fucking her with two fingers, rushing in and out to add her natural wetness to the pool they floated in, as his right moved up to that northern mergings of supple flesh.  His thumb placed itself firmly above her sex and stroked up towards her belly, gently drawing the hood back so her hidden button would come forth for the touch of his gentle, yet diligent fingertips.  He had decided it was time for her to come for him, and put all of his effort into making her clench and cry out.  "Then let's get started, shall we?"  He barely managed to get the sentence out as she'd renewed her movements atop him, causing him to squirm as his hips strained to hump up against her without throwing off their balance.  "I want to feel your thighs vibrate,"  He whispered, breathy panting intermingled until words stopped and his mouth clamped onto that same ear.

He wanted her, so badly, but he gave it all up to pleasure her first.  If she sought to leave and continue afterwards, so be it, she'd still have earned her kiss, but if the clock kept still, they would have plenty of time to continue.  Those tentacles that had been holding her, now coiled around and gently stroked her flesh in soft caresses.  Suction cupped undersides had been simply slippery until now, when his excitement caused the occasional tendril to latch onto her, like dozens of mouths latching onto her soft skin, suckling her as they pulled gentle pressure back from the surface.  He seemed to be doing it on purpose, finding spots that he would want to put his mouth, when able.

A tentacle on either side of him, slipped over her palms, running against her hands and letting her curl her fingers around them.  He'd noticed how she'd groped at them, enjoying the feel of his seaself.  There is nothing that she could have done for him that would have meant half as much as what she'd already done.  When he approached, he could have been a merman.  She wouldn't have known until he'd been brave enough to move closer, to let her see.  Why was Corsair alone?  Many a human woman turned away in fear and disgust at the sight of him.  Many a seafae love has died, for their is no more brutal killing floor than that at the bottom of the ocean.  The waters hidden depths make Jotunheim seem like Disney.  But not Aisling, she'd not had a moment's doubt, and embraced him both figuratively and literally.  So he lay himself in her hands so she could continue to play.

All this time, his own hands focused on her, his body rising up slightly as he follows her own, natural constriction from the pleasure, she would never, not have him supporting her.  Her legs could fall to dangle at either side of his torso, but his hands would keep up their vigil, until she exploded with pleasure.  He would remain their through her orgasm, when she reaches it, but then, before she regained herself, he would already begin dipping beneath the waves, lowering down as she ended upright again, and hidden beneath the surface, he would move to bury his face between her legs.


Aisling's head fell back, letting herself go completely as he started to work his fingers in her body harder and faster. She had never felt something like this in her life, she definitely had never touched herself like this before. Her hips rocked back against his hand, and then back to grind against the length that was pressed into her back. She was gasping softly with each wave of the pleasure that started inside of her, her body aching and her sex gripping his fingers. Her hands stroked up and down the tendrils that held her, her breath coming in soft little pants.

The cries were sweet, innocent even, as she rocked against him, her body aching as she could feel him teasing her in so many ways. She spread her legs wider, draping them on either side of him as she opened herself completely to the way he was teasing her. The way his mouth would whisper and tease her ear, the way he was constantly stimulating her. She wanted him, she surprised herself with that thought, she wanted him. She wanted to know what it was like to have something this pleasurable.

The feeling of those little suction cups, like little mouths touching and teasing her, only enhanced the way she was reacting. Her breath started to come in harder and faster, her body twisting softly against him as he floated them. She was crying out, gasping as she felt the slip of his tendrils in her hands. She gripped his tentacles for a moment as the first ripple of pleasure started, but she squirmed and cried out softly as she felt that first whisp of pleasure suddenly just stand out of her reach. She stroked his tentacles, gulping air for a moment and whimpering as her own body prevented that pleasure from breaking free.

But his gentle ministrations, even as his fingers fucked her, and that little nub was teased over and over again, suddenly seemed to pay off. She came, like the gentle waves first washing up on the shore, she cried out - nearly a yelp as her sex suddenly gripped his fingers with a viciousness previously unseen. Her hips bucked softly against his hand as she panted, whimpering, gasping. Her cheeks flushed as she sobbed softly and let him support her. As the pleasure ebbed away she realized he had slipped free from her and she was nearly standing in the water.

She felt him slip between her legs and a whimpering gasp left her as she trailed her hands across his shoulders, feeling a sudden burning need to touch him as much as he had touched her. "W-W... Oh... oh... gods..." She gasped out in surprise as his face buried between her legs, her cheeks flaming as she squirmed. "W-Wait... please... I want to touch you too!" she said as she hoped he heard her even with his face beneath the water.


The Corsair felt her hands clench against his strong shoulders, squeezing the muscled arches where fingers had until then simply trailed.  He couldn't blame her, as he'd begun placing gentle kisses against those supple layers of skin that had, until now, been tucked hidden between her legs, even still hidden beneath the waters.  Her gasping pleading did indeed reach his ears, and as his hands ran up the backs of her legs, from behind her knee, fingers splayed as they rose up soft thighs to rise like claws over the swells of her ass, it seemed as though he would not be stopping.  His mouth moved, however, sliding his tongue over the front of her thigh as he slowly tore himself away from pleasuring her moments before his tongue would have delved deep within her Marianis Trench.  Is she glanced down as he'd moved away, there were lines of phosphorescent glow trailing down his arms and multitude of legs, with that dark, ethereal glow, like that fish with a light bulb dangling from the front of his head, (Anglerfish.)

The surface of the pool broke as his alabaster hair crested the churning placidity before she felt his lips leave her skin.  Continuing up and back, his forehead was slowly revealed, followed by arching brows too perfect to have never been sculpted.  His eyes were filled with mirth, hinting at the smirk of a grin to be revealed as he maintained locked gaze with her flushed face.  "Do you?"  He queried, finding it quite the compliment that this woman who'd only been shown the darker side of sex, with none of the desire, safety nets, or compassion that could turn such marvelous, was now struggling with a desire to participate.  "I can take that as nothing, but a compliment of my skills, offered freely with your delicious desperation."  He was still rising from the waters, that body both hard and smooth, chiseled as a swimmer's should be, abs like a washboard as rivulets of water streamed down him.  That hardened pouch should have been next, but instead, the bulbous head of his cock broke the surface, followed by his thick, vein-riddled shaft.  It was a man's penis, in every way, nothing marine about the statuesque phallus, though it maintained his whitish-blue hue.

She would know that her touch would allow her to feel the blood coursing through his veins, the heat through the flesh that looked as though it should have been cool as a corpse, as the invasive thing twitched with his racing pulse.  Beneath, his heavy sack hung full and just as smooth.  Instead of legs, a skirt of tentacles carried him higher and back, away from her.  "Are you sure this is what you wish, Sweetling?"  Those reaching limbs were straining to carry him back and up as they lashed out round the rocks edging the pool, bringing him to rest above the waters which he called home.  They slapped against stone, coiling as suctioning spots gripped to hold him up.  "The clock could begin moving again at any moment."  He was on display before her, not really that much higher, than she, but then his body ended shortly below the waist.  "But for you, I would part the oceans.  How could I not allow myself to enjoy your touch?"  It sounded romantic, but parting the oceans was probably as easy as breathing for the marine mammal of a Sidhe Fae glowing before her in the distant moon's glow.


Aisling was gulping for air, trying to focus herself after the orgasm that The Corsair had given her, it was unlike anything she had ever experienced and it was still spinning through her mind like a leaf on a pond during a storm. She shuddered, as she looked down, watching him, seeing that glowing beauty, and then noticing that her own skin was doing the same. Like pale moonlight she was lighting up the area around them, it was a gentle light, but she stared at herself in shock and shuddered at the feeling of his mouth coming so close but stopping short of her sex. She kept herself up a bit, even as he held her, and watched as he slowly rose from the waters.

She found herself surprised at the way he asked her, and looked up at him. Her cheeks flushed a bit as she looked to the side a little at his words, her body shuddering faintly as she felt the rippling after-effects of the powerful pleasure this Sidhe creature had given her. She licked her lips as she watched him come from the water, and stopped to stare at the length of his cock. She reached out with careful fingers, even as he was getting himself pulled up a bit. "I... I like what you were doing, but I want to touch you too... it seems only right, and I want to ... I want to touch you." She whispered as she looked up at him. Her fingers carefully danced down the length, feeling the hardness and humming for a moment as she found another flash of a thought that had her blushing darker than ever. She realized that part of her wondered what he tasted like, and she didn't even know how to say it.

"I'm sure it's what I wish, but I... ah... I liked what you were doing before... can we arrange to have both without either of us getting hurt?" She asked as she squirmed for a moment, pulling herself closer to the rock he was on, her fingers slowly wrapping around the length of him as she stared up at him, her breasts brushing against his tentacles as she brought herself against him. "I will keep checking the clock, but I think the Labyrinth is greedy for this as much as we are..." She whispered as her cheeks flushed a little harder and she squirmed.


The Corsair held himself still as she approached him, keeping himself as harmless-seeming as possible.  She was having trouble putting what she wanted into words, except that she wanted him, wanted to repay him for his actions.  "It is not the sort of activity where debts are easily kept track of, Sweetling.  Perhaps it is possible, but in the spur of the moment, it is about pleasure for you as well as your partner.  The drive for equality of giving is enough to ensure both parties feel sufficiently involved and cared for."  As her breasts pressed against his tentacles, they curled around her body in languid passes, slender and thick, suction cups soft and pliable, the ends of two tendrils curled around her breasts to toy at her hardened nipples.  The sight of her reaching towards him built so much excitement on its own, but when those finger wrapped his length, his head tipped back, mouth opening to gasp upwards, gulding down the fresh, sea air.

She shone with such brightness, between them both, they lit up the small pool, leaving their actions observable both as silhouettes and figures, depending on the angle and distance.  The underneath was illuminated by her brightly glowing lower body, showing the pools depths clearly, even despite the silt in the water.  It ran down his smooth flesh in rivulets, tasting of clean water, rather than salt.  As she moved against him, his long limbs found and caressed her backside, urging her closer even though she approached so easily on her own.  "Oh old gods, that feels good." he breathed while his brain translated the question she'd asked him.  "Oh, yes, there are easy ways for us to play with each other's body at the same time, but dry land would be preferable, so you are able to breath."  His grin held such playfulness, it would have been easy to believe he was teasing had he not continued to explain.

"For the moment, I think it best you take this opportunity to explore me, familiarize yourself with my maleness, and once comfortable, we can find a nice place for me to lay back, allowing you to crawl onto my body upside down.  In the future, you will find yourself on the bottom of such an exchange, I'm sure, but, for now, lets avoid anything that would make you feel trapped or scared."  He didn't mention how easily a female could get herself choked if a man mounted her face the way one mounts a woman, but she would figure out that danger on her own, if they ever got that far.  For the moment, he only expected her to continue using her hands, even if they ended up in the Pisces position.  "Just like that, Sweetling.  Feel free to squeeze harder, the shaft is easy to manipulate, isn't it?  Just don't squeeze the balls beneath, as that is where pain would begin.


She was glowing, Aisling only just realized this as they slipped further from the water. The pleasure he had given her was amazing, and she really wanted to return such a gift to him. She wanted him to realize that she wasn't afraid of him, that she was actually - she was attracted to him - if even just on a physical level. The thing happening between them felt so right, it made her feel things she didn't even know she could feel. Those tentacles flicking against her nipples had her biting her lip and squirming softly. Whimpering in pleasure as she looked up at him.

Her fingers stroked up and down his length, not sure exactly what she was going to do with him, but listening to him speak as she stroked him. He really liked it? That actually made her perk up a bit, that flush coming back to her cheeks as she stroked him a little more. "Well I'd like to try it, sometime... or soon... if you want." She said as she squirmed against the hold of his tentacles. She was not afraid of him, not at all, instead it was obvious that the pleasure was building in her was something that she could potentially become addicted to.

"I'll explore you then, and do so how I please. If something... upsets you, you'll let me know?" She asked as she looked up at him, her green eyes almost neon in their glow now, strange dark cracks seeping into the color. She blinked up at him, and then the young woman pressed her lips to his shoulder, her hand stroking against his flesh as she just let her body run on instinct. Fae were quite sensation based, and sensual based creatures, and it was within them - even half-breeds - to follow their instincts. "And if you want something... I would love to hear it..." She murmured as her hands continued to stroke his length in fascination. Oh hell, it was much different than what she had seen recently, and she had no fear of it, but she wanted to see him filled with as much pleasure as he had given her.


As her hand moved against him, softly curled fingers or tightened grip stroking his length, his breathing hitched and quickened, words grown softer and less frequent as they were replaced by the onrush of gasping breaths.  Like her own, his body brightened from within, but that pale skin lit up blue-gray, steel with a white center, as much his Sidhe inner light as an angler fish's predatory lure.  As it increased with her strokes, subcutaneous markings along his body grew apparent, black stripes and spots, previously not visible and reminiscent of marine life, though his flesh stayed just that: human skin.  His hands held onto her upper arms and shoulders, hungry grasping in massaging patterns as his tentacles followed suit, squirming along the length of her body even as they pulled them higher up onto the slick, blackened rocks, laying him out flat beneath her on an incredibly smooth surface, and giving her plenty of freedom to move about.

"Oh yes, darling girl, more of this.  More of you."  He grunted out as he situated himself against the obsidian bed, "I want to feel your body against mine, I want to show you things you've never dreamed of.  If you're comfortable to, let us partake of each other sooner than later as I want to feel your mouth upon me as I share mine with you."  His words trickled out slowly, like runoff water trickling down a path of pebbles.  Removed from the water, his tentacles disappeared beneath her, long caresses and suctioned releases until they merged to form legs and left him seeming much closer to a man, were it not for that phosphorescence and the markings down his legs that showed where each tendril merged.

As wonderful as this was, it was all part of the Labyrinth's trap to seduce her from her way.  Those old fairy tales always stated clearly, stick to the path, but they were far off the beaten trail and her quest would be easily forgotten under the feel of him.  The clock remained stopped, however, Jareth remained unaware, most likely from the demesne's machinations, leaving the trap open and unknowable, at least for the moment.  His hands trailed down her body, exploring the shape of her form.  Open hands slide from hips to ass, squeezing and lifting to pull her up higher against him.  He wanted to tell her, Stay with me, but the time wasn't ready yet.  She wasn't ready yet.  Soon enough, she would experience a mind numbing orgasm and he would beg her to give up her quest and remain with him in his Kingdom.  A trick of the Labyrinth, but the sincerity of his desire to keep her would make for good bait. 

"Come love, crawl up me and turn around.  I want to taste you."  Lit up like an angler fish, his hardness rising up, bending slightly before her, he was this trial's lure.


Traps came in many forms, and poor Aisling had found herself falling for one. She wanted to trade for that thing which she needed, that protection. She reminded herself of it and rose for a moment as her mind swirled with the budding arousal.Her eyes locked on his, and trailed the length of the Sidhe's body, watching as he started to gleam and glow - the lines and patterns appearing on his body as she looked down at the length of his cock that she was stroking with such careful attention. He spoke and her eyes darted up towards him, as she realized he was hanging onto her and moving them, her eyes widening for a moment as she straddled his newly formed legs.

Her hand stilled and she shivered as she leaned down closer to him, her lips pressing against his shoulder at his request to feel her lips on his body. The suctioned releases of his tendrils had her shivering, almost moaning softly. Her hands skittered up and down his torso, her fingers stroking and learning. She was so lost in this awakening that she only took a moment to look behind her and see the stopped clock. How much time would she lose if the Labyrinth started up again? Or was it truly as greedy for this energy as she was? As The Corsair was?

She even found a little bit of a 'spine' forming in a sense, as he demanded the auburn haired woman turn upon him and taste him. She had a flash for a moment, and realized that no - she was not disgusted by him - she was disgusted by the one man that had harmed her, she wanted to taste this creature, she wanted to have him crying in pleasure as much as he had given her.

So the slim tiny thing climbed upon him, bringing herself around - so that her water drop covered body sparkled in the moonlight and the pale like that was spilling from inside her. She braced herself with his help and then shifted so she could look upon what he was asking her. She shivered, finding herself licking her lips in that moment and lowering her head. "I... I haven't done this before of my own... willingness... I'm sure you have come to realize...but I want to... I want to do this... so if I do something you like... tell me." She said before her tongue snaked out to lick up the length of him.

She decided to just stroke him for now and spend time tasting his length, sometimes 'teasing' but rolling her tongue around the tip of him, but not completely sure yet on what he was going to ask of her. Nor did she know how strong the pleasure would be when he began to taste her.