
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

In a Little Glass Vial [TakodaVega x Altair]

Started by TakodaVega, July 02, 2012, 02:38:07 PM

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Tugging at his trench coat he flipped back his coat as he waited, the gravecrawlers mourning their dead loved ones. He never did understand this market for which he served but it was quick, clean and easy money in the day when you could finance practically every part of one's body to GeneCo and sell your soul to the devil in doing so. Of course the real reason why he was here to get the beautiful blue liquid that was his particular submarket.

Unfortunately for him, as per usual, that fucking Amber Sweet had come and cleaned out his last stock of Zydrate. She was addicted to that lovely knife that cut into her flesh, as was everyone else who wanted to feel no pain, nothing but the ecstasy akin to an unending orgasm while the blood poured onto the floor. GraveRobber didn't care of course as his blue eyes glanced over the gravestone, rolling to the next grave and flipping the tomb open.

"And it's my job to steal and rob..." he sang to himself as he set the vial in his needle gun, smacking it up into the corpse's skull and pulled back slowly. "Yeah that's the ticket..." He grinned as the blue filled the vial depositing it into his bag before wandering onto the next stockhold of graves. Where was it that he found the other day? The Jackpot motherload for Zydrate warehouse? "Ah yeah where that kid almost tripped the alarm." He kinda felt bad about it, but she had gotten in the way of his job.

Though something still bothered him, though he was in the submarket of blood, sex, and well drugs - why could no one accept the very thing they were? They were so obsessed to change their looks and could never accept who they were. Granted it got him paid, and laid, but since they could pay for the surgeries why the hell did they need him? Eh? He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost tripped over someone. Apparently his secret stash what not so secret and not so much his anymore.

"Who the fuck are you?"
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


The bicolored haired female moved with a bit of brute grace up and over the fence of the graveyard. Her blonde locks were braided and hung lazily across her back. Her ivory skin was pale against the moonlight. As the faint lights hit her, the glisten of her piercings reflecting off her skin could be seen. She had a total of seven, her gauges in her ears, her left Monroe, her tongue, her belly button and two hidden. What was her most striking feature was the bi colored eyes, one a dark brown, surgically altered when she was a teenager, and the other a stark white with a black ring around the outside. Her arms were tattooed, her nails painted black and her lips pale. She was 5'2" of delicate legs and a tiny waist. She was thin, petite and pixie like.

Dressed in a black top decorated with buttons on the wide color, a black wife beater and tight black jeans she hopped down onto black boots that nearly reached her knees. Buckles covered the entire front and ankles of the leather shoes and she wore several necklaces, the most prominent being a large key upon a gold chain. She sniffed quietly and looked across the graveyard, seeing small little movements but thinking nothing of them. Hidden under her large studded belt with the bondage ring attached to the middle were four empty vials and two syringes. She slid over to the nearest grave, feeling the way the top creased against the bottom. It was a tight seal, it hadn't been raided yet. She put her foot against the fence and pushed with her shoulder to hear the stone scrape against the ground. As it fell, she pulled the wrapping from around the face of the body, without hesitating, she forced the syringe up into the skull of the corpse through the nasal passage. She pulled back and slowly the vial she'd stuck inside filled with the glowing blue liquid. "Yes..." she whispered softly before not bothering to cover the grave back up. She hopped over it and as she was walking, slipped a bit on the moist ground and ended up with her foot through a horribly boarded up hole. She tilted her head and pulled the boards away as quiet as she could, crawling through it to drop down to find the epicenter of Zydrate.

"Oh fuck yes." she said with a smirk, pulling the next little glass vial from her belt and sliding it into the syringe, finding the freshest looking corpse she could from where she stood, without getting caught in the spot lights. As she slid the needle into the corpses nose to smack it through the skull, she felt a foot hit her leg and nearly an entire body topple over her. She froze, 'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit' she thought as she turned to look at the male but the minute she saw his getup, her body visibly relaxed when she realized it was just another peddler. When his words hit her she wrinkled her upturned nose and scoffed.

"Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you!" she snapped, trying to stay quiet to not alert the guards wandering around just outside.


"Well if you must know. I'm the Graverobber. Who, unlike you kid, has been in this business for far longer than you." He reached and pulled her up from the corpse. "You see there is some fine print to stealing and robbing the dead, especially it means your circumventing my job." He finally got a fine look at who had decided to interrupt him on his usual restocking mission. Damn that Amber Sweet and her addiction to the knife, coupled with the Zydrate addiction group who seem to only fuel it further.

One day Amber Sweet would see that she just needed a bad form with her underground surgeons. A rusty knife there, a contaminated organ here. Not everything was a legal as GeneCo's market. Which made him glance at this adversary again. "So why do you choose to steal and rob, little chit?" Then he noticed the eyes. Hmm, "I see you've dabbled in the black market a bit yourself." He almost sneered at this. Why could no one accept their imperfections? Did they not know the means to be 'perfect' was to be yourself? "Just don't wrack up your debts. The Repo Man will always come find you."

His lips twitched, a slightly crazed look in his eye, "Not the system isn't corrupt anyway." His eyes raise though as the lights flashed nearby, GeneCo guards wanting everything to do with putting them on the metal slab and probably take their own organs for GeneCo's profit for all they cared. "This way, kid." He muttered as he made his way back towards the entrance listening careful. And that twisted smile lit his lips. "And it's my job, to steal and rob..." he took a deep breath, "GRAAAAAAAAAAVES!" Suddenly all the attention was on the Graverobber himself.

Glancing at the girl, he shoved the girl down among the bodies before leading GeneCo on a merry chase! Of course the sirens going off for the alert there was a Graverobber in the midst of this deadend alley. At least he was able to get a couple vials for his normal market as he finally lost the reps and headed back down to his underworld. Here they had made him King. King of the Zydrate, and their broken bodies. A few tricks for him? Ah but all things came with a price. So why the fuck was that girl in the warehouse? She didn't look like his regulars, and certainly did her face to anyone he had seen before. So why start taking his profitable job for him? He let that set a moment, hiding in a doorway until GeneCo's scum wandered away.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


She rolled her eyes as he commented about being in business. She wasn't in business, she was getting something to get rid of the aches and pains she got daily. She watched him blankly when took another look at her. Then had the galls to question her. She went to answer before he cut her off again, mentioning that she'd been dabbling in the black market. "I didn't dabble in the black market. A repo man took out one of my eyes and I couldn't afford a GeneCo replacement."she said flatly before turning back to the body she was pulling the Zydrate out of. She didn't tell him about her lungs, or that technically her brown eye was also a replacement.

She watched as he moved towards the entrance and as he started to speak she narrowed his eyes. At the deep breath, she nearly lunged to catch him before his voice carried out and brought the attention of the entire fucking city to himself. "What the fuck are you doing!?" She yelled, feeling the sudden push and the soft bodies pressing against her side. She squirmed and watched as he took off, GeneCo following him like a cat after a laser pointer. She narrowed her eyes and when things were quiet she pulled away and crawled out of the corpses and jumped the fence rather easily. "Fucking idiot." She snarled as she walked quickly through the back alleys. She had been sleeping in an abandoned little building that had once been an old GeneCo building that had been shut down for black market trading. She had taken over the small receiving area to keep any attention away from her through the front windows, refurbishing it with things that she had collected around the area. It was rather small, but cozy. Her bed was up on one of the top receiving racks, keeping her out of site in case someone came snooping around.

She used the receiving doors for back entrances and emergency exits as just that, emergency exits. The front was boarded up, but she had draped a dark blanket over them so none of the faint candles could be seen from the street. She hurried down the stone alleyway before freezing at the sight of the white skinned male hiding within the doorway. "You!" she hissed, looking over her shoulder as a guard walked past. She turned and stalked into the door way, shoving him hard and hitting her fist into his right shoulder. "You nearly got me caught you fucking dumbass!" she snapped viciously, narrowing her eyes as she waited for an explanation.

"Why do you care if I take two or three vials, its not like I'm competing against you for your Zydrate whores! I need them for myself." she snarled viciously, poking his chest as she spoke, wrinkling her nose. She pushed at one of her lip rings before crossing her arms, making her look rather defiant, despite how delicate her voice sounded.


His lips twitched in a sarcastic smile, "See, that alone means you dabbled in the market. You just don't realize how much you've sunk  yet, kid." Of course she had no idea what he was doing was for her own good. Did she not understand that graverobbing was serious business? That was why he even diverted the GeneCo people to him. If she was interested in his interest she would just need to learn the risks that came with it. Even if she was doing so for her own...benefit, she still needed to know the risk. The job to steal and rob was his, mostly, because Rotti Largo seemed to be paying him under the table, or maybe that was Amber?

This whole town was corrupt, even he was no exception to the rule, so why was it surprising to him to have the very girl, not an hour or so later pounding her first into his chest on his local circuit. "Me? I was merely doing my job, kid." He grabbed her pounding fist and pulled her away from him. "Ever think that maybe I was trying to point out there are dangers for taking Zydrate for yourself without someone who may take the fall for you?" He asked carefully, releasing when she went to cross her arms, reaching to snag her chin in his hand.

"Listen, kid. I'll help you get your cure, but you have to let me do my job." She still looked like she would murder him, so he released her. "And you won't be turning tricks to be doing so either. For you, I might even do it for free. If you owe any debts to GeneCo then stealing from under their noses. You never know when the Repo Men will be among them and he won't spare you the mercy that I think, currently, you might deserve."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


She nearly poked his eye out when he said she was doing his job. She wanted to just sock him in the nose for saying what he did. She huffed loudly and wrinkled her nose. "I've been doing it for months, I know what I'm doing." She said sharply before he commented he'd help her get the cure, "I don't want your help and I'm not a kid!" she snapped, "I'm twenty three fucking years old, piss off." she said shortly, wrinkling her nose. She gave a disgusted look when he commented about her turning tricks, hell even getting the Zydrate for free. She just turned away from him. "You're a prick. I have no debts, as far as the Repo Men and GeneCo is concerned, I'm dead, so my debt is paid." She said shortly before turning on her heels. "Stay out of my way, business or not, I'm getting my own Zydrate." She snapped as she walked with a bit of a cocky strut down the alleyway. To be honest they weren't far from the building that she used for a home.

She stalked towards the building and looked over her shoulder before pulling the grate up after unlocking the pad lock with a careful pull. As she pulled it up she rolled under it before closing. She left the pad lock off the inside, she would head out again soon to find something to eat, as she slipped into the building she took the ladder hidden against the back wall and scaled up it easily, hopping up to sit on the edge of the mattress stacked on top. She plugged in the LED lights around it and pulled out her Zydrate case, putting the vial into the gun and pressing it against her thigh. She cringed a little, feeling the ache of it slipping into her skin and leaned back, a soft breath coming from her lips as bliss hit her.

The ache in her lungs faded and she curled her toes, biting her lower lip before her high dosage tolerance kicked in and she could feel the high start to fade, but the pain still stay subdued. She sat up and hopped off the racks, climbing down them easily and peered out the crack under the door, her backside sticking up in the air. The damp alleyway appeared to be empty.


Graverobber could feel that even though he was being a protective smartass she wasn't going to have some male having any say to her life. Well if she wanted to end up under a scalpel like Repo-man's then that was her own damned fault! "Months? Twenty-three? Seriously, kid you have no idea how to live out in the streets." He was quite serious considering he knew this town and the underground like the back of his hand. Very few things actually surprised him. Though this kid seemed to want to defy his help with every turn and wayward option he gave her to look at any alternative but the weak blood market that flowed.

"Just because you're dead doesn't mean GeneCo and Rotti wouldn't love to get a hand on the very organ's you still have. Even if you did pay in full. Remember Organ Repossession is legal and a 'dead' body is just as a good as a living one in getting the Repo treatment, kid." He shrugged before putting his hands in his pockets, keeping an eye on her as she wandered away from him. Such a high-strung opinionated woman! Did she not understand that there was more to things than met the eye. Maybe he should give her a taste of her own medicine.

Following her was easy, almost too uncannily easy. Then he realized why. This had been a hotspot for him back in the day, now it was practically a ghost of brick and metal. Slipping in was easy when she was in the Zydrate shock, the drug going straight to one's system like a few dozen orgasms. Or so he heard. He had no reason to change, he simply was. If people didn't accept it they could fuck off for all he cared to that state. He used his comfort, the shadows, to hide himself as he watched her.

With her backside up in the air, he couldn't resist as a resounding smack soon filled the room as the sting of his palm hit the upturned posterior. "I told you, you have a lot to learn..." his hand soothed where he had smacked before he waited for what he was sure was a violent reaction. If she went to smack him he would make the effort to grab her wrist, though he definitely had no intention of really hurting her. Just proving a point.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


She just made a hand movement of how much she really gave a shit in her hand. The fingers opening and closing like she was talking out of the hand. She honestly could care less what he had to say. He didn't know her, all he knew were the scalpel sluts, and she wasn't anything like them. She could take care of herself god damn it! She huffed lowly as the thought made her blood boil in anger. Why did she need a man telling her to keep an eye out, they had always been bad luck since the beginning so why would she start trusting the now? Of course she had no idea that he was actually right, that she needed to be careful, that she was constantly in danger. But that was just her right?

She emptied her pockets in the small bin beside the ladder as she came back down, the things she didn't thinks he would need, the zydrate gun, the empty vials, the small gas mask and the inhaler. She was only going a couple blocks over right? She'd be fine. She exhaled softly and when she bent down and eyed out the base of the door, she hadn't heard the boot steps of the male in the room. She had actually just forgotten about him in hopes that with that thought out of mind meant that he would be out of sight. She shifted a little and when she inhaled deeply she wasn't quite expecting the sudden stinging on her right cheek. She jumped, smacked the back of her head against the door and winced, gasping as she  put her hand to it and stood, feeling the rub on her ass.

Oh, she went to smack him, after yanking the switch blade out of her belt. "Bastard!" When he caught her wrist she pushed against it, trying to stab him in the neck or something and fought against the much larger male. He had age, not to mention strength over her, but she put up a damn good fight. For about five minutes she pushed and pulled and jerked and thrashed against his grip, trying to sink the knife into his neck, his jaw, his skull, his shoulder, anywhere to make sure he knew she wasn't going to deal with it. That was until the tightness in her chest began to slow her down and she breathed hard, the rasp starting faint but getting harder.

She jerked a little out of his grip and put her hand to her chest, wheezing deeply as she struggled to get a breath back. She tried to keep her calm but it didn't help and as she moved towards that bin she groped up at it, slightly hunched over to relieve the pressure on her lungs. Stupid bad lungs. Stupid problems. Stupid Graverobber. Stupid everything! She tilted it back to grab the inhaler buried under all the other items and stuffed the end of it between her dark pierced lips. She inhaled deeply and held it for a moment, exhaling while she glared at him.


Did she really think so low of him? Granted his job wasn't always the nicest or exactly the most street legal by a long shot, but he was far from a pimp and a dirty man just trying to get whatever sex or blood that came his way. Though that did come with the job. Though he left the pain sluts to their cuts, if they couldn't accept their original parts then who should stop them? It's not like he could persuade them otherwise. He just gave them the pure, painfree ride to get there.

Then again what did he know of her? Not a damn fucking thing. She hadn't even bothered to give her name! Was she not wanting to be found? He pondered that carefully as he made his way to her little hideaway. She had certainly made it her own place in time. He could tell, though, she had taken the effort to hide most of the evidence she had been here at all. In fact, if Graverobber hadn't followed that sashay of her rear, with that still white-hot temper encased in that small frame he probably wouldn't have thought to look here.

The satisfying smack and rub had been more in jest, though the fact she came to defend herself left him at first on instinct until he could, after a few minutes, he finally released her when she started clutching at her chest. In her weakness she snatched the knife out of his hands. "Now then, now that I'm fairly sure you're not going to come after me and make me a eunuch." He crossed his arms, "We have some unfinished business. I will not get in your way after I know who you are, and why do you abhor the idea that I may be willing to help."

GraveRobber's long hair was pulled off his shoulders before he flipped the blade closed and handed it hilt first back to her. "My word is as good as gold. I just can't understand someone who obviously needs Zydrate for something other than to get a quick fix and change who they are would not like the idea of help."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


She took another inhale of the medicated air and coughed hard, snatching the knife back and stuffing it into the waistband of her jeans. "My name is Pandora. Or Pan. My lungs failed when I was a child and I had the replaced by GeneCo. My mother made the payments when my father walked out on us. When she died, my house was repossessed and I was sent out on the streets. The pain at first was bearable, but the more activity I was doing having to survive on the streets made it worse. Zydrate was the only thing to make the pain bearable, it was the only thing I could do to stay alive." she said as she sat down on one of the rungs of the ladder, putting her hands to chest as she coughed. "My mother didn't need help, I don't need help." she said flatly as she looked at him before rubbing her sternum.

"Your word is worth shit to me. I don't know you, I don't trust you." She said flatly and narrowed her eyes as she put her foot on the ladder after standing. She didn't want anything to do with him anymore, he was irritating her. And even though she said she didn't need help, part of her was comforted by the fact he was there. She'd been so alone lately. She stepped up the ladder quickly, reaching the top shelf and walking over to the mattress that was laying behind some boxes. She sat down on the bed, her form illuminated by blue lights as she plugged the LED lights in.

"I don't need anyone's help." she said quietly. She pulled her coat off, leaving her in just those black jeans and wife beater. She tossed it into the box behind her full of random articles of clothing. She crawled over the makeshift bed and leaned over another one of the boxes, digging around. She just hoped he'd leave.


"Pandora hmm? So has anyone tried to open your box?" He teased mildly before he tilted his head. "They call me GraveRobber. I suppose it suits their purposes better than my actual name." He listened though with all the rapt attention, absorbing the information. He seldom forgot something like this. You never knew when such information could be proven useful in the future! "Zydrate is a good endorphin system help for you, but you may need friends. You're not your mother."

The dead certainly had built the city and lives that now walked didn't it? "The 21st Century cure has now way of curing a broken heart. You may not know me, but I am willing to bet that will change. So does that trust thing. You never know you may need me one day, when you're least expecting it." He gave her a once over but remained where he was, giving her the space she obviously needed, his lips twitching up into a smile when she chose to go to bed.

"Sleep on it, Pandora, I'll be around," he hummed softly tugging on his belt loops before looking into his coat, he was down to his last vial of Zydrate. Fucking sluts. He really needed to restock, quietly slipping away from the abandoned warehouse, silent as the graves he robbed and he disappeared into the night. He just hoped his night would not be plagued by the truth. The truth of someone not craving Genetic Perfection. That was something he could want, desire, if not just crave!

He dragged out his needle and shoved into a corpse, pulling it out slowly to fill the vials, slowly one after another. Of course then he heard it. The crunching footsteps. Someone decided he didn't need to be alone tonight.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


She snorted when she heard the joke, "Yeah, like I haven't heard that joke a thousand times." she said sarcastically, hearing his name. Graverobber...The name in itself was simplistic yet casual. She nodded just slightly. "You're right, I'm not, but I've learned form the best, I don't need help." she said for the thousandth time. When he mentioned Zydrate curing a broken heart she went quiet, looking at herk nees. Nothing could cure her broken heart, it didn't matter if it was drugs or not, but it could mask the pain through the numbness. She just shifted on the bed, sitting on it and watching him leave before he drifted off and left. She sat there in the quiet and her arms wrapped around her stomach. In the pale blue light she sat there, staring at the other shelves. She tucked up a little tighter,wrapping her arms around her knees slowly.

She wasn't sure what to do when he left, she wasn't quite as tired as she thought, she just wanted to be left alone, but now that she was, something made her feel uncomfortable. She shifted on the bed and decided the best thing to do she would do would be to numb herself again. Taking the zydrate gun out of her bag, she pressed the needle to her thigh and shot herself up, and when the ache began to fade, and when the ache started up again, she pressed the gun to her leg a second time, and then a third before she started to feel the tears burn her eyes. Throwing the Zydrate gun into the box she pulled herself from the bed and stumbled towards the edge. She crawled down, clinging to the shelf as she dropped down and rolled out from under the receiving bay door. Closing and locking it she wandered down the alleyway, moving towards the streets. Her arms around her middle.

It took her a while to find him, but as she walked quietly towards the fence that separated her from the robber drawing out Zydrate. She put her hand against the metal, ducking down to avoid the spotlight that washed past. She stood there, watching him and when he looked up to her. It was like she was high, and wasn't herself. Her voice came out faint, but it was there and she clung to her sides, having forgotten her coat. "I need your help..." she admitted through her thick drug high tone.


Of course the kid hadn't believed him - he didn't expect her to. In this world of broken dreams and selling your souls to the tyrant GeneCo what do you have to rely on in this destitute place? Not a damn fucking soul that was who. However now that he was left alone he pondered just how much pain the girl was in if she needed that much Zydrate to rob the graves herself. He had been pondering this while he did his repetitive routine with the dead. Though he did lift his head from the crunching he head he looked up just to see Pandora standing against the fence.

"Kid, what are you doin out here? Thought I told you to sleep on my offer." He spoke calmly, pulling out the vial from the case, snapping his nail against it to make sure it evened out before putting it along with the others he had collected just as he heard her voice. It was then he did a double take. "Pandora!?" He was stunned. Even Amber Sweet or any of his junkies got like this after hit of that blue glow. This was not good. Making his way to her side, he shrugged off that thick coat of his, draping it over her shoulders before pulling her back against him. "I would say you do, kid. How much Z did you have?"

He had no care for morals at that moment, reaching he pulled her up into his arms, making sure that his coat stayed firmly around her. There was something about how she looked at him crazy eyed that told him that she needed him something bad alright if she went out here looking for him. It was only right that he take care of her the best way he knew how. He just had to make sure this was going to work. After all, 'fucking the pain away' was only heard of a few times. And she was so high at that moment he didn't even know if she could comprehend a word he was saying to her.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


When he spoke, she twitched her face as if his voice was loud, screaming almost and she reached her hands out slightly, nearly falling as she heard him speak her name again, louder this time and she tensed up and contorted her face more before her eyes fluttered and she felt that heavy coat lay over her shoulders and she leaned heavily against him, almost completely. His voice was low, the way he spoke sounded underwater, loud and hurt, but she managed to slurr out an incoherent "Two...maybe three hits, maybe more...can't remember" before her legs gave way and she was hoisted into his grip. Her head fell back against his shoulder and then lolled back, eyes closing as she felt her entire body numbly spin within her mind.

After a few steps from the graveyard, another groan came from her lips and her eyes floated back into her skull, her grip that had been on the coat loosened and fell to her stomach. The spinning was only getting worse, her eyes fluttered and finally opened again, pupils completely expanding across her iris, causing two inky black holes to glow at him. She managed once again to mumble out a barely understandable, "Graverobber, I'm cold..." before falling silent and her eyes rolling back again. There was a voice not far from the gate, a Genecop speaking to another about the possibility of hearing someone close to the gate. She clung to the coat again, the agony in her chest having fallen to nothing more then a dull throb she could barely feel through the zydrate numb.


Graverobber's eyes narrowed. Though he hadn't heard of someone overdosing on Zydrate he was fairly sure that this kid had now managed to do so. Holding her close to his chest he darted down through the graveyard. There was nothing pleasant about Genecops, particularly if they had a Repoman or two with them. If Pandora told the truth, she'd be number one on their hitlist. He couldn't let that happen as he disappeared behind a grave. He glanced over his shoulder as she spoke and looked down at her again. "Shh...I promise you, you'll be warm soon."

He didn't have many options as he eyed his current position. It was well after the curfew call and thus if they caught him to boot, let alone Pandora, their would be no fun in that. Ms. Amber Sweet would make sure to clean him clear out again and then what could he do to help Pandora then? He wasn't sure when he started to give a damn about the kid that seemed to be caught up into the vicious cycle of need and pain, but he did. Looking around he spotted it, a slightly off center crypt that had to be calling his name the whole time but that was also in plain sight of the Repo men too. The nightly police didn't help their matters as their patrols and flashlights would make it hard to get passed them without getting noticed by somebody. He needed a distraction.  Anything could do and as he held the girl close, he juggled her carefully to try to find anything that may be used to their benefit.

Thankfully a distraction came in the form of a few of the people from the fair nearby, obviously drunk or high off whatever Z they got, or even maybe it was the tequila bottle they were swinging between themselves as the guards raised their gaze long enough for him to pull Pandora closer and he darted between the gravestones to dive into an open crypt as shouting started. "Oy, you guards got nuttin' on meee!" The Repomen insisted about the curfew and as GraveRobber took Pandora deeper into the crypt to the cut off door to an abandoned house he gave a soft brush of his fingers along her cheek. "I promise you will be okay, kid," he muttered more for himself than her as he forced open the door on the other side.

"Must have been repoed to death," he hummed to himself as he took to the stairs finding a bed practically fit for a king, "Maybe this place will serve a good new hole in a wall. Amber would have a devil of a time knowing about it too." He placed Pandora on the bed, moving to the shower to turn the water on hot, stripping himself down to just those leather pants and the boots. He eyed Pandora, debating a moment before stripping her down to just the wifebeater shirt and panties she seemed to at least have underneath, before pulling her up into his hold again. Her bare skin against his chest was almost like ice. He growled softly, and sighed taking the hit for the pants and pulled her and him into the shower. The heat was almost scorching hot, but it would at least be a jump to her system. "Ya gotta stay awake."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.