
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Paraphydiodae [Yai|&|DoctorRed]

Started by Yai, March 07, 2012, 10:56:12 PM

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Hello...where do I begin. Born Different, eventually analed for it with a one way bitch slap to Purgatory...Earth. My name, my Body, my Nature, One big paradox. my name is Amaterasu, But ever since I landed here, I've been calling myself Akyoto, With. Goddess of Light my ass. I was supposed to be that anyways. Ended up Goddess of Destruction which is perfectly fine for me.

With was lying on her bed in her home--located inside a 50-story building on the 45th floor in Kyoto, Japan about 500 miles from where she crash landed a few months ago. Back in heaven she was at least 90% clothed, now you could rarely find her over 60% clothed. (See Picture in Link) Not only that but she only wore black and rareky anything else. Life wasn't great here but it was better than Heaven. With was enrolled in a Special University where an Interesting man pretty much covered all her fees on the account of a good feeling about her. All she did was beat the hell out of others but he seemed to enjoy it...

(Sorry for crap I suck at night xD Tell me if you need me to add something)
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


A tall man stood clad in carefully in a carefully tailored black suit, his red hair combed back, out of his face, and hanging in a crimson tie behind his head. Green eyes leered up at the building as he approached, his darkened skin looking more tan than usual. Coming to this realm was taxing on him, and it showed. His eyes looked dim in the light, even as he stepped into the shadow of the building, he seemed to retain some of the glow, as if his body itself was hungry for the chance to be out in the sun, or among the sky. He sighed and reached up to brush stray locks of hair out of his face, brushing his palm over his face slowly.

Standing at the door, he shuddered, lifting his head and looking over the building slowly as he stepped within, his eyes distracted and faraway as they rolled past the people milling about, brushing past the doorman with a curt glance and moving to the stairs and then an elevator, using his senses to guide him to where he was going to go. He stood outside her door, his frame large and broad, standing above most men and stronger than many. He'd cast off a lot of his godlike appearance, save for his large size and unnatural hair and ethereal eyes. He was a terror when angered, but now he just looked out of place. Like a man in a costume getup, walking around town. He reached up and knocked on the door, his knocks resounding, loud, firm knocks. Silver rings glinted on his fingers as he put a hand on his hip, waiting for his sister to answer.


With was genuinely surprised when she heard a knock on her door, a powerful one too.  She got off her bed and went to her door. she opened it, shocked. "The fuck?" She said looking at the taller male. She never would've guessed who it was with how stupid the man looked. "You're lost bro, The Circus just left town." She said in her typical snarky tone. Funny thing was he actually was her brother. With closed the door or at least tried to.

[Ugh crap post xD]
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The man glowered down at her as she spoke and tried to shut the door. Heavy boot collided with it and forced it more fully open, standing menacingly over her and reaching out to fist his palm in her shirt, and pull her to him, leering down into her face menacingly. "The Circus is about to be right here. And I'm gonna be the ring leader, you'll be lion tamer. Maybe if you're good I'll be the lion too," he grated, pushing her back but keeping a hold of her shirt and pushing his way in, slamming the door shut and rounding on her.

"Today this is over, I'm tired of waiting," he growled down at her, pulling her and pushing her form against the door, standing over her and putting his body in close proximity to hers, leering at her from above, his sisters body seeming tiny against his own.


With gasped as she was suddenly grabbed and in a way whipped With around like a doll as the massive male manoeuvred into her home and slammed the door--locking it to ensure she couldn't leave. No this was far too precise to be a random encounter. Whoever this guy was he knew where he was going and what he was going to achieve. Just who the hell was this guy anyways? With wore a light pink tanktop and hello kitty pyjama bottoms then went down to her shin as it was nearing 11pm at night. Whoever this guy was, he clearly knew her. It was a possibility she pissed him off at a bar while drunk or something and he was here for vengeance. Either that or its a friend of a guy she humiliated. It never once occurred to her that someone from Sanctuary would go looking for her. Considering how a good 90% of the time she was a complete bitch or just a plain Maverick--wreaking havoc and carrying out the orders the Paraphydio virus coded into her DNA when made into a Kitsune. The only one who ever saw any good in her was her brother but it was just so unlikely it was him. He was perfect in Eden's eyes, He was so powerful, so kind, so just, and he had an iron fist when it was needed. It was set in stone; He was to be the the god of gods! There was no way he'd give up everything anyone could ever want for someone as meaningless as With. The only reason she was made a goddess was because her power could not be denied; The Divine power of her Celestial Brush, the power to paint reality, anything she wanted to make reality with a few brush strokes. And she planned on using it if things went south. Or rather a far more forbidden move that would probably have The Divinity order an Execution. In any case she would never even consider he was her brother even with that build, yes he was kind and caring, but he wasn't stupid. He'd never risk banishment for her. With was born a Maverick so if he was in her stead she'd hunt him down to hell hell just to bring him out. With cared little for law anyways, she could never rule because of that, The divinity would never allow her back in Sanctuary which was what they called heaven.

With of course wasn't a total nightmare, She had Redeeming Qualities but over all she was someone whom you wouldn't mind having around but if she disappeared it was no big deal.

When With snapped back into reality her body was pinned to the door, him growling at her with a menacing voice. "...I'm having trouble responding here...I some how get the feeling you REALLY DON'T REALIZE THAT YOU MAY HAVE THE WRONG PERSON~" She said in a raised voice. Waiting? Waiting for what? what was there to wait for? She always stayed in one place! She had two options, Take over and interrogate, or see where this was going.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The man was indeed her brother. His full-bodied approach was just a bout of pride, but he'd never even really considered casting off his natural look beyond the obvious and strange to this world. He'd come for her directly, and stood now, pinning her to the door. His hacklese rose as she raised her voice to him and he had to quell his rage to keep from laying a coarse hand on her in anger. He breathed deeply before putting his palm over her mouth, but not to suppress her. He put his thumb and forefinger on her jaw, stopping it and tilting her face up to his, his lips brushing hers as he growled into her face.

"Do not raise your voice at me again, or I shall find you something to occupy it with." he assured her, his fingers firm before he loosened them and moved them to her hair, fisting in it and holding her so that her gaze was held in his. Emeralds bore into her as he glared and made a face

"You are not to do that again, and you are not to run, if I decide it benefits me to let you loose from this spot, do you understand me? I'm not in the mood to chase you all over, and I went very far out of my way to get here in the shape I am in. You will not make this harder than it need be, is that understood?" He made the words hard and cold, not asking them, despite their inferred punctuation. They were commands, as if she were his thrall.


With frowned at the male as he shut her up like that and treated her as if she was some pet or something. Who was this asshole anyways? It was probably best to play this low risk. "What do you want with me...And why have you been... 'chasing' me. I don't know anyone, Don't have any friends, I'm just living my life. If I beat you or a friend of yours up just say so I'll pay you whatever you want. I was probably Drunk and I don't remember." She said slightly calmer. She wanted to say three words to teach this bastard a pain that only the Divinity and Eden himself could administer but waited for an answer first. After all, With controlling The Mighty Word of Command? That was grounds for execution considering what she is.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The man glared at her. "You really don't know who I am, do you?" he growled, shaking his head and laying his thumb over her lips to silence her. "You need to take this moment and realize that the next things out of your mouth had better be 'yes sir,' or I'm going to be very very upset about this whole ordeal," he assured her, his eyes darkening menacingly as hel ooked her over.

"And if you decide it isn't enough to take my word for it, you'll be very upset when I decide I've played nice long enough, Amaterasu," he grated, his lips still close enough to brush hers. "I'm through with games. Either back down, and apologize, or suffer me," he assured her.


With's eyes shot open wide at that name he called her. That malgiven name. "Sorry for...Wait what the hell did I even do? More over, Why the hell is someone from Sanc...tu...a...No...why are you here...oh my fucking god you aren't here...Please tell me you're not here on your own will..." She truly had no Idea what it was she did so wrong. She decided to use this as a means of subliminally getting him to explain what the hell was going on here.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


"That was a really strange thing to say, do you know why? Because it wasn't 'yes sir', Amaterasu," he growled at her, his body holding hers against the cold sheet of the door and he took her wrists in hers and pulled them up to gather them in one hand, getting her chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You know where I'm from, but you can't figure out who I am?" he grated, his eyes flashing with irritation and shaking his head slowly, his face still close to hers. "You'd better have a revelation soon, or I'm likely to take my frustration out on you, honey."


With's expression when from shock to a... (Idk how what to call this so imma just put -_____-) expression. "And all this time I thought I was the stupid one...I already had my revelation but aparently whatever the hell's on your face prevented you from seeing nor hearing it...Now why the hell are you here and more over...What's with the tough guy act? Oh yeah one more thing. With, bedside, sitting." She said and in an instant she vanished and reappeared beside her bed legs crossed. "Yeah yeah I can use the word of command, a move only the Divinity and Eden himself can use blah blah. I'll have you in a cage if you don't behave~" With giggled. She stood up and started to strip before deciding what to change into. "Now. What do you want idiot. Or wait. I can't call you an idiot yet. I presume you have an actual good reason for breaking the law to seek out the banished?" She said no longer threatened by him. That one little slip slapped her back into reality where she remembered exactly what kind of person she actually was, not a wimpy scared little girl. Sure he could probably punch her face unto oblivion and he was much bigger in a few ways but when it came to magic and power of the mind? She obliterated near all.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The man glared in her direction as she moved and he put a hand on his hip, not out of control yet. He leered more and narrowed his eyes before reaching up and slowly unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his tattoo, the mark that identified him as his rank, but not his position. He was her brother, but she was unable to see that for whatever reason. Just the same. He laid the shirt down and glowered at her.

"If you think you can cage me, you're mistaken. And if you think that you will be calling me idiot for anything less than a date with the floor, you'd best curb your tongue." he said, folding his arms. "Do you really want your brother to know you're running your mouth like that?" he asked, his eyes darkening a bit as he leered at her.


With scoffed. "C'mon...Don't insult me like that...Are you really so ignorant as to not even knowing the reason I'm here...? I'm the odd one out...hated and shunned cause I was born with the nature of an Overlord from 'hell' Don't treat me like I'm a good little angel gone bad...I'm no different from how I used to be...Okay maybe I'm a little worse considering how Purgatory is a Mix of Sanctuary and the Nega but regardless. What I say was never controlled."

With turned to him not even caring if he say her body. "What do you want. I know you're not here to drag me back and other than that you have no real reason to be here...Well I suppose besides Killing me but I'm pretty sure I'd already be dead if that's why you were here. If they find out you're here with me. You're as good as kicked." She noticed she had a light pink mini tank and put it on which left her belly exposed. She put on a black thong then matching light pink pyjama bottoms that stopped halfway down her shin. She crawled back on her bed and laid on her back. 'I'm on my back way too damn much...Stupid bed...why you so comfy...' She thought as she waited for him to respond.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


"Some times the Order and Sanctuary can be wrong. I can change the things if I have to, but I won't leave you here, nor will I stay here forever. I didn't come to kill you, and I definitely didn't come to be ignored." he roared as she crawled onto the bed, reaching over and gripping the front of her shirt, tugging her to a sitting position and leering down at her. "If you continue to be so flippant, I'm going to give you a reason to think very hard about your actions," he said, leering down at her. "Do you think that maybe with my power, I'll just take advantage of you, and that maybe I was here to just turn you into a toy for me to take my pleasure of and leave you here, a broken thing in a broken realm?" asked, his voice rising as he glared down at her, shaking her shirt a bit before it ripped, tearing it free and glaring down at her as if it were her fault.

"Do you /want/ me to turn you into the whore of the earth?"


With most certaily did not want to go back to a place where she wasn't accepted nor to a place she didn't even belong much less fit in. It was like sending a mouse to live with a litter of kittens...Or Lions...either way that was a hell no to her. She blinked as he lifted her. She couldn't help but blush and that hot picture. "Damn~Didn't think you were the type <3 buuuut if you expect that to be punishment then you should spend a day here. Sex is more like an amusing pass time. Or just hyperbonding if you're in love with your partner."

With frowned. "Wait Now I'm lost, Those were all possible reasons as to why you are here or was the sex part something you thought I thought you were here for? Look Either way I don't care. And you're right. I'm Broken. Mum contracted a disease that broke me during birth. People in Sanctuary hate me for it and The Divinity got so sick of my they pinned Eden's right on that I think on it...that's a bit extreme...they could've just asked me to leave...not like I would've said no really...Look the point is I hate home cause home hates me and it's not my shot of whiskey. I like it here. I enjoy the freedom I have of being me without being shunned. I'm happy. So why aren't you."

It was starting to sound as if he actually missed her or something. "I suppose if what I said leaves no mark then go ahead and 'rape' me if you want. It won't make a difference but U want whatever makes my brother happy. Which...I'm having trouble deciding what that is at the moment..."

She didn't even care what happened to her shirt. It was replaceable anyhow.
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The man glared down at her and shook his head , pushing her into the bed, finding his knees pushing hers apart, holding her down by her wrist and leering into her face. "Some things are bigger than the wants and needs of one over a community." he growled. He listened and shook his head. "Sometimes you forget that there were those that cared for you, and wanted to have you around. Those who loved you, no matter what an obstinate fool you can be. You always seem to forget about me when you look away, but I'm just not in the mood for it, Amaterasu."

His face seemed to change, becoming more demanding and less patient, more... defined. "As your brother, I command you to submit and apologize for this behavior," he growled. "My name is Narashir, and you are going to do what I tell you, unless you'd rather I make you do them," he grated, his eyes darkening, distracted by her torn shirt and exposed bosom then returning guiltily, but no less irritably to her face, narrowing his eyes.

"Now, Amaterasu. Submit, do not make me force you to my will. Apologize."


With huffed thru her nose. "Well Eden's the boss. Until he says yes it's not really my place to go anywhere really. I will however say sorry for offending you in anyway. Other then that, All else is out of my control. And trust me. I know you love and care for me inside. As do Mum and dad. But no one else. Not only will I be living in a cage the rest of my life but the order will get testy and banish anyone who gets with in a 50 yard radius of me. So how is me going back the good of the community? With all due respect of course Nara, or brother, or whichever you'd rather me call you. And please stop calling me's like a permanent reminder of what I'm never going to be..."

With noticed how her brother seemed to be affected by her large pale chest which seemed to ensnare all those fortunate enough to get a glance. With smiled--genuinely happy that she was able to turn even him if only in the slightest. "She took his hand and rested it on her soft, firm breast. "I don't know about punishment, but I can help with tension~ Use my body...You seem really fucking stressed after all. No one will know. Not even Eden can see in this room now."
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


"There has to be something more," he growled, his face looming over hers as he spoke, though he seemed a bit satisfied that she had finally apologized and backed down, even a little bit. He tilted his head as he listened to her, shaking his head slowly. "I don't want this to be where you are, and so far away from my side," he muttered, his eyes falling to where she laid his hand. His palms were wide and spanned a good portion of her plump flesh and he shuddered a bit at it. Being mortal-ish and feeling things this way was a bit... Disconcerting. He looked back to her face, his eyes darkening.

"And what do you call yourself now? And you think you really want me in your bed, Sister?" he growled, low. "Don't tease people like that, I could spend quite a while just how you didn't really want to be used as my stress-ball, let alone how you don't want me in your bed," he chided.


With removed her hand and shrugged. She could here what he said, even while muttering, her nekomimi like ears were not merely for show as she heard him and actually felt something from his words. "Believe me. I get you...But I don't belong up there...I don't fit in. No one gives me dirty looks of disgust here. People like me no matter how I am...In fact, Humans seem to love difference. They see something I feared no one would see, That being different was good, Kept the populace interesting and full of surprise. I missed you too but...The world above is not the paradise I was meant to be in."

With huffed lightly. "I am called With. It's an odd name but a friend of mine found it cute and fitting so in a situation where I was pressured to say my name--With was the first thing I said. It grew on me Ii suppose."
With sighed at the next part, Her brother doing everything he could to avoid this situation, Like a good little Angel should. "Personally...I don't have much of an issue with you. So I don't see why not...But in the end it's up to you. It's an offer, no one has a...No one is forcing you." She said sliding her arms above her head. "But if you really don't want to do it. Then I suggest you let me change. My body has a nasty affect on males especially when completely exposed."
ずぶ濡れて、幻。 My Love for you is Undying...I soar thru night like an Owl to find you-make yo


The man towering over her shifted his hips in defiance, leering down. "We were siblings, and I was the brother to Amaterasu, not this With..."he muttered, his palm sliding down on her marvelous chest to her waist and hips. "And you've been with... other men? Humans?" He asked, leering. "How can you give me up as your brother, and stay here? Did you think  I was not enough for you?"