
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)

Started by Onnen, November 06, 2011, 07:18:49 PM

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"Nah that sounds like a better idea then anything I can come up with". It sure as hell beat sneaking around or shooting his way out like he always did. With that glancing over his shoulder again to the men in uniform and finishing off his meal, neatly placing the silverware on the plate before standing, giving a nod to the waitress and making his way towards the "main street" of the town. "There's a supply shop at the center of town, load up and get you a change of clothes" If he was lucky, gun running in the town wasn't illegal anymore and he could get ammunition and weapons without having to use "under the table" methods.

He made his way through the crowds, making sure the girl stayed close to him so she didn't get dragged off by the hustle and bustle of busy people and scum that preyed on the crowds looking for innocent girls like herself to steal away. Occasionally a beggar would come running up to the two, screaming something about how God was going to save them all in a giant flash of fire or something and shaking an empty rusted tin can around. Children ran playing in the streets and street vendors would advertise their wares. When they finally made it to the supply store he opened the door for the girl, letting her step in first before glancing around.

The place really was a shithole, a light fixture still hanging off the ceiling and a radio was on the counter playing nothing but static. But none the less on several broken and dirty shelves stood various supplies such as food, water, spare parts, junk and little pieces of "memorabilia" from before the world ended, like a magazine that said "ANGELINA JOLIE, DRUNKEN RAMPAGE" on it. He smirked somewhat shaking his head before pointing over to the corner of the store with what looked like two old clothing racks, one with a sign that said "Men" and one that said "Women". "Should be able to find something there" With that making his way over to the shelves and lazily beginning to pick out the things he needed...making sure he took just a bit more since he wasn't traveling alone anymore before glancing over to the old man at the counter, flashing the "USMC" tattoo at the man and watching a big smile appear on his face.

"Es tu día de suerte, hijo" was all the old man said before letting out a hearty chuckle and beckoning Dallas over, he waited for Lillith to finish her business first before making his way over to the counter as the old man pushed a large shelf over to reveal a small table, covered with various guns, ammunition casings, and knives. "Lo llevaré esto no es exactamente legal" Afterwords Dallas grinning from ear to ear as the old man simply shook his head with the same smile and hearty chuckle.

You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

Lillith wanted to kick herself, she couldn't have just kicked him? Pushed his silverware onto the floor so he'd have to duck under the table? No, she just had to kiss him, and now she was going to end up doing it again if they ran into more men in blue getting to close again. Not that it was horrible, it was just, not something she should be doing with him. Sleeping next to so she wasn't so afraid was one thing, kissing was another, regardless of whether or not it was just an act.

As they walked she stuck close by, only wandering a few feet away every now and again to play with children who encouraged her to, always running right back to his side if she got too far away. It was new, being able to actually interact with the people she was walking by instead of them having to ignore her out of fear of being punished. She wondered what it would be like to stay in a town where he wasn't in trouble so she wasn't constantly on the look out to make sure he didn't get caught.

Walking in, she made her way over to the clothing rack and began rummaging through it. Most of the tops were hardly there, but she managed to find a pair of old jeans that were still in very wearable condition, and an old leather vest, it would show off a bit of her midsection but it was one of the few things on the rack that had few holes, and even though there were no sleeves, the zipper still worked and her current jacket was big enough to keep her warm.

Next, she managed to find a pair of boots that probably had just been traded in, they were in better condition than her current ones, and as luck would have it, they were her size. Grabbing them, she carried her armful of clothing with her as she followed him over to the counter. While she had no idea what they were saying, 'exactamente legal' was pretty clear, meaning that if he got caught with any he'd be in more trouble than he was already in. She kept her mouth shut though, and simply stood next to him, eyes scanning over the guns as she patiently waited for him.

Her eyes flickered up to the old man with a smile, "I haven't heard anyone speaking another language in a long time."


Dallas glanced over to the girl as she finished her selection, sure it wasn't a very nice selection but as far as he knew, they were about 200 miles away from the nearest "mall" that had been reclaimed by people that had turned it into another Town called "Northstar"....which was basically a town within a mall. He would of been thankful that for the moment he didn't see what the girl had picked out or he'd probably be drooling like a teenager who just saw the lead cheerleader in high school pass by. Once more he turned his attention back to the guns and picked up a few revolver rounds, looking them over and whistling his approval before nodding to the old man, also taking a kukri with a black finish on the blade before placing them both on the counter "officially" with the rest of the supplies and the clothing.

"Un desierto Rose como usted, mi señora, un descuento" giving a smile and nod to the girl before attempting to speak a bit of english, telling her kindly "For a desert rose like yourself, my lady, a discount". It worked well for Dallas, placing a good amount of payment for the man and reaching out to shake his hand. It was hard to find men like the old man in the wastes now, one of the few "good" souls left and remaining that no matter how hard or broken down you were, he'd be there to put a smile on your face. With that the old man taking the payment and sliding the shelf back to hide the table of weapons. Dallas loaded up the supplies in their appropriate packs and sheathed the knife under his boot before walking out the door. "Buena suerte en sus numerosos viajes" the old man shouted out and waved.

"Well ready to go?" Dallas glanced up to the sky, the sun rose showing high noon, the time spent in the town could of given her gang a chance to catch up to them, but at least they were re-supplied now and he had a brand new toy....he also wanted to get out before his luck ran out and one of the guards noticed him, or worse, the mayor himself. Without much thinking he'd wrap and arm around the girl, pulling her a bit close to him, hand on her shoulder as he began to walk again. If the whole "kissing" thing worked....maybe making the two look like a couple would work as a good ruse as well...or maybe he just waned an excuse to be close to her, who knew?

You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

Lillith smiled, blushing shyly at the sincere compliment, and the help he offered them by giving them a discount. "Thank you." She replied softly, smiling as she clutched her new clothes to her chest, giving the old man a small wave as she followed closely behind Dallas back outside. At his question she just shrugged,

She was half tempted to ask him for a weapon of her own, but she doubted he was anywhere near comfortable with that just yet. At the very least she would be able to move faster if she was not stumbling with her large shoes and constantly having to pull up her pants to keep them from sliding too far down.  Before she could answer, or ask any questions, his arm was wrapped around her, the blush returning, her stomach fluttering and heart racing because she had not been expecting the gesture.

Not pulling away, she walked along with him, it took her a moment but finally she managed to relax and look as if they walked like that all the time. "I should change first." She finally managed to speak, gesturing to her new clothes in her arms, "I'll be able to walk faster and trip less wearing the clothes that actually fit me." They could hold onto the old ones for backups, or hell if they really needed to they could use it for trading later.


Every so often he'd glance around, making sure nobody in uniform was following them, but it seemed like there was no reason, everyone seemed to think they were just a passing couple, every now and then an old wife and husband seeing the two and the wife making a joke about "young love". However it didn't seem like she minded at all having his arm around her, which surprised him slightly, but at the same time, he was glad she didn't take offense. As she spoke he raised a brow and looked around "Got a point...only problem is, where are you supposed to change?" He didn't know the Town well enough to really know where the "changing rooms" were.

For now he kept walking, loosening his grip somewhat to allow her to search as well. "...Could always just carry you to make sure you don't trip" he muttered under his breathe, not sure if she heard it or not but chuckling somewhat and shaking his head. It was amazing what a few hours of actually being nice could do to him, he went from being a complete son of a bitch to a "nice guy". He wouldn't complain though, just enjoying the "peace" while it lasted. "Any bright ideas?"
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

Looking around, she tried to figure out what would be the safest, or at least easiest place for her to change. Naturally he'd need to be able to stay close by, but without knowing where she was. Then, they were walking past the group of children playing around, and her eyes caught what looked to be a sort of 'fort' they had built between two shacks to play in. It was tall enough fro her to change in, and looked like it would keep her covered just fine. Smiling, she slipped out of his hold so she could walk over and crouch in front of one of the small girls she'd run into earlier, the two whispered back and forth before the small girl beamed, nodding her head before snatching Lillith's hand and dragging her over to their fort.

After the small girl shoved all of the boys out, she stood outside, arms crossed as if she would guard the door from the major himself if she had to. Making quick work, she slipped out of her old clothes, folding them neatly into a pile before slipping on the new ones. Even though they were worn out, they still fit her snuggly. The vest did indeed show off most of her midsection and the zipper stopped just over her cleavage, but with the heat making it's way into the air, she would be grateful for it eventually.

Boots tied, old clothes in her arms, she made her way back out, thanking the small girl and waving, promising to come play again if she was every nearby. As she walked back over, she noticed a few glances from people passing, mostly men, so she made quick work of returning to his side, literally pressing herself against his side so he could put his arm back over her. "Much better." She said with a small grin before focusing on keeping up with him.


When she went about talking to one of the children he raised a brow, simply crossing his arms over his chest and watching for a few moments as the kids played around, giving a small chuckle as the girl "guarded" Lilliths little dressing room. Every now and then a few of the kids running around him trying to play "cops and robbers", though he didn't much participate he did give a few smiles and help one or two of them find out where their friends were hiding in "hide and seek". Personally he was dreading one of the children asking "Did you ever shoot someone mister?" kind of like how school children did whenever he was tasked with doing a school visit. It was a question he'd never be able to handle.

As soon as Lillith came out, his jaw wanted to come clean off. Lost for words at how she looked, and her new outfit revealing a bit more of those once hidden curves of hers. He coughed slightly, trying to play it off like he had gotten dust or something in his face but as soon as she pressed herself against him he thought he had died and went to heaven, maybe one of the guards noticed him and shot him and this wasn't really happening. As soon as he wrapped his arm back around her and felt the warmth of her body against his once more he was assured he was, in fact, still alive, biting his tongue for a moment before shaking off the moment. He was trained to do so, never be distracted from the main objective....that was just an excuse to keep him from wanting to explore her body a bit more personally later on.

As soon as he regained himself and she was ready he began to walk away, casting glances towards the men who looked over at the girl, making sure that his tattoo was somewhat visible with his arm wrapped around her. If that didn't work the occasional shine from the revolver on his hip would probably do the trick as well. "I'll take it you still want to go ahead with your plan?" glancing towards the girl as they got close to the exit of the town, secretly praying under his breathe nobody stopped them and no guards were there. Now that he'd spent time with the girl, he was a little bit hesitant to actually go through with delivering her, mainly because there was no guarantee they'd just "lock her up".

When they were finally at the exit he squinted his eyes a bit and looked towards the highway he came from, in the distance, a group of people could be seen...with about 3 dogs. He'd have to wait for the girls answer as he simply nodded his head over to the side to show the direction they should start walking towards, all the while...he still had her wrapped around his arm. The hike would be long, but thankfully there were more areas with abandoned cars along the way, and if he was lucky, there was an old shack he had run across once before, from the looks of it it had been long abandoned by it's previous owners, but it was a great place to hunker down for the night, it still had running water and an old generator inside. If they had to stop for the night, that'd be their best bet.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

Walking helped her focus more on the plan and less on how different it felt to be so close now that more of her skin was exposed. Thankfully, their exit went smoother than she'd thought, and part of her wondered if she was disappointed no guards had caused them any troubles on the way. The site in front of her at first made her want to smile, part of her ready to whistle out to the dogs she knew so well. However, with the men the dogs would only attack on command, and if she tried to get in the way, their plan would never work. They had to keep thinking she was still being held against her will.

Following him, she nodded her head after a moment of hesitation. "I don't see why not, if it works it will get both gangs off your back, I won't have to go home, and you'll have your full payment without me wanting to rip your throat out." She said, a bit cheerily despite how violent the last bit of her statement seemed to be.

Even though they were no longer in site of the guards of Dust, she didn't make any move just yet to pull away, deciding she would just wait until he needed his arm back. "Where to now?" She asked curiously, true to her word walking with a lot more grace and swing in her hips now that she was wearing properly fitting shoes and pants.


"There's a shack a long distance away, but it's in the direction they want me to take you to...with any luck it'll still be there, your friends with the dogs won't be able to track us to it, and we can make it to the site by nightfall tomorrow. He felt kind of bad for the girl, he knew the feeling of wanting to call out to someone, but not being able to, it made him hold her closer to him that much more. The girl reminded him of an innocence long forgotten, the fact that everyone wasn't a complete asshole to people who served, a strong beautiful girl that could hold her own in this god forsaken new world, it was attractive in it's own way, suddenly glad that he had decided to take the job.

"...What are their names?" of course, referring to the dogs as he glanced towards her, it would be a bit of the walk and he was rather tired of silence and the company of only the wind and his own thoughts to keep him company. There was another question that was lingering in the back of his mind, but he didn't want her to get mad at him for being too nosy, he heard her the night before and what she was muttering in her sleep, it took him awhile to finally piece together what she was saying and it clicked in his head that it was a name. For a while he'd keep up the small talk every so often, at times letting her go so they could pass by a few obstacles and walk on their own for awhile or to rest, and then wrap his arm back around her.

The farther way from Dust and the group with the dogs he got, the more comfortable he became, though the heat of the day was beginning to wear on him, and the emptiness of the wastes was a rather "pissed off" inducing sight. Nobody else around, no towns, the occasional rattlesnake or two, it was a hellhole. "I wonder what Air Conditioning feels's been so long I forgot"
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

A shack meant there might actually be a bed as well, not that last night had been uncomfortable, but a bed would feel much better than the back of a car. Part of her wondered how he was going to handle tonight, if it was a shack a simple candle would be more than enough to keep her feeling content and safe until she fell asleep, but after how well she'd slept, part of her wanted to simply act fearful again even if she wants to have an excuse to sleep like that again.

At his question, she bit her lower lip, fearing for a moment that he'd be mad she missed part of her home. "Lancelot, Arthur, Gwen. I loved reading stories about knights and dragons and damsels in distress. When I was little I use to run around in make-shift suits of armor pretending to be a night, saving the dog from his crate in the living room." She replied, the names were something a child might give their dog after reading the stories of the knights of the round table, stories no one told anymore, blown away with most of the cities, but she fought to remember. Even as foolish and embarrassing as the story was, it was still something she wished children coudl do now. Remember all the classic stories, the ones that had made it centuries to reach them, and deserved more than to be just blown away by their own selfish mistakes.

Despite the heat, a smile remained on her face, it probably made most irritable, but she was just happy to be outside enjoying the sunlight for a while, it warmed her skin, and even though it was warm enough, she found herself always content to rest against him lightly as they walked. Exploring every obstacle they passed, never truly stopping, just dragging behind a bit before scampering to catch back up.

Air conditioning, now there was something she hadn't brought herself to think about in ages. Thinking on it only made her feel hotter, and she wanted to smack him for bringing up such a desired luxury they wouldn't be likely to find. Smiling though, she pursed her lips together, blowing a slow, cool stream of hair at him, it wasn't much, but it spilled over his ear and neck before she stopped with a small laugh. "Much better than that though I'm sure"


A large smile appeared on his face as she explained the stories of the dogs, chuckling lightly and literally just wanting to pick her up and hug her tight after the whole "saving the dog from his crate" comment. He never had a dog as a child, his asshole father never allowed it, probably because all their money was always spent on his drugs and liquor, but the first time he came back from deployment his sister had a surprise for him in the form of a German shepard pup, not even 3 weeks old. Thus why he loved dogs, it was pretty much the closest thing he had to his own family other then his Career as a Marine. It made him forget about how much the heat pissed him off for a few moments.

When he felt her blowing at him he chuckled again, rubbing the back of his neck for a had been a long, long time since he felt a woman's breathe against his neck, but he'd shove that detail to the back of his mind. "That I'm sure of" he didn't really realize how much he took things for granted until the world ended, like how much he enjoyed a good book every now and then, watching the occasional funny video on youtube...the playboy channel. He shook his head laughing a bit under his breathe, the sun was starting to set a bit more as they continued to travel until it was but a light orange glow over the horizon. In the distance, he finally saw the shack, and from what it looked like, it was still intact.

With that he'd move his arm a bit, keeping the girl behind him now as he unsheathed his new kukri and took hold of the flashlight, clicking it onwards as they approached the shack, attempting to make the crunch of his steps on the dirt a little less loud, and crouching down slightly. From what he could tell, nobody had been their since the last time he'd spent the night, two empty whiskey bottles outside the door pretty much confirmed that, never the less, he remained cautious as hand reached for the door, twisting the door handle and slowly pushing the door inwards, shining the flashlight over the interior. It was surprisingly clean, then again, that usually happened when you were alone at night, drunk and had nothing to do.

Doing one last sweep of the place with the flashlight before stepping inwards, giving the "coast in clear" wave to Lillith as he sheathed the kukri once more and simply began to walk around, eventually finding a group of candles and more importantly, an old lantern, placing the flashlight down for a few moments, pulling out an old lighter, flicking it a few times before the flame came to life and he lit the candles one by one, evenly he began to place them around the shack so it was atleast semi well lit, and afterwords lighting the lantern and placing it directly in the center on the floor. The shack was a single room with the old generator still in the corner, a bath tub, a small burner in the corner with a hot plate and finally, a bed right in the corner, still neatly made from the last time he rested there.

"Home sweet home"
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

By the time the sun started to go down, she found herself struggling a bit to keep up. Despite her eagerness to be outside, the sun had taken its toll on her, and she was happy when it came into view, not only because she wanted to rest, but because it was beginning to get dark. Despite how beautiful the sunset looked, it always meant her fear was spreading over the land. Sure enough, the darker it got, the closer to she stayed, hesitant to let him leave to check the shack at first, but it wasn't dark enough out for her to be too worried about it.

As soon as she was allowed, she darted inside behind him, and when he set the flashlight down, she quickly picked it back up. Acting as if it was so she could actually shine the light where he needed it, when in reality it made her feel as safe as any weapon would. She wasn't sure what had caused her phobia of the dark, counseling had been suggested, but now a days everyone needed that, and before....well before she'd met John, and he'd kept her safe, and when he wasn't home, she slept with a light on and that was that. Why go digging around in the past for a reason when it didn't seem like knowing why she was afraid would change it. Sometimes people were just afraid because it was a human response to fear what you don't know.

When he was down with the candles and lantern, she smiled as she relaxed and clicked the flashlight off. Walking over to the bed, she placed the flashlight and her old clothes, as well as her jacket on the floor beside it before sitting down. Untying and kicking off her shoes she fell backwards and just stared up at the ceiling for a moment while she relaxed, her body aching slightly from the walk. Eventually she would get use to walking around so much, but it would be a few days before she would be able to manage it without feeling it later. One arm resting lightly on the bared skin of her stomach, the other stretched out above her head, legs dangling over the edge, bare feet brushing against the floor.

Glancing over at him at his comment she just smiled, "It's lovely." She agreed, but had to turn to look back up at the ceiling. The flickering light from the candles and lantern only made him all the more enjoyable to look at. Thinking on it, she realized she'd just laid down on the bed without thinking about it. It may be the end of the world but it was still pretty rude to do, then again she knew that if he had a problem with it, he'd more than likely verbalize his complaints.


Lovely wasn't the word he'd use for it...but who was he to complain? It was shelter in the middle of nowhere, protection from the elements and with the lantern and hopefully the generator still working, would also have warmth. He let the duster slide off his form as he simply tossed it onto a nearby table, unbuckling the straps around his torso one at a time and laying them down as well. He was used to carrying them and having them tied around him but it was so fucking relaxing to finally be free of all the extra weight, un holstering the revolver, letting the cylinder fall open as he checked it for a moment, spinning the cylinder as he did before and swinging it shut, afterwords placing it with the rest of his gear.

Glancing over to the bed he couldn't help but just be awed by the beauty that layed on it, the candlelight making her body look that much more desirable to him, finding it harder and harder to ignore that despite how pissed off he was at her last night and their bad first impressions of each other, he was attracted, perhaps fatally, but who knew? He shook his mind off of it once more and simply went about tinkering around with a few things in the shack, one to keep his mind off of the girl, and to make sure he knew where everything else just in case he needed to get the hell out of dodge as quickly as he could.

Without much thinking about it, mainly because he'd been alone for so long...or maybe he wanted to prove he wasn't the only one who could be a tease, he lifted his shirt off, folding it a bit before tossing it over to his pile of things on the table. His body had few scars, and had been toned by his training as a marine and sculpted by the harshness of the wastes. Moving over to the bath tub as he turned the knobs on it, waiting for a few seconds before water slowly spurted and then began to flow freely, cupping his hands underneath the water and throwing it over his forehead, rubbing his face afterwords and letting his hands slide over his head through his buzz cut hair. A pair of dog tags still hung freely around his neck, along with a small ring wrapped around it.

It'd been forever since he'd found it that he didn't even remember....all he knew was he found it underneath an over turned car while his unit was trying to evacuate civilians.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

She'd managed to ignore him so well until he started unbuckling things. Then her head turned, thankfully his back to her, so she was able to just watch him for a while. It did horrible things wither her imagination, part of her wanting to go help him remove his belongings, but she managed to remain where she was. When he removed his shirt the blush returned to her cheeks and she looked back up at the ceiling. At the sound of the running water however, she sat up, a bit shocked at how refreshing the water looked.

Pushing herself off the bed, she wandered over, kneeling on the opposite side while she waited for him to finish rubbing water over his neck, doing her best not to watch the drops roll over his shoulders. Grabbing the side of the tub, she leaned forward, allowing her whole head to soak under the water. Pulling away, she wrung out as much of the water from her hair as she could before splashing some of it on her face.

Glancing up, she brushed the wet hair back out of her face, even though it was slightly messy now, it was at least cool. Her eyes caught a something moving and she looked over at him, well more specifically at the dog tags hanging around his neck, a wedding ring safely hanging beside them. At first, her heart stopped for a moment, the ring looked like her own, and her hand reached out without thinking to take both tags and the ring in her hand, leaning over father to look at them. 

Even though it looked similar, she was sure there were hundreds just like her own floating around, her mind was probably just playing with her. Giving a small sad smile, she looked up at him, her face only a few inches below his. "You were married?" She asked, not wanting to assume anything of course, but it was hard to think otherwise when he kept it in such a safe place.


Dallas continued washing his face off, he had no idea who had built this shack to begin with, but was simply amazed by just how good it was. It was structurally sound, water didn't leak in when it rained and it didn't even shake much whenever the wind picked up outside, and the fact that the water wasn't dirty like it was in most of the towns was simply shocking. It probably meant there was a spring or something nearby that he had failed to notice, but either way he didn't complain. Though he was slightly surprised when he heard the girl splashing around as well.

He gave a small chuckle before splashing his face again, rinsing off all the dust and grime from the wastes, not much paying attention until he blinked and he was right near him, looking at his tags. He didn't mind, at least she wasn't calling him a murderer or a scumbag for wearing them like so many others did, though her question did cause stir him a bit. "Nah, never unit was running around this neighborhood, evacuating civvies and trying to get them to shelters....I saw this over turned car and went to look but nobody was inside, there was a ring on the floor right by the window though.....don't really know why I took it". Part of him hoped he'd be able to reunite the ring when everything was over and peace talks went through so the bombs wouldn't fall and he could do some sort of service.

"After I found em we were on our way back to deliver the civvies to a shelter....and that's when everything pretty much went black." How the hell he survived, he still didn't know...a girl he'd talked to shortly after everything went quiet said he'd literally been thrown into the basement of a house, it seemed highly unlikely but it's all he had to go off of. He slid his tags off over his head, glancing at them and his name written on them. It seemed foolish to keep them, he wasn't part of a unit anymore, and there was pretty much no hope of ever finding the owner of the ring now, the world had ended and there were very few forms of was literally a 1 in a million shot that he'd find the owner still alive somewhere. He failed to notice the girls look once she saw the ring.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

As he explained, her eyed got a bit wider as she contiued to look at it. Almost afraid to touch in until she knew for sure if it was just chance or if it really was hers. Only when he lifted them over his head so she reluctantly let go. Maybe the heat had gotten to her more than she realized, the chances of seeing her ring again were too low to be hopeful for. Out of all the over turned cars in all of the cities, as odd as it seemed, there were so many, so many wives involved, it was rather foolish to even think it might be hers.

She laughed at her own foolishness, "Let me guess, you were in Huston, the vehicle was an old red Acura." God she missed that pretty little car. That whole day embeded in the back of her mind. Everyone was on edge, protesting, trying to get out. She was damn lucky the other truck had only flipped her instead of killing or crushing her.

When she came to, she was upside down, screams were everywhere booted feet and large military tires rushing past as she tried to pull herself free. Finally a soldier stopped to help her, her habd had been stuck between the wheel and dashboard, thankfully not broken, but as he pulled her free her ring slipped off. She tried to get him to wait, but there wasn't time, one moment she was reaching for her ring, the next she was on a truck with other civillians.

"I'm shocked you haven't just sold it, it would be worth almost as much as I am." She joked, though it was mostly to get her head off the thought as she pulled away wipping off any exposed skin with the water before standing and turning to make her way back to the bed, the edges of the tattoo on her back peeking out from under the short vest.


"Houston., going out...Old red acura" Dallas muttered under his breathe before He glanced at the girl, for a few moments, his brain shut down. He wasn't sure if the girl was just joking with him and it was a huge coincidence that she'd guessed exactly where he was and the car he'd found it, there was no way in hell someone could just guess that accurately. It was at that moment that everything hit him like a ton of bricks, her reaction to the ring, the acura, the name she whispered in her sleep last night. He stared at the tags and the ring on them before glancing back towards Lillith.

It was at this point that everything went blank for him, standing and following the girl, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling him close to him in embrace, the tags still hanging loosely from his fingers, hands moving lightly over her exposed waist. "It's because I've been looking for the owner of it ever since I found it..." He had no idea what to do, if he should say sorry, if he should of done something else, but for the moment he just stood there with her, arms around her holding her close to him. For now...he wouldn't say anything about the ring at all, glancing at them one last time before placing them carefully over a nail that was placed near the bed to hang what he guessed would of been the lantern.

He nuzzled lightly into the crook of her neck and shoulder for a bit, arms still wrapped around her waist before he lightly picked her up somewhat and did a turn or two, playfully...trying to get his mind distracted from the revelation he'd just had, and perhaps to do the one thing he'd signed up all those years ago for, to make someone happy and smile, let them enjoy their freedoms. He gave a small playful chuckle before laying her lightly on the bed, only then realizing just how little that short vest of hers hid from view, and the fact he was already didn't much help that her hair was wet now, only making her look that much more sexy. "Comfy?"
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

Lillith jumped slight when he pulled her to him, arms wrapping around her, his hands on her skin sending a shiver down her down. It felt wonderful, so warm, and safe. Even though he explained why, she could only half listen, her mind focused soley on the feel os his skin against hers. When he picked her up to spin her, he got exactly what he had hoped for.

A smile carresed her lips as a giggle slipped through them, eyes shut as her head leaned back to rest against his shoulder, loving the feel of his brath on her neck and wanting to give me better access. Then she was on the bed looking up at him, realising he was asking a question about being comfortable, it was hard for her to verbalize a response.

All her mind could think about was how much more she wanted. Her hand came up, resting on the back of his neck before pulling him to her. Eyes slipping shut just before she pressed her lips againsr his, this time letting it linger before pulling away and nipping playfully at his own. "I am now..." She whispered back, her tone laced with the uncontrolable lust hed ignited, her eyes even gleamed with it.


Once he heard her giggle, his mind slipped away from the dog tags, the ring, that day that he couldn't forget no matter how hard he tried. For now, he was focused solely on her, though he did have to admit he was surprised when he felt her hand and then her lips pressed against him...though he didn't mind one bit. He paused for a moment pulling back, simply glancing over towards the dog tags for a few seconds, before he let go, turning back to the girl, placing a hand lightly on her cheek and returning the kiss softly, as she did, letting it linger for a few moments....before kissing her again once his breathe was caught.

He gently move a lock of her hair away from Lillith's face, moving himself a bit over her onto the bed, hand moving lightly upwards to rest on her side, after words slipping the hand away from her face as blue eyes locked onto hers "..Good" smiling down at her.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.

mad hatters revenge

As he pulled away, she feared for a moment he was too caught up thinking about the ring to do anything too intimate. Part of her wanted to keep talking about it, tell him she had been pulled out of that car probably only a half hour if that before he had found it. Lillith had all the time int the world to think about the past, right now she didn't want to. Didn't want to feel empty, misserable and alone. She wanted to feel warm, content, think of something other than how horrible the world had become.

Thankfully whatever he was thinking about he seemed to shove to the back of his mind, and she smiled as he kissed her again, face leaning into his touch, the hand at the back of his neck lightly running through his short hair while she held him there, not about to let him pull too far from her. As he moved over her, she squirmed a bit to make sure he wouldn't fall off the bed in the process. She couldn't take it, she didn't want to wait, didn't want to just kiss him and fall asleep. She needed more than that, and they were over dressed for the thoughts running through her mind.

"Coul be better though..." She replied, thinking that as long as she made it seem like she wasn't completely content then he would give her everything she wanted. Her mouth found his again, nipping at his lips before her tongue slipped out to request entrance, wanting so badly to taste him. Her free hand slid up his bare torso, down his arm, and as it found the hand on her side she slowly pulled his hand to slide up her side, encouraging him to let his hands wander.