
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Hunter's Moon [Onnen x TakodaVega]

Started by TakodaVega, November 02, 2011, 11:35:32 PM

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It was nights like these that seemed to chase her. In the valley where Eden's Terrace rested the first snow had already dusted the ground in the courtyard. It was here she had always come to when she had needed some sort of change in the monotony that was her solitude. Her attention, however was focused on the fire that burned on the outskirts of the courtyard.

The Amurjin was perched on one of the stone benches, her feline tail coiled about one of her ankles by her feet, though the view was obscured by the ankle length coat that hugged her form. A hood that was normally perched on top of her ears rested against her back. Her ivory hair contrasted sharply with the dark velvet, bunching up along her shoulders before pooling into the hood.

Her silver eyes never wavered from the fire though when her ears perked. She knew, as always, she wasn't alone. Her arms remained folded over her lap, just like one leg crossed over the other. This had been her zone to think, but there was always that one someone that always knew. Had known for so many years when she needed someone, and never just any someone.

"What brings you back to the Terrace, Onnen?" Came her soft voice, her breath forming mist in the air. Not turning to face him just yet. Onnen had always been able to sense her for some reason. Their history went far back, back to before the Terrace, to even before Nefarious Pleasures and beyond that. It seemed though that they were in the constant tug-of-war with what they needed and they wanted. Time just didn't like them it seemed.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


He had to admit he always did like to return to the Terrace, even when the local Amurjin wasn't around. It was peaceful, quiet, a good place to get away from all the noise of the world. Though as soon as he stepped foot onto the Terrace, he recognized that familiar scent, the one that lit his veins on fire and set his senses ablaze. He kept himself hidden for the mean time, he knew she was here and they'd run into each other eventually.

His hair had been cut, it made him look younger somehow, no longer having those locks hiding his eyes and face constantly, and beard was kept to a fine stubble and neatly, dressed as usual in that old, torn up leather cloak. It was littered by bullet holes, cuts from blades and various holes here and there...but it kept him warm and did it's job, as soon as his silver eyes landed on the girl sitting on the stone bench he casually made his way over.

He wrapped his arms lightly around her waist and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and tilted his head lightly, watching the fire as well, watching a stray snow flake or two fall into the flames. He couldn't remember how many times she'd asked him that question, to be truthful he really didn't have an answer. "Just wanted to see an old friend I guess..." The years had been fantastic to the Amurjin, just as beautiful as the day he'd first layed eyes on her.

You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


Her body reacted on reflex, relaxing into his hold as he drew her closer to him. If anyone could make Cage actually trust and relax no matter the instance it had been Onnen. They're on again and off again need for each other made it that much harder to resist the pull to his arms. Her tail moved to snake around his hips and draw him closer to her.

"Just that hmm? You usually don't like the cold either." She teased lightly before her own silver hues glanced into his direction. She remembered the times they had been an almost pure baby blue. Particularly since she had made them that way on more than one occasion. "You know you don't have to always make up excuses to see me."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


"Yeah sounds better when I say romantic stuff, yes?" giving a small little smirk in her direction before nuzzling a bit into the crook of her shoulder and neck. Sure he hated the cold because it wreaked hell on his body thanks to his vampiric blood, but whenever he was around her he never even felt the cold. Nuzzling into her again and simply holding her close to him for few more minutes before he simply lifted her off of the seat, arms wrapped around her waist and spinning her around for a few moments, being playful before letting her back down onto a vertical base.

He was certainly in a cuddly mood today wasn't he? maybe it was the cold weather changing his mood again, or her scent letting his worries and stress disappear, but it was probably the fact that he had her warm, gentle body against his for the first time in what seemed like forever again. "So I digress, romantic excuse for seeing you again sounds good, and I shall stick to it"
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


She couldn't help but chuckle, "Maybe." Came that soft voice from her lips as she relaxed into his hold. Despite the fact Onnen was a vampire and should be colder than...well the living to say the least he had always seemed warm to the amurjin. Of course he seemed to usually make it a point to feed before visiting Cage. Her desire to live a mortal life had probably killed him a little on the inside. Eventually the precious White Rose of Eden would wither and die.

But that was neither here nor there at that given moment as she was soon deposited from the cold bench into his warm lap. Out of instinct her arms wrapped around his shoulders to keep her balance, tucking her head under his chin. "But we both agree that Romantic isn't always your strongest suit, Onnen." She had been almost his forever what was it, three times now? Ah what time loved to hurl at them sometimes.

Nuzzling into his chest, however, it always seemed like they always started on this slick, clean slate that Cage couldn't help but fall into again. "We should go in before it starts snowing harder. It's only going to get colder." She however wasn't quite ready to leave her virtually warm blanket at that given moment.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


The Fact Onnen couldn't die Naturally did kill him, there was a time in every young vampires life where the thought of Immortality momentarily became unbearable, luckily for him, he had passed that phase of life, and accepted his fate. He remembered that night he sat up on a hillside, staring at the moon starting to set, he wanted to sit there and wait for the sun to come up and put him out of his misery, for a third time love had struck a blow to them and at this point, he didn't wish to continue moving forwards. But as fate would have it, he quickly found shelter from the sun and simply slept for god knows how long.

"Doesn't stop me from trying" giving a small little chuckle before he picked her up bridal style as she spoke again, glancing upwards. He really did love winter, even though his vampiric nature hated it, everything just seemed so much more peaceful, quiet, the white powder that covered everything adding a nice beauty, even to the white haired amurjin he carried in her arms. "Agreed" With that giving a small little nuzzle into the girl, stubble grazing lightly and lips wishing to meet hers...but he kept himself in check for the moment. After all, it didn't seem like she was still mad at him, but he didn't wish to press his luck.

Slowly he carried her through the courtyard back towards the entrance.
You got it all wrong, holy man. I absolutely believe in God...and I absolutely hate the Fucker.


"I don't doubt that in the least." She said gently as she mewled softly when he picked her up, that  button up velvet coat falling away from her hips to just above her belly button to drag along the ground. At least for a moment until her feline tail detached itself from his hips to coil about the end of the coat and pull it up towards her knees. Her hands gently gripping his strong shoulders as those silver hues looked up at him.

The lightly scruff of his stubble against her pale skin made her shiver lightly, remembering nights when that stubble was in more...interesting places. Shaking herself mentally, she tried to remember, vaguely, at which point he had made her angry this time. That was how it was. They were together, then tried to kill each other [figuratively and literally in some cases], and eventually made up only to do it all over again.

That didn't stop her from keeping her heart closed to him completely. After all he had been the first real person that had come back to her time and time again. Like now right? It drove her batty sometimes trying to figure out what she felt for Onnen and vice versa. It would never be the forever kind of love because eventually she would die and he'd be alone. She a memory and he, well, him.

"Onnen..." She said gently when he finally pushed the doors open to the main building. There were a variety of places they could go from here. They could retreat to the bar and go back to her room through the glass doors of the the Dancer's quarters, or they could head to the rooms that were on reserve, which considering Onnen was here he probably picked one. Unless he dropped his things into her room. Not that she would have minded in either case. With how he was with her one way or another someone was going to be left wanting to fall into that comfortable pattern.

"Do you still love me?" She finally said. No more reservations about the subject. She needed to know if this was a game or if this was actually meaning something beyond just the needs for company. She could handle that too, but love was complicated and at that point she could only say that Onnen was the one she let go, only for him to come back again. Whenever he needed her, whatever the reason may be, he was there.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.