
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Tainted [Staria x DoctorRed]

Started by Staria, October 22, 2011, 12:00:50 AM

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Deidra shivered at his admission, whimpering at his fingers. She knew she should stop this... before it became more danger then it already was. This... this was not what they needed to do.... there was to many more important things. They couldn't waste time with...this. Even if her mind seemed to go blank every time he touched her. She half moaned as he kissed her again, gripping his wrist. Her lips parted without thought, surrendering.


Richard sighed into a kiss, his mouth devouring her with a kiss, pulling her closer to him and deepening their kiss, his fingers setting along the path of her hair, drawing across her locks slowly. He broke their kiss and nuzzles aalong her nose with his playfully, grinning. "You could stop this if you wanted, " he breathed.


Deirdra whimpered, her hand gripping his shoulder for balance. She trembled slightly and moaned gently into the kiss again as her tongue timidly sought his. His taste.... his smell... it began to wrap around her like a coat. She bit her lip as he pulled away, shivering a little. She responded only with a single, almost terrified sounding whisper.

"I know..." She didn't know what scared her more... that she wasn't stopping him or that she didn't want to. This was foolish, it should be so easy to just push him away... and yet.... yet she couldnt.


Richard drew her body into his lap, holding her against her, eyes peering into hers,  lips brushinghers as he spoke against her.

"Deidra, if you were able, would you have confounded me with your spell, or am I really so very taken with you as this? " he whispered,  his head tilted a a little. Richard was only a man... but she. She was magnifecence.

"You are... glorious. " he breathed. "Can you ever forgive me?"


She gasped lightly as he pulled her into his lap, gripping both his shoulders now. She was afraid, uncertain, but the pounding of her heart made it clear she was also excited. With their bodies so close together.... could he feel it? Part of her feared he could and she blushed deeply as he spoke. Should she be resentful? No.... he didn't think she'd cast a spell, he knew she was not a succubus, a demon of sex. She was a demon of destruction, not seduction.

"y...You are the only one who has ever believed that so or been taken with me at all. I would not even know how to cast such a spell, nor can i comprehend why you think me glorious.....why....? Why me? and why would I need to...f..forgive you?" She answered him quietly, breathlessly. Her hands trembled slightly, even as her eyes filled with hunger. Hunger to be close, to touch, to be loved. For the first time since her mothers death she did not feel alone and she wasn't sure how to deal with it.


"You are wrong, and it troubles me that you believe that, " he said, his lips kissing her mouth slowly, lips just brushing her and a soft grin on his lips. " You seem to be under the impression no man has ever deemed you glorious or amazing. Beautiful or gorgeous.  You couldn't be more wrong. Just a look at you is enough to know that there must have been men who longed to be at your side. Who admired you, as I have. "

His palm cupped her to look upon his face, his lips drinking her kiss once more as it brushed over her mouth.  "The ones who fear you are not stilled by terror always.  Some may see the beauty of your other forms as well,  Deidra." He chided gently. "Next time you stand before someone, you should ask another. You'll see."


Deidra instinctively closed her eyes as he kissed her, forgetting to argue. His lips... it wasn't fair how they made her momentarily forget what she was going to do or say. She shivered a little, leaning forward into each kiss as if they were her only breath. Her dark hair would brush his chest and shoulder, falling against him like silk.

"I..I have only been met with scorn, why would they say such things if they wanted me around.... No... perhaps there are more elsewhere but you are the only one here...." She said quietly, blushing deeply a moment. The only one she wanted to be here her own mind finished unbidden. She didn't want to think such things. She shook her head as if to clear it and glanced down at the ground.

"W...we should be working... not discussing something so....frivolous...and your wounds... we...we have to be careful" She muttered as if to change the subject from her beauty or there lack of. It was still day light for a few hours so they could not see the doctor yet but still... there had to be something, someway to hide.


"They are afraid of things they don't understand. You could have a tail at all times and the response will be the same. In the future people will be invasive. They.will want to learn. Though none will do these things like I have without permission, dear Deidra." He told her, a low noise in his mouth as a palm strayed to her hair, rolling through it patiently, stroking.

"The doctors attention can wait. Later, when the dark.settles, we can take him unawares. If you would sooner not be touched," he murmured, his llips just barely brushing past hers.


" not think I would let them" She whispered almost secretively. She bit her lip, her eyes widening as clearly she had not meant to say that aloud. She didn't want him to know what she felt, even though part of her felt it was likely be very clear. She felt torn as he spoke of not being touched, about to say something when he touched her. She couldn't help but whimper, closing her eyes and leaning in just a little.

" know the answer to that..." She said with a sigh, looking away a moment. He'd already pointed out she could stop him at any time.... they both knew she was physically stronger. Well... at least she was when he wasn't making her muscles tremble in weakness and longing.


"Deidra," he cooed warmly. " you must be patient and understanding. Others will come to admire you and wish to be at your side. All you need do is be open, and calm." He murmured, kissing her lips softly and leaning closer, his palm still tangled in her hair before  brushing his fingertips over her lips.

"Do this... for me?"


Deidra shivered as he kissed her and titled her head to the side. She leaned in slightly, as if addicted to the simple sensation. Such gentleness... such warmth. She trembled a little bit as she felt his hand in her hair, realizing she was vulnerable. Still she only opened her eyes as he brushed his fingertips across her lips which caused her to be unable to stop her blushing. She sighed, slowly coming to a decision

"As long as you are here.... I will try...." She whispered softly.


"Deidra, I know this isn't something you want to hear, but my exile means that I cannot stay anywhere in a single region for longer than a fortnight or two." He said softly against her.

"I can return to you from time to time and be beside you, but when the problems are gone from this place, as will I." He told her, kissing her firmly once and leaning back to watch her.

"No village truly wants someone like me unless there is trouble or monsters. Rarely do rangers return home forever. I will die in the land as I lived, lost and alone."


More tragic words, more signs of broken promises. He asked to be a friend, an ally, when he knew he would simply have to leave? She almost pushed him away as he kissed her again, feeling a tear within her she couldn't explain. She slowly stood, turned her back to him and walked to the fire to sit next to it, so he wouldn't see the disappointment or the pain.

"Yet you expect me to be accepted where you are not? You really are an idealistic fool.... " She finally said in a cold voice as she kept her face hidden. She felt lied to, used. All this talk of teaching her how to live, of asking her only to stay at his side and then this?


Deidra," he breathed softly, reaching out to her and sighing softly. He felt conflicted,  torn and rose to kneel behind her, his arms around  her. He nuzzled her hair.

"You make me apromise to return here. To fight and live on here. And when you return to this place, maybe I shall visit, to.make sure you have upheld your bargain." He said to her ear in soft tones.

"As a half-demon... maybe being with a ranger a while will help you learn and grow. You'll see things You wouldn't have, and we can... see one another if you like." He said, beginning to draw himself away from her.


Deidra tensed as he touched her and attempted to resist the urge relax as he nuzzled her. He wasn't fair, using this tenderness against her when she didn't know how to defend against it. She whimpered as he whispered in her ear, the struggle to maintain her tense and defensive posture becoming more difficult. was he asking her to go with him?

"a promise to return here? ...with you? Are you asking me to go with you?" She turned slowly towards him, her gaze searching his helplessly. She whispered her words, confusion in her gaze. She didn't understand, was he just toying with her. She bit her lip, gazing at him almost....hopefully. She then tilted her head to the side, looking more puzzled.

"see one another.... what does that mean?" She asked, revealing a bit more of her innocence in such matters then she meant to.


"Not asking you to come with me. I'm telling you that you're  not ready to live and be happy all on your own while you're  here the way you are." He.said, pulling her to lean against his arms.

" I think that travelling with me and showing you the world and solving problems with me will show you just how much there really is. I want to try to show you the world I see, and see your world become that one too." He said, brushing his knuckles along her jaw and cheek.

"Sweet Deidra, you may be by my side in whatever capacity you wish to. I would be delighted to have  you by my side."


Deidra let herself be pulled to him, watching him with a soft uncertainty. She trembled a little as be touched her jaw, but inwardly had to admit he was right. She didn't really understand still... she still felt so lost. She bit her lip, looking down and slowly nodded. Her eyes were slightly cat like in her nervousness and emotion but she did decide.

"I...would like to go with you......and see what there is to see" She finally whispered, hiding her face in his chest a moment. By his side... why did that phrase make her heart beat faster and with joy at taht? She nuzzled his chest slightly, staying there where he held her.


"Then be by my side," he cooed softly against her hair, his palm stroking along her hair softly and nuzzling her a little and grinning a bit tto himself as he held her against him and leaned back, his fingers rolling and caressing her locks.

"Good," he said to her, leaning back and tilting her a bit to look him in the face firmly. He kissed her.mouth again, this time more warmly and openly, his palms slow and careful as he sighed her name against her lips.


She shivered, the cooed phrase had just sounded so intimate. It made her breath catch and she buried her face deeper into his chest as he stroked her hair. She closed her eyes, briefly beginning to relax as suddenly she felt him tilting her towards him. She flushed but only opened her eyes for a moment before she pressed into his lips, passionately. She reached back one hand to touch his hair tentatively as she held close to his chest. She was his for the taking and judging by the rapid beating of her heart, the sheer pounding of it, she knew it.


Richard opened his mouth to speak, to break the kiss and say something but found himself groaning warmly into her mouth, his tongue seeking hers out.

Palms lost in her hair and jaw, holding her against him as he settled against.her, his body heating up at her touch and demeanor,  his palms moving to her hips and waist, muzzling her jaw slowly.