
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Drama's Devilish Dungeon Delve! (Polling The Players)

Started by DRAMA, September 07, 2011, 03:16:03 AM

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So, I hear you like D&D?

Thanks for your interest, fellow roleplayers! I'd like to take this opportunity to gather some ideas, feedback, and a general consensus of what all of you like, dislike, and your expectations. Below will be a list of questions (and potentially some multiple choice pickings) for you to answer. This will give me an idea of what you want (or don't want) and can tailor a fun gaming experience for everyone!

Without wasting more time...

Question #1

What level of magic are you looking for?

     None - What magic?
     Little - Accidental minor magic, usually only occurring in nature.
     Some - Most magic is nature based (shaman, witches, etc.), but there are few arcane practitioners.
     Moderate - What most would call normal. Divine and Arcane classes are just as common as everything else.
     Lots - Larger cities employ magic for mundane tasks, even for the poorest of people. Anyone can wield magic.
     Whoa... - Magical interplanetary travel is common place, vacation trips to other planes are easily affordable.

Question #2

What level of religion/deity influence are you looking for?

     None - There is no religion.
     Little - Very basic pantheon consisting the basic elements.
     Some - Small pantheon consisting of major aspects of nature and life.
     Moderate - Similar to Egyptian/Norse/Roman pantheon.
     Lots - Gods for most things encountered with most people paying lip service in passing.
     AMEN BRUTHA! - A god for everything! Even ink or splinters! (Use caution when selecting.)

Question #3

What level of sex are you expecting?

     None - If it happens, it's not mentioned.
     Little - Flirting and fading to black, otherwise, not really talked about.
     Some - Outwardly mentioning bedding people, brothels and whores are rare and generally not doing it for pleasure.
     Moderate - You can generally find sex workers in large populations; the richer the city, the better the face.
     Lots - Brothels are common place, sex scenes can be portrayed if others are near/present to the act.
     Ooooohhh, baaaby! - Sex can be used as currency. All things pertaining to sex can be expected, both good and bad.

Question #4

Are you opposed to playing monstrous races like goblins or kobolds (generally anything without an LA)?

     Yes - They're monsters for a reason!
     No - Sure, why the heck not.
     Not really - If someone else wants to, I'm not going to stop them, but no thanks for me.

Question #5

Which side of the law would you prefer the party be on?

     Good Guys - Generally upholding or obeying known laws of the land/city with minor or few exceptions.
     On the Fence - Laws are a guide, but certainly don't dictate how you choose to behave.
     Bad Guys - You are the villains.

Once you folks get these answered, I can start to narrow down what to do with you. ;) Please feel free to expand on your choices if you have more to say.


Magic Level- Moderate

Deities- Moderate

Sex- Moderate

Monster Races- Not Really

Law- On the fence

I have a whole damn library of 3.0/5, both in real book form and on my laptop. I wanted to know if there were any class restrictions or class tutors (a fighter can't multiclass into a wizard just out of the blue, right?).

Uriel Seraphim

Uri Says:

1.   Moderate
2.   Moderate
3.   Moderate
4.   Not Really
5.   On The Fence


I'm of a mind with both Uriel and Schaflyne.
Not Really
and I'm all about the On-the-Fence neutrals.


Alright! I think there is another person or two that hasn't had a chance to answer. I'll give them a little more time to cast their votes, than I'll begin round two. :)




Based on the previous replies, everyone is right about on par with that I was aiming for. These are some more questions for you folks.

Question #1

Pertaining to the rules of combat, what level of complexity are you familiar with?

     What rules? - I don't know what you're talking about.
     Eehhh - I have some theoretical notions on how combat works.
     Some knowledge - I've played a few games and I have a good idea on how the rules work.
     Good knowledge - I've played lots of games and I know very well how the rules work.
     Master - I've played so many games, I know how everything works without question.

Question #2

What level of combat are you expecting?

     None - What combat?
     Little - I only want to see combat when it's absolutely needed or unavoidable.
     Some - The occasional bar brawl or baddy whomping is fine by me.
     Moderate - I'd like a 50/50 split of combat and roleplaying.
     Lots - Roleplaying on the side, please. I don't need it touching my combat.
     CHARGE!! - What do you mean roleplaying? I'm here to KILL! (If you pick this, what are you doing here?)

Question #3

Would you like to simplify combat to make it flow better/quicker?

     Yes - Let's get it done so we can move on with the game.
     Sure - I enjoy combat as much as roleplaying, but I don't want it nonsensically simple.
     Not Really - I'll cope with simpler rules, but I may not enjoy deviating from the defined aspects of combat.
     No - No, combat has specific rules and they should be followed,

Question #4

When in the midst of of combat, how descriptive would you like to get when describing the scene?

     Not At All - Just roll the dice and get a move on.
     A Little - A sentence or two for each person's action is alright. More than that is too much.
     Paragraph - Between 4 and 8 sentence for each person's move is more than enough.
     Verbose - I want everyone to see the glory I shall unleash upon my foes in all the textual glory I can muster!

Question #5

How violent are you expecting combat and the world to be?

     Little - Just enough to express 'two sides of the same coin'.
     Some - Occasional mentioning of a local crime and a little blood/gore is cool by me.
     Moderate - Less wealthy places experience more crime and combat is as gruesome as an R rated movie.
     Lots - All places experience crime more out in the open while combat is really intense.
     GOREFEST - The Good Guys are generally nonexistent or are being served for lunch after a few rounds in the back alleys.

As per last round, I'll give you folks a few days to respond. Next round will be about constructing the gods your world will encompass. :)


Finally, we get to the part of the game I like.

1. Good Knowledge. Combat's my favorite aspect of D&D and RPs in general.

2. Moderate to Lots. What's the point of having a Dungeon Crawler in the party if you can't bash in a few skulls??

3. Sure. It's a bit harder to do a Table top game over the webs, and with that in mind as long as you know what your able to do damage wise then it wouldn't be to bad to have a person blow through a small gang of Kobolds or Goblins by themselves.

4. Paragraph. Combat scenes are my specialty in RPs and Writing. But since I understand that everyone's not the same I'm fine if someone just need to go "I hit it, it dieded."

5. Moderate to Lots. I'm of the belief that crimes were a bit more common than nowadays since they had almost no way getting caught other than by the people they robbing. And given the lax execution laws........ if they got caught then they weren't around long enough to GET better.


1. Good Knowledge

2. Moderate

3. Yes. As much as I love stomping mudholes into the asses of those that oppose me, I'm more partial to getting the combat over with. Lingering on it too long makes it boring.

4. Verbose. I love reading and/or writing a good, gory battle scene.

5. Moderate. There is a thing called "Law enforcement". Getting shaken down by a crew of thugs because I'm a level 1 nublet everytime I enter a city isn't very fun.


1- I'd say somewhere between eehhhh and some knowledge only because it's been a while. I'll be sure to brush up when the time comes.
2- I'd like to see somewhere in moderate, but leaning towards the role-playing, honestly. I could go either way though.
3- Sure, there's a lot of rules in there for a lot of other things, but once we're established a lot can get cut out.
4- I'd say a paragraph should suffice, honestly.
5- Some or Moderate, depending on the locale.


Uriel Seraphim, waiting on your response before we move to the next round. :)

Uriel Seraphim

1.   Eehhh - I have some theoretical notions on how combat works.
2.   Some - The occasional bar brawl or baddy whomping is fine by me.
3.   Sure - I enjoy combat as much as roleplaying, but I don't want it nonsensically simple.
4.    Paragraph - Between 4 and 8 sentence for each person's move is more than enough.
5.    Moderate - Less wealthy places experience more crime and combat is as gruesome as an R rated movie.

(I'm sorry i didnt realize we were still being asked questions. In future, if i dont respond in due time, just skip me.)


And the holy light floodeth into my soul...

With the results in for the fighting aspect of the game knocked out, on to your very own pantheon! Yaaaay!

What I'd like you to do is visit this page here. This is a fantastic and crazy easy tool to use to generate deities. I've used it for personal stuff in the past, but now I'm going to let you play with it to build a less than predictable pantheon.

The rules are simple for this round. Generate as many gods/goddesses as you'd like, select one for each of the domains listed below, and copy pasta the results to your response. You can generate as many as you'd like for each domain, but I'll ultimately pick one from each of the lists to assign to the domain. Feel free to even generate or suggest a name for your deity submissions (it'll make my life a touch easier). Now! On with the show!

Air Domain

Alignments: CN
Portfolio: Dancers, archers, sailors, swiftness
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

This goddess of air takes the form of a maiden. She is short and has an hourglass build. She has gray hair worn in a style that resembles a horse's mane. Her almond-shaped eyes are the color of the dawn sky. She has pale skin. She is usually portrayed nude. She carries a walking-staff. She is always surrounded by a breeze. She has the power to call or banish air.

Animal Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: animals, livestock, druids, huntsmen
Favored Weapon: Claw

This narrow-minded god of animals takes the form of an adult man. He is inhumanly tall and has a wide-chested build. He has straight, shoulder-length, yellow hair worn in a practical style. His slitted eyes are aquamarine. He has tanned skin. His outfit is made from the skin of an ancient monster, and is that of a teacher. He carries a fuming censer. He can call any kind of animal to appear instantly. He sometimes takes the form of a strange amalgam of many animals.

Chaos Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: chaos, discord, illusions, curiosity, panic
Favored Weapon: Improvised Weapons

This goddess of chaos takes the form of an adult woman. She is tall and has an angular build. She has wavy, long, red hair worn in a severe style. Her deep-set eyes are amethyst. She has china-white skin. Her outfit is made from the eyes of many creatures, and is that of a mystic. She carries a bottomless bag of items. Her hands have long fingers. She seems to distort space around her. She has the power to cause panic, confusion, or hysteria.

Creation Domain

Alignment: LN
Portfolio: farmers, harvest, life, birth, fertility, family
Favored Weapon: Scythe

This intuitive god of the creation takes the form of a young man. He is tall and has an over muscled build. His hair looks like some kind of husk. His slitted eyes are grass green. He has tanned skin. His outfit is that of a scholar, and it is mostly chestnut in color. He also wears a hat. He carries a scythe. He can grant fertility to land.

Darkness Domain

Alignment: NE
Portfolio: darkness, sorrow, suffering, revenge, thieves, assassins, stealth, malice
Favored Weapon: Rapier

This brokenhearted god of night takes the form of an adult man. He is very short and has a graceful build. His slitted eyes are black. His skin looks as if it is made from darkness. His outfit is that of a soldier, and it is mostly purple in color. He also wears various amulets. He carries a folio. He has a low forehead. He can move his shadow to envelop others in darkness.

Death Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: death, dying, funerals, decay, corpses, skeletons, undead, necromancy
Favored Weapon: Sword Breaker

This goddess of dying takes the form of a young woman. She is very short and has a thin build. She is bald. Her droopy eyes are black. She is usually portrayed as wearing an impractical costume made from the bones of a dead goddess, and various pieces of jewelry. She has blueish skin. She carries a sword-breaker. She has no shadow.

Destruction Domain

Alignment: CE
Portfolio: destruction, disaster, killing, tyranny
Favored Weapon: Spear

This immoral god of slaughter takes the form of a young man. He has a wide-chested build. His hair can turn into weapons. His large eyes are rust-colored. His skin is covered in dried blood. His outfit is covered in skull designs, and is that of a knight. He carries a spear. His ears are small. He causes madness with his presence.

Earth Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: soil, rocks, gems, sculpting, masonry, metal, mining
Favored Weapon: Sickle

This altruistic goddess of earth takes the form of a young woman. She is short and has an athletic build. Her almond-shaped eyes are like gems. She is bald. She has ash-gray skin. She is usually portrayed as wearing a dignified suit of armor and a protective visor. She carries a crescent. She can control earth and shape it into anything.

Evil Domain

Alignment: NE
Portfolio: evil, murder, lies, poison, fear
Favored Weapon: Stiletto

This aggravated goddess of evil takes the form of a maiden. She has a curvy build. She has straight violet hair worn in an artistic style. Her almond-shaped eyes are rose-red. She has china-white skin. Her outfit incorporates irregular designs, and is that of a cat burglar. She carries a stiletto. She has a pair of bat-like wings. She is surrounded by a sinister aura. She sometimes takes the
form of the worst nightmare of any seer.

Fire Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: fire, exploration, rebirth, smithy
Favored Weapon: Flaming Weapons

This romantic goddess of flame takes the form of an older woman. She is very tall and has an athletic build. She has no hair, but instead her head is covered in flames. Her slitted eyes are scarlet. Her skin looks like molten metal. Her outfit is that of a gladiator, is covered in triangle designs, and it is mostly yellow in color. She also wears a bracelet. She carries a burning torch. She is always surrounded by an aura of fire.

Good Domain

Alignment: LG
Portfolio: good, truth, zeal, righteous, honor, honesty
Favored Weapon: Crossbow

This wrathful goddess of truth takes the form of a child. She is short and has an hourglass build. She has orange hair worn in a style that resembles the rays of the sun. Her wide eyes are umber. She has milky-white skin. Her outfit is made from thought itself, and is that of a cleric. She carries a crossbow. She can read minds.

Healing Domain

Alignment: NG
Portfolio: healing, childbirth, discipline, endurance, medicine, mercy
Favored Weapon: Mace

This peace-loving god of healing takes the form of a teenage boy. He is very tall and has an angular build. His large eyes are green. He has light-colored skin. He is usually portrayed as wearing a tight uniform that is mostly iron-gray in color. He also wears a talisman. He carries a holy icon. He emits a healing light. He sometimes takes the form of any of the great healers of history.

Knowledge Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: knowledge, learning, historians, intrigue, poets, writing, scribes, sages, wisdom
Favored Weapon

This goddess of knowledge takes the form of a young woman. She has an angular build. She has no hair, but instead her head is covered in tentacle-like appendages. Her hooded eyes are brown. She has grass-green skin. Her outfit is that of a scholar, and it is mostly green in color. She carries an almanac. She can impart knowledge of history and culture.

Law Domain

Alignment: LN
Portfolio: lawyers, law, justice, order, judgment, planning
Favored Weapon: Flail

This god of lawyers takes the form of a mature man. He is tall and has a feminine build. He has night-black hair worn in a style that resembles a rooster's crest. His eyes have no pupils or iris. He is usually portrayed as wearing a plain uniform that is mostly milky-white in color. He has crimson skin. He carries a human heart. He sometimes takes the form of a living sword.

Luck Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: luck, gamblers, wealth, nobility, revelry, commerce, vice
Favored Weapon: Hammer

This mirthful god of fortune takes the form of a young man. He has a graceful build. His slanted eyes are green. He has tanned skin. He is usually portrayed as wearing a bizarre uniform and various pieces of jewelry. He carries a cube. He can bestow or take good fortune.

Magic Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: magic, arcane, humor, music
Favored Weapon: Magic or Magical Weapons

This immoral god of magic takes the form of an adult man. He is inhumanly tall and has a graceful build. He is bald. His large eyes are green. He has china-white skin. His outfit incorporates oval designs, and is that of a shaman. He carries a telescope. He has four pairs of wings. He can grant or take away the knowledge of spells.

Mind Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: seers, prophecy, oracles, fortune telling, diviners, entheogens, meditation, creativity, artists, fate
Favored Weapon: Sling

This posturing goddess of creativity takes the form of a young woman. She is short and has a slender build. She has yellow feathers instead of hair. Her slitted eyes are azure. She has light-colored skin. She is usually portrayed as wearing an impractical costume made from multicolored lights. She carries a preserved brain in a jar. She seems to be surrounded by voices whispering new ideas.

Moon Domain

Alignment: CG
Portfolio: moon, lovers, night, stars, beauty, dance
Favored Weapon: Whip

This sleazy goddess of the moon takes the form of an older woman. She is very short and has a narrow build. She has ebony hair worn in a complex style. Her large eyes are blue. She has dark skin. She is usually portrayed as wearing a plain suit of armor that is mostly black in color, and which incorporates spiral designs. She also wears a hood. She carries a satchel of books. Her hands have stubby fingers. She can vanish or appear easily.

Plant Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: plants, agriculture, forests, trees, wetlands, wilderness, woodlands
Favored Weapon: Pistol or Crossbow

This god of woodlands takes the form of a young man. He is short and has a boyish build. His hair looks like it's made of vines. His droopy eyes are blue. His body actually looks like its a plant, not flesh. His outfit is made from plants, and is that of a soldier. He carries a pistol and crossbow.

Protection Domain

Alignment: LN
Portfolio: protection, guardians, loyalty, trust, defenders, valor
Favored Weapon: Spiked Shield

This god of heroism takes the form of a teenage boy. He is inhumanly tall and has a broad-shouldered build. He is bald. His large eyes are umber. He has gray skin. He is usually portrayed as wearing a tight costume that is mostly green in color, and which is covered in square designs. He carries a shield. He can inspire people with his voice.

Strength Domain

Alignment: NG
Portfolio: strength, athletics, chivalry, courage, daring, sports, wit
Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strikes or Guantlets

This god of strength takes the form of a young man. He is very short and has a thin build.  His steel gray hair can elongate and wield weapons. His wide eyes are blue. He has dark skin. He is usually portrayed as wearing a suit of armor that is mostly blue in color. He also wears a necklace. He carries a satchel of scrolls. He can posses those who are in need of a feat of strength.

Sun Domain

Alignment: TN
Portfolio: sun, illumination, light, guidance, balance
Favored Weapon: Morningstar

This god of the sun takes the form of an elderly man. He is very tall and has an angular build. He has white hair worn in a style that resembles a rooster's crest. His deep-set eyes are orange. His skin glows like the sun itself. He is usually portrayed as wearing a strange suit of armor, which incorporates abstract designs. He carries a lantern. He has thin eyebrows. He is always surrounded by an aura of light.

Travel Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: travelers, portals, gates, merchants, communication, cartography, teleportation, roads
Favored Weapon: Long Bow

This god of portals takes the form of an older man. He has a thin build. He has beige hair worn in a style that resembles a crown. His deep-set eyes are multicolored. His body is covered in red scales. He is usually portrayed as wearing a bizarre outfit made from human skin. He carries a mirror. He has three eyes. He has a pair of wings. He can transport someone anywhere, from one location to another.

Trickery Domain

Alignment: CE
Portfolio: trickery, pranksters, deceit, vanity, illusions, betrayal, spies
Favored Weapon: Traps or Poisoned Weapons

This secretive goddess of trickery takes the form of a maiden. She is inhumanly tall and has a busty build. She has very long chalk-white hair. Her almond-shaped eyes are chestnut. She is usually portrayed as wearing an attractive outfit that is mostly black in color, and which incorporates pentagon designs. Her skin is constantly changing colors. She carries a box.

War Domain

Alignment: NE
Portfolio: war, brawling, dueling, fighters, massacres, murder, killing, slaughter, territory, tactics, victory
Favored Weapon

This goddess of slaughter takes the form of an older woman. She is inhumanly tall and has a wasp-waisted build. She has red hair worn in a style that resembles a peacock's tail. Her almond-shaped eyes are jet black. She is usually portrayed as wearing an attractive uniform. Her body is like a bloody skeleton. She carries a man-catcher. She inspires blood thirst with her presence.

Water Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: water, rivers, rain, oceans, seas, sailing, fishing
Favored Weapon: Dagger or Net

This optimistic goddess of water takes the form of a young woman. She is short and has a wasp-waisted build. She has wavy black hair. Her wide eyes are green. She has black skin. Her outfit is that of a ranger, and it is mostly turquoise in color. She carries a whale bone dagger. She can walk upon water as if it was dry land.

Weather Domain

Alignment: CN
Portfolio: weather, lightning, thunder, seasons
Favored Weapon: Spiked Baton

This goddess of weather takes the form of an adult woman. She is very short and has a busty build. She has no hair, but instead her head is covered in tentacle-like appendages. Her beady eyes are cobalt-blue. Her outfit is that of a sorcerer. She has white skin. She carries a sundial. She can impart knowledge of weather.

When submissions are made and selected for use, I'll edit this post and place them in their domain. :)


I kind of like wide variety of pantheons. With all of the published Home-brews and  conversions of actual Pantheons, I've never had the need to create my own.


If no one wants to do this part, I can understand. I'll do it myself, just need to know if that's the case.

And I dislike using other published material as that's someone's idea that wasn't my own. It feels pretty uncreative at times, especially if they're just crappy alterations of other material.

So let me know if I need to so it myself. I've already got a bunch made up that I like a lot. I was trying to expand the creation of your world to you folks.

Next round is the world itself. No worries on developing societies and cities, I got that covered. Just need some input on the world itself. :)


No offense, but I'm the worst about making gods unless they're MACHINE GODS. I have no opinion on the matter. FL has been slow as of late, just so you're aware, so it might be that the others haven't seen this. I haven't noted Schafflyne lately, much less Uriel. Just sayin'.


Uriel is busy with school, already spoken to so no worries there. As for Schafflyne, idk my bff jill.

Either way, I'm working on some myself and if no one adds to them in a few days, I'll just move on and you all will have to cope with my... choices. *devil grins*


I think Schafflyne is at work? I'll run a text by him later on to tell him he's being looked for here.

Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.



That's a lot of damn domains.

I'll give that tool a try, because I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to come up with names.

On second thought, that tool didn't really help me. I can point you in the direction of a good random name generator.