
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Reaping the Requiem [TakodaVega x Viver Fever]

Started by TakodaVega, April 14, 2012, 11:27:52 AM

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The story behind Death had changed over the years. Whether it be a Man, a Woman, a creature that devoured the souls of the living or prevented those to cross into the land of the Dead, these things were all true and all false at the same time. Death operated on it's own Laws. Laws that had been written before their was belief in the world of Man. Mortals had no idea just what exactly Death was only that it would come for them in time. Unless of course one made a Deal with Death.

Dealing with the devil, or a demon, or any sort of creature outside of Death usually guaranteed the loss of your soul until the creature in question died. Making a deal with Death meant you dealt directly with it. You became It's Reaper, to take the souls of the soon to be departed to their respective place on the other side of the Land of the Living. What their fate was dealt with what they believed. Human belief channeled their ultimate goal, there was no wrong or right way to die.

At least until you were a Reaper like Malachai Steele. See Malachai had made a deal with Death for selfish reasons. So his ending wasn't so pleasant. A debt to Death that required a lot of repayment. He thought he could cheat Death out of his bargain. He had been dead wrong when he got stuck on this side. All reapers had a power in them though that helped bring the soul in question so long as they stuck to the list that Death gave them.

However Malachai relished in err toying with his prey so to speak. And had been doing so for years, of course anything to get some rocks off in his case. Hey if they were going to die anyway might as well go out in style! So when he was summoned to Death's chamber there was a little nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, Death might care exactly what he did with such gifts at his disposal. Boy was he in for a trip.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.

Viver Fever

Unlike Malachai, Valentine didn't toy with her 'prey'. Much rather, she let their pain carry on and on until they begged her to take them away. So she did...but she did it slowly. She relished in their pain, their cries for that final release that would zip them away from the pain, the torture, the sheer agony. Maybe it was because of this that she had been called into Death's presence...

Either way, she didn't care whether the man, woman, or thing, whatever death was, liked what she had been doing with her powers or not. She'd made a deal with Death when she'd been alive, something about wanting a lot of money and what not. So she became a Reaper when she died. She didn't mind, really. At least this way, she got the chance to still go to Earth and what not. She liked seeing the little people run around, trying to this, and that and the other...and all for what? Social gratification? Physical, sexual, or emotional gratification? Maybe it was to make themselves feel better about themselves, she didn't know. What Valentine did know, however, was that she was glad she was dead and gone from the Earth, even if she was trapped as Death's pawn. Valentine didn't mind being Death's pawn. At least, she didn't before she found that Death had figured out that she had been abusing her powers for her own pleasure. Well, in the contract she had signed, it didn't state anywhere that she couldn't abuse her powers. However, it was pretty much something that one would assume. However, that wasn't Valentine. Valentine abused the system. If it didn't state anywhere about something that she intended to do, then she did it. And she knew that it didn't state anywhere that she couldn't use her powers however she saw fit because she read it thoroughly, just like she read everything else thoroughly. It was a habit of hers, and she loved it.

But now, she was being called by Death because she abused her powers by making the souls she captured suffer. Oh goody for the souls, but not for her. There was apparently something inhumane-like there was anything remotely human about her despite her outer human appearance-about making the living suffer. Psh. They tortured the planet, so why couldn't she torture them? Either way, Valentine didn't care a whoop about what Death thought, even if he was the one who gave her her powers upon her death. Either way, she was pretty sure she could deal with whatever Death threw at her, even if it might cost her her job as a Reaper.

Shaking her head, Valentine crossed her arms under her bosom, trying to unconsciously make her rather smaller medium-sized bosom appear larger than it really was. She didn't want to visit The Big Man, but she had to. Shaking her head again, Valentine pursed her lips and ran a hand through her dark red hair. Whether she lost her job or not, she was sure she could take whatever Death threw at her. She could..couldn't she? Yes, she pretty well thought she could, which made the smirk on her face go wider. Oh, this was going to be a hoot.


"So what made you get on the bosses bad side, sweetcheeks~?" Came that teasing male voice as he smirked at what seemed to be his partner in crime at the moment. "Don't worry He needs us too much to Ditch us really - I mean who else would come get the job done~? Nobody believes Death's got the balls to do anything to them. They think they're immortal!" His smirk widened as he reached over to very lightly run a finger along the top of her breasts. "You're too pretty to be dead, sugar. Come play with me later?" He winked just as a chill filled the room. The land of the Dead wasn't exactly the warmest place in the world. The souls of the Living would come through here and then whatever their belief system sent them to their respected places.

Good or bad, that was what their own dilemma, however what the two Reaper's dilemmas happened to be made their way toward them. And one didn't have to even be in the same room to know that Death was furious. It practically rolled off of him in ways. The great horned mask across his face hid a majority of his face from view, but Malachai had learned that whenever Death remove his mask it made him appear to whatever he thought Death to be. In his case, it wasn't pretty. In fact it was pretty terrifying seeing the reaper of most images come to life in front of you. Especially when it was the Lady of Death. Every time he'd try to convince himself otherwise, Death still remained female without the Mask.

It had been the belief he had died with afterall, and the one he made the deal with. Though thankfully he wasn't staring at the maggots eatting out of succulent flesh and bone. He shuddered at the thought before his gaze returned to the tall man who made his way with scythe in hand. Since they had both died, they could see that is normal staff was indeed a scythe. Malachai liked to keep his next to where his heart used to be. When he needed to use it anyway.

"Do you both know why I summoned you here?" came the deep voice that held virtually no emotion, but the anger was still there. Yup, Boss man was maaaaaad. "Course not sir! We were just doing our jobs!" He pipped up, not that Malachai could keep a straight face for the light of him when he was lying to Death's face. Probably not a good idea. "Maybe I should add an extra few millenia to your sentence Malachai." came the only response from Death where he then turned to his female companion, "Do You?"
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.

Viver Fever

Turning her head, Valentine stared at the man with an uninterested gaze in her violet eyes before smirking gently. "I waited until my victims were screaming and crying, begging for death before I took them. I found it fun. The Big Guy, however, did not," She said, closing her eyes and shrugging, listening to the male as he kept talking. When her chest was touched, she smacked the other's hand away and stared at him. "Oh, pity, because you're too ugly not to be dead. Oh wait, you are. Sorry, not interested in 'playing' with anyone," She said, pushing her hip out as she turned her head away from the male's own.

Shivering as the chill filled the room; Valentine rubbed her arms and made a soft noise. She could feel that their boss was more than pissed. It didn't scare the woman, but it did make her wary and realize what she had been putting her chosen souls through. Maybe it had been wrong, but she loved the screams of pain, of blood splattering across her form. Smiling at the memory, Valentine turned her eyes to the male walking towards them, her fingers moving to tap on her arms. She probably should act as if this didn't bother her, but she did anyway. She was merely doing her job. Nowhere in the contract did it say that she had to deliever the souls that didn't have some emotional and physical scarring to the big man.

Turning her head away, she focused on something nearby then looked at Death with an empty look to her eyes. She looked at Malachai and snickered softly at his response. Even in the face of...Death, he still could joke and the like. It was...amusing, needless to say. Shaking her head, she turned her eyes to Death and shrugged. "Yeah sure; I tortured souls until they were crying and begging me for mercy before dealing the final appeasement. You never said I couldn't in our contract."


"Oo, a frosty ice queen you are hmm?" The truly untouchable stood before him, and all he could think of was just how he could get her to see his side of things. "Fun hmm? Darlin you have no idea what the idea of fun really is. Why not try to see things my way?"  Malachai quirked an eyebrow, quickly pouting when she outright rejected him again. It couldn't be like this damn it! Why did they all try to play hard to get? 

Of course Death decided to make his appearance known. The cool wrath that flooded them didn't seem to disturb the Reaper's constant positive, selfish spirit of nature. Then again, who could change anything when he seemed sure of himself? Even if Death was in the deepest of his rages, it seemed as though Malachai's humor seemed to have at least some sway over the situation. Did he make light of everything? Though when she, finally, focused on Death, it didn't seem to garner him any favors.

"I never said you could either, Valentine. Your job is very specific. To extract the soul and deliver it to it's destination. Not to play games with it, you could compromise the soul itself of it's destination by doing such things. Did you never really consider your consequences? If you make a martyr out of someone in his last moments does that make him a saint? In some human consciousness it is so. Now, with your misguided ways I have a lot of your messes to fix," He glared at Malachai though nothing seemed to break the Reaper. Maybe sparing his life had been a bad idea.

"But I will give you both another chance. Together. In fact, I will consider your contracts completed if you do this one task for me."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.

Viver Fever

For the most part, Valentine ignored Malachai. Instead, she focused her attention on the angry God in front of her, tapping her fingers on her upper arms from where she had said arms crossed over her chest and under her bosom. Even in death, she had her virginity, and she wasn't about to lose it to such a slimy individual like Malachai. Though, she wasn't about to tell Malachai that. Maybe he'll calm himself if she told him she was a lesbian?

Pushing those thoughts aside, Valentine directed her gaze to the ground in slight shame. The God had a point. Although he never said she could, he didn't exactly give her permission either. She didn't feel bad about what she did, on the contrary, she felt rather proud and...satisfied about what she did. Or rather, she would, had she not been getting this strong 'I hate you' vibe from Death himself. She wasn't about to deny that she was scared, but she wasn't exactly going to show it on her face either. True to the title that Malachai called her, this Frosty Ice Queen kept her face straight, eyes directed at something behind the God. She didn't consider the fact that Death might not like her actions in the beginning, and she never really considered that she was sending souls to the bastards above, instead of the God before her. Why should she? At the time she was collecting souls, she was more interested in hearing their screams, not the fact that she was allowing Death to lose more souls than he gained.

Making a soft noise, Valentine dropped her arms and nodded at the God. He had every right to be angry, but that didn't mean valentine liked the fact she was getting punished for Death not stating the rules outright when she'd been forced to be a Reaper. All of this wouldn't have happened if Death had just merely said, 'No torturing  souls' outright.

Shaking her head, Valentine looked at Death and nodded at him. "I guess if it's for punishment, then I'll work with Mr. Slimey over there, but just to be sure, is there any way I can' know, work with someone else?"