
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

In the eyes of the beholder…

Started by Uriel Seraphim, June 13, 2011, 01:09:10 AM

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Uriel Seraphim

Scat, watersports etc. (This stuff is fucking disgusting. Do NOT ask me to do such things, unless you want a big old smack in the face.)
Lolita. I will not role-play a child screwing with a 40yr old man.  If the characters are of the same age, or have a 1-2yr age gap, I'm okay with going as low as 16.
Mutilation. It's just a no go for me.

Anything and everything!
Personally, I have a fetish for paranormal and biblical creatures. Angels and Daemons get my socks off okay? :P
I prefer to play a female character, but am willing to have a go at playing a male role. The orientation doesn't bother me. You can be male, female or even transgender. It doesn't faze me.

Beyond that guys, let your imagination run wild! :P
If it's interesting, I'll do it. If not... well, don't hate me if I shoot you down in flames :P Though if you adhere to the above mentioned rules, I doubt that will happen.

Uriel Seraphim


Ancient Civilizations (Rome, Greece, Egypt, etc)
Past (Historical – 1800's, 1600's, 1400's etc)
Post Apocalyptic
Mythical Universes (these will be discussed and designed by both of us.)
Campaign setting
Constructed world
Parallel universe
Planets in science fiction
Simulated reality
Virtual reality

General Character Races I will RP:
(Generally, I leave your choice of character race up to you. All I ask is that your choice is sensible and plausible.)

Vampire (the non sparkly kind)
One of the Seven Muses

Fan-Based RP options:

Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling)
Anita Blake Series (Laurell K. Hamilton)
Othello, Romeo & Juliet, Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)
Avatar (James Cameron)

Uriel Seraphim

Unclaimed Plots

Angelic Fires

Setting: Preferably Modern, Medieval or Fantasy
Races: Archangel x Human
Rating: Mature or General
Number of players: 2+

Plot: Thrown to earth without a clue to their mission, Gabriel and Michael have been searching. What they are searching for however, remains a mystery. But these two Archangels are certain that when they find their intended charge, they will know exactly what to do. When they find a pair of human twins however, with a unique ability to open the portal between heaven and hell, neither Gabriel nor Michael can decide whether to let them live or fall upon their swords...

Places Unknown

Setting: Preferably Modern, Medieval or Fantasy
Races: Human or other
Rating: Mature or General
Number of players: 2+

Plot: Soft spoken and shy, Emilia has always been taken advantage of. Afraid of being hurt, she has learnt to distance herself from the people around her, but that doesn't mean she's not willing to lend a helping hand where one is needed. But how will Emilia survive when it is she that needs the helping hand? With no home to call her own, no friend she is willing to lean on, will Emilia willingly allow a stranger with nothing but a motor bike and the pack on his back to take her across the country? ... Yep.

Show Me A World Through Your Eyes.

Setting: Modern
Races: Human
Rating: Semi-Private, non sexual
Number of players: 2

Plot: Kevin has never thought of himself as being special. For the most part he has drifted through life, rolling with the punches as it were. Left with a lofty inheritance from his world renowned, most believe he has the perfect life. But things are not always as they seem. The one thing he has always prided himself on however, the one joy in his life, is his writing. But he has found himself with no inspiration, no aspirations and no luster for life. When the world around you is moving while you stand completely still, is there any point in going on at all?

He is 27 and with no substantial want to live, Kevin is determined that this year will be his last.

Four months ago Jennifer's mother committed suicide. She is 16. Her father was out of the picture before she was born and with no family to lean on, Jennie now lives in a women's shelter. There is no point in continuing on in her eyes, no reason to keep living day by day. But all the same, she tries. She tries until her hands begin to shake the tears refuse to stop and her heart breaks in two...

Jennifer's mothers suicide note was addressed to her... she has yet to read it. The words cannot heal the damage already done, only break it further...

When the two cross paths sparks begin to fly, old wounds unravel and the power of words become manifest. Kevin see's something in Jennifer that she had thought to be lost, and though she has found the ease of their meeting strange, the two embark upon an emotional discovery of past, present and self; defining what it is to truly be alive. I love you used to mean something, even between friends. But when the feeling is there and the words themselves cut like a duel edge blade... can either of these two people accept the circumstances that have come to be? Or will they still fall to the horrors of their past.

Uriel Seraphim


General RP's:
Yeild to Temptation with TakodaVega
Peculiar Persona with Jink

Semi-Private RP's:
The Laugh Maker & the Locked Girl with Dies Irae
~Violet Horizons~ with Drake

Open RP's:
Morbid Angels
Sirenian Shores
Cursive Eve