
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Wide Awake

Started by TakodaVega, August 16, 2012, 08:59:00 PM

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He had gripped her in his hold, fingers clinging to hers desperately as she clung to him one handed. Feathers were falling off her in waves dizzying down beneath the storming clouds beneath them. His face was strained, holding on to the only thing that had kept him sane in the wave of turmoil that had been flooding their world. "Don't let go!" He cried as he clung to the only female that had made him feel something other than a deranged lunatic. No one would believe that he had the potential or what he saw had been real.

Until her.

The Angel of his dreams who had came and changed the world for him. Changed it so much that he had almost risked everything for her, almost sold his very soul to the Devil himself so he could stay with her forever. His Angel looked up at him with those bright eyes. "I'm trying to hold on." Her voice was always that balm to the chaos of voices that had been echoing for years. The emotions of others trapped inside his being had made him realize that nothing was his own.

Until her.

He was the one who had gotten her here, and snapped his other hand on her forearm, and started to pull her up. Feathers continued to fall away from the bone that had been her angelic wings. She had taken the Fall for him. She had told him that  she needed the Fall to save everything. He had always assumed it had been just for him, yet he knew that there was more to his lovely Angel than what met the eye. She was wise as much as she appeared young, the constant tactic to stay in the knowledge never having seem to take a toll on her.

Until this.

His hand started to slip however, his sole link to his version of heaven slipping from his fingers. He could feel it, her willingness to just surrender to the end. She had already descended from so many tiers of Heaven that this couldn't be the end. Her bright eyes were growing with that acceptance. "You're wide awake to the world around you now." She said softly, her free hand that had been dangling before moving to touch his cheek. "Don't be afraid to let go."

Until now.

Her whole body surrendered to the end. His grip started to slide. He needed her, didn't she see that?! "Don't give up on me!" he cried as soon the fingers started to slip through his. Another peel of thunder beneath them and then his castle crumbled just as his bright side began to fall further, almost in slow motion. A heart beat, and then she was gone. His entire world shattered before his eyes. The castle that had shielded him from the world he had chosen to forget, for her, came crashing back.

He had let go of the only thing that made him happy. The memory of her was etched into his life, and she was someone he never forgot. As the time passed, he erected a concrete angel in her honor in the garden they had met. Every day he would come back to that spot. She had sacrificed everything for him to see he could make it. She had taught him well. So well...

"If I had known then what I knew now," he said softly. His hand rubbed across his face just as he caught sight of something. The butterflies seemed to flow across the garden in a direction he had never seen. He hesitated before moving away from the statue, taking the road far less traveled by. Her voice never leaving his mind. The only way to continue on was to keep an open heart. Though how could have all the Stars been wrong to him? Could his dreams have been wrong?

In time he learned to complete himself, and he started to not loose sleep from his mistake. He had accepted that this path had been the one for him. He knew that there was always a way, even the darkest days had a silver lining. Her sacrifice had made him realize that he was now wide awake to the world, and that he, truly, didn't need her for every part of his life. She was always a part of his because she had shown him that he was unique. He knew he would see her again, in a way and strange sense.

Until then.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.