
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Kiss from a Rose [TakodaVega x Niketia]

Started by TakodaVega, June 14, 2011, 10:42:31 PM

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For once in her life, Cage had never been so speechless as the letter resting in her hands. Leaning back in her back chair, with one leg hooked over the other she stared at the text again making sure she had read it right. Those silver hues didn't deceiver her as she placed the letter back on her oak desk and rubbed her temples. "Hemlock you will kill me at this rate," muttered the amurjin, her tiger striped tail only now visible now that it had decided to join her leg over the other. Sighing the female rose a bit to rest her arms full on the desk and her head propped up by her thumbs while her fingers pressed against her lips in a shushing motion.

The White Rose of Eden had been slipping in and out of the slave trade by now for years. Thus why Hemlock wanted her to do this. Of all things Hemlock would ask her to do, this was one of those things she would normally kill him on sight for even asking her. However, the details of which this female he described to her reminded her vaguely of herself. On some remote level, the amurjin was curious about other neko type creatures like herself. Though she herself was the tiger based it appeared as though this one was of the snow leopard.

She had heard stories, of course, but the fact that Hemlock was asking her to do this because of who she was brought about a side of Cage she didn't like people to know too openly. However, a favor was a favor and her lass escapade that Hemlock had pulled her out of had required a favor she could not turn down, ever. And he was calling on it now. Of course the tail end of the message didn't help either. That the fact her new charge was outside the doors from her office was not quite what she was ready for. However a favor was a favor.

"Show her in," came that calm voice as she sat a little straighter in her chair. From first appearance Cage was different. Ivory hair was pulled back by a pair of chopsticks, showcasing those feline ears as they perked absently. A blue corset hugged her frame disappearing below the desk, leaving her arms and shoulders bare for her to see. Harmless? Hardly, Cage had claws and her fans rested in her lap. However she hoped and prayed they wouldn't be needed with this Kit. However, training - was training, and this particular Unciajin had a very special job to do.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Pale green eyes looked up from beneath white and black tipped hair as that calm voice reached her fuzzy ears. Strangely those eyes held nothing but a calm acceptance of her fate even though the rest of the Unciajin showed that there had been no acceptance. No instead Nhymri's small form showcased several cuts and bruises from those who had brought her this far. Bowing her head so that her hair covered her face her small ears tilted back against her skull she didn't struggle against the chains about her wrists as she was led forward into the office.

Waiting silently as the doors closed behind her she took note of what she could without looking up. It would only make things harder if she wasn't aware of her surroundings but it had been beaten into her to not look up until told to. Which in itself was hard for her because Nhymri had up until this last two months been a free leopard.  Running through these last months while she waited Nhymri had to suppress a growl as she thought of the one who had betrayed her.

Forcing those thoughts from her mind she stood still and looked over her clothes. From the voice the fact that most of her clothing had been torn beyond repair wouldn't be as much of a problem but you never knew in cases like this. She had heard stories of Kit's who had been taken into the Trade that were used for nothing more than toys by their masters or mistresses. Hopefully this wasn't the case.

Yes Nhymri knew exactly what was going on. She had been taken by slave traders and her worthless betrayer had sold her to them for nothing more than a few hundred dollars. And she knew that now she would be forced to serve her new "Master" or "Mistress" until she was either released or died. She knew it would be the later because of her breed but she would hold out hope that she would be one of the lucky few to be given to a kind "Master". Only time would tell.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


Cage looked at her new charge. They were complete opposites by some standards. She could tell that the female in front of her had been wild, where she had been raised in the very trade this one had been forced into. She remained still as she eyed the ensemble that Hemlock had left her with. Lovely, piss off the girl before Cage got her hands on her. Just what she needed. Shifting a bit she carefully rose from her chair to lean against the front of her desk. What the desk had been hiding was floor length skirt, a slit sliding up to mid thigh. However her gaze was completely focused on the female.

"I'm sorry they treated you this way, kitten." She said gently as she noticed the cuts and bruises on her. "I will release you from your chains as soon as I'm done speaking, I will say attacking me will get you no where, and that you are here to be taught, not to be pampered, though you will know what that is like too." She coiled her feline tail about her ankle as she gently reached to pull the females hair out of her face.

"Your Master has sent you to me to teach you proper, as you are a very special kitten. Your first lesson is simple enough. You will address those around you as either 'sir' or 'ma'am'. When addressing someone by name you will call them Miss or Mister. It's simple enough to remember and once you are more advanced you may be able to do some others but for now the basics." Those silver hues looked into her green hues, her eyes focused on her alone. "Your life will not be like most slaves, your training will be branching into something that will not leave these walls."

"Now," she pushed off the desk, "I think it is easy to start with proper introductions." She reached for the keys on the desk and turned her focus back to the Unciajin before her. "My name is Cage, you may call me that or Rose. I will answer to both. What I am training you for I will teach you in good time but first, what is your name kitten?"
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


As Cage had started speaking Nhymri had been slightly shocked. She had apologised? Being called kitten had strangely settled her anger into something a little less volatile. No one had called her that in years... Not since... No she would not think of that, instead she listened carefully to what she was being told. Stiffening a little as Cage reached out to her she  nearly stepped back, fear of being struck again for it though held her still.

What she had been told to do would be simple enough. Her father had raised her to be that way, to talk to others respectfully even if they did not deserve it. "Nhymri, ma'am..." Remembering what she had said about attacking Nhymri looked down, intent on her bare feet. They had tried to make her wear shoes but she had refused to. "I can't attack you ma'am... They cut my claws before my... Master... found me."

Speaking of the Master she had never met was strange but she would be careful to do as she was told. Perhaps it would land her very well into the good graces of those who now held her life in their hands. Besides, so far this woman, this Cage, had been gentle and careful to explain what she was doing here.

But she also had been raised to be honest when speaking to someone who was in a better position than her. And right now, that would be Cage. Nhymri didn't know what was worse in fact, that she was here to be trained as a slave or the fact that she couldn't attack if she wanted to.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


Cage watched the female, her eyes saddened as she reached on the desk to grab a pair of keys. They jingled in her hands as she went to undo each lock. She inspected Nhymri's wrists carefully before pulling the chains off completely and putting them to one side. "Is that so?" She said carefully before eyeing her carefully. She was a mess to no end but she could work with that. "Your Master is asking me to train you for a favor I owe him. As I have been, somewhat, in your shoes before I can understand how you feel."

Her voice was calm as she watched the Unciajin, she was a different sort of trainer, a more understanding one, firm - but at the same time gentle enough that the lesson stuck the first few times. "They may have taken away a set of claws but I will be teaching you plenty more where they came from." She gently petted along the top of the girl's head before retracting her hand away. "You will learn all I have to teach, but you must accept that some of the things I will be teaching you may make you uncomfortable and that in time you may be asked to perform such things to someone you do not care about."

She had a feeling there was much more to this female than she had originally thought. "I think, however, two things are in order, Nhymri-kit. A bath," she held up a finger, "which is one of the things which may make you uncomfortable. And two some food," she glanced down at her, "Depending on how you behave in the bath depends on the clothes you will receive when you are out of it."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


While Cage inspected her wrists Nhymri listened to the different sounds both inside the office and out until Cage spoke again. At that point her attention was on Cage's words. She nodded when Cage spoke of her training and put the thought of it away until later just in case she missed something important in what she was being told. But at the mention of a bath and food some of the light returned to the Unciajin's eyes. She would deal with the discomfort that Cage mentioned so long as she was clean.

Hell if given the choice she would choose the bath over the food any day. Especially after being in those cages for hours on end. But the food did sound good too. Regardless Nhymri would do as she was told for the promise of either. Though the one thing that did make her slightly apprehensive about the bath was the mention of the clothes she would wear after. Would it be better to behave or not?

Deciding it would be best to be good she stood patiently, the only thing giving away that she had reacted was her eyes and the slight flicking of the tip of her tail. "Yes ma'am." She just hoped that there was some room for error in this training because until she was sold Nhymri had not been trained at anything more important than hunting, cooking and cleaning her home.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


Cage noticed the life starting to return to her new charge's eyes. She had hoped that the girl's spirit hadn't been completely broken down yet. Holding out her hand to the Unciajin, though it looked soft there were some marks, old scars lining her wrists. She had been in Nhymri's place once if she had noticed the marks, "Come, we'll see what we can do about that bath." She said gently, as she led the girl from her office. Her own feline tail remained swaying gently behind her. The stone walls were cool as they made their way down one of the long hallways.

Cage had lived here for so long that she knew the place like the back of her hand. The secret passageways that went underground. "Normally you'll be going through the above ground route," she said gently as she made a turn to the right, "However I think you until you had your bath at least you would want to go this way. It may be a little complicated, but eventually you will learn these ways. Sometimes they are faster, which can come in handy when you're servicing your Master in some way." In what way she left ambiguous for now as they finally reached their destination.

Pressing against a colored stone on the wall, the door slid open, the gears though old seemed to have never eroded over time. The bathing house to the Terrace was large, free falling water came streaming down from what appeared the windows though upon looking closely one could tell that just beneath the edge of the window was a gap where the water came free flowing down. Another area off to one side seemed to provide showers while another one disappeared along the large bathing area. From there it would lead to the hot spring like area for when Cage had guests. Which at this point in her life, was rare.

"Now then, let's take those clothes off shall we?" She would wait, patiently, until her companion undressed. If Nhymri noticed though she still respected her enough to keep her gaze on her face, before she disappeared into one corner to pull out a bucket which contained soaps and cleaning supplies for her hair and fur. "Time to get you clean."
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Following along behind Cage, Nhymri did her best to remember the path that they took once it was mentioned that one day she might have need of it in service to her Master. Even though she didn't like her situation at least she was being treated fairly. Based on her actions and reactions so far Nhymri had decided that if Cage was training her then she could at least do her best to learn.

When Cage stopped in the bathing house Nhymri's eyes were drawn to the water. It was beautiful in this room and it spoke of the calmness that would come with time. Nodding slightly when Cage mentioned her clothes she carefully pulled off the tattered remains of her 'dress' if you cold call it that. In all actuality it was just an overlarge shirt that had been given to her when she was purchased for her Master. And indeed she did notice Cage's act of respect.

"Thank you."

Her voice came out soft, almost to quiet to hear over the falling water near by. When Cage returned with the bucket her nose twitched. The different scents appealing to her even though they were very light, and none were meant to be overpowering to the others. She stayed still, waiting for Cage to give her permission to slip into the water. In this one thing she would not hide. Her kind were very rarely shy about themselves.

Nhymri was no exception save for the fact that if Cage had been male she would have had a few more reservations. Instead she stood tall, her tail flicking back and forth slightly. She would do her best to act correctly even though she wasn't sure what that was at the given moment. She loved her baths to much to risk some of the stories she had heard in the cages to risk them.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


Cage nodded gently, "I was once in your shoes, I can understand why your Master left you to me to train properly." She watched as the girl remained still, she knew how much she had hungered for the water, to be free of all that grit and grime. The filth, that had been the cages, tended to never seem to get clean at least not at first. She gestured her hand to the water however letting Nhymri go as she deemed was safe to go. "After you my dear, soak for a few minutes and let the water calm you." She waited until she was in the water before she stripped as well.

Cage was methodical though, ever watchful to see if there was problems for the Unciajin to have. Folding her clothes, she placed them on one of the many benches the lined the baths. She knew the steamy warm water would feel like heaven for someone such as Nhymri who had denied such a privilege. And in this world it was such a thing. Slinking down to the edge of the pool of water she swung her knees into the water as she watched the girl. She knew eventually she would have to clean her, but letting her soak into bliss was something she could afford to let the girl do every once in awhile.

Only when she had thought enough time had passed did she bring the bucket closer to her, "Nhymri, come here please." She said gently, hopefully not shattering the girl's daydreaming and calmness. Once she had, she pulled the bucket out and pulled out a few bottles for her. "As this is your first day here I'm going easy on you, that and I want you to be able to have a relatively clean slate in the morning. That is when your true training begins. For tonight, you'll be able to relax. Now tell me, which of these bottles appeals to you most?"

If Nhymri had actually gotten a good look at Cage now that she was naked she would notice that black stripes hugged her curves and her naturally pale skin did have some marks. Old marks at that from how the light hit her. Scars from metal collars and manacles had stained her, however there was a single marking that also stood out of place. Above her hip bone there a tattoo, the insignia of Eden ingrained into her skin. The Fox and Dragon spiraling around the White Rose. Some said, in the old days, that White Rose had been the heart of Eden. Who knew. That was virtually the old days at this point.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Slipping into the water once she was given permission Nyhmri sighed softly. As proud as she was she was grateful to Cage for this bath if for nothing else. However just because she was calmed by the water she was still attentive enough to her surroundings to notice Cage's marks. She was careful to keep her eyes away from the scars after taking note of them but lingered over the tattoo.

Not knowing if she was allowed to ask questions or not she filed it away for later then went to answer the question she had been asked. Hesitantly reaching into the bucket she plucked out a light green one. Scenting it to make sure she had chosen the right one she handed it to Cage, the water lily fragrance helping her to calm more.

Nyhmri's only marks were faint spots down her spine and around her hips and shoulders and the cuts around her wrists. She had been lucky she supposed, judging from Cage's scars, to be found so early. Even if it meant that she would be given 'special' training to serve her master. She wasn't sure but Cage made it sound like not many were given this training.

Standing obediently before Cage she got lost in her thoughts. Some about what was to come, and some about what she had already seen and that had already been done. At least she was one of the 'unlucky' ones from her home who had not already been promised to someone. She would not have to be worried about anyone coming after her and could learn to make the best of what she was given.

Her pride would let her do nothing else. Even if she had been broken in a way by the one she trusted the most she would come back from that. So far she had done well to pull herself together but she still did not know what to expect.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


Nyhmri was going to go some very specific training under Cage. Hemlock had chosen her for a reason, Cage was the best at what she was. The delicate flower, and the deadliest poison. Four-Leaf Clover was probably the only one who rivaled her in the art of extracting information. Of course unlike Clover who tended to just leave them to the wolves, Cage tended to eradicate her kills, with her clothes still on usually.

Bedroom talk would only get so far, and that was why she was now in charge of the unciajin across from her. Trust needed to be handled first and foremost though or this would go nowhere fast. So as she waited patiently for Nyhmri to make her choice as to what to be bathed with she set to motion the moods she needed to teach. Part of her wondered if Nyhmri would handle the transition from the wild to here well. The Terrace sprawled over the valley, thus making it an ideal training ground come winter.

"You may ask questions if you wish, I'm sure you are curious," murmurred Cage as she tipped the bottle into her palm, she gestured the girl to turn so she may start washing the girl's hair. Her hands were skillful as they moved through the strands, massaging her scalp as she made sure to rid the dirt and grime from the slave pens away. She knew that at first she would never really feel clean. Cage had been that way at one point. It had taken her own self will, and a kind-hearted man and woman to teach her that she was worth being alive.

She pushed the thoughts from her mind and simply started bathing the unciajin in with quiet precision, never being to invasive but being thorough at the same time.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


As Cage washed away the dirt and grime Nyhmri held herself still, though her ears flicked back and forth occasionally. She did have questions but she wasn't sure where to begin. So while she thought about the more important things she should ask she chose the one she thought the least dangerous to herself.

"When will I meet my... Master?" She paused as if tasting the word on her tongue as she turned this way and that every so often until Cage had finished. She wasn't sure how she felt about that particular subject if she was honest but she did need to know. Even if she had to address everyone the same she expected there would be something special her Master would require of her in a first meeting.

While the wild leopard in her told her to get away from this woman behind her she kept herself firmly in place. She remembered the words about her behavior that Cage had mentioned before. She'd do her best, especially after noting Cage's scars. She hoped to avoid gaining some of those for herself.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


Cage moved with the grace she possessed. Though she may appear to be a trainer and rich lady of this house for Nyhmri she had earned every bit of it through the toils of her labor. This one she would teach all of her finest skills, after all in sense she would be one of her own. As she worked she took out the supplies from the bucket to pull it into the water and onto the tiles beside her. "Tilt your head back, kit." She said, gentle still. The young unciajin beneath her was younger than her and she wanted her to just try and trust her. That was key to make this training work. Hemlock was going to owe her a favor when she was done with Nyhmri.

If she had done so she would pour the water through her hair letting it wash away the dirt and grime until it became it's more pristine shine. Placing the bucket to one side, she tilted her head to one side at her question. "Your Master you may have met, but perhaps not on the best of terms. He wants to see you in a better life so that is why he left you with me. The Slavemaster who took you made your contract very specific so it's not as simple as releasing you I'm afraid. He is known here as Hemlock, and you could say he is a member of my clan. As such, if he does anything to you that you do not want or agree with you tell me. He may be your Master but he understands that my word is law here."

She reached for a washcloth and poured more of the green liquid onto it and placed it on her lap as she had not entered the water yet. "Turn," came her soft but firm voice. Once she had she would take the cloth and gently wash her face, neck and tops of her shoulders. "Let me see your hands Nyhmri." She wanted to see the extent of the damage, she could hope that perhaps over time the claws would grow back, if not she was going to make something so that the kitten still had her claws.
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Tilting her head back as Cage had instructed Nyhmri stood stiffly under the elder feline's ministrations until she began scrubbing gently at her hair. Unable to help the faint purr that rumbled in her chest as Cage dragged her claws over her scalp Nyhmri was slow to obey the command to turn once she had finished. Hesitantly meeting Cage's eyes once she had turned she blushed faintly. "Apologies ma'am... I..." Cutting her sentence short as Cage washed her face Nyhmri closed her eyes to avoid the soft smelling bubbles. Once Cage had finished she caught the slight change in the woman's tone of voice as she asked to see her hands.

Swallowing her apprehension and fear she slowly raised her hands from the water. As Cage inspected her finger tips she would notice that it appeared Nyhmri's claws had been removed at the nail bed, and then the raw flesh burned to prevent healing or regrowth, or possibly to prevent infection from setting in the open wounds in the pits. As Cage continued to inspect her hands it would also become apparent that at least three of her fingers had been broken at one time, however it was obvious that those injuries had healed long before now. "Is it not... Against my Master... to share what he wishes from me?" Struggling for a moment as she attempted to come to terms with the fact that she may have met him already and did not know it. Part of her, the part that had been beaten into submission by betrayal and her first experiences with in the Slave pits, was ashamed he may have seen her and judged her already.

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....


When Nyhmri purred under her hands she chuckled softly before whispering, "Good girl, enjoy it," into one of her ears. Obviously the Amurjin who sat in front of her was coming of as not as a threat to the female. Which was her job, she needed to have her trust her because she was going to have to reteach her everything she ever learned. She would be a Queen, a hunter and a slave all cultivated into one thing. "There is nothing to apologize about, I told you to relax and enjoy yourself tonight. We will go over the harder things tomorrow." She already knew it was going to be tedious to make sure to get all those snarls out of the girls hair she could only hope she would be as patient and willing as she had been.

She could tell the woman's shyness as she cautiously raised her hands to her. Cage's own were gently and smooth as she looked over each and every finger. The burn wouldn't help with things however there was hope. "These may grow back in time. It'll be a painful process, and if they don't we'll see what we can do about giving you claws back. Though I am thankful these fingers healed correctly otherwise we would have to rebreak them." She was being honest with her and the relief was evident. "Your Master is a good man, however he knows how you have been treated. While he may desire many things from you in time, he wants it to be of your choices as well."

Cage paused a moment before running her finger under the woman's chin tilting the unciajin's face up to hers. "Intimacy is always your choice with our people, kitten, so if you choose to submit to your Master in such a fashion that is your choice because that is in privacy. I will teach you everything you need to do to survive and to thrive in the public eye. There may be times that your Master will send you to go do something for him that may require such intimate charms, but you will not need to submit to that. You will learn, now go finish your bath and we'll get you dried off and we'll tackle on your hair and see about food hmm?"
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Flicking her ears back and forth for a moment Nyhmri took a moment to think about what she had been told. Deciding she wanted to explain when Cage mentioned re-breaking her fingers she curled her hands into small fists. "My fingers were not broken recently... I fell out of a tree when I really was a kit." When Cage spoke of her Master Nyhmri listened silently, filing the information away for her to think on later, though when Cage lifted her face she found herself wondering if she had begun to trust the Amurjin because she was the first person to offer her a kind touch and word since this entire ordeal began.

"Yes ma'am." Backing away from Cage and deeper into the water the Unciajin was pleasantly surprised when the bath slowly deepened, a gentle slope beneath the water offering her tender, bruised body a small reprieve as the warm water relaxed her muscles further. Taking the chance to study the room in greater detail she kept moving across the pool until she could no longer touch the bottom and keep her head above the water. Glancing back at Cage every few moments she stretched her limbs for a several moments before slowly making her way back to the edge where the Amurjin still waited.

However something caught her eye before she made it back to the waiting woman which caused her to detour towards one of the man made water falls. Ducking beneath the water she tilted her head back, letting the water fall into her face until a faint clearing of someone's throat drew her out of her thoughts. Returning to Cage finally she flicked her ears, clearing the water from the now clean fur. "....Thank you..."

Tired of being Last in line..
The first one looked over...
Always the one forgotten....