
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - TrulySubmissive

Finally!!!! Post V: Plots and Ideas

So I have several ideas, a new idea comes to mind everyday, what can I say I'm a writer, a creative writer. Anyway, I'll list about two plot ideas, for now and as time goes on, I'll add more, so here goes.

Drow/Elf- A prize of war.

Things were peaceful for a while between the Drow and Elf, at least, in the small village in which Kitara lived in. Of course, in their village, they had taken every precaution known to their kind. They had isolated themselves deep in the mountains, within a small valley that had a forest within it, a river that flowed through it, and a waterfall that fell from massive cliffs that surrounded the valley. The cliff walls were peckered with caves that each of the members in the valley lived in, but there was one big cave. This one was made for royalty and it had several tunnels that connected it to several other caves that served as rooms that the royalty used. Kitara was of royalty, but sometimes she hated it. The strict rules, duties, and studies placed upon her. She gritted her teeth against the thought. They also only had one big entrance into the valley. This too was a system of caves and tunnels that way if any enemies did stumble upon the most outer cave, they'd become helplessly loss.

Of course, their Elven community was still wary, they guarded the entrance day and night and always had patrol men who rode horses throughout the entrance caves and tunnels to check them frequently. Kitara sighed softly, just thinking about it gave her a headache, she craved freedom and she wanted to see the outside world really bad. She had never seen a drow before, and she wanted to see one, she wanted to experience it. So after several months of training, she slipped down and out of her room and into the valley. She headed towards the stables as she clucked her tongue, her mighty stallion, Smoke, came running out, as black as the night itself. She hopped on him and spurred him into a gallop. She had a pouch around her waist and as she neared the entrance, she scattered the powder in her pouch over the guards, causing them to pass out and collapse against the stone walls of the valley as she raced into the tunnels, navigating them as she had been taught to do. She was soon out and in a vast forest and she slowed to a walk as she looked around.

She was amazed, her breath taken away, of course, she had her bow and arrow with her as well as her dagger in case she was ever in trouble as her horse clip clopped through the forest and she looked around. She was so distracted by the sights that she didn't see the drow following above her in the trees. Little, did she know that this drow had been watching her, from high above the valley, perched upon the towering cliff walls, watching this strange, exotic beauty. Now, he followed her, racing along branches of the trees as he leapt from tree to tree, nimble, stealthy and quiet as a mouse as he followed her. He wanted to claim her, to take her as his own personal toy, his own personal slave and so he would, come hell or high water.

Demon/ A sold soul: Selling yourself for a loved one.

Leylah sighed softly, she didn't know that a demon had been watching her for some time now, and so when a man approached her to ask what was wrong, she didn't suspect anything. She told him that her father was sick. She looked down at the fountain, swirling her finger through the water as she swallowed hard, though, tears came nevertheless, spilling down her face and into the water. She looked up as the man had said that perhaps he could help her father. Her eyes widened slightly and she asked if he really could do that. She trembled slightly as he pulled a piece of parchment out of his pocket, a devious grin crossing his face as he handed it to her and said all you have to do is sign and you father will be as healthy as a horse. She took it eagerly and skimmed it over, barely reading it as she signed it, happy that her father would be healthy again. Though, she didn't know at what price, until the next day, the man came to her house, and kidnapped her, taking her and her soul into his realm, and showing his true form, which included tentacles.
Alright, so now's the fun part, Post IV: the pairings, and characters that I can play.

So the character that I am willing to play will be in bold and the pair I am craving most will have more *'s beside it. So here goes:


Master/Slave *
Drug Dealer/Prostitute***
Pirate/ Hide-a-way Princess****
Pirate/Captured mermaid****
Drow/ Elf*
Abusive father/ Daughter*
Demon/ Sold Soul****
Kidnapper/ Victim****

More will be added at a later date

So now onto the Characters and their descriptions. (Pictures included)

Name: Kitara
Age: She appears to be 20, but is 200 years old
Race: Elf
Personality: Kitara is an Elven Princess, but she is one stubborn and hardheaded gal. She hates the duties of being a princess and often wants to escape just to be free. She hates having to wear dresses that make her stumble and fall and having to do her studies. However, she loves to be outside, all the time, doing stuff that warriors do. So in the early morning hours before her village awakens, she slips out the door, and trains as a warrior, running through the forest and taking down deer with just the throw of her sharp dagger that she made when she realized that she wanted to be a warrior. She has an accurate throw, but is stubborn and hardheaded, she supposes that is her weakness, but she can't help it, she fights back and argues and doesn't hold her tongue all that often. When in danger she uses her aquired skills as a warrior to fight tooth and nail. She can also aim with almost 100% accuracy with a bow and arrow that she also made when she realized she wanted to be a warrior. Yet, when she has to, she will do her duties and do her studies, she can be kind, caring, nice, bubbly, happy and joyful when she's not training or when she's not fighting.
Description: Kitara stands at about 5'7" and weighs in at about 115 Lbs. She has the elegant, graceful figure of a princess, and yet, the toned and athletic figure of a warrior. She had creamy skin the color of caramel and long, bright red hair that falls to her waist in waves and curls. It frames and oval face, with deep, piercing hazel green eyes, accompanied by a natural blush and a sprinkle of freckles across her arched, high cheek bones that slope down to meet two lush, plump, dark red lips. Her head sweeps down to form a narrow, thin, elegant neck that curves out to form two narrow, toned arms that rippled when she pulls back the bow, or throws a dagger. It also curves out to form two, full C cup breasts that bounce with each step. They curve down to form a narrow, thin stomach, that curves out to form two well-graced hips, forming a rounded, and, well gifted and large, though, not disgustingly so, but just right. Her bottom dips down to form two narrow, yet, toned legs. She also has several tattoos that claim her place as a princess as well as piercings that mark her as a princess.

Name: Leylah
Age: 19
Race: Human
Role: Sold Soul
Description of personality and looks: Leylah sat by the edge of the small village well in the center of town. She had big blue eyes set in her face with naturally long, black eyelashes and skin the color of pure white china. To accent the skin, she had long wavy locks of dark brown hair with natural red and light brown highlights that fell to her shoulder blades and framed her oval shaped face. She sat on the well, humming a small song to herself as she bent down to scoop out the water as she hummed to herself. She was modest and, though, she received a lot of compliments about her beauty, she was humble about it and did not boast.

Along with pale skin, and dark brown hair, she had cheeks that were always light red to accent the pure white of her skin. A sprinkle of freckles ran across her cheeks and her nose as if someone had sprinkled cinnamon on her when she was born and she had plush, full, dark red lips that seemed to glow like a rose in the middle of a field of snow. She also had a slim, curved body that was about 5'7" in height and about 115 Lbs. in weight. Her neck curved down to meet with slim shoulders that supported C cup breasts that bounced with each step, not too big and not too small, but just right. Her chest molded perfectly with the small, slim belly and it slowly curved out to form broad and wide hips that men often tried to grab a hold of. If she was grabbed, she would blush a fierce red and wriggle away from the man to disappear again into the crowd of the village before the man had the chance to grab her again. The hips smoothed out into two long, slim, toned legs from years of running through the forests and walking through the streets of the village. She hummed the soft song, as she balanced the bucket of water on her head, and stuck out her arms for balance.

Though, she was 19 years old, she acted like a little kid sometimes and even her laughter, like chimes on the wind, sounded like a child's laugh. She let out a small giggle as she started walking back home, not caring if people stared at her, she was silly and goofy and she was proud of it. She kept her arms out, sometimes swaying to keep the bucket on her head as she balanced on the toes of her brown moccassins. On this day she was wearing a pale yellow dress with a red sash that went through the middle of it and she giggled again and a small cry of surprise passed through her blood red lips as some water slopped out and dampened her back and she scooped the bucket off her head and walked the rest of the way home, still humming the small tune to herself as she went.
Now, Almost to the fun part, Post III. and then we'll get to the pairings, characters, and roleplays. So bear with me.

Well, I guess I can summarize all my kinks and limits into one big Rabbit hole. Yes, I am somewhat of a masochistic submissive, but not to the point of just plain scary, not for me, so here you are:

and all maybes are up for discussion
Now onto Post II.

What I expect from my partners

So for starters, I expect:
Literacy and Grammar: This is a must from all of my partners. I will NOT accept one-liners, at all, period, nada, zip. So, if you are the roleplayer who does that, then this is not the thread for you, not at all. Am I asking you to write a novel, to write a book? No, don't over-exaggerate, all I'm asking is that if I write 4 paragraphs, you write at least 1, 1 is the minimum, but I wouldn't mind more, just saying, sheesh. Another thing, Grammar, now I am NOT a Grammar nazi, however, I do appreciate good grammar, I know we all make mistakes once in a while and that's alright, but if you are constantly roleplaying in words such as u, ur, r, txt, ect. Then, I will not even give you a chance at a roleplay, so don't bother messaging me if that's the case. Onward!
Respect: Again, this is a must, I will respect you if you respect me. That means, that if I have limits, please, don't cross them, and that also means that if you want to drop a roleplay, please, all I ask is that you PM me to let me know, I hate, absolutely, HATE, it when you just drop a roleplay without no message saying that you were dropping it. You don't even have to explain why, just tell me that you are, because then I'm there, checking the roleplay for any new responses and not getting one in months or weeks. It's irritating.
To try to Post once a day or let me know of any absences/ lack of posting: Now this is not a must, but it would be nice if we could keep the roleplay flowing from day to day. I do understand that real life gets busy and well if that's the case, PM me and let me know, I'll be cool about it and give you the time you need to get in a post or a response.

And I think that's about all that I require from my partners, so if you can't follow 3 simple requirements that I have, then, again, this is not the thread for you.
Well Hello, Everyone and Welcome to my New Request Thread

Table of contents

Post I. Introduction (A look into the way I roleplay)
Post II. What I expect from my partners
Post III. My Kinks, and my limits
Post IV. Pairings and characters (including pictures and descriptions of the character.)
Post V. Plots and Ideas that I have.

So a little bit about me, hmmm, where to start, there's so much? I suppose I'll start off with a short introduction into what type of roleplayer I am, so I am:

Literate: I tend to post about 4-7 paragraphs or more if I get really involved within a roleplay, and interested enough. Now I'm not expecting all my partners to post that, but I do expect you to give me something to work with, that means ABSOLUTELY NO ONE LINERS. 1-4 paragraphs is acceptable for me.
Third-person POV: This means I would rather roleplay in third person, I don't know what it is about first person, I guess first person just feels more personal to me, as if I'm actually the character I am roleplaying and quite frankly, it creeps me out. So third person is the way I roleplay, if you don't like it, then I don't care, just know that this probably isn't your type of request thread then.
Frequent: So now comes the question of what I mean by frequent, by this I mean that I generally post at least once a day if not more. However, real life is more important than roleplaying, so, yes, I do have a hectic schedule, but I will provide you with a rough outline of my schedule. Sometimes, I tend to forget about roleplays if the responses take longer than a week and a half. I usually assume that you are no longer interested and have dropped the roleplay. However, I know how crazy and hectic real life can become, so if something does come up, please, just PM me and let me know that you won't be able to post. I am a pretty chill, relaxed person, so I won't get angry, or upset, just let me know, that's all I ask you. So now here's a rough sketch of my schedule:

Monday: Work 12-9
Tuesday: Off, with a college class 3-4
Wednesday: Work 12-9
Thursday: Off, with a college class 3-4
Friday: Work 8-4
Saturday: Work 8-6
Sunday: Work 8-6

Now this is just a rough sketch, but that's pretty much how my schedule looks. So I get busy, but I'll try to post at least once a day, if not every other day.
Respectful: By this I mean that I am respectful of my partners. If you have limits, I won't cross them. I most certainly will never God Mod, and if you say you are uninterested, or even drop a roleplay with me after shooting me a PM explaining why, then I won't throw a tantrum. All I ask is that you return the same respect to me and I'll do the same for you.
Strong Preferences: By this I mean typically when I roleplay, I have strong preferences for certain kinks, roleplays, and other things of the likes, so call it as you may, but some think I'm picky. If you don't like it, it's okay, but again, this isn't the thread for  you. So with that in mind, I am open to suggestions, though, so if you are uncertain, PM me, tell me your suggestion, opinion, and your idea. The worse thing I'll do is say no, I'm not a mean, strict person, though, it sometimes seems like that, I'm not, I'm relaxed and chill, so just PM me.
Introductions / Well Hello There
March 28, 2013, 11:16:34 PM
Well, mhmm, hello, I'm trulysubmissive. Anyway, I am new to this site, not new to roleplaying. So no, I may be a newb, not a noob though. I have about 2 years worth of experience of roleplaying and I tend to lean towards BDSM roleplays, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub, however you would like to put it. I guess I came to the right place then. Well, I'm glad I checked out this website, hmmm, what else to say, let's see, I am an experienced writer, not published (unfortunately), but experienced nonetheless. I am literate, creative, and I like plot, over smut. So that being said, I love to add twists and I am always tweaking with a roleplay. I do not God-mod, or control other characters, and I respect all or any of my partners. So anyway, I hope to start a roleplay soon, but I just wanted to introduce myself first