
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Staria

General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 26, 2012, 08:38:43 PM
Deidra moaned into the kisses and pressing her lips to his cheek and along his brow, where ever she could reach. She didn't understand any of this, but she knew she liked it and wanted every moment. She whimpered slightly at the simple kiss of her lip only to press her lips to his and kiss him passionately. She held his shoulders beneath each of her hands, and shivered. She looked away a moment and blushed, looking at him from under her long dark lashes.

"I...I want to be with you...but..I..I've never...I don't know how ...I mean..." She trailed off and blushed at the fact. The truth was though she knew the basics act of penetration in sex but that summoned up her knowledge. She gazed at him then, unable to express how she felt. Her eyes were filled with desire, almost need, but she didn't seem to know how to fulfill, how to express it to him.

General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 22, 2012, 12:32:58 AM
She made a soft but sudden sound, almost like a cry as he rubbed against her. Its tone held that of longing, sounding almost like a plea. Her hands gripped against him tighter and she lost all  ability to think for a moment. She trembled from head to toe and she blushed at the warmth and moisture she knew he would find. She opened her eyes for just a moment only for him to kiss her. The fierce passion of it cause another deep moan to escape her and she pressed into his touch.

"I...should I?" She gasped out, her voice slightly husky. She wanted to sound teasing and confident as he did but she failed. Her voice trembled slightly and there was a warmth that she had not used for another living being in some time. She wanted him despite herself... her body didn't even seem to care if he treated her as his goddess or his slave, just as long as he still touched her. She wanted to feel him over every inch of her, to know every inch of him... every scar, every freckle, every line. It felt like outside that cave the world did not exist, only he and she existed.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 22, 2012, 12:06:15 AM
He was teasing her again... then again he had been doing nothing but tease her. She whimpered into his shoulder as he began to remove her remaining clothing and she knew her human form would soon lay bare to him. She felt her hand raise to his chest but when it got there all she could do was lay it against the firm muscles. She shivered at the feeling and his fingertips against the full naked curves of her hips. Perhaps she was wrong....perhaps she could not stop him after all. All her power seemed to have left her, and she felt almost as if she was no different then a human laid bare before her lover.

She trembled at the idea of the word that had leapt to mind. She tilted her head to look at him a moment. Her eyes were open, revealing how she felt easily for once. Open...bare...vulnerable. She knew she was helpless now. He could do anything to her body and she would be able to do nothing but moan beneath his strong hands. He had captured something so precious she had promised never to give it away again, her heart. She bit her lip but she touched his cheek and pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss. She had given up... she would give her whole self to him and he could take as much of it as he would be the first time she hadn't fought someone off for fear or disgust. Perhaps because if she was truthful to herself she wanted him .... wanted him so much her hips tightened in anticipation.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 21, 2012, 11:48:42 PM
"'s okay"  she whimpered a little faster then she meant to. She felt her back arch slightly as he continued to tease at the far too sensitive skin. She felt herself press into the touch even as it made her tremble. She returned the kiss with some passion though she hadn't meant to... anymore then she meant to gasp and grab onto his hips harder then she meant to as he teased against her inner thigh. Never had a simple touch set so much of her body to tingling and she trembled slightly. She tried to hide her whimper by leaning in to kiss his shoulder as she hid against it.

"if...I really wanted you to stop it would not be we are." She said quietly, even as she hid from his gaze. She bit her lip as he touched her breast and another gasp escaped her, a soft and helpless sort of sound. His hands seem to have more power over her then a blade ever could. Every time they left her it felt so cold... yet when he touched her it seemed to make her heart beat so fast she could barely breath. It was maddening...
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 21, 2012, 11:32:56 PM
Deidre instinctively gripped his wrist even as a soft moan escaped her, the skin beneath her clothes was so sensitive. Her lips parted instinctively as he teased at her lip, ready to welcome him in. She pressed into his lips slightly when he touched hers but trembled lightly. Such kind and gentle words were not fair... How was she suppose to fight him when his words and touches nearly taunted her to touch him?

"I...This you mean? I... I assume you want ...want to touch me. What would you call such a thing?" She said quietly as for a moment her eyes lifted to his. She searched them, unsure. She expected lust but the gentleness also as them startled her... It had since the first time he'd reached out to her.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 21, 2012, 11:13:14 PM
She shivered as his hands teased at her and she let her eyes close. She blushed as he spoke but couldn't help but think it was something wrong for her. She wasn't use to be like this... to be treated truly like a woman, like HIS woman. He touched her like he was some treasure he needed to be careful with. She bit her lip slightly only for a moan to part them as he continued to tease at her neck and shoulder. She let out a deep, sharp sound as he nipped her filled with surprise and pleasure both. She forced her eyes open and looked at him.

"Either..." She whispered almost meekly. She raised her eyes to his and stayed quiet a moment. Finally she raised a hand to touch his cheek. She followed the lines of it when she finally spoke, not looking directly into his eyes as she did so. She felt uncertain... but she still made her quiet admission.

"I...I've had demons, Incubi and Succubi try to seduce me so they could defeat me... but it felt nothing like this..."
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 21, 2012, 10:58:20 PM
She trembled slightly as he gripped her hips and pulled her so close, able to feel so much of him like this.  She closed her eyes a moment, unable to believe what she felt. Why did it feel so wonderful no matter how little he touched her? She moaned softly as he nibbled and her knees seemed to grow weak. She was glad they were not standing, she wasn't sure she could trust them.

"V.vulnerable? Perhaps I am..." She whispered softly with a slight blush. She leaned into his palm without really meaning too, almost purring as she did so. She was almost frightend of just how vulnerable she was but she couldn't stop herself. She had faced demons with powers over lust and the body but this was...different. This she couldn't fight.

"I..I don't understand myself..." She admitted quietly and glanced away. Would he think she was ...loose for this? Or that it had something to do with the fact she was a demon? She felt a trickle of fear at the thought. She didn't worry he would kill her, that she could deal with if he attempted, it was just the thought he'd leave her in this cold cave alone once more.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
March 21, 2012, 10:42:41 PM
Deidre whimpered as he kissed her but pressed her lips into his. She was surprised as he moved her hands but wrapped them slowly around his hips. She was hesitant, unsure, but more then willing. She gripped his hips slightly as he drew her closer but did not fight. She nuzzled into his shoulder as she blushed softly, knowing even as he said that she'd give anything to him. How had he defeated her fear so easily?

She moaned as he kissed her neck, no longer concerned with the answer. All that mattered was that he had and now she was his.  As she thought that he did indeed call her his...His precious? She blushed deeply as he said it and simply nodded. She kissed his cheek softly as she whispered a soft and simple 'Yes'. She wanted to be his precious everything she realized and it startled her.
Open Roleplay / Re: Covens
November 11, 2011, 12:49:31 PM
Cassie gasped in faint surprise as she was pulled closer but instantly the surprise was replaced with contentment. She snuggled into him slightly even as she wrote the songs she composed.  She giggled a little at the nuzzle, simply enjoying being close to him. His scent was now permanently tied to very.... happy memories. Perhaps due to her lack of memories of her past, her new memories were so very important and the night before had been particularly special.

Cassie glanced over to Sarah as she began to explain the night before and a frown pulled at her delicate lips. That wasn't the truth.... but if Sarah lied she had to have good reason right? Teacher did say that vampires were supposed to be kept secret to avoid mass she simply nodded, offering none of her own thoughts. She only glanced to Onnen as he spoke of the setting sun, remembering he's purpose with the fledglings. Hmm... was that all that it was?
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 09:59:07 PM
She shivered as he teased her lips, making a soft sound almost like  a whine. She was trapped by those fingers she knew.... she'd do anything to keep him near. She let herself be lifted without a word though she did gasp in surprise. She held herself close, letting herself be pushed down as she felt a strange excitement at his firm touch. She gripped his wrist gently but not to fight... no.... she was beneath his touch simply a delicate flower opening shyly up.

She closed her eyes as he kissed along her jaw, half moaning at his teasing fingers.  She leaned into his chest slightly, letting herself simply enjoy his gentle touch. She opened her eyes as he kissed her fingertips, so close to where her claws often formed. She trembled lightly at the simple of trust and the almost erotic touch. She nuzzled into his shoulder, smiling softly.

"What choice do I have? It seems the brave ranger has caught me after all, just not the way he was supposed to" She said with a soft chuckle. She stayed close, enjoying his warmth. She felt almost teased ... but she loved it.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 09:23:24 PM
She blushed deeply as he laughed at her, those vivid eyes lifting to his. She coudln't look away, though she shivered as he brushed her hair away so she was left more open, more vulnerable. He had to see every longing, every emotions she didn't know how to hide. She knew how to look emotionless when she was hurting... but this... this she couldn't fight. She whimpered as he brushed his lips across her so teasingly, leaning into him even as his touch grew lighter. She clung to him and looked away, blushing deeper.

"I did not say.... that... I desire release... from my capture..." She said quietly, blushing even deeper. She could not get the taunting tone he had, but she tried. Truth be told she did indeed feel like she'd been captured, like an insect in a honey trap and now it was to late to escape without it hurting more then being trapped.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 08:50:11 PM
Deidra gasped as his tongue touched hers, her lips parting willingly. Her mouth surrendered to his tongue, her own almost shy. She let herself be held, trembling as his palms lowered and teased. She didn't know why it made her feel so helpless, so caught. She knew if she called on her demon blood she could push him off ... but she couldn't... she wouldn't.

"This isn't fair... I ...I am instantly defeated..." She whimpered before pressing into a kiss with her whispered words.  She couldn't fight him, she couldn't stop him, she simply wanted his lips... his hands... his touch.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 08:30:46 PM
She shivered, the cooed phrase had just sounded so intimate. It made her breath catch and she buried her face deeper into his chest as he stroked her hair. She closed her eyes, briefly beginning to relax as suddenly she felt him tilting her towards him. She flushed but only opened her eyes for a moment before she pressed into his lips, passionately. She reached back one hand to touch his hair tentatively as she held close to his chest. She was his for the taking and judging by the rapid beating of her heart, the sheer pounding of it, she knew it.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 08:16:55 PM
Deidra let herself be pulled to him, watching him with a soft uncertainty. She trembled a little as be touched her jaw, but inwardly had to admit he was right. She didn't really understand still... she still felt so lost. She bit her lip, looking down and slowly nodded. Her eyes were slightly cat like in her nervousness and emotion but she did decide.

"I...would like to go with you......and see what there is to see" She finally whispered, hiding her face in his chest a moment. By his side... why did that phrase make her heart beat faster and with joy at taht? She nuzzled his chest slightly, staying there where he held her.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 08:05:24 PM
Deidra tensed as he touched her and attempted to resist the urge relax as he nuzzled her. He wasn't fair, using this tenderness against her when she didn't know how to defend against it. She whimpered as he whispered in her ear, the struggle to maintain her tense and defensive posture becoming more difficult. was he asking her to go with him?

"a promise to return here? ...with you? Are you asking me to go with you?" She turned slowly towards him, her gaze searching his helplessly. She whispered her words, confusion in her gaze. She didn't understand, was he just toying with her. She bit her lip, gazing at him almost....hopefully. She then tilted her head to the side, looking more puzzled.

"see one another.... what does that mean?" She asked, revealing a bit more of her innocence in such matters then she meant to.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 07:48:45 PM
More tragic words, more signs of broken promises. He asked to be a friend, an ally, when he knew he would simply have to leave? She almost pushed him away as he kissed her again, feeling a tear within her she couldn't explain. She slowly stood, turned her back to him and walked to the fire to sit next to it, so he wouldn't see the disappointment or the pain.

"Yet you expect me to be accepted where you are not? You really are an idealistic fool.... " She finally said in a cold voice as she kept her face hidden. She felt lied to, used. All this talk of teaching her how to live, of asking her only to stay at his side and then this?
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 07:30:19 PM
Deidra shivered as he kissed her and titled her head to the side. She leaned in slightly, as if addicted to the simple sensation. Such gentleness... such warmth. She trembled a little bit as she felt his hand in her hair, realizing she was vulnerable. Still she only opened her eyes as he brushed his fingertips across her lips which caused her to be unable to stop her blushing. She sighed, slowly coming to a decision

"As long as you are here.... I will try...." She whispered softly.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 07:04:58 PM
" not think I would let them" She whispered almost secretively. She bit her lip, her eyes widening as clearly she had not meant to say that aloud. She didn't want him to know what she felt, even though part of her felt it was likely be very clear. She felt torn as he spoke of not being touched, about to say something when he touched her. She couldn't help but whimper, closing her eyes and leaning in just a little.

" know the answer to that..." She said with a sigh, looking away a moment. He'd already pointed out she could stop him at any time.... they both knew she was physically stronger. Well... at least she was when he wasn't making her muscles tremble in weakness and longing.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 06:44:25 PM
Deidra instinctively closed her eyes as he kissed her, forgetting to argue. His lips... it wasn't fair how they made her momentarily forget what she was going to do or say. She shivered a little, leaning forward into each kiss as if they were her only breath. Her dark hair would brush his chest and shoulder, falling against him like silk.

"I..I have only been met with scorn, why would they say such things if they wanted me around.... No... perhaps there are more elsewhere but you are the only one here...." She said quietly, blushing deeply a moment. The only one she wanted to be here her own mind finished unbidden. She didn't want to think such things. She shook her head as if to clear it and glanced down at the ground.

"W...we should be working... not discussing something so....frivolous...and your wounds... we...we have to be careful" She muttered as if to change the subject from her beauty or there lack of. It was still day light for a few hours so they could not see the doctor yet but still... there had to be something, someway to hide.
General Roleplay / Re: Tainted
November 09, 2011, 06:22:46 PM
She gasped lightly as he pulled her into his lap, gripping both his shoulders now. She was afraid, uncertain, but the pounding of her heart made it clear she was also excited. With their bodies so close together.... could he feel it? Part of her feared he could and she blushed deeply as he spoke. Should she be resentful? No.... he didn't think she'd cast a spell, he knew she was not a succubus, a demon of sex. She was a demon of destruction, not seduction.

"y...You are the only one who has ever believed that so or been taken with me at all. I would not even know how to cast such a spell, nor can i comprehend why you think me glorious.....why....? Why me? and why would I need to...f..forgive you?" She answered him quietly, breathlessly. Her hands trembled slightly, even as her eyes filled with hunger. Hunger to be close, to touch, to be loved. For the first time since her mothers death she did not feel alone and she wasn't sure how to deal with it.