
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - InMyKage

Roleplay Requests by Females / Kage requests (M/F, M/M)
November 21, 2012, 05:41:43 PM
Hello, most just call me Kage. I am rather shy, until I get to know people then its hard to shut me up. I've been roleplaying for about five years, but its doesn't make me an awesome writer ALL the time, I do my best to please, learn and get better. Don't be scared to tell me I made mistake, I aim to become a better writer, to meet new people, and come up with awesome stories. I very relaxed and very open minded. Cant knock it unless to tired it once, everything I can't do I've tried and its usually stuff I cant handle.
Roleplay Style
I usually Roleplay through forum but I will roleplay through PMs. I can't roleplay through IMs it get confusing and annoying for me.
As far as how much, write what you can I understand we can't all be novelist I know I am not but I would like at least a paragraph most of the time, or pretty close... One liners are okay here and there. HAVE FUN WITH IT.

I do play both male and female. As a male I can play both sub and dom, but as a female I can only play sub... I know I am weird its just hard for me. Sorry.

As far as Idea's and pairings I usually go off pairings people like then I go into the story line together. I like to talk with roleplays partners even if its not about the roleplay it just makes it easier to get into the roleplay that way.

(I don't care which part I play unless I say MC-My character YC-Your character

I like a lot of the popular pairings such as:
Student/student (Rich kid/Poor kid)(Bullied/football team)
Student/teacher(Bullied student/helpful teacher)(Scholar student/teacher)
Student/Principal(Trouble maker/Principal)
Though I really like going into depth about these pairings not just normal he's bullied and he comes to his rescue. I like something more along like he's bullied everyday then goes home and because of all his siblings his parents don't notice, he usually spends most of his time study.... I really like to know more about the character what he's thinking what he sees through his eye's. Even though MC wont know I think it really adds more to the story, really helps me get know what your idea for your character is and what not.

Pairings I am craving are:
Blind(deaf)/Helper(friend/random person)
Scientist/Subject (This can involve furry or fantasy character like demons vampires whatever)
Prisoner of war/Guard
Prisoner of war/Prince (these both can be twisted any way possible)

Another thing Vampires I don't mind using some of the elements that twlight uses, I just can't do sparkling vampires. According to the book he was suppose to look like crystal not sparkling, just saying. No offence to anyone who does enjoy twlight.

IF you have pairing I am more than happy to talk it over with you These are just carvings and examples.

Thank you for reading and I hope you find something you enjoy.
Introductions / Re: Hello everyone
November 19, 2012, 01:53:23 PM
Lol Snuggles always cheer me up. So snuggles are always good. Lol
Introductions / Re: Hello everyone
November 18, 2012, 10:30:16 PM
Faekit is very cute name... Most people call me Kage not my real name but it unisex and I play both male and female characters, so it kind of fits I guess... I tried changing it but now I've gotten use to it and cant change it Lol.
Introductions / Re: Hello everyone
November 18, 2012, 05:53:36 PM
Thank Cirinde <3
Introductions / Re: Hello everyone
November 18, 2012, 03:17:39 PM
Thank you Pooskey!
Introductions / Re: Hello everyone
November 18, 2012, 05:18:44 AM
Thank you Takoda, its really nice... Just been looking around very easy to look around and get a feel about everything.
Introductions / Hello everyone
November 18, 2012, 03:48:41 AM
Hello everyone, I usually go by Kage I like to use the username InMyKage because I think its unique and kind of 'welcome to my world'.
I really enjoy role playing and talking to other's everything. And I saw this site and thought it would cool to join. I hope to meet a lot of new people and gain a couple good role plays.
I am very shy and quiet at times but once you get me talking I enjoy talking lol.
Other than roleplaying I enjoy crocheting(knitting), I enjoy drawing, I enjoy painting, reading, and of course writing. Some of my favorite books are define normal and the outsiders.
I roleplay a lot as much at life will let me. Lol. I roleplay a lot of different character, I can play both genders and I do my best to be able to both dominate and submissive. Only thing I am not so great at playing F/F(female female) pairings, I really did try I can try again it might have just been the role play its self but it would have to be with some very patient its something new to me. I can write sometimes up to 5 paragraphs though that's usually the first post after that it only gets up to five when I have a lot of time on my hands or when I have a sudden burst of uncontrollable inspiration. I usually write about three paragraphs, unless the post small then I go off what you can give, I play off my partner. As far as how well I write and grammar. I think I am pretty good at writing spelling isn't a problem, usually unless its different language or a word I don't use a lot but usually I would look it up first, everything else I try to do my best to at and I think its pretty good. 
Contacting me is pretty simple my user I don't check my email that much so a PM would probably get my attention faster than an email would everything else IM's and stuff I will give them if needed but I usually don't like using them because I am not on my messengers enough to use them a hole lot but they are much easier than emailing so yeah.

I am very open ask me something any concerns I am willing to answer.