
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Onnen

General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 07, 2011, 08:43:45 PM

"The kind of Kidnapper that doesn't plan on knowing the person he kidnapped past the required job time" Looking towards the girl as he spoke before scooting himself down on the rock so he could lay against it somewhat. He wasn't stupid, he knew where the girl lived and who she was thanks to the note, what he hadn't counted on was that the note had left out the "minor" detail of the girls gang, which could prove to be a bit of a pain in the ass for him later on if he wasn't careful. Truly the only reason he tied to rope to the girl was so he'd know if she'd get a head start, hell any dumb ass could escape the rope tied around their ankle, it wasn't like she would get far from him now that he had his attention set on her.

He was the stereotypical wasteland cowboy, all he was missing was the hat and the little shiny metal star to pin to his chest. The occasional howl of the wind and lonesome sound of a far off coyote was the only sound around them other then the crackling of the fire. The only real thing he worried about was the fact the girl was dressed in her pajamas, it would of been obvious as hell if he walked into one of the towns with her like that...and there was nothing stopping her from screaming "HELP" as soon as they got into town, it wasn't like he could make the trip in one full setting, no he needed supplies, not only for himself, but he needed to keep this girl alive now if he wanted the rest of his payday to come in. "I'm kinda surprised your friends haven't come lookin' for you ye-"

And almost right on cue, the sound of a loud bang could be heard off in the distance...followed by the whizzing of a bullet planting itself in the ground next to the campfire. He reacted quickly, without warning grabbing the girl and picking her up with almost relative ease, and moving to cover. It was faster then it would have been if he'd simply of ran to cover and had to drag the girl along with him. He couldn't see much in the dark, so he couldn't tell where the shots were coming from, only the occasional whizzing sound of a bullet landing near them told him they were still being fired at. He growled lightly under his breathe, rolling onto his back and glancing up over the rock somewhat "I take that back"
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 07, 2011, 03:33:29 PM
He pulled the knife back to himself as soon as she made a move towards it, though as soon as she spoke again the look of confusion on his face was all that really needed to be said. She did have a point...but then again she could just be saying it so she could more easily pry the knife from his grip...then she could actually be being serious...who the fuck was serious about being kidnapped and cool with it? Dallas tilted his head at the girl, looking at her as if she was insane for a minute or two before simply stabbing the knife into the ground next to him and continuing to look at her.

"Lemme get this straight, you want me, to cut you loose, which would in turn give you a better chance of running off or something, but your argument is, quote, you're unarmed, half naked, freezing, in the middle of said nowhere and you don't have any shoes on so I shouldn't worry about a thing..." He did have to least she was honest about that part, didn't mean he trusted her any. Dark blue eyes scanned the girl for a few moments more, he wasn't sure if she was just being a smart ass, trying to do something, or was actually trying to compromise with him. He scoff a bit, shaking his head and looking towards the fire. The girl was only a few years younger than himself, and she didn't look as stupid as her comment sounded.

"....Alrighty then miss....?" looking towards her with raised brow as if asking for her name, it wasn't like he'd memorized it after looking at the card. He wasn't expecting this, in truth fuck it might of been just a shitload easier if she remained the same potty mouthed woman she was when she woke up, at least it would mean he had to keep her tied up and so forth, fuck would of given him an excuse to keep being an asshole. "You bring up a good argument, I'll cut your bindings....on one condition" As soon as she'd allowed him to cut the rope free from her wrists, he'd be cautious, if any attempt was made to run or attack him he'd pin her right down onto the ground and he wouldn't be so "nice" anymore. As soon as the rope was cut he began to fashion it over again into one long line, wrapping it around his own wrist and then afterwords, wrapping it around her leg. It wasn't like he was going to ask for permission before he tied her again, but it would give her more freedom...just not enough to go running off.

With that deed done, he'd remove duster, exposing the belts and buckles that lined his torso. He had various soft cases and of course the two knives kept close to his chest, on his back was a large sheathed machete. It was obvious he was a "knife" sort of person, the only fire arm on his person was still only the Colt that was safely holstered on his hip, shirt clinging to toned form, and a "USMC" Emblem tattoo'd near his wrist. He'd toss the duster to the girl, seeing as how he couldn't have her dying of the cold before he could finish his job, and sit back down on the rock, kicking up a stray log into the fire to feed it. "Don't make me regret it."
General Roleplay / Re: Hunter's Moon [Onnen x TakodaVega]
November 07, 2011, 12:18:30 PM

"Yeah sounds better when I say romantic stuff, yes?" giving a small little smirk in her direction before nuzzling a bit into the crook of her shoulder and neck. Sure he hated the cold because it wreaked hell on his body thanks to his vampiric blood, but whenever he was around her he never even felt the cold. Nuzzling into her again and simply holding her close to him for few more minutes before he simply lifted her off of the seat, arms wrapped around her waist and spinning her around for a few moments, being playful before letting her back down onto a vertical base.

He was certainly in a cuddly mood today wasn't he? maybe it was the cold weather changing his mood again, or her scent letting his worries and stress disappear, but it was probably the fact that he had her warm, gentle body against his for the first time in what seemed like forever again. "So I digress, romantic excuse for seeing you again sounds good, and I shall stick to it"
General Roleplay / Re: Rebels and Royalty
November 07, 2011, 09:49:46 AM

"And what? You want to keep working for some fat slob and his whore queen that sit high up on their castle without a care in the world while we toil through hell? Bollocks to that" It wasn't just the alcohol speaking in the young man, he truly was growing sick of the royalty that ran these lands. The unfair treatment, how the king raped the townsfolk for their meager salary leaving them with almost nothing, oh yeah it was "great" that he provided them farm land and cattle to work the fields, it was less great that he charged them for every single little thing afterwords. Soon enough the bar keep and his staff had heard enough of Josephs ranting and raving, and he went flying out the door....literally.

He landed on the ground with a hard splat, rolling slightly in pain to his side as the occupants of the bar laughed and carried on with their drunken sploshing about. He laid there on the ground, arm laying across his chest and hand on his ribs for a few more moments before he sat himself up and spit on the ground. He wore an old black long sleeved shirt and the same could be said about his pants, boots were torn apart and covered in dirt and mud, chin length hair tied back and face kept neatly shaved...well, at least as neat as he could with the shitty items he had at his disposal. He was a simple black smith, the days he didn't spend crafting steel was spent in hiding and secrecy.

After all you had to be secret when you were supplying rebels like himself with custom made weaponry and rag tag armor, more importantly, they had to be made to the point where they couldn't be traced back to him, lest he be hanged or tortured. He pulled himself onto his feet, stretching and rolling his back to pop before he limped his way down the street towards a local merchant selling fruit in the street, paying with the little he had left and taking a nice large bite out of it...after all it was the only thing he'd eaten the entire day.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 07, 2011, 09:31:21 AM

Dallas looked over to the girl as she finally began to stir, giving a chuckle and a shake of his head as he watched her flail around tugging and pulling at her bindings like it would actually do something. Her words caused yet another chuckle to escape from him, which evolved slowly into a laugh, lowering the rag from off of the lower half of his face so she could see his toothy smirk. "Tell me do you even know what direction your little "friends" are in right now?" afterwords raising both of his arms outwards and glancing around the landscape. It truly was a god forsaken place the wasteland, the ground was littered with dust and debris, little to no green was in sight and in the distance the moonlight cast shadows over a nearby free way overpass that had been completely destroyed. In it's own way, the end of the world held a sort of macabre beauty to it, well, at least to Dallas it did.

He had no idea who the girl was, her history, the fact she was in a gang should of worried him, then again it just meant he'd have some practice time with his knives and the lovely little piece he had on his hip, some called it overkill but then again you could never be too careful anymore, right? He stood and stretched for a moment, all warm and comfortable in his duster before he walked to a nearby boulder, rolling it with his foot until it was near the fire and parked himself on it, crossing his arms over his chest as he continued to look at the girl. To him, he was just a name on the list he had been given, it wasn't like it was anything personal or anything, but when money like that came in, nobody, even people with the best morals, couldn't deny it. With that he took out the second of his prized knives after he sheathed the first one and surveyed it, afterwords beginning the same process as he did with the other as he began to sharpen it.

"I know what you're thinking, take one of these knives, possibly kill me, cut your binds and run back to the general direction you think your home is" eyes once more falling upon her, giving a smirk again before he flipped the blade up into the air, catching it expertly between his fingers and holding it out to her, handle first. It was an asshole move, toying with the girl sure, but it was still early in the night...and truly he was actually interested if she'd make a move for it. If she didn't react quick enough he'd simply shrug and return it to his possession safely to continue sharpening. He'd worry about the details of the girl when the morning came and he could travel easily, the night time was suicide for anyone that wanted to travel the wastes, even the most well prepared.
General Roleplay / Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 06, 2011, 07:18:49 PM

It seemed so recent that those new reports chimed out on every television screen in the country, how everyone thought it was a hoax. Internet forums laughing and making fun of everything going on in the world, and everyone continued on with their lives like nothing was out of place...and that's when the sound of air raid sirens shook them from their dreams and fake illusion of safety. It went like this....The Buildings tumbled in on themselves...mothers clutching babies....they all picked through the rubble and pulled out their hair. The Skyline was beautiful on Fire, all twisted metal stretching upwards to the sky, and everything was washed in a thin orange haze.

It was obvious the human race would destroy itself, and the earth that so selfishly gave life to them. The first few hours after the fire spread over the land were was dead quiet, save for the occasional collapse of a far off building and explosion here and there...But it was beautiful silence. No car alarms sounded, no horns being blared by angry drivers, the sirens continued to ring off, echoing for miles, yet nobody was left to turn them off, everything was faded. The wind being the only company to anyone left alive in the now barren and stripped land. Flags lay dead on top of their poles all across the land, Crosses broken in half and littered on the ground with the rest of the rubble, the occasional scream for mercy and praying from those that had come out of hiding to greet their new reality.

It would be several years before humanity would stand on it's own two feet again, slowly forging life out of the ruins and remains of the world, persistent and holding on for survival. The greed and desire to murder remained in the human race, however of course they were all still brought together by one shared need and goal, to rebuild, and survive. And so began the latest chapter in the short but lively history of the human Race.

That's where he fit in, in between that Pit of hopeless clinging to the old world and ways, and the bastardized world that was built from the rot and decay of the old one. In the newly built settlement by the name of "Arefu" he sat, in the make shift shack with the sign made of twisted metal above it saying "Pub", a half empty bottle of rum in his hand and an unused shot glass in the other. Dallas stood out in the usual crowd that surrounded the bar all slouched over drinking their pains away, he was more grizzled looking then the others, a dirty pair of goggles hung around his neck, good for keeping the dust and grime of the wasteland out of his eyes, dirty duster covering his form, hidden beneath various straps to 2 very sharp knives, and a Colt Anaconda safely holstered on his hip.

He made his living off of the wastes, and the dirty deeds of others, his bleach blonde hair was buzzed cut and dark blue eyes stood out on handsome features of his face. It was obvious before the land was lit on fire that he was some sort of military man, the way he presented and carried himself, and that's why his drink was interrupted by a group of men. He wanted to laugh somewhat seeing as how they were dressed in suits...he had no idea why anyone would need a suit now-a-days other then to just look like a complete asshole, but it was when they dropped a large sack on the counter neck to him that his interest was caught, brow raised. "Yes or no is all I need to hear" was the only thing that one of the men in the suits said to him, Dallas taking the sack up and observing it for a moment before taking a folded up note that was attached to the sack in his hand, eyes lazily looking over it before eyes went back to the sack. His answer was obvious when he took one last swig from the Rum bottle and stood up, wiping his mouth on his sleeve and beginning to make his way out of the settlement with the sack and note in hand.

The note simply read " ", and had a list of areas underneath the name, followed by very plain instructions. "Deliver the package to marked location on map, double forward advance payment will be payed upon completion of delivery. Package must not be harmed/injured in anyway, deliver within 2 weeks". That kind of money was rare to come around these days, and it would afford him a place of luxury, not the place of luxury that everyone else thought of, but a place far away from the corrupted dirty towns and smiley glad hands promising savior from this life of apocalyptic nightmare. Where he wouldn't have to deal with the beggars, looters, the bands of traveling "Raiders" that killed and stole everything and anything that they happened to come across and stingy greedy merchants that both lived in towns and wandered the wastes.

And so he'd wait for night to fall, following the girl to her "Home" and biding his time. He sat in the shadows for hours, watching the home and waiting for the lights to finally go out...and then he waited some more. After he was sure that anyone else that was in the home was asleep or wouldn't be a bother, he pulled a rag stashed in his duster and tied it over the lower half of his face, afterwords slowly making his way towards the home, and creeping his way inside. It was almost scary how silent he was, making almost no noise as he crept through the home, hand constantly on the sheath of one of his knives, but not drawing it until he absolutely needed it. As soon as those dark blue eyes of his rested on the girl, he'd simply tilt his head a bit to the side and stand himself over her, giving a shove to her shoulder to wake her, and then "shhh...." followed by a spray of some unknown liquid right in her face, knocking the girl right out. As soon as he was sure the girl was handled, Dallas would carefully pick her up and carry her over his shoulders firemen style, being careful not to make any noise as he exited the house as well until he disappeared into the shadows of the night.

When he felt he was far away enough from the home, he set the girl down and went to work making himself a fire for the night. He kept the rag over the lower half of his face for the time being, and afterwords unsheathing one of the large, sharp knives from it's holster and beginning to sharpen it, staring idlely into the flames, waiting for the girl to wake up. He of course made sure she was tied up first, didn't want her going off and running away on him did he?
Journals and Abscences / Computer Caught The Dumb
November 04, 2011, 03:32:56 AM

Just as a heads up if I don't show up or I'm not around, it's probably because my computer finally decided to say "Fuck you" and die on me. The system restore says the Drive C:/ is fucked as well as the HDD and a bunch of other lovely shit, but for some reason works perfectly fine if I use the guest account. Im gonna try doing a system restore/wipe or just all around completely delete everything from the old profile and make a new one which means I'll lose pretty much every important file and document I have. <<; Which sucks ass....

And of course, if none of that resolves the problem, then I'll be buying a new computer since I've been searching for a reason. xD so don't freak out if I don't show up for days at a time, yus. Love you all <3
General Roleplay / Re: Hunter's Moon [Onnen x TakodaVega]
November 02, 2011, 11:55:34 PM

He had to admit he always did like to return to the Terrace, even when the local Amurjin wasn't around. It was peaceful, quiet, a good place to get away from all the noise of the world. Though as soon as he stepped foot onto the Terrace, he recognized that familiar scent, the one that lit his veins on fire and set his senses ablaze. He kept himself hidden for the mean time, he knew she was here and they'd run into each other eventually.

His hair had been cut, it made him look younger somehow, no longer having those locks hiding his eyes and face constantly, and beard was kept to a fine stubble and neatly, dressed as usual in that old, torn up leather cloak. It was littered by bullet holes, cuts from blades and various holes here and there...but it kept him warm and did it's job, as soon as his silver eyes landed on the girl sitting on the stone bench he casually made his way over.

He wrapped his arms lightly around her waist and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and tilted his head lightly, watching the fire as well, watching a stray snow flake or two fall into the flames. He couldn't remember how many times she'd asked him that question, to be truthful he really didn't have an answer. "Just wanted to see an old friend I guess..." The years had been fantastic to the Amurjin, just as beautiful as the day he'd first layed eyes on her.

Open Roleplay / Re: Covens
November 02, 2011, 09:22:43 PM

His dreams had returned to him as well, and unlike the last dream he had in the morning, this one was full of happiness, joys. Times in his life where everything was going perfectly, the old times where he'd slowly get drunk with long, long, LONG time friends, discussing the joys of battle, feeding and other manly bullshit. Chasing his lost lover through fields, laughter echoing lightly through the open country side before they curled up against each other and watched the stars all night. With Cassie still in his arm curled up, he really couldn't go wrong, it'd be a long time since he'd curled up with someone else in bed and actually been so comfortable he didn't want to wake up, every so often a hand gently running through her hair off of instinct, caught somewhere between deep sleep and being awake.

The Smell of Bacon is what would slowly pull him away from his dreams, if there was one thing that even a man loved, even if that man was a vampire, it was bacon. Fuck he'd transitioned into the 20th and 21st century in a really shitty way, caught somewhere between being just like a modern 20 something odd year old man, and that hunter that knew every inch of dark alleyway and world that the night time cast upon the world. He wasn't quite sure if Cassie was still awake or not, or if she had fallen asleep as well, either way he'd lightly turn himself to face her, giving a playful little poke of her nose for a moment to test if she was awake or not before giving a chuckle and shaking his head. "You awake?"

Truly he didn't really want to leave the bed, it was comfortable and he sure as hell was very comfortable cuddling up with Cassie, it was funny how in the course of a few hours his perception of the innocent Cassie dressed in Lolita fashion was changed. With that he gave a small little grunt as he gave one last snug to the girl before sitting himself up on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face lightly and yawning before slowly making his way out of the room and towards the kitchen, his shirt still M.I.A but he was decent enough off with his pants, further taking away the whole "ancient vampire" look and tossing him to some random drunk teenager that had passed out at her house the night before.

"You must be used to having quite a lot of guests over, no?" Silver eyes traveling over to yet ANOTHER Human that had made herself known...but this time, he didn't seem very angry about it, simply giving a little smirk and a nod in her direction before pulling up a chair lazily at the table and sitting himself down, crossing his arms over his chest, blinking every so often to attempt and get his vision to correct itself and get used to the light again. Lucille and Cassie were sure to join soon, as well as army boy if he was still around, he was too pre-occupied with the smell of bacon and breakfast being cooked during dinner time to really look for them.
Open Roleplay / Re: Covens
November 02, 2011, 04:19:34 AM

He gave a small chuckle when he heard Cassie's voice again, shaking his head a bit before placing his fingers on her chin, bringing her mouth to his own and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "Are you?..." giving a raise of the brow and giving a small smile. With the bond they shared with their blood now, it might of been obvious of his answer to her, and he felt the answer to his question as well as he snuggled her up and idlely ran a hand through her hair, letting his head fall back onto the pillow and getting comfortable.

He enjoyed her being close to him, and how cuddly both of them were at the moment. He was sure Sarah wouldn't mind if she came in and found them both passed out cuddled up like two giddy teenagers in high school, the thought of the girls "Teacher" had completely slipped his mind, not really sure if he'd really "enjoy" the fact that he had just taken his student on the ride of her life in a humans shower. He'd had a lot of questions for the if she'd ever done something like that before, if she was aware just how aroused he had been...and how aroused he still was as was evident by his body language.

But he'd let the questions slip away from his thoughts and simply nuzzle into her forehead a bit, holding her close to him protectively, keeping her warm and safe. The questions would be answered later after they rested.
Open Roleplay / Re: Covens
November 02, 2011, 03:37:24 AM

Onnen gave a small chuckle as they washed each other off, every now and then being playful and splashing her somewhat with the water from the shower head. It was strange how only a few hours ago he was an emotionless, devoid of feeling asshole that was killing new bloods and acting like he hated everybody, and now here he was, smiling, playing around with Cassie. He wasn't sure just how much of their little session everyone had heard, then again, he didn't really care. If they were offended by it they would of stopped them...right? After awhile finally turning the knobs to the shower off and helping Cassie find her lost clothing.

Afterwords however, he picked her up bridal style, giving one last nuzzle and a nice little kiss before expertly kicking his shirt up into the air and catching it with his finger tips. From what it looked like everyone had gone to sleep by now, not seeing Lucille, and army boy and sarah seemed to be fast asleep on the couch bed, giving a shrug he carried Cassie back to Sarahs room, closing the door lightly behind him and afterwords laying her gently on the bed. If she wanted anything else he'd glady give it at this point, however first he'd attend to the business of reaching into his pant pocket and pulling out the necklace, surveying it for one last moment before placing it on the night stand with the disassembled gauntlet he'd left earlier.

Afterwords crawling himself onto the bed next to the girl and wrapping his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him and snuggling into her, holding her protectively almost like a child to a teddy bear, except this teddy bear was warmer and more cuddly, not to mention the fact that now he trusted her, probably more then anyone else in the apartment, letting his eyes close and breathing a nice long sigh of satisfaction.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 02, 2011, 03:11:11 AM

Onnen didn't feel the connection at first, too lost in lust and desires at the moment. Maybe he'd feel it later when they finally left the rest room. He gave a small little moan as he felt her tongue lapping up whatever was left of his blood from the bite, hand moving to caress the side of her face, thumb lightly rubbing cheek and staring into her eyes, giving a small smile to let her know it was okay and she had nothing to apologize for. As soon as she exposed her neck to him he tilted his head curiously to the side, waiting for a moment before slowly scraping his fangs against exposed flesh of her neck and slowly sunk them in, almost immediately, the taste and power of her blood hit him.

Eyes flashing a bright red crimson for a moment before literally in the blink of an eye, they returned to their bright silver state. Lapping up and suckling gently pon the flesh around the wound, giving a few nibbles and love bites here and there until every last drop was lapped up and the wound closed. It was at that moment that he felt exactly as she felt, the happiness, the lust, the satisfaction, everything. He may of been too tired or exhausted to realize fully how connected they were now...but he'd probably find it soon enough, afterwords giving a small laugh and a shake of his head before placing a gentle kiss pon' her lips again and gently letting his hands slide over her wet body, washing her off.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 02, 2011, 02:48:59 AM

Onnen was rather surprised when she finally decided to bite...though pleasently satisfied. He knew she wanted to, and truth be told...he kind of wanted her to as well. It was strange, he'd never actually wanted to be bitten before, hell the only time he'd ever been bitten was when he'd been turned, the scar from the bite long since faded away with time. He let himself groan lightly at the bite, nuzzling deep into the crook of her shoulder as she did so. Continuing to thrust and pant heavily until he felt himself unable to hold back any further, sliding himself out of her as he felt his orgasm hit him like a wave of pure bliss, shivers sent up his spine, even causing him to visibly shiver.

He stood there with his face buried into the crook of her neck and shoulder for a moment, panting heavily and nibbling lightly on her flesh, attempting to regain himself. Hard Length still stood, still ready and still willing, though his body was physically drained. With that he slowly began to let cassy down off of her position on the wall so they could both stand. "Don't be sorry...go ahead" a bit of blood fell from the wound, mixing quickly with the water and disappearing as it fell off his body and down the drain. He'd let her bite...after all...he wanted to bite her as well, but would wait until she had finished first. Hands falling to rest on her sides and holding her close to him in embrace, letting the water fall over both of them and wash away their stress and problems.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 02, 2011, 02:32:50 AM

Loving slow pace continued, nuzzling up against Cassie as hands slowly slid over her body, fingers curling over every delicate curve, finger tips teasing every bit of warm beautiful flesh, moving a lock of her wet hair away from her face so he could give a small smile to her as they continued their fun. Truly she could of asked him to stop at any point now or done something else, he wouldn't of minded. He was glad to have pushed her over the edge and make her feel as good as he did, soon as he did before picking up his pace, holding her close to him and letting his forehead rest somewhat against the shower wall next to her ear, giving small nuzzles and nips to her earlobe every now and then.

He felt himself slowly getting closer and closer to release, and his body language made it obvious, and if it didn't, his moans and groans sure as hell would, body tensing up slightly as he continued to thrust into her, whispering her name into her ear and burying his face into her neck somewhat as if to let her know he was close, fangs gently teasing at her flesh and biting down ever so gently, not enough to break skin, but just to tease the girl. Thrusts growing in power and quickness and beginning to pant somewhat, eyes closing as he felt himself at the very brink.

It was probably a good thing the shower was running now...they could just wash each other off nice and slow like and still be warm and cuddly together, and sarah wouldn't have to worry about any mess that was left behind.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 02, 2011, 01:24:51 AM

Onnen groaned in pleasure, thrusting into her as if his life depended on it, loving the feel of the two together as one. Her body against his, the way her back arched, the noises she made, it was enough to almost drive the man crazy with desire, hearing her moaning getting louder and feeling her bodies reaction, he knew she was close, and it made him just thrust and power into her even more, pushing and pushing to make her go over the edge, moaning loudly in ecstasy all the while and just before she released, laying a long, delicate, passionate kiss on her lips.

Large smile on his face as he saw her face, giving a chuckle..she was just so god damn adorable. The laugh making him want her just that much more as he gently moved his hand to hers in order to move them away from her face, she wanted to see her, to see her eyes, her flush, that smile, and to place yet another kiss upon her lips. He stayed deep inside of her for the time being, allowing her a moments rest before slowly, his thrusts began again, nice and slow, a lovers pace, gentle, enough to take advantage of how sensitive she was to him now. Sure he was milking every moment of it, but he was lost in heaven and lust, and truly he wasn't even sure how long they'd been in the shower without the shower actually being on...then looking down at the beauty beneath him made him realize he didn't care, he was just glad to share the moment.

With that he'd slowly wrap his arms around her waist as she arched her back once more, picking her up once more and placing her against the wall, making sure her legs were nice and comfortable around his waist as a free hand went out to mess lightly with the shower knobs. Maybe before hand he would of felt the coldness of the water at first as it began to freely fall from the shower head onto him, but he was too damn warm and felt too damn good to feel the cold waters sting, of course adjusting it to be just perfect and warm, letting his hair get wet and watching the streams of water slowly slide down that delicious body of hers, lowering his head down to her chest to lightly lick up a stream of it from her breasts to the center of her neck once more, once again beginning his slow paced loving thrusts into her while she was against the wall.

If she wanted to let go, she could, he wouldn't stop her, but his body was stuck in desire for hers, and he felt himself getting closer and closer to falling over the edge as well, nibbling lightly at the center of her neck before placing a kiss 'pon her adams apple. "Happy?.."
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 02, 2011, 12:28:44 AM

Every moan the girl made fueled him, every bit of stress that had been feeling like it was killing him slowly washed away with each moan and each gentle touch from the girl. Nipping lightly at her lips and down her chin to find her neck again, burying himself into the crook of her shoulder as he pulled himself back slightly, only to give one, quick, powerful thrust back into her. Watching her body as he did so, loving the way it reacted to his touch and his motions. He rocked his hips in matching pace and tone with her own, letting his tongue slide lightly over her warm flesh, loving her taste, and almost tasting the warm blood that flowed beneath.

He knew she wanted to sink her fangs, he knew because he wanted to do the same, resisting his urges for the time being and pre-occupying his mouth with her flesh, kissing lightly down her chest until he was at her breasts once more, laying gentle kisses pon them, lips teasing nipples lightly before suckling gently 'pon them, tongue flicking lightly at nipple. His thrusts got rougher and rougher, gripping her hip as much as he could without hurting her, his breath quickening with the quickened pace, whispering her name under his breathe lightly as eyes made their way back up her body and to her face.

A very light flush on his face, his eyes full of lust and desire for the girl. Continuing to kiss and suckle at her breasts, giving little love bites here and there to her chest before laying a gentle lick right up the middle of her throat followed by kisses to her chin and small, periodic kisses to her lips. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this passionate, open with someone before. Hard member finding its way fully inside of her with each thrust once more, causing waves of pleasure to shoot up his spine and causing him to shiver as well and release a rather loud moan. His mind pre-occupied with pushing her over the edge, wanting her to release herself to him, for the same waves of pleasure he felt to be felt by her ten fold. "cute.." was all he could really say, eyes still traveling over that yummy body of hers, but more less, he just wanted to see that cute little innocent smile of hers, to flatter her.

He was such a big tease.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 02, 2011, 12:00:36 AM

Onnen nuzzled lightly into her as she hid again, bringing a hand up to run fingers lightly through her hair and hold her close to him, eyes closing as he continued his steady pace, every now and then a moan escaping, letting her now just how much he was enjoying it all. Hands fell back down her sides, resting on her hips again and slowly, beginning to become a bit rougher with his movements. Pushing to make her moan, he wanted to hear that lovely voice of hers in ecstasy, and wanted to make her happy.

His hips rolled into hers, making sure every motion wasn't wasted, and slowly letting himself fall forward as soon as he was sure she had a good enough hold on him, especially with her legs wrapped around him as he gently layed her onto her back, giving a small little smile as he let his fingers trace themselves up her smooth stomach, fingers "walking" up it until his hand was at her breasts again, letting hands lightly pass over them until they they were at her jaw once more, placing a lustful kiss on her throat and then to her lips, Free hand falling to grip hold of her hip as he began to thrust a bit more slowly, but with each slow thrust came more power, more roughness...more passion, letting his length enter her fully each time.

He wanted to tell her to let her emotions go and let it out, but he was pretty sure his body language, the motion of his hands and his new style of thrusting told the whole story to her, letting a loud groan escape from him, burying his face into the side of her neck.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 01, 2011, 11:21:50 PM

Onnen continued burying himself into her neck as she seemed to do as well, biting his lower lip somewhat as he continued to lower her inch by inch onto him. Pent up stress, emotions and lust simply let themselves go when he finally felt himself inside of her, and finally felt himself in her completely, nuzzling deeply into the crook of her neck and enjoying the pure bliss of the moment, wanting to stay there forever. Once he was done savoring the moment he moved his head lightly, enjoying the kisses under his jaw, feeling her warm breathe against his skin, letting his head fall back as well. He trusted her, and she could do whatever she wished to him, it wasn't like he was going to complain about it.

His arm gripped around her lower back a bit more as he began to slowly let her body rise, and then just as slowly, fall back down. Almost like the two were breathing together, keeping their motions matching each other as he began his thrusts. Gentle, loving, caring, every motion he made between the two meaning to bring the maximum amount of desire and pleasure out in the other, every so often biting his lower lip in order to keep a supressed groan or two from escaping, though they echoed through his chest and were very obvious, at least to Cassie. He wanted to ravage every inch of her body, to have her for his own, even if just for the one fleeting moment they shared.

Once more his lips moving back to find her own, nipping lightly at them as well, eyes half lidded over, full of passion, continuing their slow, almost loving motions into each other, moving her body just a bit faster as things went along, picking up the pace just perfectly, not to slowly, and not to quickly, simply taking in every lovely thrust and ounce of pleasure that was being felt.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 01, 2011, 10:50:22 PM

The sounds of whatever else everyone was doing disappeared from his mind, he was rather sure the door was locked this time, giving a smile and a shake of the head because at this moment, he didn't give a fuck if anyone heard the two enjoying each other. He was happy to have her there with him, grateful she had come to check on him, grateful she showed that she cared. His hands on her hips gripping them and moving over lucious curves to rest 'pon her lower back. "...Thank you, Cassie" giving a loving nuzzle to the girl and a gentle kiss 'pon the side of her neck, fangs scraping lightly down her neck and to the crook of her shoulder.

Sometimes being a Vampire brought some interesting opportunities when one was caught in an intimate moment, but he wouldn't bite just yet. Slowly he sat himself down a slightly bit more in the shower, making sure she was perfectly straddeled into his lap, for a moment just letting his eyes wander the girls body, unable to help himself from how beautiful she looked, hand straying away from her lower back and moving over her belly, resting on her breast and massaging lightly, fingers playing teasefully with nipple as he positioned her over him, teasing her sex with the tip of his length, just wanting to hear that lovely moan of hers once more.

Before long, unable to help himself as he let hand on her lower back pull her as close as possible to him, having control over her body for the time being and slowly, beginning to slide her down onto him, slowly and gently, carefully even. Once again he was being slow and gentle with her, not wanting to startle her in any way, but also, just savoring the moment, taking in every ounce of pleasure felt to him as he lowered her slowly inch by inch inside of her, burying his head into the crook of her shoulder as he did so, letting a low groan of pleasure escape his lips as he did so.
The Scenic Route / Re: Covens (Cassie x Onnen)
November 01, 2011, 05:17:06 PM

Onnen did have to admit he enjoyed teasing the girl somewhat, though his own needs were quickly surpassing his playful cuddling. Nuzzling once more into her and letting her fall into him, enjoying the feel of her nuzzling into his neck, feeling her breathe across his chest, holding her close to him in an almost loving embrace. Hand slowly sliding up her stomach and over her breasts once more in order to gently hold her chin, lifting her face to his once more, the look of pure lust and desire in his eyes told the story, almost like he was staring into her soul, afterwords placing a gentle, passion filled kiss 'pon her lips.

It was the most Human he'd felt in a long, long while. Giving a small little smile and chuckle, at the moment, he just couldn't take in just how lovely she looked, those beautiful blue eyes and delicious body sitting in his lap, fingers letting themselves leave her chin in order to explore her body once more. Aroused, lost in lust and the beauty of the woman before him, once again finding himself trying to speak, but unable to form words, before long his teasing grinding returned, letting their bodies feel each other before he couldn't handle it anymore, once more looking into her eyes full of lust and wanting.

"Are you okay with this?..." he wasn't sure why he was asking her, here they were, both naked and getting lost in each others desires, maybe he was just shy, but mainly, he just wanted to know what was going through her mind, wanting to know what she wanted, he wanted her to open up and let go just as he was ready to, hand gripping pon her hip a bit as he rolled his own hips slightly, hardened length making itself obvious now. He was being gentle with her, careful and slow, something he really couldn't remember ever doing, but he wanted to make her happy, let her feel the joy and pleasure he felt...thank her for unlocking his emotions.