
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Ten

General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 13, 2011, 06:58:48 AM
Bruins won it just this last year. Next game! Next game they'll do good!

Tonight: Montreal goes up against Calgary and Winnipeg goes up against Chicago. I feel the strong urge to get drunk later tonight.  ;D Whooooooooooooooooo! \o/
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 12, 2011, 10:08:03 PM
Fuck! Bruins lost tonight! 2-3 against the Carolina Hurricanes. Fucking hell, Boston! Where did the Stanley Cup winners go??? Lost three games this season already!
General Discussion / Re: We all came from Somewhere....
October 11, 2011, 08:16:16 PM
Found this site via Role-play-Gateway.
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 09, 2011, 09:52:37 PM
a Home battle! Youre going down missy! raaaawr!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 09, 2011, 09:44:43 PM
Against the Bruins you say? Then we'll be against each other! Go, Bruins, Go! XD
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 09, 2011, 07:58:34 PM
Fuck! Jets lost their first game of the season, against the Montreal Canadiens - 5-1 - but damn they look beautiful on ice! If they had to lose to anybody though, I'm glad it was Quebec. <3
Belletrist Table / Re: Music: Setting the mood.
October 09, 2011, 01:34:00 AM


A smile. A brilliant, contorted smile stretching across his features. Her heart skipped a beat to watch it transform his face into a rictus of teeth while he spoke, all at once aggressive and threatening even as it welcomed and laughed. Not directed at her - of course not - but at the fool who had dared speak to him in such a way.

It did not matter if he acknowledged her. She'd immersed herself so completely in her non-identity, years ago, that she now preferred being first and foremost his object. Merely being close to him was enough, blending into his shadow and waiting to serve his every need, like an extra limb. He'd become a part of her.

There was a trickle of pleasure coursing through her to watch him in action, his newly possessed strength ripping the pesky weed from the earth, the smile directed at it now articulating immutable death. Using his new form like a playground jungle gym - a child gaily capering through it, thick muscles clenching in playful agitation while the thing choked and wheezed in fruitless struggle.

It wasn't always like this. The masks he'd played with before took all kinds of shapes and sizes. But this one she liked. She liked it because he so obviously enjoyed it himself, manipulating his fellow beings with the ease of a trampling God, turning destruction into a work of art. The elegance and grace was saved for when he was speaking.

The phone was taken out and silenced. It stopped the glorious show of death, but the symphony continued, put on hold as her beloved's attention was diverted - he was her beloved, but she was not his. Her focus became intensified as the musical quality of his voice changed in response to the new conversationalist. She could hear it, the change. After years of becoming one with him, the different tones he used to articulate his emotions had become a part of her as well. So even as he reacted to the it speaking through the phone, she reacted with him, silent and still as a statue but feeling what he did.

It did not last forever, the anonymous conversation finally ending on a catchy, upbeat note, and the God's attention directed back at the thing he'd yet to get tired of holding. The sudden new presence did not surprise her - anticipated from the sounds coming from the hall of the weakened footsteps and the soft dragging of fabric against the supporting wall - and his attention was diverted for a second time.

It did not notice her - the new one - despite them having a kindred skin, and it pleased her to still be hidden. And truly, the covering was her skin, making her all at once reptilian and insectile, naked and protected. And invisible; a part of the background... his environment. She was the ground the God walked on, the walls that caged him, the sky that shielded him. She was a prop in the endless play of his life, changing roles as he did, but forever a part of and isolated from his drama.

A weapon. It had been released and it's madness took over, threatening to harm him. But she did not move, even as he did not, seemingly both bored and entertained by the violence and panic being displayed. Her heart did not increase in tempo and her breathing stayed level, muscles free of tension and fatigue. There was no fear because death was not his master; Gods were immortal and he truly was, manipulating the flesh of those around him in an endless dance with the grave he never laid in.

As soon as he uttered her name, her body reacted, on the verge of instant orgasm from the sound of him uttering it into the open air. A direct order. This desire was not one that she needed to anticipate for him, but gracing her with actual words. The shadow became real and life was breathed into her by her massive, giggling God of Death.

With this rebirth came movement and visibility, joining the physical world again as she surged forward with one goal in mind: to serve. It was her turn to grab ahold of the flimsy it, and she did so effortlessly, turning it into an additional prop in the God's universe but now manipulated by her. This was where the ecstasy came from - these moments of brief existence, shining for him and moving for him, wielded like his weapon and made beautiful by his touch.  He did not need to lay a hand on her to actually touch her and her body quivered with internal excitement.

There was no beginning or end. She existed as a nothing. His tool, his toy, his pet and his mirror. Normally she existed as a part of his set, a small part of his universe.

But right now - his voice saying her name still echoing in her ears and her flesh given meaning and purpose - he'd become hers.

"On the count of using harsh language in and around Mr. Eric Patten's personal space, you have earned... one bop," she said, doling out her God's punishment upon the blasphemous thing that'd offended him.

(All characters are from TOKoR © Tartra and Ten. )
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 05, 2011, 01:17:33 AM
Dude! Lucky! Take me with you!
General Discussion / Hockey thread
October 01, 2011, 09:56:16 AM
It's fuckin October, bitches! You know what that means? Skates are hittin' the ice and fists are hittin jaws!

Which teams do you root for?
Who is your favorite player?

My teams: the new Winnipeg Jets, Montreal Canadiens, Binghamton Senators(AHL), and the fuckin Boston Bruins.

FINALLY Winnipeg got their team back and I've been following their news all fuckin summer waiting for these guys to get a nickname, get a logo and a uniform and get their asses on the ice. As soon as I get the money together, I'm buying an Away jersey with Evander Kane's name and number on it! The first game of the season is on the 9th, against the Habs(my default is to root for the Jets and Canadian teams if my fav teams go up against each other). So psyched, man!

Boston won the Cup this last season, and I really like some of their players, so I've been paying attention to them a lot more. Favorite players? Team Captain Zdeno Chara and goalie Tim Thomas of the Bruins.

Fuck yeah! Who else? Anyone?
Roleplay Requests by Females / Re: A sweet Melody
October 01, 2011, 09:40:45 AM
Hi, my names Ten, and yes, that is a sonic screwdriver in my pocket. ;)

I'll play the 10th for you. My replies are just a bit slow at the moment because I've got a lot on my plate, but so long as you don't mind that, then we're good. As far as ideas, nothing immediately comes to mind, but maybe tell me a bit more about your character - not a whole biography but just personality and hobbies and stuff - and I'll see which lightbulbs turn on.
General Discussion / Re: Your future plans
September 27, 2011, 03:59:51 PM
My goals are fairly simply but mostly are hampered by finances(in the process of looking for a job, so, hopefully I'll accomplish these things rather soon).

I would like to go to a live hockey game. I've always watched it on TV and fucking love it, but I really want to feel and be a part of the energy of the crowds.

I would also like to visit Canada some day. I love Canada. Basically everything about it and I plan on eventually visiting each province at least once. Starting with Quebec. <3

Now, if I could go to a live hockey game in Canada - fuck, that'd be a dream come true.
Roleplay Requests by Males / Le Tisserand
September 27, 2011, 11:40:52 AM
This thread is closed for the time being. Not taking any requests.

Welcome to my request thread. Not much to say except that I'm very liberal about pairings(male or female), I only role-play in threads, and I generally only role-play the ideas I have listed. I usually don't bump my threads unless I have new ideas, so check back if you see this at the top; I'll probably have something new put up. And all that I ask from my partners is to put effort it into your posting. That's it!

Browse and let me know if anything looks interesting to you.

The Leader

For this, I'd be playing the charismatic leader of a cult - that emphasizes purity of the mind and body(no drugs, alcohol, no sex, etc.) but which is more militaristic than religious in nature - and I'm looking for someone to play the young woman who falls in love with him and eventually has a secret sexual relationship with him. I'd really like to explore the atmosphere of a cult mentality, with a blind dedication in the followers, and the use of power and authority to victimize others.

Opening Post:
QuoteThe air was thick with heat even as the sun continued to peek and hide behind cirrus clouds high overhead. Cicadas buzzed their grating, whining song from the landscape that surrounded them. The farmhouse and barracks were the only civilized buildings around for miles, a couple of beat-up trucks and an old van parked beside them, quiet and unused. Below the hill behind him, seen from a distance was the vineyard, rows and rows of grape vines, snaking over their supports.

"This is a proud day," he said, his deep baritone carrying out strong and forceful without him needing to yell. He looked proud, as he laid a hand on the shoulder of a young man kneeling before him and facing the small crowd. "Sam has proven himself a loyal and trustworthy member of INK. A hard worker and dedicated to helping his brothers and sisters also become stronger members. And this exemplary behavior needs to be rewarded."

His hand left Sam's shoulder to grasp an electric razor in both of his hands, his slender fingers turning it on before resting his hand back where it had been. As the light, mechanical buzzing started, the young man's eyes shown bright with an internal excitement, unable to hide a grin from his boyish features as he looked out at the faces of those situated around and watching. Only a small handful of others in the group had achieved this honor and now it was his turn, his expression growing reverent as the razor was finally pressed to his neck and started sheering away the soft, spiky strands of his russet colored hair.

The crowd was silent but several watched with an equal amount of pride in their brother, while others stood silently in awe and envy. Ben worked methodically to shed Sam of the representation of all that held him back from achieving his full potential. It was only a year ago that the young man had been a drug addict and now he'd reached ultimate purity. Finally, the deed was done, and Sam brushed a few cut hair pieces from his shoulders fully shedding his old life and identity. Ben held a hand out to the lad and Sam willingly took it, gripping the older man's strong palm as he was helped to stand. And he tried not to cry as he was patted on the back and laughed meekly as he was brought into a hug.

"Let's break for lunch now and then get back to our duties," Ben addressed the crowd as he pulled away, a comforting hand laid on the back of Sam's neck. Then they began wandering across the lawn towards the large farmhouse, Sam blending in with the others as a few fussed over his new look. But Ben, the Leader, walked alone, clad in only boots and weathered brown pants, his broad shoulders and chest colored a dark and healthy tan from working in the sun for long hours. And other than a ring of dark, groomed facial hair around his lips and on his chin, he too possessed no hair on his head, the smooth expanse of his scalp glistening in the sun.

Mirror Image

On the other side of the mirrors and reflections of our world, there exists an entirely different world filled with people resembling us. Their purpose and desires revolve around dancing with us through the glass wall and copying us - living through us and being us.

But for a particular mirror man, named Imago, this isn't enough once he lays eyes on a woman in our world and falls instantly in love with her. So, he breaks away, outcasting himself from his world, and steps through the barrier to pursue her. The problem is 1. he looks exactly like an arrogant snob that she just recently went on a blind-date with(which is how Imago came to see her, through reflections on the date) and 2. there are certain odd things about him - like he sometimes does things backwards, and he doesn't cast reflections or shadows. Will she be able to look past these things or will she reject him just like she did to the man who bears his likeness?

Looking for someone to play the girl(or it can be a guy).

Opening Post:
QuoteIdiots. The world was filled with them and Gerard was forced to interact with them constantly. In his ear, the crackling sound of bad country music played while he waited for the imbecilic bitch to get her act together and get back on the bloody phone. Gerard sat in his very modern living room, on his sleek and clean couch, wearing nothing but a fancy, plush bathrobe, impatiently tapping his fingertip on the side of the cordless phone against his ear. In his lap rested the catalog he was ordering from, opened to the page displaying the very chic glass, marbleized vase he was trying to get. They were out of the oceanic blue design, which would go perfect in front of the window. The clerk, who was supposedly serving him, half-remembered a new shipment coming in and at his insistence, she went to go check. And she was taking her sweet time.

Why was there so much trouble with this? He'd ordered from them before - that flat screen TV hanging against the wall, the treadmill, the entertainment center, the china, and nearly every fricking thing in his bathroom. All ordered from this same dumb-ass catalog. He was practically at the top of their list of preferred customers! He didn't deserve this kind of treatment! Glancing at the clock on the wall, he let out a heavy breath and slapped the magazine down on the glass coffee table sitting in front of him. As he leaned forward, a shade of himself leaned with him, a ghost-like apparition seen in the depths of it's surface. When Gerard looked off to the right and ran a hand through his hair, his haunted double looked to it's left and copied the motion.

"Sir?" the female voice came back on the line, hesitant and sickeningly kind. For God sakes... He almost wished she hadn't come back at all. Almost.

Before she could go on with whatever she had to say, Gerard stepped in and blasted at her, "It's about time! I've been waiting for almost half an hour!" She stammered a moment but he ignored her. "Is this what you call service? Not all of us can waste time on the clock like you do, waddling about your little fucking cubicle! Some of us have appointments and dates to get to!"

"I... I apologize, sir. I checked to see about the Deep Blue Sea Corral Vase you wanted--"

"Yes. And?!"

"--and the shipment logs say there should be some in stock, but..."

"But what?" he grated out in exasperation, incomprehensibly annoyed beyond belief. "They're either in and you have them and I can order them or they're not and I can't. Which is it?" Honestly, this wasn't difficult. Unless you were five and mentally handicapped, which this woman apparently was!

"They're not."

"Then we're done. Thank you for the lovely chat," he shook his head and rose from his seat, his reflection in the glass table wandering by and out of sight as he walked down the hall to his bedroom.

"I'm really sorry. Maybe you'd like the Desert Pink Sunset vase?"

"You already offered me that before I told you to check the records for the color I wanted. And I told you then, if you offered me the pink again, I'd shove it up your disease-ridden arse." His ghost-like image drifted past the glass pictures in the hallway, ranting silently while Gerard's voice grew louder. "Not only do you suck at your job by not having all the necessary files that you might need if, gee, I don't know. If someone calls and actually needs something from you. That way you don't waste their precious time taking hours to search for what you should already know. But you also suck at life by being such an incompetent moron who doesn't even pay attention when customers specifically ask you not to try to sell them shitty puke-colored crockery!"

Entering his vast bedroom, he harshly pressed a button on the phone and tossed it on the bed, sauntering over to his walk-in closet. Instantly, the woman and her frivolous idiocy was cast out of mind as he regarded his wardrobe of expensive suits and polo shirts. Now that was over, it was time to deal with a new headache. His blind date. It was someone Charles knew and although he had great taste in classy, upper class women, it was the "blind" part of the equation that bit at Gerard. He just hoped she didn't turn out to be a slob or a obnoxious twit. He could handle just about anything, from bimbos to dull bitches, so long as they made nice enough arm candy and made him look good in public. Otherwise, he had absolutely no use for them.

In minutes, he was clad in a sleek, midnight blue suit, almost black it was so dark, and a deep, blood red dress shirt underneath. Standing in front of the mirror, he tied his tie and his reflection did as well. A slender man with blue eyes and short white blonde hair looked back at him, smiling haughtily when he adjusted his tie and combed his quickly drying hair. On the other side of the glass... beyond the silver, beyond the metal backing and the wall it was hanging from... deeper, inside it, stood Gerard's reflection, staring through the window between the worlds.

As Imago buttoned Gerard's suit jacket and smoothed his hand down the front of it, he felt immensely pleased as he kept pace with the other man, moving as he did, every facial expression, every muscle twitch exactly the same. Even though they looked exactly alike, he was not Gerard, but an entirely separate being with thoughts and feelings of his own. And although he did not always agree with the things his human companion did or said, he found more fulfillment in the dance they shared day in and day out than he did in his own autonomy. He didn't have to like Gerard as a person; being one with him through the mirrors was enough. And there wasn't anything more that Imago could want or ask for.

Finally satisfied with his appearance, Gerard stalked back down the hallway, picking up his keys before finally leaving his apartment. Although immensely satisfied about how incredible he looked right now, he again experienced a moment of dread when thinking about his date, hoping once again that she was at least tolerable to look at. Getting into his silver Audi, he started driving to the five-star restaurant where he was supposed to meet her, his blue eyes meeting Imago's when he glanced at the rear-view. He also really hoped she wasn't tardy. Gerard had enough of women wasting his time today.

(That's Zdeno Chara of the Boston Bruins in a fist fight with Evgeny Artyukhin of the Tampa Bay Lightning in 2009)

▻ Slapshot!

Would anyone like to try a hockey themed role-play with me? I know that sounds strange and possibly boring/intimidating, but you don't need to know EVERYTHING about hockey(I don't). If you can write a description of someone skating, then we're good. Mostly, I wanna do a drama and an in-depth look at players lives, with sports as a backdrop. THIS IS NOT A ROMANTIC ROLE-PLAY.

Basic plot: two guys who have been buddies since childhood, get recruited to the same hockey team and are a formidable pair. They mesh well with the rest of the team, but when they're on the ice together, they become a force to be reckoned with in skill and speed. That's why it's sort of tragic when one of them has a falling out with the coach and gets signed with another club. Now the two guys who were once like brothers have to face each other across the ice. How strong will their loyalty to each other hold against the loyalty to their teams?

Like I said, it'll be more based on characters and not just scenes involving the game being played(although, I would like a couple of those) and I need someone who can handle multiple characters for when our two main guys cannot interact directly with each other.


A story about a cursed man. He is a normal man with a normal body, except from the neck up, instead of the head and face of a man, he possesses the head and beak of a large, black crow. Fantasy-setting. Looking for someone to be his traveling companion, possibly a warrior to keep him safe from persecution from those who don't understand, while trying to help him find a cure for his curse.


I would prefer if you answer this only if you have an idea for your character in mind. Mine will be the crow-guy and your character can basically be anything, male or female, but preferably human.
Introductions / Searching
September 27, 2011, 11:06:18 AM
Hey, there. The name's Ten and I'm looking for role-play partners. I'm coming here with particular ideas and cravings, so I'll put together a request thread and let you guys check it out, see if anybody wants to write with me. If not, then I guess my search continues.