
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Onnen

General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 10, 2011, 08:10:04 PM

"About everyone telling me I was the devil and how I was going to rot in hell for eternity? Yeah, gave me a good laugh every now and then" Of course this was a lie, he felt betrayed, hurt, like his entire country and the people he had signed up to protect had turned their backs to him and thrown him under the bus. Maybe that was the greatest reason he had no faith in humanity anymore, it would certainly explain why he was so pissed off the night before when she insulted him like that.

He continued to glance towards the uniformed men moving closer, hand moving slowly to the revolver, both hiding it and making sure it was close before her words distracted him "Why the hell would I fre-" before he could finish he was being kissed, at first, a moment of shock washed over him, but it was over in a heartbeat as he simply "played along", hand moving away from the revolver to place his thumb gently on her chin, doing the same as her and waiting for the men to pass by before letting his hand slip away and to pull his lips away from hers. He was really too dumbfounded to say anything, glancing over his shoulder as the uniformed men went about their business and eventually sat down at the far end of the bar out of harms way.

"You plannin' on doin' that every time you see one of those guys?"
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 10, 2011, 02:13:49 PM

Dallas never really "slept around". Everyone back in his home town of San Antonio just wasn't "right" for him, at least with the Mayors Daughter he somewhat knew the girl, they'd talk and hang out at the diner and bar for a few nights before a little bit too much whiskey turned into hot passion. "Sounds fun...they ever actually get mad at you for it?" taking a few bites from his plate, making sure not to eat too quickly like he usually did. He was an "in and out" sort of person, only staying as long as he had to, finishing up his meal, and leaving before anyone even knew he was there.

However as soon as she spoke about her job before the world went to hell, a look of interest on his face as he listened. "If you don't mind me askin', what exactly did they say?" glancing towards the tattoo on his arm. He knew in the months before the bombs fell, the public started to hate him, even his own family. Suddenly they no longer looked to him for support and safety, instead they hissed at him and looked at him with disgust, throwing things and shouting out curses every time his squadron was transferred through cities.

Dallas chuckled at her last comment, sly little grin returning "Don't blame ya....I heard about this thing that makes your skin melt off like butter" making little "wiggle" finger motions and going "ooooo sarcastically to show he was joking around. After all, didn't want to scare the poor girl...for all he knew she actually believed something like that was floating around and she'd think twice the next time she ran up to him in the dark clinging to his arm. However his playful little attitude was cut short as the uniformed men stood up and began to walk around, and a moment later, coming in their direction, muttering "fuck" under his breathe as he acted as normally as he could, taking a few more bites from his plate.

~"Keep walking....Keep walking"~ was all he thought.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 10, 2011, 12:38:50 PM

Dallas just sighed and glanced at the girl before chuckling and shaking his head, looking down at the table for a few moments before leaning back in the chair and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "More like stealing her breathe away in said bed" sure it made him look like an asshole, but at the same time it'd let him explain things a bit easier. "Only problem is that she was the mayors Daughter..." It was still a funny situation to him, well, it was funny before the old bastard chased him out of the town half naked and getting shot at, all the while that girl simply smiling and waving goodbye with a wink.

"That was about a year and a half ago but the old geezer holds a long grudge, probably brand the fuck out of me then take me out in public and put one in my skull" making a little "gun shooting" motion with his finger to his temple as he said it. He made sure the conversation was a bit quiet, enough to blend in with the over conversations going on at the diner so the uniformed men wouldn't hear him, or anyone else decided if they could turn him in they'd get a good pay off of his head. Blue eyes locking onto her green eyes for a few moments, there was really no reason she couldn't of just turned around, yelled at the cops and said "HERE HE IS, AND HE KIDNAPPED ME AS WELL" and sign his life away right there.

When the waitress finally arrived with their food, he gave her a nod of thanks and placed the payment on the table for her to take away. Of course the waitress checked the money first before she finally said "enjoy your meal" with a hearty smile and walked least he knew that he hadn't been ripped off in getting paid and he could actually use it. "You haven't ever gotten into a good bit of fun trouble before Lillith?"
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 10, 2011, 02:09:04 AM

Dallas continued to keep his low profile every time he saw one of these uniformed people at least until he got into the Gas Station, afterwords, visibly relaxing as he glanced about. It was like a small town diner before the world went to hell, hustle and bustle of people going about with their business and the occasional clanking of glasses against tables. Giving a little polite nod to the waitresses and bar staff before making his way over to a table and taking a seat, and making himself comfortable. He pulled the Duster a bit over himself in order to hide the knives and keep the Revolver hidden. Most people didn't take too kindly to people carrying weapons on them, but he doubted anyone would pay enough attention to realize they were hidden.

Soon enough a waitress coming over to their table with the waiters usual "Hi thanks for coming" welcome banter that every single place did even before the bombs fell, giving the two a menu that seemed to be made out of card board hastily written on with permanent marker. Part of him wanted to chuckle slightly, but then again, he didn't want whatever was being served to have spit in it because he was being a jerk, simply glancing over in Lilliths direction "Take whatever you want my treat" after all it was the first time he could afford a meal for some other then himself in what seemed like forever. Waiting for her to order whatever it was she wanted and simply saying "I'll have the same" afterwords.

Mainly once again, do the fact that just as he'd gotten finished ordering and comfortable two of the uniformed men came in and sat down. They were just there for brunch or something probably, but either way it made him a bit uncomfortable, sliding his seat over a tiny bit so he could be a little more out of view " you were saying?" referring to her plan.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 10, 2011, 01:29:36 AM

"Really now?...That can be arranged" Once again eyes took in her lovely form and those lovely hips of hers, she wasn't the only one that could be "teasing". Giving a small laugh and shaking his head before looking up towards the town as it came into full view. "Compared to other towns, absolutely nothing....But it's got the basics. Food, running water, clothing so cute little lasses like yourself don't be trippin' as much" She was making it too easy for her, behind his whole Marine tough guy cowboy get up, he was a bit of a smart ass, but he meant so in the most humorous and playful way possible. After all he did have a life before he dedicated his life to uncle sam.

Dallas was still cautious as they finally made their way into the town, it was comprised of old buildings that stood before the war and old sheet metal with salvaged building supplies. What looked to be like an old gas station was transformed into a bar and rest, and various venders stood outside their little slices of "home" selling whatever junk people would buy. The smell of meat could be smelled, though he knew from experience that the meat wasn't always from the "tastiest" of animals. Blue eyes kept an eye out, occasionally someone dressed in a navy blue uniform would pass by, making him nervous. They were the mayors personal "police" force, but really they were just goons that kept things in order and did the mayors bidding. And as before, the mayor didn't much like him at the moment.

"You hungry?" glancing towards the Gas station, it'd be the easiest to settle down for a bit and discuss what their plan was, and with any luck he'd be able to get the needed supplies from the tiny little section inside with a sign that said "General store"....right next to what used to be the little ice cream freezer.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 10, 2011, 12:48:49 AM

Dallas was amused by the girls antics, it was like she'd been locked up for some long that the world was something completely new to her, it made him wish secretly to himself that he could take such entertainment and joy in such little things again. "Good point...could always let the two tear each others throats out and come sneak you out in the confusion" It would certainly save him a pretty little bullet or two and he wouldn't have to worry about the numbers game being played against him anytime soon.

Though as soon as she started up again, he gave a huge grin. He knew the girl was toying with him, it wasn't like someone hadn't pulled the same trick before, but no matter what it always hooked him, just for the satisfaction of being able to say "You said I couldn't do what now?". He loved proving people wrong, it was his ego and pride talking, it'd be the death of him for sure one day, but he didn't plan on having that day be anytime soon. "Alright then miss smarty pants" pausing in his sentence to catch the girl bridal style in his arms as she tumbled off the jeeps roof, raising a brow and then grinning afterwords.

"We'll go with your genius plan" moving his head to the side and popping his neck, for a few moments carrying her forward almost as casually as he could, milking the moment for what it was worth before lowering her so she could stand on her own two feet again, though he did have to admit, it was a very relaxing feeling to be carrying someone like that again, someone with a warm body, beautiful eyes and nice curves and not heavy bulky supplies and artillery. "But first let's make sure you can walk on your own two feet without tripping over everything, yeah?" Glancing towards the town of dust which grew closer and closer.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 09, 2011, 11:46:51 PM

Dallas eyed the girl, just last night the girl was screaming at him or insulting him with every here she was matching his steps. It was a sort of innocence he thought was completely gone and didn't exist in this world, but she proved him wrong. He wasn't much thinking ahead other then reaching Dust and then probably sending her on her way home. His plan was to stay a lone wolf, mainly because he'd grown so used to it that he actually had to look over in his shoulder in surprise because he heard someone elses footsteps other than his own every once in a while. It wasn't like he wouldn't be able to deal with either gang that came after him, and if he couldn't well then he wouldn't have to worry about surviving another day in the wastes.

...That's...fucking insane" He turned a bit as he walked to the girl, raising a brow. "No offense but it was rather easy kidnapping you, there weren't many defenses I had to bypass...These guys in suits, Especially with the money they already payed me upfront, would probably have something a lot more complicated to get past..  But then again...she had a point, with the money he'd be payed he wouldn't much have to worry about anything, he could use it to get away from the gang before they tracked him down for payback, but that just left the problem of Her gang. Either way I don't think your current group of friends likes me much right now...would probably be worse if I were to "sell" you off to some other gang."

Dallas was actually quite curious of this girls gang, he'd never heard of them before and the way she described them, they didn't seem like the "nicest" folks why would this girl who was curled up against him last night be associated with them? The conversation was nice though, it wasn't like he talked to people much especially when he was traveling save for the occasional stray dog looking for it's lost master or a piece of meat to munch on. "...I'm all ears though" shooting a sly smirk her way before paying attention to the road again. The town wasn't very far off now, probably about another 20 minute walk before they'd be at the entrance...and he'd have to deal with the fucking guards.

Dust was a poor little settlement, and the only thing that worried him was that the settlements "mayor" didn't much like him...mainly because he'd made the mistake of sleeping with his daughter many, many nights ago. With that thought pulling the Duster back over him form.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 09, 2011, 04:44:19 PM

Dallas was kind of like a child when it came to sleep, every time he woke up he'd look outside, trying to figure out what time it was and just telling himself "5 or 10 more minutes...then I'll wake up". This went on for a bit until Lillith stirred and woke up, yawning and leaning back, getting comfortable all over again since he'd gotten used to her being cuddled up to him. He raised a brow slightly when she slid out of the back, for a few moments, admiring her form in the morning sunlight, rather hating that those lovely hips of hers were now a bit more covered. He shook off his thoughts and crawled himself out of the Suv, sitting on the edge of the interior and letting planting his feet on the ground, glancing about.

"Never mentioned dogs..." it's not that he didn't like dogs, hell he loved them, had two back home before everything went to hell, it was just that he'd been attacked by trained enemy dogs before...wasn't an experience he'd like to relive, and it showed on a scar on his left arm opposite the USMC tattoo. Finally standing he stretched, a few loud pops and cracks coming from his tired bones before he lazily made his way to the side of the SUV, climbing on the tire again and then pulling himself up, glancing around the scenery. The abandoned field of cars lasted for about 2 miles, but then an exit turned off and in the far off distance a small bit of smoke could be scene.

"Dust ain't too far away, Can get some grub, supplies and figure out what we're going to do with you" At this point...he didn't much think he was going to take her to the area marked on the map that was neatly folded in his pocket, not after how cuddly she was last night....and she hadn't pissed him off since their last little discussion. With that hopping off of the top of the SUV, patting it's side before beginning to walk his way down the maze of abandoned cars. At least it wasn't burning hot out yet with the sun, so that, he could be grateful for.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 09, 2011, 03:57:18 PM

He was about to say "Don't mention it"...But before he could the girl drifted off to sleep, shaking his head and letting his head fall back to rest. He didn't fall asleep immediately, staying awake for about another hour or so, letting her rest and get all snuggly. Truly he didn't mind, it'd been the longest time since he fell asleep in the company of someone else, and it felt good to have someone warm against him. Glancing around outside the windows of the SUV over at the moonlit wasteland, it held it's own macabre beauty to it, not seeing city lights and red tail lights destroying the view was actually quite relaxing...and more importantly he could actually see the night sky now in all of it's beauty.

He laid there with her for a while longer, like a watchdog or guardian, making sure nobody interrupted her sleep or the peace of the quiet around them before his eyes began to lid over, unable to force him to stay awake any longer and simply nodding off. Right now would be about the time he'd usually be stirring around, having nightmares, but the nightmares didn't plague him tonight, instead his dreams floating back to time spent with family and friends. A small smile tugging at his lips while he slept before he finally dozed off for good, the moon setting and the sunrise shining in his face, giving a small grumble and grimacing at the bright light now in his eyes.

He carefully moved his arm over to grab hold of the duster and lay it lightly over Lillith so she could continue her comfortable rest and not be plagued by the suns light interrupting it. He was too tired to really move or do anything much else, from then on just nodding off occasionally for a few moments before the sun woke him up again.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 09, 2011, 02:54:52 AM

He adjusted himself a bit when she layed her head against his chest, not to try and shove her off of him, but to allow her to get comfortable and warm. Any thought he had about her taking one of his weapons and using it against him long since faded away, and he couldn't remember the last time he literally hunkered down with someone and was just close to them...hell he'd have to go back to his high school days, even then, that was just innocent banter, he was providing warmth and shelter for a girl that seemed lost and scared because he had decided to make a stupid decision, and now, he was trying to make it right. His thoughts traced back to even before the bombs fell, how everyone expected him to be some sort of machine one minded killer with that USMC Tattoo on his skin, but instead it was using the same arms that now wrapped around Lillith to hold up and hug his nephew and niece when he came home for Christmas.

"Dallas Trevino, 2nd Battalion, 5th marines....Oorah" Giving a small chuckle and shaking his head somewhat, letting it fall back and rest against the back seat. It'd been a long time since he'd told anyone his name, hell everyone in the towns just called him "Navajas" or "Knives" for the two combat knives he carried with him. He pulled her a bit closer to him, hand resting on her shoulder and lazily tapping his fingers every now and then. Just the way the girl acted when she realized she was all alone out in the dark and ran to him for safety made him go from hating her with a passion, to stirring whatever was left of his heart and emotion, and planting a nice warm smile on his face when he thought about it.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 09, 2011, 01:03:22 AM
Dallas continued to walk forward, he was glad he was at least somewhat "out of the way". The highways were a rather desolate place and not many people traveled on them anymore save for the occasional merchant or stray wanderer...and they were far away from the neighborhoods and big cities were the destruction of the end of the world really made itself known, he never really could get used to the sight of broken down and empty homes, cars and children's toys still in the front yard where they were before...only covered in ash instead. At least out on the highway there was less decay, and the overpasses, though dangerous, provided an excellent vantage point in finding direction.

As soon as they made it to the highway, empty cars began to become more common and common, only then did he finally decide to take out his flashlight, also un holstering the Revolver. The familiar "click" would let the beam of light illuminate the highway and the cars, after all, he probably wasn't the only one out there that thought the highways were a good place to hunker down since they were far away and could be made into an easy campsite. Blue eyes scanned the cars carefully, keeping the girl close to him, though he was sure she might of felt a bit safer now that there was at least some sort of light being cast other then the light from the moon.

He finally spotted what he was looking for, a rather nicely intact SUV, lightly shining the light over it and observing it for a few moments. It didn't look like it was one of those "corpse" cars where you'd find a nice little skeleton in the drivers seat, though signs of it having already been broken into were obvious, making his way over to the back and attempting to pop open the back door, fighting with it for a few moments before it finally opened with a very loud creaking noise. He surveyed the back for a while, making sure there were no nasty surprises before finally placing the flashlight down, letting the light bounce off of the interior. It was a rather nice fit, one could sleep comfortably inside without having to worry about that one thing everyone hated on a long road trip, uncomfortable belt buckles and those annoying ass arm rests.

He felt weird having not spoken a single word since she had decided to cling onto him for dear life, he'd take the duster from before and simply toss it in, it was the best "blanket" he had on him at the moment. "It ain't no tempurpedic, but at least it ain't a cold floor" Giving a tiny nod in the girls direction before he hopping himself up on one of the SUV's tires and then pulled himself up onto the roof, looking over the area from the vantage point for a few moments before hopping back down. From what he could tell everything was clear and nobody else decided a nice highway with a good open view of the chaos the world was in now wasn't a good place to sleep.

With that he crawled himself in the back of the Suv, leaning himself up against the back seat and placing his Revolver safely on the floorboard next to him, eyes glancing towards her again for a moment before his mind simply went blank, and before he knew it, he turned off the flashlight, and an arm wrapped around the girl and pulled her close to him. The flash light going out was simply to keep anyone from seeing it in the distance...but after the act she had pulled with the whole darkness thing, he was going to stick to his word, and keep her safe and warm.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 09, 2011, 12:03:51 AM

Dallas hadn't much heard the girls ranting, he did hear her yelling but...well to be honest he really didn't understand what she was saying, too pre-occupied with finding his stashed away booze before she heard that shriek of hers, and not even a moment later nearly falling over as he was ran into. Part of him wanted to throw her off of him...but as soon as he heard her voice that whole pissed off attitude and lone wolf act nearly melted away instantly. Now how in the fuck was he going to send this girl off to some group of people that would probably do terrible things to her when she was now clinging to his arm for dear life...It reminded him of when his high school sweet heart did the exact same thing...well, at least until she decided sleeping with his best friends behind his back was a good idea.

He sighed somewhat, glancing around. He was pretty close to the highway by now...and was sure there was at least one car there that had a comfortable interior that wasn't all turned to dust and ash...or had a skeleton or something laying in it. "Alright...Come on, we'll get you safe and bunked down for the night" For the moment he completely forgot about how easy it would of been for her to simply take one of his weapons and use it against him right now, there was just something about someone running up to him in fear, looking to him to keep them safe that reminded him of why he was a Marine. With that he'd let her hold on to him as he began to walk once more...but slow enough to let her keep up and not be tripping over anything.

Just 5 minutes ago he hated this girl with a passion and wanted her here he was leading her along like some sort of personal guardian.
General Roleplay / Re: Rebels and Royalty
November 08, 2011, 11:33:11 PM
"You make it sound like your fathers the king or something" he gave a chuckle and grin, of course having no idea who she was. Maybe it was because it was rare to find fathers in the village that weren't turned to alcohol because of the stresses of farming or work, everything else seemed so expensive...yet it was funny how drink was always the cheapest and easiest to acquire.

"Well then Jessica, Nice to meet you, I'm Joseph" Giving a polite little nod and glancing around the alleyway again, giving a grin and shaking his head. The area of the village in which he lived really was a shit hole, the building poorly constructed, the occasional stereotypical rat running across the street, smell of alcohol and something wet was always in the air...then again he must of just gotten used to it since he had to walk down these alleyways to reach the shop every morning. "Very well then...Shall we?" tilting his head a bit towards the exit of the alleyway, he knew where he was going and they'd be back in the crowds and the hustle and bustle of vendors in no time.

General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 08, 2011, 11:26:23 PM

"Tough luck, that's pretty much how it is everywhere now, Texas, California, New York, Iowa, Hong Kong, Sydney....Iraq." He shook his thoughts of and simply shrugged, she had him convinced for the time being, and so he kept walking, opening up the cylinder on the Colt and letting 3 Bullets fall out, lazily reaching into one of the packs on his belt and reloading, spinning the cylinder before swinging it closed and holstering it once more. It really was a waste of bullets those god damned teenagers, waste of a good blade too, glancing towards the moon and the highway overpass once again to make sure he was still heading on the right track.

He chuckled at her last sentence, shaking his head. "Story of my fuckin' life..." was all he muttered under his breathe, he hadn't really decided yet if he was going to keep going forward and just deliver the girl to whoever the fuck hired him or take her back home, probably to a loaded double barrel in his face. He sighed somewhat and stopped again, Taking about 5 steps over to the left and punting a stone, it was like he was looking for something, and soon that something was found as he took about 5 steps back, squatting to the ground and rummaging about the dirt with his fingers until they uncovered a tiny makeshift hole in the ground, reaching inwards and pulling out an old bottle of whiskey.

Rule number one of the Wastes, if you're going to go out, make sure you're prepared...and you know where you're going. "Alright then...In the morning we'll head over to Dust, get you loaded up on supplies and send you on your way back" It wasn't like he didn't have men tracking him down trying to kill him showed in a few patches on his shirt where either a bullet or knife blade had cut it's way through. As far as he was concerned it wasn't going to be any different now, at least he had the money for a good amount of supplies.
General Roleplay / Re: Rebels and Royalty
November 08, 2011, 10:42:03 PM

Joseph chuckled lightly at the word of "Marriage". Shaking his head somewhat and leaning against the hay cart again, listening to her speak and giving a few nods to show he understood. "Don't see how that'd work out, not like marrying out to someone will guarantee you'll be set and care free for the rest of your time, less you married royalty or something" Boy did he know wasn't like anyone was making enough money to be "Marriage ready" outside of those rich spoiled brats who got everything they ever needed from mommy and daddy and their royal name.

"Please, you don't owe me anything" he was always such a hard head in these kinds of situations...but then again he couldn't really turn down a free drink with a lovely woman such as her. "Come to town often, then?" stepping himself away from the cart and glancing around. He recognized the walls and little tiny landmarks of the alleyway to know where he was...hell he wasn't sure if the girl knew where she was headed by running this way, probably would of just ran into more drunks since it tended to be the "slobbish" part of the village...didn't he know since his shop was close to them.

"...Didn't catch your name, by the way" Joseph was one for small talk, kindness that was hard to find in a place full of angry, broken down people...though it did earn him a nice bit of respect among several street merchants and barmaids.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 08, 2011, 10:30:45 PM

Dallas continued to stalk along, he had no fear of the darkness, his father didn't allow for it. He was that poor kid that was literally locked inside of a dark room for hours upon hours on end until he overcame his fears, if not, he felt more at home in the dark now, it kept him hidden from everyone else and he could use it to his advantage in so many areas. He didn't want to remember the day the bombs fell, how he tried to hard to save everyone he could, only to watch them all be turned into ash by the flames while he was still there like the punch line to some sick joke. How for some reason the corrupt government fat cats got first bids over normal civilians, elderly, children and veterans even though they did was funny how most of those same government fat cats survived.

He had a flashlight safely strapped to his belt, but he didn't need it, he could see well enough in the dark to know where he was headed, and walk over any obstacles that may of been in his way. That's when he heard her running up behind him, turning slightly, there was still an angry fire in those blue eyes of his, first she was saying "Fuck you" and insulting him with every sentence she spoke...and now here she was scampering up to him afraid like she expected him to keep her company or safe from the dark. The part of him that he'd buried felt sorry for the girl, but the bitter pissed off side was in control. "Really now." He stopped and turned slightly towards her, the pissed off look in his face softening a bit as soon as he heard that bit of shake in her voice, but not enough to be very noticeable in the dark. "And what would they do to you, may I ask?"

Hell who knew, if it was bad enough he might just change his mind about the girl and let her run free, he didn't want to be The Heartless Bad Guy afterall.
General Roleplay / Re: Rebels and Royalty
November 08, 2011, 05:26:05 PM

He raised a brow when he felt the girls hand, half expecting it to be another thug that he had failed to see before her voice reassured him that she was not going to bring harm to him. He gave his hand a shake again to numb and shake the soreness away for a few moments more before looking towards the girl, she wasn't dressed like any of the villagers, that was for sure...that and she lacked the usual dust and grime that usually covered them as well. "We have enough to worry about living in these lands....last thing we should worry about is lawlessness in the streets" it didn't answer her question, but at least it spoke for his mindset.

It was also hypocritical...the term lawlessness. He was one to talk, he'd be arrested by the guards for protesting and causing a scene on many occasions, including assaulting an off duty guard at a pub for pushing the bartender around...not to mention supplying weapons to the others who felt like him to take up arms against said guards, and the "kingdom" they protected. "What's a beauty like yourself doing running about like this anyways?" giving a smile to her, though it was slightly ruined by the bit of blood that now stained his teeth. He was working around her question...mainly because he really didn't know why he just threw himself at her attackers...just seemed right.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 08, 2011, 05:16:40 PM

Dallas didn't much listen to the girls worlds. He wasn't angry she tried to escape, any fucking bonehead would do that, she was angry with her in general, the way she carried herself, the way she talked, and finally, her last comment struck a nerve, made something inside him snap. As soon as she began to lace up the boot from the killed Raider he tackled her down to the ground, unsheathing his knife once more and stabbing it close enough to her head that it may have taken a stray hair or two with it. "When the world was going to hell, I was the one busting my ass trying to save fucking people like you, While the people I loved and cared for died around me trying to do the exact same fucking thing. You know what I learned the day the world ended? There's no room for being human, while we are out dying it was people like you that were safely tucked away in their little fucking shelters sipping on hot cocoa waiting for the noise to stop"

The reason he had kidnapped her selfish, he gave her that...he wanted to escape from everyone. Disappear to a nice place far away, where there were no suits hiring people like him to kidnap people, no sassy little motherfuckers that thought they knew the whole story and greedy merchants raping people for everything they had. In anger again he lifted the blade out of the ground and stabbed it back down again, he wasn't sure what he was bitching about, it was his fault that he was in this mess now and that he had her talking sass to him, but part of him didn't care. With that he left the blade in the ground and got back up, kicking a log into the fire, making it flair up and embers float into the air as he began to walk away "Go on then, back to your home, I'm sure it's just so much better then anything else that's out here" He searched the body of the raider that he stabbed in the jaw for a bit, finding a few stray bullet casings and a few coins before walking his way off towards the broken down highway.

The money wasn't worth it to him anymore, though he was sure that the people that hired him were going to be majorly pissed off that he had bailed on his job, especially after he'd been paid an upfront fee. As far as he was concerned, the farther away from the girl he got the better. She had everything she needed, a fire, boots, warm clothing and now weaponry, he didn't worry if she could survive on her own or not, she had no reason she couldn't now.
General Roleplay / Re: Wasteland (Hatter x Onnen)
November 08, 2011, 11:02:57 AM
As soon as he heard her words, he wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed downwards, it helped she was already on her back somewhat, if he wasn't pissed off with the girl before, he sure as hell was now, fire was lit in those blue eyes of his. With that un holstering his prized Colt and placing it right to her temple. At this point he completely forgot about the job, he just wanted to get rid of this headache...then again, that would be too easy for her, just to have it end before it even began...fuck that was probably what she wanted. "You drive a very hard bargain Miss Lillith" with that releasing his grip from her throat before peeking his head over the top of the rock again.

Obviously, whoever the hell was shooting at them took kindly to the offer as the advanced forward, hollering and whooping like dumb school kids, which for all he knew, they probably fuckin' were. He tried being nice, hell even gave her his Duster and released her from her binds, but if she was going to act like a spoiled bitch then she'd be treated like one. He waited for the glow of the fire to shine the outline of one of the attackers, pulling the trigger and watching him drop like a sack of potato's to the ground. He was really too pissed off to care that the gunshot would give away his position, unsheathing one of his knives and quickly and swiftly cutting the rope between his wrist and the girls ankle.

It would work better for him if he could move freely without having to drag her along or pick her up, rolling himself over the top of the rock, blade held in one hand and The Revolver in the other, taking aim expertly as another form was lit up by the fire, pulling the trigger again as the mans head flew backwards, and his body falling back slowly afterwords. One of them making a charge for him with a rather nasty Machete of his own, Catching the mans arm as he swung downwards at him, flipping his blade around in his hand and stabbing upwards right into the mans lower jaw, quickly removing the blade and afterwords placing the Revolver to the mans temple, pulling the trigger and ending his life as he did his other two friends. It was amazing what a pissed off Ex-Marine could do, as soon as the three were dead cold blue eyes returning to Lillith.

Dallas made his way towards her again, but instead of doing anything else, simply taking the duster off of her form and tossing it over his shoulder. "Tried bein' nice" was all he said before he turned away and simply sat himself back down at the rock near the fire, ignoring the dead bodies that now littered around it. He kept his eyes on Lillith, by all means at this point she could run away, he'd just track her back down in the morning anyways, making a "shoo fly don't bother me" motion in her direction. "Why the hell 3 suits would want a girl like you is beyond me..."
General Roleplay / Re: Rebels and Royalty
November 07, 2011, 09:43:11 PM

Joseph continued to lazily stroll down the street, taking a bite out of the apple regularly before someone shoved himself, and he dropped it. "Watch where the hell you're going" he growled lightly before he saw who had shoved him aside. The girl running away from the two men chasing her, part of him told him to stay out of it, it wasn't his business and the problem would resolve itself..and that's when he kicked himself, gave a low sigh and ducked himself into an alleyway between the streets. He knew the streets like the back of his hands, every nook and cranny and so forth.

It didn't take long for the man to catch up with the chase, parking himself in a nice little hiding place and waiting, he let the girl run forward first, taking a deep breathe before charging himself forward in near perfect timing to clothesline the two males against the wall, loud grunts coming from both him and the other two before he laid a nice punt towards one of the men's ribs, the other landing a vicious punch on Joseph and he went crumbling to the ground. "Teach you to stick your nose in our business you fucking punk" Laying another hard punch on Joseph until he was able to kick his attackers leg out from underneath him and lay a violent punch of his own on the male, knocking him right out.

Joseph grunted lightly as he pulled himself back to his feet, shaking his hand a bit to try and shake off some of the pain the punches had brought and leaning up against an old hay cart. He had no idea if the girl had continued running or not, part of his hoped she did. He had enough to worry about with the fat cat royalty tearing him and his people down, the last thing he needed to worry about was assholes like the men he'd just taken down making themselves look like wild animals and try to cause harm to the innocent, spitting a bit of blood onto the ground with a disgusted look on his face.