
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Altair

She rolled her eyes as he commented about being in business. She wasn't in business, she was getting something to get rid of the aches and pains she got daily. She watched him blankly when took another look at her. Then had the galls to question her. She went to answer before he cut her off again, mentioning that she'd been dabbling in the black market. "I didn't dabble in the black market. A repo man took out one of my eyes and I couldn't afford a GeneCo replacement."she said flatly before turning back to the body she was pulling the Zydrate out of. She didn't tell him about her lungs, or that technically her brown eye was also a replacement.

She watched as he moved towards the entrance and as he started to speak she narrowed his eyes. At the deep breath, she nearly lunged to catch him before his voice carried out and brought the attention of the entire fucking city to himself. "What the fuck are you doing!?" She yelled, feeling the sudden push and the soft bodies pressing against her side. She squirmed and watched as he took off, GeneCo following him like a cat after a laser pointer. She narrowed her eyes and when things were quiet she pulled away and crawled out of the corpses and jumped the fence rather easily. "Fucking idiot." She snarled as she walked quickly through the back alleys. She had been sleeping in an abandoned little building that had once been an old GeneCo building that had been shut down for black market trading. She had taken over the small receiving area to keep any attention away from her through the front windows, refurbishing it with things that she had collected around the area. It was rather small, but cozy. Her bed was up on one of the top receiving racks, keeping her out of site in case someone came snooping around.

She used the receiving doors for back entrances and emergency exits as just that, emergency exits. The front was boarded up, but she had draped a dark blanket over them so none of the faint candles could be seen from the street. She hurried down the stone alleyway before freezing at the sight of the white skinned male hiding within the doorway. "You!" she hissed, looking over her shoulder as a guard walked past. She turned and stalked into the door way, shoving him hard and hitting her fist into his right shoulder. "You nearly got me caught you fucking dumbass!" she snapped viciously, narrowing her eyes as she waited for an explanation.

"Why do you care if I take two or three vials, its not like I'm competing against you for your Zydrate whores! I need them for myself." she snarled viciously, poking his chest as she spoke, wrinkling her nose. She pushed at one of her lip rings before crossing her arms, making her look rather defiant, despite how delicate her voice sounded.

Main Characters
Graverobber: Default
Pandora: Dodgerblue

Secondary Characters
Amber Sweet: Not Yet Introduced

The bicolored haired female moved with a bit of brute grace up and over the fence of the graveyard. Her blonde locks were braided and hung lazily across her back. Her ivory skin was pale against the moonlight. As the faint lights hit her, the glisten of her piercings reflecting off her skin could be seen. She had a total of seven, her gauges in her ears, her left Monroe, her tongue, her belly button and two hidden. What was her most striking feature was the bi colored eyes, one a dark brown, surgically altered when she was a teenager, and the other a stark white with a black ring around the outside. Her arms were tattooed, her nails painted black and her lips pale. She was 5'2" of delicate legs and a tiny waist. She was thin, petite and pixie like.

Dressed in a black top decorated with buttons on the wide color, a black wife beater and tight black jeans she hopped down onto black boots that nearly reached her knees. Buckles covered the entire front and ankles of the leather shoes and she wore several necklaces, the most prominent being a large key upon a gold chain. She sniffed quietly and looked across the graveyard, seeing small little movements but thinking nothing of them. Hidden under her large studded belt with the bondage ring attached to the middle were four empty vials and two syringes. She slid over to the nearest grave, feeling the way the top creased against the bottom. It was a tight seal, it hadn't been raided yet. She put her foot against the fence and pushed with her shoulder to hear the stone scrape against the ground. As it fell, she pulled the wrapping from around the face of the body, without hesitating, she forced the syringe up into the skull of the corpse through the nasal passage. She pulled back and slowly the vial she'd stuck inside filled with the glowing blue liquid. "Yes..." she whispered softly before not bothering to cover the grave back up. She hopped over it and as she was walking, slipped a bit on the moist ground and ended up with her foot through a horribly boarded up hole. She tilted her head and pulled the boards away as quiet as she could, crawling through it to drop down to find the epicenter of Zydrate.

"Oh fuck yes." she said with a smirk, pulling the next little glass vial from her belt and sliding it into the syringe, finding the freshest looking corpse she could from where she stood, without getting caught in the spot lights. As she slid the needle into the corpses nose to smack it through the skull, she felt a foot hit her leg and nearly an entire body topple over her. She froze, 'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit' she thought as she turned to look at the male but the minute she saw his getup, her body visibly relaxed when she realized it was just another peddler. When his words hit her she wrinkled her upturned nose and scoffed.

"Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you!" she snapped, trying to stay quiet to not alert the guards wandering around just outside.
So, basically here's what's been going on.

--I recently got a job, finally. I'm the IMpress Associate at the Office Max here in town. We're the top Office Max in the country, so I have really high expectations from my co-workers but I currently love my job. The people I work with are a riot, even though I'm not used to standing for as long as I do, so I come home hurting from the waist down. I actually get paid more then minimum wage, which shocked me when I first read the paper for the hire information. It is A LOT to take in. I have a lot of things I need to learn. I have to do copies, faxes, fed-ex, design work, emailing, sign work for the store, advertisements, and deal with customers that come up with little off side projects in the mean time, plus I have to keep an eye on the front end, and 50% of the time trigger the door when someone comes in. I also have to keep an eye on the self serve copier, make sure no one thats there needs any help, but also be a front end associate if we're busy and be a cashire if there is 3 or more people in line at 1 register. I need to remember the paper codes for certain types of paper, as well as the prices for our basic paper (or the most used ones). I need to be able to give price quotes for abstract things that people ask for. Its just a lot to learn all at once.

--On the positive side, I've been playing Minecraft 360 and watching some movies. I recently watched The Grey and I actually loved it. It was deep, beautifully done, dark yet outstanding. I watched the new Underworld, and it was incredibly short, and....alright. I would have preferred they just expanded the story a bit further so I didn't watch a movie that was only 75 minutes long. Next on the list is The Woman In Black.

--I've started writing a Fanfic (to keep myself distracted and writing daily) with a new friend I met on a different website named Robbie. She's such a sweetheart and so fun to talk to, kinda like a crazy me. I've also been active on a African Lion website (don't judge) that's been rather nice,though I feel like I'm very....minimal and kinda ignored since there are so many members.

--I've been drawing more, well...kinda.

--Feel sick to my stomach.
Bohemian Sector / Re: Altair Is An Arteest :D
May 31, 2012, 12:54:22 AM

QuoteA creature who took place in my dream, guarding a young girl who could foresee the future. His name is Sorrel, and he's blind, but can hear impressively well despite his small ears. He's mute as well, and vocalizes through deep grunts and groans to warn off predators and speaks telepathically to his child.
Introductions / Re: Harbinger of Fear
May 23, 2012, 10:19:36 PM

By the way, you seem pretty boss.
Bohemian Sector / Re: Altair Is An Arteest :D
May 07, 2012, 02:49:36 AM

I felt this place needed updated with new stuff.
So first things first. Tonight's latest creation.
To celebrate Dies returning to the land of the emotionally deprived internet beings.
I drew him something.

Since it won't show up as an image. Here's a link.

QuoteBam and Jamie curled up together

QuoteFox playing with a booterfly

QuotePanda covered in paint

QuoteHusky on his way to POUNCE

QuoteLike a Sir-Octopus

QuoteMy little alien dude Pynch

QuoteArtistic Wolf

QuoteThis Dude Snuggling his own tail.
Dies is back C:

): Don't leave again.

When you're around I laugh a lot more ^^
General Discussion / Re: Post Your Face.
May 06, 2012, 07:12:27 PM
Might not be my face, but my new necklace hand made by someone I know. (: who is a secret.
I also have two rings and another pendant.

Introductions / Re: Hello
May 02, 2012, 06:02:06 PM

"Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me"

pelasta minut alkaen itseltäni
Journals and Abscences / Re: --Don't Fear The Reaper
April 27, 2012, 12:15:18 AM
I miss Dies.

(and this gif depresses me)
Roleplay Requests by Males / Re: Gone.With.Sin
April 16, 2012, 03:44:55 AM
New Post

Looking for someone to play my Draco in a Harry Potter based RP.
I was looking for a sixth year role-play where Draco is struggling with his mission to kill Dumbledore (SPOILER :D)
And finds comfort in a fellow sixth year Slytherin who's rather gracefully and quiet, but a very intimidating witch.
He gets attached to her because she reminds him a lot of his mother, and eventually confides in him his secret that he's a death eater and the mission he was given was to kill Dumbledore.
Only to find that she already knew.
I have ideas for each important moment in the book, such as a rather romantic moment in the Room Of Requirement while he's trying to repair the vanishing cabinet.
She possibly takes place of him confiding in Moaning Myrtle, so when the duel starts with Harry when he stumbles on him, she breaks it up after Draco is hit with Sectumsempra just before Snape shows up to heal him back up.
She helps Snape get him to safety after the murder of Dumbledore.
Offers him a place to stay while Voldemort takes over his house.
Then when the seventh year starts she returns with him to keep an eye out for Harry who is expected to return.
You know these are just ideas, I want to keep it close to the books but we can twist it around to fit in the OC.
I'm really looking for someone who can portray that paranoid panicked fake front that Draco puts out. And when he's not freaking out he's rather calm and content with just sitting in front of the fire.
General Discussion / Re: What Are You Listening To?
April 14, 2012, 03:16:53 AM
Diamond Sword- Tobuscus {xxx}
General Discussion / Re: What Are You Listening To?
April 12, 2012, 07:20:19 PM
The Return - Killswitch Engage {xxx}
Introductions / Re: Hi *waves*
April 11, 2012, 02:16:03 PM
Introductions / Re: Hm...
April 10, 2012, 02:54:31 PM
Journals and Abscences / Re: --Don't Fear The Reaper
April 10, 2012, 01:50:40 AM
I'm feeling broken
and exhausted
and lonely
and weak.
I feel like I have no artistic talent
I have no talent in anything
That I'm the person everyone just "tolerates"
I'm in love with someone that doesn't know I exist.
I feel like my friends don't know I exist. (or what few friends I even have left)
That I've been replaced by my mother's ex husband almost 2 years ago.
I feel like everyone looks at me like I'm an uneducated redneck.
I feel like I have no place in life.
I feel like I can't find a job because no one thinks I could do it.
I feel like a failure because I can't find any school that I want to attend
I feel like a loser because I don't know what career I even want to study
I feel like I'm not good enough to go into the career that I considered.

Oh...and Dies?

General Discussion / Re: Post Your Face.
April 04, 2012, 11:01:46 PM
Awww Panda's cute C:

I got my hair did today. Cut, highlighted, tah dah.
Introductions / Re: At Your Service, Masters
April 04, 2012, 10:46:43 PM