
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Onnen

General Discussion / Re: Random Fact & Info Time.
July 07, 2011, 11:33:42 AM
Fact: The insurance companies and people that have fucked over Onnen in the last 4 days are now afraid of him

Fact: Onnen likes this. >3
There was something that was pretty damn relaxing about having the windows down with a broken A/C and wires sticking out where the radio was supposed to be and the only music was the sound of the wind....not really, it was annoying, and if he hadn't of stopped to refuel and spend the night at some shit shack that looked like it belonged to murderers he probably would of gone insane. Dallas' truck wasn't much to look at, it was a "Gift" from his uncle that seemed to have a sick sense of humor. Fuck he had spent more money trying to repair and restore it then he had spent on anything else in the last 2 years, then again when your parents kicked you out of the house, you couldn't hold a job and the only things you had were your skills of pick pocketing, a shitty 95' F-150 and 2 pairs of clothes wandering and driving were the only things you could do.

He kept driving, speeding, wearing a black skullcap and sunglasses, dirty blonde trimmed beard covered his face as well as an old black button up and a white wife beater with an old pair of blue jeans and raggedy ass converse. Fuck he probably looked like a bum out of hell but it wasn't like there was anyone around to judge, well, other then that lovely specimen right up the road, brow raised a bit as he continued to drive "Let's see...she could be a highway man out to rob me as soon as I pull over, or some fucking murderer or some other shit...." he thought to himself, then again what else did he really have to lose? wasn't like he was rich. Slowly coming to a stop he'd pull next to the females car, head tilting as he looked out the window towards her.

Now that was quite a sight to see....and the girl was pretty nice to. "Enjoying the view?" would pretty much be the only words spoken as he took a moment to look around, there was something beautiful about the desert, it was empty, there were no assholes around to start anything and most importantly it was out of the way....if the fucking heat didn't ruin every single one of those things. Awaiting the females response as he turned slightly in his seat to face her.
Roleplay Requests by Males / Re: Come Play Dying
July 06, 2011, 11:48:08 PM
Specific Plots


The 20th century brought many changes to the world, and even more so entering the early 21st century. Humans now relying on technology more and more, bitching about resources that disappeared yet no desire to stop using them, even the stories of old legends and tales being twisted to something completely different. It was kind of sickening when you were in a crowd of loud, clattering and jumbled people running about and a movie poster of some pale male was behind an emotionless looking girl with the glittering words "Twilight" was everywhere. Hell perhaps the thought of Sparkling like some sort of princess could be funny after a while, or maybe the funniest would be how nobody knew what lay deep underneath their concrete jungles and cement walls. Underground manors and fortresses, ancient markings along their walls and most importantly, the things that dwelled within those walls. When you've been around for about 15,345 years and feasted on the blood of humans without prejudice, murdered your species in blood wars with causes long forgotten, and sat 'pon a throne overlooking your brethren feasting, lusting and sinning, you'd probably be a little bit different to.

The Wastes

In the not too distant future, America regains power in an Extreme way by annexing Canada and afterwords, taking it for their own territory, afterwords sweeping through Mexico and northern South America like a plague, soon the entire Western Hemisphere is controlled strictly by America, and overseas countries are threatened with Nuclear War and also being conquered by the growing American invasion. It's not certain who decided to strike first, but on the afternoon of July 4th, 2020 the bombs first fell from the skies, completely destroying everything in their paths and areas and the earth was covered in darkness for a good 2 months. When the dust cleared there were no nations, no politics, simply the destroyed earth, irradiated ground and water, and small bastions of human civilization left. The struggle to survive and rebuild begins in a world full of irradiated horrors, death, and violence. Enter the next chapter of Human history.

This will loosely be based on a sort of "Fallout" type atmosphere in the ways of Towns, Cities, Radiation protection and Treatment, etc etc.

28 months Later

After the second outbreak in London, as well as the failure to contain the infection of the Rage Virus most of London is bombed out as well as several other European countries in attempt to stop and destroy the advance of infection. However this containment procedure also fails as the infection begins to be reported overseas, sweeping through New york city and several other Eastern States and cities within a matter of days, sometimes just hours. After 2 years and 4 months of constant battling, research and attempts to kill off and stop the second outbreak of the Rage Virus the entire Eastern half of the United States has been bombed out and reduced to rubble and ash by the same Code Red protocol executed in London. The borders near these now quarantined states are heavily guarded with a "Kill on sight" order to all military personal guarding them, infected or not. Those that survived prior waves of infection, bombing and the Code Red protocol now struggle to travel north to Canada for safety from the Quarantine zone, hoping that the infected starve themselves out once again and civilization can be restored.

Map of Quarantined States
General Discussion / Re: Random Fact & Info Time.
July 06, 2011, 04:02:37 PM
Fact: Onnen is an angry
Fact: Onnen has gotten fucked over by 15 people in the last 24 hours
Fact: Onnen only have 150 dollars to somehow stretch in the next week due including bills, utilities, and god forbid groceries.

Fact: Onnen is probably going to be fucked over completely if he doesn't get a decent sum of money or a miracle in the next 48 hours.

Fact: Onnen almost punched someone for asking him he had accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior at a Mcdonalds parking lot. O.o
I can't pull off the whole purse thing....I think they make my butt look big. D:
General Discussion / Re: Random Fact & Info Time.
July 04, 2011, 04:20:48 PM
Fact: Onnen is sexy
Fact: Sexy is Onnen
Fact: Onnen is a hungry mex'cun
Fact: Onnen is a cuddle whore
Fact: Onnen drinks, therefor he is.
Fact: Onnen is not an alcoholic, he is simply an anti-sobriety advocate.
Fact: Everything in life can be solved with the proper application of Explosives and sexual awkwardness.
5 Dollar movies down here every Tuesday and Thursday at a pretty upscale theater :) Of course there are the dollar ones but...nyeh.

Other then that I only usually go to the movies during the winter so I can sneak shit in with my jacket. =D Not wasting 5 dollars on a fuckin' coke and 4 more dollars on just one hot dog. >>
For when you have nothing better to do.

And or


When you just don't wanna waste 5 dollars on a movie :3

[Admin Notice: Please do not link to sites that involve illegally hosting material. I know that we all love these freebies but things like that could potentionally shut down Forsaken. You can say the site, just do not directly link it. The other link was removed due to being a Bad link that had been shut down.]
General Discussion / Re: What Are You Listening To?
July 02, 2011, 04:25:02 PM
Does that moment in porn when the plumber starts taking off his pants count as a music track?
General Discussion / Re: Show Your Desktop.
July 02, 2011, 04:24:23 PM
Dat wallpaper
General Discussion / Re: What Are You Listening To?
July 01, 2011, 11:48:18 AM

Massive Amounts of Nu-Metal and New LB album ftw.
General Discussion / Re: Show Your Desktop.
July 01, 2011, 11:46:52 AM
I change my desktop Wallpaper pretty much constantly but I keep Object Dock because it's wicked awesome, saves space, and makes things look nice n' pretty.
General Discussion / Re: Post Your Face.
July 01, 2011, 11:42:12 AM
That Fish looks sexy as hell.
Gamer District / Steam Gaming
July 01, 2011, 11:40:58 AM
As a few of you know I'm a huge Steam/Valve gaming whore and I'm always looking for new people to team up or play against. I'm not quite sure if anyone else has these games or steam, but if they do feel free to add me

Onnen2151 Be my user and I have Left 4 dead, Left 4 dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor and many others....Yup o.o
Open Roleplay / The Infection
June 13, 2011, 12:31:09 AM
Bio's and Plot [Here]

And so began another day.

Maybe it was the sound of birds chirping, the air full of the usual life....or the echoing groans, moans, and screams that pierced it. A single blue eye slowly opening to see the sky and the rays of the first sunshine of the day gracing the town. Jason didn't even keep track of the days anymore, there was no need to, it wasn't like he had to go to work anymore, or had a date with a girl that didn't exist anymore. Hey! maybe a new action moving staring some greased up muscled jock would come out, only the blood stained ticket window of the theater could tell anyone. Slowly sitting himself up on the single mattress bed he had dragged along by himself, under a blue tarp to protect himself from the weather he had made himself a little slice of "paradise".

Next to the mattress laid 5 clips of .556mm ammo and 2 Glock USP pistols, and a G36 laid neatly above them, as well as an empty gallon which had the word "Water" scribbled onto it in permanent marker. And perhaps the only form of entertainment was an old truckers CB Radio, looted and taken during the night hours of....god knows when. He hadn't heard anyone elses voice in about 3 days now, and the only thing the separate hand held radio picked up was old C.D.C Broadcasting messages...and of course the lovely sound of static. He could hear them down below, oh yes....3 stories down they were mumbling and shuffling around, the occasional grunt or yell given. "Good morning to you too...."

Today's activities were already planned in his mind, perhaps he'd find some running water and shaving cream by some off chance and trim the unruly beard that had been allowed to grow over the last few days. It wasn't like it was important....but with nobody else around and the only company being your guns and the infected even a trivial thing such as shaving became an enjoyable past time. The Electricity was still on a few blocks down and as far as he could tell the local food shop might of had a few scraps left over, had the infected or other survivors not picked it clean first. He'd turn and look to the empty water gallon, and several emptied cans of Chili stacked into a small pyramid and gave a small chuckle. A man that had dark humor in this situation was either insane, or just that bored, he couldn't tell which one he was.

With that simply grabbing a nearby lawn chair and pulling it up near the ledge, not enough to be seen down below by the infected who might see his position and think he was a tasty treat or a good pinata, sitting down and crossing one leg over the other to overlook the emptied, abandoned and destroyed town of Englewood, as well as it's new inhabitants shuffling around in their lazy dance. And at the moment he just couldn't help but wonder if the paper boy had already completed his rounds or had yet to deliver the news of the end of the world to all of his neighbors and co-workers....

Fortune Says: Smile! The World Shines and Opens it's arms around you!

The Embracing arms of Death that is.
Full Name: Dallas "O'briann" Thompson

Sex: Male

D.O.B: April 17th, 1998 (age 35)

Personality: A little bit one the "Insane" side, Taking order from his Higher Ups without question and unwavering trust. Enjoys seeing other people suffer.

Biography: Right from the beginning he was born into a military family, a father who was never there, a mother who had multiple partners and no siblings. His Teenage years were spent as any others, hating their parents, school, and that secret dream that if given the chance, he would kill everyone he deemed "Undeserving of life". Enlisting in the Military at age 18 he became a battlefield veteran extremely quickly, the "Go to guy" to solve "Problems". Surviving 5 bullets to the chest, a close range Artillery strike, and multiple tours out. By the age of 26 he had become a full on killer, the kind of person that could look a person in the eyes while they beg for their life, and still shoot them without so much as flinching or thinking twice. Of course upon Absolute Past Forming, they took note of Dallas' "Behavior" as well as combat experience he became an obvious choice to begin "Enforcing" their new ideas of "Law and Order". His first big job tracking, finding, interrogating, and eventually murdering a local hacker, of course, word never getting out of the it. This was done by watching him almost 24/7 daily, memorizing his routine, even going so far as tying up the mans wife, and skinning her arms right in front of him every time he didn't cooperate during interrogation. Safe to say, Dallas never looked back after that, finding it to satisfy that little whispering voice that plagued the back of his head. Serving Absolute Past and Absolute Future being his reason for life, sworn and deadly dedicated to enforcing The Law by any means necessary.

Hobbies: Gun Cleaning, Knife Sharpening, Weapon and Mechanical repair, Music (Old 90's to early 21'st century Metal/Rock) Torture and Sex.

*Occupation: Soldier/"Problem Solver"

Member of: Absolute Past

  • [/url] Pic

Name: Jason Morenno

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Profession: Bartender/Cook at a local bar and grill before the outbreak.

Personality: Loyal and helpful, though very quiet when alone and around larger crowds. Long Term Thinker. Tends to keep to himself whenever possible but frequently reaches out to other survivors via radio transmissions and giving stray survivors food, water, and ammunition.

History/Bio: 24 years and his Father was right, he was going nowhere fast in life and stuck working a dead end job with a bunch of shitty people. Through High School getting average grades and top of his class through ROTC, being the ranking commander of the Rifle Marksman Team. Graduating at age 18 and sitting around for the next few years he worked several dead end jobs ranging from a security guard at a tax office, a cashier at a fast food joint and then grabbing a job at the Local "Red King's Bar n' Grill" where he stayed until a customer decided to walk in one day and attack everyone that came near him. Now taking refuge on nearby building roof tops supplied with several pistols and a G-36c taken from the body of a dead Military Soldier. Though rusty from years of not firing a gun, and even more so from not being active he still maintains his figure and experience from R.O.T.C Rifle Squad.

Faction: Survivor

Open Roleplay Bios / The Infection (Plot and Bios)
June 09, 2011, 06:38:53 PM
Day One, December 6th, 2014
A man stumbles into a local Hospital, unknown age and unknown alias, in Rural Iowa, complaining of weakness, headache, and difficulty breathing as well as throwing up blood. Doctors take him to a room where blood tests are ran as well as MRI's, during the MRI He experiences massive seizure and heart as well as organ failure, he is rushed to the ICU where 8 hours later he is pronounced dead. Blood samples are taken and he is transferred to the nearby "Jason & Son's Morgue and Funeral Home for Autopsy.

Day Two, December 8th, 2014
Two more cases of people complaining of weakness, headache as well as Difficulty breathing and Blood being thrown up are reported at the Hospital, 1 Case is local butcher by the name of Joseph Carpenter and a school child by the name of Alexandra Jones. As with the case before both experienced the same symptoms as well as massive seizure and organ failure. Both are Transferred to ICU where Joseph dies 3 hours later and Alexandra 6 hours later. As before both bodies are sent to Jason & Son's for Autopsy and Funeral Arrangements.

Day Six, December 11th, 2014
A man later identified as 32 year old Jacob Wright stumbles into a Truck stop diner, breathing heavily as well as being soaked in blood from mouth to stomach from vomiting blood, when asked if okay he became violent and lashed towards the local waitress, grabbing her and biting a chunk out of her arm, authorities are called and he is quickly subdued by several customers at the diner. The Waitress is transported to the Hospital and Jacob is held in police custody overnight. Several cases of sickness sprout up in several cities in Urban Illinois, Kansas and Wisconsin.

Day Ten, December 16th, 2014
Outbreak of Disease has reached major states such as New York, Texas, and even beginning to spread into Southern Canada. The C.D.C takes over control of operations to research and cure the outbreak, widespread panic begins to take hold as cases of infected begin to cause localized riots in the streets, widespread looting and Violence. Several Large News Casting companies come under fire for releasing video of what appears to be infected persons attacking and seemingly attempting to maul and bite fleeing people and medical personal as well as police officials. Everyone is urged to remain calm and relax as The C.D.C has everything under control.

Day 15, December 21st, 2014
The President declares Martial Law as cases now plague 35 of the 50 States, as well as Overseas countries such as Japan, China, And U.K reporting massive amounts of infected cases and widespread rioting and looting. Violence and tension escalates as people begin to board themselves into their houses, shooting other people on the suspicion of them being infected. Anarchy spreads through the streets of the world as The Military begins to cut off and restrict cities and roads in attempt to contain the infection, trapping the un-infected with the infected who had now grown to massive uncountable numbers, unable to be controlled by law enforcement and military.

Day 20, December 26th, 2014
Tokyo, Japan is blown off the map by a nuclear device fired Supposedly by North Korea, though many local belief is that The United States fired in order to eliminate quote, unquote "The Largest Source of Threat of Infection". All 50 states in America have reported cases of infection and cities become deserted, leaving nothing but the massive amount of infected who wander the streets, screaming, crying, breaking and killing anything from Humans, to Dogs and Horses, afterwords reportedly cannibalizing or eating them, the Military is ordered to Fire on infected on sight as well as civilians who refuse to come with them into set up "HPC" (Health and Protection care)camps set up by the C.D.C to test infected beings and un-infected against their will, hoping to find some sort of cure to the chaos and death the world had been plunged into.

Infection is an Open RP for anyone who wishes to join focusing around survival and day to life in an infection (A.K.A) Zombie Apocalypse. Life consists of struggling to find resources, food, and shelter away from both the C.D.C, Military, and of course, Infected. Later into the Plot mutations from Infection will begin to become apparently, for anyone that's played L4D these will include smaller, "Realistic" versions of mutation such as disfigurement, Horrid Muscle Growth (Tank) and Infection spreading blood, bile, etc (Boomer). 

The Plot is set in a small town of Englewood, Colorado, near the hard hit city of Denver, relatively free of C.D.C and Military now that they had pulled back but heavy with infected. Though it begins in a small town it may branch out to different and or larger towns by ways of travel by both car and foot. Several places still have running electricity and water. Rogue radio as well as television signals can still be picked up, some pre-recorded messages from the C.D.C and others live broadcasts from other survivors. Travel is easier during the day as the infected seem to like the night more, however far distances are dangerous as roads are blocked with abandoned cars as well as Military and C.D.C Road blocks and check points, leaving the only options of moving either back roads or straight through densely infected plagued towns and cities.

Infected/Zombies match the style of L4D Zombies, relatively neutral until a food source is located, or they spot Un-infected humans or military. They are disturbed by bright lights and are attracted to extremely loud sounds such as gun shots and alarms going off. They can run and will usually continue the chase unless distracted or their pursuit is stopped by barriers such as doors, houses, etc. They can be killed with pretty much anything at your disposal and as always, the easiest way to take one down quickly and efficiently is to either shoot them in the head or sever the head at the neck. Later "Mutated" Zombies will be harder to kill but the same basic principles of killing them will remain the same.

Three Factions are Set, They are:

Survivors are Pretty self xplanatory and Basic. Survivors of the infection and living out their lives fighting and struggling to find food, water, shelter, and avoid The Infected and the C.D.C Whom most see as Corrupt.

The C.D.C is attempting to both understand, contain, and eventually cure the infection, however also holding the secrets as to what the infection is and how it got started, as well as attempting to silence any rogue survivors who attempt to find or release the truth to who is left.

The Military is strictly loyal to the Government as well as the C.D.C, The soldiers who set up barriers, restrict access to roads and towns, and kill and shoot both infected and non infected that threaten their mission objectives or fail to obey their commands.

Simply Character Sheet Below

Profession: (Before or During Infection Event):
Roleplay Requests by Males / Come Play Dying
June 09, 2011, 03:15:29 PM
Yup, I'm Onnen and I'm a man of simple Tastes, I've been RP'ing for about 5 to 7 years now and I vary style and length like a changing wind. I'm willing to RP with most everyone, unless it starts getting Ridiculous or someone ends up posting 3 word posts. (It's happened before @_@)

When it comes to group Rp's or some sort of storyline that involves "Good/Evil" I love to play the Bad Guy, Around Furc I got massively tired of of everyone trying to be the Hero and big shot, thus I love being that "Antihero" Or villain that everyone loves to hate, something I like to consider that I do very well.  :D But away from that I'm pretty Passive/Neutral in RP's when it comes to Alignment.

I pretty much have only one "Set" Character that I have the most experience with and That's Onnen, Information can be found at . Fair warning is that when it comes to Onnen he's constantly being changed and evolving, what may be on the site 1 week may not be there the next week, I've had Onnen since I began Rp'ing and I'm constantly changing and remolding him to my desires.

Currently I'm searching for at least 3 Different Rp's which can be found Below

Wasteland/Apocalypse Rp
I've been wanting to do this one for as long as I can really remember, but it has mostly been enhanced by my playing of Fallout 3 And Fallout New Vegas. Mutation, Radiation, Weapons and Survival, what's there not to love?

Zombie Rp
Pretty much the same as above, 'Cept with Zombies, Preferably around L4D Related Story Lines with slight changes such as Mutations, Disease/Infection Ideas and so forth, as well as Different Factions such as Military, Survivors, and "Scientists". All around attempting to both survive, uncover, and kill the infection.

Pretty much just mained out with Onnen in any kind of R.P at all, I don't really complain when it comes to time line or anything different, I'm willing to mold, change and beat Onnen down into the right setting no matter what kind of Rp it is. =D

I can be reached of course on the forums, and on both Furc and MSN at And of course, Onnen on Furc. n_n buh bai