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Topics - TrulySubmissive

Well Hello, Everyone and Welcome to my New Request Thread

Table of contents

Post I. Introduction (A look into the way I roleplay)
Post II. What I expect from my partners
Post III. My Kinks, and my limits
Post IV. Pairings and characters (including pictures and descriptions of the character.)
Post V. Plots and Ideas that I have.

So a little bit about me, hmmm, where to start, there's so much? I suppose I'll start off with a short introduction into what type of roleplayer I am, so I am:

Literate: I tend to post about 4-7 paragraphs or more if I get really involved within a roleplay, and interested enough. Now I'm not expecting all my partners to post that, but I do expect you to give me something to work with, that means ABSOLUTELY NO ONE LINERS. 1-4 paragraphs is acceptable for me.
Third-person POV: This means I would rather roleplay in third person, I don't know what it is about first person, I guess first person just feels more personal to me, as if I'm actually the character I am roleplaying and quite frankly, it creeps me out. So third person is the way I roleplay, if you don't like it, then I don't care, just know that this probably isn't your type of request thread then.
Frequent: So now comes the question of what I mean by frequent, by this I mean that I generally post at least once a day if not more. However, real life is more important than roleplaying, so, yes, I do have a hectic schedule, but I will provide you with a rough outline of my schedule. Sometimes, I tend to forget about roleplays if the responses take longer than a week and a half. I usually assume that you are no longer interested and have dropped the roleplay. However, I know how crazy and hectic real life can become, so if something does come up, please, just PM me and let me know that you won't be able to post. I am a pretty chill, relaxed person, so I won't get angry, or upset, just let me know, that's all I ask you. So now here's a rough sketch of my schedule:

Monday: Work 12-9
Tuesday: Off, with a college class 3-4
Wednesday: Work 12-9
Thursday: Off, with a college class 3-4
Friday: Work 8-4
Saturday: Work 8-6
Sunday: Work 8-6

Now this is just a rough sketch, but that's pretty much how my schedule looks. So I get busy, but I'll try to post at least once a day, if not every other day.
Respectful: By this I mean that I am respectful of my partners. If you have limits, I won't cross them. I most certainly will never God Mod, and if you say you are uninterested, or even drop a roleplay with me after shooting me a PM explaining why, then I won't throw a tantrum. All I ask is that you return the same respect to me and I'll do the same for you.
Strong Preferences: By this I mean typically when I roleplay, I have strong preferences for certain kinks, roleplays, and other things of the likes, so call it as you may, but some think I'm picky. If you don't like it, it's okay, but again, this isn't the thread for  you. So with that in mind, I am open to suggestions, though, so if you are uncertain, PM me, tell me your suggestion, opinion, and your idea. The worse thing I'll do is say no, I'm not a mean, strict person, though, it sometimes seems like that, I'm not, I'm relaxed and chill, so just PM me.
Introductions / Well Hello There
March 28, 2013, 11:16:34 PM
Well, mhmm, hello, I'm trulysubmissive. Anyway, I am new to this site, not new to roleplaying. So no, I may be a newb, not a noob though. I have about 2 years worth of experience of roleplaying and I tend to lean towards BDSM roleplays, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub, however you would like to put it. I guess I came to the right place then. Well, I'm glad I checked out this website, hmmm, what else to say, let's see, I am an experienced writer, not published (unfortunately), but experienced nonetheless. I am literate, creative, and I like plot, over smut. So that being said, I love to add twists and I am always tweaking with a roleplay. I do not God-mod, or control other characters, and I respect all or any of my partners. So anyway, I hope to start a roleplay soon, but I just wanted to introduce myself first