
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Topics - Staria

The port town of shire was under attack, by a group of pirates that seemed more reminiscent of a pack of well trained wolves. The sound of cannons filled the air, along with the howls and the whistles that the pirates used to communicate with. It was known that  Captain Cole Leander insisted on it to ensure that no one else could understand their orders or signals, a native American trick 'he' said. Many believed it was a scar tactic, however, considering they released several wolves into every port they attacked, and some even believed they had taken children a time or two.  The pirates of the great ship 'the blood rose', named after Leander's mother Rose, were to be feared. That but not much more was known about them.

The captain had come to this town, however, with a purpose. There was a man said to be doing research  on a disease.... torturing people in his basement would be more accurate. Leander howled an order to a few nearby crew so the people would be taken to the ship, for reasons known only to the captain. 'He' then turned to the man, fury in 'his' suddenly cat like eyes. The lion's claws were then released and the captain went to strike down the alchemist. The sadist ducked and ran into the streets, followed by the relentless half human pirate.

;He' raised 'his' claws with a roar, practically ripping off the alchemists head. Anyone finding it would assume a sword so he saw no reason to suppress the instinct. It was the first mistake the captain had made in some time, more in control of 'his' feline instincts then 'his' human ones sometimes. Then, however, the creature realized that it had been seen.... by a well dressed human.

Instantly 'he' tried to take full human form again and bolted forward. Both arms intending to wrap around the persons waist and pull the human close. There was no choice, the person would have to be taken back to the ship and held prisoner... though at least this held possibilities...
General Roleplay / Tainted [Staria x DoctorRed]
October 22, 2011, 12:00:50 AM
The rain came down in sheets, each drop like a cold stab to the living. It silenced the forest creatures, most retreating to their burrows and nests. It was the kind of day that few ventured out, at least few that were sane enough to feel the air. It suited the seemingly random deaths that had tortured the group of villages spread through out and besides this thick wood.

It suited Deirdra's mood as well, her cold blue eyes the same shade as the ice they currently resembled. She had taken refuge in a small cave, her demon blood protecting her against the chill but not the rain. A blue fire crackled behind her, the only sound as her naturally purple lips stayed silent. She was glaring out at the rain as if it was at fault for her predicament. She was still not at full power... and now the humans hunted her, assured of her guilt by the one human she had trusted.

Her father had taught her better when he whisked her away, showing the cruelties of man even as she was to young to understand them. In her age she had allowed herself to settle into a calm, to study time as it passed and convinced herself that he was wrong. Yet time had proved he was right yet again as he had been about so many things....

She sighed, turning to her magically conjured fire. It was blue, just as her blood was when it hit the air, but it was just as warm as any fire but created none of the smoke. She pulled her hooded cloak tighter, her jet black hair falling around her face as she peered down at it. She was no more looking at it then the rain but at least it kept her warm so she stood close to it with her back to the cave entrance. Surely... with this rain threatening hail no sane person would be on the hunt.
Is anyone interested in one? I've been in a very sailor moon mood lately XD. But if there's no other sm fans/roleplayers(yes I knew a person who was not a fan of the series but liked to roleplay it... hell I am about a couple animes and things XD)) on the board, no point in starting one so I seek fans :P .
Journals and Abscences / My computer's dead
September 11, 2011, 10:30:23 PM
So I'll be gone until I get a new one. I can sneak in a few minutes here and there on other people's computers but wont be able to roleplay.
Open Roleplay / A Marriage To End It All
July 28, 2011, 02:08:44 AM
The War(plot)

The War Torn(profiles)

The Meeting Of Bride and...Bride?(start post)

Jan had suggested the marriage in desperation, tired of a needless war that no one could remember the reason for. It was a fact, though not one that any living thing would believe. She was "The Living Sword." The vampire with the highest kill count in the war and who had always demanded to go into missions alone when she could. She had wounded an officer who tried to go with her once, despite the fact that he simply was following her 'parents' orders. They could not bare children, being the undead, but they could love and they loved her as their own.

Still, now that it was time she did not seem particularly interested in meeting her bride to be. The lycan princess was to be dropped off to live with the vampires half an hour ago, and Jan was STILL no where to be seen. Her parents, her servants, even her animals to call were all spread out in the beautiful dinning hall. It had been carefully decorated and prepared for the Princess and any human or theranthrope attendants she might bring. Foods of every kind were spread out onto the table, candles casting light from multiple crystal chandeliers. It appeared the vampires were doing their best...

The king and queen sitting in thrones at the end of the dinning hall preparing to greet their guests.  Leopards, tigers, lions, all sorts of big cats were lounging around, gazing at any of the lycans who entered with a lazy yet slightly confused expression. Once the Princess and her group entered the king and queen would step forward, bowing in greeting nervously. The queen would remark on the Princess's beauty, saying her Jan was lucky whether the queen actually thought so or not. The royal couple would then ask the lycans to eat and offer to put any bags brought into rooms, trying to stall even as minutes ticked on and Jan did not arrive.

Finally, however, Jan would arrive with her pale skin as peach as it got which showed she'd eaten. She had her sword, named the Dragon Wing, over her shoulder in a lazy sort of way. It was rude, if not all out threatening, considering it was well known to the lycans as a blade that had taken many of their own. Yet Jan did not seem to care, she simply strolled in with a drawled sorry that earned her a scowl from both her parents at once. She smirked faintly but slowly sheathed the sword, gazing over anyone who had arrived with a distant, icy expression that was difficult to read.
Open Roleplay Bios / A Marriage To End It All
July 28, 2011, 01:40:30 AM
Name:  Janan "Jan" Dunstani

Age: Appears in her early twenties, is actually several centuries old

Race: Vampire

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: White

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: Her back appears to have been whipped.

Appearance: The Vampire with the strange blue eyes.
(I didn't feel like drawing my own or typing out a description. Might replace the pic eventually with my own version but the appearance will stay the same)

Jan has two modes, half crazed killer and ice cold aloof Politian. She speaks rarely, and when she does it tends to be sarcastic or blunt. No one sees what she's thinking, but everyone knows that they are not safe if she's around. She is not kind or loving, even her lovers have been treated with reserve. Getting into her bed has never been all that difficult, as long as you're female, but getting into her heart has yet to be done. Even her so called mother and father, her sire and his wife the current leaders of the vampires, know nothing. To the lycans she has, unsurprisingly, she has been even more a mystery. A killer rarely seen by anyone, well anyone who lived anyway.

Song: I will Not Bow


Name: Calypso Dustani

Age: Appears in her early twenties, is actually more then a few centuries old

Race: Vampire

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Red

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: A tattoo of an ivy vine around one of her wrists and a raven tattooed on her right shoulder blade

Appearance: The Lady with lustful green eyes.

Personality: She is lustful, playful, and a little fickle. She is highly intelligent but often pretends to be less so then she is. She knows how to use sex to please or to torture at will and enjoys doing so. She can also be a little lazy but once she decides she wants something nothing will stop her.

Song: Gypsy Woman

*I found a more approriate song for her >.>....


Name:  Zoe Dunstani

Age: Just turned 18

Race: Were - Snowleopard

Eye color: One silver, one light blue

Hair color: Black

Markings/Scars/Tattoos: a birthmark on her butt that looks like a paw print almost

Appearance: The girl with mismatched eyes.

She is shy, sweet, and skittish. She is easily frightened and surprised but loyal enough that she will try to fight for those she loves... even if she's not all that good at it. All and all she's a quiet little thing easy to ignore and forget. She has also been mute since birth for unknown reasons.

Song: Unfound yet
Update: It has began
Profile thread:
Rp Thread:

I need to find at least one other person to join before i can start it but as many people can join as want and I'd actually like this to be as big a roleplay as possible. I need someone to play the prince. The player can choose if the prince is a therianthrope or a vampire. I will be playing the princess as well as one of the characters against the marriage/peace. The therianthrope/lycan will be at least half lycan/wolf but can be either full blood lycan/wolf or half and part some other animal type.
*No matter what choice is made the prince/princess of the therianthropes/lycans will have to have the ability explained below.
*If a halfblood is chosen for the theran/lycan's race then it will make even more tension as the pack will have traditionally ruled and this be the first non lycan chosen for queen and the first halfblood child. ^.^

The idea is simple,  There has been a war between the Therianthropes/lycans and the vampires for centuries. Originally the therianthropes/lycans were seperated into different tribes based on the animals that they were, but as the war continued they grouped together for safety and power against the vampires. The therianthropes/lycans began to develop abilities due to their spiritual power and strength such as immunity to vampires mental powers but none were powerful enough to worry the vampires. That was until the prince(or princess) of the therianthropes/lycans, son(or daughter) of the alpha wolf, developed the ability to manipulate the heat produced in their bodies from the change at will. he/she can even create fire, the one weakness of all vampires.

Due to their fear as well as a rising in sympathies on both sides for the other a treaty was reached. The treaty is dependant on an arranged marriage between the prince and princess of the Theranthropes and the vampires. If the marriage fails or one of the two die the treaty is void and war will likely break out again. There are various groups who dislike the idea of a treaty and fear the change and are working to destory the marriage before it can happen!

Note: If enough people want to be involved and/or it is requested there can actually be multiple princes and princesses and even multiple marrages.

Note two: The rest of the royal family such as the parents start as npc's but if anyone wants to play them they can be requested.

Note three: You DON'T have to play royality and you are free to have a character for or against the marriage. There are also those who gaurd the royality, friends, family, common citizens who get tangled into this on both sides of the issue. There is both groups against the marriage and rogue individuals against it. You can even be human or some other creature though of course we'll have to figure out how to involve you into the plot as some other creature but I'll help. ^.^
Open Roleplay / Survival Instinct, A Strange Future
July 23, 2011, 01:08:59 AM
Those Who Live  Profiles

The World They Live In
(I.e Plot >.>)
The modern world may have continued on, become the futuristic society fiction proposed if not for the comet. On a perfectly ordinary day a comet would slam without warning into the planet. It contained a strange energy which spread over the entire earth. The energy caused massive earthquakes and strange weather phenomenon for two hours that caused pure chaos and destruction. Most human cities were completely destroyed and the landscape of earth was changed but this was not the end.

To the living the energy would act like a virus, causing them to become deathly ill for one day. Plants and animals were all affected, but only humanity would be nearly destroyed. At the end of that twenty four hour period animals were merely changed but if you were human it was all a matter of chance. It killed 75% of humanity but only the remaining 25% were transformed  into much more powerful versions of themselves. The energy is especially hard on the body of the extremely young or  old so most of the survivors are above 6 but under 60.

Some it spliced with animals and made them strange hybrid creatures much stronger or faster then the actual animal mixed with them with powers related to the animal such as the ability to see heat for a rattle snake. Some have gained a mystical power such as the ability to control water or to fly or even see the future. The earth's animals and plants were transformed with an added change, they were made more intelligent but also driven mad. It is only a month and yet the world has become a twisted, foreign place with no relief in sight.

You are one of the transformed humans, the last piece of sanity in this new twisted world. There is no greater goal, no greater story to tell, there is only survival. Will you try to survive on your own or will you try to find others like you? It is all up to you, you drive yours and in fact the worlds story.

A Day  In The Life
(First In Character Post, yay!)
Deliliah stood in the shadow of a collapsed apartment buildings sign, once her home. A small smirk pulled at her dark, pierced lips at the realization. She hadn't known it was the same building until she'd made it here, the earthquake had so devastated the area. It was just a bunch of concrete fragments and metal support bars, sprawled in a heap now when it had once been the largest building on the block.

Slowly one partially gloved hand raised to push a strand of sapphire hair behind her many pierced ear as she turned and leaned her tired back against it. Small pops escaped her back as she stretched, observing the concrete alcove around her. It made a nice little cave against the cold wind and might keep animals at bay...

This part of the city had few rats, if only because the larger predators had moved in and eaten the easy prey. It was both a blessing and a curse as in this part of the city the earthquake had hit hard enough that food was hard to come by for humans too. At least fewer rats in the area meant no worry of being chewed on by one during the night even if it could also mean going hungry. Hunger could make even a rat look awful appetizing as she'd found out the hard way once already.

Tonight she would not have to make such a choice, however, as she had found a supermarket intact enough to raid. She had enough canned food to last her awhile hidden in her 'inner place' as she called it. A pocket dimension would be a more apt name. All thoughts of dinner fled, however, as she heard a scrapping sound against the concrete. She was not alone...

((feel free to be the scrapping sound or not if you like <3.))
Here's the profile thread for the wonderful post-apocalyptic world of survival instinct. Below is the profile form I used which I provide simply for ease of use, you can use your own if you prefer. Up to you ^.^



Eye color:

Hair color:






Here's my character's profile

Name: Delilah Hubert

Age: 21

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Blue, was dyed but the transformation made it permanent

Appearance: She stands around 5'5 and has a slender athletic build. Her skin has a slight tan and there is a soft spray of freckles over her nose. Her hair is medium length, feathered around her face, and straight as rain, ending mid back. She tends to wear it up, often in a braid with a line of hair let long and loose on either side of her face. She has multiple piercings in her ears and 'snake bite' piercings in her lips. She is almost always dressed in a pair of ripped jean shorts, black hiking boots, black fingerless gloves, and a random, long sleeved top to hide the scars on her arms and torso.

Animal/Power: Create portals to either another physical space within range (will extend the more she uses it. Starts at just about twenty feet) or her own 'dimensional pocket'. Any damage done to the walls of her dimensional pocket appear on her body as wounds and  it has a limited amount of oxygen so is really only useful for storing items.

Personality: She is full of energy, optimistic or rather stubborn, and tends to keep moving. She always knows where she's going and what she wants.  She has an attitude, always speaks her mind, and is often sarcastic though not cruel... usually.  She can be quick to anger, though gets over it just as easily and quickly.

History: She lived a happy, normal life until she was twelve and a fire broke out in her home. No one knows what started the fire. She had been in her room, playing with her sister on orders from her mother. When the flames broke out she held her baby sister in her arms to try to protect her from the flames and ran. She and her sister lived because of her bedroom being furthest from the fire and her actions, her parents did not survive. She bounced around from foster home to foster home after that, eventually being separated from her little sister because no one wanted them both.

Once she was eighteen she would leave the foster care system and get a job at a book store. She lived in a small apartment in a large city, saving up money so she could hire a private detective to find her sister. She also did what little investigation she could on her own. She still hoped to find her little sister until the comet. Now she believes her sister dead....

Song: It's My Life

Extra: She is terrified of fire.

Introductions / *shy wave*
July 21, 2011, 03:59:04 PM
Er... Hi. I was invited by a friend from Menewsha and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Nancy and i love to roleplay and chat. How is everyone today?

Hi, I'm Nancy. I love to role play and chat and am generally a friendly person. Still, enough of that. On to the stuff you actually clicked to find out.

What I Do NOT Do:
- Males as my main character. - I'll  gladly play male side and temporary characters if it's necessary for the plot, but I have more fun playing a girl.

- Reality/band type role-plays. - I like a little magic and fantasy and mystery. I like playing characters who have magic or almost-magic-tech or some such impossible thing.

- Normal animals - This includes hyper intelligent animals that are otherwise normal. I.e. a wolf pack running around...being a wolf pack I won't do.  I will do were wolves/were cats/etc running around being therianthropes ^.^

- More then  three/four characters - I actually prefer only doing one or two but I can handle up to three or four if the plot makes it necessary.

-Sex as the only Plot - Yeah... I find that boring sorry.

- Pedophilia, bestiality, or Incest -  Just No...

-Scat/water sports/mutilation - Just not my thing...

- One liners - I'm not expecting novels but one liners make me want to shoot people.

What I DO:
- Movie/Book/Anime Based - As long as I can understand it and it doesn't break the Reality rule I'll give it a go if it sounds interesting to me even if I've never heard of it. For example I won't do a House role play despite me liking the show but I will do a Harry Potter based role play.

- Original roleplays - As long as it doesn't break the rules in my don't do I'll probably give it a try. I'm pretty open to any time period and such as long as I can play something inhuman/fantasy/magical/my kind of fun :P

- Homosexual/Bisexual/Heterosexual - I actually prefer playing bisexual characters as I am bisexual myself. This includes my male side characters so I will do Yaoi in that sense, just don't expect it to be a focus of the role play hmm?

- Furry/therianthrope/whatever - I love animals and I love role plays that combine them with humans. :P

- Romance and Violence - In fact... I prefer having both in the role play.