
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 30, 2011, 10:13:59 PM
Hey! You shut your whore-mouth! >8U

They're gunna do better... ;^; It's only October...
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 30, 2011, 10:11:39 PM
I dunno! They're calling it a Cup Hangover.
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 30, 2011, 12:40:32 PM
Thursday, Montreal beat Boston 2-1 and then they beat the Bruins again last night 4-2!

Winnipeg beat Philly 9-8 on Thursday, but last night, they lost against the Lightnings 1-0.
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 26, 2011, 10:39:06 PM
Montreal beat Philly tonight 5-1! Woohoo!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 25, 2011, 07:45:04 AM
Well, the Jets and Habs decided to lose again last night, to the Rangers and Panthers respectively. 2-1 was the scoring for both games.

The 'Canes are going up against the Sens tonight. Good luck, TV!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 24, 2011, 09:57:08 PM


That caps lock was completely uncalled for! Heh.
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 24, 2011, 09:46:19 PM
Alright, since I last posted, the Jets lost against fucking Ottawa but then beat those blasted 'Canes! Woooooooooooo! In yo' face, TV! Nah-nah!

The Habs have lost against Pittsburgh AND their arch-nemesis, the Leafs - but it was a fucking epic battle that went right into over-time!

But before that, Boston kicked Toronto's ass! But then they lost against the Sharks. Fuckin'... I don't even...
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 19, 2011, 10:26:52 PM
FUCK! SHIT! GODDAMMIT! Toronto won! You have failed me again Jets! I never forgive you EVER!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 19, 2011, 10:05:00 PM
a tie! it's overtime!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 19, 2011, 08:18:17 PM
dammit! fucking leafs!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 19, 2011, 07:58:34 PM
yus! Jets scored a goal! In yo' face!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 19, 2011, 06:45:56 PM
I'm in the process of drinking my second glass of vodka and I have nobody to talk to. But tonight is the epic battle of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Winnipeg Jets so I'll probably post a lot; expect drunken ranting about it. We're gonna kick your ass, Toronto!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 18, 2011, 11:51:29 PM
Salt in the wound, TV dear. Woe is me, heh.

Were a couple of scuffles last night.
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 18, 2011, 11:42:03 PM
Jets beat the Pens last night, 2-1, but tonight my other teams failed me again, Montreal losing to Buffalo 3-1, and Boston losing to Carolina 4-1. Fucking hell! Step it up, guys!
Belletrist Table / Re: Music: Setting the mood.
October 16, 2011, 05:57:27 PM


He was happy. He was always happy, but she could feel it as if it was something born inside her: this was different. He was restless and excited and the emotions rippling through him filled her, her heart beating fast and nearly escaping out of her throat with thunderous jubilation. The Shadow clung to him as he stalked the tunnels, lights flashing reflectively on his rectangular eyes, obscuring them in white shine and turning the grin on his face into an empty-eyed mask.

The journey came to an end in front of a large metal gate, divided in the middle and covered in technical patterns. He commanded it to open, his presence acknowledged by a nearby sensor and causing the oceanic metal to split before him like waves. Darkness awaited him within, but he adjusted his glasses - the agitated and fluttering fingers articulating a nervousness that she immediately mimicked - before crossing the threshold, nothing but the sound of his steps echoing from the emptiness beyond.

Following, she became aware of another occupant already present and waiting in this room. A prisoner. The man's arms and legs were spread-eagle, extended beyond the body by cylindrical, metallic gloves that connected unseen to the ceiling and cylindrical shoes bolted to the floor beneath him. The only light that existed in this universe - once the doors bowed in subservience and closed the Death God in privacy - was a cone fixated directly over the imprisoned man, like an additional cage around him.

She knew who this was. She knew because she felt the knowledge blossom within him at sight of the other, in his smile and in his stance. He was transformed in a way she'd only seen once before and almost immediately, she faded completely from existence, her breath catching in her chest as if he'd erased her completely when he cast her out of mind. She was no longer a part of his environment, the background vanishing so there was nothing but the two and she felt small and weightless, as he was drawn towards the man that Charlotte had become.

Even as the Shadow was abandoned and discarded, she could not stop being a part of him, her body reacting as his did and her eyes seeing what he saw. For him, it was like nothing had changed, arms clasped neatly behind his back as he approached the woman he'd fought and hunted, loved and dreamed about. His memory superimposed itself over the present, the woman's long dirty blonde hair falling in sweat darkened streaks down her back and pointed bangs falling jaggedly over one eye. There wasn't a mark on her.

When he stopped in front of her, the woman's one visible eye opened and placidly regarded him. Eternity stretched on as the two silently stared, a whole world of conversation traded between them from the looks they shared. He smiled with teeth and the Shadow blinked away tears, blinded by the brilliance of it. Not for her - never for her - but special for his captive, articulating greeting and victory without a word.

The woman was unimpressed and casually commented on his new form. He politely commented on hers. The depth and unspoken history weighed heavily on the Shadow where she hovered as a part of the darkness. A part of the nothingness that surrounded the two beings of light, unable to touch either of them wrapped up in this moment.

There was no haughty reliving of recent circumstances. It was unnecessary. The God's triumph was clear in the lines that had been drawn between them, something he'd promised her before her rise to power. He'd foreseen the Fall, his omniscience reaching beyond the vision of the others, but as much pleasure as it brought him, it was bittersweet. The Shadow felt it in his heart and in his voice as he spoke the woman's name, welcoming her home - all at once gleeful and exuberant and sorrowful. And something else throbbing beneath...

The woman asked about the future - "What happens to me now?" she asked. "Are you going to make a case for me? Try and save me?" He told her she should know better than that. And there it was again, shimmering like a glossiness underneath his words, hot and burning like spouting liquid fire as he spoke. The wrath of the God had been invoked. And still he smiled.

There was no forgiveness large enough to save the woman from her betrayal of him. Stepping closer, he removed a knife from the depths of an inner pocket - something the Shadow had given to him upon silent request before arriving. It wasn't important, and he was still wrapped up entirely in Charlotte. But the presence of the knife made the Shadow feel like she had become a part of their drama, desperately clinging to the existence and life he could grant her. She'd given him the knife. She was the knife.

The woman's features did not change, watching him with an unreadable expression. The blade bit into the fabric of the shirt, cutting away the hem below her breasts - the Shadow was ripping her teeth into the sweat moistened fabric - exposing a flat, shapely abdomen. Playfully, he adjusted his hold on the handle and slipped the sliver of metal through flesh, slicing a horizontal line below the dip of her belly. The smile widened as a red fountain was produced, splashing upon the floor beneath the prisoner, but other than a small grunt, the woman's face did not change.

Her world ended once more as the bloody blade was cast carelessly aside, disappearing to become a part of the darkness.

The God's breathing quickened, as did hers, mirroring the excited heat pulsing through him as his hand inserted itself into the long slit he'd created, blood painting his fingers and wrist as he groped at the woman's organs. She could feel the wet warmth as he felt it; the soft pliability of the flesh he let his hand dance through. And her thighs trembled together as his most certainly did, the lines and planes of his body articulating the arousal he shared with the one hanging before him.

Pain finally registered on the woman's face and the Shadow delighted in the shivering grimace that crossed her blood-drawn face. He played for a while, but eventually the slit shortened until his hand disappeared inside her up to the wrist, the skin around him closing tightly, as if the two had become one. The woman shivered in relief as he withdrew his hand, painted and glistening in gore, but two fingers remained within. The wound closed further, trapping the appendages in the same way and he started to pull them out. Before they were completely free, he pushed them slowly inside again, all the way up to his knuckles.

He did not watch what he was doing as his fingers slipped in and out of the woman's body, penetrating her flesh again and again. His eyes were on Charlotte's face and her eye was locked with his, intense and focused on her own doubled reflection, searching for the gaze hidden beneath it. The smile on his face was softer now, but the rage was there, mixed with the arousal and the Shadow's body warmed intimately to watch his hand quicken it's pace.

"You're a sick fuck," the woman said, her voice echoing and absorbed by the shadows, understanding the purpose of the little show he was putting on. There was a feeling of agony and interruption when she heard the shared breathlessness in the woman's voice; not a condemnation, but a twisted praise that almost tore her heart out to hear it. And the laughter that bubbled up from the God was orgasmic in the depth of it's hilarity, threatening to consume her as it reverberated against the darkness. Reverberating through her.

The fingers finally slipped completely free, and the God was closer to the woman now, breathing her air and nuzzling noses, rubbing foreheads. His lungs sucking the life out of her was sucking the life from the Shadow, her breath stopping completely when his lips locked onto Charlotte's. The wound was gone, the blood seeming to start in it's stream from the middle of nowhere, and he stroked his hand over her smooth stomach, painting her more.

The kiss broke and she finally got a breath, her lungs filling as she watched the woman reject him for a second time. But her God would not be denied. Grabbing her chin with his bloody hand, he pushed her lips against his, his body molding to her gentle curves, eager to take her in, eager to fill her up. It was more than the Shadow could bear but she couldn't look away. She was less than nothing. She was the complete absence of substance and it was that woman who took it away, who made the world around him disappear with the smooth rolling of his hips pressing against her.

And then it was over. Her tears and prayers answered as he stepped back a few inches, still holding the woman's face and smearing the gore across her lips before letting go. Then he fled even more, almost stepping out of the circle of light, watching the woman hang suspended in her prison. A feeling of fulfillment warmed her then, the smile on his face articulating more than just a pleasured arousal, but an entire world of domination.

They were silent as they watched each other, just two men alone in this room togehter, regarding one another through the eyes of borrowed bodies. And he brought his hand up and lazily licked his thumb, slipping it into his mouth and sucking it free of mess, before dropping it back down and smiling pleasantly while the taste swirled behind his lips.

It was Charlotte's turn to feel discarded and obliterated as he turned and stalked serenely through the darkness with his hands in his pockets, the Shadow becoming a part of him again, blending with his world and cradling him in her embrace. But even as they left the room together, they weren't alone and she felt the other woman still sharing their space, his contented smile and the twinkling in his eyes keeping her isolated from truly being one with him.

The past returned to her like it always did whenever he thought of her. It felt like she was re-experiencing that moment as he stood with his hand touching her prison, his eyes actually seeing the woman this time, floating infinitely inside. Touching her. Remembering the feel of her skin, the heat of her blood, and the touch of her lips even as he softly recounted the event for the fragile thing standing beside him. He felt this, because she felt this, seeing it in his eyes and body, transporting him again to that prison, and forcing her to disappear all over again.

It made her eventual rebirth to existence all that much sweeter in the end and it was all she could ever ask of him.

"This is Charlotte," he said softly, his voice hushed with an inescapable reverence and sweet fondness. "This is her original body. She was the worst one..."

(All characters are from TOKoR © Tartra and Ten. )
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 16, 2011, 09:24:49 AM
Yeah! Another hockey fan!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 15, 2011, 11:20:14 PM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! VERY upset right now! Tonight was supposed to be special! Phoenix and Winnipeg went up against each other. Do you know what that means? 15 years ago the Jets were sold to Phoenix and became the Coyotes! Tonight, it was the old Jets against the new Jets and it was supposed to be epic! You know what is actually was????? Crappy! Phoenix won 4-1. My team is totally failing in their first year and it makes me very sad-faced. A LOT.

Montreal was FIGHTIN' tonight! They were behind at first but caught up fast. At the last minute in the 3rd period, they got a tie with Colorado and then they had to go into overtime and then a shoot-out! Colorado won, but still, that was awesome! Go, Habs, go! <3

Bruins did the exact same thing and they won! OMG! They fucking won! 3-2 in a shootout! Go, Bruins, go!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 14, 2011, 08:21:02 AM
I know! I'm willing to excuse the Jets because they're somewhat new and have a bunch of new people on the roster, and the Bruins a little bit because they just won the Cup and are probably still high from that. But Montreal needs to get it's act together!
General Discussion / Re: Hockey thread
October 13, 2011, 11:09:45 PM
Habs lost to the Flames tonight 4-1.

And Jets lost to the Blackhawks 4-3. I was really holding out for them to the last minute because they snapped up that third point in the second period. But no, FAIL!

Oh and Ottawa got their asses kicked 7-1 against Colorado.
General Discussion / Re: What Are You Listening To?
October 13, 2011, 12:52:59 PM
Eric Lapointe - Tattoo