
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Well, this IS the greeting spot...

Started by Giantmutantcrab, August 25, 2013, 07:07:25 PM

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Good evening.

My name is David, and I've just registered as a member of Forsaken Lullaby.  As in...  A few minutes ago.

I'm...  ...Well, not all that great at selling myself and saying what an awesome RPer I am.  So I'd much rather speak of myself as a human being, and let my eventual RP posts satisfy anyone's curiosity as to whether or not I'm any good/fun to play with :)

I do my very best to write clearly and intelligently, with wit, depth, imagination and fun.  Forgive the occasionnal mistake, for English isn't my main tongue (the pink thing in my mouth is my main tongue.  :P  See?)  I am a french-canadian, still living in Canada.  So that would make me Canadien.  I'm up for pretty much any kind of RP.  I love writing up a good story, and seeing intrigue and mystery unfold.  Historical, medieval, sci-fi, anthro, cyberpunk, what-have-you.  Any story can be fun and exciting to write.  It just needs some time and effort, and some good characters.

I've been roleplaying since my very early teens (say 11), and I've been trying to find people to play with since that time.  I've had all sorts of RP experiences, from tabletop to BBS to chat rooms to forums...  RPG-wise, I've touched a few, but those I've had the most experience with are D&D (versions 2, 3, 3.5), Conan, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars (the d20 version and the Saga edition), Star Trek, Rifts, Warhammer 40k; Dark Heresy, Wild World of Wrestling, Marvel Universe (a few versions), etc.  I used to be a mad player of Magic: The Gathering, but stopped when I realised that I was making too little money for the cards I wanted.  Heh.

As for my personnal life, I'm an avid reader.  I try to read up on anything I can get my hands on.  I've finished American Gods from Neil Gaiman a few weeks ago, and that book is pure gold.  I'm now halfway through The Human Zoo from Desmond Morris.  I'm an 80's kid, so I reference things and tv shows from my era; TMNT, GI Joe, Ghostbusters (the good cartoon, not the weird one with the talking Donkey Kong knock-off), Thundercats, the Super Dave Osbourne show, the Back to the Future trilogy, the Indiana Jones trilogy, Ghostbusters (the movies), etc.  These days I'm really into Adventure Time, and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good laugh.  I've been an avid videogamer since I turned 7 years old.  I've nearly played them all, and I still hold dearly to my fully-functionnal SEGA master system collection and its assortment of 117 cartridges and game cards, as well as a few light phasers (some of which actually work) and a pair of SEGA 3d glasses (which are painful to play with).

Between Nintendo and SEGA, I still remain a SEGA kid.

I've studied martial arts since high-school.  I've had four years of Shotokan-style karaté, six years of tae kwon do (which makes me a black belt), about six months of judo, less then a year of kendo, a couple months of jo-jutsu (that's the 4 foot-long short staff, the bo is about 2 meters or so), several privates courses in self-defense, a little bit of aikibudo, and I've been boxing for almost three months now.  So jack-of-some-trades, master of none. :)

Umm...  I just like to write stories, really.  I don't mind what kind, sexual or not, mature or not, violent or not.  As long as everyone involved enjoys themselves and feel like they are building something, it's all good for me.  I'm very flexible in my roles and my characters.  I'm not a prideful player; I have no qualms with losing a fight, getting my character beaten up, etc.  Besides, I love a good underdog story.  :)

So, in hopes of hearing from potential RP-partners, or anyone just wanting to talk.

Take care, and have a good evening!

Dave. :)
Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.

- Mahatma Gandhi


Holy Moses this got bigger since I last looked at it.

First of all WELCOME! :D! I know we've been quiet here lately but I hope this will change soon :D!

Also your Avatar is MAD cute! <3 if you have any questions or the like please let me know! Or ask any member of staff [Their names will be in color!]. :)
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.


Quote from: TakodaVega on August 28, 2013, 10:04:07 AM
Holy Moses this got bigger since I last looked at it.

That's what she said. *grin*

Well thank you very much for the warm welcome.  I've only been here for a couple days but I really like how this chatroom is.  The stories are open, the people seem very nice, and I really liked the Edenecho thing, although I sound like a radio announcer.  "And now, Tom with the weather."

I will attempt to participate as much as I can, and do my best to make sure my RP partner(s) enjoy themselves as best they can.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.

- Mahatma Gandhi