
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

MaverickKane - Preferences/Ideas/Plots

Started by MaverickKane, August 18, 2017, 02:42:56 AM

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This Thread is going to be a work in progress. So, please bare with me while I work on getting it set up.

Currently Open

I am available at my discretion. While I would love to be able to write with everyone, I am only one person and my real life has to come first. So, sometimes, writing takes a back seat. I can not promise to post regularly. I post when and if my schedule and muse allow it. If you really want to write with me, all I can do is suggest that you follow me here. I will update when status changes. You can also, always Pm me. I'm not going to bite.

Player & Character Gender/Sex
I am not bias. I will play with any one of any gender, cis, trans, non-binary, and any other wonderfully amazing person. I see people, not gender. And even if I did, it would be irrelevant to my writing. However, my preferred gender to play is male.

I will play almost any sexuality as well. Though, I may not be familiar with all. If there is a sexuality you are interested in that is not the norm, let me know about it, we can discuss it and I will consider it.

Writing Length
I am a multiparagraph writer. I never can tell how long a post will be, but I strive to write as much as I possibly can. At least 4 paragraphs. I enjoy challenging myself in my writing. I am always pushing myself to write better, detailed stories, characters, and settings.

Writing Perspective
I write in third person writing perspective, and I will not write with anyone who writes in first or second person all the time. I find it annoying to read and it honestly bothers me because I can not tell if the person writing in this way is blurring the lines between fiction and reality, confusing themselves with a character or purely playing a fantasized version of themselves for whatever satisfaction that may bring them.

I will admit there are some instances where first person can come in handy when giving the perspective of a particular sort of character in a particular sort of story. But it is rare and would take some serious discussion and convincing before I would be okay with it.

I. If you do not have your preferences set up somewhere, I can not write with you. I am not a mind reader. I can not guess what is and is not okay. If I you do not have your preferences listed where I can reference them, you can not hold me at fault when something happens in the writing of a story that you do not enjoy.

II. Read my preferences. If you don't, it will eventually show itself in writing and interactions. I took the time to read yours (And will continue to reference them as we write together). I deserve the same respect.

Mistakes Happen
I am only human. I read my partner's o/o from top to bottom several times over the duration of writing a story. However, I do forget. If I happen to write something that you are not pleased with, please talk to me about it. I will change it, if it is necessary as I would hope you can do for me, should I request it. We are adults here. A mistake is a mistake and should not be held over someone if it can be rectified.

Respect can be both given and/or received. Respect my boundaries and limits. When I say no. I mean no. If an issue arises, be it in a game or otherwise, I expect that you will come to me and speak to me like a mature adult.

I am here to be part of a community. I am here to not only enjoy writing but to also make friends along the way. If you, for whatever reason have no desire to communicate with me. I am likely not the writing partner for you. Expecting me to lead a story all on my own will cause me to lose interest quickly. We do collaborate writing, or we don't write at all. I prefer partners who will discuss settings, characters, plots, etc. It has to be a partnership.

Where we will write
I do not RP on IMs or in PMs - I do love to plot there and chat. I can't stress the value of communication, enough. If you want to add me to IM, let me know and perhaps we can work something out.

Good grasp of proper English
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation mistakes are bound to happen from time to time. However, there is a spell check. Please use it. Try to make your writing as error free as you can.

Story & Plot
I can not stress enough how important, how much I dig a good story above all else. I want someone to challenge me and aid me in being the best that I can be in my writing.

Things must be as realistic as possible. Even in Fantasy writing, I expect things to make sense.

The things that I list below are things I have experienced in the past that I would prefer to not experience again and find so incredibly rude, they have to be stated.

I am not your therapist
I am not qualified for that. I always have an open ear for anyone. I can offer some amateur advice, but I am no professional. Please let's not forget that. Also, should you choose to share something with me, I do not care to be insulted because you did not care for my opinion.

I am not your boyfriend. Bugging me to post because I post elsewhere, or stalking every game I am in, is not acceptable. Bombarding my PM with messages, expecting Cyber is also not acceptable.

For those in relationships:

It's great you are happy/lucky in love. I'm glad for you. Really. However...

I don't need to know every little thing about you and your significant other. Including but not limited to your intimate encounters. It's not my business. Also, if you think writing with me / talking to me will upset your significant other, then don't write with me.

Honestly, I could care less about your relationship status. It is when it begins to affect me, my writing, my characters, my stories and overall function as a member of Forsaken that it becomes a problem and I will report it to site administrators, if need be. The fact that I have to put this here, to begin with, is sad. However, I have had issues with it in the past. Do not involve me in your drama. That's all I'm saying.

Attempts to engage me in cybersex, erotic chats, etc. It isn't going to happen. (If erotica happens, it only happens in character, in a story, but I am not going to talk dirty to you OOC. I am on Forsaken to enjoy the community, make friends, meet people and write. I am not here to hook up with someone.

No Means NO
Trying to 'convince' me to write my Offs. They are Offs for a reason.

NC is ultimately not something that I enjoy. I have my reasons and we will just leave it at that. So it is not something you should expect. I like rough play now and then, but usually only with people I learn to really trust and it is always talked about and planned prior to play.

It can be depicted in the background of a character, and it can be narrated loosely. But I will not write out a rape scene. If it must be in a story - it will be written as the brutal, horrible and painful thing it is. End of story.

The only drama I want to see is in character

Don't Blur the Lines
Do not confuse me with my characters. I am not my characters. I do not in any way shape or form associate myself with my characters. I expect my partners to understand this, as well as be of the same mindset.

Writing erotic scenes in a story are great, but I want a plot, too. The more, the better, in fact. I do not like people pushing a story towards smut all the time. Nor do I like people expecting me to write nothing but erotica. It's no different than cybering, in my opinion.

No. Simple as that. Don't ask.

Characters under 18
The answer is no.

Childish, immature characters
No thank you. Not looking to run a day care for anyone.

Expecting me to lead a story on my own. Passive writing partners. We do collaborate writing, or we don't write at all.

God modding
Is in essence when someone's character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.

Power Playing
My characters are mine, yours are yours. I am not going to tell you how to write your character - do not tell me how I have to write mine. Putting any actions/decisions/feelings/ anything on to another person's character with out their permission classifies as Power Playing. Don't do it.

Killing my characters
My characters are mine to write. I decide what happens to them. So, trying to kill my characters off with out explanation or at least discussing it with me is not acceptable. With in stories, things happen and yes, it is understood that with in certain stories, not all characters can or will survive. (Apocolypse, war, etc.) I am perfectly fine being a sacrifice when circumstances call for it, but I choose how and when that happens. If you have plot reasons, just talk to me about it.

If it is not in my Offs, there is a chance it might consider writing it. No promises. You are welcome to ask. Just make sure you are not asking me for something I have already have mentioned. The worst I can do is say, no.

Despite the fact this list reads like some BDSM Wish list, it is not meant to be. These things may only be used according to stories they are appropriate for.

Yes, I can admit that I am up for some romance. But, I am picky about it. Example: Don't tell my character "I love you" after a one night stand or something equal to such. It isn't realistic.

Often paired with sexuality. Sensuality doesn't always necessarily describe sexual gratification. Sensuality can be so many things. A look, the brush of a hand, whisper, devotion of the senses, unrestrained indulgence.

Self explanatory and probably my favorite part of an erotic encounter. I do like to take my time and "Torment" characters playing opposite mine.

Dirty Talk
Needless to say there are all sorts of Dirty talk. I really don't mind any of them and in fact enjoy it in my games, especially in erotic encounters.

Slapping / Face Slapping / Scratching
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Verbal Abuse
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Power Struggle
I enjoy when there is challenge and role reversal. I love stories that begins with one character having the upper hand and then at some point due to their circumstances (What ever it may be. There are a lot of options), lose that upper hand.

This is not an excuse to pull out a knife in the middle of a scene and start cutting on my character. Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Hot. All there is to it.

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Pleasure denial
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Candle wax
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Continue/Finish editing and making things look nice when I have some time.


In the interest of giving everyone an idea of what settings and characters I enjoy playing , I've compiled a list. They are just a general idea. Mostly inspiration to work off. Any story I write with someone will be discussed and built up with them. I am not interested in doing something that is cut, copy, paste.


Ancient Egypt
Feudal Japan
Civil War
World War 1 and 2
French Revolution
Dark Ages
Edwardian period
Regency period
1920-1950 (Roaring Twenties - Grease)
Fantasy (Elves in the mystical forest type deal, Vampires in a ancient castle,  Sorcery, yada yada yada)
Wild West (Bonanza, Riffleman, Clint Eastwood)
Some Futuristic stuff (Really picky. Love Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick stuff, Equilibrium kinda things, Star Trek, Star Wars
Some modern scenes (Bikers, military)
Modern Fantasy

Character Ideas & Concepts

Witches/Warlocks/Wizards/Sorcerer/Mage ...etc
Grim/ Soul Reeper
Di Jinn
Elementals - The ability to bend the elements to their will
Aliens - Humanoid or shifter type characters only. Bionics is cool to a certain point.

Shifter/Anthro type Characters

Because I have no interest in erotics with animals it should be known that all characters of this nature, who have animal characteristics shall always have the ability to shift to a fully functional human form, if they are being played as a main character rather than a npc pet of sorts. In which case, there will be no erotics at all. There is no negotiation to be had here.

Anubis <--- Click to find out about Anubis.
Maahes aka Mihos aka Apedemak <---Click to find out about Maahes.

Gods & Demigods

I never play directly according to historic depiction. My characters are more loosely inspired custom characters out of my own brain. That said, it is rare that I play Gods or even Demigods. If I do, it is something that is discussed in vast detail beforehand with my partner. As stated above, some of my peeves are god-moding and power playing. Even the strongest Gods and Demigods have vulnerabilities. Also, what I have listed below are merely a guide. I really couldn't think of any Demigods that I am interested in for inspiration. I also like to create my own custom personas out of my own head.

Anubis <--- Click to find out about Anubis
Maahes aka Mihos aka Apedemak <---Click to find out about Maahes.

Greek or Roman
Triton - Son of Poseidon. Not as portrayed by Disney.


Mob - Italian, Irish, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Japanese
Knights - Knights Templar is cool
Time accurate Common Folk
Servants - There will be talk about what is and is not okay. I will play just about any roll as you can see, but my characters are not door mats to be abused simply for the purpose of abusing them. Even when in a sub type role, my characters have dominate personalities.
Bad Boy
Guy Next door
Student - Depends on the story really.
Teacher - Depends on the story really.
Western type Characters (Wild West, Clint Eastwood, Bonanaza, Rifleman)
City Slicker
Kidnapped - Depends on the story
Kidnapper - Depends on the story
Superhero (Xmen, Avengers, etc...)


Writing Samples Below

[Spoiler= Anne Rice Inspired Vampire Story Introduction]

The mid-Victorian era is characterized by historians to be, Britians "Golden Years." There was prosperity as national income per person grew by half. Much of the prosperity coming due to the increase of industrialization, especially in textiles and machinery, as well as to the worldwide network of trade and engineering the produced profits for British merchants, and exports from across the globe. There was peace abroad, and social peace at home. The Technology, fashion, and culture would in time give way to new advancements in the future. All seemed well under the queen's rule at least, that is what would be remembered the best not to mention the lavish, morbid parties attempting to speak to the undead. Seances, if you will. It would seem as if the culture had become obsessed with death and wealth. Perhaps, too much.

After all, could it not be said, it may be this obsession with such vanities and peculiar lust for the unknown that brought these monsters out of the dark? And yet, what was he, but a monster? Even before he was called by his employers to deal with this plague that seemed to be upon them, he was no different, lurking in the night and dispatching targets on a list to collect a few gold coins. It was a routine, a lively hood that he knew all too well for well too long.

Even now, as he tugged hard on a leather cord and caused the man struggling to keep up with him to stumble forward. If he could be called a man anymore, somewhere between this world and the next. A creature made like a demon, sucking away life from all that it touched and reveling in it. It was this thing, this creature and many more like it that troubled his clients so much. It was these creatures he was employed to exterminate now, not the spies and troublesome dirty criminals of country and home. No, now he was to kill what could not be killed.

Deadman's blood. They wouldn't feed off it. Like any other creature, they feared what was truly dead. To consume it would be to consume the death themselves. And yet, he had found it to be an excellent tool to weaken the bloodsuckers. Just enough, docile as a pet dog. Too much and they could very easily die before he had finished with them. This one was unlucky enough that he would not be killing today. Rather, taking him to a local hospital, where he suspected they planned to experiment and find out exactly what they were all dealing with.

He didn't care. It wasn't his business what they did with them. He was a hired mercenary. Many called him a hero. Others called him evil. It was a double-edged sword. The man walked, silent, his long black leather duster keeping the wind and the rain from soaking him through. Well, all but his head. His brown hair, long past his ears was soaked. His hazel eyes squinted against the darkness and the rain while his black boots sloshed through the mud.

The creature behind him kept trying to speak through a unique mask that had been placed over the lower half of its face. It was all muffled. The mask was meant to keep that mouth of his shut tight, keeping the mercenary and all others safe and kept it there with a lock behind the head. Even the hands were fitted with gloves that locked around the wrists. Claws, like some feral cat, wouldn't you know. Brilliant blue eyes stared at his captor's back. The moment he had a chance, he'd kill this human. This hunter of his kind. He was the one. The one who had been setting the fires to all of their safe houses.

"Shut up." There was another tug from the man in the leather duster. Why did he do this work, taking money to put others to their doom? Maybe there was something broken in him. Something that no other could possibly understand. There was something in him that had a need when everything was dull, tasteless and pointless to make others suffer as he suffered.

[spoiler=Viking story with loose inspiration from "The Last Kingdom" and "Vikings"]

"Maerwynn," he tested the name on his tongue, accented of course. His eyes had raised to her. "It's alright. You can look." The smirk that crossed his lips was nothing but devious. He could see her struggling so hard to keep her eyes on his face and look nowhere else. Ah, but she wanted to look. It was natural, after all.

"Then you should not have worn such a noticeable scent," he retorted at her comments about destroying her home. They could have left them alive, yes. But then they would have grown strength and came back at his people. It would be they who were slaughtered. "They are with your god now, are they not? In heaven?" His brow raised at her. "In peace, forever?" It was apparent that he didn't quite grasp the concept he was asking about.

After all, he believed in another faith. A faith that he was taught. One that found honor in sacrifice. But, he shook his head as she asked to go back and pray for her family. "You may say your prayers here. I will not stop you." Perhaps he was even intrigued. After all, she and her people were different. He watched her for several moments, huddled back on the bedding.

He removed the cloth to check his wound. He reached into the hearth and gripped the blade he had put there. Then, he gritted his teeth, his jaw locking as he pressed the hot blade to his flesh, searing the wound closed. He cried out with the pain, his entire body tensing. He didn't need some girl mixing up something that would probably poison him. He trusted her as much as she trusted him. His eyes were narrowed on her.

As soon as he removed the blade, he also reached for a bottle nearby and poured the contents over the wound, before he put the bottle to his lips. Alcohol. He was breathing hard, but still contentious. "I'm fine. I don't need your poison."

He had no more than said it and a man rushed in, having heard his pained cry, "Eirik, what is wrong?" The man had long brown hair and a thick beard. He eyed the girl, mostly out of suspicion. Then, he moved to Eirik's side.

"Nothing, Magnus." Magnus Jespersen. He lived up to his name. He was a big, mighty Viking Warrior. Strong like and ox and broad as one too, Magnus was one of his brothers in arms. He waved the big man off. "I was cut. That is all." But, he was weak now, from the ordeal, exhausted. His eyes closed, even as Magnus grunted.

"And you try and take care of it yourself, like a dumb arse."

Magnus barked at the girl on the bed, "Get off there." Then, he slid his arm around Eirik and guided him off the chair and over toward the bed. "Get that water," he barked again. He settled Eirik down on the bed. "And you get some rest." Then, he grabbed the leash Eirik had on his prize. "Come with me. You will dump the water and get some fresh." He was going to take her to get the water and then, bring her back.

Eirik closed his eyes again as he laid on the bed, "She comes back with so much as a scratch on her Magnus Jespersen, I will have your head for a new mount, you nanny goat!" It'd be the last thing said before Magnus tugged Eirik's prize out of the tent with him. He'd let Eirik get away with calling him a nanny goat, for now. He was obviously delirious. Or so, that was how Magnus would tell it.

[spoiler=SPN Rp with Custom Characters in a Alternate Universe]

Axel's head turned with the impact to his face. The metallic iron taste filled his mouth as his lips split, being grated between tooth and fist. He however, didn't retaliate. That wasn't to say that he didn't react as the next blow came. He quickly moved his head, letting the Winchester's knuckles impact with the hard metal of his truck. Obviously, there would be a dent. But, it was enough to make the hot head back off of him, holding his own hand.

Axel spat out the metallic mix of saliva and blood. "Feel better?"

Blaine just narrowed his eyes at Axel and then Marry Ellen as she finally got to them. Of course. She was taking up for the ass hat with wings. "I'm done." He jerked out of her grasp as she grabbed for him. Then, he walked toward the gas station. The moment he walked in, there was some lip from the cashier.

"I don't know what was going on out there, but I don't want any trouble. I'll call the cops."

"Get your panties out of a wad. Was just some unfinished business we needed to get out of the way. It's done. Restroom?"

The cashier pointed the way out, "I just don't want to see it again."

"I hear you."

With that, Blaine walked the distance to the restroom. He'd be in there for longer than was required. For a long time, he stood at the bathroom sink, just looking in the mirror. The water was running cold, over the hand he's bashed in to the truck. His hand was fine. Just bruised. With any luck, the cold water would minimize some of the swelling and bruising.

He honestly couldn't believe he was here, that he was having to leave school before he was finished. And where were they taking him anyway? She was his sister. No doubt, her safe place was home. A place he didn't know, a family he didn't know. It wasn't safe for him. He couldn't think of anything more terrifying, especially considering the years he had spent building up a wall, turning that side of his family in to monsters in his mind. Their father especially.

He closed his eyes and sighed, just letting the cold water numb his hand.

Outside, Axel had looked to Mary Ellen. "That was about more than me. You know that." He had turned and gotten some napkins from take out and pressed them to his lips. The take out was gone, but he had kept the napkins. Good he had, since he needed them now. He kept pressure to his lip, trying to stop the bleeding. He wasn't using his precious healing power on himself for such a small thing, especially when his abilities were rather weak and limited as it was.

[spoiler=Loosely inspired by Shameless with custom characters and plots]
What was happening under those covers abruptly stopped and that red head of hair popped up and looked toward where the voice was coming from, then she looked to Jesse with disgust. "Really?" A roll of her eyes and she reached out and grabbed her clothes, managing to get them on from beneath the covers. Then, she got up and pulled her heels on and found her purse, tossing cash at him. "Next time, I choose the place." She sent a glare in Carmen's direction. "If there is a next time. I expect to get what I pay for."

The woman stormed out, past the brunette, leaving Jesse to deal with the after math and his sister.

Jesse groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. He laid there only for a moment, before he managed to find the motivation to push himself from the bed and drag on the jeans he had been wearing before. He walked out of the bedroom section and to the small bathroom, slamming the door behind him. He didn't talk. He didn't explain himself, or what Carmen had just witnessed. Yeah, he had sunk to a whole new low. But, she wanted him showered and dressed in 25 minutes. No doubt, he was going to hear an earful in the car. He shed the dirty jeans and turned on the hot water as he stepped in to the shower.

His head leaned back and he closed his eyes as the hot water rained down on him. His hands raked back through his thick wavy locks. Then, there was shampoo and soap and scrubbing from head to toe. Once that was done, there was rinsing. Shower done, he turned off the water and grabbed a fluffy white towel. Some drying and then wrapping it around his waist. He didn't need to shave. He'd taken care of his facial grooming early in the day. So, he simply splashed some cologne, put on deodorant and then walked out of the bathroom and to his bedroom.

The door was slammed again. Towel on the bed. He moved to his closet, to determine what he was going to wear. When the door opened again, he was at least in a pair of white, slim fit jeans and white v-neck t-shirt. He had a pair of socks in his hand. He moved to the bed, after leaving the door opened and grabbed up the cash that had been previously thrown at him. That was shoved in his wallet that was on the night stand table, before the wallet was shoved in his back pocket. He sat on the edge of the bed, on top of the covers, putting his socks on.

"We don't need to talk about it."

Socks on, he was up again and moving to his closet again, grabbing a maroon colored long sleeve, button down dress shirt and a white dress blazer to wear over top and then a black leather belt with a plain knickle buckle. His shoes were a maroon suede oxford. His hair, still damp, he combed back low with his fingers and wrapped an elastic around the base, at the back of his neck, letting the length hang. It was already mostly dry, just slightly damp. It would finish air drying, soon enough.

Done, he grabbed his key and walked out the door. "Lock the door behind you."
[spoiler= Loosely inspired Borgia RP. The Character in question is loosely based on Micheletto.]

Stefano held the Archbishop in his gaze, listening to the way this man spoke about faith. It was like nothing he had ever heard before. Not from a man of the cloth, of the church, anyway. There were few things he had faith in, but his abilities and talents were where his faith was. He was with him, all the way up to the point he asked him to have faith in him, the man. That this would be his only and strongest weapon. He did not understand. Nor did he like what he was hearing. As the other man drew his fingers across his face, Stefano felt something, one would say odd. A chill that ran down the side of his neck and all the way down the length of his spine. It was more of a tingle than a chill and it hit right to his very core.

Stefano tensed, his eyes narrowing on the other man. No, he didn't want to put his faith in a man. Especially hearing it was his only weapon. He needed more detail. He would not agree to something so blindly. This feeling that had surged through him was not helping him, at all. He shifted on the bench, uncomfortable in his position, sliding back until his back hit the back of the bench. He was, perhaps attempting to put himself at a distance from the Archbishop's hands. It appeared to be such a simple touch but even this was more than someone such as Stefano, devoid of such human interaction could process. The only kind of interaction he understood was that which ended with his knife in someone's back.

" not know if I can give you what you ask. Faith in another is a dangerous thing, your grace. Thus far, you already hold my life in your hands."

His handsome face turned to a deep frown and he rubbed his hands together, looking down at the rough, calloused skin. His ears open to what he may be told next. Faith in someone of flesh and bone was a dangerous thing, indeed. It could bring nothing but trouble. But, this man already had a noose around his neck. He could not forget the words spoken to him prior to this moment, the blade that had found it's way to this throat just as quickly as he'd placed one to this very man's ribs.

He could only assume that the archbishop wished to keep him around for other tasks and was merely trying ensure that he had his collar tight enough around his neck that he could not turn and bite him back, again. He was in a world of trouble, more than he'd been in for a very long time. All it would take was one word from this man and he would be burning in the fires of hell. Slowly, he took a deep breath and let it out. Slowly, he slid forward on his seat and moved to his knees, on the floor of the carriage. His hands rested on either side of the other man on his bench, to steady himself. He raised his head, those eyes hard.

"This is what you want, yes?"

Of course, he wanted him on his knees. They all did at some point. But it had nothing to do with prayer or confession. No, it was about their sick egos and having power over someone they viewed to be less than, despite the pretty words that came out of their mouths. And he despised them for it. Making him kneel to them like he was a slave in their services and he had no rights or reason to complain. He had plenty to complain about. However, it was rarely voiced. His face was flushed already, anger or...another feeling all together, hard to say.