
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

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Started by mad hatters revenge, July 31, 2011, 07:22:57 PM

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mad hatters revenge

This is where the FINISHED  skeletons will go! Please PM me your skeletons when they're completed and I will post them in the appropriate slot <3

mad hatters revenge


× Abigail
× 20
× Female
× Red

i D0N'T ACT MY AG3 ←
People, they annoy the living shit out of me. With there petty squabbling and annoying ways they look at those who they deem below them. I don't know why I have always thought I disliked others, or even why everything they do annoys the piss out of me, but they do.  They just make me want to smash there heads in, but not (Black and Blue) They are different then the others in ways it's difficult to explain with words.  Hating or rather my dislike for others has made me a very adventurous person, trying to find the secret spot where I could be alone with my love or just alone. Maybe this could also been an effect of growing up with two older brothers who would always take me on there adventures whether into the woods or on road trips.

I was born with the name Abigail Malinda Heartwood, the youngest of 3. My two older brothers Jeff and Mike were always over protective of me which at some points never gave me any room to breath. Whether it was with boys or just adventuring out on my own. One or the other was always by my side which in a way is why I myself am a bit too over bearing when it comes to my Bf Black. But that is another story. At the age of 10 my father passed away from a fatal car accident, leaving my mother alone with 3 growing children. She worked her ass off that was for sure never complaining and never once giving up on anything. She would always get us what we wanted even if she had to due without some things.  Even though she tried to do her best it was too much and most of the times my brothers and I had to wear old cloths or we didn't have the newest toys like everyone else on the block. I was picked on most of my elementary and middle school years. Getting into more fights then I could remember and spending more days though most of the fights I didn't start, in detention. Through out high school that changed, by then I was what one would definitely a tomb boy. I loved to play sports with the boys instead of spending my time as some sissy girl gossiping about meaningless things. If I didn't get my way I made sure  that by the end others agreed to my perspective with what tools I had at hand.

Metallica - Nothing else matters

→ MY PUPP3T33R ←

mad hatters revenge

» R O R Y | A L E X I S | C O O K «

× Al, Ally (prefers to go by her middle name)
× 22
× Female
× Orange

i D0N'T ACT MY AG3 ←
If it goes fast, is loud, big, strong, dangerous, questionable or downright outrageous you can bet I'll be at the centre of it. I LIVE for the rush. Life's too short to be careful; I need it fast and I need it now. Ever seen that girl who arrives at a party and five minutes later she's taking on the boys in a shot contest, only to wake up the next morning and go bungee jumping? Yeah, that me.

What's the point in living if all you do is go by day by day? I've tried that, it's boring. Most of the time if I'm not actively participating in something, I feel dead. I crave the danger, the excitement; I shake with the need for it. But you know what? Things are always more fun in a group. So why should I live while everyone else is just sitting around being a bore? Pfff, please! If I know you honey, I'll guarantee I can make you feel alive again. I'll rock that electric guitar, I'll drink that whisky, I'll punch that bitch, I'll French that b--- oh wait... committed relationship, right. Well, you get the basic idea.

I'm not afraid to live in the moment, but unfortunately that's gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion. Too many drinks, too many close calls, too many accidents; Hell! You name a bone in my body and I guarantee you I've broken it. It might not always be pretty hanging around with me, but man, you know it's a party when Ally walks in!

Umm, let's see. I've been BMX Champion six years running, I run track, swim, hike, bungee jump, rock climb, white water raft on occasion, play basketball, baseball, soccer, rock the electric guitar and at the moment my big brothers teaching me kick boxing. But that's just the fun stuff.

I have four brothers, all older than me. My parents split before I was born and I'm currently living with my eldest brother in a crummy little flat down town. At the moment I bartend while I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life and am in a... umm... quasi-happy relationship. I've been with my boyfriend for like three years now? But... well... things haven't exactly been explosive lately, unless you count the makeup sex.

I guess Tray, my big brother was the one to bring me up, which is probably why were so close. He's taught me pretty much everything I know and I swear I will never forget that fact. He's absolutely insane; which makes him my absolute idol! I was never really in the limelight at school, my grades are pretty much average all things considered, but the second it came to sport I always kicked ass! As I got older it was all about the parties, the danger, the rush... hmmm, guess things haven't really changed aye?

Atreyu – Blow
Disturbed – 10,000 Fists In The Air!
Nickleback – Something in your mouth

→ MY PUPP3T33R ←
Uriel Seraphim

mad hatters revenge

Reserved for -YELLOW-

mad hatters revenge

Reserved for -GREEN-

mad hatters revenge

Reserved for -BLUE-

mad hatters revenge

Reserved for -PURPLE-

mad hatters revenge

» B A I L E Y | R O S E | B U T T O N «
Like a little kid discovering the boogeyman is real, and he's sleeping with mommy.

× B, Rose, Rosie
× 21
× Female
× White

i D0N'T ACT MY AG3 ←
Can you say OCD? Well...I guess it would be more along the lines of if you could spell it...but whatever anyway. Everything has to be perfect, EVERYTHING. I was raised that way, to never settle for anything other than the best. My room has to be either in complete order, or a complete disaster. I know that makes no sense, but it does in my head, I can't stand middle ground. That point where it's almost okay but at the same time it could not be okay? So my life is the way it is based on everything being perfect. I have the perfect best friend, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect life. I. Hate. It. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have everything I have, but I'm sick of always having a routine. I'm sick of being able to predict every move that everyone's going to make. I want a new life, one without so many rules and restrictions and...oh for the love of God did you even look at your nails when you painted them?! They're uneven, come here I need to fix them before I rip them off. Oh...I get what I want. No if ands or buts, I get whatever I want, when I want it, and I'm not afraid to use my temper to get it.

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Or as so many jerks like to joke, I was born with it stuck up my ass. I don't blame them, I'm spoiled rotten and I have a temper when people decide they don't like things they way I want them. Seriously, in high school a girl told me the only reason I got good grades was because my parents paid off the school. I told her she was jealous because she was retarded and gave her a black eye. Hey, it's not my fault mommy and daddy were super smart and now make lots of money doing computer stuff. It's not my fault they wanted to give me the best of everything I ever asked for. A big house, a few horses in the back yard, every pet I've ever asked for, any car I wanted, any classes I wanted to take. They didn't care what it was, so much as it was the very best of it. Which was nice when I told them I wanted to be an artist, mostly with music and drawing, but I love art. Not to sound high on myself, but the music was because I can play a violin like a pro, and I've got a voice that could match it. Again, best of the best, meant I had the best teachers to help me put my talents at their peak level before college. Oh and of course, I went to Julliard, they taught me all sorts of dancing, more things with music, and I don't even go to the school campus itself. My parents make so much money, Julliard sends teachers to me. The only time I go there is for recitals, and of course the actual concerts themselves. Despite how perfect all of that sounds, it's a perfect nightmare. I have a routine schedule everyday of the week except the weekends, and I only have those completely free over the summer. So how do I not put a bullet in my brain from so much pressure to be better than everyone? Simple. I vent to my best friend, and I curl up with my boyfriend. I may be arrogant sometimes, but they understand and they give a damn about my happiness. Sometimes they get on my nerves, but hey, no ones perfect. Don't tell my parents I said that, they'll send me to summer classes until I believe I'm perfect. That they're perfect. That this big bullshit excuse of a life we have is perfect. Sleeping around on your spouse isn't perfect. Being gone more than you're actually home to see your family isn't perfect. Half the time other than the servants, I'm the only one in this house. The pets I requested were so I wasn't alone all the time. Four dogs, four cats, four bunnies, four horses, four different snakes, four tanks of exotic fish, and four different lizards. I wasn't kidding...everything has to be perfect. So far I haven't had to replace a pet, I've had them all for about 6 years. Before that I was too little to leave at home, so I was always with a nanny, wherever one of my parents were, and they'd take me to the best zoos and aquariums around. Unlike most of the kids like me, I actually take care of my own pets. I practically rip someones head off if they try, cause they always do it wrong. My animals, like me, have come to expect certain things, and I refuse to let them down. Is that enough for you? Do you really want me to keep rambling on about how perfect everything has to be and how it's slowly driving me crazy? Or are you good? Cause you really need to fix your hair and find some shoes that actually go with that outfit. I don't do interviews with amateurs, next time dress better.

Breaking Benjamin - Lights Out

→ MY PUPP3T33R ←
Mad Hatters Revenge.