
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

1x1 Female Inside!~

Started by YamiNoTenshi22, February 07, 2014, 11:37:04 PM

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Hi there, welcome to my little search thread. My name is Yami or Yams as most of the Forsaken has taken to calling me. <3 or whatever you would like to call me. I am female and going on the age of 29.

Been a trekker for nearly 28 years. But I adore the movies that JJ has done Keep up the great work JJ~! I can easily play as Bones and Scotty. n_n those are my favorite cannons and I can say I do a damn good job of it. XD

{What I am asking in a RP partner!~}

I know we all hate them but think of it more as guidelines really.
❝ Rules? ❞

❈ Please be "literate." I know there are many many difinitions of this and let me tell you mine, Good grammar, spelling ect. At least four paragraph as for max well I could care less! I'll try to match! ^-^.

❈ J'adore romance. And it's kind of a must. But for gods sake don't rush it! I love the flirting, the tension between the characters before the big event. (P.S. I do actually speak some French!)

❈ I may not be on every day, but I promise I'll be on most of the time or I will let you know when I am not on.

❈ Please Post here (As in quote so I can easily find you n_n), IM (quickest in my opinion), or Pm to let me know what kind of RP you up for.

❈ If you are going to end our roleplay, please IM me before doing so. Don't just stop emailing me or posting. It's rude.

❈ Now the biggest thing~ the whole M/F with a side of M/M yes I shall explain this~ I don't mind playing male to your female or even male to your male. Thanks to a few friends of mine I am starting to find why so many love doing the male part. Plus it helps my posts go longer and I can see myself getting better. I can always do my best to make things happen. Still slightly new to the male slash world but I'm getting the hang of it!

:D Forum on here please.

❈ MOST IMPORTANT~ Please for the love of god please be an adult, most of my rp's are 18+ which means there will be violence and gore and many other adult content!

❈ Most of all if you're not having fun, speak up! Help me work on the problem to fix it. Whether we need to spice up the plot or change it, I don't like people whining about being bored while they don't help to fix the problem at all. If this doesn't work for you then stop role playing with me. The point is fun and if you're stressed and not having fun, it becomes pointless to continue. So yes, above all else, have fun!


This is what I would love to Rp on- I know it's mostly fandoms but please bare with me. I do have a lot of good ideas and if you have an idea let me hear you out too!!!
But if I turn you down it's because I just don't have that kind of passion for it and that's no fun isn't? No. I didn't think so.
❝ The Rp List!~ ❞

❈Star Trek 09 <-- MAJOR CRAVE AT THE MOMENT.(I can easily play as Bones)

❈ Atelier of Arland Series~~~ Atelier Rorona, Totori, Mereru- Now Atelier of Dusk (Love these games)

❈ Resident Evil 4/6 I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU BE MY LEON! (I'll have to ask the admin to take my other one out since the poster is probably long since gone. ;-;

❈ Game of Thrones<-- MAJOR CRAVE AT THE MOMENT. (Tv and I have seen every episode but not the books so DON'T GIVE ME SPOILERS! And please Play Tyrion Lanister. I do have a plot idea for this

❈ Almost Human --- Would love to do something like this if you have seen the show, stars Karl Urban (aka Bones XD so I can easily play as John Kennex. But we can also do the Oc x Oc since I do love the idea aspect of this universe.)

❈ Sleepy Hollow-- Would love to play as either Abby or possibly an OC angel to help out the duo. >.> maybe a witch too? I don't know but the show is great! Sadly I didn't get to season 2 so I don't know what's going on. @_@; But we could do an oc x oc aspect for the universe too.

❈ Red Dead Redemption (no idea what I can do with that but I love that setting or world. xDD)

❈ Skyrim <-- MAJOR CRAVE AT THE MOMENT. She doesn't even have to be dragonborn either. xD Just a thief who gets herself into the Thieves Guild. Or Oc x OC. :D I DON"T CARE.


The Schedule~
❝ Haha as promised! all of this is likely to change~ ❞

❈Mondays: Work 6:30am-5:30pm,
❈ Tuesdays: Work 6:30am-5:30pm,
❈ Wednesday: Work 6:30am-5:30pm
❈ Thursday: Work 6:30am-5:30pm,
❈ Friday:Work 6:30am-5:30pm
❈ Saturday: Possible Work (Depends lol) 7am-12pm
❈ Sunday: FREE
NOTE: if I do not do any over time all times are 7am- 3:30pm!!

❝Important announcement!❞

Also guess what guys! I've started to do Cannon/Oc M/ That's right MALE SLASH. It's a huge step for me so yea. So far it's only been Bones/ Oc male slash I gotta thank my friend to help me break that barrier so all thanks to her folks! n__n anyways, I'm still kinda new on that but I promise to NOT disappoint on that aspect. So hit me! *Still love playing as Bones so yea. XDD* Also still love it if we can also have a F/M with it- >.< so I can make my posts longer. besides every girl loves to have that lovely best friend! XD

❝❈ Contact Info❈❞
❈Skype AtelierBostyAlchemistofSkyrim
❈PM Lick the Pm me ;) I dare you to. I don't bite~
❈Post Just click the little Reply button sweeties don't forget to quote~
❈Discord Yami

And that is all!~

Welcome to Yami's Corner where the coffee's fresh and the flirting is just as hot~

^_ ~ May I take your order?