
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...

Sweet Dreams are Made of This

Started by TakodaVega, July 13, 2011, 05:35:56 PM

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I guess, seeing as how this is my baby, that I should actually do an Intro thread myself, as well as give you guys a general layout to what to do. :)

If you want the bare basics of things I recommend this as a good set list.
[i][b]x[/b][/i] -  Your gender {Or the one you wish to be identified as} and age
[i][b]x[/b][/i] - Your sexuality, or the one you prefer roleplaying with
[i][b]x[/b][/i] - And what you like to roleplay or would like to roleplay
[i][b]x[/b][/i] - Any other random facts you would like to toss out there <3

[^--This would be a good place to state, as well as in your req thread that you do not do sexual rps]

You don't necessarily have to use this guideline but it should be a good start! :) But onward with my own Introduction.

As most of you probably know, I'm the Owner, and head Administrator of Forsaken Lullaby. Forsaken Lullaby, at first back in February of 2011 was a simple idea. Something to stew over awhile but after a series of events I finally put into motion the beginnings of what would become what we have today.

I am a female, happily taken. I will roleplay as either gender however and any information as to what I want, (or could be looking for) can be found here, in my Request thread!

I've been roleplaying on forums since, 2002, so for almost 10 years. I have created many characters and various story lines along the way. :) I have a slight obsession with the color purple, skulls, butterflies, and cats. Oh and female metal bands >.>;

If you ever have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to run it by any of the Staff [Altair, Dies Irae or Myself] and we'll try to help you. I sincerely hope you all have fun here on Forsaken Lullaby!
Only in our sweetest lullaby do we realize how forsaken we are...
Because we're living in a fairy tale of lies.