
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Topics - MaverickKane

This Thread is going to be a work in progress. So, please bare with me while I work on getting it set up.

Currently Open

I am available at my discretion. While I would love to be able to write with everyone, I am only one person and my real life has to come first. So, sometimes, writing takes a back seat. I can not promise to post regularly. I post when and if my schedule and muse allow it. If you really want to write with me, all I can do is suggest that you follow me here. I will update when status changes. You can also, always Pm me. I'm not going to bite.

Player & Character Gender/Sex
I am not bias. I will play with any one of any gender, cis, trans, non-binary, and any other wonderfully amazing person. I see people, not gender. And even if I did, it would be irrelevant to my writing. However, my preferred gender to play is male.

I will play almost any sexuality as well. Though, I may not be familiar with all. If there is a sexuality you are interested in that is not the norm, let me know about it, we can discuss it and I will consider it.

Writing Length
I am a multiparagraph writer. I never can tell how long a post will be, but I strive to write as much as I possibly can. At least 4 paragraphs. I enjoy challenging myself in my writing. I am always pushing myself to write better, detailed stories, characters, and settings.

Writing Perspective
I write in third person writing perspective, and I will not write with anyone who writes in first or second person all the time. I find it annoying to read and it honestly bothers me because I can not tell if the person writing in this way is blurring the lines between fiction and reality, confusing themselves with a character or purely playing a fantasized version of themselves for whatever satisfaction that may bring them.

I will admit there are some instances where first person can come in handy when giving the perspective of a particular sort of character in a particular sort of story. But it is rare and would take some serious discussion and convincing before I would be okay with it.

I. If you do not have your preferences set up somewhere, I can not write with you. I am not a mind reader. I can not guess what is and is not okay. If I you do not have your preferences listed where I can reference them, you can not hold me at fault when something happens in the writing of a story that you do not enjoy.

II. Read my preferences. If you don't, it will eventually show itself in writing and interactions. I took the time to read yours (And will continue to reference them as we write together). I deserve the same respect.

Mistakes Happen
I am only human. I read my partner's o/o from top to bottom several times over the duration of writing a story. However, I do forget. If I happen to write something that you are not pleased with, please talk to me about it. I will change it, if it is necessary as I would hope you can do for me, should I request it. We are adults here. A mistake is a mistake and should not be held over someone if it can be rectified.

Respect can be both given and/or received. Respect my boundaries and limits. When I say no. I mean no. If an issue arises, be it in a game or otherwise, I expect that you will come to me and speak to me like a mature adult.

I am here to be part of a community. I am here to not only enjoy writing but to also make friends along the way. If you, for whatever reason have no desire to communicate with me. I am likely not the writing partner for you. Expecting me to lead a story all on my own will cause me to lose interest quickly. We do collaborate writing, or we don't write at all. I prefer partners who will discuss settings, characters, plots, etc. It has to be a partnership.

Where we will write
I do not RP on IMs or in PMs - I do love to plot there and chat. I can't stress the value of communication, enough. If you want to add me to IM, let me know and perhaps we can work something out.

Good grasp of proper English
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation mistakes are bound to happen from time to time. However, there is a spell check. Please use it. Try to make your writing as error free as you can.

Story & Plot
I can not stress enough how important, how much I dig a good story above all else. I want someone to challenge me and aid me in being the best that I can be in my writing.

Things must be as realistic as possible. Even in Fantasy writing, I expect things to make sense.

The things that I list below are things I have experienced in the past that I would prefer to not experience again and find so incredibly rude, they have to be stated.

I am not your therapist
I am not qualified for that. I always have an open ear for anyone. I can offer some amateur advice, but I am no professional. Please let's not forget that. Also, should you choose to share something with me, I do not care to be insulted because you did not care for my opinion.

I am not your boyfriend. Bugging me to post because I post elsewhere, or stalking every game I am in, is not acceptable. Bombarding my PM with messages, expecting Cyber is also not acceptable.

For those in relationships:

It's great you are happy/lucky in love. I'm glad for you. Really. However...

I don't need to know every little thing about you and your significant other. Including but not limited to your intimate encounters. It's not my business. Also, if you think writing with me / talking to me will upset your significant other, then don't write with me.

Honestly, I could care less about your relationship status. It is when it begins to affect me, my writing, my characters, my stories and overall function as a member of Forsaken that it becomes a problem and I will report it to site administrators, if need be. The fact that I have to put this here, to begin with, is sad. However, I have had issues with it in the past. Do not involve me in your drama. That's all I'm saying.

Attempts to engage me in cybersex, erotic chats, etc. It isn't going to happen. (If erotica happens, it only happens in character, in a story, but I am not going to talk dirty to you OOC. I am on Forsaken to enjoy the community, make friends, meet people and write. I am not here to hook up with someone.

No Means NO
Trying to 'convince' me to write my Offs. They are Offs for a reason.

NC is ultimately not something that I enjoy. I have my reasons and we will just leave it at that. So it is not something you should expect. I like rough play now and then, but usually only with people I learn to really trust and it is always talked about and planned prior to play.

It can be depicted in the background of a character, and it can be narrated loosely. But I will not write out a rape scene. If it must be in a story - it will be written as the brutal, horrible and painful thing it is. End of story.

The only drama I want to see is in character

Don't Blur the Lines
Do not confuse me with my characters. I am not my characters. I do not in any way shape or form associate myself with my characters. I expect my partners to understand this, as well as be of the same mindset.

Writing erotic scenes in a story are great, but I want a plot, too. The more, the better, in fact. I do not like people pushing a story towards smut all the time. Nor do I like people expecting me to write nothing but erotica. It's no different than cybering, in my opinion.

No. Simple as that. Don't ask.

Characters under 18
The answer is no.

Childish, immature characters
No thank you. Not looking to run a day care for anyone.

Expecting me to lead a story on my own. Passive writing partners. We do collaborate writing, or we don't write at all.

God modding
Is in essence when someone's character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.

Power Playing
My characters are mine, yours are yours. I am not going to tell you how to write your character - do not tell me how I have to write mine. Putting any actions/decisions/feelings/ anything on to another person's character with out their permission classifies as Power Playing. Don't do it.

Killing my characters
My characters are mine to write. I decide what happens to them. So, trying to kill my characters off with out explanation or at least discussing it with me is not acceptable. With in stories, things happen and yes, it is understood that with in certain stories, not all characters can or will survive. (Apocolypse, war, etc.) I am perfectly fine being a sacrifice when circumstances call for it, but I choose how and when that happens. If you have plot reasons, just talk to me about it.

If it is not in my Offs, there is a chance it might consider writing it. No promises. You are welcome to ask. Just make sure you are not asking me for something I have already have mentioned. The worst I can do is say, no.

Despite the fact this list reads like some BDSM Wish list, it is not meant to be. These things may only be used according to stories they are appropriate for.

Yes, I can admit that I am up for some romance. But, I am picky about it. Example: Don't tell my character "I love you" after a one night stand or something equal to such. It isn't realistic.

Often paired with sexuality. Sensuality doesn't always necessarily describe sexual gratification. Sensuality can be so many things. A look, the brush of a hand, whisper, devotion of the senses, unrestrained indulgence.

Self explanatory and probably my favorite part of an erotic encounter. I do like to take my time and "Torment" characters playing opposite mine.

Dirty Talk
Needless to say there are all sorts of Dirty talk. I really don't mind any of them and in fact enjoy it in my games, especially in erotic encounters.

Slapping / Face Slapping / Scratching
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Verbal Abuse
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Power Struggle
I enjoy when there is challenge and role reversal. I love stories that begins with one character having the upper hand and then at some point due to their circumstances (What ever it may be. There are a lot of options), lose that upper hand.

This is not an excuse to pull out a knife in the middle of a scene and start cutting on my character. Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Hot. All there is to it.

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Pleasure denial
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Candle wax
Depends on the story and would be talked about prior

Continue/Finish editing and making things look nice when I have some time.

Introductions / Kane's Introduction
August 18, 2017, 12:44:17 AM
Most people call me Kane, or Mav. I'm not really particular about nicknames. There's only one that gets under my skin. I won't point it out, but you'll know if you say it, because I will ask that you don't use it.

I've checked this site out a few times. I was interested. I just never signed up. SweetSerenade gave me to push to go ahead and register and give Forsaken a chance. So, I guess you could blame her for...crossing to the dark side?

I've been role playing ever since I had a computer, back in the day of dial-up connection and MSN communities/chat service (16 years). Needless to say, I have been part of multiple groups and sites that have come and gone for one reason or another. What I am looking for is a mature group of role players that know how to separate themselves from their characters and stories as well as respect personal boundaries. This is me hoping that I find that here.

I choose not to share much beyond my role play interests, publicly. I'm selective about who I share my life and interests with. This also includes email and messengers. Most of my interaction will be strictly to forums until I feel comfortable doing otherwise. Please don't take my hesitancy as rudeness. I've simply been burned one too many times.