
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Topics - OraclePulse

Hello! first I'd like to say, I'm glad to discover such a large and well-put-together forum!! I've been looking for HOURS for someplace to play, and I'm hoping this purple-y site will adopt my (and my many insanely weird and attractive) oc's for role play fun-times.  ;D

Now, please forgive my newbie-ness. While I'm no stranger to creative writing, I'm TOTALLY new to role playing. Well, maybe not totally. Seems like I might have a knack for it; I like to mess around with folks online as an original character sometimes and what do you know, instant entertainment for hours. Too bad I couldn't do it in real life! *cough* I TRIED *cough*

Now to introduce myself. My name's Ethel (yeah I know. OLD.), but I usually go by Apiphany, my middle name. Buuut, since I've signed up here as OraclePulse, feel free to call me that...or any variation of that. Whatever! :D

Some basics, I'm female. But as I mentioned before, I have a lot of oc's (original characters) I've been dying to try out on ya'll, many of which are males. I shall roleplay with these guys exclusively because they are my precious babies. And, I plan on sticking around for a while! Can't wait to meet you all!! ^3^

I should note, I'm no squeamish reader/writer. Explicit content is fine with me and I'll role with it. Anything from completely normal, hilarious conversation to forbidden rendezvous, I'm game.

My oc's come from a graphic novel I'm working on called Pulse. I am the sole creator, writer and illustrator. Feel free to ask me about it; there's no WAY I can begin to explain it here! (I can go on for days.)

My hobbies include writing and drawing, meeting new peoples, books, manga/anime of most different genres, cheesecake, ...eating in general, sleeping over 12 hours, cats, and staring at ridiculously hot men hotties, among other things.  :-X
What else to add...? Hm. That'll be it for now.

Hope we can all get along! This seems like a quiet site but hopefully I can help change that.~~