
We're all part of a story, part of tale - but no one remembers how it began...


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Messages - Giantmutantcrab

That's good, because I SUCK at dice rolling.  My characters need to be over-powered in order for me to accomplish the simplest tasks.  It's almost sad, in a comedic kind of way.  It's like Hulk losing an arm-wrestling match against Charlie Brown.
I do expect you'll be fudging the dice rolls to make things more interesting and suspensful and dramatic?
Alternative Roleplay Requests / Re: Group Skyrim Rp?
August 28, 2013, 10:37:52 PM
I'd be interested in a Skyrim group RP, but...  ...From what I've seen, a lot of people are interested, so I'm not sure if my addition would do anything to help, or if I'd just turn some people off by making the group too big.  -_-
Yes sir!

Will dive right into this RP system, sir!

Umm...  ...How we gonna roll dice, sir?


*raises hand* May I offer myself as a player in this scenario that seems absolutely mind-shattering?
I kind of just fell here, à la Mr. Bean.

Browsing through "adult" chatrooms, found this one that seemed a LOT less pretentious and actually interesting, gave it a shot, put the top hat on my crab back on, and boom.  Here I am.  :)
The lush, colorful greens of the woods wilst sunlit had turned to shades of dark blue, deep brown, and black.  The woodlands covering the northern grounds of the Belmont estate were mostly composed of pines and spruces, with the occasional maple tree patch.  Though fall was not far off now, summer still lingered in the air.  Heat and humidity would make for difficult labor, but thanks to the crisp sea breeze blowing in from the east and over the rolling hillside with its crops and pastures, the days were good, with warm summer nights.

The nameless village nearby marked the beginning of Lord Belmont's territory.  Its tavern, the Golden Griffon, offered drinks and warmth to the hundred or so souls that called this place home.  Rumors were picked up, information gathered, with good beds and strong drinks at fair prices.  Once a month, an official from Knight-King Randall would appear, accompanied by a dozen knights in heavy, shiny armor.  The barkeep, a barrel-chested woman named Mathilda, would give them the tax money, and they would be off.  They did not go up the slithering trail to Belmont Castle.  The reason was simple; Lord Belmont did not receive any guests.  This village, and the small burgs to the south received ample money to provide for all its inhabitants, and for the upkeep of roads and bridges.  In return, they left Lord Belmont in peace, and he left them alone.  They were almost independent villages, but did not think of themselves that way.  They still swore alliegance to the kindgom and its Knight-King, but were financially independant and thus had enough spare time to actually have fun.  There were bards and musicians in the fields, which helped to lighten the day's toll of working the land and caring for cattle.

The woodlands to the north of the Belmont lands were actually the southern point of the Great Woods, home of the woodland Elves.  The Elves sometimes traveled down to human settlements for trade, but mostly kept to themselves.  The proximity of the woods to Belmont castle only helped to fuel the now-common rumors; something was strange with the Belmonts.  Some accused them of conniving treachery with Elves.  Others, witchcraft.  Some whispered of demon-worship, and kidnapping fair maidens for carnal purposes.  But, one need only visit the village and burgs nearby to notice a good supply of healthy, lovely young lasses to break those rumors to pieces.  But something was indeed strange with Lord Belmont.  No one had seen a Belmont for decades; they knew someone was up there in the castle; they just didn't know who.  But as long as one claiming to the Belmont name continued with the flow of money, no one really cared.  It was simpler that way.

From the woods, one could see the north castle wall.  It was a simple stone castle, but expertly built.  The deep, water-filled moat was a hundred feet wide, and its parapet-covered walls were a hundred feet high.  The four guard towers (one at each corner of the square outer castle) gave a bird's eye view of the immediate area, However, someone wishing to enter the Belmont castle might be better off simply walking through the front door.  The only time the drawbridge closed was in the case of war, and that hadn't happened in nearly a century.  The castle gate remained open day and night for people to find refuge or to visit the castle, but the center fortress was forbidden.  This was the only rule of the Lord.  There were guardsmen walking the trails and roads at night.  Two pairs, carrying spears, swords and torches.  They wore chain mail with steel helmets, and wore a teal surcoat with a golden griffon stitched on the back, the emblem of the Belmonts.

Keeping watch at the castle gate were two guards, more heavily armored.  Plate-and-chain mail covered their bodies, while sturdy shields and longswords resting on the wall besides them assured tranquility.  They were resting on wooden stools, their backs to the massive grey wall.  Lanterns were at their feet, lighting the drawbridge and its wide dirt road.  On the walls, a few archers were quietly walking along, looking out into the darkness of the night.  All of the guards wore the teal surcoat with the golden griffon emblem.  All was quiet this night...  At least, for the moment.
Introductions / Re: Well, this IS the greeting spot...
August 28, 2013, 12:15:02 PM
Quote from: TakodaVega on August 28, 2013, 10:04:07 AM
Holy Moses this got bigger since I last looked at it.

That's what she said. *grin*

Well thank you very much for the warm welcome.  I've only been here for a couple days but I really like how this chatroom is.  The stories are open, the people seem very nice, and I really liked the Edenecho thing, although I sound like a radio announcer.  "And now, Tom with the weather."

I will attempt to participate as much as I can, and do my best to make sure my RP partner(s) enjoy themselves as best they can.

Bohemian Sector / Re: EdenEcho: The Vocal Project
August 28, 2013, 09:56:15 AM

I hope this was still a relevant post, but it was fun to do anyway :)  Please forgive any mispronounciations, as English isn't my original language.  I know that I destroyed the word "hypothetically", but I kept it on there anyway.  Heh.

-Wild Card for Giantmutantcrab-
You are one of the rulers of the world.  Prime minister, president, whatever title you prefer.  What you say, goes.  What is the very first thing you would change in the country that you are currently ruling?
Roleplay Requests by Males / Hey everyone!
August 25, 2013, 09:43:05 PM

Well, I don't really have a lot of restrictions in what I like / dislike in RPs.

-I'm not very good in playing females, but I'll do my best if someone really needs me to play one.
-Being a male myself, I'm more into playing dudes.
-I have no problems playing RP with/without violence, with/without sex, with/without mature themes.  I'm not too much into super-sadistic torture and gore for the sake of gore, but I'm ready to give anything a shot.
- One-on-one, small groups, big complicated RPs with a dozen players...  whatevah, playah.  :)

S'about it!

Introductions / Well, this IS the greeting spot...
August 25, 2013, 07:07:25 PM
Good evening.

My name is David, and I've just registered as a member of Forsaken Lullaby.  As in...  A few minutes ago.

I'm...  ...Well, not all that great at selling myself and saying what an awesome RPer I am.  So I'd much rather speak of myself as a human being, and let my eventual RP posts satisfy anyone's curiosity as to whether or not I'm any good/fun to play with :)

I do my very best to write clearly and intelligently, with wit, depth, imagination and fun.  Forgive the occasionnal mistake, for English isn't my main tongue (the pink thing in my mouth is my main tongue.  :P  See?)  I am a french-canadian, still living in Canada.  So that would make me Canadien.  I'm up for pretty much any kind of RP.  I love writing up a good story, and seeing intrigue and mystery unfold.  Historical, medieval, sci-fi, anthro, cyberpunk, what-have-you.  Any story can be fun and exciting to write.  It just needs some time and effort, and some good characters.

I've been roleplaying since my very early teens (say 11), and I've been trying to find people to play with since that time.  I've had all sorts of RP experiences, from tabletop to BBS to chat rooms to forums...  RPG-wise, I've touched a few, but those I've had the most experience with are D&D (versions 2, 3, 3.5), Conan, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars (the d20 version and the Saga edition), Star Trek, Rifts, Warhammer 40k; Dark Heresy, Wild World of Wrestling, Marvel Universe (a few versions), etc.  I used to be a mad player of Magic: The Gathering, but stopped when I realised that I was making too little money for the cards I wanted.  Heh.

As for my personnal life, I'm an avid reader.  I try to read up on anything I can get my hands on.  I've finished American Gods from Neil Gaiman a few weeks ago, and that book is pure gold.  I'm now halfway through The Human Zoo from Desmond Morris.  I'm an 80's kid, so I reference things and tv shows from my era; TMNT, GI Joe, Ghostbusters (the good cartoon, not the weird one with the talking Donkey Kong knock-off), Thundercats, the Super Dave Osbourne show, the Back to the Future trilogy, the Indiana Jones trilogy, Ghostbusters (the movies), etc.  These days I'm really into Adventure Time, and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good laugh.  I've been an avid videogamer since I turned 7 years old.  I've nearly played them all, and I still hold dearly to my fully-functionnal SEGA master system collection and its assortment of 117 cartridges and game cards, as well as a few light phasers (some of which actually work) and a pair of SEGA 3d glasses (which are painful to play with).

Between Nintendo and SEGA, I still remain a SEGA kid.

I've studied martial arts since high-school.  I've had four years of Shotokan-style karaté, six years of tae kwon do (which makes me a black belt), about six months of judo, less then a year of kendo, a couple months of jo-jutsu (that's the 4 foot-long short staff, the bo is about 2 meters or so), several privates courses in self-defense, a little bit of aikibudo, and I've been boxing for almost three months now.  So jack-of-some-trades, master of none. :)

Umm...  I just like to write stories, really.  I don't mind what kind, sexual or not, mature or not, violent or not.  As long as everyone involved enjoys themselves and feel like they are building something, it's all good for me.  I'm very flexible in my roles and my characters.  I'm not a prideful player; I have no qualms with losing a fight, getting my character beaten up, etc.  Besides, I love a good underdog story.  :)

So, in hopes of hearing from potential RP-partners, or anyone just wanting to talk.

Take care, and have a good evening!

Dave. :)